Juniper horizontal blue chip planting and care. Juniper Wiltoni horizontal: description, features, planting and care


Juniper horizontal Blue Chip (Juniperus horisontalis Blue Chip)- one of the best creeping juniper varieties. Its graceful shoots creeping along the ground with slightly raised ends spread evenly into different sides, creating a thick carpet. Small silver-blue needles will pleasantly surprise you with their purple hue in winter. Its height is only 20-30 cm with a crown diameter of up to 1.2 - 1.5 m in 10 years. Fragrant and beautiful bush made from a dwarf breed, it can decorate almost any landscape interior. Blue Chip's needles are prickly and dense, the fruits are almost black and round cones, with a diameter of 5 - 6 mm, no more. And although the homeland of juniper is China, Japan and Mongolia, juniper feels and reproduces well in almost all latitudes - from southern to northern.

The shrub is also popular because, despite its attractiveness both in shape and color, it is powerful generator clean air, cleans the atmosphere around you from harmful microbes within a radius of at least 10 meters. Juniper horizontal Blue Chip is an excellent choice for rock gardens, rockeries and rocky gardens.

Trunk and shoots: A low, creeping shrub characterized by average speed growth. At the age of 10 years it reaches 0.2 m in height with a diameter of 1.5 m. Later it grows to 0.3-0.5 m. The shoots are creeping along the ground, with easily rising ends.
Needles: The needles are small, silver-blue in color.
Soil requirements: The requirements for soil and moisture are low.
Photophilous: Photophilous.
Drought resistance: Not picky about humidity.
Frost resistance: Juniper horizontal Blue Chip is frost-resistant.
Landing: When planting, good drainage is necessary.
Purpose: Recommended for rocky gardens.

Planting and caring for horizontal juniper Blue Chip

It is better to plant juniper on sunny places, slight shading is allowed. The distance between planted plants is from 0.5 to 2 m, depending on the size. Planting pit should be 2-3 times more earthen coma and depth, for adult plants up to 70 cm. At the bottom of the hole, make a drainage layer of sand or broken brick about 20 cm thick. When planting, it is important that root collar was not buried.

Junipers prefer soil with a slightly acidic to neutral reaction (see). The soil mixture is made in a 2:1:1 ratio from peat, sand and turf soil, respectively. After planting, the plant needs to be watered abundantly for a week.

In dry summers it needs to be watered. Junipers do not tolerate dry air well, so it is advisable to sprinkle regularly. Fertilizers are applied once a year in the spring at the end of April or in May. Young plants need shallow loosening.

For the winter, the plants are sprinkled with peat with a layer thickness of 10 cm, and the young plants are covered with spruce branches. Columnar varieties may suffer from heavy snowfalls, so in the fall the branches are pressed to the trunk with tape or rope (see,).

Plant nursery "Sign of the Earth"

Landscape design of the site

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Ornamental plant nursery

We are engaged landscaping personal plots, cottages, suburban and urban areas. Our task is A complex approach to landscaping. We are ready not only to give you beautiful and adapted plants, but to deliver them and plant them.

Our plant nursery employs only competent and qualified specialists in various fields. Each of us has unique knowledge of planting and replanting plants, pruning trees and shrubs, we will tell you how to properly care for your garden and give recommendations on landscape design.

3094 03/08/2019 4 min.

Every gardener is very careful when choosing a crop that will show off in his flowerbed. Except flower plants, coniferous plants can also decorate a flower garden. Today there are quite wide choose varieties and types of crops. A flower bed would look very good if horizontal blue chip juniper was used in its arrangement.


The culture in question is popularly called prostrate juniper. This is due to the fact that the plant is a dioecious creeping shrub. It has long creeping branches on which short and numerous side shoots are located.

Juniper horizontal blue chip is ornamental culture, which is distinguished by bluish-green or silver needles. After the onset of frost, it changes its hue to purple. The culture has cones, the size of which is 5-8 cm in diameter. Horizontal juniper blue chip comes from Canada and the USA. Grows on sandy shores and hillsides.

Horizontal juniper is not demanding on the composition of the soil; it adapts perfectly to new conditions and does not require increased attention in terms of care. But the culture must grow in areas where high humidity air. In my own way appearance the plant is not inferior to other creeping crops of this genus.

In the video - planting a horizontal juniper Blue Chip:

Horizontal blue chip juniper is used as an ornamental plant from which you can create a real green carpet. It will cover not only areas of soil, but also the walls of houses. The culture looks very attractive in an alpine hill. There she crawls with creeping branches onto the stones. It will also become excellent option

for slopes and slopes, creating borders. Often, for reasons of dwarf growth, juniper is grown in containers or hanging containers.


The variety of horizontal juniper in question is propagated by cuttings. If you use seeds, all varietal characteristics will be lost. The culture grows slowly. It is worth growing in areas where there is sun and partial shade. But you can’t often replant a plant, because it doesn’t like it. So after the juniper takes root, you must immediately determine the place where the plant will grow permanently.

To plant horizontal blue chip juniper, you need to cut the cuttings in mid-May. Its length should be 10-12 cm. At about 5 cm, the seedling must be cleared of needles, and the bark of the adult crop must not be touched.

The video shows how juniper is planted:

Press the cutting tightly to the soil and cover with film. After planting, the soil must be irrigated from time to time to prevent drying out. After 1.5 months, the seedlings will be able to take root, and at the end of June the cuttings can be sent into open ground.

The first wintering of plants should take place under cover. For these purposes, burlap or spruce branches are used. When the plant grows, it will be able to resist frost, so it will be left alone for the winter without any special shelter.

Care Horizontal juniper blue chip is a plant that does not require special care

. But, like any culture, it requires some attention. For example, the bush loves light and moderate humidity. But this does not mean that the plant cannot develop and grow normally in a semi-shaded place. During drought, juniper requires sprinkling of its crown. This way, the shrub will retain its color and protect the branches from drying out. The plant also needs to be watered, but the video from this article will help you understand how to do it. IN winter time

In addition, caring for a crop involves protecting it from pests and diseases. And although they rarely affect shrubs, if certain requirements are not met, they can harm the crop. Most often it is aphids, spider mite, mole. To combat them, it is worth using drugs that can be bought in a specialized store. For those who want to know more about it. how to properly care for juniper, you should follow this link and read the contents

Video shows how to care for juniper:

When caring for a crop, it is necessary to provide it with moderate watering. If the summer is dry, then you need to water it 2-3 times per season. The norm for adult plants is 10-30 liters. At the same time, make sure that there is no standing water. Otherwise root system may rot.

During drought, it is necessary to fertilize the crop with nitrogen or complex fertilizers. It is forbidden to introduce bird or cow humus under the bush. From them, the roots of the plant burn, and the bush itself disappears. You still can’t loosen the soil around the juniper. Since the root system of the ephedra belongs to the surface type, as a result of loosening, the nutrition of the trunk will deteriorate.

Thus, the bush begins to wither. For horizontal juniper, it is quite enough to mulch the soil. To do this, use coniferous soil harvested in the forest.

Horizontal juniper blue chip is ornamental plant, which is necessary for gardeners who do not want to spend a lot of time caring for their flowerbeds. Using this variety of coniferous shrub, you can get a variety of compositions. In addition, juniper can be planted either separately from other plants or together with them. The culture takes root well even with flowering plants, creating an incredibly beautiful and original composition.

Dwarf form. Shrub up to 0.3 m high, crown diameter up to 1.2 m.

The crown is compact and creeping. The needles are blue, dense, prickly.

It grows slowly.

A photophilous, frost-resistant form, it is not demanding on the soil, but does not tolerate stagnation of moisture and salinity.

Juniper Blue Chip horizontal is small coniferous bush. Its height reaches 0.3 meters in height. This is a fluffy bush 1.5 m wide. Its dense, bluish-colored needles change their shade to lilac only in the fall. Round, cone-shaped seeds of a dark color. Juniperus horizontalis Blue Chip loves light and is resistant to frost and drought. Juniper is unpretentious, capable of living on any type of soil, however, it does not accept excess moisture and salts. It is customary to plant it in cities. It tolerates exhaust gases well. When planting young seedlings, it is necessary to prevent the appearance excessive humidity. The root system feels great if mulching has been done beforehand. Super Gardens sells 286 species of plants, bushes and trees for landscaping and landscaping. The survival rate of seedlings is 100%.

Buy juniper Blue Chip

Buy juniper Blue Chip and anyone can plant it in a garden, a flowerbed, or a forest park. He is deservedly considered the best plant covering the soil. Dwarf juniper looks great on rocky slopes, which it successfully strengthens. Beautiful color In spring, the needles become even more attractive and acquire a magical bright blue color. Alpine and heather gardens will not be as attractive without this shrub. Juniper combines well with other conifers. It is planted together with cedar. Its growth rate is average. The crown settles along the ground, its shoots spread out in all directions and lift their ends upward, creating a living carpet.

Price for juniper Blue Chip

Price for juniper Blue Chip quite affordable. Almost everyone can afford it. Rock gardens and rockeries need this unpretentious and beautiful shrub. It will brighten up any landscape. The fragrant and beautiful shrub is distinguished by its individuality and endurance. It produces clean air. For at least ten meters, all pathogenic bacteria die from it.

Juniper Blue Chip in Moscow

Juniper Blue Chip in Moscow very in demand. It is planted in sunny areas. Sometimes some shading can be allowed. The root system needs high-quality drainage. The bottom of the pit is lined with sand or brick particles. A layer is created 20 cm thick. It will serve as drainage. Soil with a slightly acidic to neutral reaction is perfect for this. graceful plant. In order for the shrub to take root safely, it is necessary to ensure that the root collar is not buried. In winter, the young bush is covered with spruce branches. The juniper is sprinkled with peat ten centimeters thick. Varieties of this shrub, characterized by a columnar crown shape, are the first to suffer from an excess of snow. To prevent it from being pressed to the ground and ruining its shape, experts secured the bush by tying its branches with some kind of tape. This will allow you to retain in your heart the indescribably beautiful feeling that only a landscape enriched with Blue Chip juniper evokes.

Horizontal juniper is also called creeping juniper. This plant not only has beneficial features, its bushes are very often used by gardeners to decorate their gardens. This bush can be easily trimmed, and with proper care it grows and has a beautiful crown. Its crown has green color with a bluish tint, the bush itself seems to spread along the ground, hence its name. This bush is not tall; at the age of 10 years it reaches only one meter, and sometimes less. But its diameter can be from 2 to 2.5 meters. The photo below shows what an adult creeping juniper looks like.

One of the features of horizontal, as well as any other juniper, is that it secretes enzymes such as phytoncides. This is a substance that disinfects the plant itself, it kills any infections, fungi, harmful insects, thus protecting yourself. For juniper this is a protective mechanism, but for humans it’s just a godsend. The thing is that this enzyme not only kills the infection on the plant itself, but even purifies the air around it. Therefore, if you plant it in your garden, your air will be clean, and you will be able to walk in your garden without fear of getting sick, for example, during the period viral infections in the fall. The more bushes of this miracle plant in your garden, the less likely you are to get sick. For example, the Ministry of Health recommends that all anti-tuberculosis dispensaries plant juniper on their territory. Thus, by purifying the air, it prevents the possibility of re-infection with Koch bacilli for patients who have already been treated.

Juniper – coniferous plant, his crown pleases all year round with its colors, because it’s evergreen. Its shades vary, it all depends on the type of juniper. When cutting branches, do not throw them away, as they can be used to decorate your apartment or in medical purposes. His essential oils medicinal, you can make decoctions from the branches and treat various diseases, such as disorders of the gastrointestinal system, it has a calming effect and removes toxins.

How to choose the right one and plant it at home? beautiful plant? How to plant juniper, the main thing is what kind of care does it need? You can find answers to all these questions in this article.

Juniper can be planted from seeds or cuttings. If you don’t want to wait a long time, you can purchase an already grown bush at the market or from gardeners and simply plant it correctly at home. In any case, which of the methods would not appeal to you, just know proper care, the choice of planting site will be the key to a healthy juniper bush.

If you have chosen horizontal juniper for planting in your garden, know that this is one of the varieties of juniper that can easily tolerate any frost. There is no need to cover it for the winter; the only thing that needs to be done is to build a frame to protect the branches from snow. It is better to do this only for those regions where blizzards rage in winter and where very large amounts of snow fall. Because of large quantity snow, the branches of this bush may simply break off, and in the spring they will no longer have the aesthetic appearance that you would like.

If you decide to plant this plant, choose a sunny and open area for it, it does not like darkening.

When choosing seedlings, pay attention to several details, firstly, the seedling must be at least 3 years old, so it will take root better. Secondly, you cannot buy it without soil around the root; if you see that the seller gives you a seedling without soil, and its roots have been cleaned off or at least beaten off, you know that such a seedling will not survive. Its root system is very fragile and very easy to damage, so experienced gardeners They sell seedlings along with the soil around the seedling. The photo below shows how to choose the right seedlings.

Choosing the right seedling.

Wrong choice of seedling.

The plant should be planted in late spring, late April or early May. There is no need to choose special soil, as this plant grows in any soil. The only thing you can do for it is to add fertilizer to the soil. Whether it's peat or manure, you always need to follow some fertilizing rules. If you choose peat for fertilization, then prepare the soil in advance, lay a thick layer of peat on the soil, cover with film and keep it there for at least a week. Then mix it together with the soil, and the entire area is ready for planting.

If you choose manure, do not use fresh manure under any circumstances; it must lie for at least two weeks and rot before you start using it. It is better to dilute manure warm water, for 10 liters of water you need two kg of manure. Then just pour it into the holes a little at a time before planting the plant there.

Holes need to be dug twice as large as the plant root itself. If your garden soil is too clayey and unfavorable for many plants, don't worry, juniper grows in any soil. BUT, to be more confident, you can make an admixture like this and fill the hole with it. Take the peat ordinary land from your garden, as well as soil from coniferous forest. Coniferous soil should be mixed with needles, this will be a kind of fertilizer. Mix the earth in equal proportions, but the peat should be 4 times less than the earth itself.

Don't forget about drainage too. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself at home from broken bricks. Line the bottom of the hole with broken bricks randomly so that there is air between the bricks. Then pour in the fertilizer if you decide to use manure, if not, then use a peat mixture. Be sure to water the hole and plant your plant. The peculiarity of this plant is that it is not afraid of drought, but high humidity, on the contrary, is fatal for it. Therefore, after planting, do not water the plant frequently; it is enough to water it once a week, or even once every 10 days. When watering, be sure to spray the crown of the bush, but do not overwater the plant itself. The best way Irrigation is sprinkling. You can do this either using a hose and special nozzles or using a watering can with a nozzle.

It is recommended to mulch around the planted cuttings; the best raw material for this is sawdust from coniferous trees, or ordinary needles, small needles from any coniferous trees. Place sawdust around the cuttings in a small layer of 5-8 cm. Thus, when watering, excess moisture will be absorbed by sawdust. And the sawdust itself, when it rots, will become excellent fertilizer for your plant.

If you are planting several juniper bushes, then remember that the distance between them should be at least three meters. Horizontal juniper grows more than 2.5 meters wide, so the distance between plants is very important. Similarly, you should not plant it near trees, buildings and other objects that will interfere with the growth of the plant.

If you decide to plant horizontal juniper yourself from seeds, you need to know a few rules for planting the seeds of this plant.

Firstly, it is better to collect seeds not in the fall, as is customary, but at the end of summer. Then the seeds have not yet dried, but are already beginning to gradually ripen. At the end of summer, the seeds are not dry, but are ready to be planted. When sowing seeds, you need to be patient, as they germinate 1-2 years after sowing. If they still don’t come off, it means the seeds were unsuitable. If they fall off, then the young shoots will need care. Care will be the same as for cuttings.

Regardless of the long wait for the seeds to sprout, you can plant juniper cuttings. They can be bought in a special store, from gardeners, or found in the forest. You can also dig up young juniper in the forest.

Remember, if you dig up a young bush and want to transplant it into your garden, try to recreate the conditions as close as possible to its usual environment. For example, mark on the trunk of a bush, part of the world, which side it is used to grow up to the south and which to the north. And plant it in exactly the same position at home. This is very important, because due to the change in cardinal directions, the plant weakens and finds it difficult to adapt to a new place. When you dig up a plant, try to dig up as much soil as possible along with the roots. Do not clear the earth itself, but transport it home together with the earthen lump. “Native soil” will provide an opportunity for the plant to take root better.

The cuttings must be prepared in advance in the greenhouse, when they grow and become stronger, only then can they be transplanted into the garden. The cutting can be taken at any time of the year, it does not matter for the future plant. After you have cut the cutting, put it in water and wait until it takes root, it is best to take several cuttings, as sometimes not all cuttings take root. Then plant the cuttings in the ground and cover with film. Until the cuttings get stronger, they need to be constantly sprayed with water, making sure they are straight. Sun rays, do not fall on them, otherwise they will wither.

Excellent advice on preparing the soil for planting juniper cuttings or seeds. Need to do soil mixture from coniferous soil, peat, sand and sawdust. Take coniferous soil in the same forest where you dug the cutting; dig the soil 8-10 cm deep to capture not only upper layer with needles, as well as a layer where rotten needles are already present, they will create fertilizer for your plant. You will also need sawdust, shavings, dry fallen needles from any coniferous trees. Mix coniferous soil with garden soil, add peat, and there should be four times less peat than soil.

After this, start planting the cutting. This should be done in the same way as when planting a regular adult juniper. Dig a hole, lay out drainage, plant the cutting and fill it up ready-made mixture land. Sprinkle the ground around the cutting with shavings or dry needles. Then water the plant.

In general, mulching is a mandatory process for all creeping junipers. It protects the roots of the plant, which are not deep underground, from damage. Young plants are mulched with pine or spruce sawdust, and adult plants with gravel. Below in the picture you can see how experienced gardeners mulch horizontal juniper.

Once you have planted this plant, you will need to take care of it. It does not need to be watered often, but if the plant is young, then this should be done more often than in the case of an adult plant. In hot weather, it is recommended to protect the plant from the sun; you can make a portable canopy. Water it either early in the morning or in the evening when the sun has already set. The first years, while the plant is young and fragile, especially if it is a cutting, it needs to be covered for the winter. Later, at the age of 3-5 years, the plant will not be afraid of frost. As for the snow, you need to make a protective frame from it.

Caring for an adult plant is also quite important; it needs to be fertilized, watered, and most importantly, dry and old branches must be cut off. If you wish, you can also shape the bushes using garden shears so that the bushes have an aesthetic appearance.

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