Onion feather as fertilizer. Using onion peels in the garden: pest control

Long before the onset of spring, all gardeners begin to prepare for the dacha season. It is necessary to redo a lot of things: buy seeds, grow seedlings, prepare everything necessary for greenhouses, buy shelters for sprouts and much more.

Everyone also prepares fertilizers, soil and various protective equipment from pests. Those who already have extensive experience in gardening know many secrets on how to grow good harvest and save a lot of money at the same time.

So, for fertilizer and pest control you can use quite usual means, which we most often get rid of. Such means include onion peel. During the entire autumn-winter period, summer residents carefully collect this waste and dry it. After all, in summer time it can be useful for many purposes.

Benefits and harms

Of course, there is much more benefit in any form than harm. It can be used for the following purposes:

  • using a tincture or decoction, you can cope with plant pests such as aphids, caterpillars, mites, copperheads, codling moths, earwigs, meadow bugs;
  • is excellent fertilizer, which has a beneficial effect on root system. Has anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating effects, stimulates growth;
  • the decoction can be used to fertilize the soil before planting seeds or seedlings;
  • You can also use the broth to feed tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, and cucumbers as they grow;
  • The decoction is excellent for fading and yellowing plants and flowers.

The choice of husks for gardening is not accidental. If many of the fertilizers that we buy in the store have chemical composition, then this product is completely natural in this regard.

She's rich in these useful elements, How phytoncides, carotene, mineral salts. It also contains vitamins of groups B, C, E, PP. Such a component as quercetin. Most of it is found in red onions.

Carotene This product will be an excellent antioxidant for plants. It will help them grow especially in conditions where the site is located next to a highway where cars often travel. In addition, thanks to carotene, garden crops can easily cope with any diseases or will not be susceptible to them at all. Carotene also actively fights various fungi and rot.

Onion peel infusion accelerates the growth rate of plants

Phytoncides are an excellent remedy to destroy bacteria and fungi in the soil. They are also actively involved in the prevention of blackleg. There are phytoncides in every plant, but it is in the onion peel that they are found in greater concentration. In addition, they can accumulate. And so that they do not disappear over time, it is necessary to treat the plants with infusion.

B vitamins, which onion peels are so rich in, are preserved in large quantities in infusion and decoction. If you water young shoots with them, this will promote faster plant growth. The leaves and stems become much stronger, the roots will be protected from rot. And a plant treated with such an infusion will bear fruit much faster.

Thanks to vitamins of group PP plants treated with infusion or decoction adapt better to unfavorable conditions. At the same time, the root system develops noticeably better and is less susceptible to various diseases.

Onion skins can cause harm to humans if they are used together with food or decoctions made from them. But since this product is not intended for this, no harm from its use has ever been noticed.


  • To prepare a decoction of onion peels you will need 3-4 cups of the peel itself and 1 bucket of water. The husk must first be completely dried. After adding the dried product to the water, you need to bring everything to a boil. Then take it off the heat and let it sit for a bit.


You need to use a diluted decoction. To do this, 2 liters of the resulting mixture must be diluted with 1 bucket of water. This composition can be used to treat yellowed leaves of zucchini and cucumbers. It is best to use a sprayer for this. You can also use it to spray carrots, potatoes and tomatoes. In this case, the broth should fall directly on the leaves.

  • Another decoction recipe will come in handy in the fight against. For the recipe you will need 1 liter jar of onion peels and 2 liters of warm water. The ingredients must be mixed and left to brew for at least 2 days.

To spray the broth, strain it, dilute it with water 1/1 and add a little liquid soap. Next, you can treat the affected plant leaves.

A decoction prepared according to this recipe can be used in the fight against fungal diseases such as blackleg. To do this, you can water the plants 2-3 times, taking breaks of 6 days between treatments.


  • In order to get an infusion, you need to take 200 grams. onion peels and 1 bucket of warm water. Mix all ingredients and let stand for at least 15 hours.

The resulting infusion can be sprayed on plants that have aphid.

Decoction and infusion can be used for greenhouse plants, even if they do not have diseases and are not eaten by pests. This treatment will be an excellent preventive measure.

Natural onion peels

Like decoctions and infusions, husks in in kind can also be used in a number of cases:

  • can be added before planting cucumber seeds or seedlings. To do this, in the process of digging up the ground for planting, you need to add husks, but no more than 3 liters per 1 square meter. m;
  • in a greenhouse can be spread between seedlings and just anywhere free space. In this way, you can protect the shoots from pests;
  • When digging up a garden for any type of plant, add onion peels. The soil will be saturated with natural fertilizers, and this will also provide excellent protection against possible pests;
  • for plants in a pot, instead of decoction, you can sprinkle dry husks on top. And periodically, as required by the plant itself, water warm water.


  • in the fight against spider mites, you need to spray the leaves with an infusion of husks with a break of 7 days for several months. In this case, both the upper and lower parts of the leaves of the plant must be treated;
  • turnips, radishes and radishes should be treated with a more concentrated infusion. In this way, you can protect them from attack by cruciferous flea beetles;
  • husk infusion actively fights false powdery mildew. As a rule, it appears in August on cucumbers. To avoid this problem, cucumbers need to be treated with infusion in advance. But one procedure will not be enough; it is advisable to repeat the treatment every 5 days;
  • You must use husk decoctions on the same day you prepared them. For watering and spraying the most better time- it's evening. The strained husks can either be thrown away or placed in berry bushes;
  • if you water the tomatoes with broth, this will help protect them from the appearance of tomato cancer;
  • After the apple trees fade, they can be sprayed with nastya. This will protect them from the codling moth. This treatment should continue for a month every 7 days.

Folk remedies are very good because they are practically inexpensive and at the same time bring benefits. Decoctions and infusions of onion peels can be used for almost any plant on your garden plot. After all, one way or another, you will need fertilizer or protection from pests.

Almost every one of us at least once in our lives has thought about how to strengthen the immune system, how to cleanse the body and how to simply restore vitality. All of us, of course, can go to the pharmacy for expensive vitamins and dietary supplements, completely forgetting that nature itself offers a storehouse useful vitamins and minerals.

Today we’ll talk about the benefits of onions and onion peels. Often we just throw it in the trash, not even knowing how useful this product is. So, it is the onion peel that contains K, Mg, Fe, Ca, as well as vitamins P, C, E. The onion peel contains fibers that can prevent major diseases of the cardiovascular system, the risk of endocrine diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, and also slow down aging of the body as a whole. It is useful for colds, throat diseases, periodontal disease, stomatitis, as it has a whole range of antiseptic properties. It can be used to wipe and disinfect wounds, diaper rash, and minor burns.

It can be used to color and strengthen hair. Many people know that henna, colorless henna, is suitable for this. But it turns out that she’s not the only one. From the husk, the hair will become silky and soft, acquiring a rich reddish tint, and strengthened. By the way, she successfully fights dandruff. Let's not forget about the Easter holidays and the fact that onion peels are used to paint Easter eggs, which does not cause any harm to the product. It can also be used to dye fabrics and wool. Just as you can use onion juice to remove stains from clothes and shoes, remove rust from metal products, and clean windows and mirrors, so onion peels can be used in cooking, saturating foods with vitamins and phytoncides. If you add onion peels when brewing tea, you can get a reduction in blood pressure. It also contains fiber and fructose, flavonoids. These are polyphenols - a compound of phenols - organic compounds of the aromatic series.

As you can see, the benefits of onion peels are immeasurable just in words. But this is all theory. It's time to move on to practice. Let's talk about how onion peels are useful for us in the vegetable garden or garden, and how we will use them there. Before you find out about in different ways using onion peels in medicinal purposes in the garden and in the garden, you need to know that you can only use the peels of healthy bulbs.

Onion peel for the garden: application

Before starting gardening activities, it is recommended to use onion peels. When preparing the soil, we spray it or water it with a strong decoction of onion peels. Why are we doing this? This perfectly protects seedlings from the spread of fungal diseases and mold, and regular use of onion peels in the garden will help you not only increase productivity, but also strengthen the plants’ resistance to diseases and strengthen their growth. And solutions from onion peels are a wonderful fertilizer for the foliar and root systems of plants. The husk in the form of infusion and decoction will help us in the fight against:

Apple codling moth,
Colorado potato beetle,
spider mite,

Adding just a handful of onion skins to planting holes will provide protection garden crops, such as cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes from mole crickets and wireworms.

Dissolving in the soil over time, onion peel inhibits the spread of pathogenic microflora, promotes the growth of beneficial microflora, enriches the soil with microelements, and with such good conditions garden vegetables give the best yields.

Onion peel decoction, application

You can prepare the decoction as follows. Pour a couple of dense handfuls of husks into a bucket of water at about 40 degrees - bring to 100 degrees in an enamel bowl. Now the broth needs time to cool and brew. After 4 hours, the decoction can be used by pouring 2 liters of decoction into a bucket of water. She must be room temperature. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle and spray the cucumber leaves if they turn yellow or look unhealthy. This will help heal and strengthen them. It is better to do this procedure on a cloudy day, before the sun rises or after it sets, then you will probably not cause burns to the plants. The same decoction will saturate the soil nutrients necessary to stimulate growth, increase productivity and fruiting pumpkin crops(zucchini, zucchini, squash, cucumbers, melon, watermelon, pumpkins), as well as potatoes, carrots, radishes, all types of cabbage, leafy greens, radishes, turnips and tomatoes. Onion peels dry easily, so it will not be difficult to collect them throughout the year. It will definitely never be out of place in the garden.

To get rid of pests in the garden, you should resort to one more folk remedy- combining a decoction of onion peels and laundry soap, also known for his healing properties. Here we will need a lot more onion peels.

Onion peel infusion, application

Pour about half a bucket of compacted raw materials with almost boiling water in a bucket and let it brew for a day. After a day, drain the infusion and add 40 grams of crushed laundry soap. Mix thoroughly, helping the soap dissolve. Ready solution dilute with water in equal parts and spray the plants. This treatment is an excellent prevention of pests and can be repeated once a week. But no more than 3 times.

When you harvest your vegetables in the fall, you need to take care of their storage. Here, onion peels will also come to our aid, which can be used to transfer vegetables. It will help maintain their freshness and elasticity. Stops rotting.

Onion peels for the garden: application

For processing trees in the best possible way There will be irrigation with a healing decoction. This decoction is very similar to the decoction we used to process cucumber leaves, but it should be more concentrated. So, pour boiling water over a third of a bucket of compacted onion peels, boil and leave until it cools. Then add 90 grams of finely grated laundry soap. Stir to dissolve the soap. We dilute the finished broth in a bucket of clean warm water. We irrigate the foliage of trees and crowns with this decoction, sprinkling generously with a garden broom.

You can also pour up to 3 liters of this decoction under each tree.

Preparation of tincture, use

For cooking alcohol infusion from onion skins we will need vodka or alcohol, that is, 40-70°. The husk must be dry and brittle so that we can easily grind it. Grind the husks and mix with vodka or alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 6. In dark place leave for at least a week, but no more than 10. We will store the prepared medicine in a cool, dark place. It can also be in the refrigerator. Not near the freezer. We drink this infusion 5 grams per day. This will help us strengthen the body's resistance to infections, improve our mood and vitality in general. This infusion is also useful for stomatitis and stomach pain. The infusion is effective when treating micro wounds and scratches that need to be disinfected. In case of mosquito bites, the inflammation will go away faster and the itching will not be so intrusive.

Onion peel decoction: health uses

You can prepare a decoction. Pour approximately 2 tablespoons of chopped onion peel into two glasses of boiling water and boil in a water bath for about 15 minutes. After this, the infusion must be cooled and strained. Leave to infuse in a cool place for 10 hours. It can then be used as compresses and lotions, and for oral use in the treatment of various diseases. internal organs and systems. Can be used to gargle for sore throats and laryngitis.

There is also another decoction made from onion peels. Its preparation is slightly different from preparing an infusion. Here onion peels are poured cold water in a ratio of 1 to 10. The mixture is boiled for 20 minutes, filtered, and diluted with cool water, again bringing to a ratio of 1 to 10. This decoction is good for lotions and rinses.
For example, if your joint or knee hurts, make a lotion or compress by generously moistening and squeezing out cotton wool or other material that absorbs moisture well. Squeeze it out and spread it evenly on the sore spot. Wrap it in cellophane or cling film and wrap warm woolen fabric or a scarf. You can leave it overnight. A decoction of onion peels is natural medicine and it will not harm you. Often you can get rid of gumboil or an abscess that you might get, say, during a manicure or pedicure. Also, a cotton swab, generously moistened and applied to the sore spot, will allow you to get rid of it as quickly as possible. inflammatory process and unpleasant pain.

According to statistics, the average family in our country eats about 120 kg per year. This amounts to about 4-6 kg of husk, which has many useful macro- and microelements. Onion skins are used both for medicinal purposes and for the prevention of garden vegetables. You can water the soil in the garden with a solution from the husk, enriching it with useful minerals.

Onion peel: composition and properties

Onion skin contains many organic matter and vitamins. Among them: phytoncides, groups B and PP. After applying onion peels to all these substances, they are activated and benefit the plants and soil.

Carotene (orange-yellow pigment) is an active antioxidant that can suppress the production of free radicals. It destroys any harmful microorganisms in the soil, thus protecting the plant. Addition of carotene to balconies flower plants helps to increase their endurance, especially in “gas-polluted” cities. This macronutrient is also used for “nursing” seedlings.

Did you know? A preparation is made from phytoncides based on onion peels.« Imanin» , which is used to treat purulent wounds.

Phytoncides- these are biologically active volatile substances (BALS), which are released by plants during their life to suppress the activity of any foreign microorganisms. During the plant period, phytoncides are concentrated in all parts, but there are especially many of them on the peel. BALVs are capable of destroying fungal spores and even single-celled organisms such as the ciliate slipper. To prevent "" in seedlings, use a tincture of onion peels, because it copes well with this disease.

The largest percentage of all microelements in onions are B vitamins. During growth, these vitamins help plants convert carbohydrates into nutrients.. If you use the tincture of the peel as a fertilizer, then these vitamins will help any plants strengthen the root system and stems.

Important! Onion peels also contain a small amount of vitamin E, which helps plants improve photosynthesis processes.

Vitamins of the PP group (the substance is also known as “nicotinic acid”) can improve the processes of processing nitrogen into oxygen and stimulate the processing of sulfur in plants. These vitamins will be very useful for plants that grow in the shade and need sunlight. Nicotinic acid can strengthen roots; trees and grasses growing in alumina especially need this.

How is the product used?

Onion peels are used as a fertilizer in the garden, in the vegetable garden, on the balcony and on the terrace, and we will tell you below which plants to use and in what dosages. It is believed that a decoction in any quantity will not harm the plant. The soil will absorb the liquid and take everything necessary microelements, and the rest will remain in the ground.

Use of decoction

A decoction of onion peels can be sprayed on plants, as well as watered at the roots, since the use of this solution is safe for any plant: it is used both for and for garden plants.

To prepare a decoction of the peel, you will need a bucket of forty-degree water and two glasses of tightly packed husk. All this needs to be mixed and brought to a boil. Then you should let the broth sit for 3-4 hours, after which you can spray it, etc.

If the leaves begin to turn yellow, spraying with such a decoction will help them restore their metabolic balance. You need to spray 2-3 times after the leaves turn yellow with an interval of 10-15 days. This tincture can also be sprayed on zucchini, stimulating them to produce new ovaries. Almost any plants after this treatment will rejuvenate and begin to bear more fruit.

Did you know? The most common way to decorate Easter Egg- Boil it together with onion skins. This will give the egg a chocolate brown color.

If they begin to dry out, seek help from a decoction of onion skins. All the microelements it contains will be destroyed in the soil and will help the plant’s root system to recover.

Many people wonder: is it possible to water seedlings with a decoction of onion peels? Of course it is possible, and even necessary! After watering the roots and leaves of your cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. with the broth. They will get stronger and will be able to easily transfer the transplanting process to the garden. In addition, the decoction will help get rid of harmful microorganisms in the soil in which the seedlings grow.


An infusion of onion peels is a more practical remedy than a decoction. It contains more micro- and macroelements, since water draws everything out of the onion peel throughout the day. useful material. To prepare such a decoction, you will need 500 g of husk and 2.5 liters of warm water. The tincture should be kept for 17-20 hours in a dark place. The container must be hermetically sealed.

This infusion is used against. They need to be sprayed 3-4 times with an interval of 5-6 days and, according to gardeners, the disease will go away without a trace. But it’s best not to take things to extremes. You can spray for preventive purposes once every 1.5-2 weeks.

Important! You need to use the onion peel tincture at one time, since long-term storage leads to loss of its properties.

This product is perfect for flowers: , . If the plants freeze during spring night frosts, then they need to be watered with an infusion of onion peels, and the flowers will literally “come to life.” B vitamins will help plants strengthen the root system and restore protective forces, and also kill all foreign microorganisms in the soil. Spraying tulips with onion peel as they break through the soil will speed up the growth and flowering processes.

Infusion from onion peels can be used to water balcony and houseplants. This remedy will help overcome dangerous pest- . And if your flowers are constantly in the shade and have withered a little, then this tincture will help them restore the active process of photosynthesis, after which a “second wind” will open.

Normal use

Maybe someone will need it... I think helpful information, I'll try next year.

When drying and peeling onions, a lot of peel remains. I always collect it... even in winter, when I peel onions for food, I put the dry husks in a box. When planting tomato and pepper seedlings, I put a good handful of husks and humus in each hole, mix it, put a small layer of soil on top, then put the seedlings taken out of the cup with a lump of earth into the hole. Onion peels prevent the development of many diseases of nightshade crops. It turns out that onion peels are universal and can be used more than once. After preparing a decoction, infusion or dye, do not throw away the husk, but use it as organic fertilizer and you will definitely get a good harvest of vegetables.

The husk is not only a fertility stimulant, but also an antiseptic that helps in pest control. Used husks can be composted. It is also known from popular experience that to combat the Colorado potato beetle, which destroys potato plantings, onion peels are buried next to the plants - the beetles cannot stand its smell.

I soak onion peels and then put them under the eggplant bushes... the bushes are clean, no Colorado potato beetles)) Place a handful of peels in the hole when planting tomatoes, cabbage, and potatoes. Many of us throw away onion peels, but in vain... because they are a very valuable thing. Here's to destruction spider mite many have tried everything... but all you need is 10 g of onion peel, add warm water, leave for five days and sprinkle necessary plants.

It is known that three liters of infusion is enough to replace dozens of pesticides. I once tried adding onion peels to the soil in which I planted seedlings, some summer residents claim that this saves the seedlings from the “black leg” disease. Good onion infusion and for watering cucumbers. Especially when the leaves begin to turn yellow, you need to add two large handfuls of husks to a bucket of warm water, bring to a boil and leave until it cools. When the infusion has cooled, take 2 liters of this infusion into a bucket of water and water the cucumbers and zucchini from a watering can. Last year I conducted an experiment... I put a lot of onion peels in a bucket and filled it with water (regular, not boiling water) and put it in a greenhouse. I noticed that there are no aphids on the plants and other various midges. Sometimes this explosive mixture I lower the broom and sprinkle cucumbers and peppers on the leaves. Tomatoes, cucumbers and carrots, watered with infusion of the husks, respond well. The yield increases noticeably.

Onion peels can saturate the soil with environmentally beneficial substances for plants. pure substances and at the same time protect them from diseases and pests.

Onion peels as a fertilizer are economical, effective, safe and useful for gardening and garden crops, as well as for home flowers. For these purposes, onion peels are used not only in pure form, but as a raw material for infusions and decoctions.

Properties of onion peel

The anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and regenerating properties of the husk are due to the biologically active organic, mineral and nutrients, including:

  • B vitamins help strengthen seeds, seedlings and adult plants and fruits, accelerate their germination and growth,
  • vitamins of the PP group (nicotinic acid) ensure the complete absorption of nitrogen and sulfur by plants, strengthening of oxidative processes in plants, normalization of the development of plants, their root system and fruits in any growing conditions;
  • Vitamin E protects against rot and strengthens plants;
  • carotene - thanks to its powerful antioxidant, nutritional, immunostimulating and disinfecting properties, it allows you to successfully fight plant diseases, achieve improved germination of seeds and seedlings, and in indoor, garden and garden plants increases resistance to various diseases;
  • quercetin, a known antioxidant with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties;
  • microelements, including boron, iron, magnesium, manganese, copper, contribute to the resistance of garden and vegetable crops to diseases and increase their yield;
  • phytoncides successfully fight plant diseases caused not only by microorganisms, but also by bacteria, rot and fungi.

Using onions in the garden

Today we will look at beneficial features onion peels for:

  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • indoor flowers and more

Onion peels for tomatoes

Dry onion skins promotes increasing the yield of tomatoes, strengthening the root system and stems, protecting against damage various types diseases.

To use the nutritional and healing properties of the husk, it is used several times during the life of the plant.

For first applications onion fertilizer prepared in the first days after planting seedlings. To prepare the nutritional composition, pour two glasses of husks into a liter of boiling water. To obtain working fertilizer, the infusion is kept for two days in a cool shaded or dark place.

For use infusion diluted clean water in a ratio of one to three and add half a liter for each young plant. For one-month-old plants, one and a half liters of solution is poured into the hole near the trunk. Action fertilizer will appear in three to four days, when the tomato bushes become obviously stronger and all the leaves turn green.

In second times tomatoes are fed during flowering. In the evening, the infusion prepared as described above is poured under the roots of the bushes.

Thanks to this procedure, infection with fungus and rot is simultaneously prevented.

Ordinary watering carried out the next day.

Onions for cucumbers

The first treatment is carried out by preparing the soil for planting. cucumbers. To do this, the husk itself is crushed and added dry to the beds when they are first dug. You can also add the prepared decoction along with the boiled husks.

Proportions - on square meter three liters of husk and/or solution. Such preliminary treating the beds will significantly reduce the risk of seedlings becoming infected with mold and rot.

Next processing and feeding carried out when planting cucumber seeds using a strong decoction according to the above recipe. To protect and strengthen the plants throughout the entire growth period, the process is repeated several times, starting from the emergence of seedlings. The composition is prepared according to the recipe described above, watering the plants themselves and spraying the above-ground part.

Fertilizing plants with infusion of onion peels

Infusion will improve soil structure, enriches it with microelements and nutrients. To prepare it, take a tightly packed husk liter jar. Fill this volume with eight liters of boiling water.

You can do this in three stages, if there is no suitable container. Cover the container with a lid and set aside for 24 hours. For direct treatment of plants and fertilizing, dilute the infusion at a rate of one to five. Water and spray plants, including zucchini, potatoes, cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes.

Feeding plants with a decoction of onion peels

A decoction is used to feed and process zucchini, including zucchini, potatoes, squash, pumpkin and the like. It is most convenient to use in advance cook concentrated decoction, which can be diluted for watering and spraying as needed.

To do this, take the husks and clean water in the following proportions: per glass of raw material one and a half to two liters of boiling water. The mixture is brought to a boil and left to infuse and cool under the lid.

Received concentrate is poorly stored, losing its healing and nutritional properties, so it is recommended to use it immediately, diluting it as needed at the rate of two liters of concentrated decoction per ten liters warm water(one standard galvanized bucket, filled to the very top).

The resulting solution is used to treat the bed before planting it. vegetable crops, for example, carrots or tomatoes, and then water and/or spray the garden every one to two weeks.

Using onions in caring for indoor flowers

At home, onions will successfully cope with health improvement, protection by fertilizing flowering and deciduous plants, except succulents and plants with fleshy leaves, including aloe, cacti, crassula and ficus.

For preparations Fertilizers for house plants Brew a glass of husk with two liters of boiling water, boil for about five minutes over low heat and let cool, covering with a lid. It is useful to squeeze out the brewed husk and dig it into the soil to enrich it.

Dry onion skins too Can inject into the ground during preparation landing tanks under indoor flowers and seedlings.

The prepared cooled decoction is watered and sprayed on the plants once or twice a week; this will strengthen the flowers and seedlings and protect them from damage by fungi, mold, bugs and rot.

Including dry crushed husks in the planting composition (3 liters per square meter), water the garden with ordinary water at room temperature. Usage additional liquid fertilizer based on onion peels for fruit plants may change their taste.

As preventive measure from pests, scatter the husks around the perimeter of the bed.

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