Is it possible to plant currants in the fall? How to choose seedlings

The culture is unpretentious, grows under any conditions environment, but to get big harvest requires the right location. Gardeners recommend planting currants in the fall. Thanks to the implementation of basic agrotechnical measures, the bush will grow spreading and bear fruit well. It is important to take into account the climate zone and the characteristics of the variety.

When is the best time to plant currant bushes?

The plant can be planted in autumn or in early spring. Experienced gardeners More often they choose the period after the end of fruiting, since this approach has many more advantages.

Reasons why it is better to plant currants in the fall:

  • the plant will have time to take root before the soil freezes, and in the spring it will be able to calmly grow the above-ground part;
  • the seedling adapts faster;
  • big choice planting material, whose root system can be considered;
  • in spring there are only a few days for the procedure, while in autumn you can choose a convenient day and suitable weather;
  • the plant will not die during returning spring frosts;
  • in extreme cases, seedlings can be saved until the end of winter, and in the spring it will not be possible to postpone planting;
  • survival rate is higher;
  • easy care;
  • absence of pests;
  • on spring work there is more time left;
  • You can taste the first berries within a year.

Dates for planting currants in autumn

When choosing a day for the procedure, you should take into account the features climate zone and weather forecast. There should be 3-4 weeks left before the onset of cold weather so that the crop has time to take root, regardless of the variety. In autumn, it is recommended to plant currants in October. For Siberia and the Urals, the dates are shifted to the end of August - beginning of September, and in the South they can be planted until the beginning of November.

Over the winter, the soil will be well compacted, the bushes will take root and will be able to grow young shoots to their full potential. If for some reason time is lost, the seedlings should be buried in the garden, after keeping their roots in water for 2-3 hours. The root system will be saturated with moisture and will survive the winter well. Late planting will lead to the fact that the plant will not have time to adapt to new conditions and take root, so in winter it will freeze or a weak bush will grow.

Preparatory stage

Before planting currant seedlings in the fall, you need to choose a place, calculate correct location bushes in relation to each other. In one area, a crop can grow for up to 20 years, and replanting old plants is not recommended. For this reason, you should immediately correctly select a permanent growing location.

Plant in autumn currant bush ik needed after preliminary preparation. Planting is carried out by performing all necessary agrotechnical measures.

After the procedure, be sure to water and prune, leaving 3-4 buds above the surface of the ground. Regardless of how developed the above-ground part is and no matter how sorry it would be to shorten it so much, this is a mandatory measure. Currants require strength and nutritious juices for the development of the root system, and not for preparing large shoots for winter.

Selection and preparation of a site

The culture prefers well-lit areas. When planting red and white currants in the fall, it should be taken into account that the bushes will be low, but spreading. Thickened plantings will lead to the development infectious diseases, so you need to think about the layout in advance. Currants love moisture, so the planted bush will do well in a small lowland. You should not underestimate it too much; stagnation of water will lead to rotting of the roots. Right choice places guaranteed high yield for many years.

There is no need to dig a planting hole in advance, since for currants the root collar is deepened and preliminary subsidence of the soil is not necessary. The structure of too heavy soil can be improved by adding sand, sawdust, rotted compost, and peat. Culture loves organic fertilizers, therefore, if you have a high-quality additive in the fall, when planting, you do not need to add mineral complexes. If there is no high-quality organic matter, you can replace it with purchased vermicompost or superphosphate, potassium sulfate. The plant responds well to feeding with wood ash.

Remove plant debris from the surface of the earth at the selected location to avoid infections and insect larvae. The recommended hole depth is 20-25 cm, but you need to dig up to 40 cm in order to add nutrient mixtures to the bottom layer and, if necessary, drainage. The width depends on the size of the seedling, often 30-40 cm. In autumn there is little time for rooting, so it is important to plant in moist soil and water in the absence of rain or frost.

Selection and preparation of planting material

It is better to plant currants with annual seedlings. They consist of 1-2 shoots and a fibrous root system that promotes rapid rooting. Planting material whose roots are long and do not have many thin branches is older, perennials— planting is not recommended, since an annual bush will take root faster and better, and it is easier to grow a fluffy bush from it. The buds should be formed, young leaves should be absent, root system moist, without broken branches, with signs of disease. It is best to purchase currants from special nurseries or garden centers.

In the absence of suitable planting material, you can grow it yourself from cuttings. To obtain them in the fall, on an old bush, select a shoot at least 5-6 mm thick, extending from the root or close to the soil surface, and cut it flush with the ground. There is no need to take young twigs with fruit-bearing buds, they will not be able to grow good currants.

Under the lower bud, make an oblique cut at an angle of 45°. Retreat 20-25 cm and cut at a right angle 1-2 cm above the top bud. At least 4-5 buds should remain on the resulting cuttings. It is not recommended to use thin ones, since they will take root but will bear fruit poorly. Prepare several pieces of pieces.

Cuttings need to be rooted at school. To do this, water the fertile soil and insert the branches with an oblique cut downwards at an angle of 45°. It is enough to leave only 1 top bud on the surface. Over the winter the soil will settle, in the spring there will be 2-3 cm from it to the ground. New shoots will grow from the buds buried in the soil, and by next autumn you will have a high-quality annual seedling, ready for planting on permanent place growing. You should not delay the transfer.

Some gardeners recommend pruning and replanting in open ground in another year, but this will negatively affect the development of the crop and the formation of the bush. Additional preparation of currant seedlings before planting is not required.

Planting methods and technology

Plants can be planted straight or at an angle. The choice of method depends on the variety. In the fall, planting black currants with a standard bush is done directly, as the plant grew before. If it is a white or red bush variety, it is better to choose the second method, since it will result in a fluffy bush. The first method of propagating currant bushes is used when it is planned to form on a trellis, trunk or fan.

Landing technology:

  • dig a hole suitable size;
  • lower the seedling straight or at an angle of 45°, deepening root collar by 10-15 cm;
  • cover with nutritious soil;
  • make a depression around the bush so that the water does not spread;
  • water generously;
  • carry out pruning;
  • mulch the surface of the earth.

Planting in the fall at an angle of 45° is done in order to obtain a fluffy bush. If this is not done, the plant will still leave 1-2 original shoots trying to grow green mass at the top. The likelihood of additional branches appearing is very low. The method is not suitable for standard varieties.

Preparatory activities similar to direct landing. The seedling is positioned so that 2-3 buds above the root collar are covered with soil. It is from them that young shoots will appear in the spring, providing a wide crown. Currants need to be covered with fertile soil and watered. Shorten long branches so that the plant distributes nutrition correctly. Prune, leaving 2-3 buds on each shoot. Mulch the surface with straw, sawdust, and green manure.

Autumn is the most the right time for planting currants. The basic recommendations are the same for white, red and black varieties. The culture is unpretentious, but must be taken into account varietal characteristics, directly influencing the choice of location and method of planting.

It is the currant that settles on garden plot one of the first: it is not difficult to grow, and you can get the first harvests quickly. Currants are planted both in spring and autumn, but in autumn it is much easier to do this.

Pros and cons of autumn planting currants

The optimal time for planting all varieties of currants is September (in the south and early October), when the bushes begin to go into a state of relative dormancy, and there are almost two months left before real frosts. This time should be enough for the seedling to take root, for the roots to take over the space provided to them and in early spring to begin supplying the above-ground part with nutrients and moisture.

In the fall it is much easier to work with the soil: in the spring you need to plant currants very early, before the buds swell, and at this time it is still very difficult to even stick a shovel into the ground.

There are probably no downsides to autumn planting. The only peculiarity is that currants planted in the fall must be properly covered for the winter in order to avoid freezing of the not yet fully established bush. Yes, in the event of a dry autumn, you need to avoid extreme drying out and water the currants on time.

Step-by-step instructions for planting currants

Optimal growing conditions various types currants vary slightly. Black currants are more frost-resistant and generally less capricious compared to red varieties. But for it you need to find an area that would be constantly slightly damp, although without waterlogging. Red currants can temporarily tolerate a little drought, but do not do well in the absence of constant sunlight.

Site preparation

Any currant must be protected from piercing winds, so they try to plant it near a fence or not far from fruit trees. Especially it concerns black currant, which is quite reconciled with partial shade. The soil should have an average composition (sandy loam, loam), neutral or slightly acidic, fertile.

When planting currants near a fence, they sometimes even grow them in a trellis version.

Before breaking up the site and digging holes, it is necessary to perform a complete digging, carefully removing weed rhizomes. When digging, it is advisable to add the usual doses of fertilizer (a bucket of manure, 200 g of superphosphate and a glass of ash per 1 m2) and, if necessary, lime or chalk to reduce acidity.

It’s even better if in the summer green manure grew on the site, which, before flowering, is incorporated into the soil during the process of digging it up.

Preparing the planting hole

The planting hole can be dug at any time, but it is better if it stands for at least 2-3 weeks before planting. When digging, as usual, the lower clay layer is removed, and the upper, fertile layer is mixed with fertilizers (1–1.5 buckets of humus, 100 g of superphosphate and 2 cups of ash) and placed in the hole. As a rule, a hole measuring 40 x 40 x 40 cm is sufficient. After returning the fertilized soil to the hole, pour 2-3 buckets of water into it.

You don’t need a big hole for currants, but you need to prepare it in advance

If several bushes are planted, leave about 1.5 m between them (and 2–2.5 m between rows when mass planting currants). And when developing the site, several bushes different varieties planting is highly desirable. But you shouldn’t mix black and red currants: caring for them is slightly different.


Usually, two-year-old currant seedlings are used for planting. First, their roots are slightly trimmed and placed in water for several hours. The landing itself is carried out as follows.

  1. Immediately before planting, the roots of the seedling are dipped in clay mash (a mixture equal quantities clay and mullein with water, diluted to the consistency of sour cream).

    The chatter allows the seedling to quickly get used to the new place

  2. They take out part of the soil from the hole, form a mound in the hole, and place a seedling on it. The roots are distributed evenly and without unnecessary tension. The root collar is placed 6–8 cm below the soil level, and the bush itself is placed obliquely, at an angle of about 45 degrees.

    When planting at an angle, additional roots form faster

  3. Gradually filling the hole with soil extracted from it, periodically compact it with your hands and then with your feet. After filling the hole, pour a bucket of water into it.

    All soil in the pit must be thoroughly wetted

  4. Unfortunately, the shoots are cut off almost completely, leaving no more than 2 buds on each outside.

Aftercare depends on the weather. If there is no rain, the seedling is watered frequently, until serious frost occurs. As it becomes established cold weather cover the bush for the winter with coniferous spruce branches or spunbond.

Video: autumn planting of black currants

Autumn planting of currants is used more often than spring planting: it is simpler and more reliable. Even for a novice gardener it is not difficult and almost always gives good results.

Blackcurrant is very tasty and healthy berry, which every owner of a summer cottage would like to have in his garden. Many people do not know when to plant currants: in spring or autumn. In this article you will find answers to all questions regarding planting, pruning, and propagation of such bushes.

This is very important to know. After all, the size of the berries, the health of the seedling and taste qualities fruits If the place is chosen well, then black currants will delight you a bountiful harvest several decades in a row.

Choosing a landing site

Before starting planting work, you need to carefully consider where to plant currants. Such bushes love gentle slopes, good lighting. However, they can easily tolerate shade for some time. The place should be sheltered from the wind and have good moisture.

The most best soil for black beauty it is slightly acidic, but neutral is also suitable. and varying degrees. This type of shrub grows well along fences at a distance of 1 m from the fence. You can also plant this crop in the garden between young trees, but you must remember that the distance from the trunks must be at least 2 m.

Bushes of this culture really do not like lowlands and stagnant places with swampy water. When planting currants in spring or autumn, you need to think about a system to eliminate excess moisture. If there is a threat of flooding, then you need to take care and think drainage structure to drain excess liquid from the roots. Also, there should not be any ponds or streams nearby. Cold, constant moisture can cause the roots to rot and the seedlings to die. In winter, the bushes should be covered from the cold with fluffy snow. If they grow in the wind, the frosty wind will destroy the poorly planted plant.

Does not like bushes and places where gooseberry bushes or for a long time there were currants. Such soil has accumulated toxins that will negatively affect the young planting. You also need to look if there is moss or horsetail growing on the site, then the soil has high acidity, which currants are afraid of. There should be no landing there.

Boarding time

One of the frequently asked questions of all amateur gardeners: “When to plant currants? In spring or autumn?” Some write that this plant is unpretentious and can be planted whenever you want. But most still recommend autumn planting, and very early at that. The best time is mid-September or early October. The root system of the seedling has time to grow even before the onset of frost. After winter, the plant already sprouts, grows and may even produce a small harvest.

Some reviews from gardeners can be confusing. Some write that they cut off a branch of a bush, put it in water, and a month later, when the roots grew, they immediately planted it in the ground (in the middle of summer). Others write that they planted it in the spring and the plant took root well.

Gardening specialists confirm that all this is true, blackcurrant is a very unpretentious and tenacious plant. Therefore, if you plant it even in summer, you don’t have to be afraid. It will take root well, but there is one “but”. It's all about yield. If planting took place in the spring, then the plant will also take root, take root, and develop, but you will see the harvest in best case scenario only in a year. But if the seedlings are planted in the ground in the fall, they will strengthen and get comfortable in the new place even before the cold weather, will overwinter well and will delight you with flowers in the first spring, and later with black ones delicious berries. So to the question of when to plant currants: in spring or autumn, the correct answer is in autumn.

Preparing the site for planting

Before starting work, you need to do this 2 or even 3 weeks before planting, depending on what was in that place. If the area used to grow vegetable crops or was flower bed, then such land does not require additional preparation.

If the soil is clayey, then you need to add black soil to the hole. Acidified soils can be limed. To do this, use either burnt lime or dolomite flour. Take 400 g for each square meter soil. But after a layer of such fertilizer, you need to sprinkle a layer of soil so as not to burn the roots.

Step-by-step instruction

Planting currant seedlings occurs in several stages:

  1. The selected place is leveled and dug up onto the bayonet of a shovel.
  2. All unnecessary objects are removed: remnants of roots of other plants, stones, weeds.
  3. Lumps of hard earth break apart.
  4. Either a hole or a trench is dug if several bushes are planted at once. Its size: 0.5 m wide and 40 cm deep. Moreover, the land needs to be sorted. The upper fertile layer is deposited in one direction, and the internal filling of the hole is deposited in the opposite direction.
  5. Then a layer of fertilizer is poured onto the bottom of the trench. It is a mixture of organic and complex minerals. For 3-4 kg of the first component, 200 g of the second is required (for every square meter of soil). Instead of fertilizer, you can add a little wood ash, about 150 g.
  6. After the nutrient mixture, be sure to sprinkle it with a layer of soil to protect the roots from the aggressive effects of fertilizers.
  7. If the soil in this area was too dry and hard, then a few days before planting it needs to be watered thoroughly.
  8. Planting seedlings.

Distance between bushes

Many people are concerned about the question of at what distance to plant currants. It all depends on the type of berry. If the branches of the bush grow straight up, then such a crop can be planted at a distance of 1 m. If the bushes of a certain variety are spreading, then the distance increases to 1.5 m.

Leave 2 or 2.5 meters between rows of planted plants. This is more convenient for comfortable passage between the bushes while caring for the plant and harvesting.

Purchasing seedlings

Planting is done either by seedlings or cuttings (suitable only for warm areas). In order to get a good harvest in the future, you need to carefully select seedlings when purchasing. Often beginners and inexperienced gardeners sellers deceive, especially if the buyer came to buy plants at a spontaneous market or bought them on the highway on the way to the dacha. This is, of course, convenient, but not always justified. The variety that was presented by the seller may not grow at all, and the plant may turn out to be sick. To avoid getting into trouble, you need to know the basic rules.

  1. The most best buy- in professional nurseries and stores where they will give you full recommendation, check and they will sell currants of the exact variety you decided to buy.
  2. It is better to buy two-year-old seedlings. They are much stronger than annuals, acclimatize faster and will begin to actively bear fruit in the first year. Two-year-olds have a well-developed root system (15-20 cm), with many thin root shoots growing in lobes. The roots are sold correctly in a wet state, treated with a clay mash.
  3. The branches should be smooth and flexible (up to 40 cm), on which there are at least 2 or 3 good buds, not swollen, in which a tick can hide. There should be no dry or rotten spots or damaged shoots. The color of the bark is brown. When you scratch the bark underneath, there should be a green part that smells like currants.

How to prepare seedlings for planting

There shouldn’t be much time between the moment of purchase and boarding. To prevent the roots from drying out on the road, you need to wrap them with a damp cloth wrapped in a plastic bag. During the journey, the seedlings must be in a vertical position.

If planting does not occur on the day of purchase, then for better preservation the roots should be dipped in a clay solution and sprinkled with sawdust soaked in water.

Before lowering the seedlings into the trench, you need to cut off the dry roots. The leaves need to be torn off. The shoots themselves should be short (up to 20 cm). It is necessary to leave only 2-3 buds on the branch. More important point- the shoot is not planted straight, but at an angle of 45 degrees.

Watering currants

When planting bushes of this crop, the hole is filled with approximately 5 liters of water. After this, the seedling is sprinkled so that the roots are at a depth of 5 cm from the surface of the earth. After compacting the soil around the shoot, the seedling is poured again, but this time you need twice as much water. When the liquid is completely absorbed into the soil, you need to sprinkle the soil around the planted shoot with humus - mulch it.

During the growth period of the bush, water the plant frequently, since currants are a moisture-loving plant. The soil for currants should be well moistened. It needs to be watered throughout the growing season. If the bush does not have enough moisture, the berries will fall off or grow small.

The first time you need to water well is at the end of May. This is a period of active growth of currants. Next time - at the end of June. This is the time for the berries to ripen. Also, the amount of watering depends on the ambient temperature. If the summer is hot, the amount of watering increases. You need to ensure that the moisture is quite deep (up to 50 cm).

For large mature bushes, 30-40 liters per 1 m2 are required. If the bush is young, then 10 liters for each bush is enough.

Currant propagation

If you have a beautiful fruit-bearing bush of this crop growing on your summer cottage and you want to plant this wonderful berry in another place, then you don’t have to go to the store and buy expensive seedlings. It is enough to know how to propagate currants:

Bush pruning

In the end, we will answer a frequently asked question: in spring or autumn?" After all, such a procedure can affect the harvest. The correct answer: both in spring and autumn. In the spring, before the sap flow begins, pruning helps to increase the yield. What does autumn pruning give? After the end of sap flow, it is formed in this way crown, free the bush from broken and dry branches.

Pruning must be done every year. Then the fruits will delight you with their size and taste.

It is an unusually healthy and fragrant berry crop. Even on small summer cottages You can always find 1-2 bushes of this. Clusters of yellow, black, pink and white berries will perfectly decorate your garden plot, and will also allow you to harvest a high-vitamin crop. Due to the incredible popularity of this garden culture, many gardeners are engaged in its cultivation. Further in the article we will tell you how to plant correctly in the fall, so that even novice gardeners can cope with this task.

Autumn planting dates

Planting currant bushes can be done as in spring period, and in the fall. In this article we will talk specifically about autumn planting, since it is considered more favorable by experienced gardeners. According to reviews from experienced gardeners, planting should be done several weeks before the expected onset of frost, that is, around the beginning or middle of October, no later.

Did you know? Currant culture is an excellent source of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), which improves the functioning of the immune system and helps make skin and hair healthier and more beautiful. Given the fact that daily norm an adult - 10 mg of vitamin B5, and 100 g of black currant contains 0.4 mg of this element, it should be noted useful qualities data

If you plant the bushes during this period, then by the beginning of spring the soil around the currants will have time to compact well, and the bushes themselves will take root well. With the arrival of warmth, the crop can immediately begin to grow and develop intensively.

Selecting a location

Having learned when to plant currants in the fall, and having determined in which specific month it is recommended to do this, it is also important to learn how to choose the right place for planting.


It should be remembered that both black and other varieties of currants love sunny areas. Therefore, you need to choose a place that will be well lit most of the day. It is best to give shrubs a separate place.

It is not recommended to plant them around the perimeter. It is also important to ensure that there are no drafts in the area.

Soil type

Black currants need to be well moistened. It is important not to forget about this feature when choosing seat. The best option would be a place on a weak decline.

North-west or west sides are suitable personal plot. This berry crop can also be planted on the north side of the house.

Important! Black currants will not grow in soil with a high carbonate content.

Naturally, everything should be in moderation, therefore an excessively wetland where The groundwater located too close to the surface, are in no way suitable for planting this berry crop.
You will need soil with increased fertility. For black currants the best option will be medium loamy or heavy loamy, for red - loamy.

Cuttings or ready-made seedlings?

As practice shows, berry crops are the easiest to propagate among fruit crops. As for currants, they can be propagated by layering, lignified or green seeds.

If this crop is planned to be settled on the site for the first time, then in this case you can purchase a ready-made seedling from a breeder. You should make purchases only from trusted sellers, as well as from those gardeners who have been growing currants for sale for a long time.
They value their reputation, which reduces the risk of purchasing low-quality landing gear to a minimum.

Each method has both advantages and disadvantages. In particular, when propagating currants using seeds, it will most likely not be possible for the young to inherit all the qualitative characteristics of the mother plant.

Therefore, most often gardeners either use cuttings or buy ready-made seedlings. It’s about these very popular options We will talk further.

We propagate currants by cuttings

A fairly widespread method of propagating currant bushes is using green cuttings. To root them you will need either film covers. Let's figure out how to plant currants in the fall using cuttings.


To implement this method, it is necessary to use the green growth of currant bushes. We are talking about those shoots that grew in this year. The cutting is considered ready at the moment when it still retains flexibility, but if you bend it sharply and with force, it may break.

In hot weather, such shoots should be harvested early in the morning. If the weather is cloudy, then you can do this during the day. During the harvesting process, it is important to take into account the fact that those branches that were taken from the upper shoots will be better suited for rooting.

Such sections must be stored in a humid environment. To do this, wrap them in pre-moistened burlap and then place them in a polyethylene bag. The length of the cutting should be approximately 8-12 cm.
On each of them you need to leave 3-4 leaves. At the same time, several bottom sheets the plate should be shortened or cut off completely, leaving only the petioles. The lower cut is made on the green cutting half a centimeter below the bud, the upper cut is made just above the upper bud.

All cuts must be made straight with pruning shears, without tilting. It is also permissible to use a knife for this purpose, but it must be as sharp as possible so as not to damage it.


In order for the cuttings to take root better, you need to tie them into small bunches and place their lower ends in a solution of a growth-stimulating substance. To do this, you can use heteroauxin (10 mg), diluted in 1 liter of water.
The cuttings themselves should be immersed in liquid to a depth of no more than 2 cm. After 12-20 hours, the bunches should be removed from the solution and covered with a moistened cloth. The disembarkation process must take place on the same day.


Greenhouses and greenhouses for planting cuttings in them must be prepared in advance. The soil should be carefully and leveled. You need to pour clean water on top river sand or a mixture of sand and, the thickness of this layer should be approximately 4 cm.

It is recommended to plant cuttings in rows, maintaining a distance between lines of about 7-8 cm. Between plants in one strip, the interval should be approximately 5 cm. Cuttings are planted directly in the soil, maintaining a depth of 2-2.5 cm.

At the end of planting, the bed should be watered abundantly using. Shelters should be tightly closed and shaded with branches or gauze. How quickly the cuttings take root depends on proper care after them. It is very important to hold high level humidity and optimal temperature conditions. For the first 2-3 weeks, cuttings should be sprayed at least 2 times a day in cloudy weather, 4-5 times a day in hot weather.

The temperature at night should not fall below 16°C, during the day - not exceed 25°C.

Important![a] If the temperature in the greenhouse exceeded 28-29° C, then the room needs to be ventilated until the temperature stabilizes.

After 2-3 weeks, when the cuttings begin to take root, it is recommended to reduce watering and feed the plants themselves with nitrogen. It is also important to harden the sprouts. To do this, you need to ventilate the greenhouse from time to time, and later the shelter can be removed altogether.
Cuttings that have taken root can be planted in a permanent place next year. It is necessary to take care of them in every possible way, weed and loosen the soil, fight diseases and harmful microorganisms.

Planting currants with ready-made seedlings

It is best to plant currant seedlings in the fall. Spring planting usually less successful because the bushes begin to grow early, which complicates the rooting process. Seedlings should be purchased only from trusted breeders.

The planting material must have a well-branched root system, the stem must be healthy and fresh, and there must be no signs of disease. Under no circumstances should you buy wilted or too dry seedlings. They will not be able to take root and time will be wasted. You also need to carefully monitor the absence of insect larvae and pests on the roots of the bush.

To plant currants, you need to dig a hole 40x40 cm. The depth of the hole depends on the volume of the root system. The roots should fit completely into the hole, without twisting or bending.

On less rich soils, it is recommended to make a larger hole. In the pit itself you need to form a nutrient layer. A mixture of soil and soil should be placed at the bottom. You can also use peat or rotted peat.

Additionally, it is recommended to add some mineral fertilizers. Then you should fill the hole with more fertile soil (darker) without any fertilizers, place the seedling and finally fill the hole to the top with an earthen mixture.
The seedling should be installed in the hole at a depth that is approximately 5 cm greater than the one in which the plant grew previously. After planting, it is very important to water the bush abundantly, even if it is rainy outside.

Immediately after the planting of currants is completed, the bush must be pruned, leaving the plant 7 cm high. There is no need to spare the currants and neglect this technique. It should be understood that a plant that has been shortened in this way will form a fluffy and beautiful bush the very next year.

And the plant that remains untouched will look like a pathetic whip throughout the year. So post-planting pruning is an extremely necessary manipulation.
Currants should be placed in a separate area, and not along the borders of a personal plot. Usually it is planted in rows, keeping a distance of 2-2.5 m between them. The distance is necessary so that the shrub can grow comfortably, and also so that the plants do not shade each other from the sun's rays.

Did you know?[a] The calorie content of black currants is very low - only 60 kcal per 100 g of berries. As for , its calorie content is even lower - 50 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, those who are watching their figure or seeking to lose weight should definitely pay attention to this tasty and healthy berry.

Features of transplantation

There are times when there is a need to replant currant bushes. This happens when a bush requires rejuvenation, when its development is interfered with by other shrubs or. Replanting is also necessary in cases where the soil under the currant is depleted.
First of all, you need to choose a place for the future berry garden. It should be well lit. Also, before transplanting this berry crop, you need to prepare the soil. The essence of preparation is the same as described earlier. You should dig up the area and fertilize it with useful mineral supplements. You can use ash, etc.

Next, you should prepare the holes on the site, it is advisable to do this 2-3 weeks before the intended transplant. It is recommended to keep the distance between the holes from one and a half to two meters so that the plants do not shade each other. To plant red currants, it is advisable to place a little crushed stone at the bottom of the hole.

The holes must be made with a depth of 40 cm or more so that the root system can acquire the right amount lateral roots. The width of the holes should be at least 50-60 cm. You need to focus on the size of the currants.
The bush that will be replanted must be carefully dug up and removed from the ground. In this case, you should not pull the shoots so as not to damage the branches. A healthy bush can be replanted together with a lump of earth.

If the plant is diseased, then you need to carefully examine the root system, remove all dried and damaged roots, remove insects and pest larvae. The roots of the plant can be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

After all the above manipulations, you need to pour a sufficient volume of water into the hole so that the earth turns into a liquid substance. You need to lower the bush into this mixture, holding it suspended, sprinkle it with dry soil 6-8 cm above the root collar of the plant. Then the currant bush is watered again to compact the root soil.

Planting currants at first glance may not seem like the most simple process, but it is worth noting that having done all the manipulations once, in the future everything will be much easier. With proper care, this wonderful berry crop will quickly take root on the site and will delight the gardener with a rich and healthy harvest.

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Autumn - favorable time to replenish the garden berry crops And fruit trees.

Planting blackcurrant bushes in the fall is no exception.

This best time for plant adaptation.

How to plant correctly to ensure a good harvest in the future?

Dates for planting black currants in autumn

Determining the time to plant shrubs in the fall is quite difficult, because there are no exact dates for all regions. Here you need to focus on the local climate where the currants will be grown.

IN northern regions In Russia they begin planting berry fields from the end of August, but in southern latitudes you can wait until October. The main factor determining the planting time is the weather. Planting seedlings too early leads to active growth young shoots, which is unacceptable in autumn time. But late planting and frosts will destroy bushes that have not yet had time to take root.

It is important to complete all planting work in the garden a month before the expected frost. Then all the blackcurrant bushes will be well received and begin to grow in the spring.

How to preserve seedlings until spring?

If planting material is purchased too late or the weather does not allow planting, then it becomes necessary to save the seedlings until spring. How to do it?

Experienced gardeners advise burying the bushes in a horizontal position until spring. And in early spring, plant in a previously prepared bed in the garden. Before planting, the seedlings are dipped in water so that the root system is well saturated with moisture.

How to choose blackcurrant seedlings for autumn planting?

Much, if not everything, depends on the selected planting material. Therefore, you need to approach the purchase of seedlings responsibly.

1. The best for planting are considered annual seedlings, which have one or more shoots.

2. The root system of the bushes is fibrous in appearance, with many small roots. In older seedlings, the root system has a different structure.

3. Healthy seedlings must be undamaged.

When purchasing two-year-old seedlings, you need to remember that they take root less well, but currants are a fairly hardy crop, so take care correct landing.

Choosing a place for currants

Some summer residents claim that currants can grow on any soil and in any corner of the garden. It will grow, but will it yield a harvest? Therefore, for currants they choose appropriate place. Since the shrub is moisture-loving, low-lying areas, but not wetlands, are suitable for its cultivation. Groundwater should not come close to the soil surface.

For full development and good harvest A well-lit place for the berry garden is selected. Planting bushes in partial shade leads to a decrease in yield. Currants also do not like drafts, so it is better to set aside a place for them along the fence or between fruit trees.

Preparing the soil for planting

The key to a good blackcurrant harvest is not only in proper planting, but also in well-prepared soil. The land for blackcurrant bushes is prepared in advance.

It is best to grow a berry garden on fertile soils. The area for the future garden bed is cleared of weeds and fertilized. About a month before the intended planting, organic matter and mineral fertilizers are applied.

Compost or humus – 5 kg per 1 sq. meter of beds;

Superphosphate – 50 g;

Potassium sulfate – 25 gr.

The prepared area is dug up on the bayonet of a shovel; it is not required to go deeper, since the root system of currants is shallow.

Organic matter is not always available to the summer resident; in this case, mineral fertilizers are used, which are added to the hole during planting. In this case, nitrogen complexes are not used, but are left for spring application.

What should the landing pit be like?

To autumn planting blackcurrant planting was successful, you need to properly prepare the hole and position the seedling.

Important! When planting a shrub, the root collar is deepened 10 cm into the ground.

This planting method allows the seedling to quickly adapt and grow a sufficient root system for good growth.

Holes or trenches for planting are dug shallow, up to 20-25 cm. The bottom of each is filled with mature compost or manure. The seedling is placed in a hole and covered with fertile soil.

Technology for planting black currants in autumn + photo

There is nothing complicated in the technology of planting black currants, but one point needs to be taken into account - what type of shrub is grown in the garden. The method of planting also depends on this.

Conventional currant varieties are planted obliquely, at an angle of 45 degrees. In which direction the seedling will be tilted is not so important, the main thing is to maintain the angle of inclination when planting. In spring, young shoots will begin to grow from the root, and the bush will gradually expand in breadth. Nutrients are evenly distributed throughout the seedling.

When planting, standard varieties of black currants are planted vertically, which makes caring for the bush easier in the future. Immediately after completion of the procedure, pruning is carried out. Each branch is shortened at the level of 4-5 buds. Despite the fact that the pruning was carried out in the fall, the seedlings will take root well. The fact is that autumn pruning seedlings helps the bush grow additional roots, and in the spring strong shoots will appear. Do not neglect pruning, otherwise the root system will remain weak, which will affect the yield.

1. After planting the seedlings, it is advisable to mulch the soil with organic matter. This will retain the necessary moisture at the roots and also serve as shelter from frost.

2. If the level groundwater passes close to the roots, it is advisable to drain the holes before planting currants.

3. The distance between the bushes depends on the variety and size of the currant. As a rule, leave 1 to 1.5 meters from each other.

4. Berry is a frost-resistant plant, but during spring frosts the buds may suffer, which will affect the harvest. During this period, currants are well watered and covered.

5. Experienced gardeners advise adding wood ash when planting seedlings, which is additional food.

6. In order not to wash away the soil and expose the root collar, holes are made around the bush for watering.

7. Growing on site different varieties currants significantly increases yield. The point is what's going on cross pollination, which affects the number of berries.

8. In autumn, organic fertilizers are applied to the bushes. This is due to the fact that organic matter will begin to decompose only after 5-6 months, therefore, nutrients the plants will reach the roots only in the spring. Organic matter must be added in small portions.

9. Peat, straw, humus or sphagnum moss are used for autumn mulching.

Black currant is a very healthy berry, fragrant and rich in vitamins. It is grown in every garden. At the right approach For planting and care, you can collect a bucket of berries from one bush. Currants begin to bear fruit in the second year of cultivation and continue to produce good harvest up to 15 years.

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