How to regulate temperature and humidity in a greenhouse. Air humidity in a children's room: why it is important and how to regulate

No matter how well your polycarbonate greenhouse is built, you should worry about creating optimal microclimate. How to regulate the temperature in a greenhouse according to a scheme using a thermostat, and maintain required humidity air, let's find out in more detail.

The thermostat for a home greenhouse with a sensor has great value as well as a humidifier. To collect bountiful harvest you must provide your plants optimal mode both air temperature and soil composition. Don’t forget: these indicators should vary based on the types of greens and vegetables that you planted in your own greenhouse. If temperature changes are often observed in the greenhouse, green crops freeze or, on the contrary, overheat, and then do not expect good results.

The thing is that when the temperature in the greenhouse is low in winter, greenhouse greens do not receive enough nutrients. That is, the rhizome becomes unable to absorb them. As a result, plants experience phosphorus starvation. At excessively high temperatures, a different situation is observed: vegetables rush to grow, increase their vegetative mass, but they do not set fruit.

In addition, if overheated for quite a long time, they can die. If heat regulation is still carried out in a greenhouse, root system your plants will develop to their full potential. Moreover, the fruits are formed correctly and slightly earlier than expected. Select the optimal one temperature regime

pretty hard. Much depends not so much on the characteristics of your greenhouse, but on the nature of the development of a particular agricultural crop. Regulate the temperature in the greenhouse correctly, and you will be satisfied with the yield of your greens.

Regulatory options Thermoregulation is important point

for the owner of a home greenhouse. However, it is not enough to simply determine the optimal indicators that should be adhered to in a greenhouse. It is also necessary to choose a high-quality device that can cope with the key task. What thermostats are offered to modern domestic gardeners is worth studying in more detail.

To regulate air temperature in greenhouses, they are often used electronic devices. They are advantageous in that they are easily adjustable, so they are considered quite easy to use. However, they also have a significant drawback: due to frequent power surges, such devices quickly become unusable.


The touch controller is also often used by modern greenhouse owners. With it, you can set the turn-on time yourself heating system. This model is suitable for gardeners who are forced to leave the greenhouse structure unattended for some time. Choose a device that allows you to set a specific temperature for a week or longer.


What's remarkable mechanical device, because of its functionality. It is used not only for heating greenhouses, but also for timely cooling of air. Thus, maintaining optimal temperature conditions in greenhouses becomes much easier. This device is mounted directly in the greenhouse.

How to determine the right temperature

No matter how competently you try to humidify greenhouses, as well as ventilate them, you also need to learn how to correctly determine what temperature indicators should be maintained in the room. On average, the temperature in a greenhouse during the day should be about +14...+16 °C, and at night it should drop by 4-6 °C. For active growth For vegetables and herbs, it is important to maintain heat in the greenhouse, but it is undesirable to exceed +40 °C. Otherwise, the plants may burn.

Summer period

Of course, the temperature in the greenhouse should be moderately high in the summer, because at this time the greenery is actively increasing its vegetative mass. However, you should not exceed +25 °C, otherwise the root will stop consuming the nutritional components that it needs throughout the year.

Winter period

In winter, forced regulation of humidity and temperature is also of great importance. Do not forget that there should be an insignificant difference between daytime and nighttime heat levels in the greenhouse (within 4-6 °C). In this case, the plants will be able to develop fully.

Room humidity and ventilation

An air humidifier for a greenhouse is another point that every gardener should take care of, in fact, like greenhouse ventilation. Even if you were able to equip your greenhouse with a high-quality heating and lighting system, this is still not enough when it comes to the full growth and development of your plants. A fan for a home greenhouse will also come in handy, because fresh air flow is vital for your greenery.

Ventilation in a polycarbonate greenhouse must be arranged with your own hands at the stage of construction.

You can do it naturally, without purchasing special structures. To do this, you will need to put doors in the greenhouse, make vents, windows or film curtains that can be removed from time to time. Another optimal choice- simple homemade fan, the use of which will allow you to save money.

Remember: if you properly take care of equipping the greenhouse with a ventilation system, you will only improve the yield. Make your greenhouse warm, well lit and don’t forget about the need for regular inflows fresh air and its hydration. In this case, the winter greenhouse can be safely called practical, functional and modern.

Creating correct microclimate in an apartment or house, you can avoid allergies and colds for all family members. Particularly important are indicators of indoor air humidity, which must comply with certain norms and rules (SNIP) developed by state standards (GOST). The air humidity outside our home window depends on climatic conditions, however, indoors you can artificially achieve the desired humidity levels.


  • Existing standards.
  • Determination of humidity.
  • Humid and dry air.
  • Humidity adjustment.

Existing standards

Existing standards regulating useful indoor air humidity are regulated by GOST 30494-96. According to this GOST optimal humidity air, which is conducive to the normal state of a person, should be 40 - 60%. That is, in other words, the air in the room should contain 40 - 60% moisture.

Note that these standards are given at an indoor air temperature of + 18 – 22 ºС.

Humidity determination

Before we begin to determine humidity, it is necessary to distinguish between its two types: absolute humidity And relative humidity.

Absolute humidity shows the moisture content in grams in one cubic meter air. This is the humidity that is contained in the air at a certain room temperature.

However, as the temperature increases, the air can absorb more moisture - this is its potential. The ratio of the actual moisture content in the air to the maximum possible is called relative humidity, measured as a percentage.

Let's give an example. At normal room temperature and pressure, one cube of air contains 8.0 g of moisture, that is, in this case absolute humidity is 8.0 g/m³. But potentially one cube of air can hold 25.0 g of moisture. That is, the relative humidity with these digital indicators will be equal to: 8.0: 25.0 100 = 32%. In practice, if you hang your clothes out to dry at an absolute humidity of 8.0 g/m³, they will dry out, since the air has a potential of 32%.

IN living conditions air humidity is determined using a device called hygrometer. For other purposes, for example, for laboratory research, it is used psychrometer, the description of which will be omitted, since this is not the topic of the article. As for hygrometers, in everyday life they are represented by the following types:

  • Weight.
  • Hairline.
  • Film.

By using weight A hygrometer measures the absolute humidity in a room. Structurally, it consists of two tubes resembling the Latin letter U, filled with a hygroscopic substance that can absorb moisture. A certain amount of air passes through the tube, the humidity of which is determined.

To determine relative humidity, a hair instrument is purchased, which determines the potential of the air to absorb moisture from 30 to 100%.

The basis of the device in this version is fat-free hair, which is stretched onto a metal plate. When the humidity changes, the hair changes its length and transmits this change to an arrow moving along a graduated scale.

Likewise hair the device is working film a hygrometer, where the function of hair is performed by a sensitive film, which changes its length when humidity changes. Hair and film hygrometers are especially effective in winter period time to determine relative humidity

Humid and dry air

If indoor air humidity indicators go beyond standard limits, this can affect human health. Too dry air has a negative effect on the mucous membrane respiratory tract. This is especially true for the condition of the nasal mucosa, which dries out and forms crusts on the internal walls nose Dust, microparticles of debris, and various harmful microorganisms move freely in dry air, causing an allergic reaction.

But even worse is too humid air, in which fungi and mold can multiply, the appearance of an unpleasant musty smell in the apartment, plastic windows. In people living long term in damp room cases of bronchial asthma and tuberculosis were observed.

Humidity adjustment

In practice, the issue of too dry or humid air is resolved by taking certain measures aimed at bringing the situation back to normal.

The easiest way to increase air humidity and keep it under control is to purchase a household humidifier. But it’s not always possible to purchase a device, so there is simple ways increasing indoor humidity:

  • Watering flowers.
  • Drying washed clothes in an apartment or house.
  • In winter, heating radiators are covered with damp blankets.

  • You can build a decorative fountain indoors.
  • Get aquarium fish.
  • Just place a bucket or bowl of water in the corners of the room.

All these methods are good, but, unfortunately, if they are not controlled or unregulated, using them can lead to excess moisture in the air. Therefore, purchase an air humidifier and the problem will be solved easier.

Well, what to do if there is too much humidity? There are some tips on this matter:

  • Improve room ventilation.
  • Remove fresh flowers from the premises.
  • Remove condensation from window glass more often.

  • Replace thick curtains that impede air circulation with simpler ones.
  • Ventilate the room often.
  • If possible, install a climate-controlled system.

When we hear the words indoor microclimate, many of us often imagine regulating the air temperature in the room, without at all remembering such a significant indicator as relative air humidity.

A room in which the air temperature does not fall below 20°C and the relative air humidity is not lower than 45-50% is considered truly comfortable for a person. Fluctuations in the relative humidity of the air, either decreasing or increasing, negatively affect the health and well-being of the people in it, provoking headaches and physical pain, malaise, a feeling of discomfort, fatigue, loss of strength, and reluctance to work.

To prevent possible consequences for humans, changes in relative air humidity, modern technologies have developed equipment that can maintain relative humidity at a level considered to be the most optimal. Such equipment are dehumidifiers and humidifiers.

The purpose of operation of these devices is the same - it is to optimize the air humidity in the room, although they achieve this goal by completely opposite actions.

Air dryers.

Dehumidifiers are used to regulate the microclimate in rooms with very high air humidity. This begs the question, how can high air humidity cause harm and for what purpose is air dehumidification carried out? Let's try to answer.

Excessive air humidity is harmful not only to human health, but also the vapors generated when moisture evaporates and the resulting condensation. metal structures buildings, destroying their basic elements, and also have a beneficial effect on the development of mold and pathogenic fungi on the walls. Of course, to regulate the level of humidity in the room, you can install ventilation, an installation for regulating heat flows, and significantly strengthen the thermal insulation of the room. However, these products are not as effective, so there is often a need for more advanced equipment, such as dehumidifiers. Air dehumidifiers operate according to one of the principles: condensation, assimilation, absorption.

Absorption dehumidifiers are the most effective means air purification, since they can work at very low indoor air temperatures (from -20°C) and relative humidity varying from 2 to 100%, and also have the highest coefficient useful action(efficiency).

The principle of condensation is the transformation of water vapor in the air from a gaseous state to a liquid one. These dehumidifiers are more efficient than their counterparts and have more high efficiency. The disadvantage is that with a sharp decrease in air temperature, the efficiency of this dehumidifier, accordingly, decreases. From this we can conclude that it is not rational to use air dehumidifiers of this type in rooms with sub-zero temperature air.

Condenser dehumidifiers are most effective when used in areas with very high relative humidity. The principle of absorption is the absorption of excess vapors and gases from the air by a liquid or solid absorbent (absorber).

The principle of assimilation is a method of drying air when cold air absorbs less water vapor than warm air. Assimilation air dehumidifiers are directly dependent on environmental parameters. When compared with other dehumidifiers, these dehumidifiers have a lower coefficient of performance (COP) and do not provide effective results when operating in rooms with high relative humidity.


Air humidifiers, despite the unity of the final result, perform completely opposite functions. In many cases, to ensure a normal indoor microclimate, air humidification rather than dehumidification is required. There are three types of air humidifiers: household, industrial and semi-industrial.

The purpose of household air humidifiers is to create a favorable microclimate for the existence of people in it, and industrial humidifiers are to create normal production conditions for the implementation of technological processes in various industrial sectors in which insufficient humidity air will negatively affect the quality of raw materials and, naturally, the quality finished products.

In addition, industrial air humidifiers reduce the level of dust in the room, which has a positive effect on the quality of finished products, leads to a reduction in production defects, and also creates an optimal microclimate for workers in production premises.
Industrial air humidifiers are divided into adiabatic and isothermal.

Isothermal air humidification is possible only when the air temperature in the room remains constant. The operating principle of this humidifier is as follows. The heating elements of the humidifier are adjusted to very high high temperature water in the steam generator, as a result of which it goes into a vapor state, that is, it turns into steam. Water vapor is released into the atmosphere and the air is humidified. Heating elements humidifiers may have electrodes immersed in liquid, natural gas or heating elements. At the same time, gas humidifiers are considered more economical for consumers than electric humidifiers, so they are most profitable to use for humidifying the air in large rooms.

Adiabatic air humidification occurs only in a consistently warm environment, that is, the higher the relative humidity of the air, the lower its temperature. The principle of operation of such a humidifier is that tiny drops of water, more like dust, are released into the air, which moisturize the air and, at the same time, the temperature of the room decreases. Adiabatic industrial air humidifiers come in disc, ultrasonic and spray types.

The operation of disk adiabatic industrial air humidifiers is based on the principle of centrifugal forces. A disc is installed in the center of the humidifier, which rotates at high speed, simultaneously spraying water and turning it into a water aerosol. The fan releases the aerosol into the air, which is thus humidified. Adiabatic humidifiers are the most efficient and economical to use compared to isothermal humidifiers.

The operating principle of ultrasonic adiabatic industrial humidifiers is as follows: on a frequently vibrating diaphragm made of storage tank The humidifier receives water, which upon contact with the diaphragm becomes water dust with a droplet size of 2-5 microns. Through a kind of water cloud, with the help of a fan, the outside air passes and, thus, the air in in the right room moisturized.

The operating principle of spray adiabatic industrial humidifiers is to use compressed air, which pushes water through nozzles and turns it into mist. This type of humidifier is most rationally used in large rooms, since, consuming a small amount of energy, they are still the most effective compared to other humidifiers.

The use of both humidifiers and dehumidifiers will create an ideal microclimate in the desired room, allowing those in this room people enjoy relaxing or working productively, no matter what the weather is like outside.

What is the normal humidity level in an apartment? Most people can easily answer what the temperature in a living room should be, but the question of humidity will baffle them. And only a few will be able to name the correct numbers. Meanwhile, humidity is one of the main indicators of the microclimate level in the house.

in the apartment

Indoor air humidity is measured with a special device - a hygrometer. They vary in design (digital, hairline, wireless) and measurement range, but each is very easy to use. In any case, no more difficult than with a regular thermometer.

The humidity level depends on the type of room. For example, in bakeries, in fermentation rooms, in poultry houses, in cold warehouses for storing food, it is 70-80%. In greenhouses for growing tulips it can reach 95%, and this is considered the norm. But for rooms with computers, telephone nodes and office equipment, the figures should not exceed 50%.

The level of humidity in an apartment also depends on the type of room. On average, the figures range from 40-60%. According to living rooms and in the interior corridor there is optimal humidity in cold period year should be 30-45%. Acceptable indicators for these types of premises are up to 60%.

During the warm season, the optimal humidity in the apartment is 30-60%. Acceptable - up to 65%. However, in regions from the air (above 75% on the street), the permissible indicators are increased to 75%.

In the kitchen, toilet, bathroom, lobby, on and in the pantry this indicator is not standardized.

Various indicators and the need to use special instruments - all this may seem too complex for ordinary person. Therefore, to find out whether the humidity in the apartment is high or low, you can conduct an experiment with a glass. Take a glass or a glass (any glass vessel), pour water into it, cool it to 3-4 °C in the refrigerator. Then you need to place the vessel in the room and observe:

  • the walls of the vessel fogged up, and then dried out in 5 minutes - the humidity was low, the air was dry;
  • after 5 minutes the walls are wet - optimal performance;
  • after 5 minutes streams run along the walls of the vessel - high humidity.

This is how you can easily find out the microclimate in the room, but for the purity of the experiment, the glass must be placed away from heating devices.

Why is high humidity harmful?

High humidity means foggy windows, laundry that takes several days to dry, clothes with an unpleasant moldy smell, fungi and mold. These factors alone make the house unsuitable for living. It’s also worth adding that such a microclimate does not have a very good effect on human health: fungal spores when
If they come into contact with food, they can cause poisoning and allergies, disrupt heat exchange processes, and increase the risk of developing infection. A person living in a house with high humidity, gets sick more often and longer.

How does low humidity affect the human body?

Low humidity also causes a number of problems. The intensity of evaporation increases from everything that contains water: from human skin, from plants. The latter dry out, and the skin loses its elasticity and ages. The nasal mucosa dries out, which means there is a risk of a runny nose and acute respiratory infections. The respiratory system suffers, especially in asthmatics and allergy sufferers.

The norm of humidity in an apartment is not an abstract concept. This real numbers, which allow you to understand how safe the indoor microclimate is. And if the air humidity is greatly reduced or increased, it is necessary to ensure that it corresponds to normal values.

Ways to reduce humidity

There are two main methods of dehumidifying air.

  1. Find and eliminate the cause high humidity. This may be a temporary increase in indicators due to cooking, showering or drying things, a deficiency sunlight, lack of normal ventilation, sealed PVC windows, etc. For each reason, you can choose a way to eliminate it: make good ventilation, ventilate rooms more often, increase batteries, etc.
  2. Forced dehumidification using special dehumidifiers, chemicals, absorbing moisture, and climate control units.

Ideally, you should use only the first method, but if this is impossible to do or involves serious financial costs, then you can use the second one.

Methods for increasing humidity

Most often, dry indoor air is formed in the winter, when heating devices work intensively, and the premises are rarely ventilated. However, you can get rid of this problem too. The level of humidity in an apartment with dry air is achieved through the following measures:

  1. The presence of an aquarium in the room or
  2. Presence large quantity plants.
  3. Installation of a household humidifier.
  4. Reducing the frequency of use of any household appliances, especially heating ones.
  5. Frequent ventilation.

In an apartment, this is the key to preserving your health and ensuring the desired level of comfort in your home. But you shouldn’t skimp on your health. Therefore, try to maintain normal humidity levels, even if forcibly.

To obtain healthy chickens at home, the poultry farmer must not only provide the required temperature conditions, but also constantly control the moisture. After all, for chicken offspring in an incubator this is one of the most important components comfortable environment. Very often, the reason for the death of embryos is precisely the discrepancy between the humidity indicator and the norm.

What are the humidity standards in the incubator?

To provide the embryo proper development in an egg, you initially need to take care of the moisture level in the device. Thanks to the successful correlation of this indicator with heat, a favorable environment for incubation arises. According to experts, the biggest and most common mistake chicken farmers make is a one-time exit to desired humidity and its further support throughout the incubation period. In fact, moisture percentage requirements change as the fruit develops. Let's look at them in more detail at each stage.

Did you know? Incubators entered the life of mankind thanks to the ancient Egyptians. It was they who, about one and a half thousand years BC, built special ovens and insulated barrels for the artificial incubation of eggs, which took place under the control of local priests.

At the beginning of incubation

The first days of eggs in the incubator are very important. A low air humidity coefficient can lead to disruption of the processes of transformation of soluble substances in the protein-yolk mass, which in turn leads to starvation of the embryo. Therefore, maximum moisture is important at this time.

In the middle of incubation

Starting from the 7th day of incubation, when a vascular network forms inside the egg, the humidity must be reduced. The need for copious evaporation of water disappears due to the presence of allantoic fluid. Please note that at a humidity level of 70% internal processes embryo development slows down significantly, so it is optimal to set the regulator to 50-65%. According to experts, this period lasts until the 16th day and is characterized by intensive fetal growth.

At the chicks hatching

Starting from the 17th day that the eggs are in the incubator, increased dampness in the device is contraindicated, since pathogenic fungi and bacteria intensively develop in such an environment. In addition, due to excessive vacuum humidity that occurs in the egg when the protein evaporates, the chick cannot cope with the shell, as a result of which it dies. To normalize everything important factors V environment, it is recommended at this stage to increase the humidity to 60-70%.

Did you know?In Europe, the author of the first incubator is the Italian physicist Port, whoXVIII century, he built a primitive structure for hatching chickens. But the world never learned about the grandiose invention, because it was burned by order of the Inquisition. The next to talk about egg incubation were the French, led by the inventor Reaumur.

What are the signs of high humidity?

Many newbies think that hatching chicks in an incubator is a very cumbersome and troublesome job, especially due to moisture control. But experienced poultry farmers know that these indicators can be determined even with the naked eye.

The fact that the humidity in the environment surrounding the eggs exceeds recommended standards is indicated by:

  • an abundant sticky substance that thickly envelops the fruit and shell at the hatching;
  • delayed and unsynchronized pecking, as well as luting;
  • the appearance of amniotic fluid from the hatched egg, which, flowing out, solidifies and prevents the chick from getting out of the shell.

How to measure humidity in an incubator

It is easy to control the factors affecting these nuances in purchased incubators equipped with special measuring instruments - hygrometers and thermohygrometers. In some models of devices they are provided as additional components. Note that in most commercial meters the humidity level varies from 40 to 80%.

Important! If the chicks peck at the shell early, but hatch for a long time and asynchronously, and the brood is not very active, this is a sign that the moisture in the incubator is too low.

How to measure humidity without a special device

If you have a homemade one or the simplest one purchased incubator, but not on the farm measuring instruments, will come to the rescue folk method. To implement it you will need fresh water and a clean piece of cloth or cotton wool. For example, in the common Layer design, the air moisture level is measured using two conventional thermometers (thermometers).

To do this you need:

  1. Fill the bottom pan of the structure with water.
  2. Turn on the incubator.
  3. After some time of operation (about 10 minutes), turn it off.
  4. Wrap the measuring tip of one thermometer in cotton wool and dip it in water.
  5. Place both thermometers in the device, placing them side by side, on the same level.
  6. Turn on the device again and take readings after 15-20 minutes.
The intersection table of indicators will help you find the necessary data:
Temperature according to a dry thermometer Temperature according to a moistened thermometer
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
Humidity percentage
36 38 43 48 53 58 63 68 74 79 86
36,5 37 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 83
37 35 40 44 49 54 58 63 68 74 80
37,5 34 38 42 47 52 56 61 66 71 77
38 32 36 41 45 50 54 59 64 68 74
38,5 31 35 39 43 48 52 57 61 66 72

Did you know? Chinese incubators have always been significantly different from those invented by Europeans. In this country, since ancient times, it has been customary to equip similar designs in the ground and heat them with the help of the sun. Hatching of eggs by special people was also practiced.

How to adjust the level

Since dry air is unacceptable when hatching young offspring, the poultry farmer must promptly increase or decrease the moisture level. In the latest generation of devices, these processes occur without human intervention, however, homemade and simple purchased incubator models require special participation. Let's consider the possible options.

Semi-automatic and automatic purchased devices

Without exaggeration, such devices are the dream of every poultry farmer. They are equipped with temperature and humidity regulators and independently turn trays of eggs for uniform heating.
Automatic models do not require any action from the owner at all. His role is only to load what the chicks need to be hatched from. The rest of the car will handle itself. In addition, she can simultaneously take half a thousand eggs. The only drawback is the high cost, starting from 40 thousand rubles.

For your own needs, such speeds are not needed. Therefore, it is quite possible to get by with automatic incubators, which cost half as much and are inferior only in their capacity. For example, from a series of automatic incubators, the following models have proven themselves well:

Semi-automatic machines do not turn over egg trays themselves, according to a given program, which is how they differ from automatic incubators. This process is carried out by a person using a key located at the base of the device. The design of such machines provides for digital thermoregulation, but the humidity regime is often maintained by heating water in the lower pan and its free evaporation.

Users respond well to the following models:

Methods of forced increase in humidity

If humidity is low, additional measures may be required. To increase it, the following devices are used:

  1. Special bath and heating element (tubular electric heater). There, the water is constantly heated, causing it to evaporate. You can make such a device yourself from any metal vessel by installing a 200 W heater into it. It is important that the structure is located inside the incubator directly below the egg trays.
  2. Pump injection. This technique involves humidification through the upper sphere using a pump and spray attachment. Liquid is drawn from any container and supplied to the entire surface of the incubator. But for uniform spraying, such a structure must be installed at a distance of 20 cm from the eggs.
  3. Using a purchased ultrasonic humidifier. Models “AC100-240V” and “Fog Maker Fogger” 16 mm are popular among farmers. The purchase of such equipment will cost 500-800 rubles.

Important! If a crack appears on the shell of one of the eggs being incubated, wipe the affected area daily with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate, and “seal” it on top with a papyrus leaf soaked in the same solution.

Video: how to increase the humidity in an incubator with your own hands

Methods of forced reduction of humidity

Reducing humidity is always more difficult. This can be done manually as follows:

  1. Lower the level on the regulators of automated incubators. This method should be used only when the programmed mode does not correspond to all eggs. Although modern models Devices of this type independently regulate the required parameters; there is often a difference in the development of embryos.
  2. Reduce the liquid level in the bath included in the incubator design. This work can only be carried out when the device is de-energized.
  3. Temporarily remove the water tank from the device. This is done only when the moisture level rises to the maximum (80%). But eggs cannot be left in this state for a long time. If it is not possible to remove the bath, the water is completely pumped out.
  4. Place moisture-absorbing means at hand in the incubator: a washcloth, cotton wool, cotton cloth, rags. This method allows you to solve the problem within half an hour.
  5. Use the purchased regulator “VRD-1”, “RV-16/P”. Such a purchase will cost approximately 1000-3000 rubles.

How to make a humidity control “device”

If your electric hen is a simple home-made invention, do not rush to be upset that it is inferior to new expensive devices. You can make some of their functions at home - for example, a humidity regulator. Eat different variants, from which you can choose the one you like for a specific design.

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