Is it possible to replant a flowering plum tree? Lilac, ripe, garden - the secrets of proper planting of plums in the fall

Plum, along with apples and pears, is extremely popular among gardeners - it is unpretentious, resistant to cold, takes root well and bears fruit not only in the southern regions, but also in the central zone. Sometimes we need to replant mature tree to a new place. This is easy to do, but you must follow the basic rules and conditions of transplantation.

General rules for transplanting plums

The plum tree should be replanted in early spring or in autumn period when the tree “falls asleep” and all of it life processes suspended - then it will traumatize him less. If you need to transplant a plum tree in the fall, it is better to do it at least 30 days before the first persistent frost, which can destroy the roots of a plant that has not yet taken root. In conditions temperate climate middle zone Where early frosts are not uncommon, it is recommended to replant trees only in the spring.

Young plums survive replanting best, but overgrown trees older than 5 years will most likely not tolerate this process well - their roots are significantly damaged, they weaken and get sick a lot.
Preparing the soil for replanting should be done in advance: three to four weeks in advance, so that the soil has time to settle properly, it needs to be dug up, holes prepared for the root ball and filled with humus. The diameter of the holes should be at least 60*60 cm or a little more, the depth should be at least 50 cm. For sandy, peaty soil, lay clay at the bottom of the hole (a layer of 8-10 cm).

Often, when redeveloping a site or starting construction, you have to think about how to replant the plantings to optimize the space. In this case, the entire process must take place in such a way that root system I was not injured, and the survival rate was as quick as possible.

Most the right time for this process - late fall(after the leaves have fallen) or early spring(before the juice starts to flow). Of course, it is possible to transplant the plant in late spring, but in this case, due to the restoration of the root system of fruiting in summer period It's not worth the wait.

For replanting, it is better to use trees no more than 2-4 years old. Their root system has good survival rate in a new place, while in old trees it is branched, and the adaptation process is slower. To speed up habituation, leave a ball of earth around the roots of the seedling, which will prevent damage to them. Gardeners also often wonder whether it is worth replanting plum shoots. If the plum is grafted, then the fruits from the young shoots will most likely be small size with unsatisfactory taste. If the plum initially has good variety And large fruits– the shoots are carefully separated from the root system and replanted.

There's a hole in the place future landing plums are prepared in advance. Its diameter should be greater than the diameter of the root system. Then expanded clay or broken brick is poured in to avoid water stagnation. The next layer is compost and a small layer of soil.

Before removal, the seedling should be prepared. To do this, its trunk is watered abundantly, after which it is dug around the circumference in a cone shape to a depth of about 80 centimeters. During transportation, the root system is wrapped with thick film or cloth. During transplantation, the seedling is carefully examined, damaged and diseased roots are removed. If there is a lack of moisture, water it with water, which will also ensure better survival. Then the tree is installed in the hole so that the part between the root system and the trunk coincides with the ground level, fill garden soil, and the top is mulched with peat and sawdust. Subsequently fertilized with phosphorus and potash fertilizers, and if the soil on the site is acidic, fertilize with ash.

After the replanting is completed, the soil around the trunk is also watered, and if everything is done correctly, all that remains is to wait for the harvest!

Replanting a plum tree is not so easy. The gardener needs to decide on the timing and properly prepare the seedlings and the site. Read on to learn how to properly replant a plum tree and when is the best time to do it.

Determining the timing for transplantation

The main rule when replanting a plum tree is the absence of frost. In autumn, plums are replanted in October. In the middle lane optimal timing transfers - October 20–25. At this time, the soil has not yet frozen, and there is a month left before full frosts. Spring transplantation is less preferable. If there is such a need, the plant is replanted in May-June.

Did you know? Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain eats 2 plums in the morning on an empty stomach. Only after this does the ruler have breakfast.

During these months there is no threat of frost, and the soil has warmed up sufficiently. Depending on the climatic conditions, transplant dates may shift. So, in northern latitudes frosts come earlier, so gardeners try to replant trees in early October. In the south it gets warmer earlier, so in the spring the plum tree can be transplanted as early as the end of April.

Preparing the plant and site

Before transplanting, it is necessary to prepare the seedlings and the site. The plum tree can be transplanted before it reaches 5 years of age. Gardeners advise replanting one- and two-year-old plants, as they better tolerate being moved to a new location. An adult tree is not only difficult to replant, it is more difficult to tolerate a change of location.

After removing the seedlings, the root system is checked for damage. Rot and dried areas should be cut out. The proposed landing site must be selected in advance according to certain criteria. The area where the plum tree will grow in the future must be protected from strong wind currents. However, it cannot be completely isolated from fresh air, because airflow is extremely important for the development of the plant.

Did you know? The plum came to Europe from the territory of modern Syria. He brought the fruits of the plant to Ancient Rome commander Pompey.

The plum should be illuminated by sunlight. Shade and partial shade will negatively affect yields. In this case, it is better to plant plums in groups so that the plants bloom at the same time. This way the plantings will be pollinated and produce more fruit. It is also necessary to take care of the quality of the soil. Plum trees grow best in non-acidic soil. Groundwater should not be higher than 1.5–2 m to the surface. Site preparation is carried out no less than 14 days before the day of transplantation.

Do it like this:

  1. Dig up the area 15–20 cm.
  2. If the soil is highly acidic, add fruit ash when digging.
  3. Dig it up landing hole depth 0.8 m and diameter 0.7-0.8 m.
  4. Drive a supporting stake 10 cm from the center of the hole, to which you will then need to tie the trunk.
  5. Mix half the soil obtained when digging a hole with humus and peat. Pour the fertile mixture into a small mound at the bottom of the hole and compact it.

After carrying out the above procedures, you can begin to transplant the plum.

Fruit tree transplantation technology

Autumn and spring transplants fruit tree are carried out according to the same rules:

  1. Water the plum and remove it from the ground.
  2. While the roots are wet, place the plant in the planting hole near a support stake. The root collar should be at ground level.
  3. Fill the planting hole with soil and compact it tightly.
  4. Water the plant thoroughly.
  5. Tie the trunk to the stake.

1 - Dig a hole a little larger size root; 2 - Place bokashi fertilizer at the bottom of the hole; 3 - Add mycelium of mycorrhizal fungi; 4 - Place the tree in the hole; 5 - Place vermicompost along with worms on top of the ground; 6 - Very important point when replanting a tree, plant it exactly at the depth at which it grew, that is, up to the root collar!; 7 - Place cardboard or burlap on top; 8 - We lay the turf upside down on the cardboard along the outer edge, that is, so that the grass is at the bottom and the earth with roots is at the top; 9 - Cover the top of the upturned turf and cardboard and right up to the mesh with mulch; 10 - If possible, install tubes; 11 - Place the grid; 12 - Place two sticks to different parties grids

in autumn

Gardeners recommend replanting plum trees in the fall. The advantage of this method is that by spring the plant will finally take root and adapt to its new location. However, this method also has a number of disadvantages. One of the main disadvantages of autumn replanting is that the gardener will not be able to monitor the condition of the plant. For example, if the rhizome freezes or rots, this will become known only by mid-spring. Unstable temperatures can also interfere.

Important! Transfer the plant to plywood sheet or wrapping the rhizome in polyethylene. This way you will save the earthen lump while moving the plum to a new place.

Frosts may occur earlier than expected in a particular climate zone. The temperature will drop below zero earlier than a month after planting, and there is a high probability that the root system will freeze. A mandatory aspect of replanting a plum tree in the fall is mulching. Tree trunk circle mulch with sawdust or peat-based mulch. This treatment will protect the plant root from severe frosts and help retain more heat.
Mulching the tree trunk circle.

in spring

When planning to replant a plum tree in the spring, gardeners prepare a planting hole in the fall. When fertilizing a hole for planting, add to the fertile soil mixture, in addition to humus and peat, 300 g of superphosphate, 50 g of potassium salt and 350 g of ash. Otherwise, the process is exactly the same as when performing the procedure in October.

Aftercare for plums

In order for a plum tree to take root in a new place, it needs to be properly cared for after transplantation.

Important! If the plum grows in soil with high acidity, it is recommended to feed the soil with ash in the summer.

pay attention to following rules for growing transplanted plums:

  1. Make sure that the plum tree is not shaded by other trees or buildings.
  2. Keep the soil loose. Do not let moisture stagnate in the rhizome area.
  3. To prevent the plant from breaking off under the weight of the fruit, tie it to a supporting stake as it grows.
  4. During the growing season, water the plant once a week. In hot weather, watering is increased to once every 3 days.
  5. Apply the first fertilizer a year after transplantation. In autumn, plum trees need fertilizing based on potassium and phosphorus. In spring it is better to add more nitrogen.

Transplanting a plum tree will not cause any trouble for a gardener who will approach the process responsibly.

If you follow the basic rules and observe the nuances, the tree will quickly take root and produce generous harvests.

Plum transplant

Plum is a moisture-loving tree; loves bright lighting and protection from northern winds; does not like soils with high groundwater levels. The roots are horizontal, grow at a depth of 20 - 50 cm, only some go to greater depths. In adult plums, the roots extend beyond the crown perimeter by 1 - 1.5 m - this must be taken into account when replanting: digging damages most of the root system. This leads to homosis - a disease when cracks form on the trunk with escaping gum (resin). Transplanted plums older than 4-5 years do not take root well and suffer for a long time, so it is not advisable to move them.

The optimal time for transplanting plums is early spring, when the buds have not yet begun to swell, or autumn, from mid-September to October 20 (for central Russia - in other regions, the timing of transplantation shifts in accordance with climatic conditions).

Planting pits for spring planting prepared in the fall, for autumn - 15 - 20 days before work. The size of the hole is 60 - 80 cm larger than the root ball of the tree. For a 2-year-old seedling, a hole of 70x70x70 cm of any shape is sufficient. When digging upper layer the lands are thrown aside; The bottom of the pit is loosened with a bayonet.

If groundwater is close to the ground, drainage is made from broken bricks, expanded clay, and stones at the bottom of the pit. Then add the top layer of soil, 1 - 2 buckets of humus, 1 kg of ash, mix everything and fill it with two buckets of water.

Sometimes they transplant the grown-up one to a new place root shoots. If an adult tree has been grafted, then the work will not be worth it: the berries will young tree may be small and sour. But if the mother tree was also grown from shoots, and the quality of its fruits is decent, then digging up a seedling makes sense. In dry weather, its tree trunk circle is well watered, dug in at a distance of 40 cm from the trunk, trying to damage the roots as little as possible. The dug up seedling is placed with its roots on cellophane and well packaged if transportation is required.

Best to buy from a nursery annual seedling with a closed root system. But seedlings with an open root system take root quite well if their roots are carefully packed and do not dry out. Before planting, their roots need to be carefully examined: rotten and diseased roots are cut off. For some time, the seedling can be placed in a bucket of water.

When transplanting a plum with an open root system, add soil to the hole to create a small cone in the middle. A stake is driven into the middle of the hole; A seedling is placed on the north side of it. It is more convenient to do the work together, so that one person holds the seedling, and the second can carefully spread its roots over the surface of the earthen cone so that they are not bent, and cover it with soil. The root collar of the plum should be 5 - 7 cm above the top edge of the hole. While adding soil, shake the seedling slightly so that all the spaces between the roots are filled. The earth is carefully trampled down: at the edges of the hole it is denser, at the trunk it is lighter.

When transplanting a specimen with a closed root system, peat, humus, fertilizers and fertile soil are poured onto the bottom of the hole, on top of the drainage. Everything is mixed, compacted and watered. Place the seedling on top so that root collar was slightly above the soil surface. The gaps between the edges of the pit and the earthen lump are filled with fertile soil and trample. A peg is driven in along the edge of the hole.

The seedling is covered with a rope, crossed with a figure eight and tied to a peg. Make a hole along the edges of the planting hole and pour 1 - 2 buckets of water with Kornevin into it. The tree trunk circle is covered with a thick layer of humus or peat. After transplantation, the plum is watered weekly with fertilizers that stimulate root formation. In spring, the seedling is pruned to a height of 1.5 meters. In order for the plum tree to bear fruit abundantly, at least two trees are planted at the same time.

For a 4-5 year old plum, one year before transplanting, 70 cm from the trunk, in a circle, is dug in a ditch 50 cm deep; roots are cut off. The groove is filled with humus, sand, peat with the addition of ash; compact and water abundantly. Water several times during the summer; Many suction roots grow on the cut roots.

A year later, the plum is dug again along the outer edge of the previously dug ditch, trying to preserve the young roots. They gradually go deeper, cutting off the remaining roots and forming an earthen ball 70 cm thick. The tree is tilted and burlap is placed under it, then it is transferred to the underlying material. The roots are wrapped so that the earth does not crumble.

Before planting, measure the depth of the planting hole so that it matches the thickness of the root ball. The plum can be lowered into the hole directly with jute burlap - it will gradually decompose in the ground. The hole is filled with soil, trampled down and 3-4 stakes are driven into it, to which a plum is attached with guy ropes. The stem and bases of skeletal branches are wrapped in moss or burlap, which are moistened with water for 2 - 3 weeks. The transplanted tree is regularly watered with Kornevin. In the spring, the conductor is trimmed to a third of the length and 2-3 year increments. At good care the plum may begin to bear fruit as early as next year.

How and when to transplant cherries to a new place, in spring or autumn

How and when to replant cherries: to a new place, in spring or autumn?

Transplanting an adult tree has a number of features: it rests on the side crown and is mainly fed by the main tree. When transplanting an adult cherry tree, part of the root system of the adult tree is separated.

Transplanting cherry seedlings

Seedlings allow you to get a harvest in as soon as possible, don't wait several years. When choosing additives, you need to carefully inspect the young plants so that they meet high requirements, otherwise there is a high risk of the cherries drying out. It is recommended to transplant in the fall. During this period, the market presented wide choose cherry varieties. If you don’t want to replant the cherry tree in the fall, you can buy it and dig it in. Direct planting should be done in the spring.

One- and two-year-old cuttings are suitable for planting. The root system matters. She must be strong. After purchasing, I wrap it with a damp cloth and a plastic bag.

Requirements for a seedling:

Intact root system. Clean and straight trunk. Intact leaves.

Replanting coppice cherries

It is recommended to replant the cherry shoots, since they grow very close to the mother tree and take away the strength for fruiting. Such a shoot grows on the lateral roots of the main tree without its own root system, so digging it up is not difficult.

It is better to replant coppice cherries in early spring. When transplanting in the fall, there is a high risk of damaging the transplanted shoots and the mother root.

Rules for replanting coppice cherries:

Dig up the ground 30 cm from the shoots and cut off part of the mother root. The sections are cleaned sharp knife and treated with paint. Then sprinkle with earth.

Replanting bush cherries

Bush cherries are not recommended to be replanted. When replanting, there is a high probability of losing the tree. But the transplant rules are standard and similar to the transplant rules felt cherry. It is worth considering that in thickened bushes, cherries stop bearing fruit. Therefore, the pagons are removed.

Felt cherry replanting

They try not to replant felt cherry trees at all. Transplantation technology is the same as for other varieties. But this type of plant is replanted only in the spring, after the snow melts. In autumn there is a very high probability of injuring the root system.

Young seedlings are used for transplantation. Replanting old cherries does not make sense. They bear fruit for about 10 years. Sometimes the plant takes up to five years to recover. All this time it will not bear fruit.

Advice from experienced gardeners for successful transplant cherries:

When purchasing or replanting a plant, experienced gardeners, recommend Special attention pay attention to the seedling, conduct a thorough inspection, cut off all dry and damaged branches. If the roots of the seedling are dry- It is recommended to immerse in water for three hours. Thus, the small roots will be filled with moisture and come to life. Damaged roots recommended to remove. If there is no soil on the root system, then it is immersed in a special clay mortar. A plant with a wet root system is planted and watered abundantly. To avoid damage to the root system by rodents, the hole is covered with Christmas tree branches. The needles should be laid out. The planted plant does not require special care in winter. They only make sure that the hole is covered with snow. This reduces the risk of the tree freezing. It is better to transplant with the capture of the mother root. The cut part of the root is cleaned and paint is applied to it. But this can only be done in the spring. If you carry out this procedure in the fall, you can damage the seedling and the mother tree. Both trees may die. Before planting, the crown of the cherry tree is trimmed. Thus, they try to balance the crown and root system. The surface of the hole must be covered with mulch. It helps retain moisture and protects against severe frosts. In the spring it is removed and the soil is loosened. Further care no different from caring for other trees. During rooting, attention is paid to watering the tree. The soil should not be allowed to dry out; it should be constantly loosened. Disease prevention is carried out on seedlings, regularly inspect the branches. The disease is easier to cure initial stage. Sometimes a tree cannot be saved. Focus on your region of residence, regardless of recommendations for planting dates. At the time of buying choose varieties with the required qualities.

IN big garden or in your dacha there will probably be a tree that produces a harvest of sweet and aromatic fruits -. If plum trees don’t grow on your site, it’s time to plant them. By the way, this is usually done in spring or autumn. Well, in our article we will talk about how to plant plums in the fall.

Autumn planting of plums - choosing a place and time

Since plum is a light and heat-loving crop, the best site for her there will be small hills or hillsides where they fall Sun rays. At the same time, the area must be protected from strong winds. Fertile, but at the same time loose soil suits the tree. Wetlands and lands with groundwater higher than 1.5 m are not suitable for this purpose.

If we talk about when you can replant a plum in the fall, then it is best to choose a day at the end of September, when there is still no frost. It is important that the tree’s sap flow slows down, but at the same time it has time to get used to the new place.

How to plant a plum seedling in the fall?

Two weeks before planting, you need to dig a hole up to 60 cm deep, about 80 cm in diameter. Fertilizers mixed with the excavated soil are placed at the bottom (a bucket of rotted manure, potassium salt 65 g, superphosphate 350 g). If the soil is dense, it can be mixed with sand to improve drainage properties.

When choosing a seedling, make sure that the plum seedling has a strong root system. For planting, it is optimal to use a one- or two-year-old seedling. It is lowered into the planting hole, the roots are carefully straightened and the soil is covered, periodically trampling it down. It is important that the root collar was located at a height of 3-4 cm from the ground level. If necessary, stick a stick into the hole for the tree, which will become a support for the unstable plum. Then the tree is watered and mulched with peat or.

If, due to circumstances, you have to plant a seedling late in the fall, then better wintering The plum needs to be buried in a small ditch at an angle and almost completely covered with earth, peat, and in winter also with snow. And already in April the young tree can be transplanted to a permanent place.

How to properly replant a plum tree in the fall?

It happens that a gardener needs to transplant an adult plum to another place, for example, more lit or closer to plums of other varieties, which will help improve the yield. Keep in mind that “relocation” is tolerated well only by young trees under 5 years of age. Two weeks before replanting the plum tree in the fall, dig a hole in a new place and put fertilizer on its bottom. The tree is dug up along with a lump of earth. Earthen lump It is recommended to wrap tightly in damp burlap. Then the plum is carefully placed in the prepared hole along with burlap, covered with earth, trampled down, watered with 1-2 buckets of water and mulched.

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