Vegetable gardening on the windowsill in kindergarten is a fun activity. Home comfort in kindergarten: a picturesque vegetable garden on the windowsill

To create an unusual living interior, you can use the idea of ​​creating kindergarten vegetable garden on the window.

The very idea of ​​creating your own small garden on the window will seem to many to be quite a tempting and unusual offer.

Such a garden of your own will be very unusual in that it will give both children and adults the opportunity to admire the incredible home environment of living plants.

Children will be convinced that a garden on the window, made with their own hands, will provide delicious and freshly grown vegetables and herbs, which are not only very tasty, but also incredibly healthy, since they do not contain any chemicals.

A kindergarten vegetable garden on the window will give great pleasure, beauty and great health benefits. Moreover, the process of caring for and growing a vegetable garden is very exciting and interesting.

Vegetable garden on the window

With the joint efforts of children and teachers, you can create a beautiful and tasty harvest on the window.

Before creating a vegetable garden on a window, you need to know that not all plants can be grown on a window. For example, large plants It is recommended to leave it for gardening in the garden.

Such plants will be very hot and crowded on the window, since they are not designed for such conditions and all your efforts will be in vain, and the plants will not bloom properly and may die.

The vegetable garden on the window is a kind of “vitamin oasis.” In fact, such a wonderful idea can be implemented very simply and quickly.

What is better to plant in the garden on the window in a kindergarten?

The choice of plants is quite wide: cucumbers, onions, beans, peas, parsley, garlic, lettuce, dill, special small varieties of carrots, etc.

The main thing is to choose for such a garden unpretentious plants. Before starting to create a vegetable garden, it is better to conduct a teaching lesson for children (you can even show a video) and tell children about the benefits of each plant and proper care after them.

Such knowledge will allow little gardeners to take care of and admire the garden on the window with even greater interest.

Remember that the window where the vegetable garden will be placed is better to face sunny side and it was big.

Vegetable garden on the window decoration

We choose the design of the future vegetable garden on the window.

We build a convenient and simple design. The size of the structure must correspond to the window sill, that is, the structure should not be wider or longer than the window sill (it should not protrude beyond the limits).

Since such a design will not only have an unattractive appearance, but will also become unsafe for children who can get caught in it.

It’s very easy to create a garden design on a window, the main thing is your imagination.

The structure can be made from ordinary boxes consisting of spruce or pine boards, about 2 centimeters thick, 12-15 centimeters high.

The boxes can be painted in any color bright color. This option is very good for children's room. A brightly decorated vegetable garden will look fun and unusual, and will delight everyone with its attractive appearance.

In addition to wooden boxes, you can use plant pots or even ordinary ones. plastic bottles that can be cut.

They can also be beautifully decorated, for example, with stones, drawings (butterflies, ladybugs), various stickers, etc. That is, you can endlessly experiment with the design.

It is very important to provide correct lighting vegetable garden, optimal temperature and air humidity. But this is not all the requirements for successful flowering.

Good and high-quality soil, thanks to which the plant will bear fruit, must be correctly selected. Such fertilizers are not difficult to purchase in specialized stores that sell plants.

Mini garden on the window

A pleasant, original and lively miniature on the window will give you a lot of useful plants, which together with the children can be collected and looked after together: watered and fertilized.

Useful tips for favorable flowering:

1. Sow the seeds of your favorite crops evenly.

2.Caring for a vegetable garden on a window is not very difficult, the main thing is to water it systematically.

3. The temperature for plants should be above 17 degrees, otherwise the plants will rot and not bear fruit.

4. If there is not enough light on the windowsill where you want to install a vegetable garden, you can create artificial light using a lamp.

5. The window where the vegetable garden is located must be carefully sealed and not allow drafts to pass through.

6. For climbing plants it is necessary to create a special design. For example, next to the boxes where cucumbers are planted, it is recommended to build special trellises to guide the growth of the plant.

7. Choose plants for the window garden so that they are adapted to the room and are not too whimsical.

Such a “children’s” vegetable garden will perfectly decorate the interior, and the environmentally friendly and always fresh fruits will never cease to please the children all year round.

Especially such a garden will be very useful in winter time when the amount of vitamins is limited.

Grow a vegetable garden with your children and eat the fruits with pleasure! Go for it!

Project at the preschool educational institution “Vegetable garden on the windowsill” (senior group)


Project type : cognitive, research, creative.

Duration: February, March 2018

Project participants: senior children , educators, parents.

Target :

Expand children's understanding of the world around them. To generalize and expand the knowledge of preschoolers about how to care for plants in room conditions. Shape positive attitude to work.

Tasks :

1. Teach children to care for plants indoors, expand children’s knowledge about cultivated and wild plants.

2.3introduce children to the peculiarities of growing cultivated plants (cucumber, beans, onions, potatoes, radishes).

3. Summarize children’s ideas about the need for light, heat, and soil moisture for plant growth through experimentation.

4. Continue to develop observation skills - the ability to notice changes in plant growth, associate them with the conditions in which they are located, and correctly reflect observations in the drawing.

5. Develop a sense of responsibility for the well-being of plants(watering, loosening,).

6. Formation of a respectful attitude towards work in children.

Integration educational areas: cognition, communication, socialization, artistic creativity, work, reading fiction, music.

Working with parents:

1. Conversation about the project “ Vegetable garden on the windowsill» .

2. Help from the parent committee in purchasing seed material Forvegetable garden on the windowsill.

Expected result:

1. Children will learn to care for plants and get acquainted with the conditions under which they are kept, and will learn to notice beauty flora and treat it with care.

2. Children will have knowledge about the characteristics of plant growth and development(depending on light, heat, watering).

3. With research work children will have to identify the diversity of seed material.

4. Formation of a respectful attitude towards work in children.

5. Creation in group of vegetable garden on the windowsill, an observation diary for recording observations of plants invegetable garden on the windowsill.

6. Active participation of parents in implementation project


Winter is ending. The sun is getting higher and higher every day, and the days are getting longer and warmer. It's time to plant.Vegetable garden on the windowsillin kindergarten is a very pleasant activity, especially in winter and spring, when you want not only to taste the fresh gifts of nature, but also to look at the colors of greenery. But there is nothing more pleasant when the first spring Green keeps up with you windowsill . It can be onions, parsley, dill, and even lettuce.Vegetable garden on the windowsill - great way dispel seasonal melancholy natural colors and warmth. Expanding children's ideas about how to care for plants indoors, generalizing ideas about the need for light, heat, soil moisture for plant growth, and developing children's cognitive and creative abilities.

It is in preschool age that the positive feelings to nature and natural phenomena, the amazing diversity of the plant world opens up, and for the first time the role of nature in human life is realized. On our vegetable garden Children themselves will be able to plant and grow plants and care for them.


Preparatory stage.

Main stage.

The final stage.

Preparatory stage.

IN the group planted a vegetable garden on the windowsill. Got what you need equipment : containers for seedlings, plastic cups, soil, seeds, bulbs.

We made index tables with pictures of plants(date of planting and first shoots). We started a calendar of plant growth observations.

Picked up fiction: sayings, poems, fairy tales, riddles about vegetables.

Main stage.

Children watched the growth of plants, conducted experiments and experiments.

They established connections: plants - earth, plants - water, plants - people. The results of the experiments were recorded in drawings.

In the process of research, children became acquainted with fiction about vegetables: sayings, poems, fairy tales, riddles.

We looked at illustrations and paintings.

Classes were held didactic games, conversations.

The final stage.

Summing up the implementation project

Organized an exhibition of drawings"Vegetables" , " Vegetable garden on the windowsill» .

Photos of children in experimental activities.

Activities Goals Responsible

1. Conversation with parents"Introduction to the project" . Designing a parent's corner, posting recommendations for parents on working with children project . Involve parents in implementation project " Vegetable garden on the windowsill» .

2. Conversation with children about what it isvegetable garden and what grows in it. Expand children's horizons.

3. Seed collection, land preparation, creative design vegetable garden . Foster hard work; develop children's creativity.

4. Co-creation in garden group . Planting vegetable seeds and bulbs. Cultivate a desire to help adults.

5. Conversation “How we plant and care for plants”. Involve all children in joint work group.

6. Learning nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings, poems related to vegetable garden , vegetables and fruits.

Introduce folklore works related to vegetable garden , vegetables and fruits.

7. Examination of illustrations and pictures. Drawing vegetables and fruits with children. Foster a desire to be creative on your own.

8. Carrying out creative work together with parents(drawings, crafts)according to the topic project . Develop Creative skills, ability to work together with adults.

9. Reading Russian folk tale "Turnip" , poems by S. V. Mikhalkov"Vegetables" Introduce children to the works of S. V. Mikhalkov, remind the content of the fairy tale"Turnip".

10. Caring for seedlings together with children: watering, loosening, thinning. Learn to care for plants.

11. Photo report for parents. Involve parents in creating garden group , introducing children to plants and caring for them.

12. Guessing riddles about vegetables and fruits. Develop ingenuity, memory, attention.

13. Examination of dummies of vegetables and fruits, clarification of shape and color. To form children's understanding of vegetables and fruits.

14. Modeling fruits and vegetables from plasticine. Mini exhibition design"Our Harvest" . Learn to use previously acquired skills while sculpting.

15. Game dramatization of a Russian folk tale"Turnip" . Develop children's acting abilities.

16. Create a photo album« Vegetable garden on the windowsill» . Summarize the work done.

This is what we got!

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 4 "KALINKA" combined type city ​​of Valuyki, Belgorod region 1st junior group Educators: Romanchenko T.N. Sinelnikova A.S. Valuiki 2015

Planning activities for project implementation:

Cognitive, research, productive activities.

Stage I - Preparatory stage:

  • Selection of information about cultural garden plants (onions, beans, peas, oats).
  • Selection of fiction: fairy tales, poems, riddles, sayings about vegetables.
  • An exhibition of books with Russian folk tales, poems, stories about plants, vegetables and fruits, organized with the help of parents.
  • Examination of illustrations and pictures on the topic.
  • Coloring pictures "Vegetables" And "Fruits" .
  • Preparing equipment for planting (containers, soil, seeds, water containers).
  • Making attributes (house, dog kennel, fence, signs with plant names).
  • Placing a vegetable garden on a windowsill.
  • Seed file.

Stage II - research.

During the work on the project, information about vegetables was provided (beans, onions, garlic, peas, corn)

We planted onions, beans, garlic, peas, and corn.

Conducted observations of plant growth.

Cared for the planted plants (watering, loosening the soil).

Organized observation of a twig with buds placed in a container of water.

Formed ideas about the basic needs of cultivated plants growing in our garden, the conditions that are necessary for their growth (earth, water, light, heat). We developed the skills of planting bulbs and seeds in the ground.

We introduced children to fiction about vegetables: fairy tales, riddles, poems, sayings.

Conducted creative work in drawing, appliqué and modeling, according to the chosen topic.

Organized viewing of illustrations and paintings depicting vegetables (children compared vegetables by color, shape, size).

We decorated the garden in the style of a small rural house in which grandparents and granddaughter Masha live. They "grow" vegetables in the beds, and have a small yard with pets (dog, cat, horse, cow, sheep, chicken). Children in game form They got acquainted with the life and economy of the inhabitants of a rural courtyard, with tools, observed the growth of plants, and learned the names of domestic animals.

Stage III - final

  1. Summing up the project implementation.
  2. Holding a competition among parents "Fake vegetables" .

Experimental activity plan.

Name of the event: Find out what kind of land.

Purpose: To identify the properties of the earth: black, crumbling

Material, equipment: earth in containers

Event name: Water and Plants

Goal: Determine how much water is needed for plant growth

(one is watered regularly, the other is not watered at all)

Event name: Sun and plants

Goal: Determine the role of the sun in plant life

Materials, equipment: 2 containers with soil and sprouted sprouts (one stands in the sun, the other is placed in a dark room)

Event name: Man and Plants

Goal: To determine how much plants need human care

Materials, equipment: 2 containers with soil and sprouts (children water one container, loosen the soil, select sunny place, do not water the other, do not loosen the soil, put it in a dark place).

Project presentation form:

Demonstration to parents, teachers and children from other groups of the garden on the windowsill

Photo report of the project on parent meeting "Experimental activities of younger children preschool age» .


  1. Card index of experiments.
  2. Lesson notes.
  3. Movable folder.
  4. Consultation for parents.
  5. Small folklore forms.

Educational area "Socialization" :

Introducing elements of interaction with each other. Developing teamwork and plant care skills.

Formation of a caring emotional attitude towards nature, a desire to take care of plants, a desire to help adults, and responsibility for the assigned task.

Fostering hard work, diligence, and accuracy.

Didactically games: Wonderful bag – “Guess the vegetables and fruits by touch” , "What do they plant in the garden" , "Guess by the description" , Lotto "Vegetables and fruits" , “What vegetable is this part from?” , "Say a word"

Educational area “Cognition.

Formation complete picture peace" (cognitive-experimental activity)

Development taste qualities human, smell, touch.

Forming the ability to establish connections between the growth of a plant in the ground, the ability to compare onions by shape, size, color.

Conversation with children about what a garden is and what grows in it.

Monitoring the plant growth process

Educational area: "Reading fiction"

Enrichment of active vocabulary, familiarization of preschoolers with


Learning poems, proverbs, solving riddles

Reading Russian folk tales "Turnip" , "Puff" , reading a poem by S. Mikhalkov "Vegetables"

Educational area "Artistic creativity"

Development of children's productive activities (drawing, modeling, applique, artistic work).

Development children's creativity. Introduction to fine arts.

Drawing: "Our onion"

Application: "Merry Beans" .

Modeling: "Our Harvest"

Educational area "Music"

Development of musical and artistic activities. Introduction to the art of music.

Dramatizing a song "Ogrodnaya-round dance" (music by B. Mozhzhevelov,

words by A. Passova)

Educational area "Physical Culture"

Formation of ideas about healthy lifestyle, physical education: "Vegetables and fruits" "Harvest" , "Vegetables" , "Cleaning up the garden" ;

outdoor games: "Mouse in the Garden" , "Cucumber, cucumber..." , "Moths" , round dance "Harvest"

Joint activities of children and parents: to consolidate the knowledge gained during the implementation of the Vegetable Garden on the Windowsill project

"Journey to the Village" , parents and their children create their own mini garden at home.

The final stage:

During the implementation of the project, preschoolers gained knowledge that plants are alive.

Ideas about the work of adults have been formed.

The development of research and cognitive activity, as well as the development in children of cognitive interest in natural objects in their immediate environment (to all plants growing in the garden on the windowsill).

Children gained an understanding of the structure and development of plants.

The children's active vocabulary was replenished with new words, figurative expressions, and poems.

A fruitful result was obtained artistic creativity children in different directions (drawings, applique, modeling).

Parents were involved in the pedagogical and creative process of the group’s work.

Product of project activity

The children ate green onions during lunch.

The children enjoyed eating green onions and dill and parsley, grown with your own hands.

The kids looked after the garden to the best of their ability: watered it and loosened the soil. Every day, when we came to kindergarten, we ran to the windowsill and looked at how much the plants had grown. It was very nice to watch how the children rejoiced at every sprout.

Thanks to our "Journey to the Village" , children learned to respect their own and other people’s work, take care of plants, and care for them. We learned what care and responsibility are.


Lesson - conversation - research: Find out what kind of land it is.

Purpose: To identify the properties of the earth: it has weight, black color, the soil is loose. Material, equipment: earth in containers



  • Foster a desire to grow your own vegetables.

Material: soil in a pot.

Tools – a stick for loosening, a watering can with water.

Result: Labor actions - sprouted beans, peas, oats.

Progress of the lesson:

(In vegetables). Looking at vegetables (onion, garlic, beans). Which (- and I) He (light, heat, soil, water) and planting patterns.

Subject: “Examining vegetables grown in the garden”


Introduce children to the vegetables that grow on our "garden"

Provide knowledge that plants need care.

Reinforce the names of familiar vegetables with the children.

Bring up careful attitude to plants and the desire to care for them.

Methodical techniques:

Chuchelka invites children to visit the vegetable garden that is growing in the group.

A game "Vegetables" - the teacher shows pictures with vegetables, and the children name them.

A game "Show and name" - the teacher invites the child to show and name a certain vegetable in the picture

Physical exercise.

Examining and naming vegetables growing in the garden (peas, garlic, zucchini, tomato, pepper).

A game “Find and show the same one” - the teacher shows a picture, and the children show and name a vegetable from the garden.

Lesson summary: Stuffed Animal praises the children and invites the children to help him take care of the garden.

Subject: "Planting Onions"


Teach children to recognize vegetables - onions.

Show and tell the children why and how onions are planted.

Develop children's speech and activate their vocabulary.

Cultivate a desire to grow vegetables yourself and to be careful when working with the soil.


bulbs for each child, a tray with soil, a scoop, a watering can, aprons.

Stuffed Animal Toy.

Methodical techniques:

The teacher creates a problem:

“Chuchelka is missing one vegetable in his garden – an onion, and he asks the children to help him.” .

Looking at vegetables "garden"

Looking at the onion. What is he like?

The teacher tells and shows us how, where, and why we will plant onions.

Physical exercise.

Children work with the teacher and talk through their actions.

Questions for children.

Lesson summary: Stuffed Animal praises the children for their help and asks them to help him




  • Teach children to recognize vegetables - beans, peas, oats.
  • To consolidate knowledge about the plant's needs for soil, water, and light.
  • Show and tell the children why and how these grains are planted.
  • Reinforce the idea of ​​the sequence of the labor process.
  • Develop children's speech and activate their vocabulary.
  • Cultivate a desire to grow vegetables.

The subject of labor is seeds: beans, peas, oats.

Material: soil in a pot.

Tools – a stick for loosening, a watering can with water.

Labor actions - sowing seeds in the ground and watering.

The result is sprouted beans, peas, oats.

Progress of the lesson:

The game character, the granddaughter, comes to class and says that she is sick. The doctor advised me to take vitamins and eat more vegetables. What foods contain vitamins? (In vegetables). Looking at vegetables (onion, garlic, beans). Which (- and I) He (she? Where do the vegetables grow? (In the beds) What does it take to grow vegetables? (light, heat, soil, water). What care do vegetables require? Showing and viewing diagrams "What do plants need to grow" and planting patterns.

Drawing lesson.

Subject: “We planted a garden... (onions, peas)»

Tasks: Continue teaching children to draw unconventional methods (stamp, hand, finger).

Develop children's sense of color and rhythm (when drawing pea leaves)

Cultivate accuracy when working with paints, the desire to draw.


Blanks for drawing onions (strip of land)

Blanks for drawing peas (pots)

Hand wipes,

Sprouted onions and peas.

Methodical techniques:

Chuchelka comes and shows the children how much the harvest has grown in the garden.

Examination of peas and onions.

Explanation and demonstration by the teacher.

Children's work.

Individual assistance.

Review of children's work: “That’s what peas and onions we have!”

Lesson on speech development.

Subject: “Telling the Russian folk tale “Turnip”


Continue to introduce children to Russian folk tales.

Learn to understand the content of a fairy tale, remember the characters and their actions.

Learn to retell the content of a fairy tale together with the teacher and dramatize it. Imitate the heroes of a fairy tale.

Foster a love of fairy tales and a desire to retell fairy tales yourself.

Material: table theater "Turnip" , hats - masks with fairy tale characters.

Methodical techniques:

Remember fairy tales with children "Kolobok" , Ryaba Hen” and others.

Telling a tale "Turnip" teacher and showing it.

Questions for children about the content.

Physical exercise.

Re-telling a fairy tale.

Children's dramatization of fairy tales.

Summary of the lesson.

Game activities for children of the third year of life, topic: "Vegetables"


Introduce children to vegetables.

Develop active dictionary children on the topic "Vegetables" .

Teach children to educate plural nouns, use diminutive suffixes.

Continue to teach children to distinguish and name colors (Red Green), concepts "one - many" , "big small" .

Develop memory, sense of rhythm, fine motor skills of the hands, coordination of movements.

Teach children to coordinate movements with text, understand and follow verbal instructions.

Cultivate friendly relationships with peers.


Dummy vegetables. Wonderful bag.

Toy "goat" , "hares"

Cardboard silhouettes of carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, cans.

Spatulas, watering cans, rakes, doll dishes: pots, plates, spoons, knives.

Audio recording: song "Merry vegetable garden" , "Harvest"

Peas, green plasticine, salt dough.

Plastic vegetables made of two halves held together with Velcro.

Prepared drawings "Grow up, carrot" , brown pencils.

Progress of the lesson:


Hello guys, it's great that you all came today!

Our smart heads

They will think a lot, cleverly.

Ears will listen

Mouth speak clearly.

Hands will clap

Feet will stomp.

The backs are straightened,

We smile at each other

Surprise moment "Wonderful bag"

Here is my bag. Not simple, but wonderful. Put your hand into it and take out something.

A game "Feed the bunnies"

Take your vegetables, put them on a plate and feed the bunnies.

Didactic game “What did the bunny eat?”

Here the bunny has cabbage, cucumber and carrots. (The carrot is hiding). What did the bunny eat? The bunny ate a carrot. What's left? All that's left is cabbage and cucumber. What color is cabbage? Green. What color is the cucumber? Green.

Application "Canning vegetables"

Place a large and a small cucumber on top of the jar image, a large and small tomato. Arrange the vegetables so that they all fit into the jar. Now stick the vegetables onto the jar.

Finger painting "Methodius the goat's garden"

Show the goat Methodius in the picture. Name what vegetables grow in his garden? Cabbage, carrots, tomato. Now we will color these vegetables. What color should we color the cabbage? Green. What color should we paint the tomato? In red. What color should we paint the carrots? Orange color.

Game with lids "Vegetables in a jar"

Arrange the lids in circles suitable color and size.

Drawing "Salad"

Look, this picture shows everything you need for vegetable salad- vegetable salad: tomato, cucumber, pepper, onion, salt, oil. And at the bottom of the sheet there is a salad plate - a salad bowl. Take a pencil in your hands and draw lines from each product to the salad bowl.

Didactic game "Plant a vegetable garden"

There are many beds in the garden.

There are carrots and lettuce.

There are cucumbers and peas here.

Are potatoes bad?

Our green garden

It will feed us all year round.

Roll the salt dough into a thick sausage - this will be the bed. Stick carrots into the dough - we will have a bed with carrots.

Drawing "Grow up, carrot"

On a prepared background, children draw horizontal stripes on carrots with a brown pencil.

Exercise "The carrot has grown"

First, they planted a small seed in the ground.

Children squat down.

The sun warmed the cabbage,

The rain poured down and the carrots began to grow.

Children slowly rise to their feet.

The carrots have grown green leaves.

Raise your hands up.

It's time to pick the carrots.

Parents hug their children and take them in their arms -

pick carrots from the garden.

Finger game "Vegetables"

The girl Arinochka

Vegetables in a basket.

Fold your palms "basket" .

Here's a pot-bellied zucchini

Placed it on the side

Pepper and carrot

laid it down deftly.

Tomato and cucumber.

Bend your fingers, starting with the thumb.

Well done Arina.

Show thumbs up.

Didactic exercise "One-many"

The teacher puts a picture of a vegetable on the magnetic board, and distributes the remaining pictures to the children one at a time.

I have one vegetable. And how much do you have? Anya has one carrot. Denis has one cucumber. Place your vegetables next to mine on the board. How many vegetables are there? A lot of.

Vocabulary work "One-many"

The teacher picks up a vegetable and names it singular, then hands it to the child and asks him to name the plural.

One carrot, but how can you tell if there are many of them? Lots of... carrots.

One cucumber - many... cucumbers.

One tomato - many... tomatoes.

One pepper - many... peppers.

One potato is a lot of... potatoes.

One cabbage is a lot of... cabbage.

Didactic exercise “Put the vegetables in a jar”

Housewives stock up on vegetables for the winter. This is what we will do: put green cucumbers and red tomatoes in a jar.

Children lay out silhouette images of cucumbers and tomatoes on cardboard "jar" . The teacher makes sure that the children place vegetables along the entire plane of the jar and encourages them to name the color of cucumbers and tomatoes.

A game "Gardeners"

We took the blades

(movements depicting a shovel on the shoulder)

The beds were dug up.

One-two, one-two -

Here's how they dug it up

Picked up the rake

The beds have been combed.

One-two, one-two -

This is how they combed their hair.

Seeds in rows

We planted in the ground.

One-two, one-two -

This is how we planted

(movements in accordance with the text)

We are cool water

The beds were watered.

One-two, one-two -

This is how they watered

(depict watering the beds with a watering can)

The harvest is rich

They collected together.

One-two, one-two -

Here's how they collected it


Dances and songs

We started it ourselves

One-two, one-two -

That's how they started it.

(claps hands)

Exercise "The Cooks"

And now you will be cooks - take knives and cut the fruit into pieces. Children with plastic knives "cut" vegetables in halves (fastened with Velcro).

How many pieces did you cut your vegetable into? Let's count: one, two. You cut it into two halves.

Exercise "Move the peas"

The bunny is hungry again. Let's feed him peas. Spoon the peas from the pan and transfer them to a plate.

Modeling "Pea Pod"

Children make a sausage out of green plasticine and press peas into it.

Finger gymnastics "Pickling cabbage"

We chop and chop cabbage.

Movements with straight palms

We three carrots, three

Rub your palms together

We salt the cabbage, salt it.

Place your fingers into a pinch.

We press and press cabbage.

Clench and unclench your fists.

Tabletop theater show "Methodius the Goat"

Who's wandering around in the garden?

It's me, the goat Methodius.

For what kind of cases?

I help the guards.

I guard the cabbage

I protect every leaf...

  • Why cabbage all of a sudden?

Not a radish

How can this be, tell me, Methodius?!

You forgot about them, it turns out!

  • I haven't forgotten anything

But there is not enough strength for everything.

I don't know how to guard an onion,

And radishes make me lose weight.

And cabbage is good

And she needs guards

Because it's the most delicious

Very tasty -

Cabbage leaf!

Vocabulary work "Big and small" :

Cucumber is a cucumber.

Potato - potato.

Cabbage is cabbage.

Tomato - tomato.

Onion - onion.

Garlic is garlic.

Carrot is a carrot.

Beetroot - beetroot.

Musical-rhythmic exercise "Harvest"

To the song of the same name, children beat out the rhythm on a metallophone.

We have a vegetable garden

Carrots grow there

Such a height

Such lowlands

These are the dinners

This is the width

You carrot hurry up

Dance with us.

Poems, riddles, fairy tales and conversations about plants.

White and crispy

They call me cabbage.

Tasty, healthy -

I will drive away illnesses.

It can be difficult for you to communicate with me.

It’s even impossible to cleanse without tears.

But I’m very useful - here’s the thing:

There is no cure for colds better than onion

If you eat carrots more often

No training needed

Drink carrot juice every day -

You will be strong and healthy.

Under the leaves in the garden bed

cucumbers play hide and seek.

the rain will just start to fall

He will notice everyone, find everyone.

Garlic clove

You and I will put it in soup.

It will give the soup flavor

The soup will become a hundred times more delicious!

Miracle - vegetable garden

People are surprised:

What kind of miracle garden is this?

There are radishes and salad here,

Onions, parsley and spinach.

Tomatoes cucumbers

They mature together - well done!

And potatoes and cabbage

They grow densely in the beds.

And everyone says in unison:

"We are growing here for the kids.

For diligence and work

The whole harvest will be reaped."

And the green zucchini

Turned on his side:

Sleeping sweetly in the garden

like a baby in a crib.

I was born to glory

The head is white and curly.

Who loves cabbage soup -

Look for me in them.

The grandfather is sitting, wearing a hundred fur coats,

Who undresses him?

He sheds tears.

Beautiful maiden

Sitting in prison

And the braid is on the street.

The garden bed is long and green,

And in the tub it’s yellow and salty

At least it grew in the garden,

Knows the notes G and F.

A tale about vegetables.

Vegetables lived in the same garden. They were all very different. Green cucumber he was cheerful, mischievous, never discouraged and often made fun of other vegetables. The red tomato was important and pompous. He often stated: "I think it's going to rain today" . And when it really rained, he said: “You see, I was right!” If there was no rain, the tomato pretended that it had nothing to do with it. The orange carrot was bored all the time and lamented: “All my beauty is hidden underground, how unfortunate I am!” White cabbage she was good-natured and talkative. She told everyone that once she had only two leaves, but now she has very, very many! The brown potatoes were very friendly. He was friends with all the vegetables and helped everyone. Onion was harmful. He loved it when everyone around her shed tears. Like these ones different vegetables lived in the garden. Do you think there are people similar to them in character?

Turnip (processed by K.D. Ushinsky. Grandfather planted a turnip. The turnip grew very, very big. Grandfather began to pull the turnip out of the ground: he pulled and pulled, but couldn’t pull it out. Grandfather called grandma for help. Grandma for grandpa, grandpa for the turnip: they pull - they pull, they can’t pull out. The granddaughter called for the granddaughter, the grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip: they pull, they can’t pull out. The granddaughter called the bug for the granddaughter, the granddaughter for the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip: they pull, they pull, they can’t pull it out. The bug called Masha for the bug, the bug for the granddaughter, the granddaughter for the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip: they pull, they can’t pull.

Masha clicked the mouse. Mouse for Maka, Masha for Zhuchka, Zhuchka for granddaughter, granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip: pull, pull, pull out the turnip.


Once upon a time there was a gloomy Onion -

Cried day and night.

Why are you crying, friend?

It's very lonely.

Nobody likes me.

They say it's bitter.

Anyone who rips me off

Immediately he cries bitterly.

I am very simple, unprepossessing -

Arrows, and that's all.

Green sharp long leaf,

At the end is a needle.

They all stand in a bunch.

Look: I am strong!

But the zucchini has a flower

Yellow, like a lily.

And cucumbers in flowers,

Even tomatoes.

I'm the only one in my dreams...

Woe to Luke, woe!

So our Luchok cried.

Drops of tears fell:

An old man appeared

(They knew him in fairy tales).

Very old and small

Belt-length beard

A colorful long raincoat,

Who is grieving? What's the problem?

Listened to grievances

And magic words

Said: “Cru-cri-dy!”

And the onion immediately blossomed,

Like a dandelion

And it became so beautiful

Our green boy!

A story about vegetables

Vegetables are very healthy because they contain a lot of vitamins. For example, carrots contain vitamin A, which helps children grow and strengthens their eyesight. Sweet peppers contain vitamin C, which protects children from colds. A person who eats meat gains strength because meat contains a lot of protein. Peas and beans are called plant meat - they are also rich in protein.

Garlic and onions kill harmful bacteria and help us fight disease.

Tomatoes and cucumbers can be found in any home; they also contain a lot of vitamins. Well, potatoes, of course, are known to everyone. It makes delicious mashed potatoes. Potatoes contain a lot of starch.

And there is also a vegetable in the world whose fruits are the largest of all vegetables. In order to see and even taste the fruits of this plant, you do not need to go to distant countries and climb into unknown jungles. Everyone knows this vegetable and can be seen in any garden - it's a pumpkin. It is also curious that pumpkin is a relative of watermelons and melons. They all grow together in the melon patch. Translated from another language "melon" means garden, but this garden is unusual. They don't grow here fruit trees and bushes, but the entire huge field is occupied by watermelons, melons and pumpkins, and they, lounging, lie right on the ground, ripen and wait for their time - the harvest.

Conversation about vegetables

Q: Children, today we will talk about vegetables. What vegetables do you know?

Children name vegetables

Q: Where do they grow?

D: in the garden

B: correct. A vegetable garden is a fenced piece of land with beds and greenhouses. We grow vegetables there

The teacher reads a poem:

There are many beds in the garden

There are turnips and salad here.

There are beets and peas

Are potatoes bad?

Our green garden

It will feed us for a whole year.

Pictures of vegetables are displayed

Q: Vegetables grow in different ways in the garden:

Carrots, beets, potatoes, turnips have fruits that grow in the ground, we don’t see them. And the stems are above the ground;

Cucumber, cabbage, and zucchini have fruits that grow on the ground;

Tomatoes, peas, peppers, eggplants have fruits growing on branches (visual material“How vegetables grow”)

Q: Who can name the vegetables we pick?

D: cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, etc.

Q: Which ones do we dig?

D: potatoes

Q: And which ones do we pull out of the ground?

D: carrots, beets, radishes, turnips, onions, etc.

Q: What vegetables do we cut with a knife?

D: pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, eggplant

Q: Who takes care of the vegetables?

D: Gardeners at their dachas take care of the vegetables.

Q: How do they care for their vegetables?

D: They plant them, water them, loosen the soil, remove weeds, and feed them.

Q: What are vegetables for?

D: Vegetables contain a lot of vitamins that are good for health.

Q: What can you cook with vegetables?

D: You can make juices, purees, salads, and stews from vegetables.

(If the child finds it difficult to answer, the teacher helps him)

2. Compiling a descriptive story based on pictures.

Q: What is this?

D: Tomato

Q: Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?

Q: Where does it grow? In the garden or vegetable garden?

Q: What color?

Q: What shape?

Q: In what form do we eat it?

Q: Who will try to talk about onions?

The teacher helps to tell the child about onions using pictures.

Sample story: Onions are vegetables. Onions growing in the garden. It is small and round. The color of the onion is yellow. Hard onion. It tastes bitter. Onions are added to soup and main courses. Onions are very useful!

Consultation for parents. .

A vegetable garden on a windowsill at home promotes the development of curiosity and observation in children, this helps to better understand plant life. He is able to expand children’s ideas about plants as living organisms, about the conditions necessary for growth and development, develop an ethical sense, the ability to enjoy the beauty of the plants grown and the result of their work.

It is very important that children actively participate in planting and subsequent care of plants. A vegetable garden on a windowsill should, first of all, help in the development of children. Therefore for children younger age It is advisable to plant larger seeds.

Therefore, parents are invited to choose for planting: onions, garlic cloves, zucchini seeds, celery, parsley. Everything that sprouts should be used as a vitamin supplement for lunch. Parents and their children are recommended to keep an observation diary in which to record changes in growth.

This type of work develops observation skills, teaches one to look closely at the surrounding nature, to establish the sequence and connection of phenomena and their causes. While growing and caring for plants, the guys observe which ones grow faster, compare the shape and color of the leaves, determine the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants, so this is also an excellent sequential material.

Recommend parents to grow plants different ways by creating for them different conditions: for one - heat, water, light; for another - warmth, water, darkness; for the third - cold, water, light. By organizing such an experience and conducting regular weekly observations of onion germination with children, followed by recording the results using drawings in a calendar, parents achieve a lot - specific example convince children of the importance of individual factors external environment for plant growth and development.

It should be remembered that work activity not yet basic for a preschooler. Adults only introduce him to all possible participation in family work. In preschool age, work is, first of all, a means of developing such important qualities as responsibility for completing an assignment, for the result obtained, duty, and determination. Caring for plants is extremely important and has a humanistic meaning: the life and condition of living beings depends on it

Consultation for educators

A vegetable garden on the windowsill in a kindergarten promotes the development of curiosity and observation in children, this helps to better understand plant life. He is able to expand children’s ideas about plants as living organisms, about the conditions necessary for growth and development, develop an ethical sense, the ability to enjoy the beauty of the plants grown and the result of their work.

It is very important that children actively participate in planting and subsequent care of plants. Therefore, for pupils of the younger groups it is advisable to plant larger seeds than for pupils of the middle and senior groups. Also, in younger groups, 1–2 types of plants are enough for planting.

I offer an approximate list of plants for planting: onions, garlic cloves, beet roots, parsley, celery. Everything that sprouts should be used as a vitamin supplement for lunch.

Plants should be monitored regularly and the results recorded in a diary. In younger groups, the teacher sketches or photographs the changes. This type of work develops observation skills, teaches one to look closely at the surrounding nature, to establish the sequence and connection of phenomena and their causes. While growing and caring for plants, the guys observe which of them grow faster, compare the shape and color of the leaves, examine them through a magnifying glass, determine the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants, so this is also an excellent sequential material.

It is also recommended to carry out experimental activities, carry out entertaining experiments and experiments, they encourage children to independently search for reasons, methods of action, and demonstrate creativity; they support children’s initiative, intelligence, criticality and independence. It is advisable to set aside a place for a laboratory where plants will be planted in different ways: between two planes in cotton wool, in stones. You can plant bulbs by creating different conditions for them: for one - heat, water, light; for another - warmth, water, darkness; for the third - cold, water, light. By organizing such an experience and conducting regular weekly observations of onion germination with children, followed by recording the results using drawings in the calendar, the teacher achieves a lot - using a specific example, he convinces children of the importance of individual environmental factors for the growth and development of plants.

To observe spring changes in plant life, it is good to bring tree branches to the group. For younger groups - branches of one tree (to observe buds and leaves). For medium groups - branches of two trees (well known to children and easily distinguishable externally). For seniors and preparatory students – branches of several breeds (growing on the territory of the kindergarten).


  1. N.E. Verkasy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva From birth to school. Sample general education program preschool education. - M.: "Mosaic-Synthesis" , 2011. – 336 p.
  2. Volchkova V. N., Stepanova N. V. Development and education of children of primary preschool age. – Voronezh: shopping center "Teacher" , 2001. – 392 p.
  3. Voronkevich O.A. Welcome to ecology. - St. Petersburg: "Childhood - Press" , 2012. – 496 p.
  4. Gorkova L.G. Lesson scenarios for environmental education. - M.: Vako, 2011. - 240 p.
  5. Molodova L.P. Gaming environmental activities with kids. Mn.: "Asar" , 1996. – 128 p.
  6. Sigimova M.N. Knowledge of the plant world. Voronezh: shopping center "Teacher" , 2009. – 251 p.

Journal for recording the results of experiments. in 1 junior group "Rainbow"

teacher: Romanchenko T.N.

Sinelnikova A.S.

Observations on the growth of the onion root system in water.

Target. Teach children to care for onions indoors in winter. To form children's ideas about the need for light, heat, and moisture for the growth of bulbs. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

  1. Landing_10_March_2015
  2. Observation of the root system_12_March_to__14_April_2015.
  3. Watching the emergence "onion feather" _March 16___to_April 14__2015
  4. Height measurement « Onion feather» . The onion feather grows in height.
  1. Children will learn to plant and care for onions and get acquainted with the conditions under which they are kept, and will learn to notice the benefits and beauty of green onions in winter.
  2. Children will develop knowledge and ideas about the growth of green onions indoors, both in a container with soil and in a glass of water.

Experience with willow branches.

Target. Identify the plant's heat needs. To develop children’s cognitive and creative abilities, children’s thinking, imagination, ability to observe, compare, and generalize the results of observations. Educate consciously - right attitude to nature.

  1. Bringing willow branches into the room_ March 10 to April 1, 4, 2015
  2. Observation of swollen kidneys from March 14 to April 1, 2015.
  3. Observation of leaves April 2015

Conclusion: This kind of work develops observation skills, teaches you to look closely at the surrounding nature, establish the sequence and connection of phenomena and their causes. While growing and caring for plants, children observe how the leaves grow and determine the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants.

Experiment with bean seeds and pea seeds

Goal: to find out that seed germination also depends on the planted crop. To form children's ideas about the need for light, heat, and moisture for the growth of bulbs. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

  1. Landing March 10, 2015
  2. Observation of oat seedlings from March 12 to April 1, 4, 2015.
  3. Measuring seedlings, emergence, sprouts. March bean shoots appeared. The peas did not sprout and other seeds were replanted. On March 18, pea shoots appeared.

Conclusion: Children will gain knowledge that plants are alive, they are watered, planted, grown from seeds; gained an understanding of the work of adults, learned to correctly name labor actions. The work carried out allows us to cultivate hard work and caring attitude towards plants. All children and teachers received positive emotions from the results obtained

Municipal state preschool educational institution - kindergarten No. 3 "Rainbow" of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the social and personal development of children of the closed administrative-territorial formation of the village of Solnechny, Krasnoyarsk Territory





Teachers: Kovaleva N.N.

Stepanova A. A.


Relevance of the project…………………………………………………………….3

Project goal………………………………………………………………………………………3

Project objectives…………………………………….……………………………3

Type of project…………………………………………………………………………………..3

Project type………………………………………………………………………………..…4

Target audience…………………………………………………….…………..4

Principles of the project……………………………………………………………...4

Project methods…………………………………………………………………………………...4

Expected result……………………………….......………………….4

Stages of project implementation …………………………..…………………...…...5

Appendix 1 …………………………………………………………………………………....12

Appendix 2……..……………………………………………………….……..14

Appendix 3………………………………………………………………………………….……15

Appendix 4…………………………………………………………….………16

Appendix 5………………………………………………………………………………….…18

Appendix 6………………………………………………………………………………….…21

Relevance of the problem:

Children middle group have insufficient understanding that plants and vegetables can be grown indoors, about necessary conditions growth, their interest in cognitive and research activities is not sufficiently developed. That's whypromising goalThe project is the development of cognitive interest.Current goalis: receiving by children necessary knowledge that plants are alive, they are planted, watered, grown from seeds.

Target :

developing children's interest in experimental and research activities in growing plants and vegetables indoors.

Tasks :


Expand children’s knowledge and ideas about plants grown on the windowsill;

Continue to introduce children to the features of growing cultivated plants(onions, dill, peas, beans, flowers);

Continue to develop children’s ability to care for plants indoors.


Develop cognitive and creative abilities.

Continue to develop observation skills - the ability to notice changes in plant growth and associate them with the conditions in which they are located.

Summarize children's understanding of the need for light, heat, and soil moisture for plant growth.


Foster hard work and respect for plants.

Get positive emotions from the results obtained.

Project type: short-term (April 2017)

Project type: cognitive - research.

The target audience: children of the middle group, teacher, parents.

Integration during project implementation:

“Cognition (FCCM)”, “Communication”, “Health”, “Socialization”, “Labor”, "Physical Culture".


Education: creating a positive emotional uplift.

Training: the principle of clarity, the principle of systematicity and consistency, accessibility, and natural conformity.


Visual (methods of illustrations and demonstrations):posters, story pictures, models of vegetables.

Verbal: conversations, reading stories and poems, riddles, proverbs and sayings.

Practical: planting onion seeds, watering, loosening the soil.

Observations: observing the germination of onion seeds.

Expected result:

1. Children empirically will gain knowledge that plants are living, they are grown from seeds, and watered.

2. Through research work, children will have to identify the variety and diversity of seed material.

3. Children will receive practical experience creating a diary of observations of plants on the windowsill.

4. Through involvement in practical activities of growing cultural garden plants on the windowsill, children will gain an understanding of the stages of plant growth and obtaining the final result.

5. All project participants(children, teacher, parents)will receive positive emotions from the results obtained.

Stages of work on the project:

1. Preparatory: defining the goals and objectives of the project, collecting information material, creating conditions for organizing work in« vegetable garden on the windowsill» , drawing up an action plan for organizing children's activities

2. Main: (or implementation stageproject): planned activities are carried out to implement the project(conversations, experiences, experiments, creative activities, looking at illustrations, reading fiction).

3. Final: the results are summed up, a presentation is prepared, and a final conversation is prepared.

Stages of work


1. Preparatory stage

Conversation with parents« Vegetable garden on the windowsill» .

(Discuss goals and objectives project . Generate interest among parents in creating conditions for implementation project).

Finger gymnasticsThe hostess came from the market one day”


Selection is clear – teaching aids, demonstration material, natural material,

fiction, purchasing the necessary equipment.

Didactic game"Who will collect it sooner"


2. Main stage

Looking at books and illustrations about plants. (Arouse interest in plants, a desire to take care of them, deepen and expand knowledge of plant types).

Reading fiction Literature: “Baba Thekla’s Vegetable Garden.”


"Soaking onion and sunflower seeds."(Expand children’s understanding of the conditions necessary for the germination and development of plants(moisture, heat and light)

Conversation: “What kinds of vegetables are there?”.

Didactic game“What do they plant in the garden?”


"Planting dill and parsley."

(Expand children’s understanding of the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants(soil, moisture, heat and light). Give basic concepts about natural vitamins. Develop labor skills and abilities.)


Finger gymnastics"Cabbage"

Didactic game"Gather the Harvest"


"Planting onions and sunflowers."

(To consolidate the skills of planting sunflower seeds. To form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgrowing these plants.)

Didactic game:"One-many".

Guessing riddles.

Work in a corner of nature(water, light, heat).

Didactic game"Tops - roots"


Experience - observationbehind the growth of onions in the ground.

(Show children how plants grow from seeds).

Reading fiction:"Cipollino".

Didactic game"Find by description"


Observation “Are our plants growing?”

Didactic game“Which branch are the kids from?”

Conversation: "Our plants".

Finger gymnastics"Compote"


Conversation - observation:"The World of Houseplants"

(Expand children’s understanding of indoor plants, their benefits and structure, teach them to recognize and name parts of a plant(root, stem, leaf, flower). Encourage the desire to care for indoor plants. Cultivate interest in research

activities: teach to think, draw conclusions.)

Reading fiction:"Tops and Roots."

Didactic game"Guess"


Observation “Are our plants growing?”for onion, dill, parsley, sunflower seedlings.

(Continue to teach children to notice changes in the growth and development of plants.)

Guessing riddles.

Work in a corner of natureContinue to teach children to make correct judgments and draw conclusions about creating favorable conditions(water, light, heat).

Round dance game "Zucchini"


Reading fiction:“Turnip”, “Vegetable dispute”.

Observation “Are our plants growing?”

(Continue to teach children to notice changes in the growth and development of plants.)

Outdoor game "Baba sowed peas"


Observation “Are our plants growing?”for the growth of onions, dill, parsley, sunflowers.

(Continue to teach children to notice changes in the growth and development of plants.)

Exercise "We are surprised by nature"

Finger gymnastics"Fingers in the Garden"

Low mobility game“Our garden is fine”


Reading fiction:"Buy a bow."

Observation “Are our plants growing?”for the growth of onions, dill, parsley, sunflowers.

(Continue to teach children to notice changes in the growth and development of plants.)

Guessing riddles

Work in a corner of natureContinue to teach children to make correct judgments and draw conclusions about creating favorable conditions(water, light, heat).

Low mobility game"Gardener"


Reading fiction:"Vegetables".

Observation “Are our plants growing?”for the growth of onions, dill, parsley, sunflowers.

(Continue to teach children to notice changes in the growth and development of plants.)

Sedentary game " Tops-Roots"


3. Final:

Exhibition decorated garden. Decor photo report about the project.


Annex 1

Looking at vegetables, observing plants,

growing in the garden.

Tasks :

Strengthen children's knowledge about vegetables.

Provide knowledge that plants need care.

Examine the planted plants with the children and note changes in their growth. Record your observations in a plant growth diary.

Foster a caring attitude towards plants and a desire to care for them.

Progress of the educational situation

Carrying out the game "Vegetables in a basket".

The child is asked to independently name the vegetables and place them in the basket.

A game "Guess the riddle".

An adult asks a riddle, and the child, having guessed it, shows the desired card with a picture of a vegetable.

Puzzles :

1. Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats.

Whoever undresses him sheds tears.(Onion)

2. Without windows, without doors, the room is full of people.(Cucumber)

3. The girl is sitting in prison, and her scythe is on the street.(Carrot)

4. The bird built a nest underground and laid eggs.(Potato)

5. Little red boots - in the ground and in a basket.(Beet)

6. The flowers are yellow, the fruits are green, and when ripe they turn red.(Tomato)

7. Between the mountains, between the valleys lies a pan - a blue caftan.(Eggplant)

8. The calves are smooth and tied to the bed.(Zucchini)

Physical education minute.

The teacher reminds that fruits grow on trees in the garden, and vegetables invegetable garden in the beds. After this, the teacher randomly names vegetables and fruits, and the children, having heard the name of the fruit, stand on their toes and raise their hands up; and, having heard the name of the vegetable, they crouch, at the same time pronouncing what grows and where.

Examining and naming vegetables growing on vegetable garden (onion, dill, sunflower, parsley).

A conversation about how plants need care.

At first our onion was like this(photo)

Record your observations in a plant growth diary.

Appendix 2

Experiences and Experiments


Lesson - conversation - research: Let’s find out what kind of land it is.

Target : Reveal properties land : weight, color, consistency.

Material, equipment: soil in containers.


  1. We weigh using the “hands-on” method
  2. We determine the color using the color ruler.
  3. Describe the consistency of the earth.


Class- experience - experiment : Water and plants

Target : Determine how much water is needed for plant growth

Material, equipment(one is watered regularly, the other is not watered at all)


We have been monitoring the containers for a week. We record observations in an observation diary.


Lesson - experience - experiment: Sun and onion.

Target : Determine the role of the sun in the life of onions and other vegetables.

Material, equipment: 2 containers with soil and sprouted onions(one stands in the sun, the other is covered with a box of sufficient volume)


During the week we take care of both containers, but do not open one. After a week, compare the onions in two containers. We record observations in an observation diary.

Appendix 3

Exercise "We are surprised by nature"

We are standing in the garden,

We are surprised by nature

Here is the salad, and here is the dill,

We grow carrots there.

We will work with you

Let's declare a fight against the weeds -

We'll tear it out by the roots,

Yes, squat lower.

Everyone is amazed at the fence

Nettles grew luxuriantly.

We won't touch her

We've already been burned a little.

We watered everything from a watering can

And we sit on the benches.

Appendix 4

Riddles about greenery

Riddles about parsley

Only the snow will melt in the spring,

You nod your head to us!

You are the first green friend -

Curly... (parsley)

Juicy and long -

Vitamin greens.

She will whisper in your ear:

– I’m not a clown, I’m...(parsley )

Riddles about dill

Umbrella heads!

lace fingers,

All over the garden bed deftly!

The boys ran away

Where are you running to? Stop!

I want to pick... (dill)

Blooms with a yellow umbrella

Friend of all vegetables...(dill )

Riddle about green onions

Green arrow in the garden

She rose to the light, to the sun.

We'll crumble it into soup

This seasoning is green...(onion)

Riddles about the garden, natural phenomena

If it's dry, there's no rain -
The sun is like a villain -
The stems are crushed dry:
The heat is called that...(drought).

We plant a garden
To have something to put in your mouth,
Divide the onion, dill, parsley,
And by lunchtime there will be...(greens).

Appendix 5

Games for the project " Vegetable garden on the windowsill».

Games (didactic, role-playing, theatrical, active and low mobility games)

Didactic game “Who will collect the most?”

P.Z. - teach children to group vegetables and fruits, cultivate quick reaction to the teacher’s word, endurance, and discipline.

Game rule. Collect vegetables and fruits only in accordance with the mark - the icon on the basket (on one there is a picture of an “apple”, on the other - a “cucumber”). The team that wins will assemble faster all items in the basket without making a mistake. Game actions. Search for objects, team competition.

Progress of the game. When addressing children, the teacher reminds them that they already know many vegetables and fruits. “And now we will compete to see whose team will reap the harvest the fastest. Here in this basket (points to the picture “apple” or the “Garden” model) you need to collect fruits, and in this one (where the “cucumber” is drawn - the “Vegetable Garden” model) vegetables. Whoever thinks that they have collected everything lifts the basket like this. Then we will all check to see if they forgot anything in the garden.” The teacher and the children lay out fruits and vegetables on the floor (or on the plot). Two teams are selected: vegetable growers and gardeners (two or three people each). At the teacher’s signal (cotton), children collect vegetables and fruits in the appropriate baskets. The team that picks up the basket first wins (you need to check if the players made a mistake and if the wrong vegetable or fruit went into the basket). After this, the winning team is announced. The game continues with other teams.

Didactic game “What is planted in the garden”

P. z. - teach children to classify objects according to certain characteristics (by the place of their growth, by the method of their use, to develop speed of thinking, auditory attention, speech skills.

Game rule. You only need to answer the driver’s questions with “yes” or “no.”

Game action. Whoever made a mistake gives a forfeit, which he then wins back.

Progress of the game. The teacher asks: “Children, do you know what they plant in the garden? Let's play this game: I will call various items, and you listen carefully. If I name something that is planted in the garden, you will answer “yes,” but if something that does not grow in the garden, you will say “no.” Whoever makes a mistake loses.” Educator. Carrot. Children. Yes! Educator. Cucumbers. Children. Yes! Educator. Beet. Children. Yes! Educator. Plums. Children. No! If someone is in a hurry and answers incorrectly, the teacher can say: “If you rush, you will make people laugh. Be careful! »

Didactic game “Harvest”

P.Z. - know how to store vegetables and fruits; be able to select storage options for specific vegetables and fruits, and talk about it.

Progress of the game. The teacher shows a picture of a vegetable or fruit, and the children must match it symbols: storage, preservation, drying, freezing, salting, etc.

Didactic game “Tops - Roots”

P.Z. - develop speed of reaction to the teacher’s question, attention, memory; develop interest in games in which children can show their knowledge.

Progress of the game. The teacher clarifies that edible root children will call vegetables roots, and edible fruit on the stem - top to bottom. Explains; that you can only answer in two words: tops and roots. Whoever makes a mistake will pay a forfeit, which is redeemed at the end of the game. The teacher names a vegetable, and the children quickly answer what is edible in it - the tops or roots. The teacher warns that children must be attentive, since some vegetables contain both edibles.

Didactic game “Find by description”

P.Z. - develop memory, attention; to develop the ability when guessing not to interrupt your comrades, not to shout, and to listen carefully to the teacher.

Progress of the game. The teacher describes in detail one of the presented vegetables or fruits (shape, color, size, coloring, taste, what it feels like, what it looks like outside and inside) and invites the children to name it and show it. Then the adult asks riddles, the children guess and find a card with a picture. A descriptive story can be written by a child and guessed by an adult.

Didactic game “Which branch are the kids from”

P.Z. - develop memory, attention, vocabulary of adjectives and numerals; cultivate the ability to react calmly when passing the stake to other children.

Progress of the game. The teacher asks the children a question, for example: “What is the name of the tree on which apples grow? “The children answer, look for apples among the many fruits and “hang” them on the branches of the tree. The teacher asks to count the apples and answer how many are hanging on the apple tree. If children get the name wrong fruit tree, then the right to guess is transferred to others.

Didactic game "Guess"

P.Z. - develop the operation of classification, attention; cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the teacher’s instructions and the answers of comrades.

Progress of the game. The teacher distributes all the pictures to the players and suggests putting pictures with drawn fruits on one side, and pictures with berries on the other. Children must list fruits and berries and name them with a general word.

The teacher distributes pictures with drawn berries, offers the players pictures with forest and garden berries divide into groups, list, name them with a general word. It is necessary to take into account that some berries grow both in the forest and in the garden.

The teacher distributes pictures with drawn fruits, invites the players to sort pictures with fruits from our region and hot countries into groups, list them, call them with a general word.

Round dance game "Zucchini"

P.Z. - develop an ear for music, a sense of rhythm; develop creative potential.

Progress of the game. One of the children becomes a zucchini. He stands in the center of the circle, the children dance around him and sing:

Zucchini, zucchini,

Thin legs

We fed you

We gave you something to drink

They put me on my feet,

They forced me to dance.

Dance as much as you want

Choose whoever you want!

The zucchini dances and then chooses another child to become the zucchini. The zucchini can dance in pairs with the one he chooses. You can choose not zucchini, but another vegetable (eggplant, cucumber, tomato, etc., use mask hats.

Outdoor game “Baba sowed peas”

P.Z. - develop dexterity, speed of reaction, attention; foster honesty when following the rules of the game.

Progress of the game. One of the children becomes the driver, all the rest become peas. The peas recite the text and dance around the leader.

Baba was sowing peas. (Children squat holding hands)

Oh! He was born quite well. (Squat)

Oh! He was born thick. (Go to the center.)

We will rush - you wait!

The peas scatter around the area, and the driver catches them. The first one to be caught becomes the driver. Two or three children can be drivers. The driver has the right only to salt.

Low mobility game “Our garden is fine”

P.Z. - develop attention, the ability to coordinate one’s movements with the movements of other children.

Our garden is in order

We dug up the beds in the spring (we imitate working with a shovel).

We weeded the garden (bend over and reach the floor with our hands).

We watered the garden (we show how to water it with a watering can).

There is not much in the small holes

We planted cabbage (squat down, clasp your knees with your hands).

All summer she got fatter,

It grew in breadth and height (we are slowly rising).

And now she has dough, poor thing,

He says: “Move aside! "(stomp your foot at the end of the phrase)

Low mobility game “Gardener”

P.Z. - To consolidate the idea of ​​garden plants, to activate the names of vegetables. Develop speech hearing (recognize a friend by voice) Feel the play of sounds in verbal rhyme.

Progress of the game. Each of the players calls himself some kind of vegetable: turnip, radish, onion, carrot, radish, etc. and stands in a circle. One of the participants in the game - the gardener - goes to the middle of the circle and knocks on the ground with a stick. He is asked:

Who's there?


What did you come for?

For turnips!

After this, everyone leads a round dance, dances and sings:

The turnip is green on top

Thick in the middle

Towards the end of the war, it hides its tail under itself.

Anyone who doesn’t come up to her will be grabbed by the cowlick.

While singing, the Gardener stands with eyes closed. The one whom the presenter points to (with his eyes or gesture) gives his voice, trying to change it:

I'm a turnip, oh!

The gardener must guess which of the guys called himself Turnip. If he guesses correctly, Turnip runs away, otherwise Ogorodnik will catch him and whip him by the tuft.

Sedentary game "Tops and Roots"

P.Z. - know the names of vegetables, be able to distinguish between root vegetables; quickly respond to the name of the vegetable - squat if it is a root vegetable, raise your arms up if the vegetable ripens at the top.

Progress of the game. Children stand in a circle, the teacher names vegetables, and the children must remember how they grow, that people eat tops or roots, and accordingly sit down or raise their hands up. Whoever makes a mistake is out. The teacher performs actions on the spot with the children, confusing them. The most attentive and knowledgeable person is awarded.

Appendix 6

Finger gymnastics

Finger gymnastics “The hostess once came from the market”

The hostess came from the market one day, (They walk their fingers on the table.)

The hostess brought it home from the market (Bend one finger on both hands.)

Potatoes, cabbage, carrots,

Here the vegetables started an argument on the table - (Alternating blows with fists and palms.)

Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth.

Potato? Cabbage? Carrot? (Bend the fingers on both hands.)

Peas? Parsley or beets? OH! (Cotton.)

Meanwhile, the hostess took the knife (They knock on the table with the edge of each palm.)

And with this knife she began to chop

Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, (Bend your fingers.)

Peas, Parsley and beets. OH! (Cotton.)

Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot (Palms are folded crosswise on the table.)

Potatoes, Cabbage, Carrots, (Bend your fingers.)

Peas, Parsley and beets. OH! (Cotton.)

And the vegetable soup turned out to be quite good! (They show how they eat soup.)

Finger gymnastics “Cabbage”

We are chopping cabbage (Children make sudden movements)

We are three carrots (The fingers of both hands are clenched into fists, moving them towards and away from you).

We salt the cabbage (Imitate sprinkling salt from a pinch.)

We are pressing cabbage. (Fingers clench and unclench intensively

They compacted everything into the tub (Rub fist against fist.)

They pressed it on top with a weight. (They put fist on fist.)

Finger gymnastics "Compote"

We will cook compote (hold your left palm like a ladle) index finger right hand“interfering”)

You need a lot of fruit. (Bend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb.)


We will chop apples (imitate movements, chop)

We will chop the pear. (imitate movements, chop)

Let's squeeze it out lemon juice(imitate push-up movements)

We'll put in some drainage and sand. (imitate movements)

We cook, we cook compote. (“cook” and stir.”)

Let's treat honest people. (treat)

Finger gymnastics “Fingers in the garden”

One two three four five,

The fingers went out for a walk.

This finger has gone into the garden,

this finger found a mushroom,

this one cut

this one ate

Well, this one just looked!

Blizzards are playing out in the yard, and in the group, on the windowsill, spring is taking place. A mini-garden appeared here, bringing joy to everyone in the kindergarten, young and old. Window beds are not famous for their abundance, but for the possibility of live communication with plants. Anyone who starts such a vegetable garden will certainly become interested in experimentation and eco-design. In general, a mini-garden is a fun and useful activity.

I arranged the winter garden with great creativity: I designed it in the form of a farm, decorated it with suitable buildings and decorative accessories. A miller works at the mill, the housewife manages the garden, a scarecrow guards the crops, butterflies, birds and bees delight the eye. In honor of these workers, I named my mini-vegetable garden “Bee”.

Windowsill perfect place for breeding small home garden. The process of growing fresh herbs on a window is simple and requires almost no material costs, but it is so much fun and beneficial. You can grow a significant range of crops on windows: greens, legumes, root vegetables that bloom right on the window (carrots, beets, potatoes), aromatic herbs.

Why do you need a vegetable garden on the window? When garlic, onions, cucumbers, and lemon live on the window, their variety of colors pleases and relieves stress. In addition, they not only warm the soul, but are also good for health. If garlic grows indoors, you will forget what the flu is.

Growing vegetables in kindergarten is also beneficial because it develops curiosity and observation in children, helping them to better understand the life of plants. Methods for observing plants should be selected taking into account the age of children and their individual characteristics. Growing something from a seed will be interesting even for the smallest children; you can even measure the sprouts every day with a ruler and record the data obtained in a specially designed book for observations.

How to arrange a vegetable garden on a windowsill? What might this require? First of all, the desire to do all this! And also:

  • Containers.
  • Priming.
  • Watering can, spray bottle, scoops of different sizes.
  • Aprons, gloves.
  • Seeds.
  • Decor items and a little imagination.

Currently, aromatherapy is very popular, I propose to arrange a fragrant bed on the windowsill, on which you can easily grow:

Green onions. It is better to plant it in the ground. This way the onions will produce crops all winter. If you decide to follow your grandmother’s experience and set up a “water” garden, change the water once a day. This way the onions will not rot and will not give off an unpleasant odor.

Dill. Fragrant herb is a spice known to everyone. Dill requires sun and warmth. Once a week you need to loosen the soil. Goes well with parsley.

Parsley. This young lady tolerates cold well and loves humidity very much. Grows on a windowsill in winter, provided it gets enough sunlight.

Your windowsill will be perfectly decorated with decorative parsley (curly).

Basil. This excellent seasoning grows quietly on the windowsill and does not require any special care. Decorative basil will look luxurious on the windows; purple plants are the most fragrant. For asthmatics, basil makes breathing easier, and for those who eat it regularly, it protects them from stress.

Arugula. Popular salad herb. It sprouts almost instantly, and after 20 days you can eat. It loves the sun very much, so it requires artificial lighting.

Rosemary. Amazing seasoning. It grows in a flowerpot for years; only in the summer, if possible, plant it in the garden. The fragrant bush is very useful and is used as a seasoning.

Mint. My favorite aromatic herb. Do you know how delicious it is to drink in winter? Mint tea with lemon. Water this bush regularly and a calming aroma will settle in your group.

A collection of seeds, collected in a decorated box, helps introduce children to the variety of seeds and vegetable crops. The collection is accessible to children; they act with the seeds as they wish (look at, smell, sow, water and observe).

Well-groomed vegetable crops in neat dishes they look elegant and go well with most decorative indoor plants. They decorate the room and can provide aesthetic pleasure.

Each of us strives to create a pleasant environment around us, filling it with our favorite aromas. To do this, you can use what nature itself provides: flowers, herbs, spices, seeds. I use what I managed to grow myself: herbs, dried flowers, plant seeds.

All plants have magical properties, have positive energy and cleanse the premises from harmful effects. Since ancient times, the tradition of sewing herbs into fabric has been passed down to give clothes and linen a pleasant aroma and protect against bad influence. Later, to prevent dry plants from scattering, they began to sew fabric bags in which various herbs were mixed. The aromatic bags are called sachets; they can have different shapes(heart, bag, fruit, pillows).

Nowadays, the sachet serves as a source of freshness and decoration for the home, office, and car.

DIY sachets can act as herbal amulets.

I wish you good luck and creativity!

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