Lilies care for winter pruning. When to prune lilies: after flowering or in the fall for winter

Lily is a plant that has long won the love of flower growers. Many colors, shades and shapes of buds delight their owners. There are up to 100 species of this flower in the world, and there are more and more hybrids and varieties every year. In our country, lilies grow throughout the entire territory, be it Kamchatka or Krasnodar region. Lilies are grown not only to decorate a personal plot, but also for the purpose of running a business that brings considerable income to its owners.

Variety of popular plants

There are both wild and artificially bred species of lilies. Breeders around the world divide lilies into 9 species:

  • Wild-growing (curly, Daurian, saffron);
  • Asian hybrids;
  • Hybrids Martalon;
  • Snow-white hybrids;
  • American hybrids;
  • Longiflorum hybrids;
  • Trumpet lilies;
  • Oriental hybrids;
  • Interspecific hybrids (LA, OT, OA hybrids).

On personal plots Most often, wild lilies are grown, which do not require careful care. They only need to be replanted to a new location every 3-4 years, dividing the bulbs. If these lilies grow in one place for a long time, then they become thickened with young plants, bloom little and become weak. These types of lilies easily tolerate severe frosts and do not require covering the soil for the winter, much less digging up the bulbs.

Asian hybrids

Asian hybrids are also common in garden plots our country. These hybrids were bred in Europe, but in their genetic chain they still have the same wild relatives. Moreover, this type of lily has up to 40 varietal colors and shapes. Highlight:

  • short;
  • Tall;
  • With simple inflorescences;
  • With terry buds.

The only difference Asian hybrids from other species - absence in them; aroma. They are easy to care for, grow in well-lit places, periodically require planting, and the bulbs overwinter well in the soil. Only in the most severe frosts is it necessary to add young bulbs to the place where they grow. more snow. Asian hybrids most often reproduce by division or by young baby bulbs.

LA - hybrids

LA - hybrids - lilies bred by crossing langiflorum - hybrids with Asian hybrids. This variety is distinguished by large flowers with a unique aroma, of which up to 10 pieces are formed on one peduncle.

There are several types of aircraft - hybrids:

Early varieties that bloom in the first half of summer;
Medium varieties, which bloom in July;
Late varieties, blooming in August-September.

Flower buds of Asian hybrids are large, blooming long time, suitable for cutting and arranging bouquets. But the beauty of these plants requires special attention. Plants are susceptible to various viral diseases, do not tolerate sudden temperature changes in the atmosphere and do not survive in winter at sufficiently low temperatures.

If in the southern part of Russia these plants can be preserved in the soil in winter by covering the bulbs additional layer soil, mulch or spruce branches, then in Siberia it is worth digging up the bulbs and storing them in basement or in the refrigerator.

OT - hybrids

Insanely beautiful plants with huge flowers and an indescribable aroma. OT - hybrids obtained by crossing Oriental lilies and trumpet lilies. But for all their royal beauty, OT hybrids are not popular among amateur gardeners. They are too picky to grow. For planting, you need to choose places that are sufficiently lit with good light nutritious soil. OT - hybrids do not tolerate excess moisture, drought, or severe frosts. And as a result, the bulbs of these lilies must be dug out winter period, they should never be left in the soil; they are susceptible to freezing.

Caring for OT and LA bulbs - hybrids

It is necessary to dig plant bulbs out of the soil before the first frost. This is best done in warm, dry weather, during the midday hours.

After the bulbs are dug, they should be dried in the sun, the excess soil should be shaken off and placed in a box in rows, sprinkling the layers with dry peat or moss.

Damaged or rotten bulbs should be cleaned and treated with dry potassium permanganate powder. It is best to store such specimens separately and plant them away from healthy plants.

It is best to store bulbs in a cool room where there is no sunlight or electric lighting. The temperature should not exceed +7 °C and the room should be dry. In this way, the bulbs are stored until the onset of warm spring days, at which time they are planted again in the ground.

Advice for novice flower growers - you should start your acquaintance with lilies with varieties of Asian hybrids, which are less whimsical.

Subject to compliance proper care, lilies give their owners powerful, bright, long-lasting blooms, delighting the eyes and creating a holiday for those around them.

They are very diverse in their varieties. But everyone is similar in terms of care.

To accurately cover it before the onset of cold periods, follow the required steps:

  1. Trimming.
  2. Covering the bulbs.
  3. Full excavation.

It is important to do this in the fall around the end of September. Many gardeners cannot find the best rule among the three options for all species and are looking for individual approach to all varieties.

How to preserve lilies in winter

So that they survive the winter and do not deteriorate or become moldy, follow the classic rules:

  1. Cold-resistant varieties can be covered with leaves or manure humus in a layer of 10–15 cm.
  2. Unsustainable species must be dug up.
  3. The roots should never be cut off.
  4. Proper storage of dug up bulbs.
  5. Two weeks before planting, be sure to water them in the containers in which they were stored.
  6. Precision planting in spring.

There are varieties that are not at all adapted to temperature changes. They must be dug up before the onset of cold weather.

Under ordinary shelter they will not be able to overwinter and delight you with their blooms. Therefore, they are completely dug out of the soil of the earth.

They dig in several stages:

  1. Remove any dry petals or leaves.
  2. Dig out completely with the head.
  3. Inspect carefully appearance the bulb itself.
  4. Rinse the head with warm water.
  5. Soak for half an hour in a disinfectant.
  6. Roll the onion in ash.
  7. Dry completely.
  8. Store in a cool place, checking constantly.

Once properly prepared, it should be placed in a special container and covered with a cloth similar to burlap. If possible, place moss in a container.

In this way we preserve from autumn to spring. When spring arrives, it is important to carefully examine the roots of the head and shorten them a little.

To prevent the bulbs from spoiling, also observe several storage conditions:

  1. The storage location should not be very dry.
  2. The storage location should not be very humid.
  3. The air temperature should not be very high or low.
  4. Make sure that mold does not appear.

How and when to prune lilies for the winter

If the species are resistant to cold periods, then they do not need to be completely dug up. Therefore, you should simply tear off the dry parts according to the rules, preparing for the cold.

Gardeners constantly adhere to incorrect cutting. As soon as the bud has bloomed, they immediately begin to prune the flower.

This is incorrect because after flowering the stems still have vitality and continue to accumulate nutrients.

You can also tear off leaves in several stages:

  1. Start the procedure before the first cold weather sets in.
  2. The leaves are cut 10 cm from the ground.
  3. Gently loosen the soil.
  4. Sprinkle plenty of sawdust around the tuber.
  5. Cover it near the ground with film.
  6. Trim old or damaged leaves annually.

The leaves and flowers die off on their own in the fall and therefore it is better not to touch them to avoid dying.

If they grow in unstable temperatures weather conditions, then it’s better to dig them up for the winter. This way you will save your life for a long time.

How and what to cover lilies for the winter

Cold-resistant varieties do not particularly need special shelter. Covering them with a snow layer of up to 10 cm will be enough for them. But it is important to know that excess moisture will be a threat, and they can freeze in the cold season.

You can cover them different materials.The main ones:

  1. Wood sawdust.
  2. Peat.
  3. Compost.
  4. Ruberoid.
  5. Pieces of roofing felt.
  6. Film.

They usually cover in mid-October or a little later (when the first snow falls). This is done directly a week after the first snow.

It is also important to remove the buildup in time. If you remove it ahead of schedule, the heads may freeze and will not survive the next season. And when you harvest it too late, the stems will be very thin and will not be able to grow normally.

Frequently asked questions and answers

Without knowing the care rules or not adhering to them, gardeners constantly make mistakes. But there are also solutions. It is not always possible to find them right away.

But here are some of them:

How to feed the soil for flower growth for more than one year?

The most the best fertilizer There could be potassium sulfate here. It is advisable to add it to the soil immediately after flowering. Now you will be able to preserve the heads for more than one year.

Where is the best place to plant? In the shade or in the sun?

It is important to know the main characteristics of all varieties. They feel normal both in the sun and in the shade. But those growing in the shade grow tall and must be tied up. Lilies that grow on sunny place, need abundant watering. They fade faster. Acceptable planting options would be places where the sun's rays last only half a day. Then watering should be only once a day (in the evening). Do not constantly flood the soil with water.

Is it possible to plant on clay soil?

These are flowers that do not require special soil. They can also grow in clayey areas. The main thing to remember is that drainage is needed here. It promotes rotting of the bulbs.

How to achieve lush flowering?

Follow some specifics:

  1. Morning sun.
  2. Intensive watering when planting a bud.
  3. Fertilizer feeding.
  4. Loosening the soil.
  5. In the first year of flowering, cut off all buds.

What to do after flowering?

The buds fall off on their own and you don’t need to do anything. The only thing worth knowing is preparing for overwintering. After flowering, you need to feed it one last time and increase watering.

How to properly remove a dried bud?

There are no main differences from other herbs equipped with bulbs. You just have to remember that it is better to cut them off in the morning or evening. It is not advisable to cut with a knife as you can introduce disease. It is better to break it obliquely, then water will accumulate on the cut and the stem will not dry out.

If the heads have sprouts, how to plant them correctly?

There are only two options here:

  • Wait until the bores grow to 20 cm, then plant them in the ground.
  • Plant it in a pot and leave it to overwinter in it.

Why do the leaves turn yellow?

Promotes yellowing high humidity. To avoid yellowing (if it is not possible to replant), you can feed the plant. You can also treat it with the composition Bordeaux mixture. On humid days, you can also water the photo with Spirina. This will promote the appearance of fungus.

Helpful advice:

Stick to care cold period, and you will be able to save a variety of products for yourself for more than one year color scheme a plant that won't really make you waste your time.

But you also need to take into account the characteristics of all varieties.

During the summer season, lilies are not required special care. It is enough to water so that the soil around them is not dry, loosen the soil around each bush, remove weeds and apply fertilizer several times a season. But with the arrival of autumn, caring for lilies will become more difficult. How to properly prepare flowers for winter season? When do they require digging, and which of them can simply be trimmed and covered before the onset of cold weather? All this should be reminded of those gardeners who decide to grow these beautiful flowers in their garden.

Features of caring for lilies in autumn and preparing for winter

Not all types of lilies require careful care. autumn time– the simplest of them just need to be fed and trimmed. And you don’t even have to cover it before the frost starts. But varietal varieties You can’t just leave lilies over the winter- most likely, they will simply freeze. Basic procedures carried out in the fall in a flower garden with these beautiful plants, will be described below.

Pruning lilies in autumn

When should you prune lilies in the fall and how to do it correctly? Is it really necessary to carry out this procedure: maybe just leave these plants as they are? However experienced flower growers it is still recommended to carry out autumn pruning lilies. The process of pruning these flowers is simple, the main thing is to carry out this procedure on time so as not to harm the plants.

When to prune lilies: after flowering or in the fall for winter

Most varieties finish flowering early - by mid-summer. And many inexperienced gardeners tend to immediately prune these flowers. Is it correct? It turns out not. Not only do cut stems look unsightly in a flowerbed next to plants that continue to bloom, but such a procedure carried out at the wrong time harms the lilies themselves. After flowering ends, vital processes continue in the foliage and stems. The roots continue to grow and store nutrients for the winter, and the process of photosynthesis continues in the foliage. Therefore immediately After flowering, lilies are not pruned, but give the bulb an opportunity to gain strength before the coming winter.

Technology for pruning lilies after flowering (summer) and autumn

Lily pruning is done gradually. At the end of flowering, the petals fall off on their own, and in place of the flowers, boxes with seeds begin to form, and they will need to be cut off so that the plant does not waste energy on producing seeds. In addition, most likely, this will have a positive effect on the development and better ripening of the bulb. In general, this type of pruning is called summer pruning.

Video: pruning lilies in summer after flowering

A final trimming lilies are already being carried out in autumn, so to speak, for the winter, when the stems and leaves wither and dry out, in other words, the formation of the bulb will end. This usually occurs (depending on climatic conditions) in early or mid-September. Then the stems are either completely removed or stumps up to 10-15 cm high are left.

It is better not to leave withered stems and foliage unpruned until spring (if the variety overwinters in open ground). They can “hide” in them for the winter pests or pathogens, which will wake up in the spring and cause a lot of harm flowering plants and other crops growing in the garden. It is better to immediately collect and burn all cut aerial parts.

Autumn care for lilies before and after pruning

In addition to pruning, autumn period To prepare for winter, lilies require fertilizing and treatment against diseases.


Immediately after these perennials fade, under them Fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus should be added. For example, you can use potassium sulfate (potassium sulfate) and superphosphate, 30-40 grams per 1 sq. meter of beds or flower beds, or a special ready-made mineral fertilizer marked " Autumn." For lovers organic farming will fit bone meal (phosphorus) and wood ash(potassium), 100 grams per 1 sq. meter.

Important! However, you cannot use ash for lilies that do not tolerate alkalization of the soil, and these are varieties such as “Oriental”, “Asian”, “American”, “LA-hybrids”.

This potassium-phosphorus fertilizing will allow the plants to ripen before the onset of winter and restore strength after abundant flowering and prepare for the onset of cold weather. These fertilizers will allow the root system to receive a large number of nutrients and better withstand the cold, and in the spring they will make it possible to grow the above-ground parts of flowers faster.

Under those lilies that will not be dug up for the winter, you should add a layer of rotted leaves or compost(the thickness of such a layer should be at least 15-20 cm). This fertilizer will serve as a kind of “blanket” for the roots and provide additional protection from the impending frost. And in the spring there will be humus good fertilizer and mulch for lilies.

This shelter is suitable for long-flowered, oriental and American hybrids.

The main fertilizing is now complete, but caring for flowering perennials continues.

Treatment for diseases


Already from the end of summer, that is, from about mid-August, it is recommended to avoid watering lilies altogether, because... the bulbs can simply get wet due to the abundant moisture.

How to properly cover lilies for the winter

If flower growers leave their flowers to winter in the open ground, then before the onset of cold weather, most of them should be covered. You can leave these flowers without shelter if the region has mild winters (for example, in the south of Russia) and the varieties are highly frost-resistant.

In principle, if lilies do not grow in the conditions of the Far North (and climatic conditions close to them), then Many varieties and hybrids can be left in flower beds for the winter:

  • Asian (tiger) hybrids;
  • Martagon (curly);
  • Candidum;
  • Tubular;
  • hybrids Longiflorum Asiatic (LA),
  • OT hybrids;
  • Royal;
  • Daurian.

All of the above varieties feel great in the garden in winter, but they should be covered in case of severe frosts.

Shelter is necessary only long-flowered, oriental and American hybrids of lilies.

Lilies usually do not require special shelter, if in winter a large amount of snow falls in a given region, which will cover the bulbs during the winter. If there is little snowfall or the winter is warm, then care should be taken in advance to prepare natural covering material. It is best to use pine needles (pine or spruce sawdust, or spruce branches), under which slugs and other “harmful” insects will not crawl, as well as pests (especially mice) that can damage the growing points of bulbous plants. A layer of high-moor peat can be poured on top of the needles, which will prevent the needles from flying away in gusts of wind. In colder regions, the top is covered with a special covering material.

By the way! In autumn, when there is heavy rain, it is recommended to lightly cover the lilies with film. As soon as a constant minus is established, the film is removed.

Thus, lilies should be covered correctly for the winter, and the shelter should be removed (removed) on time. If you remove it too early, the growing stems will freeze during spring frosts. And if opened too late, the stems grow too thin.

Digging up lily bulbs and storing them in winter

But if exclusive varieties of these flowers were planted in the flower garden, flower growers know little about their frost resistance, then it is better to dig up such lilies for the winter and store them at home. There are types and varieties of these flowers that are too delicate and even with good insulation may freeze over the winter:

  • American;
  • Long-flowered;
  • Oriental hybrids.

If possible, then These varieties of lilies are transplanted into a greenhouse for the winter or grown there all year round . Otherwise, bulbs of these varieties are dug up in the fall and stored indoors.

But not only those varieties of lilies that are not highly frost-resistant are dug up for the winter. Some hybrid varieties from Asian and other species dug up in the fall to separate the babies, who grew up for summer season, from maternal bulbs. Over the winter, the children grow so tightly to the main bulb that it will no longer be possible to separate them. In the spring, they will take on the bulk of the nutrients and moisture, which will negatively affect the development of the mother bulb and the entire plant as a whole. As a result, the plant will be weakened, grow slower, and flowering will be weak.

Therefore, in the fall, such lilies are also dug up, the bulbs are separated from the children, and then the main bulbs are planted again in open ground. It is better to plant the children in the flower garden in the spring and leave them indoors for the winter.

The process of digging up lily bulbs is carried out in stages:

  • First, the stems of the bulbs are trimmed;
  • then you need to dig the bulbs out of the pre-moistened soil;
  • all soil from them must be carefully shaken off;
  • you should carefully examine the bulbs to see if the roots are rotten or if there are dried scales;
  • then they are washed under running cold water;
  • clean bulbs are placed for half an hour in a disinfectant solution (potassium permanganate or Karbofos, Maxim);
  • then the bulbs are laid out to dry.

And only after all the procedures described above are carried out, the lily bulbs are ready for storage.

How and where to store

It is optimal to store lily bulbs in cool and sufficiently wet areas at a positive temperature of up to 10 degrees (ideally 6-8), humidity - from 70% and above.

As for the storage method, it’s good to sprinkle the bulbs with a mixture of peat and sawdust in a box that was previously covered with newspapers ( coniferous species), and then cover the top again with newspapers or paper.

Advice! During storage, periodically inspect the lily bulbs for rotting and promptly treat them with fungicides or the most common green stuff.

Video: preparing lilies for winter - digging and storing

Mistakes in caring for lilies in the fall and when preparing for winter

The main mistakes that novice gardeners make when caring for lilies in the fall:

  • continue to water, although there is already a lot of rainfall in the fall;
  • they forget to fertilize in the fall;
  • stems and foliage of plants are cut too early or not cut at all;
  • Do not dig up bulbs of those varieties in the fall in which the children can grow to the mother ones over the winter;
  • do not dig up in the fall those varieties that cannot winter in open ground;
  • plants are not properly covered for the winter;
  • removing cover from lilies too early or too late.

Autumn care lilies and preparations for winter should be carried out correctly so that the plant next year will “thank” its owners with active flowering.

Video: how to prepare lilies for winter

In contact with

Every gardener, from beginner to professional, wants to grow beautiful lilies in their garden. Flowers that will delight you with their blooms for many years.

To obtain abundant and long flowering, healthy and large bulbs and favorable wintering of plants, you need to know the rules for caring for, pruning and preparing these flowers for winter. To improve growth, you will need to provide special care for them.

Is pruning necessary after flowering?

Many flower growers are confident that these flowers tolerate winter well without any preparation, and there is no need to care for them. Maybe it is so. But such lilies are distinguished by fragile stems, small leaves and sparse, short-lived flowering. Not the best option for the lover of exquisite flowers

Unfortunately, every garden goes through a colorful flowering period. The petals fall away, all that remains is seed pod and a trunk with leaves. The presence of such trunks, which are not particularly beautiful, forces many to take up pruning shears. Faded lilies stand out especially if there are no other plants blooming nearby (for example, Turkish cloves). Summer residents and gardeners have several opinions about whether pruning is necessary and what to do next when the lilies have faded.

For this perennial, summer and even early autumn is the time to gain as much as possible. more strength. All summer long, this plant strengthens and grows the bulb so as not to freeze in winter. If you cut the flower stems after flowering to the root, the bulb will not gain enough strength for the winter.

The fact is that green stems and leaves undergo photosynthesis both during the flowering period and after it. This chemical process, which is produced by green plants, saturates the bulbs and roots of the perennial with oxygen. It is photosynthesis that allows you to wait out the winter for a long time and successfully. perennial plants and delight caring gardeners with beautiful flowers all next summer. Therefore, pruning after flowering will not help the grower to care for the plant..

Lilies are grown in garden plots different varieties and types.

They all need special care and attention, especially in the autumn. Some gardeners stubbornly insist that lily bulbs tolerate frost well and do not require any preparation, but this is not so. If you want to next summer the flowerbed is buried in flowers, you need to follow some advice from experienced gardeners.

Why do you need to prepare lilies for winter?

Despite the fact that nature has endowed the bulbs with special powers, they still need to be helped to survive the cold. Without shelter and other measures, the plant simply will not survive. In the spring, instead of a lush flower bed at the planting site, you can find several miserable plants that, most likely, will not produce color.

To enjoy bright and memorable flowering, you need to put in a lot of work in autumn, especially in northern regions. Even if lilies are grown in warm climates where there are no severe frosts, they still require preparation for winter. During the cold season, the plant's bulbs attract rodents. Therefore, at the preparation stage it is necessary to protect them as much as possible from pests.

In addition, spring flooding harms lilies. Therefore, in the fall you need to think about where to place the bed with your favorite plants.

When to prepare lilies for winter: timing of work

Experienced gardeners They begin to take care of lilies from the moment they are planted. When choosing a bed, you need to assess the possibility of flooding the bulbs in the spring. If such a possibility cannot be excluded, the planting holes should be equipped with drainage or another site should be selected.

The timing of the work depends on whether the bulbs will overwinter in the garden bed. If lilies are dug up for the winter, and further landing planned for the spring, the work must be completed no later than October. If the lilies will overwinter in the ground, then they are dug up in August.

Caring for lilies in autumn, photo

Preparing lilies for cold weather occurs in stages. Each type of work is carried out strictly according to schedule.

Pruning lilies in autumn

At the stage of preparing lilies for wintering, it is necessary to trim them, leaving only stems about 10 cm long. This procedure is carried out in the fall. Some gardeners advise trimming the flower shoot immediately after flowering. But in nature nothing happens in vain. The period after flowering is very important for the plant. At this moment, nutrients are laid down for future flowering. They gradually descend down to the bulb. You can cut the arrow only after it has dried naturally.

Feeding lilies before winter

Inexperienced gardeners Are you wondering why you need to feed lilies after flowering? During this period, not only the accumulation of nutrients occurs, but also the maturation of the bulb. The plant needs additional nutrition. Potassium and phosphate fertilizers.

1 tsp. superphosphate;

1 tsp. potassium salt.

Mix all components and dissolve in 5 liters hot water. Warm solution Water the bush at the rate of 0.5 liters per plant.

Important! Application nitrogen fertilizers in the autumn period it is contraindicated. It is better to leave them for spring feeding.

To cover or not to plant lilies for the winter?

This question torments every gardener. But it is definitely very difficult to answer this question. There will be nothing wrong if you cover a bed with plants with dry leaves, sawdust or straw.

Experienced summer residents advise using pine needles as a mulching material. It will not only protect the plantings from frost, but will also protect against snails and rodents. Bulb pests do not like this “treat”.

Don't forget that snow is an excellent insulator. In regions with snowy winters, regularly add it to the lily bed. If there is little snow in winter, then the layer of mulch needs to be thicker.

When to insulate a bed with lilies? Work needs to start late autumn, When upper layer the soil is already frozen.

How to protect lilies from melt water

It happens that all the efforts of a gardener go down the drain. It seems that the bed was insulated and fed, and the winter was not harsh, but the flowers still get sick or disappear, there are few shoots, and those that exist look sad. What is the reason? The bulbs were flooded with meltwater, and they simply began to rot. Lilies absolutely cannot tolerate excess moisture at the roots. How to help the plant?

You need to take care of the comfortable wintering of the bulbs at the time of planting. Can be done high bed and good drainage. Place at the bottom of the hole and on top of the bulb river sand layer of 5-10 cm. It serves as protection against flooding, removes excess moisture from the root system.

Some gardeners advise covering the place where lilies are planted with film, slate or roofing felt. This material will not miss the spring melt water to the roots. When it gets warmer, it is enough to remove the covering material, and the leaves can be left on the garden bed as fertilizer.

Wintering lilies in the house: how to prepare the bulbs

Very often gardeners dig bulbous plants and leave them for the winter at home. Despite this, the flower also needs to be prepared for the dormant period. Caring for lilies in the fall should follow all the rules.

1. Be sure to cut off all the stems of the plant when they are dead.

2. Lilies are dug up in mid-September or early October. The procedure must be carried out carefully, trying not to damage the rhizomes. As a rule, pitchforks are used.

3. The dug up bulbs are freed from the soil, washed in a running water warm water.

5. To ensure good preservation of the planting material, it is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or karbofos.

6. Prepared rhizomes are dried in air or in a room with good ventilation, away from sun rays.

If the points have been observed, then, most likely, the plants will tolerate the dormant period well and will be pleased with friendly shoots in the spring.

Important! During the drying stage, try not to overdry the bulbs. They should remain juicy and dense. The gardener's task is to rid planting material from surface moisture so that the process of rotting does not begin.

Where to store bulbs in winter

The main task at this stage is to create conditions for a comfortable winter. You can store the bulbs on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, in the basement or on the loggia. The main rule is that the room temperature should not fall below 0 degrees.

If the storage room is too damp, then you need to inspect the rhizomes more often to see if there are any signs of rot. When humidity is low, a bag of lilies is placed in damp moss.

You can store bulbs in the basement in cardboard boxes. Sawdust, sand or wet peat are poured onto the bottom and on top of the bulbs. You can cover containers with lilies with damp burlap.

During storage, do not forget to regularly inspect the planting material. If necessary, moisten it or disinfect it in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Let's sum it up

When caring for lilies in the fall, it is important to follow all the necessary rules and help the plants withstand the cold. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the variety and climatic conditions where flowers are grown.

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