Cinquefoil or Kuril tea planting and growing. Caring for Kuril tea does not create any special problems

Kuril tea shrubby belongs to the rose family. It was called Kuril tea because it grew on Kuril Islands, there they replaced black tea. It has a tonic effect and a pronounced taste.

The leaves of Kuril tea contain a lot of vitamins C, which is why it is famous for its healing properties.

Cinquefoil is unpretentious to the soil, but if you plant it on slightly acidic soil, then this will be the most suitable for it. comfortable conditions. Clay soil needs to be drained. It is better to plant in well-lit areas.

How to propagate and plant Kuril tea?

This tea is propagated using seeds, by dividing the bushes. Seeds are planted in the spring, and the bushes should be divided in the fall.

Before planting seeds, prepare the seedlings in advance. Seeds are planted frequently, without intensive deepening. Shoots appear in twenty days, and after ten days, the plants need to be planted,

The distance between the bushes should be at least 40 cm. Propagation is done in the summer early in the morning, in warm weather. As soon as the plant is planted, it needs to be tediously watered.

Tea care

The plant is afraid of cold and frost, so in the winter its roots need to be covered with a layer of mulch. This type tea is not afraid of drought, but it is still important to water it every evening.

Flowering and harvesting of Kuril tea

The plant blooms in the third year after planting, although in the first year in July you can collect Kuril tea leaves, dry them and then add them to green tea.

Landing place

Kuril tea loves light and grows weaker when in flower. Growth is inhibited in the shade. Therefore, it should be planted in lighted places, with light shading in hot weather; planting sites should also be selected that are protected from the wind.

Kuril tea with white and yellow flowers is light-loving, more drought-resistant, and not picky about the soil; varieties with reddish and pinkish flowers have opposite qualities. Yellow-flowered varieties are more frost-resistant.

If the flowers are reddish, then they need to be covered winter period. They are not resistant to getting wet and need frequent feeding, fade in the sun, but at the same time they bloom poorly in poorly lit places.

The color of Kuril tea flowers depends on the growing season, weather conditions and on the type of soil. Varieties with reddish flowers bloom later than white and yellowish ones. During drought, the red tint of flowers sometimes does not appear.

On sandy soils the flowering is not so abundant, and the opened flowers are pale and unsightly. This tea is not picky about soil fertility, it just cannot tolerate over-compaction because it has a shallow root system.

To improve aeration, you need to loosen the soil from time to time to a depth of ten centimeters. Kuril tea grows even on calcareous and rocky soils. On clay soils, drainage is needed; on sandy soils, its decorative properties are reduced. The most suitable soil for Kuril tea, free loamy with deep groundwater.

Caring for yellow-flowered varieties

The best time to plant tea in the middle zone is considered to be the end of April. The planting hole for Kuril tea should have a depth of fifty centimeters. The diameter of the hole should be equal to the depth. Kuril tea loves calcium, it can be used in places of drainage.

We take limestone gravel. The hole needs to be filled with turf soil, humus, sand (2:2:1). Add one hundred grams of lime and one tablespoon wood ash. Be sure to add mineral fertilizer.

This tea can easily withstand replanting, but to avoid overdrying, wrap earthen lump and the roots of the plant with a damp cloth, and keep it damp until planting. Root collar They don’t deepen it much. The distance between the bushes should be from sixty to eighty centimeters, no less.

After planting, you need to water the plant. In dry weather, the next two weeks, watering should be systematic. Feed the bush before flowering. Fertilizing is done at the root, with a solution of phosphorus and potassium. We take thirty grams of superphosphate and ten grams of potassium sulfate. Fill with ten liters of water.

How much should Kuril tea be watered and trimmed?

This type of tea is not afraid of drought. But it does not tolerate low air humidity. Therefore, in hot weather, spray the shoots in the evening. It needs to be watered several times a season. Pour ten liters of water under each bush. The soil needs to be mulched with humus or peat.

Kuril tea needs to be pruned systematically. If this is not done, he will lose his decorative qualities. Therefore, it is pruned once a year. Cut off shoots that have frozen over the winter. In addition, do rejuvenation every five years.

It is necessary to cut off the branches in the spring, leaving only stumps ten to fifteen centimeters high. After rejuvenation, Kuril tea needs to be fed with mineral fertilizer with a predominance of nitrogen.

Most common among summer residents and gardeners middle zone Of all the types of shrubby cinquefoil, Russia was conquered by Kuril tea or, as it is also called, cinquefoil.

The height of this plant can be from 20 to 150 cm, and the width from 1 to 1.5 m. Fresh shoots of Kuril tea are pubescent and silky, after a while they turn red brown colors. The deep green leaves are covered with thick soft hair. The flowers are large, in most cases solitary, sometimes they can be collected in small racemes. Bright yellow petals make them easily visible and stand out flowering bush from the general background. The color of the flowers of some varieties of Kuril tea can be white and pink.

The brightness of flowering complements its duration. It begins at the beginning of summer and continues continuously until the second decade of autumn. The fruits of this shrub are formed in late August - early September and are composed of pubescent achenes. Fruiting occurs already in the second year after planting and continues annually.

Natural places where Kuril tea grows are bushes, sparse coniferous forests, river banks, rocky slopes. The plant is extremely hardy - it can withstand frosts down to -40 C, while calmly withstanding temperature changes during prolonged thaws, with alternating frosts. Kuril tea bush favorable conditions can grow in one place for up to 30 years.

It is better to plant Kuril tea outdoors. sunny place. It is in this case that you will achieve the appearance maximum quantity flowers. In shaded areas, the plant will focus on stretching out shoots, flowering will be shortened and will be inexpressive. It is advisable that the landing site be reliably protected from winds.

Kuril tea varieties with white and yellow flowers. The latter are also the most frost-resistant.

It is advisable to cover pink-flowered varieties for the winter, protect them from getting wet and feed them more abundantly. Their flowering occurs somewhat later than that of the yellow-flowered Kuril tea. In dry weather, the red color may not appear at all in the color of the flowers.

The root system of the five-leaf plant is located close to the surface, and it is extremely sensitive to soil compaction. Therefore, do not forget to carefully loosen the soil from time to time (5-10 cm deep), trying not to damage the roots of the plant.

Kuril tea is best grown on light loam. On clay soils drainage should be provided, on sandy soils decorative properties plants are significantly reduced.

In the conditions of central Russia, it is advisable to plant Kuril tea at the end of April or in the fall. Depth landing pit should be from 50 to 60 cm with a half-meter diameter. It is best to use limestone gravel as drainage (Kuril tea loves a high calcium content in the soil). Bury a hole with a plant planted in it with a mixture of humus, turf soil and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1. Mineral fertilizer must be applied; it is advisable to add 1 tablespoon of wood ash and 150 g of lime. There is no need to deepen the root collar; it is best to leave it at soil level. Between adjacent bushes it is necessary to maintain a distance of at least 60 cm.

If the weather is rainless, Kuril tea must be watered regularly over the next 2-3 weeks after planting. At the beginning of summer, before flowering, the bushes need to be fed with a potassium-phosphorus solution (per bucket of water: 10 g of potassium sulfide and 30 g of superphosphate). Fertilizer should be watered directly at the root.

If the weather is hot and dry outside, spray the shoots of Kuril tea from a spray bottle in the evening, thereby replenishing the low humidity. A few weeks after planting (where watering can be regular), from constant watering are abandoned in favor of one-time abundant watering(12 liters of water per bush) followed by mulching the soil with peat or humus.

Plays an important role in the development of cinquefoil timely pruning. To ensure flowering is as abundant as possible and the crown is compact and dense, in early spring Every year the plant is pruned, removing damaged shoots. Once every 5 years, rejuvenating pruning is carried out: in early spring, all branches of the cinquefoil are cut to 15 cm, after which the plant is fed with chicken droppings (1 part of droppings to 20 parts of water) and mineral fertilizers with a high nitrogen content.

In the article we discuss Kuril tea. You will learn what it looks like, where it grows and what it contains. We will talk about the benefits of Kuril tea and contraindications for use. By following our tips, you will learn how to cook medicines based on the plant for the treatment of gastric diseases, disorders of the female genital organs, urolithiasis and strengthening the immune system.

Cinquefoil bush is a branched upright shrub of the Rosaceae family (lat. Rosaceae). Latin name— Pentaphylloides fruticosa. Other names are Kuril tea or shrubby cinquefoil. Appearance (photo) of Kuril tea

What does it look like

The Kuril tea bush reaches a height of 150 cm. The lifespan of the plant is up to 30 years. The branches are erect, the bark is brown-gray or brown-red. Young shoots are covered with silky hairs.

The pinnately compound leaves are oblong-ovate, consisting of 2, rarely 3, pairs of leaflets covered with hairs. The length of the sheet plate is up to 30 mm, width is up to 10 mm.

At the tops of the shoots there are from 1 to 7 yellow five-lobed flowers, each of which contains 30 stamens, due to which the middle of the flower looks fluffy. The plant blooms from mid-June to the end of August.

The fruits are small curved achenes up to 2 mm long and up to 1 mm wide. Kuril tea bears fruit from late August to September.

Where does it grow?

The Kuril tea herb is found throughout almost the entire northern hemisphere. Prefers moist, well-drained soils and light areas.

The plant is resistant to cold and can grow in permafrost conditions. The shrub grows in mountainous areas, forests, tundra, floodplains, and on stone deposits.

The most extensive areas of bush growth are in Eastern Siberia, Central Asia, China, Japan, Mongolia and Far East. Kuril tea is found in Europe, North America and in the Caucasus.

Flowers, leaves and rhizomes of Kuril tea

Flowers, leaves and rhizomes of Kuril tea are used as medicinal raw materials.. You can prepare them yourself or purchase them already. ready-made drugs, passed quality control. In pharmacies you can buy medicinal raw materials in the form of filter bags - Kuril tea Siberian Health.

Chemical composition

Kuril tea contains:

  • flavonoids;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamin C;
  • carotenoids;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • cobalt;
  • iron;
  • phenolic acids;
  • tannins;
  • saponins;
  • catechins;
  • resin.

An important feature of Kuril tea is its high vitamin C content.. There is 5 times more of it in the plant than in lemon.

As we found out, shrub cinquefoil has a rich composition. Let us tell you in more detail how Kuril tea is beneficial for the body.

Medicinal properties

The Kuril tea plant has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and hemostatic effects. The plant is used to treat diseases gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system.

Kuril tea has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Plant-based products are often used to treat influenza and ARVI.

Cinquefoil bush has a beneficial effect on nervous system. Drinks based on it are used as sedatives with increased nervous excitability, stress, depression.

How to collect

Kuril tea leaves are harvested throughout the growing season, flowers - from July to August, rhizomes - from September until the first frost or in early spring. Young and already formed leaves and unopened buds are collected.

Medicinal raw materials are dried on outdoors at moderate humidity and without direct contact sun rays. Store dried leaves and flowers in paper bags or fabric bags in a cool, ventilated area.

How to use

Kuril tea is used in folk medicine Kuril tea is widely used in folk medicine. Based on it they prepare medicinal infusions and decoctions for internal and external use.

Medicines based on Kuril tea are taken for disorders of the nervous, digestive and genitourinary systems. An infusion of the plant is used in gynecology to stop uterine bleeding.

A decoction of quinquefoil bush is used in dentistry. It effectively eliminates inflammation, pain and disinfects the oral cavity in case of stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontitis.

Kuril tea is taken for diabetes. The drink normalizes fat metabolism in the body and reduces blood sugar levels.

Plant-based products are used externally. Compresses are made with infusion of Kuril tea for dermatitis and eczema. They have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects and help restore the epidermis.

Let's consider several traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of stomach diseases, urolithiasis, disorders of the female genital organs and strengthening the immune system. We'll tell you how to brew Kuril tea.

Infusion for stomach diseases

An infusion of Kuril tea is used for stomach diseases, disorders of the biliary tract and the genitourinary system. The product has powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.


  1. Kuril tea - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Pour a glass of boiling water over Kuril tea, cover the container with a lid and leave for 1.5 hours.

How to use: Take 1-2 tablespoons up to 3 times a day before meals.

Result: The infusion effectively eliminates pain, relieves inflammation and helps restore the gastric mucosa.

Decoction for immunity

Due to the high content of vitamin C, a decoction of Kuril tea is used to strengthen the immune system. The drink has an antiviral effect, so it is used for ARVI and influenza.


  1. Kuril tea - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Water - 500 ml.

How to cook: Pour Kuril tea with water, place the container in a water bath and bring to a boil. Brew the drink covered for 10 minutes. Allow the product to sit for at least 2 hours before use.

How to use: Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.

Result: The decoction increases protective forces body, fights pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Other uses

A decoction of Kuril tea is used to treat the genitourinary system. It should be noted that the product significantly accelerates the movement of stones, so it is taken after therapy for their crushing in order to reduce pain.


  1. Kuril tea - 3 tablespoons.
  2. Water - 500 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over Kuril tea, steep for 2 hours, then place in a water bath and bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat for no more than 10 minutes, remove from heat and leave for another 15-20 minutes.

How to use: Take 10 ml 2-3 times a day.

Result: The drink effectively relieves inflammation, promotes the movement of stones through the ureter and reduces pain.

In gynecology, infusions and decoctions of Kuril tea are used for oral administration and douching. The drugs are used to reduce blood loss during menstruation and treat cervical erosion and colpitis. Consider the solution recipe.


  1. Kuril tea - 1 teaspoon.
  2. Water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Boil Kuril tea leaves for 5 minutes over low heat, remove from heat and strain the product through a double layer of gauze.

How to use: Take a warm decoction into a syringe and carry out the procedure. Treatment regimen - 2 times a day for 10 days.

Result: The product effectively relieves inflammation, eliminates discomfort and normalizes the functioning of the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

Kuril tea for external use is used in the treatment of wounds and burns, boils and carbuncles, dermatitis and eczema. IN medicinal purposes apply fresh leaves plants and their decoction.


  1. Kuril tea leaves - 10 gr.
  2. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Grind the leaves of Kuril tea, pour boiling water over them and place in a water bath. Simmer the product over low heat under the lid for 15 minutes. Strain the finished broth.

How to use: Soak a cotton pad or cloth in the resulting decoction, squeeze and apply to the damaged area of ​​skin for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day. The decoction is used to irrigate the skin at burn sites.

Result: Relieves inflammation, soothes skin and eliminates redness.


You should use products based on Kuril tea with caution and strictly according to the instructions. Abuse of the plant leads to disruption of the kidneys, cardiovascular and digestive systems.

Contraindications to the use of Kuril tea:


Scientists have different opinions on the question of which plant genus the cinquefoil belongs to. Some researchers believe that it belongs to the genus Potentilla, others - Dasiphora. Russian botanists classify the plant as belonging to the genus Pentaphylloides.

This plant belongs to the subfamily Rosaceae (lat. Rosoideae), family Rose (lat. Rosaceae), order Rosales (lat. Rosales), class Dicotyledons (lat. Dicotyledones), department Flowering (lat. Magnoliophyta).


There are two varieties of bush cinquefoil: Dasiphora fruticosa subsp. fruticosa and Dasiphora fruticosa subsp. floribunda (Pursh) Kartesz.

For more information about Kuril tea, watch the video:

Kuril tea infographics

Photo of Kuril tea, it beneficial features and application
Infographics on Kuril tea

What to remember

  1. Medicines based on Kuril tea are taken for disorders of the nervous, digestive and genitourinary systems.
  2. Infusions and decoctions of the plant have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, hemostatic, immunomodulatory and antiviral effects.
  3. Abuse of products based on Kuril tea leads to disruption of the kidneys, cardiovascular and digestive systems.

In the design of garden plots there is often a beautiful ornamental shrub from the Rosaceae family - cinquefoil, otherwise shrubby. Planting and care does not represent special labor, and beautiful appearance and healing properties plants make this species increasingly popular among amateur gardeners.

What is a plant

Kuril tea is a very beautiful plant, it is a spreading shrub with a round spherical crown, delicate light green, velvety carved leaves, resembling small five-pointed fans.

There are many varieties of Kuril tea, breeders have created even new ones decorative varieties. If the natural size of the bush is about one and a half meters, then now you can purchase dwarf species up to 60 cm high. The bush blooms from May until the first frost, so it is of particular value for garden decoration.

The flowers are usually yellow, but there are varieties in bright orange or red, and there are pink and cream varieties. They bloom singly or gather in inflorescences.

The plant received its unusual tea name because in the Kuril Islands it was brewed and drunk instead of tea.

Interesting! Kuril tea has won people's love not only due to its beauty, but also. The leaves have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, perfectly tone and support the immune system. It is good for depression and neuroses. Used to improve the functioning of the heart and liver.

How to care

Kuril tea is unpretentious, but any plant responds to proper care beautiful appearance and rapid flowering, so every owner should know about the needs of cinquefoil:

  1. The shrub is not very picky about soil, but does not tolerate heavy loams and poor sandy areas.
  2. Kuril tea does not like shady corners; without the sun it will be weak.
  3. The winds also do not do him any good; this causes delicate flower petals to fly around and branches to bend.
  4. It will grow well in a sunny area along the fence, protecting it from the winds.
  5. The ground around the bush must be regularly loosened by 10 cm, carefully, trying not to damage the roots.
  6. Weeding and removing weeds is an indispensable component of care in the summer.
  7. In dry summers, the plant needs to be watered regularly; at least 12 liters are poured under each bush.
  8. Kuril tea will also respond well to a water shower.

Interesting! Solve the problem with acidic soil It’s not difficult by adding a little ash and lime under the bush. If the soil is damp, provide good drainage. Sandy soil in the garden is also not a problem: it is replaced in the planting hole with fertile, loose substrate.

A layer of mulch retains moisture in the soil well; it will prevent the germination of weeds and will not interfere with air aeration

This may be a layer of compost and peat, which will then become additional fertilizer. It is updated in early summer and autumn.

In winter, the soil is mulched especially carefully; this is important to do after planting.

When Kuril tea blooms, scorching sun can affect the brightness of colors, under its rays the color may fade, so if you want to preserve bright colors, on hot days they need to be protected. The leaves tolerate direct sunlight well.

Kuril tea survives the winter well and can withstand low temperatures down to -40 °C, although sometimes it freezes above the snow cover, but this does not affect flowering. Some varieties are better protected and covered, this is especially important for young shoots.

Interesting: Bushes with yellow flowers are more resistant to frost, and plants with red inflorescences are more capricious and heat-loving, so they need to be covered more carefully for the winter.

How to trim

By nature, Kuril tea has a beautiful round crown, so it does not require special shaping, but you still need to trim off excess branches:

  • After winter, frozen branches are removed;
  • in the summer, those that deviate from the ideal format are selectively cut out;
  • pruning is necessary by about a third when the bush grows too much.

Old bushes undergo full pruning; a rejuvenation procedure is carried out for them: all old shoots are completely cut out with pruners or a saw, leaving a stump 15 cm long. If the bush has lost its decorative appearance, the branches have become bent, then it can also be renewed, which will allow it to grow new crown. The procedure is carried out in September or October.

Important! Only in southern conditions, all branches of the plant are cut off by 5 cm in summer and autumn to create topiary.

How to plant

Potentilla propagation occurs in several ways: cuttings, root shoots, dividing the bush, and can also be planted with seeds.

The most successful method is cuttings; in this case, you can use several shoots and they will have 100% maternal properties, this is especially important when propagating hybrid varieties.

Planting in spring - favorable time, over the summer the plant will take root and take root in a new place. Cuttings are selected from strong green or woody shoots; they must have a lateral and an upper bud. For better survival, shoots are taken with leaves. If they are already cut, then you shouldn’t wait more than 2 days.

How to board:

  1. The lower leaves are torn off, the ends of the shoots are immersed in a growth stimulator for a day.
  2. The earthen substrate is prepared in advance, it consists of 1 part sand, humus and turf soil, taken 2 times more.
  3. Additionally, complex fertilizer, 100 g of lime and a spoonful of ash are added.
  4. The shoot is placed in the ground and the soil is well moistened.
  5. Root germination occurs in a greenhouse or under glass.
  6. The optimal temperature is no more than 30 °C.
  7. To create humidity, the cuttings are sprayed with water and covered from the bright sun with shields or gauze.

It is not too late to plant seedlings in the ground in the fall; you need to give them time to take root.

  1. Young bushes are planted at a distance of at least 60 cm, preferably 80 cm.
  2. The hole is prepared with a depth equal to the distance between the bushes.
  3. At least 20 cm of drainage is placed at the bottom; this can be broken bricks, expanded clay, river pebbles, calcareous gravel, it is especially liked by cinquefoil.
  4. The root collar should not be deepened too much; it should be near the surface of the earth.
  5. After planting, the hole is filled with a mixture similar in composition to cuttings and watered well.
  6. The top of the soil should be sprinkled with humus.

If cuttings are prepared in June, by autumn they will form a bush 35 cm high with a good root system. They can already be planted in the place where he will be permanently located.

Important! The plant blooms after planting after 3 years, and the next year in July you can already collect the leaves for tea.

Propagation by seeds

It is more difficult to propagate the plant by seeds; this process is lengthy; in order for the desired properties to appear, it is preferable to purchase the material in a specialized store. It is better to plant seeds in boxes at home, as there is a greater likelihood that they will not die from unfavorable weather conditions, and during germination they will not be damaged by insects:

  1. The soil that is prepared for planting cuttings is also suitable; it is leveled and holes 2 cm deep are made at a distance of 5 cm.
  2. Then they water it with water and place the seeds.
  3. Sprinkle a little soil and moisten the soil again.

The seedlings will hatch in 20-25 days, and after a week they can be picked at a distance of 30 cm outside. In summer, tender sprouts are carefully sprayed and protected from the sun. On permanent place They will arrive in 3 years, when they get stronger and turn into a real bush.

Pests and diseases

At good care the plant usually does not get sick, pests avoid it. In cold, damp summers it can develop powdery mildew or rust. The disease is cured by spraying with colloidal sulfur or Bordeaux mixture.

Bright colors, beautiful spherical shape And long flowering making Kuril tea magnificent decoration garden If you plant a plant in your home, it will delight not only with its decorative appearance, but will become a source of valuable medicine.

On the territory of the Urals up to the Kuril Islands natural conditions a medium-sized shrub grows - cinquefoil, the leaves, stems and flowers of which have long been used to make tea. This drink is still popular today and is effective for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

What is Kuril tea

The second name for cinquefoil is Kuril tea. This shrub reaches a height of 50-150 cm and combines decorative and medicinal properties. Its flowers can be yellow and White color, and the decorative varieties bred by breeders are pink. In nature, the plant is found everywhere, as it is unpretentious. It can be found along the banks of rivers and lakes, in wastelands, and in the foothills. It is often planted in city parks, since its flowering period lasts all summer.

Cinquefoil, or Kuril tea, when brewed, is very similar to traditional Chinese tea, even in composition they are almost the same. The difference lies in the lower content of tonic components and different concentrations of vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

Its composition is as follows:

  • catechins;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • saponins;
  • tannins;
  • phytoncides;
  • calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, copper;
  • phenolic acids;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • carotenoids.

Most useful substances concentrated in the feathery leaves of the cinquefoil, but tea is also brewed from the stems and inflorescences. Due to its good adaptability and resistance to bad weather, Kuril tea can be grown on personal plots in conditions temperate climate.

Useful properties and contraindications

Kuril tea is used in folk medicine in many countries from China to Mongolia and Russia. Its versatility is due to its high content of phytoncides and other antimicrobial components. That is why medicinal properties Kuril tea primarily concerns the fight against pathogens.

Tea does not lose its beneficial properties for 2 years

Potentilla drink has the following properties:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • reduces the number of microbes on mucous membranes respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract;
  • has an astringent effect;
  • has an immunomodulatory effect;
  • calms the nerves and has a good sedative effect;
  • stops internal bleeding.

In folk medicine, Kuril tea is most often used for problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Effective against poisoning and intestinal infections, as it has activity against rotavirus, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus and other microbes. You can drink tea for indigestion, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.

The beneficial properties of Kuril tea are used in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. These are any inflammatory diseases caused by viral infections, as well as tonsillitis, including in chronic form. To treat these diseases, a concentrated infusion of cinquefoil is used for rinsing.

The benefit of cinquefoil is to improve the well-being of women suffering from gynecological diseases and pronounced symptoms of PMS. Kuril tea will help with leucorrhoea, cystitis, heavy menstruation, inflammatory diseases.

Regular consumption of the drink helps strengthen the immune system and restore the body's defenses after illness. It is especially useful after taking antibiotics, which provoked the development of intestinal dysbiosis. Kuril tea is not contraindicated for children unless they are allergic. It is given to solve problems such as bedwetting.

Use of cinquefoil for treatment and prevention cardiovascular diseases due to optimal combination in its composition ascorbic acid and active bioflavonoids. They strengthen the walls of blood vessels, cleanse them of waste, toxins, radionuclides, and protect against negative impact chemical compounds, including synthetic drugs.

Carotenoids and catechins in tea have an antioxidant effect on the body and help maintain youth and beauty of the body. Medicinal properties shrubs allow it to be used in the treatment of diseases and conditions such as:

  • stomach ulcer and gastritis;
  • chronic constipation;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • diabetes;
  • cystitis.

Long-term use of tea helps to cope with depression, psychological stress, insomnia, and nervous exhaustion after suffering stress. Contraindications for Kuril tea include individual intolerance, allergies, childhood up to 2 years. It is not advisable to take the drink if you have kidney disease or hypotension, as it can lower blood pressure. Otherwise, harm from cinquefoil tea drinks can only occur with prolonged and frequent use.


Kuril tea, or shrubby cinquefoil, is a frost-resistant plant that can grow in poor soils. Therefore, there are usually no problems when growing it. Kuril tea is propagated by seeds, dividing the bush or cuttings. Seeds are sown in spring in open ground and by autumn the young seedlings have time to grow stronger.

To quickly propagate Kuril tea, you can cut several green cuttings in the spring and root them in a greenhouse. The rooting rate of such cuttings is almost 90%, but before planting they are kept in a root solution or other root-stimulating preparation. Kuril tea is planted in a permanent place next spring.

Yellow cinquefoil in home gardening

Growing Kuril tea needs to start with a choice suitable place. Although he is unpretentious, in a sunny place and light soil grows much better than in the shade and on clayey area. If you plan to plant several Kamchatka tea bushes, maintain a distance of 40 cm between them. In this case, they will grow well and turn into hedge.

Caring for cinquefoil consists of the following activities:

  • annual sanitary pruning of bushes in early spring;
  • watering in dry summers;
  • feeding complex fertilizers during the budding period.

Young shrubs need to be cared for more carefully. In the first year after planting, it is covered for the winter if the region is characterized by cold winters. Watering is also carried out more often, and fertilizing is done in the spring during the period active growth, then before flowering and during the period of active flowering. In the first year of life, it is better to pick the buds from the bush so that it becomes stronger and next year pleased lush greenery and an abundance of inflorescences. The grass should be weeded so as not to interfere with the growth of the seedling. The photo above shows an option for using cinquefoil in landscape design.

If the shrub is propagated for the purpose of obtaining medicinal raw materials, then it is better to refuse fertilizing. In this case, for Kuril tea care comes down to feeding and sanitary trimmings. In Kamchatka it is collected from wild plants, in this form it meets all safety characteristics.

How to collect and brew

In order for cinquefoil to bring maximum health benefits, you need to know when and how to collect its leaves. Harvesting is carried out during the period of mass flowering of the bush - in mid-summer. Only leaves from the tops of shoots are suitable for collection. They are carefully cut with scissors or torn off by hand. Additionally, you can harvest blooming flowers.

During the flowering period, a maximum of useful components

Dry collected material Can in a natural way in a ventilated area. If the process needs to be accelerated, the raw materials are placed on a baking sheet in the oven and dried at a temperature of 60°C. Store tea in a glass container for 2 years.

You need to brew Kuril tea at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. per glass of boiling water. Tea is infused in a porcelain or glassware 10 minutes. You can drink up to 3 servings of the drink per day. To prepare a gargle, 2 tbsp. l. Potentillas are poured with 500 ml of boiling water and left in a thermos for 2 hours. Later, filter and gargle with warm liquid. The same infusion can be used to wash skin wounds. For intestinal infections, drink a strong brewed infusion of cinquefoil 3-4 times a day, 100-120 ml.

Kuril bush tea- beautiful and treatment plant. It can be planted as a hedge and at the same time harvest raw materials for a healthy drink. It's tasty and safe for health.

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