When to plant garlic in the fall according to the lunar calendar. Favorable days for “winter” planting of garlic this year

Garlic is not without reason one of the most beloved crops grown in the region. garden plots. Without its taste and aroma it is impossible to prepare many dishes; not a single preparation for the winter, which gardeners love to make, can do without its spiciness. In addition, garlic has unique properties, allowing you to fight harmful viruses, which is why it is so popular during the cold season. When asked whether it is possible to plant garlic in the spring, we say “Yes!” The crop is planted both in autumn and spring - in both cases you can get a good, rich harvest.

Chapter 1. Favorable days for planting garlic in the fall in 2018 according to the lunar calendar

  • September: 4, 6, 19, 27, 28, 29;
  • October: 2, 3, 25, 26, 29, 30;
  • November: 4, 5, 6, 24, 25, 27.

Section 1. Planting dates

Winter garlic should be planted 35-45 days before the onset of permanent cold weather. During this time, the planted teeth should have time to take root well, develop a good root system, with a penetration depth of 10-12 centimeters. But at the same time, leaves should not sprout from the cloves. In more northern regions cloves are usually planted from September 20 to October 10, and in more southern areas - from October 10. You need to guess the planting date, since garlic planted early will germinate, while garlic planted late will freeze.

Chapter 2. Unfavorable days for planting garlic in the fall

  • September: 9, 10, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25;
  • October: 9, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24;
  • November: 1, 2, 16, 17, 18.

Section 1. Preparing garlic for planting

In order to plant garlic correctly, you need to select and prepare high-quality seed material.
For planting in the fall, you need to use freshly harvested winter garlic. It is necessary to select well-dried, healthy onions, carefully divide them into cloves, trying to damage them as little as possible.

Next, you need to sort the cloves into medium and large, then rinse them for 1-2 minutes in the solution table salt(for 5 liters of water 3 tablespoons). Then you need to put the teeth into the solution copper sulfate(1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) and soak in it for 1 minute. After this disinfection procedure, the teeth must be planted in the beds without rinsing with water.

Section 2. Planting scheme

First, you need to make grooves along the bed with a depth of 6-8 centimeters at a distance of 20-25 centimeters from one another. The cloves should be planted in the grooves so that there is a distance of 4-5 centimeters from the clove from the soil surface. You need to maintain a distance of 7-8 centimeters between the teeth. You need to place the cloves in the groove vertically, bottom down, but it is also possible to place the cloves “on their sides.” 2-3 weeks after planting, for better wintering, you need to sprinkle the bed with garlic with a 2-centimeter layer of humus or peat.

Chapter 3. Favorable days for planting garlic in the spring in 2018 according to the lunar calendar

  • March: 6, 9, 10, 11, 20, 23, 24;
  • April: 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 23, 24;
  • May: 9, 10, 11, 19.

Section 1. Unfavorable days in the spring of 2018

  • March: 3, 17, 18, 30, 31;
  • April: 15, 16, 29, 30;
  • May: 14, 15, 16, 28.

Garlic planted in spring is called spring garlic. It is very durable, and if garlic planted in the fall is not stored longer than a year, then spring crops can be stored for up to 2 years. However, the yield of spring garlic is much smaller.

Section 2. Features of planting in spring

Spring planting of garlic occurs quite early, when the soil temperature warms up to 5 °C. In Ukraine it is the end of March, in middle lane Russia – mid-April.

In general, planting methods in autumn and spring are the same, with the exception of minor technological differences. Spring spring garlic, unlike winter garlic, can be wrapped in a damp cloth for 2-3 days before planting to speed up root formation. For the same reason spring planting require mandatory watering, especially in the first month and a half after planting. The planting depth of spring garlic is less than that of winter garlic, averaging 5-6 cm.

Section 3. Care after landing

Caring for garlic consists of regular watering, weeding, loosening the area and fertilizing. It is necessary to remove garlic shoots as soon as they form, and also know how to treat garlic in the event of an attack by insect pests or infection with some kind of disease.

1) Watering the garlic

Water the garlic as the soil dries; in dry weather, water generously - 10-12 liters per m², but if it rains regularly, you can avoid watering. They completely stop watering garlic in August, when the bulb begins to gain weight and volume.

2) Fertilizing garlic

As soon as the shoots appear in the spring, green garlic feed nitrogen fertilizers(Fertakoy, mullein or urea), after two weeks the garlic is fertilized again. In just one season, it is enough to fertilize the area with garlic four times.

The diseases and pests of garlic and onions are almost the same. Of the diseases, the most dangerous are white, cervical and gray rot, helminthosporiosis, fusarium, smut, jaundice, false powdery mildew(or downy mildew), mosaic, rust and tracheomycosis.

Of the insects that most often cause trouble for garlic, onion secretive proboscis, tobacco thrips, stem nematode, caterpillars of winter, cabbage, garden and gamma armyworms, sprout and onion fly, mole cricket, onion moth and centipede.

Chapter 4. Video

For summer residents, there is such a thing as favorable days for carrying out work on the site. Such days can be determined using the lunar calendar. Unfortunately, few people listen to this information, and the result is a low harvest.

The location of the moon has a huge influence on the growth of garlic. Garlic should not be planted during a new or full moon. During these periods, all the sap of the plant is collected in its upper part, or in the root. Thus, the development of garlic is significantly slowed down.

The waxing moon has a positive impact on the development of culture, while the waning moon has a negative impact.

If you use the available information wisely, you can significantly increase crop productivity.

The most suitable days for planting garlic in the spring of 2017 are the following dates:

  • March: 23, 24;
  • April: 19, 22, 23;
  • May: 7, 8, 10.

Favorable days for planting garlic in the fall of 2017

To plant garlic in the fall, you also need to follow the most suitable days, such as the following:

  • September: 13, 19;
  • October: 6, 7, 9;
  • November: 5, 6, 7.

How to plant

In order to obtain good harvest, you must follow all recommendations for planting and further care for culture.

  1. Preparing the soil for sowing. Garlic can be sown twice a year. Excellent yields can be expected when planting garlic in autumn period. The bed for planting must be prepared in advance. To plant garlic in the fall, it should be ready by August.
  2. Garlic is good for organic fertilizers, therefore, when applying fertilizers, you need to take this fact into account. In addition, the culture can be introduced mineral fertilizers, peat, sand and loam are also excellent.
  3. Choice of predecessor. Crop rotation is important when preparing a site. The best predecessors The following crops are: zucchini, pumpkin, legumes. It is not recommended to sow garlic after nightshade crops; in this case, you may not expect a good harvest.
  4. Before sowing, the soil must be cultivated saline solution. To prepare this you will need a bucket of water and a glass of salt. The beds should be watered with this solution, this will further protect the crop from pests.
  5. Preparation seed material. To plant garlic, you need to select only strong cloves; any damaged ones should be removed immediately. The garlic must be divided into cloves in advance, after which the seed material will need to be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate. The garlic should lie in the solution for 24 hours, after which the cloves should be thoroughly dried.
  6. Selecting a site for sowing. The place for sowing must be chosen in an open area, it must be illuminated from all sides.

Before planting, the soil must be dug up in advance and all weeds must be removed. Then you need to add fertilizer; wood ash is great for growing crops.

Planting winter garlic

Obtaining a good harvest depends on following the appropriate technology for growing the crop.

  1. The temperature for planting should be 10 degrees Celsius.
  2. First you need to make small grooves in the ground and water them well. Then depressions of approximately 6-8 centimeters are made, the distance between the rows is 20 centimeters.
  3. Then the garlic clove should be inserted into the soil in a vertical position. If the cloves are laid on their side, then they will not germinate.
  4. After this, they need to be sprinkled with a little earth, and covered with sawdust or peat on top, you can lay out spruce branches.
  5. In cases of dry autumn, garlic must be moistened frequently, approximately every 5 days.
  6. It is not recommended to grow the crop in one area for more than 2 years in a row. After this, the plot must be changed, otherwise the harvest will be small and small.

Planting garlic in spring

Garlic can also be planted in the spring, but the crop yield will be slightly less. You can start planting if temperature regime soil corresponds to 5 degrees Celsius.

The planting period is between March and April. Before planting garlic, you need to prepare the soil; for this you need to dig it up and level it with a rake. Immediately before planting, the ground should be treated with saline solution.

Further technology for planting garlic in spring is the same as in autumn.

Except traditional way You can also use unusual plantings, for example, this one. First you need to prepare metal pipe. Using a pipe, you need to press into the ground in the place where you want to plant the garlic. You should pour ash inside the hole, place a clove of garlic and sprinkle earth on top.

There are two varieties of garlic - spring and winter. Spring garlic is planted in the spring, while winter garlic is planted in the fall, and its bulbs can be planted in April and harvested in the fall planting material for next season. To harvest winter garlic was good and did not freeze out in winter, you need to know how to plant garlic in winter correctly, we will talk about this in this article.

How to plant garlic for the winter and when

Like all winter crops, garlic is planted in the fall. By folk signs All plantings must be completed before the Intercession of the Day - October 14. For the central part of Russia optimal time planting garlic from about mid-September to mid-October. To avoid planting garlic too early, experienced agronomists It is recommended to wait until the ground is covered with ice at night and thaws during the day.

Because climatic conditions in Russia are very different, the main rule is to complete planting garlic 30-45 days before the onset of frost. During this time, the garlic will have time to grow roots up to 12 mm long, while the green shoots will not have time to sprout. Planting garlic before winter 2017 lunar calendar will take into account not only the timing of landing, but also the optimal days for landing in accordance with the lunar phases.

Favorable days for planting garlic in the fall in 2017 according to the lunar calendar:

  • September: 7, 10, 11, 14, 15;
  • October: 7, 8, 11, 12, 18;
  • November: 5, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 6, 17.

If you plant garlic earlier, it may have time to sprout and then the young green shoots will freeze, but if you plant it too late, the garlic will not have time to take root and will freeze.

Preparing a bed for planting winter garlic

Garlic is a rather capricious crop, so the soil must be:

  • Nutritious. At least two weeks in advance, you need to add everything to the soil for garlic. necessary fertilizers (best choice humus will be added - 5 kg per 1 sq. m) and dig up.
  • Easy. Garlic does not grow well on heavy soils and prefers sandy loam soil.
  • Slightly acidic. Culture practically does not develop in acidic soils and gives a meager harvest, and therefore the soil must be deoxidized.

Place to plant garlic must meet the following requirements:

  • Illumination. Garlic is a light-loving crop, so when choosing a place for it, you must take this into account.
  • Elevated place. The place where the garlic bed will be organized should be elevated so that there is no stagnation of melt water on it.
  • Be protected from the wind. If there is no snow on the garlic bed in winter, it must be covered, otherwise it will simply freeze. Therefore, it is advisable that the wind does not blow snow from the garlic bed in winter.

A good area for a garden bed would be place near the fence on the north side. After the planting site has been selected and the soil has been fertilized, cover the bed with film until the garlic is planted.

When choosing a site for garlic planting before winter, when planting, you must take into account the rules of crop rotation, otherwise the harvest will be poor. Failure to follow these rules may result in the soil lacking the elements necessary to nourish garlic. The soil may contain pathogens and larvae of pests of the previous crop. In addition, planting garlic after the recommended crops promotes a good harvest due to the accumulation of substances beneficial to garlic by the previous crop.

  • Garlic is not recommended to be planted after root crops, since their harvest is late and the soil may not have time to recover. In addition, garlic should not be planted after garlic and onions.
  • Experts recommend planting garlic after annual crops with a short growing season (cucumbers, zucchini, peppers and others).
  • Planting garlic in the same place, including after related cultures, is allowed only after 3-4 years.

Also, when choosing a place to plant garlic, it is worth considering the compatibility of crops. Before planting garlic in the fall, consider a planting plan for next year to ensure incompatible crops do not end up planted together.

How to properly plant winter garlic in the fall

For planting, only good and strong cloves that are not damaged are selected. Before planting, the cloves are disinfected in a refrigerated ash solution(0.5 kg of ash per 2 liters of water) for 2 hours.

Rules for planting winter garlic

  • To plant garlic for the winter, having prepared the bed, you need to make grooves or depressions with a thin cutting 15 cm deep. The planting pattern is as follows - 15 x 20 cm (15 cm is the distance in the row, 20 cm is the distance between the rows).
  • A 1.5 cm layer of sand is poured into the bottom of the recess to prevent rotting of the cloves and increase drainage. Then we lay the cloves bottom down and cover them with soil.
  • The top of the bed must be mulched with a layer of dry peat or a layer of sawdust mixed with soil.
  • In winters with little snow, as well as in the Urals and Siberia, garlic must be covered with roofing felt or film for the winter so that it is not damaged by frost.
  • Bulbs planted in April will provide planting material for next year by autumn. They can be planted in a denser pattern to a depth of about 3 cm.

Rules of care

After the garlic is planted, the bed is mulched and, if necessary, covered, all work stops until spring. For a good garlic harvest next season, you need to do the following:

  • remove roofing material and mulch layer;
  • at the first shoots, apply nitrogen fertilizers;
  • abundant watering at the stage of active growth and head formation;
  • loosening and weeding the beds after watering;
  • periodic breaking of issued arrows;
  • at the end of June - beginning of July, add ash to the soil.

Popular varieties of winter garlic

Garlic, when planted before winter, is first of all chosen zoned, i.e. varieties suitable for the region so that the harvest is good and delights the gardener. The most popular and sought-after varieties of garlic are: Lyubasha, Spas, Komsomolets, Petrovsky, Gribovsky 60 and Yubileiny Gribovsky, Messidor and many others.

How to plant garlic correctly in winter - step-by-step plan

  1. Drawing up a crop planting plan for the next year, taking into account plant compatibility, crop rotation rules and soil requirements.
  2. Choosing a place for planting winter garlic, applying fertilizing and covering with film until the garlic is planted. Duration of work: from the end of August to the beginning of September.
  3. Selection of planting material (we select only strong, undamaged cloves with an intact shell). Carrying out their disinfection. Deadline for work: before planting, but no later than October 14.
  4. Removing the film from the bed and preparing the furrows, taking into account the planting pattern and depth, planting the cloves. Work completion period: mid-September - mid-October.
  5. Covering the bed with roofing felt or film if winters in your area are severe or have little snow. Deadline: immediately after planting the garlic.

Before the cold season sets in, you need to decide on the planting time and variety of garlic. The volume and timing of harvest depends on these factors. When to plant garlic before winter in 2017 according to the lunar calendar, see our article.

Even in ancient times, people noticed that the phase of the moon in the sky has an effect different influence on plant growth and development. Long-term observations have shown that new and full moon days are not the best time to transplant crops. During this period, the plants rest, so everything life processes slow down, and the juices flow to the roots. The waxing moon promotes active growth crops, and decreasing has the opposite effect.

What date do you plant garlic before winter?

Favorable days for planting garlic:

  • from September 7 to September 15 and from the evening of September 9 to September 11 inclusive, the 14th and 15th.
  • October 7 and October 8 – standard winter planting with cloves;
  • Due to global warming in all regions of Russia, it is also permissible to plant garlic in November, namely on the 5th, 7th and 9th of November.

Unfavorable days:

In September from 3rd to 6th, 20th, 25th to 27th and 30th (from 10 am).

What kind of garlic can be planted before winter?

Before the cold season sets in, you should decide on the type of plant to grow.

Let's consider popular varieties winter garlic:

  • Violet Kharkov– arrow type, head lilac color with six teeth, rounded and flattened, weighing 30–60 g.
  • Saved– the variety was bred by Ukrainian breeders in the city of Lviv. Its main advantages are high yield, disease resistance and a long period storage The weight of one head is 60–100 g.
  • Bashkirsky-85early ripening variety, the bulb is round in shape, covered with purple scales, and contains 4–6 cloves. Minimum weight 60 g.
  • Doctor– an early ripening, non-shooting variety, there are 10–16 cloves in the head, average weight 40 g.
  • Reliable– mid-season, bolting variety. The weight of one onion is 60-70 g. Its outer cover is white and purple. This species has high keeping quality. The shelf life of garlic bulbs is 11 months under temperature conditions.
  • Autumnmid-season variety with a head consisting of 5–7 cloves, dry scales various shades lilac color and weighing 30-60 g.
  • Sailwinter-hardy variety, the onion consists of 8 brown or purple cloves, the average weight is 40 g.
  • Lyubasha– the variety was bred in Ukraine and can be stored for up to 10 months. Head white with lilac veins, consists of 7 cloves, its average weight is 80 g.
  • Anniversary Gribovsky- a mid-season variety that differs high yield. Average weight bulbs 30 g, it contains 5-8 cloves.

How to properly plant garlic before winter?

Before choosing a place on the site for planting and starting to prepare it, you need to know after which crop to plant garlic before winter. The best predecessors for its planting are annual plants with a short period of growth and development, such as peppers, zucchini, eggplants, cucumbers and berry bushes. It is not recommended to plant crops after root crops, since they are harvested late, the soil is depleted and does not have time to recover. Also, this plant cannot be grown constantly on one piece of land; it can be returned to its original place only after 3 years.

How to prepare garlic for wintering?

To obtain large bulbs of garlic from bulbs, it will take 2 years, from cloves – 1 year. Before planting in the ground, it is necessary to review the planting material, remove damaged, small cloves and damaged outer shells. Then disinfect in a boiled solution (0.4 g of ash per 2 liters of water), and after a few hours in a cooled solution. The second method is to treat with a light potassium permanganate composition.

Soil preparation

Garlic is heat-loving, so the area should be well lit sunlight. The crop prefers to grow in sandy loam soil with a low acidity level, into which manure was added for its predecessors. If you add this fertilizer to fresh, it can lead to pest damage to the plant. To restore the soil after previously growing vegetables, you should feed it 1.5-2 weeks before planting nutrients per 1 m²:

  • humus - 0.5 buckets;
  • superphosphate – 25 g;
  • potassium salt – 20 g;
  • vitriol solution (1 teaspoon per bucket of water).

Then cover the beds with plastic wrap.

Planting garlic

In the area for cultivating winter garlic, you need to make furrows no more than 20 cm deep with an interval of 25 cm from each other. To prevent it from rotting due to contact with the ground, a layer of sand should be poured onto the bottom of the planting holes. The distance between small cloves should be no more than 10 cm, between large ones - 15 cm. After planting, the soil should be mulched with wood shavings and peat. If the winter is snowless, you can cover the crops with improvised means, but only until the first snow.

At the end of the gardening season, when all the work has almost been completed, many gardeners begin to think about next year’s new harvest. Autumn - the right time for the winter, but the main thing is to do it at the right time so that the harvest is decent. The fact is that many people grow garlic on their own summer cottage, there is nothing surprising, because this culture is very popular and is present on our table throughout the year. Garlic is good for health, it is added to many dishes, and used when preparing vegetables for the winter. The process of growing this crop is simple. The main thing is to know the time to plant garlic before winter, find and prepare a place, have high-quality planting material and know some of the features of planting, care and storage.

On the importance of climatic zones

It must be said separately that correct landing winter varieties of this vegetable depend on climatic conditions different regions and countries. For example, the time for planting garlic for the winter in Siberia and Ukraine is different. It is necessary to take into account the temperature at which this process will be most successful in autumn time year - +13-15 0 C. This is done so that before the onset of frost it can form

A little about landing rules

If we focus on the time of planting garlic for the winter according to the lunar calendar, then in this case gardeners adhere to certain norms that have existed for a long time. Even in ancient times, these rules helped people plant gardening crops. Sowing lunar calendar with its lunar days and phases has a great influence on the growth and development of the root and above-ground parts of plants.

The lunar calendar always takes into account the days when it is closest to or distant from it, and many other, no less important cycles of the Moon’s movement. So, during the new moon you should not do this; the same can be said about the full moon. If you take the time to plant garlic before winter, then the most favorable days in September there will be periods from 19 to 20, in October from 11 to 17 and from 21 to 22. You can also plant garlic in November, from the 8th to the 13th, but here you need to take into account the weather and climatic conditions of the area so that there is time for the development of the root system of the crop. It is believed that best period According to the lunar calendar, the period for the growth of root crops and plants growing underground is the period. The time for planting garlic for the winter in Ukraine will be slightly different. It is also important to plant all plants in good weather, with positive mood which will definitely give positive results.

During the period of “rest” of the Moon, all the power goes into the root system of plants. Their juices are directed precisely to the roots, and the stems freeze for a while in growth. Therefore, the period of the waning moon has a positive effect on sowing and planting many plants from underground parts, consumed as food, including garlic. Closer to the new moon, it is good to work on cultivating this crop - weeding the beds and controlling pests.

Landing in central Russia

For best time for planting garlic for the winter, this is the period at the end of September or beginning of October, since winter crops in this case have time to grow and produce a good harvest. Almost the entire month of September follows the lunar calendar. favorable time to prepare the soil.

The main conditions for a successful winter and a good harvest next year are right choice places, good time planting garlic for the winter and the depth of seed placement. This crop can be planted in any well-lit place where many previously grew. vegetable plants, except for onions, since garlic and onions have many common diseases, they are affected by the same pests. Ideal place, according to many experienced gardeners, is considered to be where tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, cabbage, and pumpkins previously grew.

The time for planting garlic for the winter in 2014 may differ from previous years only weather conditions, because you need to know that there should be about a month and a half left before the onset of severe cold. It’s okay if green sprouts appear after planting garlic. This will indicate that root system has time to form, the vegetable will be able to overwinter well and give excellent harvest next year.

Preparing beds and sowing

It is advisable to prepare the bed for sowing garlic a couple of weeks before sowing, because it is no coincidence that this particular time was chosen for planting garlic before winter. You need to first dig up or plow it, and then apply mineral fertilizers, wood ash, humus, taking into account the norms for one hundred square meters of land. You need to know that fresh manure is not suitable for fertilizer; it negatively affects garlic, contributing to the spread of diseases and pests.

In order for the harvest to be really good, you need to select the seeds correctly; the cloves should not have stains, rot, or dents. You should choose the largest and most beautiful ones. It is advisable to separate the garlic heads before planting so that their bottoms are not dry, then each of the cloves will begin to take root faster. There is a good proven method when, before planting seeds, they are treated for two hours in a pink solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect them before direct landing into open ground.

Garlic cloves are planted in rows to a depth of approximately 6-8 cm, without pressing on the soil, as this can lead to stunted plant growth, with a distance of about 10 cm from each other, with an interval between rows of 20 cm, sprinkled with a layer of earth at least 10 cm thick. 3-4 cm. It is advisable to cover the winter garlic on top with dry straw or grass, branches, so that in the future upper layer was able to retain moisture. But in the spring, all this must be removed so that the garlic does not trample.

Spring care

In the spring, it is also necessary to fertilize the beds of winter garlic again. Abundant watering is required only until the cloves form, and then the vegetable should not be watered frequently or abundantly. To ensure large cloves, watering should be stopped completely 1 or 1.5 months before harvest.

Throughout the spring, you need to constantly take care of the beds - weed them, remove weeds and loosen the soil. If they appear yellow leaves on garlic, this indicates a lack of potassium in the soil; it needs to be watered with a light solution of potassium permanganate or potassium sulfate.

What to do with garlic in summer

IN summer time When arrows appear on the bushes, they must be removed so that they do not slow down the growth of the heads and the harvest is larger. Sometimes they can be left and seed material obtained from the arrows for subsequent plantings.

What do we end up with?

It is also important not to miss the harvest period, since if it is late, the heads of garlic may disintegrate into individual cloves, and this negatively affects its further storage. If you choose the right time to plant garlic for the winter and follow simple rules If you take care of your crops using the lunar calendar, you can certainly get a wonderful harvest next year.

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