Latex paint on a water-dispersion acrylic base. Latex paint or acrylic - which is better?

How to choose paint for wood, for example, for the facade of a building? A number of product items are eliminated immediately; they are suitable only for interior work. Here you need to understand that the properties of the paint that will be used in sufficient unfavorable conditions, must be specific: we expect increased stability and durability from such paint.

The modern chemical industry offers a lot of options, including acrylate paints from various manufacturers (Finnish, Canadian, Russian). And in many cases, the use of such paint is preferable.

Acrylate paints on wood for exterior use

Exterior paint must have a formula that is unique in many respects.

Such construction material must demonstrate stability:

  • to low temperatures throughout the cold period, from November to March;
  • to high temperatures throughout the summer;
  • to possible sudden changes in temperature (up to 20 degrees per day);
  • to the influence of direct sun rays and high humidity;
  • to the action of chemicals (in sediments).

Composition of acrylate materials for painting

Painting wood: what is important to consider?

When painting wooden surfaces, it must be taken into account that wood is a special material. It's natural organic material, which is characterized by such disadvantages as the possibility of rotting, damage by mold, and other harmful microorganisms. In addition, the material has a specific structure (depending on the type of wood), which I would like to preserve without having a destructive effect on it.

Painting is a means of protecting your timber home, increasing its durability and improving its appearance for decades to come.

In this regard, we can add new items to the list of requirements for paints for exterior woodwork.

Such building material should:

  • have antiseptic properties;
  • provide protection from the influence of various microorganisms;
  • preserve the structure of the tree, give it the opportunity to “breathe” to maintain the microclimate in the building.

Acrylate paints for exterior woodwork from the Finnish Tikkurila are some of the most popular on the market

Choosing paint: weighing the pros and cons

What offers do we have from manufacturers? Choice among excellent building materials rich enough. Many specialty modern exterior paints meet most of the above requirements. Moreover, they are different beautiful shade, which does not disappear over several years.

Each type of paint has its own advantages, and to make the right choice you need to understand what characteristics are important in your case.

For example, traditional Oil paint not only has good performance, but also a heavy odor, and when using them there are difficulties with long drying times. Another problem: they quickly lose their brightness. Moreover, their price is acceptable for many.

Oil paint for exterior and interior use

Acrylate paints belong to the family more modern materials. They are environmentally friendly, allow the wood to breathe, and ensure air penetration through the entire surface (important for any type of wood), which makes the house more durable. In addition, they have almost no odor and do not have any harmful effects on performers construction work. Such paints dry in a short time.

A wide range of tools can be used for painting with acrylate paints. In any case, the result of construction work will be excellent: a brush, a spray gun, and a roller of any size will do. The consistency of the paint allows you to change tools without compromising the quality of the final work. The facade will look great! And one more serious argument in favor of acrylate paints: they mix well with each other (which cannot be said about oil paints). This property allows you to create new non-standard shades.

When using acrylate paints, the color layer is highly elastic. This gives the effect of a smooth, even coating on which even small cracks do not appear, despite the shrinkage processes of the building.

Features of the production of acrylate paints

Characteristics of acrylate paints for exterior woodwork

The advantages of such paints include:

  • resistance to all weather conditions;
  • breathability;
  • ease of application;
  • quick drying;
  • excellent adhesion;
  • Can be used for any type of wood;
  • optimal consumption;
  • preventing the formation of rot;
  • slow wear.

But the only disadvantages include:

  • high price;
  • the need to use a high-quality primer.

Application of acrylate paints

Acrylate and acrylic: what is the difference?

Let's look at another nuance: what is the difference between acrylic and acrylate paints. You will see both names on the shelves of building materials stores. Maybe we are talking about the same product, which different manufacturers simply call differently? No, the difference still exists and lies in the addition of specialized chemical impurities: in acrylic paint, the binder is concentrated compounds. No additives or impurities are used. For the production of acrylates, special substances are used: acrylate-copolymer dispersions, which reduce cost and also add beneficial features(for example, they increase the permeability of the paint surface to water vapor - this provides a “breathing” effect).

At the same time, the similarity between acrylic and acrylate paints is not limited to just a certain commonality of name: these building materials have a common base and a certain similarity in properties (dry quickly, do not lose shade intensity).

What is the difference between acrylic and acrylate paints?

Acrylate paints: main manufacturers

Let's look at the main manufacturers of acrylate paints. The buyer should decide in advance which companies produce building materials with a suitable price-quality ratio for you.

  • "Tikkurila";
  • Dufa;
  • Teknos;
  • "Olivesta";
  • Isaval.

In the ranking the best manufacturers Tikkurila (Finland) is in first place. Finns are great at painting wooden buildings, located in harsh northern conditions - their houses have always been distinguished by bright, rich colors. In Scandinavia, acrylate paints from Tikkuril are the quality standard for painting wooden facades.

Matt acrylate Tikkurila paint Pika-Teho

Statistics say that in the Scandinavian countries over 80% of all wooden houses painted with acrylate (and acrylic) paints. The company uses only high-quality raw materials to produce products. If we talk about the shortcomings of Tikkuril, we must admit that the price of paint from this manufacturer is high.

Video - Tikkurila Helmi - acrylate paint for wood

The Canadian manufacturer Forester is also distinguished by its competent approach to the production of paint and varnish products for coating wooden houses located in the temperate zone. An excellent palette of colors, stability, unsurpassed brightness - all this can be said about Forester. The company also offers a wide range of primers and other special materials for processing wooden surfaces. The price of building materials from Forester also cannot be called affordable.

The German company Dufa produces acrylate paints High Quality. Reviews of their products are consistently positive. For example, paint white, produced by the Dufa company, retains its pristine whiteness for many years.

Water-dispersion paint Düfa Expert SILOXAN FASSADE facade acrylate paint, white

There are other, lesser-known European manufacturers who produce paints of consistently high quality; among them:

  • VivaColor (Estonia);
  • Reesa (Germany);
  • Isaval (Spain).

Table. Characteristics of acrylate paints from major manufacturers.

Tikkurila Finland Paints are great for harsh climatic conditions. Wide choose shades. Ideal for use on wooden surfaces. Provide super-economical consumption. The downside is the high price.
Dufa Germany Good performance characteristics. Excellent coating for wooden surfaces. Disadvantage: high consumption, high price.
Teknos Finland Finnish quality. Easy to apply, forms a smooth matte surface. Economical consumption.
Olivesta Russia Decent quality. Constant updating of the assortment. Affordable price. In terms of color characteristics, it is inferior to European manufacturers.

Instructions for painting a wooden facade using acrylate paints

The process consists of several stages; let’s look at the features of each of them.

Stage 1. Estimation of the scope of work and materials

Buy paint from the same manufacturer: even if the same color is indicated on the packaging of different manufacturers, this does not guarantee a complete match of the shade. For example, traditional white paint produced by different companies may have noticeable differences.

Step 1. First of all, you need to estimate how much paint, primer and preservative (if necessary) you will need. To do this, measure the area of ​​the facade.

Step 2. Different types of paints use differently, so here you will need to refer to the instructions printed on the packaging of the selected paint. There, the manufacturer always indicates the amount of paint that is spent on painting a particular surface. On average, modern acrylate paints are consumed in a volume of 300-400 ml per 1 square meter. m. However, these are average figures; it is better to clarify this point in the instructions.

Scope of application of facade paints and approximate service life

Step 3. By multiplying the figure indicated there by the area of ​​the facade, you will get the total volume of paint.

Step 4. Divide this figure by the volume of the can of paint you choose to get the number of cans of paint you will need for the renovation.

Step 5. Round this number up to make a margin.

You also need to check the ambient temperature suitable for painting with this type of paint. Modern paints can be used even at subzero temperatures, but it is always better to clarify this in the instructions, and ideally carry out repair work at temperatures above + 5 degrees.

Stage 2. Preparing tools

For painting wooden facade you will need:

  • required amount of paint;
  • required volume of primer;
  • antiseptic;
  • several large and medium brushes for painting the borders of surfaces;
  • several rollers large enough to paint the main area.

Facade painting tools

Stage 3. Preparing the wooden surface

In order for the paint to apply evenly and better and stay on the facade for a long time, it is necessary to prepare wooden surface. The wall must be clean, free of dirt, so remove any remaining peeling old paint and mold using a stiff brush or spatula.

Preparing the facade of a wooden house for painting

Stage 4. Primer

It is better to use the same brand of primer as the paint. Calculate the surface and cost in advance, although with a primer it is somewhat easier - here you are not subject to the risk of color mismatch.

If for some reason you cannot find a primer of the exact same brand, purchase a product from another manufacturer, but suitable for exterior woodwork (plus one that matches acrylate paint). Such preparation will improve absorbency and give a smooth, beautiful surface after painting without uneven spots of a different shade.

Step 1. Clean the surface from dust.

Step 2. Fill all seams with a special wood putty.

Step 3. Apply antiseptic (if there has been a mold problem) along the wood grain.

Step 4. Apply primer (1 coat).

Applying primer to the facade of a wooden house

Step 5. Wait until the primer is completely dry before applying paint.

Stage 5. Preparing the paint

Different manufacturers require different steps when preparing paint for application to a wooden surface. Due to this general recommendations It is impossible to give, you should carefully read the instructions on the packaging. Dilution with water may be required, but the volume of water should not exceed the amount specified in the instructions.

Dilution of paint

Step 6: Painting

Carry out painting on a dry, sunny day. Do not carry out repair work in rain, extreme heat or extreme humidity.

By doing repair work with acrylate paints, you will need to apply two to five coats (to ensure the wood has good resistance to insect damage, mildew, and rich color). When painting large surfaces, it is wiser to use a roller.

Painting the facade of a wooden house with acrylate paint

The sequence of actions is given below.

Step 1. Stir the paint thoroughly.

Step 2. Dip the roller into the paint, make sure it is completely saturated with the solution, then lightly roll it over the piece of material you don’t need. This will help you get an even, high-quality coating without streaks.

Step 3. Apply the first coat of paint. It will take 3 to 4 hours for the surface to dry.

Step 4. Apply at least two to three more coats to ensure color durability and vibrancy. When painting, start at the top level, then work down to the lower areas.

Consumption facade paint per 1 sq. m. for plaster

You can find detailed information and façade consumption in this article! We also recommend reading the article about alkyd paint for wood for outdoor use.

Video - Painting a wooden facade

In this article we will talk about choosing interior paint for walls and ceilings. interior spaces. It’s easy to buy paint, but if you want it to fit the room perfectly and make you happy for a long time, you will have to approach her choice with all responsibility.

As already mentioned, for living rooms it is better to use water-dispersion (water-based) paints, as they are the most environmentally friendly clean materials. They do not contain solvents, are practically odorless and have excellent technological parameters.

What is paint made of?

Classification of water-dispersion paints

Water-dispersion or water-based paints

What is the difference between enamels and paints?

What is paint made of?

The paint consists of the following components:

  • Binders glue the components (solid particles) and form a paint film on the surface. Many basic properties of paint, such as abrasion resistance and moisture resistance, depend on binders. The binder is also responsible for the adhesion of paint to the surface.
  • Pigments or dyes give the final color and affect the hiding power of the paint. They also protect the painted surface from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and many have anti-corrosion properties.
  • Fillers provide the required opacity (hiding power) of the composition.
  • Supplements are designed to enhance one or another property of the paint and ensure the manufacturability of the surface painting process. Depending on the purpose of the paint and the manufacturer, various emulsifiers, stabilizers, defoamers, thickeners, waxes, corrosion inhibitors, antiseptics, substances that reduce drying time, etc. are added. Some additives and excipients improve the durability and weather resistance of the painted surface.
  • Water And solvents create the necessary environment for the listed components and impart the necessary viscosity to the paint and varnish composition.

Classification of water-dispersion paints

In addition to pigments and fillers, water-dispersion paints contain whole line various auxiliary additives, but we are more interested in the type or nature binder(film former), according to which all paintwork materials are classified.

The most popular types of water-dispersion paints are:

  • Acrylic;
  • Silicone;
  • Styrene acrylic;
  • Acrylic silicone;
  • Vinyl acrylic;
  • Butadiene-styrene;
  • Polyvinyl acetate (PVA).

In order to decide what paint to paint the walls or ceiling, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of all types of water-dispersed paints.

Acrylic paints

Binder (the basis)- polyacrylic (acrylic) latexes (polymers).

Advantages: due to its characteristics - strength, elasticity and durability, the most expensive of water-based paints. Acrylic paints are practically not afraid of the sun, water, and temperature fluctuations. Like other water-dispersed paints, they can be diluted with water, and after drying they become resistant to water. Suitable for both internal and external exterior finishing premises. Due to low gas permeability, they protect against corrosion reinforced concrete. Over time, acrylic paint pays for itself due to its durability and long service life. Can be used for outdoor work.

Flaws: high price, pure acrylic paint is too expensive and only well-known brands can afford to produce it.

What is the difference between acrylic paints and acrylate paints?

Essentially it's the same thing. Acrylate polymerizes to acrylic. We are purchasing acrylate paint, and applying it to the surface we obtain a coating in the form acrylic films. Thus, when talking about acrylic paint, we mean an acrylate binder.

What is the difference between acrylic paints and latex paints?

With development paint and varnish products marketers have to come up with and introduce more and more new expressions into product descriptions that emphasize the superiority of the product over competing analogues. Manufacturers often call waterborne paints polymer based latex. If natural latex is the sap of rubber plants, the synthetic latex used in paints is a dispersion of the polymers that make up the paint base. Therefore, the use of the term “latex” in the names and characteristics of paints is just a cunning marketing ploy by manufacturers to give their products additional advantages. Naturally, no one added any latex; the phrase “acrylic latex paint” is the same as “milk butter” (although the example is not very good).

Thus, a manufacturer can release 5 types of the same water-dispersion paint onto the market, calling the products, for example, latex, acrylic, acrylic-latex, acrylate, water-based paints (you can come up with more names, the main thing is to fill the shelves in stores). And everything will be sold successfully. And the buyer suffers from the problem of choice. Usually famous brands They won’t take such a step because they value their reputation.

Below in the text several options for acrylic and other water-dispersion paints that enjoy well-deserved trust will be presented. The list may be quite extensive, but these samples can be found on the shelves of hardware stores.

Dulux Magic White Application without splashing or drips.
Pink when applied, white when dry.
Binder: acrylic polymer emulsion.
Solids: 33% Density: 1.38 kg/l.
Touch dry time, 23°C 50%
RH: 1 hour
Time before applying the next layer, 23°C 50% RH: 2-4 hours
Consumption: 10-13 m?/l
Covering power: 2 layers
Gloss level: 7
Gardner: 60°
Flugger Flutex 5 For interior work. For most surfaces. For interior work, for painting ceilings and walls in living rooms, living rooms, premises and offices, as well as for external works on mineral facades made of cement plaster and concrete.
Density: 1.45 kg/l
Gloss level: 5, matte
Dry residue: Mass%: 55 Vol.%: 35
Consumption: 7-9 m2/l 4-5 m2/l when spraying
Application temperature: Min. working temperature during application and drying/curing: +5°C
Max. atmospheric humidity 80% RH
Dry at 20°C, 60% RH: Touch dry: 1 hour
Repainting interval: 2 hours
Full cure: Several days
Wash resistance: Class 2, according to EN 13300
Strength: Water vapor permeability: Sd= 0.18m Corresponding to class 2, according to EN 7783-2
Thinning: 1st coat: Max. 10% water 2nd coat: Do not dilute
Cleaning of instruments: Water
Dulux Bindo 40 In rooms with moderate and high humidity(kitchen, bathroom, etc.), as well as with increased operational requirements. For interior work. Binder: acrylic polymer dispersion.
Ingredients: Contains fungicides and algaecides.
Dry residue: 45%.
Density: 1.16 kg/l.
Touch dry time, 23°C 50% RH: 2 hours.
Time before applying the next layer, 23°C 50% RH: 4-6 hours.
Consumption: up to 14 m?/l.
Gloss level: 40.
Gardner: 60°.
Wet friction resistance class: 1.
Wet abrasion resistance class (certificates): ISO 11998
Tikkurila Luja For use in damp areas. Contains an anti-mold component. Base enamel: A, C
Gloss level: matte, semi-gloss, semi-matte.
Chemical resistance:
Withstands the action of denatured alcohol and white alcohol.
Paint consumption, m2/l:
Depending on the condition. surface: ~7
Heat resistance: 85? C.
Drying period: Superficial – 120 minutes, complete – 240 minutes.
Dry residue weight, about 40%.
Density: 1.2 kg/l
Caparol Samtex 3 E.L.F.

Deep matte, wash-resistant. For use in schools, kindergartens, office buildings, restaurants, medical institutions, halls.

Wet abrasion: class 2, corresponds to the “abrasion resistant” class according to DIN EN 13 300.
Covering capacity: class 3 with a productivity of 7.5 m2/l or approx. 135 ml/m2.
Maximum grain size: 5000 cycles (28 days), abrasion resistant - ISO 11998 12 microns (28 days, 200 cycles), class E2 Drying at 23C 50% RH: 2-4 hours for repainting.

The paints discussed above are usually produced in white. To obtain the desired color or shade, paints are tinted using special tinting dyes. Tinting is carried out either manually before starting work, or at the point of purchase in special tinting machines. Well, of course, not every paint can be tinted.

Designation of water-dispersed coatings based on the type of film-forming substance

Table A.1 GOST R 52020-2003

Name of VDLKM according to the type of film-forming substance

Designation VDLKM

Name of the main film-forming substances

Polyvinyl acetate AT TWO Polyvinyl acetate
Polyacrylic VD-AK Copolymers (and polymers) of acrylic and methacrylic acids, their esters and other derivatives with styrene, vinyl acetate and other vinyl monomers, as well as those cured with isocyanates
Rubber VD-KCH Divinylstyrene, divinylnitrile and other latexes, chlorinated rubber, cyclo rubber
Copolymer vinyl acetate VD-VS Copolymers of vinyl acetate with other vinyl compounds
Pentaphthalic VD-PF Modified alkyd resins

Water-dispersion or water-based paints

And yet, as correctly, the colors water-dispersed or water-based?

And what's the difference between paint And enamel?

Dispersion is a formation of two or more elements that practically do not mix with each other and do not react with each other chemically. In this case, the first substance (dispersed phase) is finely distributed in the second (dispersion medium).

Emulsion- This dispersive a system consisting of microscopic droplets of liquid (dispersion phase) distributed in another liquid (dispersion medium).

Thus, an emulsion is one of the varieties of a coarsely dispersed system (in this case, liquid). Natural emulsions include, for example, milk, consisting of butter, casein and water.

Both dispersion and emulsion are a mixture of one small amount of substance with another. It is a mixture, not a solution, since the transition of molecules from one phase to another does not occur.

In the case of water-based paint, the first substance (synthetic polymers) is distributed in the second substance (aqueous medium). Paint particles are suspended in water and equidistant from each other. When the paint dries, the water evaporates, and the particles come closer together and form a dense film on the surface.

Thus, we have come to the point that the phrase “ water-based paint" is not entirely correct, since emulsion means a mixture of liquid elements with a liquid medium.

But no one pays attention to these nuances anymore. Just like the fact that, for example, a solution of cement with water and sand cannot be from a chemical point of view solution, but is suspension.

Suspension (lat. suspensio, literally - suspension, from lat. suspendo - suspend) - a mixture of substances where the solid substance is distributed in the form of small particles in a liquid substance in a suspended (unsettled) state.

You can also refer to GOST 28196-89, which applies to water-dispersion paints, which are suspensions of pigments and fillers in aqueous dispersions of synthetic polymers with the addition of various auxiliary substances (emulsifier, stabilizer, etc.).

However, GOST 28246-2006 indicates that water-dispersion paint is “a liquid or paste-like pigmented paint and varnish material that has a paint and varnish medium in the form of a dispersion of an organic film-forming substance in water and forms an opaque when applied to the surface to be painted. paintwork».

What is the difference between enamels and paints?

What is the difference between enamels and paints? And what does “enamel paint” mean then?

Initially, the term “enamel” meant a thin glassy coating obtained by high-temperature treatment of oxides on the surface of metals.

This is most likely how the term “enamel paint” appeared in the descriptions for compositions that form a strong, smooth film on the surface. Moreover, GOST 28246-2006 already directly indicates that the term “enamel” is understood as “a liquid or paste-like pigmented paint and varnish material that has a paint and varnish medium in the form of a solution of a film-forming substance in organic solvents and forms an opaque paint and varnish coating when applied to the surface to be painted.” In the previous GOST 28246-89, the terms “paint” and “enamel” meant the same thing.

Thus, enamel implies a solution of a film-forming substance, in contrast to ordinary watercolor or oil paint, which do not have such properties and remain simply “paints”.

Of course, enamel paint cannot be compared with enamel covering metal utensils for example, since these are completely different technologies.

How to choose paint for wood, for example, for the facade of a building? A number of product items are eliminated immediately; they are suitable only for interior work. Here we must understand that the properties of paint that will be used in rather unfavorable conditions must be specific: we expect increased stability and durability from such paint.

The modern chemical industry offers a lot of options, including acrylate paints from various manufacturers (Finnish, Canadian, Russian). And in many cases, the use of such paint is preferable.

Exterior paint must have a formula that is unique in many respects.

Such a building material must demonstrate stability:

  • to low temperatures throughout the cold period, from November to March;
  • to high temperatures throughout the summer;
  • to possible sudden changes in temperature (up to 20 degrees per day);
  • to the influence of direct sunlight and high humidity;
  • to the action of chemicals (in sediments).

Painting wood: what is important to consider?

When painting wooden surfaces, it must be taken into account that wood is a special material. This is a natural, organic material, which is characterized by such disadvantages as the possibility of rotting, mold, and other harmful microorganisms. In addition, the material has a specific structure (depending on the type of wood), which I would like to preserve without having a destructive effect on it.

Painting is a means of protecting your timber home, increasing its durability and improving its appearance for decades to come.

In this regard, we can add new items to the list of requirements for paints for exterior woodwork.

Such building material should:

  • have antiseptic properties;
  • provide protection from the influence of various microorganisms;
  • preserve the structure of the tree, give it the opportunity to “breathe” to maintain the microclimate in the building.

Choosing paint: weighing the pros and cons

What offers do we have from manufacturers? The choice among excellent building materials is quite rich. Many specialty modern exterior paints meet most of the above requirements. In addition, they are distinguished by a beautiful shade that does not disappear over several years.

Each type of paint has its own advantages, and to make the right choice you need to understand what characteristics are important in your case.

For example, traditional Oil paint not only has good performance, but also a heavy odor, and when using them there are difficulties with long drying times. Another problem: they quickly lose their brightness. Moreover, their price is acceptable for many.

Acrylate paints belong to the family of more modern materials. They are environmentally friendly, allow the wood to breathe, and ensure air penetration through the entire surface (important for any type of wood), which makes the house more durable. In addition, they have almost no odor and do not have a harmful effect on construction workers. Such paints dry in a short time.

A wide range of tools can be used for painting with acrylate paints. In any case, the result of construction work will be excellent: a brush, a spray gun, and a roller of any size will do. The consistency of the paint allows you to change tools without compromising the quality of the final work. The facade will look great! And one more serious argument in favor of acrylate paints: they mix well with each other (which cannot be said about oil paints). This property allows you to create new non-standard shades.

When using acrylate paints, the color layer is highly elastic. This gives the effect of a smooth, even coating on which even small cracks do not appear, despite the shrinkage processes of the building.

Characteristics of acrylate paints for exterior woodwork

The advantages of such paints include:

  • resistance to all weather conditions;
  • breathability;
  • ease of application;
  • quick drying;
  • excellent adhesion;
  • Can be used for any type of wood;
  • optimal consumption;
  • preventing the formation of rot;
  • slow wear.

But the only disadvantages include:

  • high price;
  • the need to use a high-quality primer.

Acrylate and acrylic: what is the difference?

Let's look at another nuance: what is the difference between acrylic and acrylate paints. You will see both names on the shelves of building materials stores. Maybe we are talking about the same product, which different manufacturers simply call differently? No, the difference still exists and lies in the addition of specialized chemical impurities: in acrylic paint, the binder is concentrated compounds. No additives or impurities are used. For the production of acrylates, special substances are used: acrylate-copolymer dispersions, which reduce costs and also add useful properties (for example, they increase the permeability of the paint surface to water vapor - this provides a “breathing” effect).

At the same time, the similarity between acrylic and acrylate paints is not limited to just a certain commonality of name: these building materials have a common base and a certain similarity in properties (dry quickly, do not lose shade intensity).

Acrylate paints: main manufacturers

Let's look at the main manufacturers of acrylate paints. The buyer should decide in advance which companies produce building materials with a suitable price-quality ratio for you.

  • "Tikkurila";
  • Dufa;
  • Teknos;
  • "Olivesta";
  • Isaval.

In the ranking of the best manufacturers, Tikkurila (Finland) takes first place. The Finns are well versed in painting wooden buildings located in harsh northern conditions - their houses have always been distinguished by bright, rich colors. In Scandinavia, acrylate paints from Tikkuril are the quality standard for painting wooden facades.

Statistics say that in Scandinavian countries over 80% of all wooden houses are painted with acrylic (and acrylic) paints. The company uses only high-quality raw materials to produce products. If we talk about the shortcomings of Tikkuril, we must admit that the price of paint from this manufacturer is high.

Video - Tikkurila Helmi - acrylate paint for wood

The Canadian manufacturer Forester is also distinguished by its competent approach to the production of paint and varnish products for coating wooden houses located in the temperate zone. An excellent palette of colors, stability, unsurpassed brightness - all this can be said about Forester. The company also offers a large range of primers and other special materials for treating wooden surfaces. The price of building materials from Forester also cannot be called affordable.

The German company Dufa produces high quality acrylate paints. Reviews of their products are consistently positive. For example, white paint produced by the Dufa company retains its pristine whiteness for many years.

There are other, lesser-known European manufacturers who produce paints of consistently high quality; among them:

  • VivaColor (Estonia);
  • Reesa (Germany);
  • Isaval (Spain).

Table. Characteristics of acrylate paints from major manufacturers.

Manufacturing companyCountry of originCharacteristic
TikkurilaFinlandThe paints are excellent for harsh climates. Wide selection of shades. Ideal for use on wooden surfaces. Provide super-economical consumption. The downside is the high price.
DufaGermanyGood performance characteristics. Excellent coating for wooden surfaces. Disadvantage: high consumption, high price.
TeknosFinlandFinnish quality. Easy to apply, forms a smooth matte surface. Economical consumption.
OlivestaRussiaDecent quality. Constant updating of the assortment. Affordable price. In terms of color characteristics, it is inferior to European manufacturers.

Instructions for painting a wooden facade using acrylate paints

The process consists of several stages; let’s look at the features of each of them.

Stage 1. Estimation of the scope of work and materials

Buy paint from the same manufacturer: even if the same color is indicated on the packaging of different manufacturers, this does not guarantee a complete match of the shade. For example, traditional white paint produced by different companies may have noticeable differences.

Step 1. First of all, you need to estimate how much paint, primer and preservative (if necessary) you will need. To do this, measure the area of ​​the facade.

Step 2. Different types of paints use differently, so here you will need to refer to the instructions printed on the packaging of the selected paint. There, the manufacturer always indicates the amount of paint that is spent on painting a particular surface. On average, modern acrylate paints are consumed in a volume of 300-400 ml per 1 square meter. m. However, these are average figures; it is better to clarify this point in the instructions.

Step 3. By multiplying the figure indicated there by the area of ​​the facade, you will get the total volume of paint.

Step 4. Divide this figure by the volume of the can of paint you choose to get the number of cans of paint you will need for the renovation.

Step 5. Round this number up to make a margin.

You also need to check the ambient temperature suitable for painting with this type of paint. Modern paints can be used even at subzero temperatures, but it is always better to clarify this in the instructions, and ideally carry out repair work at temperatures above + 5 degrees.

Stage 2. Preparing tools

To paint a wooden facade you will need:

  • required amount of paint;
  • required volume of primer;
  • antiseptic;
  • several large and medium brushes for painting the borders of surfaces;
  • several rollers large enough to paint the main area.

Stage 3. Preparing the wooden surface

In order for the paint to apply evenly and better and stay on the facade for a long time, it is necessary to prepare the wooden surface. The wall should be clean, free of dirt, so remove any remaining peeling old paint and mold using a stiff brush or spatula.

Stage 4. Primer

It is better to use the same brand of primer as the paint. Calculate the surface and cost in advance, although with a primer it is somewhat easier - here you are not subject to the risk of color mismatch.

If for some reason you cannot find a primer of the exact same brand, purchase a product from another manufacturer, but suitable for exterior woodwork (plus one that matches acrylate paint). Such preparation will improve absorbency and give a smooth, beautiful surface after painting without uneven spots of a different shade.

Step 1. Clean the surface from dust.

Step 2. Fill all seams with a special wood putty.

Step 3. Apply antiseptic (if there has been a mold problem) along the wood grain.

Step 4. Apply primer (1 coat).

Step 5. Wait until the primer is completely dry before applying paint.

Stage 5. Preparing the paint

Different manufacturers require different steps when preparing paint for application to a wooden surface. In this regard, it is impossible to give general recommendations; you should carefully read the instructions on the packaging. Dilution with water may be required, but the volume of water should not exceed the amount specified in the instructions.

Step 6: Painting

Carry out painting on a dry, sunny day. Do not carry out repair work in rain, extreme heat or extreme humidity.

When doing renovations using acrylate paints, you will need to apply two to five coats (to ensure the wood has good resistance to insect damage, mildew, and rich color). When painting large surfaces, it is wiser to use a roller.

The sequence of actions is given below.

Step 1. Stir the paint thoroughly.

Step 2. Dip the roller into the paint, make sure it is completely saturated with the solution, then lightly roll it over the piece of material you don’t need. This will help you get an even, high-quality coating without streaks.

Step 3. Apply the first coat of paint. It will take 3 to 4 hours for the surface to dry.

Step 4. Apply at least two to three more coats to ensure color durability and vibrancy. When painting, start at the top level, then work down to the lower areas.

Video - Painting a wooden facade

This article will discuss two types of paints: latex and acrylic. Each type has its advantages, as well as its disadvantages. Let's compare them with each other. We will also consider tips, features and characteristics.
Let's start with acrylic paint. This type of paint is a multi-purpose material that is used in different types work, for example cosmetic repairs, restoration, giving the material great view designs. Various options acrylic paints have useful properties. One of the main components of acrylic paint is rubber, which has the performance properties of paint due to the strength of the material.
Let's talk about latex paint. Latex paint also consists of rubber, only synthetic. This type of paint has components that give the paint richness; it does not disappear over a long period of time. And thanks to many components, latex paint is resistant to sunlight.

Advantages of latex and acrylic paints

It is worth noting that the features and characteristics of the paints are the same. In many ways, their material coincides. The fact is that the base for these types of paints is the same - water-based.

  1. As stated, it is durable and for a long time painting services.
  2. Gives greater color saturation, is resistant to sunlight, and brightness is maintained for a long period.
  3. These types of paints are non-toxic and do not emit harmful substances.
  4. Paints can be applied to any surface, regardless of its relief.
  5. After drying, acrylic and latex paints are resistant to water, which allows for easy cleaning of the surface on which the paint is applied.
  6. They have aesthetics. Thanks to rubber, the surface acquires a certain visual silkiness.
  7. The colors don't emit bad smell neither while painting nor while drying.
  8. Acrylic and latex paints are highly breathable, making it impossible for bubbles to form on the paint surface.
  9. Another advantage is that water can be used as a paint thinner, and water is environmentally friendly pure substance, which does not harm human health.

Disadvantages of latex and acrylic paints

We looked at the advantages of acrylic and latex paints. However, not everything is perfect and these paints also have disadvantages. The disadvantages of these types of paints are the same.

  1. As we have already learned, acrylic and latex paints are resistant to water, however, the painting surface is not protected from fungus. Therefore, before applying paint to the surface, a primer must be applied ( special processing on the wall to give the surface special properties) onto it.
  2. Low temperatures have a detrimental effect on painting, so these types of paints are suitable only in well-heated rooms. However, acrylic paints cope better with low temperatures. This applies more to latex paints.

As we have seen, there are many times more pros than cons. Therefore, these types of paints are great for painting any room, following certain rules. Now we will discuss them.

Rules for applying paints

The rules for applying paints are also the same for both types of paints. Let's consider the paint application algorithm.

  1. The surface on which the paint will be applied must be free from old paint job or some other covering.
  2. Then it is important to apply a layer of primer and level it special tool(gypsum putty).
  3. After everything has dried, we move on to sanding, using an emery float.
  4. We remove dust after sanding.
  5. Next, mark the boundaries for painting with masking tape and cover all the furniture to avoid paint getting on it.
  6. Then we leave the paint in a certain container, dip the roller and apply it where the boundaries are marked, and we begin to paint the surface with a thin continuous layer.
  7. After applying the bottom layer, apply two top layers on top of it. The last two layers should be as solidly thin as the first. You need to paint carefully so that the surface is free of waves.

These are the rules that must be followed in the right order, and it is important to do the work carefully and carefully.
Now let's look at what paints are individually. Let's look at acrylic paint first.

Acrylic paint

Acrylic paint It has water base, and are also based on copolymers. The copolymer contains silicone, styrene, and vinyl - this is one of the main differences between acrylic paint and latex paint, therefore acrylic paints are considered to be of higher quality than latex paints, and they are in much greater demand. This is both a plus and a minus, since this composition is very expensive. Copolymers (included in these paints) give the paint much better durability than the artificial rubber that is included in latex paint.

This type of paint (acrylic) does not crack due to temperature changes. Acrylic paint also has advantages in use. First of all, this paint is easy to use. Secondly, you can work with it even at very low temperatures (-30 degrees Celsius). Also, after it has dried, a very durable film is formed. Acrylic paint can last about 20 years. Acrylic paint is suitable for both external and internal work. Of course, acrylic paint - best paint for now. It is used in almost all types of painting work. Thanks to its quality and ease of use, this type paint is very popular among users. After painting, the brush that was used to paint any surface is very easy to wash off. Acrylic paint also has its own types, which are endowed with their own individual properties. They can be considered each separately.

Types of acrylic paint

The most common acrylic paints are glossy. The only advantage of these paints is that they dry very quickly and can be dissolved with ordinary water.
The next commonly used type of acrylic paint is glyphthalic. The main difference is that it contains a special substance (alkyd resin), due to which a waterproof film is formed. Glypthal acrylic paints are used in residential areas.
The last type of acrylic paints are special ones. This is the most expensive type of acrylic paint. And all because they have special properties. It does not need additional processing, it is already in finished form. After the surface dries, it also forms a film. Only this film covers the smallest imperfections. What if you need to paint? metal surface– no primer is required before painting, since special acrylic paints have anti-corrosion properties.
As we have seen, acrylic paint and its types have many advantages, but latex paint also has its advantages, let's look at them too.

Latex paint, like acrylic paint, is used in residential buildings. The paint is odorless and has no toxins. The paint solvent is water – an environmentally friendly substance. It is used for both internal and external work. The connecting link is latex. But very often other substances are added to paint. Since latex paints are water-based, after some stains appear, you can get rid of them with a regular damp cloth. Latex paint dries faster than acrylic paint, drying time is only 30 minutes, but maybe less or more - it depends on the temperature and humidity of the room. But still, latex paint is inferior to acrylic paint and has significant disadvantages. If you open a window in winter, then you cannot avoid the appearance of cracks on the surface of the paint and the paint will slowly begin to fall off. A damp room is also not suitable for this paint. Mold will simply eat away at your paint job. But this is not such a big minus; the main thing is that the room must be treated with an antiseptic before painting. Painting with latex paint is difficult, as it requires special skill: if you paint with weak or strong brush pressure, the paint will spread unevenly over the surface. It is important to approach the choice of types of latex paints very seriously, since they do not have special type paints that will suit any painting surface. Latex paints have many types with various additives. Let's get a look.

Types of latex paints

Types of latex paints are divided either according to their composition or scope of application. There are different types of paints: acrylic, acrylic butadiene styrene, acrylic silicone, acrylic polyvinyl acetate. They all contain different polymers. And the names of other types of latex paints depend on the scope of application, they are: textured - for creating relief patterns, dripless - they do not drip, perfectly hide visible cracks, they are used for painting walls and ceilings, vinyl latex paints are also used for painting ceilings and walls, dense ones - for painting ceilings. In general, latex paints are the best option for high-quality but cheap painting. But painting with such paints should not be done on your own, because one incorrect movement with a roller can affect general form walls or ceilings and generally exists special technology painting the surface with latex paints.


In general, acrylic paints of any kind can be used for painting both walls and ceilings. In this regard, latex paints are inferior and they require a certain type with their additives, so when buying latex paints you need to be careful. The main advantage of latex paints over acrylics is moisture resistance; in a room where water may frequently enter the painting area, acrylic paints are not recommended. Also, only water cannot serve as a solvent for acrylic paints, but there are special thinners - this is another disadvantage of acrylic paints over latex paints, since we have already learned that the solvent of latex paints is water. But still, ordinary latex paints will not be able to cover all surface defects; acrylic paints cover all defects much better, and when you buy a special type of acrylic, you can completely forget about this problem. The issue comes down to price, if the owner is willing to spend money on buying acrylic paints - this is the best option for painting.

Even in terms of DIY painting It's better to use them because it doesn't require specific skills. But if you don't really pay attention to various defects or they are insignificant, then latex too right choice, so the price of these paints is small. However, if you are not skilled in painting, then it is better to hire a painter. It is worth remembering that latex paints are not suitable for all rooms. The room must be well heated, as latex paints do not tolerate low temperatures. However, if stains appear on a surface painted with acrylic paints, they are more difficult to get rid of. In the meantime, if stains appear on a surface that is painted with latex, they can be removed with plain water.

Acrylic and latex paints are generally the same, each paint has its own pros and cons, so you should not stop at choosing them. The main thing is to always keep the room clean, then problems will not arise in the future. And when using acrylic paints, the owner can forget about updating the interior for a long time for twenty years. There is a separate type of paint - acrylic-latex paint. It is also gaining popularity and is also suitable for painting walls and ceilings.
In general, if you really need high-quality painting and you don’t think about the medium, acrylic is the most excellent option. But if you need to save on painting, latex paints are perfect for the interior of the room. The choice is yours!

Acrylic and latex paints have similar compositions. An almost identical base gives these paints and varnishes almost identical characteristics, but there are differences between them, and they become a decisive factor when choosing one paint or another.

Reasons for the popularity of latex and acrylic paints

Both formulations are water-based and therefore have similar benefits:

  • saturated bright color, which lasts for a long time due to its resistance to ultraviolet radiation, but not all latex ones;
  • absence of toxic and harmful fumes, as well as unpleasant residue during application and during operation;
  • high degree of breathability reduces the likelihood of bubble formation to zero;
  • the possibility of using the safest and most environmentally friendly solvent - water;
  • excellent plasticity, thanks to which they can be applied to a relief surface.

Latex and acrylic paints give painted surfaces a silky finish.

What disadvantages are typical for both paints?

The disadvantages of water-based paints and varnishes containing latex are identical:

  • Good resistance to moisture does not exclude the appearance of fungus on the painted surface. To eliminate this drawback, it is enough to treat the walls with a primer.
  • Low temperatures have a detrimental effect on paints, but this disadvantage is least evident in acrylic paints and is absent in such a variety as façade paints.

Paints have many more positive properties than disadvantages, but in order to decide which specific composition to purchase, it is necessary to consider the features of each material separately.

Acrylic paints

Produced on the basis of water and copolymers. The latter are a combination of silicone, styrene and vinyl. These components are absent in latex paint and improve the properties of acrylic paint. Higher performance characteristics made the composition quite expensive. Thanks to copolymers, acrylic paint is much more stable and durable than artificial rubber material.
Vinyl, silicone, and styrene prevent the painted surface from cracking due to temperature changes. The improved formula makes acrylic paints much more convenient and easy to apply, making it possible to use even at temperatures of -30 degrees Celsius. Formed on the surface to be painted protective film does not wear out for up to 20 years.
Acrylic compositions can be used for interior and exterior work. They are the most popular and versatile.


The following types of acrylic paints are produced:

  • Glossy. Dries quickly and dissolves using ordinary tap water.
  • Glypthal. They contain acrylic resin and are the most common. They form a special waterproof film and are used for painting residential premises.
  • Special. They are produced completely ready for use and do not require the use of a primer even before painting the metal, since they have anti-corrosion properties.

Therefore, no matter what Painting works planned to be carried out, selected acrylic composition won't be any problem.

Latex paints

Environmentally friendly compositions in which latex acts as a binder. Having a water base, they are easy to clean by wet cleaning of painted surfaces. They dry much faster than acrylic ones. On average, they set completely in half an hour. The exact time depends on humidity and temperature.
Latex paints are inferior to acrylic paints in many respects. They cannot be used in damp rooms or rooms with high level humidity. At sudden change temperature, if you open a window in winter, the painted surface may become cracked and the paint will fall off. If the quality of the primer was not high, and the level of humidity in the room rose, then the mold would “corrode” the material. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to additionally use a special antiseptic.
Working with latex composition requires some skill. If you press the brush too lightly or too hard, this will lead to uneven coloring of individual areas. There is no universal latex paint; the choice must be made taking into account the specifics of the work being performed.

Types of latex paints

Presented in formulations with various polymers, and also differ in scope. Dripless ones provide high-quality coverage without any smudges, perfectly hide cracks, and are used for painting walls and ceilings.
Texture ones are used where it is necessary to create relief patterns. Dense compositions are best suited for painting the surface of ceilings. Latex vinyl is similar in composition to the others, but does not hide any surface imperfections well.
You should choose the type of paint taking into account what kind of work you plan to carry out, but it is recommended to start painting after some practice. Incorrect pressure on the brush can cause the composition to lie unevenly.

Acrylic and latex - what's the difference?

The division of paints and varnishes into latex and acrylic is quite blurred. Considering the high cost of the former, it should be clearly understood that only those compositions in which acrylic polymers are the only or predominant substance are called acrylic. To avoid making mistakes, it is recommended to purchase products whose packaging bears the inscription “100% acrylic latex,” that is, “100% acrylic.”
Latex includes all paints and varnishes in which the binder is styrene-butadiene dispersion. They, unlike acrylic ones, are much cheaper, but also less durable. Therefore, the main criterion for choosing such paint is the variety, that is, the composition that is intended for this or that type of work.
Often on sale there are coatings called latex acrylic, which can confuse the buyer. Depending on the manufacturer, true latex or a mixture of butadiene styrene and acrylates may be sold under this name.

Which paint should I choose?

Acrylic latex is considered the best, but also the most expensive. Acrylic with an admixture of latex is slightly inferior in quality, but also more accessible. If the budget is limited or high quality requirements are not imposed on the surface to be painted, the choice comes down to materials belonging to the cheaper latex paintwork materials:

  • Polyvinyl acetate. Cheap PVA-based paint with good adhesion to the surface. Its disadvantage is that it gets dirty and is washed off after drying, does not tolerate low temperatures, and can only be used in heated and dry rooms.
  • Butadiene-styrene. They have a slightly higher cost, but are resistant to moisture. The disadvantage is that they quickly fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, so they are intended for rooms with a low degree of natural light.
  • Acrylic silicone. The best choice for painting facades. This type of paintwork material is wear-resistant, moisture-resistant, vapor-permeable, and is not afraid of direct sunlight, but it is also more expensive than the first two options.

In other words, the main criterion is what surfaces are planned to be painted.


When it is necessary to carry out high-quality, impeccable painting, you need to choose acrylic paint, and in other cases, a cheaper type of latex paint is suitable. The absence of a specific binder on the packaging of paintwork materials requires clarification of this point. Otherwise, there is a chance of purchasing latex paint, which will quickly wash off or fade when it is covered with façade elements.

External and interior decoration premises paint and varnish materials– the most affordable and simple design option. Paints are presented in a wide range, they have different characteristics and properties. Latex paint is in demand among consumers and interior designers, the qualities of which help create optimal microclimate without a specific odor and release of toxic substances. What are the advantages of this material?

Interestingly, latex began to be used back in Ancient Egypt. Somewhat later, the materials began to be used in painting and icon painting, and only in the 19th century did they find widespread use in construction. What is latex paint? Synthetic latex is a water-dispersed material in which particles of a substance are contained in a liquid dispersion.

The color of latex-based paint is given by special paste-like colors - they are added to the composition to obtain the desired shade.

  • Features and benefits of latex paint: Ecological cleanliness.
  • Latex-based paint is suitable for interior and exterior use. It can be used to decorate bedrooms, living rooms and children's rooms; Optimal coating strength.
  • Easy to apply and economical to use. Water-dispersed compositions have good coverage and leave virtually no streaks. Paint consumption per 1m2 does not exceed 0.1-0.5 l;
  • No specific smell. Since latex is not a chemical substance, but a state of particles and polymers, environment no characteristic odor is released;
  • High polymerization rate. It takes about 5-6 hours for latex paint to dry completely, depending on the temperature in the room.

If the painted surface needs to be washed periodically, you should choose paints for walls and ceilings with an abrasion rate of at least three thousand cycles.

Water-dispersed materials are inexpensive, and any color can be obtained using color pastes.

Classification of materials

Latex paints may differ in composition, which determines the possibility of using paints and varnishes for interior or exterior work. Additives are added to compositions that can be used for exterior finishing to prevent the formation of fungus and mold. They are more resistant to ultraviolet radiation and precipitation. In addition, water-dispersion paints are classified into several types depending on the binder:

  • Polyvinyl acetate. They do not contain solvents, are odorless, and dry quickly. Cons: washes off easily, is only suitable for interior work, can leave marks like whitewash.

  • Butadiene-styrene. They are characterized by high wear resistance and moisture resistance. Minor disadvantages include low light resistance.

  • Acrylic silicone. They are characterized by high wear resistance, waterproof and UV resistant. Can be used for external facade work.

  • Acrylic.

They have a high service life, are resistant to moisture, cracking, and exposure to light. Suitable for walls, ceilings and facades. For your information: consumers often have a question about the difference between acrylic paint and latex paint. This is equivalent to comparing apple juice to an apple - useful substances

more in an apple, but the juice lasts longer. Acrylic paint is a type of latex composition, which, in addition to natural rubber particles, contains synthetic acrylate copolymers. That is, acrylic coatings leave a more durable layer on the painted surface, but they contain synthetic acrylic particles.

Marketing Title Table Name Compound
Peculiarities Water-dispersed The durability of the coating is higher than that of polyvinyl acetate compounds, but lower than that of acrylic compounds; affordability
Acrylic using latex technology Dispersion based on polyacrylates with the addition of latex of various origins Durable coating plus cost reduction due to the addition of styrene-butadiene component
Acrylic with latex-free technology High-quality polyacrylate base without dispersion latex component Produced exclusively in the USA, it is highly durable and highly priced
Acrylic with latex added Contains acrylic copolymers in combination with butadiene styrene No different from acrylic paint using latex technology
Water-based Composition of water and particles of coloring matter - latex Same composition as water-dispersed latex

Conclusion: if the manufacturer indicates “Acrylic paint with the addition of latex” on the can, this is a durable composition according to affordable price with optimal consumption. The difference between water-based and water-dispersion latex paint for ceilings and walls from acrylic paint is a shorter service life and lower resistance to various negative factors.

On the video: water-dispersion paint and its features.

Effects on a painted surface

Latex paint creates a certain effect on the treated base - matte or glossy surface, semi-matte or semi-gloss effect, perfect gloss or perfect matte. It is necessary to take into account gloss parameters, especially for interior work. Too shiny walls and ceilings make the visual perception of the room tiresome. Glossy latex paint has the following advantages:

  • Moisture-resistant white paint visually expands the size of the room, “pushes” the walls and “raises” the ceiling.
  • Requires ideal surface preparation before painting, does not hide flaws and irregularities.
  • Less susceptible to contamination, hides traces of dust and dirt.
  • Partially loses its attractive shine when washed and wears out over time.

Matte paint, unlike glossy paint, has the opposite properties - it visually reduces space, is less easy to clean from dirt, and hides defects well base surface, wears less during washing and care. Semi-gloss, semi-gloss and matte paint is the most suitable option for decorating walls and ceilings. The main advantage of all latex compounds is high permeability. Walls, ceilings and other painted surfaces “breathe” well under a layer of paintwork.

Substrate preparation and painting

Using interior latex paint is environmentally friendly safe way decorate the premises. The compositions do not contain toxic substances, dry quickly and do not leave a characteristic odor in the rooms.

Water-dispersion paints can only be diluted with water – not technical water, but drinking or purified water. It has an optimal stiffness index.

There is no fundamental difference when painting walls and painting ceilings with latex paint. The only condition is that ceilings can only be treated in rooms that are heated in cold weather, otherwise the coating will quickly crack. Can be used in damp rooms. The work consists of the following stages:

  1. Prepare the surface for painting - remove the old coating, level the base with putty.
  2. Treat the walls or ceiling with a deep penetration primer twice with drying intervals.
  3. Dilute the composition with cold clean water– for the base layer, consumption is 1 liter of water per 6-9 sq.m. walls (ceiling).
  4. Leave for a few minutes and add coloring paste. Dilute with a reserve - it will not be possible to repeat the shade exactly.
  5. Paint the surface with a diluted composition using paint brushes, rollers or a spray gun - there is no fundamental difference.
  6. After drying at a temperature of +20°C, the base coat is painted a second time, and if necessary, a third time.

Matte and gloss paint for walls and ceilings must be completely dry before applying the next coat. The average polymerization time of the composition is 6 hours.

It is convenient to use a roller for work: it does not leave marks on the surface and saves the consumption of working fluid. Hard-to-reach areas of walls and ceilings are treated with a brush.

Interior paints and floor compositions

IN contemporary art Interior design, a new trend has emerged - interior latex paints. This is a water-dispersion or water-based latex paint with a silicone resin base. They have impeccable quality, rich shades, abrasion resistance and a high price. The properties of interior paints are demonstrated by the composition “Expert” - water-based paint for ceilings and walls:

  • Resistant to abrasion and chalking;
  • High level of elasticity;
  • Concealing minor flaws;
  • Environmental Safety;
  • Protection against microorganisms and mold;
  • Good coverage of surfaces.

Expert interior paint, according to experts, adheres well to old coatings after treatment with a high-quality primer. But since the material is expensive, it means that it is still worth preparing the surface according to all the rules. Latex interior paints can be used to treat plaster, gypsum, cement, and the coating hides cracks in the base base up to 2 mm deep. How to dilute latex paint for interior decoration? Only water.

Latex paint for ceilings and floors is different compositions. If the manufacturer does not indicate that the water-based emulsion is suitable for painting the floor, this cannot be ignored. Dispersion paint latex-based for walls and ceilings not suitable for processing flooring or, for example, facades.

Coloring latex compounds show high efficiency when carrying out internal and external work. They dry quickly, stand reasonably well, and create a reliable layer on surfaces. The compositions are safe and can be used for a wide variety of finishing works.

Review of latex-based paints (2 videos)

Products of different brands (23 photos)

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