How to grow a pear from a seedling: planting, watering and fertilizing. How to preserve pears for a long time

In July, when apple and pear fruits begin to grow strongly and fruit buds are laid for next year's harvest, proper care of these trees is especially important.

July For fruit trees apple and pear trees especially important. They need proper care, since this month, in addition to intensive growth of shoots and ripening of fruits, conditions are created for the formation fruit buds, laying the future harvest. When trees need additional nutrients and water, they must be given.

The main indicator of excellent shoot growth is its size. If the growth length reaches 30–40 cm, then there is no need to feed the plants.

Often fruiting abundantly apple and pear tree in july They have small increments, which indicates a lack of nutrients necessary for the future development of fruits.

Feeding apple and pear trees in July

For successful growth apple tree shoots are fertilized with nitrogen (one or two tablespoons of urea or ammonium nitrate), but better solutions mullein, diluted 5–7 times or bird droppings - 12–15 times with water.

For 10 liters of solution take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of urea, two - superphosphate and a glass of ash. You can use another composition: ammonium nitrate(25–40 g), or potassium salt (30–10 g), or 100–150 g of wood ash, add superphosphate, adding 60 g per 10 liters of water.

10 liters of solution will be enough for 2–3 m2 or the same linear meters grooves. After the solution is completely absorbed, the watered furrow should be covered with dry soil. As a rule, crops are fed after a good rain or by combining watering and fertilizing with fertilizers.

Watering apple and pear trees in July:

when and how much to water

Particularly important in summer period, in July maintain an even regime glaze the entire soil surface at the apple and pear tree , but do not allow it to dry out. Not justified and frequent watering a small amount water, as this only moisturizes top part soil. This leads to even stronger evaporation and, as a result, the death of those roots that lack moisture.

How much to water and when everything depends on the degree of soil moisture under the trees. To determine the useful supply of water in the ground, you need to take a lump of earth from a depth of about 20 or 40 cm; if it crumbles when squeezed in your palm, then watering is necessary. Its approximate norm is 4–8 buckets per square meter.

Caring for apple and pear trees in July

In July continues caring for apple and pear trees and other trees grafted in spring. If the cuttings have not had time to take root, then the strongest annual growths on the rootstock are carefully budded.

Not long before this, the crown can be lightened; for this, the tops are removed, as well as the branches that thicken the crown. All skeletal branches of the rootstock are budded to guarantee at least 2 buds. If both the first and second eyes take root, then after a year one of them should be cut out.

The distance at which eyes are inserted during budding should not exceed 10 cm from the base of the shoot chosen for grafting. In the spring of next year, a 25 cm thorn is left above the eye that has taken root, and the remaining branch is carefully removed. And when the oculant shoot grows, it is tied to a thorn.

In the summer, it is necessary to continue to transfer vertically growing shoots to their future horizontal position. In July, existing wounds on both the apple tree and the pear are healed. Compost preparation continues.

From July 15 to July 31, it is during this period that conditions are created when wood ripens and plants begin to prepare for winter:

  • first they stop fertilizing with nitrogen,
  • then they pinch those shoots of young trees that are growing wildly.
  • sow peas, beans, lupine seeds and other crops, green mass which can be used as fertilizers at the end of summer.

In the last ten days of July you can spend foliar feeding: 30 g of superphosphate per 1 liter of water. This will increase the winter hardiness of the trees and will promote the development of flower buds of the apple tree.

If the fruit harvest is large, install supports so that the branches do not break under the weight.

The supports must be placed vertically approximately to the second half of the branch, so that it does not break off under the weight of the fruit. Deeply planted young trees must be dug up to the root collar.

Video: How to fertilize plants in summer. Summer fertilizers

In this video, the famous expert Igor will tell you about
what is the best way to fertilize coniferous, fruit,
berry plants in summer.

Many gardeners consider the pear to be their favorite tree, and here's why: the pear is easy to care for, and it bears fruit almost every year. Basic care operations include: watering the pear tree, pruning, fertilizing the soil, loosening and mulching the top layer of soil.

Seedlings of this plant can be planted in the fall, but some do it in the spring. Typically, a pear completely provides itself with moisture due to a well-developed root system, which grows as the tree grows. When planting a tree on permanent place They arrange planting pits 60 centimeters deep, 1/3 of such a pit should be filled with nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the tree in a new location. If the roots are slightly dry, they should be immersed in water for about a day, and then the plant can be planted in the ground.

How and when to water a pear

After planting, the pear is watered to compact the soil and ensure normal moisture conditions in the soil. A young plant needs to be looked after; if it develops poorly, additional watering is necessary. warm water, approximately one bucket of water per week, but the amount of watering depends on the condition of the plant (it has taken root well or is drying out) and weather conditions.

When the tree begins to bear fruit, the pear should be watered twice during the growing season (before flowering and after the pear blooms), the water should penetrate to a depth of 80 centimeters. The watering rate for a pear is 2 buckets for every square meter of tree trunk area. There are several ways to water the tree in question:

— sprinkling. Watering is carried out mechanically: Water is pressurized into spray arms that rotate to spray droplets of water like rain.

— watering along the grooves. Along the radius of the tree, grooves 10 centimeters deep are dug at some distance. Water from the above norm is poured into these grooves, and water can be poured into the grooves in several stages to ensure better penetration through the soil thickness.

To prevent the evaporation of surface moisture, which is especially important for young plants transplanted to a new location, the soil is mulched with humus or peat. Mulching not only retains moisture in the soil, but also prevents the growth of weeds.

Pear is a rather capricious plant. The tree loves warmth and light, does not tolerate drafts and is poorly adapted to cold weather. Even the most frost-resistant varieties pears cannot withstand temperatures below -30 C and need insulation and protection.

Vigorous pears tolerate drought better, live longer, but also grow more actively. Such trees need both sanitary and rejuvenating pruning. Dwarf or semi-dwarf pears are very productive, which requires intensive feeding, specific pruning and crop adjustment.

Common to all varieties of pears is the need for watering. Depending on the type of tree, watering can be rare and large or frequent but in small portions. It is necessary to fulfill these requirements: without water, the pear drops flowers and fruits, and fruits ripened in drought conditions lose their taste.

How is watering carried out?

The intensity and methods of irrigation are determined by a number of conditions:

You can determine whether a tree needs watering using a test. Dig a hole 25 cm deep, collect soil from it, and squeeze it in your fist. If the soil crumbles, the pear needs watering. If the lump holds its shape, then the soil is sufficiently moist.

Irrigation methods

There are different types of irrigation.

  • Surface- the simplest method. A furrow 15 cm deep is dug around the trunk at a distance equal to the diameter of the crown. Inside the resulting ring, if its dimensions allow, another circular furrow is made at a distance of 50 cm from the previous one. This is where the water is directed from the hose.

With such irrigation, the water pressure should be weak to prevent the soil from being washed away and the root system being exposed.

  • Drip– a special system is installed that supplies water drop by drop. This is the safest and most useful way irrigation, as it ensures uniform saturation of the soil and constant support of moisture in the upper layers.
  • Sprinkling– carried out on cloudy days, early morning or evening, when sunlight can no longer burn the leaves on the tree. Sprinkling imitates rain, that is, water is supplied through a special nozzle to the trunk, branches, and leaves. This method improves the survival rate of young seedlings. In addition, it is very useful in dry summers, as it increases the overall humidity of the air around the pear.

Sprinkling is carried out to prevent flowers from falling, especially when there is a danger of return frosts. In this case, sprinkling is carried out all night and stops at dawn.

  • Subsoil- V trunk circle install special humidifiers that allow water to be supplied directly to the roots.

Irrigation by any mechanism must be completed with mulching with peat chips or sawdust.

Also read about mulching currants in.

in spring

The timing of the first irrigation is determined by the weather and the age of the tree.

Typically, the first watering of an adult tree is carried out in mid-April–early May, when the pear has already bloomed. But if the winter was not snowy, and the spring begins amicably, then the first watering is carried out at the end of March, before flowering.

The volume of fluid depends on age. A 1–2 year old tree requires 10–15 liters per square meter per watering. m of tree trunk circle. Pear trees aged 3 to 5 years need 30 liters per square meter. m. Fruit-bearing plants are filled with water so that the moisture penetrates 60–80 cm deep.

A newly planted tree is watered much more often, but not so abundantly, on average, 1 bucket per week. If spring is hot and the pear shows a noticeable lack of moisture, then water it more often - 2 times a week. Read how to plant a pear tree in the spring.

Dwarf pears are watered in approximately the same way, based on the area of ​​the trunk circle. However, it is preferable here drip irrigation because the roots of the tree are too close to the ground.

Read about treating pears in the spring against pests and diseases.

Do not allow water to stagnate in the furrows or oversaturate the soil with moisture. Excess water causes rotting of the roots.

In summer

Repeated watering is carried out 3 weeks after the first. As a rule, this time falls in the second half of June. The volume of liquid is calculated using the same proportions.

Until July 20, pears are watered 3 times, very abundantly. A sufficient amount of moisture during the period of formation and filling of fruits ensures the taste of the fruit, juiciness and appropriate weight.

If the summer is dry, then watering is done as needed. To do this, monitor the condition of the soil under the tree.

The last watering is carried out at the end of August or beginning of September.

in autumn

The pear is watered again in the fall during leaf fall or even after it. This procedure is a moisture-charging procedure and its goal is to saturate the soil with moisture before wintering. This is the most abundant watering, not counting spring.

Features of watering

Irrigation is classified not only by timing and methods, but also by purpose. Such irrigations are carried out during a certain growing season and are somewhat different from ordinary ones.

During flowering

Watering during flowering is usually not advisable. But if the winter had little snow, then by the time flowering begins the soil turns out to be too dry. In such cases, irrigation is performed - surface or drip. It is better to reduce the volume of liquid compared to the norm, but again, this parameter depends on the degree of drying of the soil and the availability.

The best solution there will be watering before flowering, especially if it is combined with fertilizing with potassium and nitrogen fertilizers.

Before and after landing

When planting a seedling, watering is also required.

If the soil is moist enough, do not water the hole before planting. If it is dry, then up to 10 liters of water are poured onto the bottom, and planting is carried out only after the moisture has been absorbed. Watering is also carried out when the soil is alkalized or acidified, since it is better to introduce the corresponding substances in the form of a solution.

After planting the seedling, the soil around it is compacted and watered very abundantly. It is recommended to pour water into holes that are dug around the trunk along the diameter of the crown. The volume of liquid varies from 20 to 30 liters, which depends on the age and size of the seedling.

Be sure to mulch the tree trunk circle.

Newbie mistakes

In order for watering to bring maximum benefits, you should follow the recommendations:

It is worth using not the usual tree-trunk watering, but sprinkling. In this case, moisture is absorbed not only by the roots of the plant, but also by the foliage, bark, and ripening pears, which is very useful during drought.

After planting, young ones are watered 1-2 times a week. 2-3 year old trees require watering once every 2 weeks. Mature trees are watered twice a month.

Sprinkling is carried out only in the absence of sun. It is best to water pears early in the morning, and perfect option- at night until dawn.


Video about proper watering pear trees.


  1. Pear is a moisture-loving plant. If there is a lack of moisture, the tree sheds the ovary, and if the fruits ripen, they acquire a bitter taste.
  2. Young trees need more frequent, but not as abundant watering. Mature trees are watered 3–5 times per season, but abundantly.
  3. Gardeners use several types of irrigation: tree trunk, drip, sprinkling. The method is selected based on the condition of the pear and the purpose of watering.
  4. Required spring watering before flowering to replenish the lack of moisture and in autumn during leaf fall. The latter makes wintering easier for the pear.
  5. Watering should be sufficient, but not excessive. Excessive humidity has a bad effect on the root system of the pear, which leads to disease.

Have in own garden tree with succulent and delicious pears every gardener wants. Every person has been familiar with the unique taste of this fruit since childhood. Jams, compotes, pies and preserves are made from pears, and they are also dried for the winter.

Of course, you can buy this fruit in the store, but a pear grown in your own garden is much tastier.

If you are afraid of the difficulties of growing a pear tree, then just read this article and all doubts will instantly be dispelled. Because you will learn in an accessible form how to plant and care for a pear. And ultimately, by applying With maximum diligence and minimum labor, you will enjoy a rich pear harvest from your own garden.

The most popular pear varieties

Summer pear varieties

Summer varieties begin to ripen at the end of July. The peculiarity of these varieties is their short shelf life. The harvest must be harvested quickly so that the pears do not have time to rot on the branches. These varieties must be eaten immediately or used in cooking. Summer pears very juicy and have an extraordinary aroma.

The most popular summer varieties:

  • Skorospelka.
  • Lada.
  • Limonka.
  • Refectory.
  • July early.
  • Memorable.
  • Summer early.

Autumn pear varieties

From September to October, mid-season autumn pears ripen. They also have a short shelf life and need to be collected promptly. They are usually used for making compotes, jams, canning and eaten in fresh. The most popular are:

Winter varieties

In mid-October I start singing winter varieties pears To reach full maturity they must hang on a branch. But it is undesirable to allow them to fall off. Some winter varieties can be stored until spring without losing their aesthetic appearance and taste. Some of the best are the following varieties:

  • Winter Cube-shaped.
  • Rossoshanskaya late.
  • Belarusian late.
  • Kyrgyz winter.
  • Sketch of Kyiv.
  • Curé.
  • Winter decanka.

Growing pears in your own garden

Having carefully studied the pear planting technology and strictly followed it, you will soon be able to enjoy juicy pear fruits. During this process, almost everything is important: time, place and quality of the seedling.

Pears are planted in spring and autumn. Some gardeners consider autumn planting more successful. Warm autumn weather encourages the appearance of additional roots before winter sets in, thereby helping the pear tree to better prepare for the growing season in the spring. Autumn planting produced at the end of September. During this period, the movement of juice in plants slows down.

Spring planting is carried out in late April - early May, when the movement of sap has not yet begun. For spring planting For pears, the soil has been prepared since the fall.

Soil for pear.

The site for the pear should be chosen not hot, but quite sunny on the south, south-west or west side of the garden. Chernozem or gray soil with loamy subsoil is quite suitable for pears. But heavy clay or sandy soils not recommended.

When choosing a place to plant a pear, you need to take into account the fact that its powerful root system can go into the ground up to eight meters. Therefore, areas where groundwater runs high are not suitable. Great place for this tree there will be a hill or hill.

Selection of seedlings

It is best to purchase seedlings from special nurseries. Then you will definitely be confident in their quality. When buying a seedling at the market or taking it from a neighbor, you should pay attention to the following points, namely, it should not be:

  • With overdried or rotten roots.
  • The trunk must be without visible flaws and elastic.
  • If the roots of the seedling are a bit dry, you need to immerse them in water for 12 hours to restore elasticity and firmness.


If on your site there is quite suitable soil for a pear, the planting hole is dug slightly larger than the root system of the seedling. In the case when the soil needs to be made more fertile, a hole is dug a meter deep and 70 by 70 cm. And it is advisable to prepare it several weeks before planting. To prepare earth mixture to fill the planting hole, you will need:

  • Compost, manure or peat - 30 kg.
  • Lime - 1.5 kg.
  • Superphosphate - 1 kg.
  • Potassium chloride - 100 gr.

Half of the resulting mixture is poured into the hole, and a peg is placed in the center, which should rise about half a meter above the surface of the ground.

At the end of this process, the earth is trampled down and watered with several buckets of water. Then, after complete absorption of water, the soil around the seedling should be mulched to a depth of 5–10 cm with peat or sawdust, and the seedling should be tied to a support.

Technologies for autumn and spring pear planting identical and practically no different. The only difference is that for spring planting the hole is prepared in the fall.


A young tree requires proper care, starting from planting. After the seedling is dug in, the perimeter of the trunk circle needs to be mulched so that upper layer the soil was not eroded, and moisture was retained.

When caring for a pear in the spring, a lot of water is not required, but during drought or active growth fruits need more abundant watering - about 30 buckets of water for each tree. Growing pear trees is a process which will require year-round care.

Caring for pears in spring

For good yield, pears need fertilizers. In the spring, fertilizing is done before the growing season, at a time when the leaves have not yet blossomed.

The type of fertilizer and its quantity depend on the characteristics of the tree itself and the composition of the soil. Fruiting pears grow on average by 20 cm per year, and young ones stretch as much as 40. Therefore fertilizers in this case, in the spring it is simply necessary, but you can begin to fertilize fruit trees no earlier than two years of age.

Mineral fertilizing is needed every year, and organic fertilizing is needed once every three years. Necessary components of the soil mixture:

  • Potassium chloride - 30 g.
  • Urea - 20 g.
  • Humus - 9 kg.

Fertilizers need to be mixed with the soil, after which the mixture is distributed around the tree trunk.

You can enrich the soil by in a natural way. For this purpose between the trees It is enough to plant lupine.

Advice: wood ash serves as a good substitute for phosphorus fertilizers.

When caring for a pear in the spring, you need to remember to adjust the drainage melt water and snow retention. It is recommended to move the snow to the roots of the plants using special equipment.

Whitewashing trunks and spraying branches

Every year the pear must be sprayed to avoid various diseases, as well as for pest control purposes. This type of care is recommended early spring and after the pear blossoms. For spraying use a solution of urea and copper sulfate, which fights pests, and rapid fruit set after flowering occurs thanks to urea. Old pear trees usually suffer from iron deficiency. Deficiency of this element can be replenished by spraying the pear iron sulfate, which has a positive effect on fruit growth and nourishes the tree.

It is recommended to bleach the tree trunk twice a year. In spring, this is done to protect the bark from overheating and sun rays, and during preparation for the winter, to destroy pests that overwinter in the bark. Depending on the specific purpose, the composition of whitewash varies:

UV protection . Ingredients: water, lime, glue.

Destruction of pests. Lime is replaced with copper sulfate.

Pruning and crown formation

The pear will be healthy and the harvest will be of high quality if the crown is trimmed correctly. For good growth The tree must be shaped 2 years after it is planted. The fact is that most varieties of pear trees have rather poorly formed shoots, and ultimately the trunk remains practically without branches due to its rapid growth.

U young seedling You can now trim the branches. In this case, you need to outline the skeletal branches and remove the rest. There should be no other shoots under the first tier of skeletal branches, and the central conductor should be cut to 1/4 of its length. In the second year, the main branches are cut by 7 cm, and the conductor by 25 cm.

Tip: the lower branches should be longer than the upper ones. This type of pruning is called discharged - tiered. The main thing when pruning using this method is not to overdo it, because too short shoots will have a negative impact on the growth of the pear in the future.

Each skeletal branch should grow several fruiting branches. The horizontal shoots that come from the trunk are left, but it is better to get rid of the vertical ones. The cut areas are lubricated with garden varnish to prevent tree disease.

It is important to know! Until the cuts are completely healed, nitrogen fertilizers cannot be entered.

For pruning, use sharpened tools and monitor the height of the pear, which should not exceed four meters for comfortable harvesting.

Fertilizing pears in spring

Pear trees require especially careful care during fruitful years. Therefore before and also after abundant flowering The pear needs additional feeding. The nutritional mixture must contain the following elements:

  • Potassium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Nitrogen.

In spring, fertilizing (manganese solution or urea) is applied to the soil around the trunk.

To improve the supply of leaves and branches useful substances foliar nitrogen fertilizing is needed, which is done in mid-June. Repeated identical nitrogen fertilizing is done in July, and after 2 weeks potassium and phosphorus fertilizers are applied.

In the first 2 years, seedlings do not require such fertilizing, since all the necessary substances are already contained in the planting hole.

The last nitrogen fertilization occurs in early September. To do this, use a urea solution spray trees and surrounding soil.

In autumn, trees need minerals in the form of liquid, which are introduced into the tree trunk. Approximate composition mineral fertilizing based on a ten-liter bucket of water:

  • Superphosphate (granulated) - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Potassium chloride - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Superphosphates for seedlings are replaced with ash - 150 g of ash per square meter of land. In this case, a shallow digging of the tree trunk circle is done.

Diseases and pests

The most effective way struggle with pests and diseases garden trees Regular and timely prevention with specially designed means, which is done in spring and autumn, is considered. Improper care and agricultural planting techniques are the main causes of pear infection various diseases. The most common pear diseases include:

  • Scab.
  • Black cancer.
  • Fruit rot.
  • Powdery mildew.
  • Rust.
  • Mosaic disease.
  • Subcutaneous viral spotting.
  • Cytosporosis.

Pear pests too a large number of. Although with the help modern means, which can be purchased at any specialized store in a wide range, you can protect your garden, including pears, from almost any “misfortune”. They also come to help with this folk remedies and methods of protection against all kinds of pests, which are no worse than their modern counterparts. The most common pear pests are:

  • Gall mite.
  • Pear copperhead.
  • Leaf roller.
  • Blood aphid.
  • Codling moth.
  • Red apple mite.

Growing fruit trees will require quite a lot of time and effort. But with proper care, you will get full return from your trees, which will be expressed V bountiful harvest juicy and sweet fruits.

Pear is a plant whose planting and subsequent care are quite simple. Regardless of the chosen variety, some procedures must be performed. In this article we will talk about caring for and growing pears, as well as how to do it correctly all year round.

The first thing that should be mentioned when telling how to care for a pear is watering and feeding the plant.

  • Spring. Watering pears depends on the variety. If the variety does not tolerate drought well, it is necessary to water it as the top layer of soil dries out. However, there are not too many such varieties. Typically, a pear tree should be watered several times in the spring (2–3). This is enough for most varieties. IN spring period Usually, fertilizer containing nitrogen is applied (saltpeter, urea, chicken droppings). This feeding stimulates tree growth. They are carried out before the buds swell and after flowering.
  • Summer. In summer, water the pear 2-3 times. The first watering occurs in early June, after that - in mid-July (a couple of weeks before the fruit ripens, if your pear summer variety). If the summer has been dry, you can also water the garden in early and mid-August. In the summer we feed the pear with fertilizers high in phosphorus and potassium. They will help the plant recover after flowering and gain energy. The procedure is carried out in July.
  • Autumn. Caring for a pear in the autumn involves one watering in early September (for winter varieties). Also, before mid-September, it is necessary to apply fertilizing containing, as in the summer, potassium and phosphorus. This fertilizing is applied so that the tree gains energy before wintering and can withstand even the most severe frosts.

Crown formation

Growing a pear necessarily involves a pruning procedure, which is carried out in spring, summer and autumn.

  • Spring. When caring for a pear in the spring, make sure that all branches that grow vertically are removed. Also remove those branches that grow crookedly or have already broken. At least a few fruiting branches should be left on each skeletal branch. Always lubricate the cuts with garden varnish to prevent infection.
  • Summer. The tree crown does not require special care in summer. Only when it turns out to be too thick can some of the branches be removed so that others can grow normally. But in general, you don’t need to prune your tree at this time of year.
  • Autumn. You can start pruning pears in the garden at the end of August. Remove all dry and damaged branches, and after cutting them, burn them. This will protect the plant from various diseases. Annual shoots should be cut back by a third, leaving only a few buds on them, from which new branches will then appear.

Protection from diseases and pests

Caring for a pear also involves carrying out preventive procedures to combat various diseases and insects that can cause you a lot of trouble.

In order to grow healthy tree, observe the following recommendations:

  • Spring. Pear in spring time requires special care to prevent the occurrence of diseases in the future. Immediately after the snow melts, it is necessary to treat special drugs the trunk circle and the tree itself. Often a one percent solution is used for this. Bordeaux mixture. Spray the plant three times - in early March, before (April) and after (May) flowering.
  • Summer. None in summer preventive work not provided, but you can promptly trim broken and damaged branches. This will prevent the occurrence of some common diseases.
  • Autumn. In the fall, it is necessary to remove and burn the fallen leaves - pests can overwinter in them. This is an excellent environment for the proliferation of microorganisms. You should also whiten the tree trunk, providing it with reliable protection from harmful insects.

Preparing for the winter

Shelter for the winter - important stage when caring for a pear. Tie them with pine spruce branches and wrap them with burlap on top. In principle, only young pear trees need to be cared for this way; older trees do not need additional shelter other than snow. The exception is a number of varieties that do not tolerate low temperatures very well.

In addition, both young and old trees can become a tasty morsel for rodents, so make sure that the pear tree has reliable protection. Wrap the tree trunk circle with spruce branches, paper or just thick fabric.

Reproduction methods

The plant can be propagated by both seeds and cuttings. For the first method, you will need to purchase seeds and sow them in the ground with the arrival of autumn. The seeds ripen closer to mid-winter - they are collected in a gauze bag, and then left in the toilet tank for a couple of days so that the water washes them out harmful substances. Afterwards, they are removed, mixed with sand or sawdust, moistened, poured into an ordinary bag and placed in a box, the temperature in which should be from 3 to 5 ° C (the bag should be slightly open).

When the first sprouts appear, it is necessary to reduce the temperature to 0 degrees and store them in such conditions until sowing. They are sown in the spring, and the hole for the pear seeds should be shallow - only 3-4 cm. They are looked after in the summer, and varietal cuttings are planted in August. In a couple of years, when they grow up, we plant them in a permanent place.

To get cuttings, select a young twig and break it. The length of the cuttings should be 20 cm. The cuttings are placed in a trimmed two-liter bottle filled with melt water (5–6 cm), in which several tablets must first be dissolved activated carbon. When the root grows to 5–6 cm, you can plant them on appropriate place, and with proper care, by autumn you will get excellent seedlings.

To transplant a pear to a permanent place, you need to prepare a hole for planting the pear. Planting pit should be located in a well-lit place with a deep burial level groundwater. The dimensions of the pit are meter by meter. It is also worth fertilizing the hole before planting so that the plant receives everything in the first year. nutrients. The seedling is lowered into the hole, the roots are straightened and sprinkled with earth so that root collar appeared to be several centimeters above the soil level. After planting, water the seedling generously.

Video “Rules for caring for pears”

From this video you will learn how to care for a pear.

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