Why does a woman dream about jewelry? Leafing through the dream book: why do we dream about precious stones? Good time to start

Seeing or wearing jewelry means tears.

Find - you yourself are to blame for your troubles.

Give it as a gift - someone will offend it.

Stealing means losses.

1 Jewelry by Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

Precious metal - uncertainty, sadness, moral heaviness.

1 Jewelry by Slavic dream book

You are surrounded by false but powerful friends who use you with bad intentions.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Jewelry according to Hasse's dream book

Seeing jewelry means receiving a gift; buy - disrespect awaits you; receive as a gift - hangers-on will surround you; wear - you will gain fame in society; find - you will have happiness; to lose - arableness.

1 Jewelry by Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

Jewel dream meaning:

falsehood and dependence.

1 Jewelry by

Seeing Jewels, decorations, gold in a dream - to tears.

Finding and buying precious things means success in business.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Jewelry by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Note whether the jewelry is on you or is lying on its own.

She's just a sweetheart!

Can mean abundance and radiance.

1 Jewelry by Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

They symbolize false values, non-functional for In-se, which the subject considers fundamental in life, but which in fact only tightly bind him to the “Super-ego”.

1 Jewelry by Dream book of the future

Pleasure and wealth; seeing them on yourself means receiving a reward and other events that serve to satisfy ambition; seeing others wearing jewelry means fame that you or one of your friends will receive.

1 Jewelry by American dream book

Can mean abundance and radiance.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Jewelry by ABC of dream interpretation

Why does a woman dream of jewelry:

1 Jewelry by Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong

Seeing jewelry in a dream means:

Gold and silver expensive items, jewelry. - Portends wealth and nobility.

Gold, silver, pearls, precious stones. - Great luck, benefit.

Gold and silver cups, dishes. - Birth of a noble offspring.

Jewelry - Pans and cauldrons made of gold and silver. - Great happiness.

Precious stones piled up in a huge mountain. - Great wealth, nobility.

You buy gold or precious stone rings. - A noble son will be born. B

Bronze, copper frying pan or cauldron. - Foreshadows a squabble.

A chest full of pearls and precious stones. - Portends big trouble.

You buy cups and dishes made of jade and jasper. - Fortunately.

You see the iron utensils. - Portends the acquisition of wealth.

Lead and tin. - Portends the acquisition of wealth.

You buy a copper item. - Portends great wealth, nobility.

Jewelry - Metal inlaid utensils. - Getting rid of the disease.

1 Jewelry by Dream Interpretation by A. Mindell

Jewelry in a dream is interpreted in the dream book as:

You had a dream about what jewelry is it for (jewelry) - You saw jewelry in a dream - this dream is a favorable omen; your vacation will be a complete pleasure; your activities will lead to wealth. You saw jewelry on yourself - a promotion awaits you; the rank you will receive is beyond your expectations; your ambition will be satisfied; Having gained a lot, you will sincerely wish the same for others. You see jewelry on someone else - you and your friends will be famous; your cause will find support from many people; you will meet new like-minded people. It’s as if they are giving you jewelry - your entrepreneurial activity is doomed to success, since you have the qualities necessary for entrepreneurship: ingenuity, optimism, activity, etc. If a young woman dreams that she is given jewelry, her marriage will be happy. It’s as if you are giving jewelry to someone - in real life you will commit some kind of recklessness; you will look impressive, but the effect is the only thing you will achieve; In material terms, losses await you. You have inherited jewelry - in reality, acquisitions await you in material terms; but these acquisitions will not satisfy you; you believe that you deserve more. You buy jewelry - success awaits you in matters of the heart; you will be in shock: every spoken word will be in place, every glance, every gesture will reach its goal; you will have the greatest effect on your loved one; It is at such moments that important proposals are made. You discovered that the jewelry is fake - in reality you will encounter deception; The partner’s promises will be great, but practical actions will be zero. Your jewelry seems to be broken - a dream of disappointment; what you were striving for will turn out to be nothing more than an appearance; The quality of the item you purchase leaves much to be desired.

You had a dream Precious stones - You see scatterings of precious stones, but do not touch them - wealth and fame await you. It's like you're picking up more gems; put them in your bosom, stuff them in your pockets - get ready for some kind of trouble; it will darken your life for a long time; You will never be rich, but you will be able to make ends meet - you won’t have to ask for a loan.

1 Jewelry by Italian psychoanalytic dream book A. Roberti

Jewelry in a dream means:

You dreamed of Jewels, what is this for. 1. Jewelry in a dream usually means that there is something worthwhile in our life. Accepting jewelry as a gift means someone appreciates us; To give jewelry ourselves is to feel that we have something to offer to other people. Jewels can also mean those qualities that, through much trial and error, we have learned to value in ourselves and express, as the simplest, to other people. Sometimes jewelry means love. If a woman gives jewelry to a man, then this indicates her strong attachment to him and, perhaps, her desire to invite him to enter into a close physical relationship. 2. Very often, jewelry in a dream represents our own feelings towards ourselves. Their appearance indicates either something very valuable, or a known falsity (for example, when you dream of cheap jewelry) and reminds us of self-esteem. Sometimes such a dream makes it clear how others feel towards us. 3. Jewelry - honor and self-respect, devoid of vanity.

What do Precious Stones mean in a dream? 1. Precious stones in a dream always symbolize what we value. These can be one’s own or someone else’s personal qualities - directness, honesty, openness, the ability to be oneself, etc. Searching and finding precious stones on a mountain or in a cave is trying to find good qualities in yourself. Determining or calculating the value of gemstones involves the need for time for something. 2. If precious stones are set in a setting and are jewelry that can be worn, then we are aware of the benefits of something. For example, finding an emerald ring in a dream suggests that a step has been taken in one’s own development. There are many interpretations of the influence of precious stones on a person’s character and even his destiny. Naturally, interpretations of dreams with them also differ. Most often, the dreamer himself knows what this or that stone means to him. But there are also generally accepted beliefs. Thus, amethyst is believed to provide healing, and diamond is generally associated with human greed, and what a person values ​​in a cosmic sense. Emerald illuminates personal growth. Opal suggests an inner world of fantasy, psychic impressions. The pearl represents the beauty of the soul. Ruby is responsible for emotions, passion and sympathy. Sapphire illuminates religious feelings. Below are other meanings of some of the more famous gemstones:

Agate (black) symbolizes wealth, courage, security and power. Red - peace, craving for good; health, prosperity and longevity. Amber represents crystallized light and magnetism. Amethyst is a healing stone. By connecting the dreamer with the spiritual principle, it influences the influence of the dream, and also promotes peace of mind, self-restraint and humility. Aquamarine embodies the qualities of hope, youth and health. Beryl is endowed with happiness, hope and eternal youth. Heliotrope embodies peace and understanding. It is also believed to grant wishes. Carbuncle gives self-confidence and brings success. Carnelian illuminates friendship, courage and health. The cat's eye influences longevity and provides support in business. Chrysolite will give wisdom, caution, tact, prudence. Chrysoprase - fun, unconditional happiness, is a symbol of joy. Corundum affects the mind. Crystal is associated with purity, simplicity and various magical elements. Diamond affects endurance, steadfastness, invincible constancy, sincerity, purity. Emerald embraces immortality, hope, youth, faith and also the beauty of spring. Garnet can help energy levels and signifies devotion, loyalty, grace. Hyacinth symbolizes loyalty and truth, but also the gift of a second glance. It also contains humble qualities, modesty. Jade is “all that is excellent”, it is the youthful energy of heaven and all the pleasures that accompany it. Jasper carries the qualities of joy and happiness. Jet is usually associated with dark emotions such as grief and sorrow, but it also guarantees safety during travel. Lapis lazuli is a blessed stone. It is believed to contain divine power, success and the ability to demonstrate perseverance. Magnetite contains the qualities of decency and honesty; and it also has a positive effect on potency. Moonstone/Selenite carries the magical qualities of the Moon, tenderness and romance. Olivine influences simplicity, fairness and happiness within specific limits. Onyx promotes insight, sincerity, spiritual fortitude and marital bliss. Opal represents loyalty and devotion, as well as the religious fervor of the worshipers and the assurance of spiritual beliefs. The pearl symbolizes feminine principles, chastity and purity. Peridot strengthens friendship and protects against lightning strikes. Ruby is traditionally associated with kings, dignity, zeal, power, love, passion, beauty, longevity and invulnerability. Sapphire contains world truth, heavenly virtues, heavenly contemplations and the feminine side of chastity. Sardonyx represents the code of honor, renewal, lightness, vitality and various aspects of self-control. Topaz embodies the beauty of heaven, kindness, faith, friendship, love, foresight and insight. Topaz also symbolizes the Sun. Tourmaline gives inspiration and imagination. Friendship is also personified by tourmaline. Turquoise symbolizes courage - physical and spiritual - as well as success. Zirconium contains wisdom, honor, glory, and wealth.

3. From a spiritual perspective, gemstones and their interpretation can enhance personal development. In most dreams, the most common stones appear, but if some unknown ones appear, this means that great knowledge can be acquired at the conscious level. Many stones have healing qualities, and this is a whole separate zone. There is a lot of good literature and websites on the Internet that will help you in the correct interpretation of the precious stones you dreamed about.

1 Jewelry by French dream book

Jewel dream meaning:

Means that your pride will be punished.

In a dream, communicating with a jeweler is a sign of insincerity of one of your friends.

Dreaming of fake jewelry warns of someone’s hypocrisy and shameless flattery.

1 Jewelry by Dream book alphabetically

What does it mean if a woman dreams of jewelry:

Faceted precious stones in a dream - happiness awaits you in reality.

A dream in which you see jewelry foretells that you will be delighted with an expensive gift or will delight others with it. Receive jewelry as a gift yourself - in reality you will have hangers-on and hangers-on. Wearing precious things in a dream means gaining fame and thus satisfying your ambition. Seeing others wearing them is a sign that one of your friends will gain fame. Buying jewelry means that you will have success in business and love, but disrespect from others.

Finding a precious piece of jewelry in a dream is a sign of happiness and luck in important matters, on which your success generally depends. Losing something of jewelry means that in reality you will encounter a sensualist who will woo you in every possible way in order to achieve his goal.

Seeing ancient clothes in a dream, richly decorated with elaborate jewelry - good luck will smile on you after a streak of bad luck, you will have the opportunity to improve your affairs thanks to the support of sponsors.

Family jewels in a dream signify an increase in well-being, but spiritual discord and internal dissatisfaction.

If precious things were stolen from you in a dream, in reality there is a real danger to your current situation. Seeing your missing jewelry on someone else means marriage and a harmonious, happy marriage.

To see precious stones in a dream, as well as semi-precious, decorative and ornamental stones, playing with edges or striking with a unique pattern on the cut, means in reality to receive a false judgment about complex things and high matters. Seeing or having a lot of them portends good protection in the person of devoted friends.

Stealing a precious stone from someone in a dream means succumbing to temptation in reality. Buying precious stones in a dream foretells honor, respect and gaining fame.

If in a dream you find a large and amazingly beautiful gemstone, success in any business awaits you in reality. To lose it means to lose something due to the death of one of your relatives or friends.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Jewelry by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

What can jewelry mean in a dream:

What do Jewels mean in a dream - Get a promotion. For a woman, such a dream means the appearance of a rich admirer. Imagine jewelry in all its brilliance and splendor, put it on yourself.

1 Jewelry by Phoebe's Great Dream Book

Jewelry in a dream means:

What do Jewels mean in a dream - to a promotion, getting a job that you have long dreamed of. Imagine whole chests of jewelry. They are all yours. You go through them, looking for what you like best. Finally, you choose the most beautiful and expensive jewelry and put it on yourself.

1 Jewelry by Family dream book

If a girl dreams of jewelry, it means:

Dream about pleasure and wealth; seeing them on yourself means promotion and satisfaction of ambition; to see others wearing them is a sign of fame; you inherited them - your well-being will increase unusually; if they were given to you, there is a threat to your current position; found - quick and brilliant success in business awaits you; bought them - great success in important matters and especially matters of the heart; for a young woman to see that she receives jewelry as a gift portends a lot of pleasures and a desired marriage; if she sees that she has lost them, it means someone will mislead her.

1 Jewelry by Russian dream book

Why does a woman dream of jewelry?

Buying jewelry means luxury, new acquaintances; to lose - to loss; wear - career success; give - be careful, there may be dangers.

1 Jewelry by Eastern dream book

Seeing jewelry in a dream means:

Such a dream foreshadows pleasure and wealth.

If you wear jewelry, it means you will be able to achieve a high position and satisfy your ambitions.

If you see how others wear jewelry, success awaits your loved ones. A dream in which you saw clothes decorated with precious stones foretells good luck: perhaps you will receive an inheritance or be lucky in a game of chance.

Receiving jewelry as an inheritance means wealth, which, however, will not bring you the desired happiness.

Receiving precious jewelry as a gift is a favorable sign. For an unmarried woman, such a dream also foreshadows a successful marriage.

If you give away jewelry, beware of danger.

Finding jewelry is a sign of serious success.

Buying jewelry is a sign of good luck in important matters and especially in love.

1 Jewels according to Azar's Dream Interpretation

Interpretation of a dream about jewelry:

Jewelry dreams of envy. Wearing jewelry in a dream means fame in society; buying jewelry means disrespect. Losing jewelry is lust. Precious stones dream of tears, falsehood, temptation, the threat of blindness, sometimes they mean honor, as well as sadness. Receiving precious stones means happiness, especially in the personal (there may be a false judgment about things), losing precious stones means loss of wealth and happiness, loss of a loved one, you will become a victim of treachery. Finding a gemstone means happiness, success in business

1 Jewelry by Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Interpretation of a dream about jewelry:

What you value. Wearing jewelry is an exaggeration of one’s virtues; losing jewelry means missing out on a successful situation in business or breaking up with a loved one; receiving jewelry as a gift - achieving your goals; giving jewelry is reckless excess.

Precious stones are your Self.

1 Jewelry by Home dream book

Jewelry in a dream predicts:

Self-respect. Broken or broken jewelry is a disappointment after achieving the desired goal.

1 Jewelry according to Miller's dream book

Seeing jewelry in a dream means pleasure and wealth.

Seeing them on yourself means receiving a rank and satisfying ambition.

Seeing others wearing them is a sign of fame that you or one of your friends will receive.

Seeing clothes decorated with jewels portends rare luck.

An inheritance or a successful trade deal will raise the person seeing such a dream to the highest spheres.

If you dreamed that you received jewelry as an inheritance, your well-being will increase unusually, but this will not satisfy you.

Seeing that you are given jewelry is a sign that there is a threat to your current position.

For a young woman to see that she receives jewelry foreshadows a lot of pleasures and a desired marriage. If she sees that she has lost jewelry, this means that she will meet people who, while flattering her, will mislead her.

Finding jewelry means quick and brilliant success in matters in which you are very interested.

Buying them is a promise that great success awaits you in important matters, especially those of the heart.

1 Jewelry by Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

If a young girl saw jewelry in a dream, such a dream symbolizes enormous success among the stronger sex.

Pleasure, entertainment and a marriage proposal await you. If you see a gemstone, it means that you can easily succumb to temptations, which you will regret later.

1 Jewelry by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Precious stones are false values ​​that do not work for the “inse.” When the subject possesses truly spiritual values, the image of precious stones indicates the actualization of the superego.

1 Jewelry by Dream book of symbols

Decorations (jewels) are interpreted in two ways. In a dream, they represent temptation, seduction, futility, or actual enrichment in something (for example, in knowledge). To a large extent, jewelry emphasizes the nature of a love relationship (for example, marriage, devotion or betrayal, divorce). Cheap jewelry indicates deception (unreliability), and a wedding ring indicates upcoming marriage (fidelity). The brightness and richness of the colors of precious stones in a dream means goodness, happiness, knowledge of secrets or illusions. Women's jewelry relates to the sleeping woman's position in society, her attractiveness, dreams and hopes. Treasures (treasures) also refer to ambiguous symbols - loss, deception or acquisition (depending on the plot).

1 Jewelry by Dream Interpretation of Lovers

Seeing jewelry on yourself means a successful marriage for a girl and marriage to a rich bride for a boy.

If you dreamed of clothes decorated with jewelry, this means good luck in love.

Receiving jewelry by inheritance means that you will enter into a marriage of convenience, which, however, will not bring you happiness, despite the fact that you will be rich.

A girl who dreams that she is given jewelry will have a lot of pleasure in real life and will get married successfully.

Losing jewelry - dreams of disappointment in a loved one. Such a dream suggests that the lover whom she trusted was deceiving her in pursuit of his own goals.

Buying jewelry - dreams of success in matters of the heart.

1 Jewelry by English dream book

Why do you dream about Jewels:

This is always a good dream, a harbinger of enormous material well-being and increased wealth.

1 Jewelry by To dream that your lover gives you jewelry is a sign that his feelings are sincere and he will undoubtedly marry you.

If a young man admires the precious decoration of his beloved in a dream, this foretells him a quick, happy union with his chosen one, who will conquer him with the gentleness and nobility of her soul. If you dream that you are looking at jewelry next to your loved one, this means that you will have strong, healthy, happy offspring.

1 This dream is favorable for businessmen, sailors and farmers.

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

To tears.

Jewelry according to the Dream Book 2012

Jewels without differentiation - the need for Strength; gifts of the Force; the need to seek true values ​​in life.

1 Jewelry by Products - look at the specific value.

Stones are generally a reflection of abundance (also see the meaning of the specific).

1 Jewelry by Metals are generally a reflection of perseverance (also look at the meaning of the specific).

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

It’s as if you are picking up broken precious items - you will soon achieve the goal you have long been striving for, but you will be disappointed; You will suffer from loneliness for some time.

Dream book of Nina Grishina

1 Jewelry by Precious stones, diamonds, diamonds are your children, honor and wealth.

Why do you dream about Jewels:

Receiving them is happiness, especially in love.

To lose is the loss of wealth and happiness, the loss of a loved one.

1 Jewelry by Women's dream book

Seeing a lot of jewelry means envy. Wearing expensive jewelry on yourself is the satisfaction of ambitious desires. Receive jewelry as an inheritance - your financial situation will never fully satisfy you. Receiving as a gift is a rare success.

1 Jewelry by Women's dream book

The past and valuable for the individual, often his integration, individuality, internal integrity. The light reflected in the jewelry symbolizes the symmetry and balance of ideal consciousness. According to A. Moneghetti - false values, actualization of the Superego. “Jewel”, “treasure”. Favorite person. Jewelry. A woman who looks like jewelry, that is, graceful or slender. Jewel lying on a flower. A union of oppositions, perhaps man and nature; or the sexual, carnal side of human nature combined with religion and mysticism. In Rosicrucian symbolism it corresponds to the symbols of the rose and cross. Jewels turning to stone. Devaluation of values, in particular, the idealized image of a mother or lover/beloved is broken. Crystal. Hardness, purity. Diamond. Holistic, bright personality: Self. Union of male and female principles. Lost illusions. The center of consciousness is shifted from the Ego to an attractive personality, all erotic energy is directed towards this personality. Diamonds and crystals have similar symbolic meanings to stars. Pearl. A holistic personality. Ruby. Corresponds to rose and mandala.

1 Jewelry by Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Each of the precious stones has its own symbolism.

But in general, a gemstone is a sign of abundance and splendor. This may also portend enrichment. Seek true values ​​in life to find true happiness.

1 Jewelry by Modern dream book

A dream about jewelry promises pleasure and wealth.

Wearing jewelry in a dream means that you will achieve a high position and satisfy your ambitions.

If you see jewelry on others, success awaits you or your friends.

Seeing clothes decorated with jewels predicts rare luck.

An inheritance or a successful game on the stock exchange will take you to the very top.

If in a dream you inherit jewelry, in reality you will be rich, but will not be completely satisfied.

A dream in which you give away jewelry warns of the danger that threatens you.

For a young woman to dream that she is given jewelry, predicts that in real life she will have many pleasures and a successful marriage.

If she dreams that she is losing jewelry, she will meet flatterers who will deceive her.

Finding jewelry means dizzying success in matters that interest you.

Buying jewelry is a sign that you will be very lucky in important matters, especially in love.

If you dreamed of a magnificent, sparkling gem, it calls you to be careful; soon circumstances will develop in such a way that you will easily succumb to temptation.

Buying a gem in a dream means that you will lose money or something valuable to you.

Receiving a gemstone as a gift is a good sign that promises an increase in your fortune.

Anyone who owned a precious stone in a dream will achieve universal respect in life.

A person who wore a precious stone in a dream will be accused by those around him of arrogance and arrogance.

Finding a precious stone is a bad sign; the one who saw such a dream faces complete ruin.

Disgrace, shame, and dishonor await the one who loses a precious stone in a dream.

By selling a gem in a dream, in reality you will significantly improve your financial situation.

1 Jewelry according to the Online Dream Book

Why do you dream about Jewels:

1 Jewelry according to Freud's dream book

Jewelry usually symbolizes the face or appearance of a loved one.

1 Jewelry by Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Get a promotion. See it for yourself - the vacancy you have long dreamed of will be offered to you; to see that others are wearing them - your boss will become aware of your hard work, which will earn his favor; you inherited them - the new position will bring you increased financial well-being; if they were given to you, along with the new appointment you will receive the outstanding debts and obligations of your predecessor; found jewelry - the offer of a new position will come as a complete surprise to you; bought jewelry - to advance in your career you will have to sacrifice the most expensive; jewelry is made of gold - along with a promotion, you will get the opportunity for a happy completion of an important matter, the result of which you were eager to see.

For a woman, such a dream means the appearance of a rich admirer. Fake jewelry (costume jewelry) - the generosity of your admirer knows no bounds; holding jewelry in your hands - the offer that you have been waiting for so long will follow immediately; someone admires your jewelry - your union will be long and happy; looking at jewelry on display - you will have a difficult choice between contenders for your heart; precious stones - you are very focused on yourself, narcissism can lead to loss of trust of the person you value; carry out an examination of jewelry - a series of admiration, adoration and devotion will be followed by a period of alienation, disappointment and destruction of the ideal; the chest is decorated with jewels - passionate love; the head is decorated with jewelry - a new acquaintance will crowd out all memories of past meetings from the head; decoration on your hand - your marital status will change significantly for the better.

Imagine jewelry in all its brilliance and splendor, put it on yourself.

1 Jewelry by Dream book of the 20th century

They symbolize feelings, passions and desires dear to your heart.

Seeing or finding a jewel in a dream is a harbinger of unexpected good luck. Perhaps the feelings that you will experience in the near future will change your whole life for the better.

At the same time, if the sight of jewelry excites or blinds you too much: beware of the catch, the dream says that your feelings can deceive you, and hope will be dashed.

Buying jewelry: this is a sign warning you that if you succumb to some temptation, you risk incurring significant losses.

Seeing jewels on the chest: indicates passionate love.

Jewels on a headdress or in the hair: they say that some ideas or plans may turn out to be extremely successful.

Expensive jewelry on the hand: most often foreshadows a happy marriage.

A beautiful necklace or choker around your neck: a sign that in pursuit of your dreams you risk losing your inner freedom.

1 Jewels according to Rommel's Dream Book

To see precious jewelry, just stones, things with jewelry in a dream, to find them or buy them - to wealth, pleasure, great success in business and in love.

Carrying it on yourself means satisfying ambition and a successful career.

If others wear them, you or your friends will become famous.

An inheritance or trade deal involving jewelry is popular in the highest circles of society.

If you are given jewelry in a dream, be careful, there is a threat to your position.

For a young woman, receiving jewelry as a gift is a symbol of all kinds of pleasures and a wonderful marriage.

Losing them means falsehood in relationships, dependence on someone, misconceptions due to flattery.

1 Jewelry by To the newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Why do you dream about Jewels:

Gifted jewelry - to recovery, to wealth, to success in the business you have begun.

Jewelry purchased independently is a sign of a cold or an infectious disease, such as the flu.

1 Jewelry according to the Dream Book of the 21st century

Seeing jewelry in a dream means good luck; if there are a lot of them, it means wealth; buying jewelry in a dream means success in business; losing it means happiness.

Finding a precious nugget in a dream means success in business and prosperity.

If in a dream you really want to buy yourself an expensive necklace or a chic gold chain, but cannot afford it, it means that obstacles or difficulties await you on the path to success or achieving your goal.

For a woman, a dream in which she has a necklace or an expensive chain on her neck portends a quarrel with her lover or disappointment in him.

Seeing a silver chain in a dream means that you will benefit from your troubles; gold around your neck - you will use your time wisely.

If in a dream you were given a precious stone - to an increase in wealth and profit; buying it means loss, selling it means improving your financial situation.

Seeing transparent precious stones in a dream means joy, blue ones mean wealth, blue ones mean confidence in the future.

Seeing a jeweler in a dream means a change in position; being one yourself means taking on impossible obligations.

Buying jewelry that imitates expensive jewelry or other costume jewelry in a dream means receiving timely help from a friend, but if the product turns out to be defective or of poor quality, then wait for the activity of your enemies.

1 Jewelry by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Jewelry in a dream has an ambiguous interpretation. To correctly understand your dream, they should be considered in conjunction with other details of your dream. In any case, this is not a very pleasant symbol. If you saw in a dream how you put on or wear jewelry, this predicts some sad events and tears for you. When you dream that you have found jewelry, the dream tells you that you yourself are to blame for all your troubles; you should not try to shift responsibility for them to someone else. If you stole jewelry in a dream, expect some losses and financial troubles in reality. If they were given to you, it is a warning that you may suffer from some person, someone will offend you.

1 Jewelry by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

A lot of small and very pleasant chores associated with a big celebration at home. Imagine that you have a jewelry box full of gold, silver and precious stones. You admire them, put them on yourself.

1 Jewelry by Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

If you saw jewelry in a dream, this often predicts that you will receive some kind of gift in reality. If you dreamed that you were given jewelry, the dream warns you that you are surrounded by insincere people who are using you in their own interests, hangers-on. Buying jewelry yourself in a dream means experiencing disrespect and being ostracized. You wear jewelry, predicts that you will receive fame, recognition, glory. Finding jewelry in a dream means happiness and joy; losing it means your lust will not bring you any good. If you dreamed of fake jewelry, this indicates some kind of falseness in a relationship or that you will become dependent on someone or something.

1 Jewelry by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

You see jewelry - jewelry, rich stones, gold, silver, platinum in a store window or on rich ladies in evening dresses - this is a sad sign, predicting sadness and tears in reality. If you dreamed that you were buying, or even better, unexpectedly finding jewelry, then the dream is considered positive. It means that very soon you will be able to achieve success in your affairs.

1 Jewelry by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Seeing jewelry, a precious stone - a dream predicts that you will soon face some temptation. It will be strong enough for you, but if you succumb to it, you will later bitterly regret your recklessness. When the dreamer is a young, unmarried woman or girl, and she dreams of jewelry, this is a good omen. You will enjoy great success with the opposite sex. Men will surround you with their attention, they will seek your favor, pleasures, numerous entertainments and marriage proposals await you.

1 Jewelry by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

The correct meaning of a dream in which you see certain jewelry can only be understood taking into account its other circumstances and details. If you simply see some jewelry, for example, on a society lady or in a store window, this predicts that you will receive a gift. If you dream that you yourself wear jewelry, this means you will soon gain fame in society. You received jewelry as a gift from someone - it means that you are surrounded by insincere and dishonest people who want to use you for their own interests, simply put - hangers-on. Buying jewelry yourself - a dream warns that someone will show you their disrespect. To dream that you have found a jewel is a very good sign, predicting some kind of joyful happy event. Losing jewelry in a dream means that under the influence of your own lust, you may commit some unreasonable act, which you will later regret.

1 Jewelry by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

When you dream of some kind of jewelry, in most cases, the dream has a negative meaning. Seeing jewelry is a warning that you are behaving too arrogantly and, if you do not change your behavior, you will definitely be punished for your pride. You dream that you are looking at jewelry offered for sale by a jeweler - obviously, one of those whom you consider to be your friends is not actually such and is playing a double game. Or uses you to his advantage. Fake jewelry in a dream suggests that someone from your circle is shamelessly being hypocritical with you, flattering you, pursuing their own selfish goals.

1 Jewelry by Intimate dream book

In a dream, seeing precious jewelry on store shelves means concern about sexual fantasies. Buy jewelry - your fears will come true. You are talking to a jeweler, which means you will have to seek advice from an authority figure about your sexual fantasies. You will read magazines about sex, you will be interested in psychological literature. You will do everything to find answers to your questions. You refused to buy jewelry, which displeased the jeweler; the dream promises you relief from anxiety, and your partner will help you with this.

If you dream of broken or broken jewelry, it foreshadows the acute disappointment that you will experience; having achieved the desired goal. This dream means that soon your devoted friends will cheat on you, and worries about business will fall only on your shoulders. “Therefore you will have night instead of dreams, and darkness instead of foretellings; The sun will set on the prophets and the day will darken over them.” bible, book Prophet Micah, iii, 6.

Jewels – If a young girl saw jewelry in a dream, the dream symbolizes enormous success among the stronger sex. Pleasure, entertainment and a marriage proposal await you. If you see a precious stone, it means that you can easily succumb to temptations, which you will regret later.

Dream Book of G. Miller

Why do you dream about Jewels according to the dream book:

Jewels - If you dreamed of jewels, then pleasure and wealth await you.

To see that you saw jewelry on yourself - then you will soon receive a high rank and satisfy your pride.

To dream that others are wearing jewelry is a sign of fame, which will soon come to you.

To see clothes decorated with jewels in a dream means rare luck awaits you.

See also: why do you dream of a gold ring, why do you dream of a ring, why do you dream of a necklace.

Family dream book

Why do you dream about Jewels in modern times:

Jewels - If a young girl saw in a dream how she received jewelry as a gift, then the desired marriage awaits her.

If in a dream she lost jewelry, then her plans for mutual love are not destined to come true.

Seeing that you have found jewelry means that you will soon experience brilliant success in matters in which you are very interested.

To see that you bought jewelry - then you will have success in love affairs, which will be resolved perfectly.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why do you dream about Jewels:

Jewels - If you dreamed of jewelry, then you will soon receive an expensive gift.

Buying jewelry in a dream means someone will disrespect you.

Receiving jewelry as a gift in a dream means you will be surrounded by hangers-on.

Wearing jewelry in a dream means fame in society will soon come to you.

Seeing that you have found jewelry means you will be happy.

Losing a jewel in a dream means you will soon become a victim of someone’s lust.

Jewels - If a young girl dreams of jewelry, this means that she will have great success with men. Pleasures, entertainment and a quick marriage proposal await her.

To see that you have seen a precious stone means that you will easily succumb to temptation, which you will greatly regret later.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Jewels - If you dreamed of jewelry, then you will be pleased with an expensive gift.

To see that you received jewelry as a gift means that you will soon have hangers-on and hangers-on.

Wearing precious things in a dream means you will gain fame in society and this will satisfy your ambition.

Seeing others wearing jewelry is a sign of fame that one of your old friends will gain.

Buying jewelry in a dream means that you will have success in business and love, but disrespect from others.

Dreaming of Jewels? See the following interpreter.

Lewis's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Jewels, for what reason:

Jewelry - Jewelry in a dream often reflects the value of spiritual protection. In addition, healing properties and miraculous cures were traditionally attributed to precious stones. They also symbolize inner wealth.

Lunar dream book

If you dream about Jewels, what is it for:

Jewels - you are surrounded by false but powerful friends who use you with bad intentions.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream about Jewels in a night dream?

Agate - I dreamed of an agate enclosed in an elegant frame, along with which it represents a piece of jewelry - this is a favorable dream, in which the agate is a sign that your business endeavors are not in vain and the business you have started is progressing successfully.

Dream Interpretation of A. Pushkin

Why do you dream about Jewels? Interpretation of sleep:

Agate – Seeing agate in a dream means slight progress in business endeavors. In general, this stone is a symbol of a successful undertaking in any business that you decide to undertake after such a dream. Therefore, if you dreamed of agate, you can safely take risks, because in this case your risk will be completely justified and will bring the desired result. If you see agate on yourself, then the dream promises you will receive a rank and satisfy your ambition. Seeing agate jewelry or clothing decorated with agate signifies rare good fortune. Perhaps you will have a successful trade deal or the conclusion of a lucrative contract, which will elevate you to the highest spheres of society. To see that you find agate means quick and brilliant success in matters in which you are very interested. Buying agate or agate jewelry in a dream foretells greater success in important matters, especially those of the heart. If in a dream someone else is wearing agate, then in reality you will receive news about your close friend whom you have not seen for a long time. Losing an agate means a threat to your current position. It is especially bad if the agate is stolen from you. In this case, you should be wary of ill-wishers who want to harm you and ruin your reputation. If you dream that you are being given an agate, then in real life a certain person will ask you for help, which only you can give him. However, be careful that your sympathy ends up hurting you personally.

Lunar dream book

What do you dream about about jewelry?

Agate - to success in science. You can invest in real estate.

Why do you dream about jewelry? The dream book calls them an ambiguous symbol. Thus, a dream can foretell success in business, prosperity, and a quick wedding for lovers. But sometimes the plot in a dream warns of losses and troubles.

Unpleasant chores

Did you dream of trying on a ring with precious stones? The dream book tells you: something will flatter your pride.

Picking up precious stones from the floor - you will endure humiliation for the sake of mercantile interest.

Seeing a box with jewelry and stones in a dream means: unpleasant troubles lie ahead.

Gift, success

However, a dream about a box full of jewelry can also promise: you will soon receive a gift. The more expensive items there were, the more luxurious the gift would be.

Finding jewelry in a dream is auspicious for sailors and travelers. For other dreamers, this foreshadows an unsuccessful, unhappy love affair.

Did you dream of finding a precious nugget? Success in business and prosperity lie ahead.

Why do you dream of finding a treasure where there is gold and jewelry? The dream book tells you: good luck accompanies your endeavors. Unexpectedly receive significant moral as well as material support from a wealthy, influential person.

An excellent period to achieve your plans

Seeing a lot of gold and precious stones in a dream means: a “golden” period is coming, when everything will work out. Even problems can be solved by finding new opportunities.

Did you dream about gold, jewelry with jewelry that the dreamer touched? Soon he will be entrusted with a serious mission. However, there is no need to worry, since everything will end well, he will receive a great reward for his efforts.

Subtleties of relationships

Why do you dream about broken or broken jewelry? Having achieved the desired goal, the dreamer will experience acute disappointment. Perhaps his friends will cheat on him, and worrying about business will fall only on the shoulders of the sleeper.

Was your jewelry stolen in a dream? The dream book explains: you are gnawed by deep resentment and disappointment. You are haunted by the false ideas of others about you and their unfair attitude.

Did you dream that they were stolen? The dream suggests: the sleeper needs to show prudence when communicating, seek compromises in order to improve relationships with others.

Try to avoid mistakes

Why does a woman dream about her jewelry being stolen? The dream book says: she will make the wrong choice.

Their theft, committed by the sleeping person, warns: he will achieve what he wants by deception.

In general, stealing other people's jewelry is a harbinger of failure, loss, and trouble.

Taking them away from someone in a dream means the dreamer seeks to influence the person in any way, even to the point of causing damage to him.

Scattering beautiful gold items and precious stones is a waste of your abilities.

Did you dream of finding a wallet with jewelry? You will receive an indecent offer.

Good time to start

Did you dream of a beautiful flower made of gold, decorated with diamonds and expensive stones? The dream book tells you: this is a good time for the most daring projects.

A chest full of expensive jewelry in a dream symbolizes the dreamer's rich life experience, which he skillfully uses.

Why do you dream of finding jewelry? The dream book promises unexpected luck.

What did they do with them?

The interpretation of the dream takes into account what actions had to be performed:

  • to find - great success in important matters;
  • collect - you will suffer damage due to excessive pride;
  • hide - they will tell you a secret that you already know;
  • steal - succumb to temptation;
  • putting stolen goods on oneself is a rude but deserved insult;
  • to receive as a gift is a threat to the current situation;
  • measure - career advancement;
  • give - dangers are possible;
  • bury - you will lose a loved one;
  • sell - improvement of financial situation;
  • buy - success in love affairs;
  • to lose - people will be misled by flattery.

Stealing them also means: the sleeper will face losses, moreover, through his own fault.

Miller's Dream Book: wealth, luck

Why do you dream about jewelry? The dream symbolizes pleasure, as well as gaining wealth. Seeing clothes decorated with them means rare luck.

Precious stones in a dream represent the dreamer’s desires and values—his real treasure. Most often, stones signify honor and dignity.

Expensive minerals in a dream are often an omen of good luck, profit and relationships. But they can also be your psychological ballast, which lies at the bottom of your consciousness. We invite you to remember the details of your dreams and find below the interpretation of your particular case.

Precious stones in a dream, individual cases and their interpretation according to dream books

  • In the dream you had to collect treasures. The dreamer tried to take into his bosom as many jewelry as possible that lay in front of him. Such a dream predicts intense work, overcoming obstacles on the way to the goal, especially if you felt tension in the dream;
  • Find precious minerals in a dream. If you did not collect stones, but found them in one place, then the prediction for such a dream is optimistic - you will be lucky enough to find a solution to your problem that will surprise you;
  • A treasure of precious stones was buried near your house. A dream in which you find precious stones literally under the nose of your home indicates an unresolved issue, conflict or the desired object. The key to the solution is very simple, you just have to think rationally;
  • Collect small expensive stones one by one. Collecting small minerals predicts good luck and success in professional activities;
  • Steal treasures. If you stole jewelry in a dream, then in real life you may have problems due to ignorance of the laws;
  • You inherited jewelry or won it in a game of chance. Your prosperity in real life will be extraordinary, but short-lived and most likely will not please you fully;
  • Exchange gems for money or valuable items. You were lucky enough to exchange your stones for money or something. In this case, in your environment there are only worthy, pure-minded people who will never betray you and will be able to help in any situation;
  • The precious mineral ended up in the dreamer's mouth. The dream symbolizes the power of your prayers and efforts. This is a sign that you are doing everything right and are clearly following your goal;
  • You lost a gem and found it immediately. The dream marks fragile and short-lived happiness in the near future, which should not be held on to;
  • A huge variety of precious stones appeared before you, an entire room. You will be tested by temptations and tested for strength, after which you will be one step closer to your cherished goal;

  • Seeing gems in a dream. Gems predict success equally in business and in love affairs;
  • Give gems to someone. You often work to the detriment of yourself and to please others. Such activities should be stopped immediately;
  • Mine precious stones in production. Engaging in such difficult activities in a dream promises good health and the imminent birth of children in the immediate environment;
  • A young woman had a dream about how she received jewelry. The dream signifies imminent marriage and desired pleasures;
  • The girl loses precious stones. In this case, the dream signals a threat; you are in danger. You may be flattered and deceived;
  • Buy precious things. The dream signifies success in matters of the heart and material wealth;
  • Semi-precious items in a dream. If you saw a fake in your dream, then you should not take everyone’s word for it and always carefully check their intentions. It is quite possible that someone has been leading you by the nose for quite a long time;
  • Scarlet ruby ​​lying on a plane. Red is the color of passion, love. A dream with a red jewel, a ruby, portends reciprocity of feelings and a quick relationship;
  • Diamonds in a dream. it is a symbol of eternity, wisdom and harmony. To see in a dream means it is possible to bring a swarm of your thoughts into orderly movement, look at the problem from a different angle and solve it;
  • Seeing in a dream often happens to greedy people. Perhaps you really have such a problem, try not to concentrate only on material wealth and prosperity;
  • Precious stone with a gold frame. According to dream books, such a combination marks open opportunities for the dreamer, the achievement of goals;
  • Precious. Seeing agate in a dream means a promotion in the near future, for which, however, you will have to try hard;
  • in your dreams. Amethyst in a dream predicts the appearance in your company of a gossip whose tongue is completely boneless. His promises are just empty words that should not be given any attention;
  • in a dream. If turquoise was among the stones you saw, then you are destined to meet a long-forgotten person whom you have not seen for a long time. In addition, the stone promises fulfillment of desires and recovery;
  • The dreamer is talking to a jeweler about a precious stone. Soon, the one who saw the dream will be betrayed by friends, disappointed in his idol;

Interpretation of dreams by famous personalities.

  1. The dream book of the Chinese prince Zhou Gong does not give an unambiguous interpretation. For example, if a whole mountain of valuables is piled up, then such a dream signifies great wealth beyond dreams, but a pile of precious stones piled up in one’s bosom signifies devastation and big troubles. Purchasing a ring with precious stones in a dream according to the Chinese dream book means nobility, material wealth;
  2. Modern dream book. According to the modern family dream book, precious minerals mostly symbolize wealth and prosperity;
  3. Lunar dream book. According to the lunar dream book, the interpretation is not clearly defined. Most often, seeing jewelry in a dream according to the lunar dream book is a symbol of the dreamer’s honor and dignity;
  4. Wanderer's Dream Book. Temptation, flattery, betrayal and deception - this is what precious stones mean in dreams, according to the wanderer’s dream book;
  5. Interpretation according to Stuart Robinson's dream book. Precious minerals, especially in a heap, mean concentration and restraint, prosperity and stability of the dreamer;
  6. According to Miller's dream book. Miller's dream book interprets precious stones as a symbol of your success in various endeavors, quick relationships and enjoyment of life;
  7. Dream book of spiritual seekers. According to the dream book of spiritual seekers, precious stones emphasize the dreamer’s inner strength and inflexibility, and the esoteric effectiveness of prayers.

If you dreamed of a magnificent sparkling gem, it means that you will be tormented by remorse for the mistakes of the past, and the future does not promise you good luck.

If you buy a gemstone, in reality you will show prudence and be able to maintain your reputation.

For a man, giving a girl a gem in a dream is a sign that a new goal will appear in his life, which will become the meaning of life.

Receiving a gem as a gift in a dream means good luck in reality.

For a woman, giving a gemstone in a dream means committing an illegal act.

Wearing a precious stone in a dream is a harbinger of a joyful surprise, a romantic infatuation.

Losing a gem in a dream foreshadows betrayal in reality.

Selling a gemstone dreams of happiness in love.

Mining precious stones in a dream promises good health and numerous offspring.

Exchanging precious stones means that in life you will be punished for some action.

If you pick up precious stones and drop them, then in reality a certain lady will be interested in you.

A dream in which you throw away precious stones promises you peace and quiet in your home, health and well-being in your family.

Interpretation of dreams from

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