How to grow Chinese cabbage in open ground. Growing Chinese Cabbage

Chinese cabbage is the common name for species of the genus Brassica, cruciferous, or cabbage family. IN.Chinensis Known in China as pak choy or bok choy, it is a leafy vegetable similar to chard. B.pekinensis- the more famous head of Chinese cabbage, called pe-tsai in China. According to research, Chinese cabbage has been cultivated in the East for over 1,500 years and may have been developed from wild mustard.

Soil distribution area

Like other members of the cruciferous family, Chinese cabbage best development Requires cool, damp weather. It can withstand light frosts, but not to the same extent as cabbage. Chinese cabbage can be grown on any soil - sandy or clayey - if it is well seasoned with humus and nutrients. To prepare the bed, spread either an 8cm layer of compost or a 15cm layer of good rotted manure over the surface of the row and mix it into the topsoil.

The soil should not be acidic, with a pH of 6-7. If this indicator is lower, then prepare the coming year in the previous year, adding top layer soil lime. Chinese cabbage is planted at the same time as late cabbage, so it can follow early plantings peas or shelling beans. Because it needs very rich soil, it should not be planted where earlier crops have depleted the soil.


One packet of pe-tsai variety seeds ( Chinese cabbage) are sown in a 30 m row and 100 mature heads plus salad greens from thinning. Some varieties like bok choy ( Chinese cabbage) are so leafy that with 30 g of seeds sown on an area of ​​12 by 18 m, you can get literally tons of greenery. Of the cabbage varieties, the first recommended variety is Michilli, which has replaced Chile as the demanding variety in most seed catalogs.


Unlike cabbage, Chinese cabbage spring planting do not plant in nurseries or pots, unless the spring is too cold and prolonged. Plants do not form heads well if their growth has been interrupted. At the first sign of hot summer weather, Chinese cabbage is coming in the arrow. In most of the country, sow at any time from July 1 to August 15 in those ridges where cabbage will grow.

To reach ripeness, plants require approximately 80 days. In warm climates that do not experience severe winter frosts, monthly staggered seeding can be done, starting one month before the onset of cool weather and ending 80 days before the expected onset of spring heat. After this, the soil will be thoroughly fertilized, a groove 2.5 cm deep will be dug and half filled with sifted compost. The seeds are sown at a distance of approximately 8 cm and again sprinkled with sifted compost.

The soil is rolled and watered well. When the plants reach a height of 8 cm, thinning is carried out, leaving 15-20 cm between plants, and the torn out seedlings are used in salad. When the height reaches 15-20 cm, the plants are thinned out again, leaving 30-40 cm. Plants after the second thinning can be cooked as green vegetables.


The most important factor When growing good Chinese cabbage, the soil is rich enough in humus to retain moisture well. Even if the cabbage is well fertilized, well mulched and planted in such a way as to ripen in rainy autumn season, it will still need additional watering, unless the plants are too young. If the weather is hot and dry in the summer after planting, daily watering will be required to keep the top layer of soil moist.


Cut as needed as soon as the heads are formed. After the first light frost, pull out the plants along with the roots. Remove outer leaves and place on a bed of straw in a frost-free area of ​​the shed. Cover with a 30 cm layer of straw. Plants arranged in this way will be stored for a month or even more.

Chinese cabbage (pak choy, bok choy, mustard), cultivated in China for more than 5 thousand years, is gradually becoming part of the diets of residents middle zone. The plant is attracted by its delicate leaves, which give a unique taste to salads. This is an early ripening and high-yielding crop. It is not surprising that many summer residents are concerned about the technology of growing and caring for Chinese cabbage.

Advantages and disadvantages of Chinese cabbage

The East Asian plant is a valuable vegetable for healthy eating, thanks to the high content of various microelements and vitamins that are preserved for a long time, acids - ascorbic, citric, folic. Insoluble fiber from the culture normalizes intestinal function. Low calorie product ideal for dietary nutrition, contains 13 kcal per 100 g.
It has excellent advantages for growing, including the following:

  • A unique, pronounced taste, for which the plant received the name mustard or celery.
  • Precocity. It takes about 2 months from sowing seeds to harvesting, one month at seedling method production.
  • Unpretentiousness. Despite the fact that the culture is warm and light-loving, it adapts perfectly to any, even difficult conditions.
  • Cold resistance, even tolerates temperatures down to -5.
  • Resistance to pests and diseases. The plant contains essential oils that help repel pests.
  • High yield. If you follow the technology, you can harvest 2-3 crops per season, since the growing season of pak choy lasts 40-75 days.
  • Has a long shelf life.

One of the disadvantages vegetable crop is that its leaves at the stage of full maturity are coarse and young plants, petioles (petiolate is another name for a vegetable), which taste like spinach, should be used for food.

Characteristics of the main features of the vegetable

Like cauliflower, broccoli, Chinese is a relative of turnip, as well as Chinese cabbage, with which it is sometimes confused. The plant differs both in appearance and taste.
Key Features:

  1. Annual, sometimes biennial plant, smaller compared to Chinese cabbage.
  2. The leaves are elongated, light and dark green, rough, pubescent, up to 30-40 cm long, collected in a rosette.
  3. Rosette with a diameter of 20-30 cm.
  4. The petioles are fleshy, thick, crispy, surround a small bud and make up most of the head.
  5. Chinese cabbage has no heads.
  6. The root crop is formed in the second year of cultivation.
  7. The flowers are yellow, small (1-2 cm in diameter), collected in a raceme.
  8. Pods are 3-5 cm long.
  9. Head diameter 5-10 cm.
  10. Weight 200-250 g.

Used for making soups, salads, frying, stewing. But it is best to prepare salads from Chinese mustard. This way the entire complex of vitamins is preserved.

Technology for growing cabbage from seeds

You can grow Chinese cabbage in the country using both seedling and non-seedling methods. It is possible to produce a plant based on the stalk.
It is preferable to sow seeds directly into open ground. This is due to the fact that the root system of the plant is very delicate, and it does not tolerate transplantation. Observe following rules landings:

  • It is recommended to choose a sunny place, well protected from the wind, since the roots are very weak, the bush can be turned out of the ground.
  • The vegetable should be planted in loose, fertile soil rich in calcium. First add organic matter to the soil and 200 g per square meter each additive:
    • ammonium nitrate,
    • calcium,
    • triple superphosphate,
    • potash fertilizers.
  • Follow the rule of plant succession. Do not plant pak choi after any type of cabbage or after radishes. As a cruciferous crop, it can only be planted in the same place after 4 years. After it you can grow beets, spinach, and salads. The Chinese woman will like the soil after onions or garlic.
  • Optimal sowing time for harvesting two crops:
    • April - mid-May.
    • July-mid August.
      It is not recommended to sow earlier, as arrows with flowers may form.
    • During sowing, maintain a distance of 40x30 cm between holes, 30-35 cm between rows. Sow seeds to a depth of 1 cm.
      Landing possible belt method, when sown in 2-3 rows, making a distance of 20-30 cm between the rows, 50-60 cm between the ribbons. The ribbons are thinned out 2 times. When 1 leaf appears, sprouts are left every 8-10 cm; when the leaves close, they are thinned out to 20-25 cm between plants.
      When planting in a wide bed, place 3-4 seeds in a hole, make 25-30 cm between holes and in row spacing. After the sprouts appear, the weak ones will need to be removed, leaving one seedling.
    • Cover the bed plastic film, which will protect the seeds from unpredictable spring weather.

Chinese cabbage shoots will appear in 3-10 days.

Specifics of growing cabbage in seedlings

The seedling method is very attractive for gardeners, since the harvest is obtained after planting the seedlings in open ground for 20-35 days. In addition, many summer residents have no other choice but to grow Chinese cabbage seedlings at home. Since pak choy does not tolerate transplantation, you need to sow the seeds in peat pots, so that then, without diving, the seedlings can be placed on the bed directly in the pot without transshipment.
In protected ground it is necessary to sow seeds in early February.
Seedlings for planting in open ground should have 4-5 true leaves.

Growing a Chinese plant from a stalk

This is, of course, surprising, but it is indeed possible to grow Chinese cabbage from a stalk at home. To do this, you need to purchase a plant head with a thick stalk in the store.
The leaves can be used for salad, and the thick lower part, at least 5 cm high, can be trimmed. Then, when growing, follow the instructions:

Features of vegetable care

Caring for pak choy, like all types of cabbage, consists of observing temperature regime(if possible), watering, weeding, loosening, protection from pests. It has some features that should be taken into account during cultivation:

  1. When caring for cabbage, you should adhere to the optimal, comfortable temperature regime for it (in a greenhouse it is easier to do this; open ground more difficult). This temperature is no higher than +22 and no lower than +15.
    Pak choy can easily withstand temperatures of 13-16 degrees at the beginning of development. Does not tolerate frosts below -5 degrees.
    In more warm conditions Arrows with small flowers may appear yellow, having the smell of narcissus. You can get seeds from this cabbage yourself. But you won’t get full-fledged cabbage. Seeds can germinate at temperatures around +4 degrees.
  2. Chinese flowering is also observed with late sowings and dry weather during initial stage growing.
  3. The foreign plant needs to be watered abundantly, as it constantly needs water due to its small thin roots, but in moderation, after the soil dries out, so as not to cause the process of rotting.
    Optimal watering is once a day with up to 20 liters of water per square meter. The plant loves warm watering, so you should water it with warm water once a week.
  4. The vegetable has a positive attitude towards fertilizing organic fertilizer, humus. It should be fed three times a season with a 0.05% nitrogen solution: immediately after planting, during the formation of 5-7 leaves, and during the tying of the head.
  5. Weeding should be done carefully, not to damage small, poorly attached roots. Make sure that the apical bud is not covered with soil.
  6. To avoid overheating of the crop in hot weather, cover it with a cloth and build a canopy. Planting seedlings between the rows of cucumbers will save the beauty from the heat. Growing up, cucumbers will cover the Chinese woman from the direct rays of the sun.
  7. You can treat cruciferous fleas with calcium arsenic acid in combination with lime 1:10 or sprinkle with ash until sprouts appear.
  8. During the formation of the head of cabbage, the ends of the cabbage are tied with rope.
  9. After the first frost (up to -5 degrees), pak choy bushes can be dug up, watered well and buried in the basement in damp sand.

It is worth adding that some summer residents grow both Chinese and Chinese cabbage on their plots. To avoid cross-pollination of two different types, plant them at some distance from each other.

Rules for storing Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage, removed for preparing salads, is stored somewhat worse than Chinese cabbage. In order to preserve it longer useful qualities, it is necessary to separate the leaves from the stalk and wash them running water, wrap in a damp cloth and place in the refrigerator as is.
By growing Chinese cabbage in your garden, you will not only expand the list of crops you have mastered, but will delight yourself and your loved ones with an invaluable dietary and medicinal product.

Save so you don't lose!

Growing Chinese cabbage has its own characteristics compared to its ordinary white cabbage relative. Today I’ll talk about how to grow Chinese cabbage in your garden, as well as about growing Chinese cabbage.

These ancient cultures of China are actively conquering the vast expanses of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other CIS countries. And this is not surprising, because the technology for growing Chinese cabbage and its Chinese “relative” is quite simple, and even when grown without seedlings in northern regions can be obtained good harvest. What can we say about warmer regions? So, get acquainted with how to grow Chinese cabbage, and Chinese cabbage to boot.

First, let me remind you how these two types differ. Quite often, these species are united by a common name - Chinese cabbage, which is completely incorrect from a botanical point of view. Chinese cabbage (salad cabbage, or petsai) and Chinese cabbage (mustard cabbage, or pak choi) are close relatives. The two species are indeed native to China, but they are different appearance and some features.

Chinese cabbage has very tender, whole, sessile leaves with wrinkled, swollen leaf blade, 15-35 cm high. There are varieties in which the leaves form a rosette or head of cabbage various shapes and density.

Chinese cabbage forms a rosette of erect leaves with succulent petioles up to 30 cm high, which do not form a head. Two varieties are grown, differing in the color of the leaves and petioles.

Features of growing Chinese and Chinese cabbage

Beijing and Chinese cabbage are early ripening crops. Ripening time (from germination to ripeness) early varieties– 40-55 days, medium – 55-60, late – 60-80. This allows you to get 2 or even 3 harvests in one season.
When certain conditions are created, they are grown year-round.
Long daylight hours and moderate temperatures (below 13°C) cause bolting and flowering of cabbage.
The most optimal temperature for growing Chinese and Chinese cabbage - 15-22°C.
To prevent bolting and flowering of cabbage you need to:

Choose varieties that are resistant to flowering;
do not thicken the crops;
grow in short daylight hours (sow in April, cover late sowings from light in the evening and open in the morning).
Technology for growing Chinese and Chinese cabbage

Both Chinese and Chinese cabbage can be grown as in a seedless way, and through seedlings.

Seedless growing method
Seeds of Chinese and Chinese cabbage are sown in open ground:

From the first ten days of May (or even the end of April) to June 15, intervals of 10-15 days are made between sowings;
from July 20 to August 10.
When growing Chinese cabbage, it is better to sow leafy varieties in the spring, and head-forming varieties in the summer.

The distance between plants should be 15-25 cm. This can be achieved by sowing seeds on narrow garden bed in the following ways:

Using the tape-line method with subsequent thinning of the plants. To do this, sowing the seeds of Chinese or Chinese cabbage is done using tapes (two- or three-line). Distance – 50-60 cm (between ribbons), 20-30 cm (between lines).
Planting seeds in holes in groups of 3-4 pieces. at a distance between holes of about 30-35 cm. Thinning will also be necessary, but in this case you will already be choosing the “weakest link” in a group of 3-4 plants.
As an experiment, try both sowing methods and choose the one that you find more convenient and effective.

The sowing depth of Chinese and Chinese cabbage seeds when grown directly in open ground is 1-2 cm. The bed with the crops is covered with plastic film, especially if it is still cool outside. Seedlings do not like frosts, unlike adult plants.

The first shoots appear in about 3-10 days, depending on the temperature.

To protect plants from cruciferous flea beetle, the soil is sprinkled with ash before germination. This pest is one of the reasons why Chinese and Chinese cabbage cannot be grown after radishes, mustard and other cruciferous crops. By the way, take this point into account when choosing green manure for the garden bed where you plan to plant any cabbage.

With the first (tape-line) sowing method, two thinnings are carried out during cultivation. With the appearance of one true leaf, the cabbage is thinned out for the first time, leaving the plants every 8-10 cm. When the leaves of neighboring plants begin to close together, a second thinning is carried out, leaving the plants every 20-25 cm.

With the second sowing method, also remove the weakest plants in the group after one or two true leaves appear.

Seedling method
Growing Chinese cabbage by seedlings, as well as Chinese cabbage, should be done with an eye on their “capriciousness” to transplantation and damage to the roots. They cannot be grown using picks. Chinese cabbage is more capricious, so its seedlings need to be grown in peat pots and then planted together with them in open ground or a greenhouse. Chinese cabbage is less picky and can be grown in cassettes, but it is still better to “give” it peat pots or peat tablets.

The advantage of growing cabbage through seedlings is the reduction in ripening time. Using seedlings, you can get the first harvest within 20-35 days after planting the seedlings in the garden.

The timing of sowing Chinese and Chinese cabbage seeds for seedlings depends on the type of soil. When grown in:

Protected ground - from late January to early February;
open ground - from late March to April.
The soil for growing Chinese or Chinese cabbage seedlings must be very loose. Good to use coconut substrate, it meets all the requirements for seedling soil and allows you to obtain strong and healthy seedlings.

For uniform sowing, the seeds are mixed with sand and sown to a depth of approximately 0.5-1 cm. Seedlings at the age of 25-30 days are ready for planting. By this time, the seedlings should have 4-5 true leaves.

Planting seedlings in the garden
Chinese cabbage: cultivation and care For these types of cabbage, light, well-drained, organic-rich soils with a neutral environment are most preferable.

The predecessors can be the same crops as for all cabbage plants (I wrote about them in the article on growing cabbage seedlings).

The area allocated for Chinese or Chinese cabbage should be well lit.

Chinese cabbage should be grown separately from Chinese cabbage, since cross-pollination between these species is possible. This is especially true if you want to collect your own seeds of these crops.

Seedlings are planted according to the following scheme:

In protected ground – 10×10 cm (leaf forms) and 20×20 cm (head forms);
in open ground 30×25 cm.
Cabbage care
Both types of cabbage are cold-resistant, light- and moisture-loving crops.

Chinese cabbage can withstand frosts down to -4°C, Chinese cabbage up to -6°C. Temperature +15…+22°C is optimal for plants. Temperatures above +25°C can cause burns on plant leaves (Chinese cabbage especially suffers from this).

Care consists of abundant watering, shallow loosening of the soil and control of weeds and pests (Chinese cabbage is more resistant to pests, as it has essential oils that drive them away). Mulching the soil can help keep weeds at bay, giving you more time to relax.

If it rains often in your region, then you will have to protect the Chinese cabbage from it, otherwise it will begin to rot. You can protect it by covering it with ordinary transparent film or agrofibre.

During the growing season, it is good to fertilize twice with mullein solution (1:8).

ATTENTION! When weeding, make sure that the apical bud of the cabbage is not covered with soil.

Beijing cabbage stores better than Chinese cabbage. I have already written about how to harvest them and how to store Chinese cabbage and its Chinese “friend”.

Well, you now know how to grow Chinese or Chinese cabbage. Make friends with these Asian representatives and you will be pleased with the result, because growing Chinese cabbage, as well as Chinese cabbage, is quite a feasible task even for a beginner. By the way, in my own way beneficial properties Peking and Chinese cabbage are superior to our original Russian culture - white cabbage.

Among all brassicas, Chinese cabbage ranks first in amino acid and protein content. It is distinguished by its delicate fiber structure and early ripening, which makes it possible to obtain up to 3 harvests per year. Chinese cabbage is a cold-resistant crop, quickly reaches commercial maturity and is well suited for growing in the garden.

Characteristics and properties

The common name “Chinese cabbage” combines two different species from a botanical point of view. Chinese cabbage (petsai) is considered salad cabbage, and Chinese cabbage (pak choi) is considered mustard cabbage, but they are close relatives.

Chinese cabbage produces more delicate, sessile, wrinkled leaves up to 35 cm high. In some varieties, the leaves form a rosette or a head of varying density.

Chinese cabbage has a rosette of erect leaves without forming a head. Leaves on succulent cuttings up to 30 cm tall. Two varieties based on leaf color.

When cooked with daikon and sweet pepper, Chinese cabbage, known in Asia as kichma, helps strengthen the body. Local residents believe that this dish allows you to achieve longevity.

The nutritional value of these crops lies in the availability of easily digestible proteins contained in its composition, as well as the high content of vitamin C, carotene and mineral salts.

It is convenient to make cabbage rolls from Chinese varieties of cabbage, it is suitable for borscht and soups, and it also pickles well.

Beijing cabbage differs by variety into: leaf and cabbage; Chinese only comes in leaf form.

It is better to grow Chinese cabbage in summer, and leafy types in spring.

Most suitable for our growing conditions spring varieties: “Khibinskaya”, “Povir”.

Site organization and soil preparation

Most favorable spring growing Chinese cabbage in protected ground. Can be used in open ground as a second crop after harvesting early vegetables.

The area should be well lit and have good drainage. The soil is rich in organic matter with good moisture. Soils with a neutral reaction environment are best suited.

You should not place plantings of Chinese and Beijing varieties nearby, as cross-pollination is possible between them.


Precursors to cruciferous crops are not desirable, especially radishes and mustard.

Sowing time

Cabbage seedlings are sown from the end of January.

Sow in open ground at two times:
end of March – beginning of April;
at the end of July - beginning of August.

Chinese cabbage is considered a short crop daylight hours, therefore, the timing of sowing and the characteristics of its cultivation depend on the territory and climatic zone.

Preparing for sowing

For ease of sowing, small seeds are mixed with sand.

Sowing and caring for seedlings

Chinese cabbage can be sown without seedlings in holes according to the following scheme: with a row spacing of 50 cm, the distance between holes is up to 40 cm. Three seeds are sown in each hole. As the seedlings grow, they are thinned out, ultimately leaving the strongest plant. After final culling, hilling is carried out.

Sowing cabbage for seedlings is associated with the complexity of the transplantation process. Chinese varieties Cabbages are capricious regarding damage to the root system. Beijing varieties they suffer less.

For sowing cabbage with subsequent picking, grooves are formed up to 1 cm deep with a row spacing of 3 cm. The seeds are covered with soil mulched with coarse sand or peat to prevent the formation of a dense crust on the surface. Plantings are kept moist.

Shoots appear by the seventh day. They should be watered with a solution of potassium permanganate up to 5 g per liter of water.

When two true leaves form, seedlings are planted in pots for subsequent planting.

Established seedlings are fed with a solution of mullein and water 1:5 with the addition of superphosphate up to 3 g/l or a solution of bird droppings 1:15.

Before planting in the ground, a week before, the seedlings begin to adapt to the ambient temperature.

Landing in the ground

Seedlings are planted in protected soil according to a 10x10 cm pattern for leaf varieties and 20x20 for cabbage.

In open ground, the planting pattern is 30x25 cm.

To prevent early release of flower stalks, cabbage should be grown during short daylight hours, preferably from April. It is advisable to cover crops at a later time from light in the evening and open them in the morning.

Dense planting of seedlings also causes rapid flowering.

Care consists of regular watering, loosening row spacing and weed control. Good results mulches the soil.

Watering to carry out better method sprinkling. Both a lack of moisture and its excess have equally bad effects on cabbage. Chinese varieties should be watered more abundantly.

When there is heavy rainfall, you should think about protecting Chinese cabbage from excess moisture, otherwise it may rot. Use film or agrofibre.

Top dressing

You can carry out one or two fertilizing with mullein with water 1:8.


Chinese cabbage varieties contain essential oils that repel pests. To protect plantings from cruciferous fleas, they are treated with insecticides in the early stages.

Before emergence, when sowing in the ground, you can sprinkle the row with ash or a mixture of ash and tobacco dust.


Harvesting is done as the leafy greens grow as needed. It can tolerate frosts, so it is left in the garden until the onset of persistent frosts.

Chinese cabbage has a shorter shelf life than Chinese cabbage. To increase the shelf life, you can dig up the bush with roots and install it in the cellar, sprinkling root system wet sand.

And high nutritional properties, many of our countries began mass cultivation of this variety cabbage About secrets correct landing and caring for pak choi we will talk about in the article.

Description of culture

Mid-season varieties include “Lebedushka”, “Swallow”, “Chill”, “Four Seasons”, “In Memory of Popova”. The growing season of mid-season varieties is 50-55 days.

Did you know? In Asian countries With ok pak choi is used in cosmetics. He is an excellent remedy for skin rejuvenation.

Bak choy not particularly demanding on soil. It can grow even in an unfertilized area. But best place sandy loam or light loam will be suitable for planting. Soil acidity should range from 5.5 to 6.5 pH. Best predecessor– . It is not recommended to plant pak choi in a place where another variety grew last year.

It is also undesirable to plant bok choy in one place for more than two years in a row.

How to plant pak choi cabbage in the country

Now we will understand the main question: how to grow pak choi cabbage at home? Cultivation begins with planting.

Planting and caring for seedlings

To grow seedlings, cabbage seeds are planted in peat cups at the end of March - mid-April. Soil for seedlings can be mixed with humus to better germination seeds
After planting, water the seeds with water (cold watering is not advisable). Cups with seedlings are best placed in a sunny place.

Every four to five days, the seeds need to be watered with water whose temperature is not lower than 15ºC. After 15-20 days, when three leaves form on the seedlings, it needs to be added.

Pour a little soil under each sprout, then the plant will quickly form the fourth and fifth leaves. After the seedlings have five leaves, they can be planted in a pre-prepared area along with the cups.

In order for pak choi seedlings to take root faster, you need Spray regularly with water(2-4 times a day; spray for 5-7 days).
It is best to plant cabbage in partial shade. Until the roots of the seedlings get stronger, hot sun rays could harm her. It is better to plant seedlings in the ground in the evening or on a cloudy day.

The distance between the rows of cabbage should be 25-30 cm. Bury into the soil until the first true leaves.

Features of cultivation

Pak choi cabbage can be grown in almost any type of soil. It does not require special and careful care. However, if you follow some nuances, you can increase productivity.

Watering and soil care

It is better to refrain from adding it (since even if the cabbage grows, it will lose its taste).

More about the features of caring for pak choi

The crop is prone to the formation of arrows and flowering, so when growing you need to take into account some biological features cabbage
The processes of formation of shoots and flowering are usually observed with a constant lengthening of daylight hours. To avoid this, some agronomists advise plant pak choi no earlier than July.

For better yield The soil around the cabbage can be mulched with rich compost or grass clippings. This will better retain moisture (this is especially necessary during dry periods of summer).

Control of plant diseases and pests

Important!A solution is also used to control pak choi pests. wood ash And laundry soap, an infusion based on fresh tomato leaves and a solution of vinegar water,infusion liquid soap and dandelion root,infusion of garlic arrows and green.These solutions are suitable for both spraying and watering.

To combat cruciferous flea beetle allowed to use aqueous solution based on the drug. The drug is diluted in water according to the instructions and sprayed in the evening or morning.

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