Camellia flower in a pot. Camellia flower: growing and care at home

The camellia flower represents a very capricious plant, which requires constant attention, but with proper care it blooms amazingly beautifully. If not maintained correctly, this flower instantly drops its buds and does not bloom. Lighting, humidity and air temperature are the main factors for the good growth of a plant such as camellia. A flower at home will bloom magnificently if you first provide it with sufficient lighting. The light should be bright, but diffused, excluding direct sunlight from entering the camellia. It is very important to increase air humidity in winter. The camellia flower should not be placed near radiators or heat sources. IN summer period It is advisable to place the flower on Fresh air. A balcony or loggia will be just the perfect place for it.

Homemade camellia flower: proper watering- guarantee of abundant flowering

This is true, because a plant, like all living organisms, simply needs moisture. A flower is watered using water

room temperature, it should not contain lime. The soil in the pot should not be overly moistened. The camellia flower will also respond negatively to drafts and sudden changes temperatures It should be fed special fertilizers about 2 times a month.

Camellia is susceptible to disease and attack harmful insects. The main problem in such cases is the appearance of spotting on the leaves. The most dangerous pests are scale insects and whiteflies. If a plant suddenly drops its buds, this indicates, first of all, a failure. proper care.

The camellia flower can be propagated by seeds or cuttings, both apical and annual growth, from which the buds are first removed. Cuttings root well in summer at a temperature of 25 degrees.

Camellia flowering can be delayed or delayed late date. To do this, place the pot with the plant in a dark, cool room, where the air temperature is about 8 degrees. About two weeks before the start of flowering, place the camellia pot in a bright and warm place and be sure to water it abundantly.

Helpful advice: when transplanting camellias, pay attention to the neck of the stem. It should not be covered with soil. And you should not replant plants during a period of intensive growth, otherwise they may stop developing and get sick.

Besides, this flower does not tolerate pruning, and no matter how much you would like to form a nice bush, you should not do this. You can trim only weak shoots that have dropped their leaves so that the plant does not lose decorative look. But this procedure must be performed with caution.

It is necessary to replant every year, older ones - after 2 years. When replanting, it is recommended to completely replace the soil. For camellias, it is better to buy a special soil mixture; its composition is most suitable for such flowers. Some camellias can grow in open ground, however, only in southern and warm regions. With the onset of spring, camellia bushes throw out an incredible amount of buds and flowers, creating the feeling of a fireball. It's fabulously beautiful!

Camellia (Camellia) is evergreen, belonging to the Tea family. This amazing flower was named after the Jesuit monk Camelius Georg Joseph, who first brought it to Europe. In conditions wildlife the plant grows in tropical and subtropical zones in countries such as Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, India, China, on the islands of Java, Sulawesi.

Surely the description of the camellia flower will be of interest to many florists. This beautiful plant is a shade-tolerant bush or tree, the height of which can vary between 2 - 20 m. Blunt or pointed leaves have a simple, elliptical, broadly or oblong-ovate shape, leathery structure, glossy surface, short petioles. They can be single or sequential. The length of the leaf plate is about 3 - 17 cm.

It is imperative to get an answer to the question of what a plant flower looks like. Camellia produces many single buds. The diameter of blossoming flowers with numerous stamens can vary from 1 to 12 cm. The petals are fused at the base. Their color can be pink, red, white, variegated.

Popular types of camellia

Modern breeders have developed numerous varieties and camellia hybrids, using different varieties of the plant as a basis.

Below are the most popular types.

Camellia japonica This variety is considered the most famous, often used in breeding activities for the purpose of breeding indoor flowers this plant revered on par with the iconic sakura. Gorgeous flower Japanese camellia (Camellia japonicaa) is cultivated as an indoor, greenhouse, and garden plant. It is often used as interior decor and for making bouquets.

IN natural conditions the plant can have a height of 1.5 - 11 m. Caring for at home Japanese camellia, you can count on getting a tree-like shrub with stems up to 1 m long, blooming in November - January. Semi-double, double spherical flowers can have white, pink, red colors. In hybrid specimens, the petals often have a spotted or striped color. Flowers form in the leaf axils and cover the entire crown.

Camellia sinensis

This variety also has another name - tea bush. The leaves of the plant are used to produce green, black, and long tea. Dried flowers are components of various aromatic additives.

If you are interested in the question of where Chinese camellia (Camellia sinensis) grows, you can find out that the plant is industrially cultivated in many countries: China, India, Kenya, Japan, Georgia, etc. Our state is also engaged in the cultivation of tea camellia ( Krasnodar region). Its cultivation indoors is quite rare.

Mountain camellia

Mountain camellia (Camellia sasanqua) grows naturally on the islands of Kyushu, Okinawa (Japan). In a cool room, it is fashionable to observe its flowering in the period November - February. The species is often taken as a basis when breeding indoor, garden varieties. The plant develops single buds or rosettes with 2 - 3 flowers. The red camellia flower looks very impressive; also, the petals can be white or pink.

Camellia saluyonskaya

This species is actively used in breeding cold-resistant varieties suitable for garden and greenhouse cultivation. The weakly branched shrub reaches a height of 1.5 m. Large flowers (8 cm in diameter) gradually bloom on it, the color of which can be snow-white, pink, dark red, burgundy. Saluen camellia (Camellia saluenensis) is considered the most unpretentious of garden plants of his family.

Camellia oleifera

Cultivating it evergreen tree with a height of about 10 m, it is practiced in the Chinese mountainous regions. Large seeds of the Camellia oleifera flower are formed in a large fruit capsule. Single bisexual or paired axillary flowers are characterized by the presence of a white color.

Indoor camellia: cultivation and propagation

As practice shows, caring for a camellia flower at home, which is quite capricious, will be very successful if you follow a number of rules. Any gardener can master the skills of growing such a plant.

Requirements for location, lighting

To ensure that keeping camellias at home does not cause problems, you will initially need to decide on the most good place for installing a pot with a plant.

For this purpose, it is worth giving preference to windows oriented to the west or east. Camellia also feels great in a winter garden, greenhouse, or on a glazed loggia.

An inexperienced florist caring for and propagating camellia flowers should take into account that the plant (especially in the first year after planting) does not like moving, turning the flowerpot, being exposed to direct sunlight, or being exposed to drafts.

Purchased or given as a gift new flower needs to be kept in shade for 2 weeks cool room, and then transfer it to permanent sunny place, where it will be ensured that the temperature is maintained not exceeding + 16 ° C.

IN summer time The plant can be exposed to fresh air with mandatory shading. Beautiful flower camellia in a pot will demonstrate good growth, development of buds in diffused lighting lasting 12 - 14 hours per day. IN cold period year it is worth providing the camellia with additional lighting.

Temperature regime for the plant

During bookmarking flower buds it is necessary to provide for maintaining the temperature + 5… + 6 ° C. Best Bloom the plant will demonstrate at + 8 ... + 12 ° C. In the dormant phase, camellia tolerates temperatures of +20 ... + 25 ° C well.

Organization of watering camellia

When deciding how to care for a camellia flower, you will need to ensure its regular watering using settled water. During budding and flowering, irrigation is carried out immediately after the drying of the upper soil layer is detected. It is very important to prevent water stagnation and soil acidification. During the dormant stage, you should get by with moderate watering.

To increase air humidity on hot days, it is recommended to spray the bush twice a day. Adding water to the pan also works well. It would be justified to place the pot in a container filled with moistened gravel, moss, sand or pebbles.

The plant likes acidified water lemon juice, vinegar. If there is a lack of moisture, the bush can shed its leaves. Excessively abundant irrigation can provoke a situation where the leaves and stems of camellia acquire a brown tint. Subsequently, the plant’s flowers and buds may fall off. If the situation is not corrected, the flower will die.

Soil quality for crops

Camellia is very demanding on soil quality. She feels best when landing in acidic soil with a pH level ranging from 3 to 5. The use of soil substrate for azaleas has proven itself. Self-cooking the soil mixture involves the use of turf (1 share), sand (1 share), peat (2 shares), leaf soil (2 shares).

It is better to place the transplanted shoots in a flowerpot filled with a substrate with the following composition: sand (0.5 shares), peat (1 share), coniferous soil (2 shares). At the bottom landing tank drainage must be provided.

Fertilizing Camellia

Camellia reacts positively to organic fertilizers. During the autumn-spring period, monthly application of liquid fertilizers is practiced. During budding and flowering, this event is carried out 2 times a month. For camellia it is advisable to purchase ready-made fertilizers, suitable for orchids, azaleas.

Pinching and pruning the plant

In order to prevent the flowers from being crushed, the buds should be pinched, leaving a maximum of 2 copies on the branch.

IN autumn time the plant is pruned. Damaged, weak shoots are removed. This activates the formation of axillary buds.

The procedure for transplanting into another pot

Camellia undergoes an annual transplant during the first 3 years, and an adult, well flowering bush- every 2 years. A similar procedure is carried out after the flowers have withered in spring or summer, while simultaneously pinching the apical sections of the shoots.

Camellia propagation in different ways

When propagating camellia flowers, it is advisable to give preference to the cutting method.

To get high-quality planting material, you need to trim apical shoots formed during the current season. The recommended length of the cuttings is 6 - 8 cm, they should have 4 - 5 leaves. It is practiced to make an oblique cut over the axillary bud.

The optimal months for vegetative propagation of plants are January, July-August. It will take about 2 months for summer seedlings to root; winter ones will form a root system over a longer period.

The cuttings are planted in boxes filled with a mixture of peat (1 share), sand (1 share). The containers must be installed in a bright room, maintaining a temperature of + 20 ... + 23 ° C, moistening the soil by spraying. Sprouted specimens are placed in pots with a diameter of 7–8 cm.

Experienced flower growers practice growing camellia from seeds to simultaneously obtain large number young bushes. As part of this procedure, each seed is sown in a separate container. The appearance of 2 true leaves is a signal about the need to pick plants into larger containers.

It is worth noting that flower shops can often offer a mixture of seeds for sale. different varieties. In order not to later encounter a solution to the problem of how to care for camellia mix, you will first need to carefully read the information published on the packaging. The choice of planting material of a certain variety, hybrid, is considered preferable.

Garden camellia: care features

Experienced florists are confident that keeping a camellia flower in the garden is guaranteed to be not problematic for a person who has studied the appropriate agricultural techniques. Transfer young plant in open ground conditions it is carried out every two years, the adult crop is transferred to a new place at intervals of 5 - 7 years.

IN landscape design The flower mainly used is Camellia vinosa. In regions with severe in winter Many low-growing varieties have been bred for growing in open ground. On the eve of frost, they are transplanted into flowerpots and transferred indoors.

Diseases, crop pests

Unfortunately, camellia in open ground, like indoor flowers, often becomes the target of attack by pests such as aphids, scale insects, whiteflies, scale insects, spider mite, thrips.

The appearance of a white, dense coating in the leaf axils and in areas of the stems indicates that the plant is infested with a scale insect. To get rid of the pest, you need to remove it with a cotton swab or toothpick, and then wipe the affected areas with a sponge dipped in a solution of laundry soap.

Due to aphids and scale insects, sooty spots begin to appear on the plant - the black camellia looks very unpresentable. Severely damaged specimens need to be treated with specialized fungicides and insecticides. Blackened leaves must be removed.

Brown, gray spots on sheets of paper. Yellowed veins on the surface of the leaves indicate a mosaic virus. Having identified the disease in time, it is necessary to urgently begin to treat the plant, because otherwise decorative properties camellias will be lost for a long time, and sometimes the flower may even die.

Reward for patience and work

The ornamental camellia plant belongs to evergreen shrubs, which grow naturally in China, Vietnam and Japan. Its dark green shiny leaves adorn the plant. all year round. However, during the flowering period, the most charming period of the camellia's life begins. At this time, the bushes are covered with exquisite flowers that are very reminiscent of roses. In regions with warm climates, the plant can be grown in gardens. With proper care, camellia grows and blooms well at home.

Description, types and photos of camellia

Depending on the type shrubby plant in height can reach from 3 to 12 meters. The glossy leaves of the plant are oval in shape. They are blunt or sharp at the ends. Large single flowers camellias can reach from 5 to 15 cm in diameter. They consist of five petals and many stamens. The color of the petals can be red, pink, white. There are also two-color petals with various divorces, spots, dots or specks. Each flower of the plant blooms for a month.

When grown at home, the most Three types of plants are popular:

Features of growing camellia at home

Indoor camellia requires certain growing conditions and proper care.

Air temperature and humidity

Camellia refers to plants short day . Just 12 hours of daylight will be enough for the formation and development of flower buds. However, at this time it is necessary to monitor the room temperature:

  1. The temperature should be between 18C-20C. With more low temperatures Camellia will not bloom.
  2. If daylight hours last less than 12 hours, then in order to set buds, the temperature will need to be lowered to 8C-10C.
  3. Camellia blooms in winter from December to February. During this period of time, it must be kept at an air temperature of 8C to 10C.

If the room is too warm, the buds will begin to fall from the bushes, flowering may occur prematurely, and the quality of the flowers will deteriorate.

When caring for camellias at home, you need to ensure that there is high air humidity in the room.

Plant requires regular spraying. For this, the water must be settled and at room temperature. If there is no settled water, then it can be boiled and cooled. During flowering, the plant should be sprayed carefully. Water should not get on the flowers.

To increase air humidity, a flower pot can be placed on a tray with wet peat or expanded clay. A specially purchased air humidifier will also have a good effect on the development of the plant.


Camellia needs a bright place:

In order for the crown of the plant to grow equally on all sides and the bush to be even, it needs to be rotated from time to time different sides to the light. In this case, in no case should you change the position of the bush during budding and flowering. A disturbed plant may drop its buds.

During the warm period, camellia can be placed on the balcony, loggia or front garden open air. In this case, the plant must be protected from direct sunlight.

Watering and fertilizing

If the substrate gets too dry, the plant will begin to lose leaves. In winter, camellia is watered very carefully. If the substrate turns sour, the buds will begin to fall off and the leaves will turn brown.

Throughout the year, camellia needs to be fed once every three weeks. special mineral fertilizers . They need to be diluted at the rate of 1 gram of fertilizer per 1 liter of water.

Transplantation and soil for camellia

When caring for young bushes, they need to be replanted annually. Older plants that bloom every year are replanted every two years. In order for the bushes to grow better, it is recommended to pinch the tops of the shoots after transplanting.

Transplantation is done in the spring. The soil must be acidic. Its composition may be as follows:

  • two parts of leaf or heather soil;
  • two parts of peat;
  • one part of turf land;
  • one part sand.

Drainage must be poured into the bottom of the pot.

Pests and diseases

The most serious plant disease may be root rot formed as a result of too low temperatures or waterlogging of the soil. In this case, the camellia needs to be urgently transplanted into breathable soil. It is very rare that a plant can be saved by reducing watering.

Brown spots on the leaves are signs of phyllosticosis. The disease appears due to high humidity air. Treatment is carried out by treating the leaves copper sulfate. The humidity in the room decreases, the affected leaves are removed.

Indoor camellias may harbor spider mites, aphids or scale insects. If they are detected, the plant must be urgently treated with summer oil emulsions, soap solution or chemicals.

The plant reproduces in three ways:

  1. Cuttings.
  2. Seeds.
  3. Vaccination.

Propagation by cuttings

In January and July decorative varieties camellias can be propagated while not yet woody apical cuttings. To do this, cuttings with 3-5 leaves 6-8 cm long are cut and soaked in a heteroauxin solution. Planting material planted in boxes filled with peat and sand (1:1). The temperature for rooting should be between 20C-23C.

Caring for cuttings involves regularly spraying them and watering the soil. After about two months, the roots will grow and the cuttings can be taken plant in separate containers, the diameter of which should be about 7 cm. At first, young plants are watered abundantly, and after rooting - as needed.

Sowing seeds

When growing camellia from seeds, the characteristics of the varieties may be lost. However, seeds sold in specialized stores retain such characteristics.

Seeds are sown in boxes at a distance of 5-7 cm. Seedling containers covered with glass or film should be placed in a bright, warm place. After two true leaves appear on the seedlings, they will need to be picked into separate pots.

Reproduction by grafting

Some camellia varieties do not take root well when cuttings. In this case they can propagate by grafting in January, choosing for this the upper parts of the shoot with well-developed buds.

After a year, the bushes are transplanted into separate containers with a diameter of 9 cm. In the third year, pots with a diameter of 11-14 cm are prepared for the plants. The soil should consist of heather and leaf soil, turf, peat and sand (2: 2: 2: 2: 1). Young bushes are best replant by transshipment. In this case, the roots will not be damaged and the plant will quickly take root.

Camellia is famous not only for its beautiful flowers, but also for use in pharmacology and medicine. Extracted from its leaves essential oils, which have an antiseptic, anesthetic and tonic effect. And the flowers Chinese camellia You can brew it and drink delicious tea.

In nature, camellias are large bushes or trees with a loose crown that grows up to several meters. But at home, caring for the camellia flower in the photo is not possible for all gardeners. This beauty, famous for its winter blooms, sometimes turns out to be obstinate and does not want to adapt to living indoors.

And yet, knowing the secrets of the plant, creating conditions for it that are as close as possible to nature, one can hope for the camellia’s favor. For experienced amateurs indoor crops With proper care, camellia feels great, forms many buds, blooming every year to the delight of others.

Features of camellia and flower care at home

Decorative varieties and varieties of camellias, of which there are several thousand in the world, are amazingly beautiful. They cannot be confused with other cultures. And in terms of splendor and flower shape, camellia competes only with. Smooth leathery leaves of rich green color have a pointed elliptical shape and are attached to the shoots with short dense petioles. Flowers, depending on the type, can be simple or double, white, soft pink, deep crimson or even variegated.

Most often in home collections you can find three types of this plant:

  • or Camellia japonica;
  • camellia reticulata or Camellia reticulata;
  • mountain camellia or Camellia sasanqua.

They gave the world greatest number varieties and hybrids used by gardeners.

Having seen this miracle only once, it is difficult to refuse the temptation. But so that the purchased flower does not die, you will have to establish special care for camellia, when growing it at home.

It means that home beauty create a semblance of a natural climate, provide:

  • moderate temperatures in summer;
  • coolness in winter;
  • high air humidity;
  • nutritious ultra-light substrate;
  • protection from drafts and direct sun.

If all conditions are met, the maintenance and care of the flower is organized, the camellia, as in the photo, will respond with friendly flowering, lasting from 2 to 4 months.

Conditions for growing camellias and care at home

If you describe the characteristics of a camellia flower, indicating that the plant can withstand frosts down to –5 °C, blooms at +10 °C, has almost no dormant period and is incredibly decorative almost all year round, you might think that better culture not for home collection. But that's not true. The difficulty of keeping camellia is that creating such conditions in an apartment is extremely difficult.

Without light closed balcony, loggias, terraces or winter garden It is unlikely that you will be able to enjoy the flowering of camellia, because the plant’s buds open in winter, and the growth of greenery begins with the arrival of spring.

How to care for camellia at home? Throughout the year, camellia needs a long time, up to 12–14 hours, daylight hours, but reacts poorly to direct Sun rays. Therefore on south windows in summer, the shrub is provided with shading. But on the north side the plant will be completely uncomfortable, which is signaled by elongated shoots, pale and shredded foliage. With the decrease in natural light, when autumn comes, camellias are arranged.

If in spring and summer camellias are kept at room temperature, then with the onset of autumn it will be harmful for the plant to be in a warm room. It is transferred to a glazed loggia or an insulated balcony, terrace or other place where the temperature will be about 12–15 °C.

With proper care and maintenance, a camellia flower, as in the photo, will produce many buds, and flowering will begin in winter, continuing even with small sub-zero temperatures down to –10 °C.

Watering and fertilizing when caring for indoor camellia at home

Camellia care is based on the fact that in nature, most species grow in areas with a fairly humid climate, which affects the needs of the plant:

  1. In summer, indoor camellias need frequent abundant watering. This is explained both by the consumption of actively growing shrubs and by the large evaporation of moisture in the soil surface.
  2. In winter, at low temperatures, although camellia blooms, it needs less water. Therefore, the substrate is moistened only when dried earthen coma in a pot.

Excessive humidity soil mixture both summer and winter is unacceptable, since it leads to the proliferation of bacteria, soil pests and causes rot of the root system.

Water is used that has been settled, melted or boiled. When caring for camellias, citric or acetic acid is occasionally added to the water to maintain a comfortable level of soil acidity for the plant. An increased content of calcium salts and other impurities negatively affects the condition of the flower.

In addition to proper watering, it is important for camellias to be kept in moist air. Operating heating devices will cause the leaves and already formed buds to fall off, therefore:

  • if necessary, you can use a humidifier;
  • arrange for the room beauty warm shower from a spray bottle, being careful not to touch the soil surface.

With the beginning active growth, that is, in the spring they begin regular feeding indoor pets. This procedure, as part of camellia flower care, is carried out 2-3 times a month until the end of July, feeding the shrubs with organic matter and minerals. Then, in the second half of August, fertilization is stopped, which will help the camellia begin to form flower buds, and then buds.

Transplanting indoor camellia when caring at home

In nature, camellias are large shrubs. When kept at home, the flower also grows greatly, so it requires:

  • regular transplantation into a larger pot;
  • adding fresh substrate.

Young plants are transferred every year, and adult specimens - no more than once every 2-3 years, as the root system fills the entire volume of the pot.

Unlike other species that are carried to new soil in spring, indoor camellias replanted in late autumn or winter. Lush flowering- not a hindrance to this procedure. The buds and already opened corollas will not fall off.

The vagaries of camellia concern not only the air temperature during flowering and its high humidity, but also the composition of the substrate. To simplify the care of a camellia flower, as in the photo, at home they select the most structured light soil that provides the plant good food and does not obstruct the passage of water and air.

In this case, increased soil acidity at a pH level of 4.0–5.5 units is extremely important. If it is not possible to independently make the required substrate from equal shares leaf and coniferous soil, perlite, high peat and adding small quantity crushed bark coniferous trees and sand to make the mixture loose, can be purchased ready soil for azaleas.

Drainage is made at the bottom of the pot, a little soil is poured on top, and a shrub with a straightened root system is placed on top of it. The substrate is poured carefully, easily pressing around the azalea.

The soil must not be allowed to hide root collar. The same rules for caring for camellias are followed if the soil surface is mulched with shavings, sawdust or crushed bark that acidifies the soil.

Trimming and pinching camellias when caring for flowers

Pruning is an integral part of caring for a camellia flower growing in a room. In addition to the sanitary removal of weakened, damaged and dried shoots, the crown must be formed, otherwise the bush loses its compactness, grows and becomes unsuitable for keeping in the house.

The formation of the camellia crown is done during the period when mass flowering is declining and the plant does not form new buds. Depending on the type indoor flower camellias are cut down to half the length of the shoots. Places of large cuts are treated with garden varnish.

Experienced flower growers, using pruning and shaping, obtain elegant standard trees or miniature bonsais. Pruning and pinching help stimulate branching, so you can expect that after such care the camellia will bloom much brighter and more abundantly.

But at the stage of bud formation, the gardener should evaluate the strength of the plant and adjust the number of future flowers on the shoots. If there are too many buds, they will weaken the camellia, and the bush will still not be able to hold the large corollas that have opened for long.

Subtleties of camellia care - video

Camellia looks like indoor rose. Incredibly beautiful, flowering bush with dark, green leaves. It blooms from late winter until spring.

You can grow camellia yourself from cuttings, but many gardeners believe that this is a very difficult matter. It's worth a try, but if there is no desire, then the best option will be the purchase of a plant in flower shop. There is a stunning selection of all kinds of camellia flower shades.

What is needed to keep camellia

1. The place where the flower is placed can be a balcony. But at the same time, it must be insulated. Having created favorable conditions, the balcony turns into a small, blooming garden.

2. Camellia is kept in conditions of constant humidity. It requires regular spraying with water, and the water does not have to be settled; it can be used directly from the tap.

3. The main thing is that there is no high chlorine content, and the water is warm. When spraying, you should avoid getting water on the flowers and buds. But you can water camellia only with boiled water.

First add just a couple of drops of lemon juice to it. This is done to soften watering.

4. The plant prefers shaded places.

Hibernation period The peculiarity of camellia is that it periodically goes into hibernation. During this state, the plant has no growth, only water is delivered by the roots along the stems to the foliage and buds. During the period of mechanical existence, you cannot replant camellias.

It can be carried out only during flowering, that is, when active growth occurs.

Top dressing With feeding, everything happens the other way around. It is not produced during flowering. Just before the flowers appear. There is no need to fertilize frequently. Once every month and a half is enough. which is added to the fertilizer complex. A purchased mixture for rhododendron and is suitable.

The soil

Camellia needs soil with high acidity, with the addition of humus. The soil should be loose, with sufficient nutritional components. If the soil is mixed independently, then it is better to take the soil in coniferous forest where spruce trees grow. Add turf, humus and red brick chips there.

The plant can be replanted 3 times a year.

Moderation in care

Camellia requires a moderate attitude towards itself in everything. Does not tolerate excess moisture and does not tolerate dryness.
If in the summer the plant grew outside, then after returning to the house, it should not be moved from place to place. The flower likes to be alone.

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