What is the root system of the common cress? Common cress - medicinal properties, treatment, photo

Nevertheless, scientists have proven that this herb contains many useful substances that can improve the health of the body. The main one is ascorbic acid V high concentration. It is this compound that is responsible for the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory properties of the herb.

Plant characteristics

Common cress is considered a weed due to its unpretentiousness to soil composition, climatic conditions, the presence of sufficient moisture. The plant is classified as cosmopolitan, that is, one that is widespread in many countries. In Russia, grass grows everywhere. The plant feels great on the edges and clearings, in meadows and ravines, in the steppe, in the foothills, as well as among cereal crops and garden crops. The main harm of common colza is its ability to weed farmsteads and vegetable gardens.

Botanical features

Common cress is a herbaceous perennial whose stems take two years to develop. The height of the plant sometimes reaches 80 cm. It looks like this.

  • Roots. Rod root system Cola can penetrate quite deeply into the soil, which ensures the unpretentiousness of the plant. A long main root and multiple lateral roots will provide the plant with moisture and nutrients even under unfavorable conditions.
  • Stems. Often smooth, may have slight pubescence. The erect stem has a light green color, often branches, the branches end in separate inflorescences.
  • Leaves. The lowest leaves of the colza form a rosette with their petioles. The leaf blade is lyre-shaped - consists of an upper, large lobe, with a notched edge and a heart-shaped base, as well as four oppositely placed oblong lobes. Lower leaves have a long petiole, their placement on the lower part of the stem is opposite. The upper sessile leaves may be obovate or lanceolate.
  • Flowers. The plant actively blooms from May to June. The flowers are golden yellow in color. The corolla is formed by four petals, the length of which reaches 7 mm, and is twice the length of the sepals. Because of this, the brushes differ in volume.
  • Fruit. They are represented by pods of a brownish-yellow hue. When they open, gray-brown seeds spill out, having a slight shine, as well as a flattened shape.

In the first year of the plant’s life, only a basal rosette of leaves on long petioles develops. In the second year of life, a flowering, fruiting stem grows, which dies after the end of fruiting. The plant produces flower stalks every year. Interestingly, cress spreads by root shoots and also by seeds. From one plant, seeds scatter three meters around.

Procurement of raw materials

Useful properties Cola is found in all parts of the plant - aboveground and underground. You can prepare them as follows.

  • Grass. Harvesting of above-ground parts begins in May, when the common cress blooms. Cut off the leafy flowering stems, along with the basal leaves. They look for impurities and damaged parts of the plant. Dry under a canopy or in the attic, ensuring good ventilation. After the raw material has completely dried, you can separate the leaves and flowers from the stems.
  • Roots. The underground part of the rapeseed is harvested in the fall. It is not recommended to dig up young plants due to the low concentration of nutrients in them. After digging up the plant with a shovel, gently pull at the base of the root to pull out the entire main root. It is washed with running water, dried to remove excess moisture, and placed in a shaded place with good ventilation until completely dry.
  • Seeds. Their preparation begins in July. The still green pods are collected along with the seeds, which are dried under plant conditions and proper ventilation. Traditional healers recommend storing the seeds along with the pods to protect them from pests and mold.

Completely dried raw materials are stored in linen bags, paper bags or wooden boxes. A dark, ventilated place is suitable for storage. Dried grass preserves medicinal properties throughout the year.

Chemical composition and properties of spring rapeseed

Properties and areas of application various parts plants differ due to differences in chemical composition. The medicinal properties of rapeseed are due to the content of flavonoids, glycosides and vitamin compounds.

Underground part

A unique feature of common cress is special development root system. Long taproots can grow together to form nodes. Because of this, it is not so easy to get rid of rapeseed growing in the garden.

The main active ingredients of the roots are flavonoids - biologically active compounds, which has a mild laxative and diuretic effect. Once in the body, flavonoids normalize the condition of blood vessels, which is called a vasoprotective effect. The diuretic properties of cress roots are manifested by expanding the lumens of the vessels carrying blood to the kidneys, which increases the formation of primary urine. The use of cress roots results in an anti-edematous and detoxifying effect.

Flavonoids in the roots of common cress have antibacterial and antifungal properties, which automatically translate into preparations prepared based on the roots.


The result of plant photosynthesis is the accumulation in the green part (leaves) of a huge amount of ascorbic acid and other vitamins, microelements, as well as organic acids. Their main function in the body is the regulation of acidity, but they also have additional properties:

  • normalize digestion;
  • exhibit anti-inflammatory effects;
  • regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • increase stomach acidity.

The vitamin composition of rapeseed leaves, in which ascorbic acid occupies a central place, can be used as a general tonic and immunostimulating agent. Crescent has anti-scorbutic properties, and adding fresh leaves to salads helps saturate the body with vitamins during the off-season. Dried leaves are sources of flavonoids, phytoncides, and acid compounds.


The golden-yellow inflorescences of cress contain anthocyanins, which allows them to be used to obtain a natural yellow dye. The chemical composition of the raw material is similar to the composition of other parts of the plant:

  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins;
  • microelements;
  • organic acids;
  • glycosides.

The flowers of the plant exhibit a diuretic and tonic effect. A special feature of the use of the flowering part of the plant is its benefits for the functioning of the nervous system, which is associated with increased concentrations B vitamins.


The opening pods of common colza contain plant seeds - sources of thioglycosides, fatty oils, and minerals. Thioglycosides have mild irritant properties, exhibiting the following effects:

  • improve digestion;
  • stimulate the secretion of digestive juices;
  • improve intestinal motility;
  • stimulate appetite.

Adding colza seeds to baked goods helps strengthen the body after psychological and physical stress.

Crescent has the ability to regulate hormonal levels, stabilizing the functioning of the endocrine glands. Celebrate positive influence colzas for the condition thyroid gland, as well as the reproductive female and male glands.

Use of cress for health

The main indications for the use of cress include sexual dysfunction, weakening of the body, digestive disorders, as well as damage to the skin and epithelium of the mucous membranes. Crescent is a plant that is very useful for men. She can cure:

  • decreased potency due to chronic fatigue;
  • age-related impotence;
  • prostatitis;
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • infertility caused by impaired spermatogenesis.

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of colza make it possible to use the plant and preparations from it for women. The most common indication is inflammation in the field of gynecology. Traditional medicine actively uses colza to fight cancer, fibroids, and mastopathy.

The plant is also used for children as a general tonic, as well as for poor appetite caused by diseases and vitamin deficiency.

Contraindications for common cress include the presence of kidney stones, due to the risk of blockage of the ureters. Among side effects The plant has a blood-thinning effect, which is undesirable for blood clotting disorders. For children, as well as during pregnancy, the plant can be used after consultation with a doctor.


At home, preparations with colza are prepared according to special recipes.

Decoction for gynecological diseases

Peculiarities. Used for mastopathy, fibroids, cystic formations on the ovaries.

Preparation and use

  1. Two tablespoons of colza leaves are poured with a liter of cold water.
  2. Place on low heat, bring to a boil, and brew the colza over low heat for about 20 minutes.
  3. After infusion for two hours, filter the product, take a quarter glass, up to four times a day. The course of treatment is three months.

Aqueous concentrated tincture

Peculiarities. Used for the treatment of neuroses, edema of various localizations, as well as epilepsy. The product can also be used on hair to strengthen and activate its growth.

Preparation and use

  1. A tincture of colza at home is prepared from four tablespoons of dried leaves and a liter of water.
  2. The water is brought to a boil, medicinal plant materials are added, and boiled for half an hour.
  3. Remove from heat and bring boiling water to original volume.
  4. After eight hours of infusion, filter the product, take a quarter glass, four times a day, for two weeks.

Remedy for prostatitis and impotence

Peculiarities. Used for age-related hormonal disorders of sexual function in men.

Preparation and use

  1. The dried roots are ground in a mortar or coffee grinder until a homogeneous powder is obtained.
  2. Take half a gram orally with a drink. a small amount water for three weeks.


Peculiarities. It is used for all indications typical for cress.

Preparation and use

  1. For preparation, use the fresh above-ground part of the plant.
  2. The grass is crushed with a blender, or finely chopped with a knife, and squeezed through cheesecloth.
  3. Take 50 ml of juice orally, three times a day, for three months.

According to reviews, preparations from the plant very rarely cause allergies and in most cases are well tolerated by the body.

If you know the beneficial properties of the plant, you can consider it as a wonderful gift of nature, suitable for eating or storing for future use. At the same time, the benefits of rapeseed for the body are invaluable, and they manifest themselves when the plant is used in any form.

Common cress is a perennial herbaceous plant with biennial shoots. Its Latin name is Barbarea vulgáris. This herb is a typical representative of the genus Surepka, cabbage family (Brassicaceae). In the wild, Surepka grows throughout Europe, and is also found in the European part of Russia and Western Siberia. It was introduced to Japan, Australia, India, Africa, North America, New Zealand, where it has taken root well, becoming virtually a cosmopolitan plant. Interestingly, in many European countries Common colza is called St. Barbara's herb.


Common cress is a taproot plant. Its height is usually 30 - 80 centimeters. The stem is highly branched and can be either bare or slightly fluffy. Stem and basal leaves are located on petioles, may have two or three oblong lateral lobes, and the lobe located at the base is heart-shaped, notched-toothed. The cress has a brush-shaped inflorescence, which is initially unbranched. And its flowers are four-membered, have a double perianth, and are golden-yellow in color. The length of the petals is 5-7 mm. Each flower has as many as five stamens.

The fruit is an oblong pod with a short club-shaped nose. Its valves are straw-yellow in color. The stalks are quite short. Crescent seeds are oval in shape, brownish-gray in color, and have a slight shine. From above they seem to be finely tuberculate.


The chemical composition of common colza is unique and quite rich. Its seeds contain about 35% fatty oils, and the plant itself contains various types glycosides, as well as saponins, mustard oil, ascorbic acid, various organic acids, thioglycosides (substances that, when broken down, form oils that can cause enteritis and diarrhea). It turns out that a lot of toxic substances accumulate in the seeds of the common cress. It is completely logical that feeding this grass can be fraught with consequences. Eating colza is really dangerous for both cattle and poultry, horses, and livestock. And if you feed them green mass or common rapeseed seeds, then the matter is fraught with poisoning. So you have to be careful - after all, cress is weed, often found densely in grass crops.

This plant is an exceptionally good honey plant. Bees get quite a lot of pollen and nectar from rapeseed. And if we talk about continuous tracts of this plant, then their honey productivity is 40-50 kg per hectare. Crescent blooms in late spring - early summer, just the right time for honey collection. The honey turns out greenish yellow, characterized by a very pleasant light smell. It contains an increased amount of glucose, due to which such honey very quickly becomes solid, that is, crystallizes.

Useful and healing properties

The medicinal properties of common cress deserve special attention. With its help, you can cure many diseases and significantly improve the condition of the body. This plant has a pronounced diuretic and wound-healing effect, and can also significantly improve appetite.

— The young leaves of this herb are collected in spring and autumn to make salads. Fillings for pies and casseroles are also made from rapeseed. When eaten, rapeseed helps cure anemia and improve hemoglobin levels, as well as improve the overall tone of the body.

  • — Erectile dysfunction, urological problems and even infertility will be a thing of the past if you are treated in the manner described below: take crushed colza root three to four times a day, one and a half grams each time. The product should be washed down with a small amount of plain water. And to achieve the desired effect, the course of treatment must continue for at least three months without interruption.
  • — For impotence, you need 300 ml of chilled water, one teaspoon of ground colza seeds, let stand for 15 minutes, then bring to a boil and boil for five minutes. Then leave to infuse for two hours, after which the broth should be strained. The product must be taken three times a day, one third of a glass, 30 minutes before meals.
  • — For general weakness of the body, edema and paralysis, this remedy will help: to prepare it, take 400 grams of the common colza herb, chop it, then pour the herb with one glass of boiling water, leave it to steep in a warm place for three hours, and the container must certainly be covered lid. Then the product must be carefully filtered through cheesecloth. It should be taken after meals, 50 ml, four times a day. Use for at least two weeks, or even better, until the desired effect is achieved.

Most often, common cress is folk medicine successfully used to eliminate so-called “male” problems. And it turns out to be effective. In addition, rapeseed is used in cooking, claiming that it tastes very similar and no less effectively saturates the body with vitamins and microelements. And, in fact, this is wonderful; the most important thing is not to forget that common cress also has contraindications. Which is not surprising, because its chemical composition contains substances capable of very strong effects.


If you have kidney stones or bladder You need to be very careful when using colza preparations, because they can move from their usual place and cause pain. You should also be very careful for those people who, by their physiology, are prone to excessive bleeding. Also, women who are in an interesting position should not experiment with cress. After all, the reaction of pregnant women to this potent plant can be very unpredictable, and even disastrous consequences cannot be ruled out. Therefore, reasonable caution comes first.

Hello everyone! Once again I would like to talk about the beneficial properties of plants that grow literally under our feet, but contain many useful things for humans and not only. Today we will talk about rapeseed - a perennial herbaceous plant, which since the end of spring in the form of fairly extensive “yellow islands” has been pleasing us with its cheerful color and honey aroma.

This plant belongs to the cruciferous (or cabbage) family, reaches a height of up to 80 cm, but there are also more tall plants. It has a basal rosette of leaves, an erect stem with sparse alternately planted slightly serrated leaves and a powerful fragrant inflorescence in the form of a brush of yellow flowers. The fruit of the rapeseed is a bent pod, which can contain up to 8 fairly large seeds.

However, I note that the shape of the fruit is one of the main distinctive features rapeseed from its closest relative and very similar in appearance - this is wild radish or sverbiga. It is also quite valuable nutritionally and medicinal plant, but it is biennial, has an erect edible branched stem and powerful root, individual plants can reach a height of up to 1.5 meters; The fruit of Sverbiga has the shape of a slightly elongated, slightly compressed, pointed nut of greenish-brown color with 1-2 seeds. It also blooms with yellow inflorescences, located mainly in the upper part of the central and lateral shoots.

We will definitely talk about sverbig in more detail, but now let’s return to rapeseed.


Crescent grows everywhere both in our country and abroad; it is not for nothing that it belongs to cosmopolitan plants - “(from the Greek kosmopolites - citizen of the world), species (or other taxa) of plants and animals found in most of the inhabited areas Earth" [Source: "Biological encyclopedic dictionary." Ch. ed. M. S. Gilyarov;... - 2nd ed., corrected. - M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1986]. It prefers wetter places and can be found in fields, meadows, woodlands, along roads, along river banks and slopes, on personal plots, in waste places, etc.

Chemical composition of raw materials

All parts of the plant contain various glycosides, the leaves contain ascorbic and organic acids, the seeds of the plant contain fatty oils, including thioglycosides, the breakdown of which produces mustard oil, which in high concentrations can cause indigestion, diarrhea and enteritis.

Medicinal properties

All parts of the plant have medicinal properties. In early spring, when rosette leaves just appear, their taste is very similar to mustard leaves, they have a slightly pungent taste and a high content of ascorbic acid and are thus an excellent addition to vegetable salads. In some countries, rapeseed is grown as a valuable vegetable by eating the leaves and stems of the plant. Also, rapeseed is an excellent honey plant, and the oil obtained from the seeds of this plant is used in baking and confectionery production.

Speaking about the medicinal properties of cress, it is worth noting the tonic, healing and diuretic effect of the plant, it perfectly heals wounds, adds strength to general weakness, eliminates swelling, replenishes the lack of vitamin C, improves blood circulation, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, helps with chronic fatigue (or asthenic syndrome), preparations from colza are used in the treatment of epilepsy, stroke, paralysis, female diseases caused by hormonal disorders: mastopathy, various inflammatory processes, fibroids; A strong half of humanity can use colza to increase sexual activity and for male infertility.

Also, some herbalists claim that rapeseed can help get rid of anxiety, chronic fatigue, insomnia and other diseases associated with nervous disorders not only from the inside, but also from the outside. To do this, all you have to do is find a place, be it a field, meadow or river bank, where it grows and just sit or lie surrounded by this plant for literally 15-20 minutes. The pleasant aroma of this plant will take away all the troubles and worries of a person, and in return will give you sound sleep and self-confidence.

However, be careful!!! those who suffer from allergies, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, asthma or have individual intolerance of this plant, as it can cause severe allergies or attacks.

Collection dates and methods

The best time to collect cress is when the grass is actively flowering, from the end of May to the end of June. But since the plant blooms almost all summer, it can be collected throughout the entire flowering period. As noted above, all parts of the plant are medicinal: leaves, stem, roots, flowers and young pods. When cutting, it is not recommended to take the lower bare part of the stem. The collected raw materials must be sorted out, removing damaged parts, crushed and dried in a well-ventilated area without direct access. sun rays. Dried herbs are best stored in paper bags. fabric bags or glass containers no more than a year.


There are contraindications to preparations made from the colza herb, as listed above, and colza is also dangerous for people with increased blood clotting, pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with kidney or bladder stones.

And as always, we remind you!!! Before starting treatment with any medicinal plant, it is best to consult a doctor, and if such consultation is not possible, they should be used very carefully, in small quantities, not exceed the specified dosage, and also monitor the body’s reaction to this drug.

Medicinal prescriptions

For cooking vitamin and diuretic tea from dried colza herb, you need to pour two teaspoons of the raw material into two glasses of boiling water, leave for about 30 minutes, strain and drink as tea throughout the day, at least three times a day. This remedy will restore strength and improve heart function.

For women with hormonal disorders, the following recipe will be useful: 2 tablespoons of chopped herbs are poured into a liter of boiling water, placed in a water bath and boiled for 5-10 minutes, then left for about 1 hour, filtered and taken ¼ cup 3 times a day. The course is about 3 months.

Recipe No. 2: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of chopped colza herb into a glass of boiling water, leave for about 40-45 minutes, strain and add warm water until the initial volume is obtained - 1 glass. Take ¼ part 4 times a day, i.e. just getting ready daily dose, before meals 30 minutes. The course is about 2 weeks.

This recipe is necessary for the treatment of neurasthenic disorders, edema, weakness, for men to increase sexual activity, etc.

And to restore male strength, improve sperm production, alleviate inflammation of prostate adenoma and prostatitis, men are recommended to take a glass of freshly squeezed juice from the colza herb three times a day for a month.

The root of this plant is used by men to treat impotence. To do this, you need to grind the colza root into powder and take no more than 0.5 grams twice a week. powder with a small amount of water, and within a few weeks there will be a positive effect.

Family Brassicaceae or Cruciferae.

Parts used. Grass and flowers.

Botanical description. Colres is often an undesirable guest in crops of herbs and grains. Common cress - (Barbagea vulgaris) - biennial herbaceous plant 40-60 cm high. The stem is bare, branched at the top. Leaves are alternate, lyre-shaped; the basal and lower ones are petiolate, the upper ones are sessile. The flowers are bisexual, regular, yellow, four-petaled, in apical racemes, bloom in May. The fruit is a tetrahedral pod. One plant produces up to 10 thousand seeds. Crescent is common in meadows, pastures and crops (as a weed) in most of central Russia and Siberia. Known as a medicinal, melliferous and food plant.

Collection and preparation. WITH medicinal purposes collect grass plants.

Pharmacological properties. People have long known the medicinal properties of cress: it stimulates the appetite, has a wound-healing and diuretic effect. In traditional medicine, infusions of colza were used in the treatment of strokes, edema and weakened potency. It was believed that it helps increase sperm count. Leprosy was treated with oil obtained from rapeseed seeds in Tibetan medicine.

Active ingredients. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) (up to 260 mg%) was found in the leaves of the plant, and fatty oil (25-36%) in the seeds.

Application. Crescent is used only in folk medicine and as a food product. The young leaves of the plant are edible, raw or boiled. The greens are slightly bitter, but when scalded with boiling water they become soft and tasty. The leaves are seasoned with soups, purees, and added to complex side dishes. Crescent seeds are poisonous to pets and birds.

Surepka - good honey onos, its honey productivity reaches 40-50 kg per 1 hectare of thickets. Crescent honey is greenish-yellow, slightly aromatic, pleasant to the taste, and quickly crystallizes. It is usually used to feed bee colonies.

Herbal infusion. 1 tablespoon of raw material per 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours, filter. Take 1/4 cup 4 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

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Properties of the herb colza

Before taking, the decoction is filtered, removing the grass and diluted with boiled water to bring it to its original volume. This decoction is drunk four times throughout the day, 50 ml each, preferably twenty minutes before meals. Traditionally, the course of treatment lasts from twenty days to several months.​

​Colors oil, yellow or dark brown used in bakery, confectionery production, and in the canning industry.​

​Infuse 11 grams of the mixture in 350 milliliters of boiling water for 2.5 hours, strain, drink everything after meals in 3 times.​

Common colza plant - application

The upper leaves are sessile, ovate, incised-toothed, the flowers are golden-yellow, fragrant, four-petaled, collected at the top of the stems in thick racemes.

  • ​common – herbaceous perennial from the Cabbage family, reaching a height of 30-80 centimeters. Crescent begins to bloom in May. The inflorescences form dense clusters, the fruits are bent pods directed upward. Cresse is seeded at the beginning of summer - each plant produces up to 10,000 seeds.
  • ​: herbs of colza, budra, bird knotweed, shepherd's purse, meadowsweet, flower tansy, leaf watch - taken orally as an infusion for up to 4 weeks.​
  • To activate sperm production, traditional medicine suggests men drink a glass of fresh colza juice 3 times a day. The course is up to two months. And if you take this juice, two tablespoons, 4 times a day (after meals) for two months in a row, then men suffering from prostate adenoma and prostatitis will experience relief.
  • ​You need to take equal proportions of green onions and colza leaves, chop finely and add an egg. Then add salt to taste and season the salad with mayonnaise or sour cream. The salad is ready.​

The medicinal collection of cress has a number of contraindications

Herb colza - uses and recipes of traditional medicine

​Strain the medicine, drink 50 ml also 4 times a day, always after meals.​

  1. A herbaceous plant of the cabbage genus is used medicinally to combat many diseases. Moreover useful substances are found in all parts of the rapeseed: roots, pods, stems, leaves and inflorescences. Despite the fact that the herb is more often used to treat men, there are quite beneficial effects of herbal raw materials on the female body.
  2. ​Photo gallery: Use of cress in folk medicine​
  3. ​A yellow dye for natural fiber fabrics is obtained from the flowers.​

​Herbs of colza, budra, bird's-eye knotweed, shepherd's purse, meadowsweet, flower tansy, leaf watch - taken orally as an infusion for up to 4 weeks.​

  1. The flowers are five-petaled, with one pistil, golden yellow in color, with a pleasant scent.
  2. ​The young rosette leaves of the plant are slightly pungent in taste and have a pleasant smell - already early spring they can be added to vegetable salads. You can also make good honey from rapeseed. And bakery and confectionery production uses high-quality oil made from rapeseed seeds. Medicine also considers rapeseed to be effective. Although the official does not use this herb - it is not added to pharmacological preparations.​


​To make tea from rapeseed, you need to pour boiling water (one and a half glasses) over two teaspoons of dried small raw materials and leave for half an hour. Three cups of this drink per day will bring benefits. It will restore strength and also have a diuretic effect, easing the work of the heart.​

​Spring salad with colza - will help cope with spring vitamin deficiency​


Crescent: beneficial and medicinal properties, harm and medicinal use

In folk medicine, colza juice is used to treat paralysis, kidney disease, apoplexy and epilepsy. Freshly squeezed juice helps men with insufficient sperm production.​

In addition, to strengthen the immune system, normalize water balance and lower blood cholesterol levels, you can make tea from cress. Brew it like a regular drink in a teapot, drink 2 or 3 cups per day. To taste, it is recommended to add honey, citrus fruits, finely chopped apples or homemade jam.​

Useful properties

  • ​First of all, the leaves and stems of the plant contain components that can help with asthenic syndrome and chronic fatigue. These pathologies are accompanied by autoimmune disorders, which are often difficult to treat.​
  • ​And this is not surprising, because it is widely used in cooking for the preparation of soups, salads, baked goods and vegetable oil. In addition, colza is also used to treat various diseases in folk medicine.​
  • ​You can find cress almost everywhere and many people treat it as weeds. However, it belongs to the cabbage family and also has a number of medicinal properties.​

​Herbs: colza, speedwell, horsetail, strawberry leaves, bearberry, wintergreen, whiteberry, birch, calendula flowers, bud shoot tea, licorice rhizomes, fennel fruits, marshmallow roots - 6 weeks.​


  • ​The fruits are tetrahedral cylindrical straight (or bent) pods sticking out obliquely upward.​
  • Crescent grows throughout Europe and Russia. The plant was also brought to Japan, North America, Australia, Africa, New Zealand - today cress is considered a cosmopolitan plant. As a rule, you can find cress in forest areas, near roads, along rivers, in damp meadows, in thickets of bushes, in fallow lands and even in garbage places.​


  • ​: herbs colza, speedwell, horsetail, strawberry leaves, bearberry, wintergreen, whiteberry, birch, calendula flowers, bud tea, licorice rhizomes, fennel fruits, marshmallow roots - 6 weeks.​
  • ​If the dried roots are crushed into powder, it becomes a cure for impotence. It is enough to take just 0.5 g twice a week with a small amount of water to see a positive result within a few weeks.​
  • ​tones up the activity of the entire human body;​

​The juice is used for healing, regeneration of skin cells, and also disinfects tissues and resists infection. A solution of juice and water is used to wash wounds, including purulent ones, because colza accelerates their healing.​

​It’s interesting that fresh juice from the leaves of colza is also very useful. This liquid perfectly helps against mechanical damage to the skin, minor wounds, scratches or abrasions. The juice promotes healing, cell regeneration, disinfects tissues and prevents their infection. Further use of a solution of juice with water as a wash for wounds, even purulent ones, allows you to speed up their cleansing and recovery.​


​Common cress has a mild effect on protective forces body and blood composition, therefore, for these diseases, an infusion and decoction of dried and fermented herbs is an irreplaceable medicine.​

​Range of applications medicinal herb not as wide as other plants, but the effect that cress has is quite specific.​

It’s not for nothing that cress is called a cosmopolitan plant, because in addition to the fact that it grows from Europe to Siberia, it is not difficult to find it in Africa, Australia and North America. The favorite places for cress are meadows, agricultural fields, and roadsides. People use this plant as a honey plant, and sometimes even, like cabbage, add it to the first spring salads.​

​Herbs: colza, knotweed, nettle, celandine, violet, flax seeds, carrots, parsley rhizomes, calamus, licorice, dandelion root, hop fruit, rose hips, wintergreen leaves, sage - up to 7 weeks.​

​One plant produces up to 10,000 seeds. Blooms in May-July.


  • Crescent helps with asthenic syndrome (chronic fatigue), hypovitaminosis C, general weakness, disorders of the nervous system, including epilepsy and paralysis, and decreased sexual activity.
  • ​Prostatitis​
  • ​Official medicine today does not favor cress. All recipes given are developed by practice. traditional healers, but they have also been tested by many generations of those treated.​
  • ​has a diuretic effect on the body;

Juice from fresh grass can be obtained using a meat grinder. The crushed mass should be squeezed through medical gauze. You can also use a juicer to obtain juice.​

​If you are not worried about any diseases, try adding fresh leaves plants in salad. This will provide the body with the necessary vitamins, especially in early spring.​

Moreover, the plant has a very beneficial effect on the genitourinary system. It is known that women are more often susceptible to inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, urinary and gallbladder. The healing properties of cress provide quick relief from cystitis, pyelonephritis, the presence of sand or stones in damaged organs or ducts. Elimination inflammatory process and accompanying clinical manifestations occurs due to diuretics and choleretic properties herbs, antiseptic and antibacterial effect.​

Recipe for spring salad from crepes

  • Tinctures from it relieve chronic fatigue and help you relax
  • ​This culture has earned the attention of traditional medicine thanks to two important features. Firstly, she is
  • ​Herbs of colza, fume grass, iris roots, steel grass, chamomile flowers, elderberry, tansy, daisies, simple rowan fruits, buckthorn bark, valerian rhizomes, horse sorrel - up to 3 months, 0.15 liters twice a day, for spastic constipation.​

​The fruits ripen in August-September.​

Leaves, stems, flowers and even young pods of cress have medicinal value. All this must be prepared during flowering. Dried herbs should be stored for no more than a year. An infusion is prepared from it, which has a tonic, diuretic and stimulating effect on the body.

In medicine

  • ​: herbs of colza, knotweed, nettle, celandine, violet, flax seeds, carrots, parsley rhizomes, calamus, licorice, dandelion root, hop fruits, rose hips, wintergreen leaves, sage - up to 7 weeks.​
  • Any medicinal herb should be used for treatment in consultation with a doctor. It is not recommended to be treated with colza drugs for people whose bodies are characterized by increased bleeding. The presence of stones in the kidneys and bladder requires increased caution in the use of colza.​
  • ​helps heal wounds;​



​The juice can be taken 4 times a day, 30 ml each, to treat many diseases.​

What are the benefits of rapeseed?

​Crap oil is rich in Omega-3 essential fatty acids, but unrefined oil contains the little-studied erucic acid. Therefore, only refined oil is used in cooking, in which the content of erucic acid is strictly regulated. Rapeseed oil is very useful for people suffering from atherosclerosis, it helps fight “bad” cholesterol.​

​Recent studies in the field of medicine and pharmacology have shown that the herbal medicine in question is indicated for:

​It is taken by people who have an acute deficiency of vitamin C​

How to prepare colza

​good source of vitamin C​

​Herbs colza, nettle, kidney mountaineer, toadflax, strawberry leaves, mint, cassia, watch, mistletoe shoots, immortelle flowers, licorice rhizomes, horse sorrel, dill fruits - in atonic forms, like the previous one.​

Found everywhere as a field and garden weed. It grows in wet meadows, near roads and along drops in the European part of the country, in the Caucasus. Grows everywhere in North America, Africa, Australia.​

To prepare an infusion of colza herb, you must use dried or fresh, slightly crushed herb. For a tablespoon of herb you need a glass of boiling water - the mixture is infused for a couple of hours, after which the infusion is filtered through gauze folded in several layers. Then you need to add drinking water to obtain the initial volume - this infusion is ready for use.

Medicinal properties of cress

​Chronic constipation​

Throw the washed young colza leaves into salted boiling water for 3 minutes to blanch, then drain through a colander and chop finely. Parsley, dill and green onions, rinsing, cutting and mixing with prepared colza and chopped hard-boiled egg, add salt. The salad will be delicious with mayonnaise and vegetable oil.​

Crescent is a well-known weed. Many people met her own plot and parted without regret, carefully removing them. But does everyone know about its beneficial properties? Maybe it will be useful to someone.​

​The cress is called - " male grass", since its juice helps in the treatment of prostatitis and azoospermia

Crepes oil is used in industrial production and cooking

​atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels;​

Helps normalize the functioning of the nervous system, including facilitating the progression of such serious diseases as epilepsy and paralysis

Who should not use cress

​, and secondly, enough

What to cook from rapeseed


​Group B: herbs colza, nettle, whole plant strawberry, clover flowers, raspberry fruits, rose hips, dandelion roots, currant leaves, hazelnut, oat seeds, barley, wheatgrass rhizomes, blueberry shoots, apple peels - up to 3 months.​


​For medicinal purposes, the herb (stems, leaves, flowers and young pods) is used, which is collected during the flowering of the colza. Dry in the shade, in attics, open verandas, in well-ventilated areas. Store in paper bags or boxes for 1 year.​


You need to drink it 3-4 times a day, 15-20 minutes before meals, a quarter glass. This infusion helps with insufficient sperm production, decreased sexual activity, neurasthenia and general weakness. For paralysis, scurvy, dropsy, stroke and epilepsy, you can also use a water infusion. In case of general weakness, colza can be brewed as tea - this will give strength.​

​: herbs of colza, fume grass, iris roots, steelhead, chamomile flowers, elderberry, tansy, daisies, simple rowan fruits, buckthorn bark, valerian rhizomes, horse sorrel - up to 3 months, 0.15 liters twice a day, for spastic constipation; herbs colza, nettle, knotweed, toadflax, strawberry leaves, mint, cassia, watch, mistletoe shoots, immortelle flowers, licorice rhizomes, horse sorrel, dill fruits - in atonic forms, like the previous one.


Common cress - Symptoms and treatment with folk remedies at home

​Put 100 g of chopped potatoes into half a liter of prepared broth (for example, meat, mushroom) and cook for a while. Chop 15 g of parsley root, a small onion and carrot, blanch and chop 100 g of colza leaves, put everything in the broth and cook.​

Appearance of colza

Crescent can benefit the human body by healing wounds, toning, and improving blood circulation. People know its diuretic properties. It is used to prevent hypovitaminosis C. The list of diseases subject to rapeseed includes stroke, paralysis, epilepsy, mastopathy, and male infertility.

​side dishes, purees and soups are prepared from colza greens;​

Applications of cremes in medicine

​seeds are used for a laxative effect;​

Chemical composition


Medicinal properties

​Traditional medicine specialists especially recommend taking colza-based products to increase sexual activity and the intensity of sperm production​

Using colza in collections

  • ​effective in the treatment of asthenia​​Group C - herbs of colza, oregano, primrose, lingonberry leaves, blackberries, currants, pine, wild strawberries of the whole plant, clover flowers, sea buckthorn fruits, rose hips, pine buds - up to 3 months.​
  • ​Cresse has a strong diuretic, stimulating and wound-healing effect, tones up the body's activity.​ ​And to fine-tune the mechanism of spermatogenesis, you can squeeze out the juice from fresh grass, which should be drunk in a glass (about 30 ml) twice or thrice a day. The course of treatment is one to two months.​
  • ​Hypovitaminosis​ Wash the colza leaves, scald with boiling water, and cut. Chop the onion and grate the carrots. Mix all ingredients, add salt, simmer vegetable oil, stirring. Makes a healthy side dish for meat or fish.​
  • The seeds of the plant contain fatty oil and thioglycosides, the leaves contain ascorbic and organic acids. Young leaves are used as a spice or used for salads;
  • Leaves have wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties;​epilepsy;​
  • ​To collect medicinal herbs, go to the forest. Most often it grows there. Crescent can be found along river banks and in damp meadows. Grass grows along the roads, and even in landfills, but you cannot collect them to prepare medicine. - Chronic fatigue syndrome. In addition, they note the positive effect of using products based on colza.
  • ​Herbs of cress, motherwort, celandine, yarrow, centaury, milkweed, woodruff, barley fruits, rowan berries, currant leaves, fireweed, calamus rhizomes, dandelion roots, clover flowers - up to 3 months.​ ​Common cress was used in ancient Greek and Roman medicine . Water infusions were used to treat scurvy, dropsy and nervous diseases. It was believed that the plant increases sexual activity and promotes sperm production.​

​For general cleansing of the body, you should use a herbal mixture of rapeseed, plantain, St. John's wort, nettle and sage - everything must be taken in equal proportions. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes and strain. Then drink half a glass twice a day 20 minutes before meals. Carry out a cleansing course for 3 weeks.​

​: Group B: herbs colza, nettle, strawberry of the whole plant, clover flowers, raspberry fruits, rose hips, dandelion roots, currant leaves, hazelnuts, oat seeds, barley, wheatgrass rhizomes, blueberry shoots, apple peels - up to 3 months; C - herbs of colza, oregano, primrose, leaves of lingonberries, blackberries, currants, blackberries, wild strawberries of the whole plant, clover flowers, sea buckthorn fruits, rose hips, pine buds - up to 3 months.​



Crescent - general description

​Only young leaves of colza, picked before the plant blooms, are used in cooking.​ The spring-summer flowering of cress lasts about a month. At this time, bees hover around her, collecting pollen and nectar. The honey is greenish-yellow with a pleasant, although weak, aroma. It contains a lot of glucose, so it crystallizes quickly. Beekeepers know that it is not suitable for bees for wintering.​

​yellow oil, which is obtained from the seeds, is used to make butter dough in bakery and confectionery products;​

Crescent - types and places of growth

​The plant has a mild effect on the composition of the blood and the protective functions of the whole body.​

Crescent - medicinal properties


Crescent - dosage forms

​Traditional medicine uses the leaves, stems, flowers and even pods of the plant. But they need to be harvested only during flowering, and dried raw materials can only be stored for one year.​

Crescent - recipes

​for sexual impotence​

​Herbs: colza, knotweed, centaury, cinquefoil, nettle, jarutka seeds, anise, rosehip, lemongrass, licorice rhizomes, peony, valerian, calamus, birch leaves, lingonberry, immortelle flowers - up to 5 months.​

​Currently not used in medicine​

Crescent can also be used as a vitamin supplement by adding young leaves, collected in early spring, to salads. You can also make puree from frozen leaves. And the juicy, crisp stem of the colza tastes like a sweet cabbage stalk, which is why children love it.​


Crescent - contraindications

​In Russia, cress is widely distributed in middle lane, grows in meadows, fields, gardens and orchards.​

  • ​The flowering period is the time to harvest medicinal herbs. All above-ground parts are suitable for this: stems, leaves, flowers. Young pods can also be collected. When cutting, do not take the lowest part of the stem, which is exposed.

​Young colza leaves can be used boiled or raw.​


​You can find out more information about colza from the video of the TV show “1000 and one spice of Scheherazade”.​


Common cress, medicinal properties, description, application, contraindications, recipes, photos

Description, reproduction and distribution area of ​​common cress

​Medicines made from cress allow you to restore and normalize the activity of the nervous system, improve blood circulation and reduce blood viscosity, and increase oxygen saturation of brain tissue. Sometimes the listed properties are used as restorative drugs after a stroke or transient ischemic attack.​

​To prepare it, you need to take a tablespoon of dry or even fresh, lightly crushed herbs and pour a glass of boiling water. The product should sit for several hours. Then it is filtered and diluted with boiled water so that the result is the original amount of liquid.​

​. Thanks to its beneficial effects on nervous system, this plant is often used to treat and prevent epilepsy attacks.​

​The cress contains the glycoside sinigrin, flavonoids, fatty oil (containing proteins, unsaturated and saturated fatty acids: linolenic, linoleic, oleic, stearic, palmitic), fiber, essential oil, thioglycoid glucobarbarin, vitamins C, group B.​

​Not used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical drugs.​

There are no contraindications for using cress. At the same time, you should be more careful with cress if there is increased bleeding. You should not get carried away with this herb if you have stones in the bladder or kidneys. Because you can move them, but they can get stuck in the ureter.​

​: herbs of cress, motherwort, celandine, yarrow, centaury, jasmine, woodruff, barley fruits, simple rowan, currant leaves, fireweed, calamus rhizomes, dandelion roots, clover flowers - up to 3 months.​

​In the photo: what does the common cress plant look like?

Collection, preparation and drying of common colza

​All this should be spread out thinly on paper or cloth in a place where there is no sun, but there is good ventilation. The attic is convenient for such a case.

Medicinal properties of common cress

For culinary purposes, unopened inflorescences and young leaves of the plant are mainly used. After heat treatment, the plant loses its bitterness, and its taste is similar to cabbage, so it is widely used in making soups. It is worth paying attention that you need to cook the rape for no more than three minutes so that it does not lose its taste. Flowers can be baked in batter.​

The use of rapeseed in medicine

​colsa seeds are poisonous to animals, so they should not be used to feed pets and birds;​

For the treatment of epilepsy, diseases of the genitourinary system, liver or gall bladder, neurasthenia, the following recipe for using the plant is recommended:

Medicines, method of use and dosage

  • ​Decoctions and infusions​​Young leaves, rich in vitamin C, collected in early spring or autumn, as well as from under the snow, can be eaten as a vitamin salad. Salads are used to prepare casseroles and pie fillings.​
  • Infusion of dry herb colza​Forward >​

Recipes for using common rapeseed in collections

​Impotence​​Common cress - biennial cruciferous plant. The stem is up to 60 centimeters tall, glabrous or slightly pubescent, branched. The lower stem and basal leaves are petiolate, the rest are sessile and ovate. The flowers are golden-yellow, collected in dense clusters, bloom in May - July. The fruit is a cylindrical tetrahedral pod sticking up.

Urethritis, cystitis

  • ​Dried herbs are best stored in fabric, paper bags or wooden boxes. The room should be dry. Under these conditions, the grass will retain its healing properties throughout the year.​


  • ​The plant is especially popular in cooking in Canada and America.​


  • ​You should be careful when using the plant as food, because in large quantities cress can lead to poisoning of the body.​

Chronic constipation

  • ​Brew crushed fermented raw materials in the amount of 20 g in 1 glass of boiling water, cover the container with a lid and leave for 3 hours. It is advisable to wrap the container with something warm.​
  • ​The same dosage is suitable for treating nervous disorders and combating general weakness. To tone the body, herbal teas are prepared based on this medicine.​


  • ​from colza, similar to rosemary, have a tonic and stimulating effect on the human body. A diuretic effect is also manifested.
  • ​When boiled, they are used in soups and purees, and in main courses.​


  • Brew 20 g of herb with a glass of boiling water, leave for 3 hours, strain. Drink 400 ml. 4 times a day for edema as a diuretic, for epilepsy. decreased sexual activity, insufficient sperm production, general weakness, neurasthenia.​


  • ​After the age of four months, do not restrict the baby’s movements in any way. Let him jerk his legs and arms to his own pleasure. This is necessary for proper physical development.​

Chemical composition

​: herbs of colza, knotweed, centaury, cinquefoil, nettle, marigold seeds, anise fruits, rose hips, lemongrass, licorice rhizomes, peony, valerian, calamus, birch leaves, lingonberries, immortelle flowers - up to 5 months.​

Application of common cress in other areas

​You need to collect young pods and colza grass. In spring, it is fashionable to use young shoots and flowers of colza for food, boiled or raw.​

​In the fall, you can dig up the roots of the plant, wash it, and dry it. And they may come in handy.​

​Colors will highlight the taste of salmon in this light salad. Rolls made from zucchini, cottage cheese, nuts and young greens. Cols - a light and healthy appetizer. Stewed colzas - a light side dish.

​if you have stones in the bladder or kidneys;​

​Strain the solution, warm it slightly.​

​To improve sperm production, take juice from fresh grass. It should be taken in a small glass of 30 milliliters several times a day before meals. Duration is one to two months.​

​An alternative treatment practice uses ground part plants, including seed pods and inflorescences. Medicinal raw materials begin to be harvested at the end of spring and continue until the end of flowering. Collected shoots The rapeseeds are tied into bunches and hung dried in a cool, dark and dry room, and then crushed and stored in paper bags. By the way, over the course of a year, the prepared raw materials lose their properties, and therefore, when new shoots appear in the spring, the old preparations are thrown away.​

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