Indoor flowers are easy to care for. Indoor plants that cannot be kept at home, photos, names, and which ones can

Many people who want to decorate their home with fresh flowers are stopped by the fact that such crops require a lot of attention. But there are unpretentious houseplants, which do not require special care, are easy to grow, but at the same time they are highly decorative and will help refresh the interior of the house. Some unpretentious plants bloom all year round, even if you forget to water and feed them on time.

In this article you will find photos, names and descriptions of the best unpretentious indoor plants for the home. Using the advice from the article, you can choose best flower for home.

Characteristics of unpretentious indoor plants

Unpretentious indoor plants are popular for several reasons. Firstly, they tolerate well irregular watering, so you can safely leave them during your departure. Secondly, most of them do not require intense lighting. In addition, they do not need additional humidification and tolerate dry apartment air well.

However, choosing unpretentious indoor flowers, you still need to take into account some of their features and your personal preferences. You can choose species that bloom all year round, or hanging varieties that will beautifully complement the interior with their flexible hanging stems.

From the video you will learn what unpretentious indoor plants you can grow at home.

Indoor unpretentious flowers blooming all year round

Unpretentious indoor flowers that bloom all year round are the dream of any housewife. They will refresh the interior with their bright buds, but you don’t need to spend a lot of time caring for them.

There are a lot of flowering unpretentious crops, and you can buy them in any flower shop. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Geranium (pelargonium)

Geranium is one of the most common flowers for the home (Figure 1). Most varieties are intended for growing in the garden, but there are also a large number of species adapted for cultivation in a city apartment.

Note: Geranium has a pungent odor that repels insects and destroys bacteria in the air. But it's next to blooming geraniums long time not recommended as its aroma may cause headaches.

This flower loves light, but it cannot be placed on a southern windowsill due to the risk of burns on the leaves and buds.

Other geranium care features include:

  • Moderate watering: the flower does not like too much moisture, as excess moisture can cause rotting of the roots. In addition, in winter, when the geranium is dormant, watering is almost completely stopped.
  • The temperature should be room temperature, since this is the mode that is best suited for geraniums and provides it year-round flowering. The exceptions are December and January, when the flower is dormant.
  • Pruning is carried out rarely and only if the flower has grown greatly.

Picture 1. External features indoor geranium

To propagate pelargonium, it is better to use the cutting method, but in some cases you can use the method direct seeding seeds in the ground

Begonia is also an unpretentious species with abundant flowering. If you provide her optimal care, new buds and inflorescences will form all year round (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Growing begonia at home

You can use any soil for begonias. In addition, they normally tolerate high and low temperatures, but for abundant flowering she needs good lighting. In summer, the pots can be taken out to the balcony and left there overnight.

Impatiens has another name - “light” because of its large single flowers with characteristic spurs (Figure 3). When the balsam is covered with numerous inflorescences, its leaves are not visible, and this period lasts quite a long time (from June to October).

Figure 3. External features of indoor balsam

Impatiens loves good lighting, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. In addition, he loves warmth, but on hot days he needs to be sprayed with boiled water at room temperature. However, when growing balsam, you need to make sure that the pots are not too close to each other. Crowding can cause impatiens to drop their leaves prematurely.

Unpretentious indoor flowers living in the shade

In city apartments it is not always possible to provide lighting that is optimal for flower crops. If the windows of your apartment or house face mainly the north side, it makes sense to plant shade-loving and unpretentious varieties.

The variety of unpretentious and shade-loving indoor plants is quite large. Among them there are ordinary deciduous ones, and hanging ones, which are highly decorative, and even flowering ones. Characteristics of the most unpretentious representatives various groups will be given below.

In the video review you will find Additional information about shade-loving indoor plants.


Many unpretentious crops that tolerate shade well are characterized by long and abundant flowering. But, despite the ease of caring for them, some growing features should still be taken into account.

The popular name for spathiphyllum is “ woman's happiness" This crop has pointed leaves and white flowers that look like a sail (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Features of growing spathiphyllum

Spathiphyllum is great for growing on northern windows. However, it is quite sensitive to soil and air humidity, so it is necessary not only to provide the flower abundant watering, but also regular spraying of leaves. In addition, you need to regularly remove faded buds to extend the flowering period of spathiphyllum.

This is a lush shrub that is covered with large white inflorescences during the flowering period (Figure 5). Gardenia belongs to those few species that do not stop flowering even with a lack of sunlight.

Figure 5. Growing gardenia at home

Despite the fact that gardenia belongs to unpretentious crops for the home, it needs to be provided with regular and sufficiently abundant watering. In addition, the flower is sensitive to dry air, so when the temperature rises, gardenia leaves should be regularly sprayed with boiled water at room temperature.

Outwardly, Saintpaulia resembles an ordinary violet, but differs from it in being shade-loving and unpretentious (Figure 6).

Saintpaulia is a low shrub with lush leaves and large flowers. The leathery leaves are covered with small villi, thanks to which it tolerates lack of moisture well.

Figure 6. External features of Saintpaulia

Moderate watering is required, and the low humidity of the apartment will not prevent Saintpaulia from flowering abundantly. However, faded buds must be regularly removed so that the plant does not waste its energy on them and forms new buds.


The value of hanging unpretentious species is that they can be used for decoration various surfaces in the house. In addition, they tolerate shade well and can be placed not only on the windowsill, but also away from sources of natural light.

Let's look at the characteristics and features of growing some shade-loving and unpretentious plants. hanging species for home.

Indoor ivy is loved by many gardeners. This crop with variegated leaves of an unusual shape is highly decorative, but at the same time it is very easy to care for (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Using ivy in home decor

A small ivy seedling grows quickly green mass, even if placed in the back of the room. As a rule, hanging pots are used for planting ivy, and its flexible shoots are attached to threads or other supports.

Green-leaved syngonium is presented in a wide variety of species. Regardless of the variety, syngonium feels good in rooms with a lack of natural light (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Growing green-leaved syngonium

Essentially, it is a small vine with lush green leaves. It quickly grows green mass, and its flexible shoots can be used to decorate various surfaces. The only maintenance requirement is maintaining an optimal humidity level. Syngonium should be watered frequently, and in hot weather the leaves should be sprayed (preferably in the morning or evening).

Roicissus rhombicus

Roicissus rhomboidus is considered one of the classic climbing crops for the home, which are easy to care for (Figure 9). This flower quickly adapts to any growing conditions and tolerates both high and low temperatures.

Note: The main feature of roisissus is increased sensitivity to bright light. If you place it on a well-lit windowsill, burns may form on its leaves. Therefore, diffused light or light shadow is more suitable for it.

Figure 9. Roicissus rhomboid and features of its cultivation

Thanks to flexible stems and succulent green leaves original shape, it can be used to decorate furniture or tie its shoots to small supports.

Palm and large-sized

Large indoor plants shadow lovers Great for interior decoration in those corners of the room where there is little sunlight. They can be grown individually or in combination with other flowers for the home.


The ficus group includes many species that differ in leaf shape, height and growing habits (Figure 10). Some ficus plants require fairly intense lighting and careful care, while others tolerate shade and do not need frequent watering.

Figure 10. Growing ficus at home

The rubber-bearing ficus is considered the most unpretentious among the ficuses. It tolerates shade well and can be grown in almost any conditions. This plant quickly grows green mass, but requires some care. Firstly, you need to provide it with regular and sufficiently abundant watering. Secondly, large leaves ficus should be regularly wiped with a damp cloth and sprayed with boiled water at room temperature.

Hamedorea is a palm tree that grows quite slowly, but is excellent for growing in the shade (Figure 11).

Figure 11. Growing Hamedorea at home

To keep the plant lush and beautiful, you need to regularly wash its leaves in the shower and spray it on hot days. In addition, direct sunlight is harmful to it, so on hot days it needs to be shaded.


Rapis is a shade-loving indoor palm tree, which has a high decorative value when proper care(Figure 12). There are two types of rapeseed: low and tall, but low varieties are more often grown at home. Their height does not exceed one and a half meters, while the plant remains quite compact, while high grades can reach three meters in height.

Figure 12. External features of low-growing rapeseed

Despite the fact that rapis intensively increases green mass when natural light, direct sunlight is harmful for it, and it is better to place the pot in partial shade. The pot is turned periodically so that the crown is formed evenly. Rapis tolerates room temperature well, and in summer it can be placed on the balcony.

The most difficult thing in caring for rapis is watering. The soil should be constantly moist, but neither drying nor excessive moisture should be allowed.

Deciduous indoor plants

Deciduous plants are considered the most valuable shade-loving indoor plants. They form a lush mass of greenery and do not need special care and perfectly decorate the interior.

There are a lot of types and varieties of deciduous shade-loving plants, so you can easily choose a flower suitable for the conditions of your apartment.

Fittonia is a highly decorative plant, mainly due to its variegated leaves. But its value lies not only in its decorativeness, but also in its unpretentiousness (Figure 13).

Figure 13. Growing Fittonia at home

Fittonia tolerates lack or even absence of sunlight well, and can grow even in artificial lighting. That is why it is often grown in offices and other rooms with a lack of sun. However, this culture needs to be provided optimal watering and air humidity. In summer it is watered quite often, and in the cold season the amount of watering is reduced. In addition, you need to maintain indoor humidity by spraying the leaves with boiled water at room temperature.

Outwardly, nephrolepis resembles a fern, because this indoor plant belongs specifically to this group (Figure 14). Several types of this crop are grown at home, and all of them are highly decorative.

Figure 14. Use of nephrolepis for home decoration

Nephrolepis is very unpretentious. It grows well in any soil, tolerates the dry air of a city apartment and does not require special care. Nephrolepis should be periodically replanted into larger pots (as the bush grows), and watering should be moderate.

Fatshedera lise is an evergreen vine with unusually shaped leaves (Figure 15). Its flexible stems are often used to decorate vertical surfaces in the home, and its ability to tolerate shade makes it an indispensable assistant in interior design.

Figure 15. Features of growing Fatshedera Liza at home

Despite the fact that fatshedera tolerates shade well, if possible it can also be placed on illuminated window sills. The plant can be kept at room temperature, but in winter it is better to move it to a cool room. During active growth The flower is provided with abundant, but not excessive watering.

Note: You can determine that the soil is too wet by the color of the leaves: from excess moisture they will begin to turn yellow.

If the room is cool, additional humidification is not required. But, if the temperature rises above 18 degrees, the leaves are periodically sprayed with boiled water or a stationary humidifier is installed near the plant pot.

Beautiful, well-groomed green plants decorate the house, saturate the air with phytoncides, absorb harmful substances and create an atmosphere of comfort. But in order for store-bought potted flowers to grow and develop safely in your apartment, you need to take care of them.

Some capricious green creatures need to be sprayed with water mist 3-4 times a day, others need shading from the bright sun at noon and lighting in the evening. People who work outside the home and often go on vacation or on business trips cannot provide such plants with normal care.

So, can we do without greens entirely? No, you just need to choose the most unpretentious indoor plants for landscaping your home. Those that can withstand 1-2 weeks without watering, grow well in the dry air of a heated apartment, feel normal both in the heat and in a cold draft, do not require frequent feeding and transfers.

1. It’s probably difficult to find a more unpretentious houseplant than (mother-in-law’s tongue, pike tail). It grows well on south window and in a dim corner, but on sunny window the leaves will be more vibrant. You can replant it every few years when it doesn’t fit in the pot. No need to feed.

Sansevieria does not suffer from the dry air of the apartment in winter; it does not need to be sprayed. It is necessary to water rarely - the dense leathery leaves retain a supply of moisture; in winter you don’t have to water it at all - growth will stop, and it will rest until spring. Cold drafts of sansevieria are not scary; it often decorates cold foyers and hallways.

2. Another exceptionally persistent hanging plant is carnose or " wax ivy". It grows well on the south window; it will not disappear in the northern room either. In its thick wax leaves moisture accumulates, it can easily survive several months without watering. If you managed to completely dry out your hoya and it has lost all its leaves and roots, cut the stalk from the stem and place it in water - in a couple of weeks the plant will sprout roots again. Wax ivy is replanted very rarely, when there is absolutely no room in the pot. You can also do without fertilizing. And when good conditions unpretentious hoya will delight you with abundant and lush flowering.

3. Indoor plant, better known as Crassula or "money tree". It needs to be watered rarely - the fleshy leaves retain a lot of moisture. Dry apartment air does not harm the fat woman. It practically does not need fertilizing and replanting. The money tree can grow on the south window and on the north. Can be kept in a cool room in winter at temperatures up to 10 degrees.

You just have to follow two simple rules care money tree: the pot is small so that the soil has time to dry between waterings, and add more sand, perlite or vermiculite to the soil mixture. It reproduces easily - just stick a leaf into the ground or water.

4. Graceful green or white-green narrow leaves appear tender and brittle. But this plant is one of the most undemanding and easy to care for. His underground part has thickenings that accumulate water and nutrients. Chlorophytum is not afraid of drought and excess moisture, heat and cold drafts; it can grow in the sun and in the shade. It can live in one pot for many years (it’s better, of course, to replant it on time, but it won’t go away without replanting and fertilizing). Chlorophytum is considered one of the most best absorbers harmful substances from the air. Perhaps the reason the plant is able to survive without proper care is because it can obtain and process the substances it needs from the air.

The atmosphere and comfort that plants bring to the house cannot be replaced even by fashionable decorative items. They can be considered the best decoration, capable of transforming any, even simple, interior. Not all housewives decide to acquire “green pets”. The main reason is the lack of time and experience in care. A way out of the situation can be unpretentious indoor plants that can withstand even harsh conditions. They are not afraid of the dry air of heated rooms, they will feel good in a draft and in the heat, they do not need to be fed or replanted. All these flowers need is infrequent watering.

There are many plants that do not require special care. These are hoya, nolina, philodendron, ivy, peperomia, croton, scindapsus, syngonium, coleus, chlorophytum, shefflera, aglonema, euphorbia, cacti, agave, lapidaria, godson, cotyledon, duvalia, monstera, dudleya, dazilirion, gasteria, astroloba and others . Among the unpretentious flowering indoor plants, it is worth highlighting Billbergia, Clivia, Kalanchoe, Sparmannia, Pelargonium, indoor rose, spathiphyllum and fuchsia. Next we will look at the most common and available plants, which can be purchased at any flower shop.


Effective and unpretentious indoor flower with beautiful white buds reminiscent of calla lilies and blooming all year round. It tolerates lack of moisture. After drying out, it drops its leaves, which rise after watering. He doesn't need frequent transplants. Feeding will be useful, but it will also grow without it. The only thing that spathiphyllum does not tolerate is cold, so it is better to keep the plant away from drafts.


If you think geranium is a boring flower that grandmas grow, then you are wrong. There are many types of plants, differing not only in the shape and shade of flowers, but also in size, leaf color and smell. All they need to bloom is moderate watering and bright light.


This is another flowering houseplant that is not particularly demanding. It will delight you with elegant flowers from spring to autumn. In warm weather, it can be taken out onto the balcony or into the garden. Fuchsia should be watered as needed, without allowing the soil to dry out. It is better to place the flower in shaded areas.

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This desert native does not like frequent watering and waterlogging of the soil. He is not afraid of dry air, bright sun or shadow. It feels good in a cramped pot, so it does not need frequent replanting. If you forget about it for a long time, the zamioculcas will shed all its shoots and lose its attractive appearance. As soon as you water it, new beautiful leaves will appear from the tuber. The only requirement for its growth is that the soil is not too dense and nutritious. To create the conditions, you can mix ready-made soil for cacti or violets with sand.


This flower can be called indestructible. It is one of the most unpretentious house plants. He is not afraid of either heat or cold. Sansevieria tolerates bright light and dark places. You can rarely water it, and in winter you can refuse watering. The plant will slow down its growth until spring.


This plant is also called wax ivy. It can exist without watering for several months. Hoya does not need regular feeding. She doesn't need frequent transfers, you can do this when there is no room left in the pot. Well, if you take care of it, the plant will thank you with beautiful flowers.


A popular indoor plant called the money tree. Its fleshy leaves are able to retain moisture, so there is no need to water the flower often. Crassula is not afraid of dry air; it will grow in both northern and southern windows. It does not need to be replanted and fed frequently.

Hello, dear flower growers! I really love indoor flowers. Only the air in my apartment is dry. So, my favorite orchid’s leaves began to wither and turn yellow. I had to give a flower to a friend. Humidify the air with some kind modern means I don’t really want to, I don’t have time to spray, I’m at work all day. Is it really necessary to give up growing flowers altogether? Please advise what to do?


There is absolutely no reason not to grow indoor plants. You just need to choose flowers that are not afraid of dry air, at the same time they are beautiful and will take very little time to care for. We offer you a sign of life-loving and unpretentious greenfinches that will be happy to be placed on your balconies and window sills.
Plant Humidity Watering Spraying Lighting Temperature Top dressing Transfer
Excellent tolerance to dry air Moderate, avoid excess moisture in the soil Not required. Wipe leaves with a damp cloth Direct sunlight, diffused light, partial shade and shade Preferably indoor. In winter it can withstand up to +15, in summer +25-28 degrees Once a month with fertilizers for cacti in the spring summer period In spring if necessary
Resistant to dry air Moderate. In winter - once a week, in summer - twice. Not required. Once a month is allowed warm shower Withstands both sunlight, so is the shadow Not lower than +8 degrees, in summer +15-18 Once a month, from May to October If necessary, 2 years after purchase or transplantation
Yucca elephant Can tolerate dry air Moderate, decreases in winter Not required Direct sunlight Room. In winter it can withstand +10-12, in summer-spring + 18-26 degrees Once a month with fertilizers for cacti If necessary. Undercut side shoots
Can easily withstand dry air Moderate, in winter no more than once a month Not required. It is allowed to remove dust from the leaves with a damp cloth. Diffused sunlight In winter up to +15 (avoid heating devices nearby), in summer-spring +20-25 degrees Once a month universal fertilizers, or fertilizers for cacti Once a year
zonal Resistant to dry air Abundant in summer, limited in winter. Avoid over-wetting the soil Not required Scattered sunlight. Keep away from sunburn During the rest period (from October to February) +12-15, spring-summer period +20-25 degrees In spring and summer, once every two weeks, in liquid form on moist soil No more than once every two years. Prune the bush in spring
elasticity Tolerates dry air Moderate, dry In summer soft water Scattered light Room. In winter it can withstand +14-16 degrees, in summer-spring +18-23. Keep away from drafts Once every 2-3 weeks with fertilizers for decorative foliage In spring (period of active growth) as needed
Hoya Resistant to dryness Moderate. Do not allow the soil to dry out completely and excess humidity Spraying in summer, at high temperatures Scattered light. Avoid sunburn In winter +15-18, in summer +22-25 degrees In summer, 2-3 times a month Mature plant– no more than once every 3 years
mile Tolerates dry air well Moderate, scanty in winter Not required. Avoid getting water on leaves and stems Bright sunlight, direct rays Heat air. In winter - up to +18, in summer-spring +20-24 degrees During the flowering period - from spring to autumn, feed with fertilizers for cacti about 3 times a month Of necessity
(dollar tree) Hardy, easily tolerates dry air Watering is plentiful, but rare. In winter - reduce Not required. It is allowed to wash the leaves periodically Diffused sunlight Preferred room temperature. In winter +16-18 degrees Once every two weeks in spring and summer. You can use fertilizers for cacti Young plant replant once a year, in the spring. Then reduce (after 3 years)
Resistant to dry air in winter, but moisture-loving in summer In spring and summer – abundant, in winter – scanty Not required in winter. Spraying is required in summer Diffuse light, but easily tolerates shadow and partial shade +18-23 degrees Once a week in autumn and spring, the rest of the time - once every 2 weeks with fertilizers for flowering plants Annually (once a year) in spring

Flowers are a wonderful decoration for any interior. But what if there is not enough light in your apartment for their full growth? The answer is simple: you need to plant unpretentious indoor plants. These are mainly plants that natural conditions grow in shady or shaded areas. We offer you names short description and photos of the most popular indoor shade-loving plants.


Among the shade-loving plants there are many beautiful flowering ones. So you have the opportunity to decorate both northern and foliage-shaded windows with luxurious flowers. You just need to create the plants optimal conditions For lush flowering and active growth.


Spathiphyllum is a beautiful, shade-tolerant indoor flower loved by many gardeners. It feels great on a north window, where its leaves acquire a rich green tint And elongated shape. Likes frequent spraying and a shower once a month.


Gardenia is a real find for lovers of flowering indoor plants. With good humidity and comfortable temperature (from +16 to 24ºC), this beauty will delight you with its luxurious flowers. Just don’t forget to remove wilted buds in a timely manner.


Saintpaulia (Usambara violet) is one of the most common flowering indoor herbaceous plants. It develops well and blooms beautifully in partial shade, with sufficient humidity and comfortable temperatures (from +20 to +24°C).


Vriesia is an unusually beautiful indoor flower, memorable for its bright arrow. However, when growing it, you need to monitor the air temperature (not lower than +18 and not higher than +27 ° C) and the presence of water in its outlet.


Anthurium is quite capricious, but very beautiful flower, many types of which are intended only for heated greenhouses. When working with the plant, you need to be as careful as possible, as it contains substances that irritate the mucous membrane.


Begonia is one of the most beautiful shade-loving plants, whose beautiful large bright flowers serve as decoration for any interior in summer and winter. There are about 2000 species of decorative deciduous and decorative flowering begonias. And they all prefer partial shade and moderate watering.


Shade-loving clivia pleases gardeners with unusual umbrella-shaped inflorescences located on high peduncles. However, for abundant flowering it needs good watering, light partial shade and fertile soil.

Calathea Crocata

This representative of the arrowroot family is grown for its beautiful leaves of unusual colors: speckled, dashed, dark and light green. Calathea Crocata does not tolerate temperature fluctuations and dry air. Grows well in a closed flower window.


For its lovely flowers, wide open and pansy-like, the Miltonia orchid is called “ pansies" Loves partial shade and good humidity. Afraid of drafts. Sign correct location The plant is distinguished by the pinkish tint of its leaves.


Streptocarpus, with its delicate, bell-like flowers, is a real boon for gardeners. It is unpretentious in care, tolerates partial shade, blooms magnificently and for a long time (up to six months) and is easily propagated by any of its parts.


Azalea (rhododendron) is rightfully recognized as one of the most beautiful and vibrant flowering indoor plants. In conditions high humidity air, with regular spraying and compliance temperature regime(from +12 to +20 °C), it will delight you with a luxurious hat of amazing colors in the winter cold.


Angrekum, like all orchids, is very delicate and whimsical tropical flower. But it grows well with plenty of moisture and regular spraying with soft, warm water in light partial shade or with sufficient artificial lighting.


Ampelous indoor shade-loving plants are an excellent room decor, especially if you need to decorate the walls. They are grown in hanging planters, pots, vases and baskets.


Ivy is one of the popular hanging plants. He absolutely cannot stand direct hits. sun rays, changes in light source and does not like temperature changes. Shade-tolerant, but loves soft diffused light.

Green-leaved syngonium

Green-leaved syngonium is a very beautiful, distinctive vine with succulent leaves on long petioles. Leaf blades the plants, joining together, form a continuous green cascade that will decorate any interior. The main thing is to avoid excessive dryness of the air.

Roicissus rhombicus

Roicissus rhombicum is perfect as vertical gardening large premises. But remember that this decorative deciduous vine from the grape family needs regular pruning and systematic spraying.


Epipremnum - unpretentious, very easy to grow tropical liana. It grows very quickly (more than a meter in a year) and climbs beautifully along a decorative moss-covered special support. Blooms only in natural conditions.


Peperomia is a perennial tropical evergreen herbaceous plant from the southern regions of India and America. In nature it grows on tree trunks, and in room conditions grows well in light partial shade. True, in winter, in order not to lose color, it requires brighter lighting.


A native of Northern and South America, today Tradescantia is undeservedly forgotten, although not so long ago it could be seen in any public place. The benefits of this perennial indoor plant herbaceous plant in its absolute unpretentiousness. Grows well in the shade. The main thing is a sufficient amount of moisture.

Creeping callisia grows quickly and creates a beautiful green carpet that is pleasing to the eye. You just need to make sure that the soil in which callisia grows does not dry out, and that there is enough space and air around the plant. Loves “walks” on the balcony or terrace.


Scindapsus is an unpretentious tropical vine with original leaves, painted in yellow and white stains. This fast growing plant looks great against the background of greenery of other colors, loves high humidity, partial shade, and from spring to autumn - abundant watering.

Palm and large-sized

Shade-loving palm plants and large-sized ones are widely used in decorative floriculture. They look great alone and will best complement the decor of large spacious premises, adding a touch of exoticism to them.


Ficuses are popular tree-like, fast-growing, beautiful shade-loving plants. They look good in both residential and office premises, and in winter gardens. Ficuses love partial shade and plenty of moisture.


Hamedorea is a slow-growing, shade-tolerant palm. Its other name is bamboo palm. It is important to frequently spray the leaves of this beauty, wipe them from dust with a soft damp cloth, protect them from direct sunlight, and wash them once every two weeks under a warm shower.


Rapis - slow growing decorative palm, which not only decorates the interior, but also cleans the air well of pollutants. Rapis loves soft, diffused light, abundant watering in summer (once every 3 days), and moderate (once every 10 days) watering in winter, walks and regular wiping of the leaves. It is also important to promptly prune dried parts of the plant.


Dracaena is a tree-like ornamental indoor plant, very similar in appearance to a palm tree. Its other name is “dragon tree,” which dracaena acquired thanks to its unusual red sap. Loves moisture, moderate temperatures and partial shade.


Cordyline is a tree-like, shade-loving plant of the Dracaena family. For good growth and beautiful appearance Cordyline needs regular watering with soft, settled water, diffused light, and in winter in additional lighting.


Monstera is one of the most beautiful indoor vines. This tropical large plant is very popular in residential buildings and institutions with limited light. At favorable conditions– moderate temperatures, regular spraying, protection from direct sunlight, it can grow up to 3-4 m in height.


Decorative deciduous shade-loving indoor plants are natives of the subtropics and tropics. They are grown for their showy leaves. These are not flowering plants They are not picky about light and are able to decorate the interior of rooms with windows facing north.


Flower growers breed Fittonia for its beautiful leaves. However, in order for their color not to fade, the plant needs partial shade, since Fittonia cannot withstand either bright sun or full shade. But in winter it needs additional lighting.


Nephrolepis is a striking representative of ferns with tufted stems and small green leaves. It grows well in partial shade, but does not like too much dark places and exposure of the leaves to direct rays of the sun. Needs constant spraying with soft warm water.

Fatshedera Lisa

Fatshedera lise is an original hybrid of ivy and Japanese fatsia. This deciduous, shade-tolerant houseplant is perfect for a hallway. It can be planted at front door and north window. The main thing is not to fill it up and take it out Fresh air in the summer.

Fatsia japonica

Thanks to its beautiful crown, Fatsia japonica is widely used for interior decoration. It is not very capricious, grows quickly and tolerates partial shade, but prefers coolness and fresh air. Also, for comfortable development, she needs a lot of free space.


Adiantum is the most sophisticated and delicate representative of ferns. His beautiful leaves They are widely used for decorating bouquets and will decorate any interior. However, they require protection from bright sun. Therefore, partial shade and northern windows - perfect option for adiantum.


Philodendrons - beautiful creeping vine with semi-herbaceous woody branches and long aerial roots. This is one of the most shade-tolerant and unpretentious vines, suitable for growing in hanging pots. Does not tolerate drafts, temperature changes, dry soil and air.


Calathea is a wonderful representative of the arrowroot family, whose main decoration is large leaves of original colors that fold at night. Calathea is quite capricious to care for. It grows best 2 m from a western window, on a tray of wet pebbles, in conditions without drafts and temperature changes.


Arrowroot, with its original oval leaves, creates a unique decorative effect, which attracts many gardeners. True, they have to try to make the arrowroot feel comfortable and its leaves look attractive - water it often (every 3-4 days) and spray it with settled water every day, protect it from temperature changes, strong shade and bright light.


An inhabitant of subtropical forests, aucuba is a tree-like species. shade-loving plants. She is very shade-tolerant and is more afraid of excess light than lack of it. Moderate air temperature (not higher than +20 °C) is also important for akuba. You need to work with it carefully, because it is poisonous.


Codium (croton) is a beautiful indoor plant of the Euphorbiaceae family, valuable for its luxurious leaf color. Needs very good watering, drainage and constant spraying. It is important to spray the plant in the shade, since in the sun after this procedure burns may appear on the leaves.

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