What kind of soil does white cabbage like? Buying quality seeds

Place and soil for cabbage

And the area where cruciferous vegetables grew (radish, radish, arugula) cannot be used for cabbage beds at all. It is advisable to enrich poor soils with nutrients contained in humus or peat (by adding 3 buckets of organic matter per square meter). Acidic soils need to be neutralized by liming, which will prevent the development of clubroot, a fungus that affects cabbage crops.

Proper preparation soil also involves the addition of dolomite flour. This substance not only normalizes the acidity of the soil, but also improves the taste of cabbage.

Preparing the soil for growing cabbage in the garden. At the end of summer - beginning of autumn, you need to dig up the garden in which cabbage will be grown with a shovel.

If it is possible to plow (there is access for a tractor or the scale of growing cabbage in the garden does not allow doing everything by hand) - that too great option. It is advisable to dig (plow) the soil in dry weather. If you drive the tractor onto very damp soil, it will become compacted and lose its fertile structure. If the surface of the garden after digging is busty and uneven, this is good, more snow will stick (by unevenness I do not mean the mounds and shafts created by the plow if it is not set up correctly).

Growing cabbage in the garden in the spring begins with “locking in moisture.” This is done when the soil reaches physical ripeness. There is an old “old-fashioned” method for determining whether a garden is ready for cultivation: take a handful of soil, squeeze it into a ball, lift it to waist level and let go. If the lump “flopped” and did not disintegrate, it means the soil is still damp; if it disintegrated upon impact with the soil, then it can be processed. It is also impossible to delay too much; the remaining “clumps” of soil after autumn plowing (digging) will dry out and will be very difficult to crush. So, we chose the moment when the garden is ready for processing, we take a rake and level the dried, but not dry soil, breaking up the blocks.

This is done mechanized using harrows. Firstly, closing off moisture reduces the evaporation surface, and secondly, it destroys the soil crust; if this is not done, the soil will very quickly remain without moisture in sunny spring weather. After harrowing, or raking, the amount of evaporated moisture will decrease significantly, the soil in the garden will gradually warm up and the first shoots of weeds will begin to appear, at this moment in the “thread phase”, they will be easy to destroy reprocessing rake. The soil has been prepared on time and in good quality for growing cabbage in the garden, it’s time to start planting cabbage seedlings. Before planting cabbage seedlings, you need to make holes, but more on that a little later.


If you are unlucky and you grow cabbage in a garden with acidic soil, it’s not a problem, just in the fall you need to carry out liming (for digging), if this is not done, the effectiveness of fertilizers will decrease significantly. In addition, lime contains calcium. Liming is also necessary for the reason that acidic soils Clubroot cabbage disease develops.

When growing cabbage in the garden, calculation required quantity fertilizer application is carried out depending on your planned yield and soil fertility (see calculation of fertilizer application rates). Approximately, on soddy-podzolic soils for cabbage, the following fertilizer application rates are recommended: urea 40-45 g/m2, double superphosphate 30-35 g/m2, potassium sulfate 40-45 g/m2.

Nitrogen fertilizers can be applied under spring treatment soils and fertilizing, phosphorus and potassium - better for autumn digging (phosphorus also for fertilizing). If growing cabbage in the garden, and even for yourself, ideal option To fertilize cabbage there will be organic fertilizers - manure, the norm is 6-8 kg/m2. It's easy to organize if you have one subsidiary farming. If organic fertilizers are applied, then the rate of mineral fertilizers must be reduced.

And supporters organic farming can completely abandon mineral chemistry, completely replacing it with organic matter, especially since cabbage responds well to the application organic fertilizers, especially rotted manure and humus. If you grow in your garden early varieties cabbage, then the fertilizer application rates are reduced, especially for nitrogen fertilizers. This is due to the fact that early cabbage is prone to the accumulation of large amounts of nitrates. When growing cabbage in the garden, most often it is grown as seedlings, although it is also used seedless method growing cabbage.

Planting in open ground

When the seedlings grow 5 leaves, they are planted on permanent place. It is advisable to do this in the evening or in cloudy weather. For 7 days before the planting date, watering the seedlings is stopped. When cabbage is grown in boxes, the seedlings must be heavily watered for 2 hours before planting.

And when it is first transplanted into peat-humus containers, which can crumble if there is excess moisture, they are watered only after planting in a permanent place. For planting, holes are dug, ash (80-100 g) is poured into each hole, as well as compost or humus - a bucket per square meter. Seedlings must be deepened to the leaves. After planting, they are watered and the soil is slightly compacted. To protect against slugs, a fence is built from cut-off parts of plastic bottles.

There are two generally accepted ways to grow cabbage seedlings:

First way

As soon as the seedlings appear, the seedlings are replanted (excess sprouts are removed). The distance between the remaining seedlings is 1.5 cm. After a week, the remaining sprouts are transplanted (picked) into cassettes (wooden or plastic) with cells measuring 3 by 3 cm. When picking, the plant must be deepened into the ground up to the cotyledon leaves. After 2-3 weeks, the seedlings from the cassettes are transplanted into cups, the size of which is 6*6 cm. The sprouts are removed from the cassettes with a lump of earth, after which they are placed in cups up to the cotyledon leaves and sprinkled with soil. The last stage The seedlings will be transplanted directly into the ground.

Second way

Cabbage seedlings are transplanted from boxes directly into cups, bypassing the stage of transplanting into cassettes. The size of the cups for early-ripening seedlings is 5*5 cm, and for late-ripening ones – 8*8 cm. When transplanting, the main root must be cut to 1/3 of its length. This is necessary so that the root system is better branched. The sprouts are buried in cups down to the cotyledon leaves using a pick.

Growing early cabbage seedlings

To grow early cabbage seedlings, you must follow some rules.

Feeding seedlings must be carried out in three stages: After 7 days from the moment of picking into the cassettes. Based on 1 liter of water, 2 g dissolves ammonium nitrate, 4 grams of superphosphate, 1 gram of potassium fertilizers.

After two weeks have passed since the first feeding.

The dosage of components is doubled. Two days before planting seedlings in permanent soil. At this moment, the seedlings already have a developed root system and 6-8 true leaves. 2 grams of ammonium nitrate, 4 grams of superphosphate, 6-8 grams of potassium fertilizers are dissolved in 1 liter of water.

Early cabbage seedlings middle lane Russia is planted as early as possible: in late April - early May. Then the seedlings are planted late cabbage during the period from mid to late May. Seedlings of mid-season cabbage are planted later - from late May to mid-June. Approximate scheme for planting cabbage seedlings - 70x30 cm, 50x40 cm, 50x50 cm, 40x40 cm.

Cabbage plantings should not be thickened, since cabbage is a large plant and needs large quantities light and large power supply area. Planting is carried out to a depth of the first true leaf (the third after the two cotyledon leaves).

It is important that when planting, the growing point of the plants (young leaves) should not be covered with soil. Cabbage seedlings should be planted in the afternoon or in cloudy weather and, of course, with watering.

During this period, when cabbage seedlings are actively being planted in vegetable gardens, it is not a bad idea to remember the signs

May 22 is the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, protector of people. It has been noted that from this day until the end of summer there will be exactly 12 morning colds.

May 31 is Fedot Day, when flax traditionally begins to be sown. People say: “Fedot unrolls the last oak leaf”, “If Fedot has a bang at the oak tree, prepare a large sack of oats.” Folk signs They also testify: if the oak tree puts out leaves before the ash tree, then there will be a dry summer.

Almost everyone knows about the benefits of simple white cabbage, but not everyone knows that it rids our body of excess bad cholesterol. And this already means a lot for a person, because this is the best prevention of heart disease, atherosclerosis, and diabetes.
For illnesses gastrointestinal tract Fresh cabbage juice is very useful, and if you eat fresh cabbage salad in the evenings, your sleep will be stronger and you will forget about insomnia.
Therefore, cabbage takes pride of place in almost every garden.
What do you need to know to grow good harvest cabbage?
To get high yield cabbage, you need to grow it seedling method, both with and without picking. Seeds are sown in wooden boxes, filled with soil mixture, which should consist of 1 part turf soil, 1 part sand, 2 parts humus. Land should be taken from areas where cabbage has not been grown over the past 5 years different types, radish, radish, leaf mustard etc.
To a bucket of the prepared mixture you need to add 1 glass of wood ash, 50-80g of chalk and 2-3% mullein and mix everything thoroughly.
To get more early harvest cabbage is grown by planting seedlings in peat pots, cubes, cassettes, which should be filled with the mixture:
mixture No. 1 - 3 parts peat, 1 part humus, 1 part turf soil;
mixture No. 2 - 3-4 parts humus, 1 part turf soil.
For 1 kg of prepared mixture you need to add 1.5-2 g of ammonium nitrate and superphosphate, 0.5-0.7 g of potassium chloride or a double dose of wood ash.
Picking of seedlings is carried out in the phase of well-developed cotyledons or at the first true leaf.
A special role in growing seedlings is played by fertilizing, which begins a week and a half after picking, or when the second true leaf appears on seedlings without picking.
Feeding during the seedling period is carried out at intervals of 8-10 days.
Top dressing mineral fertilizers
First feeding.
20g ammonium nitrate, 40g superphosphate, 10g potassium salt.
Second feeding.
30g ammonium nitrate, 40g superphosphate, 15g potassium salt.
Third feeding.
20g ammonium nitrate, 40g superphosphate, 30g potassium salt.

In addition, complex mineral and organic fertilizers, which include microelements, can be used for fertilizing. “Gumisol”, “Vermisol”, “Vermistim-K” have proven themselves well.
And, of course, many gardeners feed it in a proven way: chicken manure diluted in water 1:10.

In what soil does cabbage like to grow?
Cabbage develops well on loose soils that are easily permeable to water and air. In addition, the soil must have the ability to retain moisture in its particles, i.e. it must be sufficiently moisture-intensive.
Therefore, you need to try and create just such soil in the garden bed for cabbage.
How to prepare heavy clay soil for cabbage?
In the fall, when digging, you need to add peat, sand, sawdust, moistened with urea or turf soil. This way we can bring such soil closer to physical and chemical properties to loamy ones. The bed is dug as deep as possible without breaking the lumps. This way we create an uneven wavy surface, which will freeze better in winter and accumulate moisture.
And if on the site sandy soil, what to do then?
Such soil does not retain moisture and nutrients well. To improve it you need to remove top layer 40-50cm, lay a layer of clay or clayey soil at the bottom, a layer of 10-15cm, then add the removed soil, mixing it with peat, manure and mineral fertilizers.
The clay layer will prevent water from leaching out and nutrients from upper layers soil.
If it is not possible to renew the soil, then take care of applying organic and mineral fertilizers.
Cabbage reacts very actively to fertilizers; it grows better and begins to set heads earlier. Cabbage responds well to the application of organic fertilizers, in particular manure, compost, peat (40-50 kg or more per 10 sq.m.), which are incorporated into the soil for autumn digging. Excellent results provides joint application of organic and mineral fertilizers.
When growing cabbage, it is very important to add about 70% of phosphorus and potassium in the fall before digging the soil, and 50% in the spring, before harrowing. And the remaining nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizers should be applied in stages, starting 2 weeks after the seedlings take root.

It is important for gardeners to remember that phosphorus (needed for the development of the root system) cold period It is almost not absorbed from the soil, so at this time you need to take care of foliar feeding.
The ratio of mineral fertilizers should be: nitrogen -25-30g, phosphorus - 10-15g, potassium - 20-25g per 1 sq. m.
Gardeners who grow cabbage also need to take care of adding magnesium - 4-5g/sq.m., and sulfur - 4-5g/sq.m.
In addition, when growing cabbage, you need to take care to improve the quality of its keeping quality during storage. This requires boron, which is not always present in the soil, so you need to foliar feeding boric acid at the rate of 0.1 g/sq. m.
When caring for cabbage, do not forget to carry out hilling, because thanks to it, additional roots appear and nutritional conditions improve.

White cabbage is one of the most common and favorite garden crops. Most owners of country houses and personal plots They grow it with pleasure and enthusiasm. Many of them manage to grow not only cabbage heads, but also cabbage seeds.

What kind of soil does cabbage like when planting?

In order to grow a good harvest of cabbage, you need to choose the right place to plant it. Much depends on where your dacha is located. So which plot should you choose to reap a rich harvest later? Independent choice- that's good, but it's better to listen to advice experienced gardeners. The best solution– river floodplain, where the roots moisture-loving plant an abundant supply of water is ensured. The soil for this garden crop can be of any type with an alkaline or neutral reaction. Cabbage will definitely love this kind of soil. Absolutely not suitable for growing cabbage sour earth, which increases the likelihood of the vegetable being damaged by clubroot. If the soil on your site is acidic, then before growing cabbage, it must be limed.

The best deoxidizing agent is considered dolomite flour. It contains not only calcium, which reduces acidity, but also magnesium, which has a beneficial effect on the quality of vegetable products and promotes the accumulation of sugars. Dolomite (limestone) flour is added in the spring, right before planting cabbage. But fluff lime needs to be added in the fall.

The soil for the greenhouse is prepared from a mixture of turf soil or peat with humus in equal proportions, and is also added here small quantity wood ash. In the greenhouse soil mixture covered with a layer 10 cm thick or more. Optimal size greenhouse for cabbage seedlings 3x1.5, although this is not critical.

How to grow a good harvest?

To get a high yield of cabbage, it is necessary to follow agricultural practices at all stages of cultivation. vegetable crop, namely:

  • properly prepare seed material;
  • sow and grow strong, healthy seedlings;
  • plant seedlings in the ground according to all the rules;
  • realize necessary care for plants;
  • collect the harvest without loss.

Preparing white cabbage seedlings

To get a strong healthy seedlings and subsequently a large head of cabbage and a high yield of white cabbage, care should be taken in a timely manner to obtain high-quality seed material. Many gardeners grow their own cabbage seeds.

White cabbage seedlings can be planted in greenhouses, greenhouses, open ground. It is possible at home, but, as experience shows, in this case the seedlings are weak and less resistant to diseases.

The most common growing method is still cabbage seedlings in greenhouses of various sizes and designs. You can sow seeds in a greenhouse from the beginning of April. The location of the greenhouse is pre-selected and arranged. Uniform illumination of the area by the sun is a necessary condition.

The seeds are carefully sown in transverse grooves buried no more than 10 mm. After planting, the area is leveled. The soil is slightly moistened and the crops are covered with film. The greenhouse is regularly, approximately once every three days, opened for ventilation.

The seedlings are ready for planting in open ground approximately 3 weeks after sowing the seeds. As soon as the 4th appears real leaf. But there is no need to rush; you can wait until the root system and the entire plant as a whole get stronger. This will guarantee that cabbage will confidently grow and bloom in open ground. Usually full readiness for permanent transplantation occurs when 5-6 leaves are deployed.

Cabbage seeds of early-ripening varieties are sown for seedlings already in March, mid-ripening varieties - in late March-April, late-ripening varieties - in April.

Planting seedlings in spring in open ground

When the seedlings are ready for planting in open ground, to be sure that they will grow comfortably, the following measures are carried out:

  1. Open the greenhouse to harden off the plants.
  2. A week before the planned planting, the watering rate is reduced, but in such a way as to prevent wilting.
  3. The day before transferring the plants to a permanent place, fertilize with potassium fertilizer.
  4. A bed is being prepared for planting cabbage: they dig it up, remove weeds, and mark holes.

Depending on the ripening period, the plants are placed at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. Cabbage is planted either in rows or in a checkerboard pattern, maintaining the recommended distance between adjacent specimens. Seedlings must be planted carefully so as not to cover the growing point with soil. The holes are pre-watered and after planting, abundant watering is also carried out.

Care after landing

Agricultural technology for caring for cabbage is quite simple and includes:

  • watering;
  • feeding;
  • loosening and hilling;
  • control of weeds, diseases and pests.

Watering is carried out regularly, depending on the weather, once every 2-3 days, abundantly, since the plant is moisture-loving, with non-cold water.

Watering mid-season and late ripening varieties stops about a month before harvest. This rule does not apply to early ripening varieties.

After each watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil to ensure air access to the root system of the plants. Hilling is carried out as needed, approximately once every two weeks.

Fertilizing cabbage in open ground is carried out several times..

The first time, two weeks after planting, infusion of mullein, diluted with water at the rate of 1 liter per 10 liters.

Repeated feeding with the same composition is carried out after 2 weeks.

Potassium fertilizers and urea will be used when the heads of cabbage begin to set. Both in an amount of 10 g are diluted in a bucket of water and foliar feeding is carried out.


White cabbage is susceptible to attack various pests: cabbage whites, cruciferous flea beetle, slugs and others. Affect this culture and fungal diseases. Therefore, during the entire growing period it is necessary to carry out protective, preventive and therapeutic measures. Today you can purchase effective means to combat garden scourges and treat the plantings according to the instructions included with the preparations. They also give good results folk remedies , proven over decades.

Recipe effective remedy for spraying plants against cabbage whites, aphids and other insect pests: 400 g tobacco dust Boil in 2 liters of water for 2 hours, then strain the broth, add laundry soap in an amount of 50 g and increase the volume of the solution to 10 l. Spray the cabbage with the resulting drug.

How to get cabbage seeds

Cabbage refers to biennial plants. That is you can get its seeds only in the second year when a plant produces flowers and fruits.

Thus, having grown heads of cabbage from seedlings, we are only halfway through getting seeds. Need to select suitable plants to queen cells. Preference is given to low-growing specimens with a thin stalk, a small number of outer leaves with short petioles.

If possible, cabbage is grown on mother plants by direct sowing of seeds in the ground. In this case, it is possible to obtain plants with a powerful root system and a short stalk, which are better stored.

The queen cells are harvested before frost and stored with the roots, having first dipped them in clay mash.

Leaving the head of cabbage with 2-3 covering leaves, store it separately from food supplies in a basement or cellar at a temperature of +2°C. A month before planting, the queen cells are transferred to a room with a temperature of +5°C.

At the end of March - beginning of April next year, they begin to prepare the queen cells for planting. The rotten roots are cleaned and the head of cabbage is cut into a cone so that the diameter of the base is 12-20 cm. To grow stumps before planting in the ground, they are kept in the light for 2-3 weeks, laid in stacks, roots inward, layered with humus. You need to make sure that planting material During this time it did not dry out, did not freeze and did not melt.

Areas from which the snow melts the earliest are allocated for planting queen cells. Since the fall, when digging, such an area is fertilized with manure at the rate of 4-5 kg/m2. You can also use compost. In spring, potassium and phosphate fertilizers based on 10g/m2 and 20g/m2, respectively. Produce as needed nitrogen fertilizing(15 g/m2).

The correct time for planting seeds in the ground

Landing date: end of April. Before planting, the roots of the plants are coated with a creamy mixture of mullein and clay. Plant in holes located at a distance of 60 cm from each other, right under the head of cabbage. The plants are watered and shaded from the sun for the first time, and also protected from frost. Caring for seed plants is the same as for planting other vegetables: weeding, watering, loosening, fertilizing.

After two weeks, the rooted plants are freed from the remnants of the old ones. leaf blades and petioles to avoid rotting. When the flower stalks develop, they are tied to the supports. Non-flowering and diseased shoots are removed.

Excess flower stalks are also cut off. Flowering lasts about a month.

The seeds in the fruit pods ripen a month and a half after the end of flowering. The seeds are removed without waiting for the fruits to fully ripen, otherwise the very first ones will be lost, spilling out of the pods. Up to 50 g of seed material can be collected from one plant. The seeds extracted from the pods are dried and stored.

Growing a good harvest of white cabbage and getting high-quality seed material for next year is not so difficult, you just need to follow all the points of agricultural technology garden crops. Our advice will help you.

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Among the mid-season ones, these are Dutch hybrids, for example, Krautman F1. A very reliable hybrid with a growing season of 100 days. The heads of cabbage are large, dense, weighing up to 8 kg. The peculiarity of this hybrid is the ability to somewhat thicken the plantings, the quality and size of the heads are preserved. Does not crack, one of the best for pickling. Stored in the basement for up to 5-6 months.

Century F1 - by appearance and properties, similar to the Krautman hybrid, but is resistant to fusarium. Hurricane F1 has good ability to long-term storage- up to 7-8 months with a short growing season of 98 days, resistant to fusarium. Suitable for fermentation. Heads of cabbage weighing 4-5 kg. From domestic varieties We plant Slava 1305. Although this variety can be stored for two months, it is one of the best in terms of pickling qualities. The heads of cabbage are round, weighing 3-5 kg, of medium density. Typically, products from proprietary elite class seeds are obtained good quality. Authors of the variety: E.M. Popova, N.V. Belorossova.

Hybrid Kilaton F1 is a real godsend for those gardeners who cannot get rid of clubroot in their gardens, including on peat soils. The growing season is 140 days, the weight of the head is 3-4 kg. Possesses increased productivity. Beautiful green external painting head of cabbage even after a very long (12 months) storage. Excellent internal structure head of cabbage, the hybrid is suitable for pickling, the highest resistance to clubroot.

Theoretically, white cabbage can be planted from seeds directly into the ground. But almost everyone grows it through seedlings. To obtain early cabbage, seeds are usually sown in the third ten days of March. But you must evaluate your options in providing this crop with its seedling requirements. We are usually in no hurry to plant early cabbage seedlings. Doesn't matter early cabbage businessmen will bring it from Turkey, it is much more profitable than dealing with our unpredictable climate. In addition, those gardeners who do not like the “Turkish” varieties at the market can sow in their garden without any problems Chinese cabbage Russian variety Stonefly. It will be ready 20 days after germination, is not afraid of clubroot, frost, early sowing not affected by midges. I'm not even saying that it makes a great salad, excellent cabbage soup, and can be fermented.

We start growing all cabbage for seedlings in April - dates 1-10, if available global warming, you can do it earlier, make an adjustment for various tips lunar, Martian and other calendars. Seriously, the timing looks like this. When sowing seeds to a depth of 1 cm, seedlings appear on the 3-4th day at a temperature of 18-20C. 7-10 days after germination, the first true leaf appears. The question always arises: to pick seedlings or to do without picking. The root system of cabbage develops quickly; already with the formation of the first true leaf, second-order roots are present. Therefore, the older the seedlings, the more roots breaks off during a dive. The restorative capacity of cabbage roots at a young age is high. In picked seedlings, the roots are more compact; in seedlings without picking, they are located deeper and are more damaged when removed.

Conclusion: it is better to dive at the beginning of the formation of the first leaf. We grow Dutch hybrids without picking; usually they already produce a well-developed root system. Domestic seeds require some preparation. They should be selected by size so that they are at least 1.3 mm. Treat in Maxim or potassium permanganate solution, heat in water for 15-20 minutes. at a temperature of 500C, then cool in water room temperature, dry. This is especially necessary for those varieties that are not resistant to fusarium, one of the causative agents of “blackleg”. The composition of mixtures for growing seedlings should be non-acidic and loose. Manure humus, composts and other organic carriers of natural fertility create high salinity, which inhibits seed germination and inhibits the growth of seedlings, increasing the risk of fungal and pathogenic pathogens being introduced into the nursery. bacterial diseases. On early stages During development, plants are especially sensitive to infection and, in the presence of pathogenic agents in the soil, can die both at the stage of seed germination and after emergence, so it is better not to take risks. This applies not only to cabbage seeds.

Today you can buy the most common (where there is more peat) “Garden soil” (2 parts) and mix it with sand (1 part) without clay, adding 1/4 cup of dolomite flour and a teaspoon of complete complex minerals to the bag of soil. fertilizers Remember that seedlings die not from a lack of nutrition, but from their excess. If the temperature in the nursery is 140C during the day and 80C at night, with good lighting, then there will be no problems. Seedlings ready for planting have 5-7 leaves (it takes 6-8 days to develop one leaf). Seedlings should be fed, if necessary, with a 0.2% solution of complete mineral fertilizers. You can combine fertilizing with watering. In case of stretching of the subcotyledon, apply powder. Usually we use plastic bags as containers for growing seedlings, which we fill with the mixture and dig into the greenhouse bed.

If you have grown seedlings, then after hardening they can be planted in the garden. Questions arise about soil preparation, fertilizers and other inconveniences. Many people complain that the cabbage in the area suffers from clubroot. But not everyone knows that if the soil pH is above 7.1, then cabbage clubroot does not develop. Please note that we are talking about mineral soils, not peat bogs. Soil for plants is their habitat. Soil fertility is an integral concept. One of the characteristics of this environment is acidity; it is caused by the presence of hydrogen and aluminum ions in the soil. Distinguish the following types acidity: actual (or active) and potential (latent). The latter is divided into exchange and hydrolytic. Actual acidity is determined by the concentration in the aqueous extract of hydrogen ions formed as a result of the dissociation of weak mineral and organic acids, as well as their hydrolytic acid salts. It is measured in pH. A gardener does not always have the desire to deeply understand the intricacies of soil science, study the granulometric composition of the garden soil, determine the humus content, types of acidity, mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium. Typically, such a study ends with the acquisition of several tons of dubious organic matter at a “reasonable price.” You can understand our summer resident. The weather we have now is like a circus, and we don’t live in the black earth zone, but something needs to be done.

In order to maintain and increase soil fertility, restore its structural condition, improve physical properties, there is only one recipe - to introduce crop rotations with the mandatory use of green manure fertilizers. The enrichment of the soil with humus is carried out due to the plowed aerial parts and dead root systems of green manure plants. They use peas, lupines, beans, beans, which provide the soil not only organic matter, but also biological nitrogen. To maintain soil fertility, it is necessary to apply good manure in doses from 100 to 400 kg per hundred square meters at least once every two years. Now you can’t find good manure in rural areas, and even more so on the Karelian Isthmus. I advise you to switch to green manure. We prepare a bed for cabbage in the fall, after clearing the ground cucumbers. Three days before sowing lupine (we sow it thickly), after cucumbers we add dolomite flour 2 kg per 10 m2 when digging. After a month or a month and a half, when the lupine greens cover the bed with a green carpet, we dig it up, adding 20-30 g of urea and 60 g of superphosphate per 1 m2. When organic matter breaks down, it releases carbon dioxide. Together with water it forms carbonic acid, which dissolves calcium and magnesium compounds, they are gradually washed out from the top layer of soil into deeper layers, and the soil becomes acidified. That is why when adding organic matter, including green manure, dolomite flour is necessary. Some mineral fertilizers can also acidify the soil. Increasing soil fertility is a long process; there are no miracles or miracle fertilizers, even at a “reasonable” price.

In the spring, we fill the bed with mineral fertilizers - N70P90K105 (norms are given in grams of active substance per 10 m2). Before planting a seedling plant, make a hole 30x30x30 cm for it, pour half a bucket of water into it, first add a teaspoon of ammophosphate and a glass of ash into the hole. We make a mash in the hole from the removed soil and fertilizers. We place a plastic bag with seedlings in it, after making several cuts in the film. Mulch on top with dry soil and peat. While the plant is taking root, it usually has enough moisture. We begin fertilizing during the formation of rosette leaves. For subcortex we use potassium nitrate (30 g per bucket, liter per plant, sometimes more). For varieties and soil types that differ in early maturity, fertilizing rates and their quantities may differ. It is better to place plants in this way: early - 40 cm, mid-ripening - 50 cm, late-ripening - 60 cm, the distance between rows for all is 65 cm. You will say - this is all just about white cabbage, however, they say that it grows well with beans and cauliflower, but that's a completely different story.

Vladimir Stepanov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, head farm"Elite"

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