How to properly care for asparagus: conditions, basic procedures, difficulties. Asparagus: how to grow a tender but unpretentious plant at home

March madness is exactly how the first calendar month of spring is perceived by those who grow seedlings of their favorite vegetables themselves. In March, they sow their favorite tomatoes and peppers, carry out the first sowings in the greenhouse, and even sow vegetables in the beds. Growing seedlings require not only timely planting, but also a lot of care. But the troubles are not limited to her. It is worth continuing to sow in greenhouses and on window sills, because fresh greens from the beds will not appear so soon.

As spring approaches, indoor plants gradually emerge from dormancy and begin to grow. After all, already in February the days become noticeably longer, and the sun warms up like spring. How to help flowers wake up and prepare them for the growing season? What should you pay attention to and what measures should you take to ensure that the plants are healthy, blooming, multiplying and making you happy? We’ll talk about what indoor plants expect from us in the spring in this article.

One of the most important rules growing strong and healthy seedlings- presence of the “correct” soil mixture. Typically, gardeners use two options for growing seedlings: either a purchased soil mixture or one made independently from several components. In both cases, the fertility of the soil for seedlings is, to put it mildly, questionable. This means that the seedlings will require from you additional food. In this article we will talk about simple and effective feeding for seedlings.

After a decade of dominating the catalogs of the original motley and bright varieties tulip trends began to change. At exhibitions best designers world offer to remember the classics and pay homage to the charming white tulips. Sparkling under the warm rays spring sun, they look especially festive in the garden. Welcoming spring after a long wait, tulips seem to remind us that white is not only the color of snow, but also the joyful celebration of flowering.

Despite the fact that cabbage is one of the most popular vegetables, not all summer residents, especially beginners, can grow its seedlings. In apartment conditions they are hot and dark. In this case, it is impossible to obtain high-quality seedlings. And without strong, healthy seedlings it is difficult to count on good harvest. Experienced gardeners know that it is better to sow cabbage seedlings in greenhouses or greenhouses. And some even grow cabbage by direct sowing seeds in the ground.

Flower growers tirelessly discover new indoor plants, replacing some with others. And here the conditions of a particular room are of no small importance, because plants have different requirements for their maintenance. Lovers of beauty often face difficulties flowering plants. After all, in order for flowering to be long and abundant, such specimens require special care. There are not very many unpretentious plants blooming in rooms, and one of these is streptocarpus.

Chicken cordon bleu rolls with béchamel sauce is an excellent dish for festive table and daily meals! It’s easy and quick to prepare, it turns out juicy, and the thick bechamel sauce is finger-licking good! With mashed potatoes, pickled cucumber and slice fresh bread It will make a hearty and tasty dinner. Choose the cheese for this recipe according to your taste, processed or blue mold. It is important that the cheese and ham are sliced ​​very thin, this is the secret of success!

Calendula (marigold) is a flower that stands out among others with its bright color. Low bushes with delicate orange inflorescences can be found on the side of the road, in the meadow, in the front garden next to the house or even in vegetable beds. Calendula is so widespread in our area that it seems like it has always grown here. About interesting decorative varieties calendula, as well as about the use of calendula in cooking and medicine, read our article.

I think many will agree that the wind is well perceived by us only in the romantic aspect: we are sitting in a cozy warm home, and the wind is raging outside the window... In fact, the wind blowing through our areas is a problem and there is nothing good about it. By creating windbreaks with plants, we break strong wind into several weak streams and significantly weaken its destructive power. How to protect a site from the wind will be discussed in this article.

Making a shrimp and avocado sandwich for breakfast or dinner couldn't be easier! This breakfast contains almost all the necessary products that will recharge you with energy so that you won’t want to eat until lunch, and no extra centimeters will appear on your waist. This is the most delicious and light sandwich, after, perhaps, the classic cucumber sandwich. This breakfast contains almost all the necessary products that will recharge you with energy so that you won’t want to eat until lunch.

Modern ferns- these are the ones rare plants antiquities, which, despite the passage of time and all kinds of cataclysms, not only survived, but were also largely able to preserve their former appearance. Of course, it is not possible to grow any of the fern representatives indoors, but some species have successfully adapted to life indoors. They look great as single plants or decorate a group of decorative foliage flowers.

Pilaf with pumpkin and meat is Azerbaijani pilaf, which differs in the method of preparation from traditional oriental pilaf. All ingredients for this recipe are prepared separately. Rice is boiled with ghee, saffron and turmeric. The meat is fried separately until golden brown, and pumpkin slices as well. Separately prepare the onions and carrots. Then everything is placed in layers in a cauldron or thick-walled pan, a little water or broth is poured in and simmered over low heat for about half an hour.

Basil is wonderful all-purpose seasoning for meat, fish, soups and fresh salads- well known to all lovers of Caucasian and Italian cuisine. However, upon closer inspection, basil turns out to be a surprisingly versatile plant. For several seasons now, our family has been happily drinking aromatic basil tea. In a flowerbed with perennials and in flowerpots with annual flowers, bright spice plant a worthy place was also found.

Thuja or juniper - which is better? This question can sometimes be heard in garden centers and markets where these plants are sold. It is, of course, not entirely correct and correct. Well, it’s the same as asking what is better - night or day? Coffee or tea? Woman or man? Surely, everyone will have their own answer and opinion. And yet... What if you approach with an open mind and try to compare juniper and thuja according to certain objective parameters? Let's try.

A long and well-known plant for every gardener.

It first appeared on the European continent more than two centuries ago.

But several decades ago, asparagus experienced a real surge in popularity - it could be found at home in almost every gardener.

But even today the positions of this amazing plant did not shake at all.

In my own way appearance Asparagus resembles a fern, but it is actually a member of the Asparagus family.

Did you know? Some types of asparagus, called asparagus, can be eaten. As a rule, they are grown on special plantations as vegetable plant. The young shoots of this plant are edible and are often used in cooking.

Science knows hundreds of species of asparagus, but only a few of them are suitable for growing at home.

Optimal conditions for keeping asparagus at home

The main advantage of asparagus is that caring for it at home is quite simple. Try to provide this “green resident” with conditions that are closest to natural, and do not forget about timely watering. But in order to get a beautiful and lush greenery, adhere to certain rules, and surround the plant with proper care.

Location and lighting

The ideal place to place asparagus in a room is the window sill, which is located on the northwest or northeast side.

a very light-loving plant. If the room is on south side, then the pot must be placed at a short distance from the window. IN winter period indoor asparagus may be deficient natural light, so at this time of year it should be moved closer to sunlight.

An ordinary window sill is great place for this plant. Immediately after purchase or after a dormant period, it is not recommended to expose the plant to intense light.

Instead, for asparagus it is necessary to arrange transitional stage.Place it in a slightly darkened area and gradually move it closer to the light source. If you decide to put asparagus on the balcony or in the garden for the summer, then do not forget to set aside several days to adapt and accustom the plant to new conditions.


Regarding temperature regime for asparagus, then in the warm season, the most comfortable temperature will be from +22 to +25 °C. In winter, the temperature should be from +12 to +15 °C. These “fluffy Christmas trees” do not tolerate heat well, so in hot weather summer days they need additional shading and spraying.

Important! A drop in temperature to 0 degrees in winter can cause the stems to shed all their needle leaves.

Features of caring for asparagus during the growing process

Asparagus requires mandatory, periodic spraying. If the plant is grown as a decorative indoor flower, then you can do without preliminary preparation seeds Also, do not forget about the room temperature; it should be at least 18 °C.

Proper watering at different times of the year

When caring for asparagus, do not forget that this plant is very moisture-loving and throughout the entire active growing season (early spring - mid-autumn) needs abundant and frequent watering. It must be watered at least 3 times a week, with water that has previously been left standing for 24 hours.

Watering asparagus requires such an amount of water that by the next watering upper layer the soil was able to dry out, but the middle and deep layers were still wet.

Drying out the soil should be avoided, and water should not stagnate in the pan, as this can lead to rotting of the root system. Drain excess moisture from the pan about half an hour after watering.

With the onset of autumn, you should gradually reduce the intensity of watering. During the dormant period, during which future shoots are formed in the depths of the pot, soil moisture should remain optimal. To fulfill this condition, it is enough to simply water the asparagus no more than 2 times a week.

Important! In autumn, use the bottom watering method: it involves pouring water not into the pot itself, but into a tray. The main thing is to remember to drain any excess liquid.

Air humidity

Moisture-loving asparagus feels great in a room with moderate or high level air humidity. If you spray its branches daily with a spray bottle, it will immediately respond to it. This reaction will manifest itself in increased coloring of the leaves and growth of the crown.

If the plant is kept in a room with dry air, then the situation can be significantly improved by using a tray. Fill it with coarse, damp sand or moistened pebbles and simply place the plant pot there. Some gardeners use wet moss as a filler, but in this case you need to remember the need to replace it annually.

Important! You can increase the humidity in the room using a regular jar - just fill it with water and place it next to the asparagus.

Fertilizing and fertilizing the soil

Asparagus needs to grow light, fertile, loose and slightly acidic soil. In this regard, asparagus is very unpretentious plant, since the soil for its cultivation is made at home. To do this, simply take two parts of humus and add to this mass one part of washed river sand and leaf soil.

Flower growers also prepare a soil mixture from equal quantities greenhouse soil, garden soil and river sand. If it is not possible to make the soil mixture yourself, then you can use universal soil, which is sold at any flower shop.

Growing asparagus needs regular fertilizing:

  • Beginning with early spring(vegetative period) asparagus needs to be fed with liquid solutions every 2 weeks complex fertilizers(for example, "Rainbow" or "Hyacinth"). Be sure to follow the dosage indicated in the instructions for a particular drug.
  • You can also add special organic or mineral fertilizers intended for indoor plants to the asparagus pot weekly.
  • One-time soil fertilization with bird droppings for summer season will provide education large quantity healthy, young shoots.
  • Regular spraying of shoots with growth stimulator "Bud" dissolved in water (1 gram of the drug per 1 liter of water) will make the asparagus crown healthy, fresh and very bright.

Proper pruning

Healthy asparagus does not need pruning. Remember that pruning healthy shoots of a plant can lead to a complete stop in their growth.

Prune as wilted and yellowed shoots appear, and also remove all bare shoots. Pruning helps active growth new shoots. Typically, pruning of asparagus is carried out in the spring, at the same time as replanting the plant.

Did you know? The most ancient cultural species It is considered to be common asparagus, most often called asparagus.

Transplantation and soil mixture

After that, How does a plant reach five years of age? transplantation is carried out annually. Upon reaching 7 years of age, the root system no longer develops as actively and asparagus is replanted every 3 years.

When transplanting, you need to prune a little root system plants. You can prepare the soil mixture necessary for the plant yourself. To do this, you just need to mix the following components: sifted turf soil, vegetable humus and river sand.

Don't forget to moisten the prepared soil well. Place a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot, and then fill it with nutritious soil mixture. Such a mixture should consist of one part river sand and two parts light nutrient soil.

After transplanting is completed, the asparagus needs to be watered generously and fed a week later.

After planting the plant, make sure there is sufficient air access - this is necessary to prevent acidification of the soil.

Propagation of asparagus at home

Asparagus propagation includes 3 main methods. All of them are widely used by both experienced gardeners and beginners. Their main advantage is that they are all available at home.

Dividing the rhizome

During the annual transplantation of asparagus, depending on the size, the plant can be divided into several parts. After this they are disembarked in a separate landing capacity. The main rule is that when dividing, do not forget to cut off such part of the asparagus as the roots. This method of reproduction is the least traumatic for asparagus.

Stem cuttings

This method of reproduction is carried out in early spring. The cut shoots of the plant should be approximately 10 centimeters in length. River sand is used to root the cuttings.

Among indoor plants, asparagus stands out for its unpretentious nature, longevity and very rapid growth of the root system. If you look inside the pot in which homemade asparagus grows, you will find a tightly intertwined ball of mass of elongated juicy tubers and thin connecting roots.

Thanks to this structure of the root system, the plant is able to store nutrients and moisture for future use, waiting out periods of drought, as well as during good care grow and multiply quickly.

Transplanting asparagus

Asparagus grown at home, when it gets into the nutrient soil, begins to actively take over the volume of the pot.

Until the roots and tubers of the plant fill the entire container, you should not wait for the greenery to grow.

This behavior is characteristic of all varieties of domestic asparagus, whether it is a young seedling recently obtained from seed or a mature perennial specimen. Therefore, when choosing a pot for asparagus, you should not stop looking at a large container in the hope that it will last the plant for many years. It is more correct that the diameter of the new pot is only a couple of centimeters wider than the previous one. At the same time, young asparagus, up to 4–5 years old, are usually replanted annually, and older specimens can be replanted no more often than after 2–4 years.

The frequency of transplants directly depends on the condition of the pet and the amount of soil remaining in the pot, which the growing asparagus roots mercilessly push out of the allotted volume of the pot.

Despite their endurance, not all asparagus can safely endure the transshipment new dishes, therefore, noticing that the plant does not suffer from cramped pot, it is better to refuse replanting, and if possible add fresh substrate and feed homemade asparagus.

But there are situations when it is impossible to do without asparagus transplantation. This procedure is necessary if the plant has just been purchased and is in a shipping container with a small amount peat filler.

In this case, you need not only to transfer the plant to nutritious loose soil, but also to pre-rinse the crown warm water. Such a shower will help wash away the wax-like substance from the phyllocladia, which is used to treat asparagus before being sent to trading network. The product protects the crown from moisture evaporation and loss of decorativeness, but if it is not removed, it will lead to rapid shedding of homemade asparagus.

If a plant with protruding drainage holes roots, you can easily damage the root system, which will lengthen the acclimatization period and complicate rooting. Helps remove asparagus from the pot abundant watering. For this earthen lump thoroughly moisturize, making sure that the water saturates it entirely. This can be done in several steps, constantly draining the water that gets into the pan.

Soaked roots are more elastic than dry ones, so they are not only easier to remove from the pot, but also easier to untangle. This is especially important if replanting asparagus is combined with dividing the plant into several independent seedlings:

  • Before transplanting, remove all old stems from asparagus that are beginning to turn yellow or dry out.
  • A small amount of soil is poured onto the drainage layer, on which an asparagus plant is placed, the roots of which can be sprayed with warm water.
  • The remaining gaps on the sides are filled with a substrate, from which the top layer is then made.
  • After which the asparagus is watered and, if necessary, mulched with a small amount of substrate.

Soil for homemade asparagus

The best time to transplant asparagus at home is spring. A plant starting a new growing season will easily tolerate the procedure and quickly begin to grow.

Unpretentious to soil composition indoor flower can grow in nutritious, organic-rich, loose soil.

As such a substrate you can take the following mixture:

  • 2 parts of garden soil;
  • 1 part humus;
  • 1 part sand, which can be replaced with perlite or verticulite.

If the soil is mixed independently, all components natural origin It is important to disinfect and sterilize to prevent pests and pathogens from entering the asparagus pot.

When the necessary components are missing, they can be replaced with universal soil for indoor plants with a small addition of perlite. When replanting asparagus, we must not forget that the plant needs drainage, which is made from fine expanded clay or gravel.

Sooner or later, a growing pet will force the owner to think not only about how to replant, but also how to propagate homemade asparagus. Most often, for this purpose, an adult bush is divided during transplantation, but if desired, young plants can be obtained using cuttings or seeds.

Propagation of asparagus by dividing the bush

This method of propagation by tubers or asparagus roots has many advantages. First of all, by dividing the common root system, you can quickly get several independent plants with your own roots.

Acclimatization of such asparagus lasts much less than the time required for rooting asparagus propagated by cuttings or waiting for seedlings to grow.

The soaked earthen lump is removed from the pot, after which the remaining soil is removed and, if necessary, additionally wetting the asparagus roots, the bush is divided into separate seedlings. You need to be careful when performing this procedure, as many types of asparagus are thorny and can damage the skin on your palms.

The main thing is that all parts intended for propagation of asparagus have healthy roots, as well as at least one growth point.

When this work is done, the plants are planted in pots prepared in advance for asparagus with a drainage layer and a nutritious soil mixture. After transplantation, the asparagus is watered and placed in a shaded place where drafts and direct rays of the sun will not harm the pet.

Acclimatization takes about a month, during which the plant is moderately fed, but not fed, so as not to burn the damaged roots.

Propagation of domestic asparagus by cuttings

You can obtain cuttings suitable for propagation from an asparagus plant from the end of February until June. The timing is determined by the fact that the active growing season of the flower begins in spring, and it takes at least one and a half months for the shoot to take root. It is convenient to cut off shoots during spring transplantation; it is better to pay attention not to young phyllocladies, but to last year’s ones. For rooting, cuttings with a length of at least 10–15 cm, without signs of disease or wilting, are suitable.

Cut shoots are dropped into a mixture of wet sand, perlite and peat. The volume of the pot for asparagus should not be large; for the first time, containers no larger than 100 ml are quite suitable. To reduce moisture evaporation from the surface of the substrate, containers with cuttings intended for propagation are covered with bags or plastic cups.

It is better if, for rooting, the cuttings are placed on a lighted windowsill, where there is no direct sunlight or drafts. The temperature at this time should be between 20–22 °C. The soil is regularly moistened with a spray bottle, and the plantings are ventilated daily, trying to avoid condensation.

Asparagus roots appear within a month, which is clearly visible if the cuttings are planted in transparent cups. After this, the viable plant can be transferred to permanent place residence.

Propagation of domestic asparagus by seeds

Not only seeds purchased in a store are suitable for sowing, but also those obtained independently, as a result artificial pollination white small asparagus flowers.

In the first case, it is extremely important to pay attention to the expiration dates of seeds that quickly lose their viability. But fresh seed directly from the bush rarely fails and quickly sprouts, but, unfortunately, does not retain its parental properties if asparagus of hybrid origin is propagated.

Black rather large seeds are planted in the soil in February or March, after soaking for 24–48 hours in warm water. And then the swollen asparagus seeds are laid out on the surface of a mixture of moistened peat and sand and sprinkled with a small amount of the same substrate.

To keep the crops at constant humidity, cover the containers with film or glass and place them in a dark place:

  • The optimal temperature for pecking asparagus seeds is 18–23 °C.
  • To prevent the formation of mold and soil acidification, asparagus propagated by seeds is ventilated daily.
  • Watering is carried out by spraying, which will prevent the soil from being washed away and damaging the root system of the sprouts.

Shoots of asparagus propagated by seeds appear in 20–40 days. And as soon as green needles become visible above the soil surface, the plant requires transfer to light. And if necessary, they ensure that the sprouts are not overly elongated and weak.

After a month, when small plants obtained from asparagus seeds reach a height of 10 cm, they can be planted in small pots, and after another 120 days - in pots for adult plants.

Asparagus from seeds - video

Asparagus is one of the plants whose care is simple and accessible to the beginning gardener. That is why this indoor plant so popular. In addition, it perfectly decorates any interior from ordinary apartments to offices and trade pavilions. The plant is also commonly known as indoor asparagus due to its membership in this family.

Length of Asparagus stems in room conditions can reach half a meter. It is the stems that are of particular decorative value and give the plant that “fluffy” appearance that so attracts flower growers. When the stems are pruned, their growth stops. New stems grow from the rhizome.

Asparagus species.

The plant has many species and varieties. Particularly popular is Asparagus Crescent, which can grow more than 10 m. At home, plant growth is regulated by pruning, creating low, lush shrubs. It should be remembered that low pruning can completely stop the growth of the plant. Therefore, the removal of shoots should be exclusively sanitary.

Asparagus Pinnate and Dense-flowered found wide use in floristry - cut branches are used to decorate bouquets.

Caring for Asparagus.

Lighting. The plant prefers bright places and does well in partial shade. Suitable for growing on east and west windows.

Temperature. Asparagus has a negative attitude towards heat, despite its southern origin. Ideal temperature- 20 °C. Fluctuations within 10 - 25°C are acceptable.

Watering. The plant needs abundant watering and high humidity air, but waterlogging of the substrate is unacceptable. In winter, watering is reduced. Caring for Asparagus also includes periodic “bathing” (especially in summer time), which can be replaced by abundant spraying. When carrying out the procedure, the earthen surface should be covered protective film to prevent soil from being washed away.

Fertilizer for Asparagus. In the spring-summer period, the plant is fertilized with universal organic or mineral fertilizers or preparations for ornamental foliage plants, which are applied once every two weeks.

Transfer. Transplantation is carried out annually in early spring. For the plant take roomy pots and loose soil mixture with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. To prevent waterlogging at the bottom of the flowerpot, drainage is required.

Reproduction. Asparagus is propagated by dividing the bush or by seed method

. Before sowing, small Asparagus seeds are soaked for a day in warm water. Shoots appear within 14-20 days. By dividing the bush, large plants are obtained, ready for active growing season, capable of growing green mass V short time . That is why this method

propagation is more often used by amateur gardeners.

Difficulty in care. Despite the fact that the plant is considered unpretentious, there may be certain difficulties in caring for it. Sometimes it is difficult to understand the cause of a plant disease, since Asparagus behaves the same in the most different situations

. For example, a plant may begin to shed leaves both from lack of light and from dry air. The yellowness of the leaves indicates too high temperature content, excess sunlight

or insufficient hydration.

Other problems include feltworms, thrips and spider mites.

It is advisable to prevent the plant from getting sick, since Asparagus does not tolerate treatment with protective drugs, and the rehabilitation period can take a long time. Asparagus in indoor floriculture

We've loved it for a long time. Graceful green branches not only decorate the composition, but are also used as cut flowers by florists and decorators. The genus of asparagus was given to the tropics, in the form of shrubs and vines. Plants belong to the asparagus family. In total there are up to 300 varieties, sometimes completely different from each other. At home, asparagus varieties that are unpretentious to the conditions are used.

Caring for asparagus at home Asparagus and ferns are sometimes confused due to the similarity in the structure of the ground part. Most varieties do not have leaves. They turned into needles. The structure of these parts consists of leaves that have turned into scales, from which needles and cladonia emerge. This is the same kind of shoot as frond. The scales are actually leaves. The plant becomes an adult at 5-6 years old, then it can bloom and produce seeds contained in poisonous berries.

Some types of asparagus are used to produce an elite food product, asparagus. Shoots of common asparagus, specially cultivated for food use, are used for food. In Germany, a fifth of agricultural land is occupied by asparagus plantations, the shoots of which are manually dug out of the arable layer in the spring.

Growing asparagus at home exciting activity. The flower is relatively unpretentious, but there are certain requirements, without fulfilling which you can get not an openwork bush, but bare branches.

  1. Lighting should be sufficient, but without direct sunlight. Cover up south window tulle is not enough, the plant must be moved at a distance. Therefore, it is ideal to use asparagus in a hanging or wall composition. In low light, the leaves turn yellow and fall off.
  2. The winter temperature when caring at home should not fall below 10, summer comfort is achievable at 22-24 0. Higher up in dry air, the needles will begin to dry out. In this case, you need to spray the plant more often.
  3. Humidity - necessary condition existence of all varieties. Drying a lump of earth means destroying the plant. sufficient and regular, spraying in summer at least twice a day. An air humidifier or a tray with evaporated moisture made of porous materials is required. In winter, depending on the temperature, spraying may be rare.
  4. Asparagus is good cleaner air from harmful impurities, but does not like drafts.
  5. Transfers are frequent, but the best way is transshipment.
  6. If agricultural practices are violated, the cladonia will give a signal by changing its appearance.

The maintenance rules are important and are general for the entire species; for each variety of asparagus, agricultural technology has its own characteristics.

By purchasing home flower, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of caring for a certain variety of asparagus. IN room breeding The most commonly found asparagus are:

  • asparagus-shaped;
  • pinnate;
  • the thinnest;
  • Meyer;
  • densely flowered or Sprenger;
  • crescent.

Not all of them are listed, only the most common varieties, but there are many more of them. With good care, the asparagus grown by you can look like the photo in the article.

Asparagus pinnate

The most tender openwork greens in the form of needles it resembles a veil. Everything about this plant is elegant, thin needles, numerous branches creating a cascading flow. Care pinnate asparagus ohm is not complicated.

It must be remembered that it does not tolerate sunlight and immediately becomes stained. The plant needs to be sprayed and watered frequently. This variety is demanding on the soil; it must be prepared on the basis of peat, be light and sour. Best cast substrate for transplantation, composed of equal parts:

  • sand;
  • leaf and turf soil;

The plant is used in landscaping office and residential premises, but it has no place in the bedroom, like other liana-like plants. Cirrus asparagus reproduces by planting, dividing rhizomes, and grows quickly. For indoor gardening Asparagus plumosus Nanus is most suitable. Overdrying the plant will lead to its death.

Meyer's asparagus

Mayer's asparagus is particularly compact and beautiful with its candle-shaped panicles. Each shoot individually resembles a dish brush. The plant produces such “candles” more than half a meter long, grows very quickly and requires annual spring replanting. This plant does not like pruning. It can be propagated by dividing the bush and by seeds. Compared to pinnate, Meyer's asparagus is unpretentious, tolerates temporary drought, but does not tolerate insecticides. Therefore, it is possible to destroy pests on it only with folk remedies.

Asparagus sickle care at home

A native of Africa, this flower in its homeland produces vines up to 15 m long. In indoor conditions, its growth is much more modest. However, its height still reaches 5 meters, so this species is often grown in greenhouses and botanical gardens. It blooms with small white flowers collected in clusters that have a pleasant scent. This plant does not require special care, he is content with a transplant every few years. On hot days, caring for sickle asparagus at home is as follows: frequent watering and moisturizing leaves. Transplantation is combined with reproduction. In addition, this type of aspargus propagates well by cuttings and seeds. The soil for the plant needs to be prepared slightly acidic, based on peat and leaf humus.

Asparagus dense-flowered

Another name for this plant is Sprenger asparagus, caring for which at home does not cause any particular difficulties. This is an evergreen subshrub with long shoots that gently fall under their weight. The length of these arrows, depending on the conditions of detention, can reach almost two meters. Blooms twice a year small flowers, the fruits are red berries that are poisonous.

This plant is thermophilic and the temperature in winter should not fall below 15 degrees. It's not scary for Sprenger solar lighting. When placed in the shade, the plant stretches out its shoots and becomes less decorative. The soil for this variety needs neutral or slightly alkaline, very fertile soil. Watering is plentiful, but in winter when the temperature drops, moderate. Caring for Sprenger asparagus excludes pruning, this will stop its growth.

The plant is responsive to feeding mineral fertilizers every two weeks during the growing season. This is the only indoor variety that is direct sun rays I'm just glad.

Signs of asparagus development disorder

Each plant has signals that indicate trouble. The general condition of the plant is used for this purpose. Experienced florist will be able to notice the signal in time and quickly take action:

  • needles fall off and turn yellow, which means the water balance is disturbed;
  • the needles darken and turn brown from bright color and dry earth;
  • light spots appeared - they were not protected from sunlight;
  • the greenery has turned pale - add light, maybe artificial;
  • the bush has drooped, look for the cause in the roots;
  • berries dressed in gray coating, gray rot has settled.

Knowing the disease, it is easy to eliminate it. Therefore, you need to constantly monitor your pets, and they themselves will ask for help. You cannot miss the moment when insect pests settle on asparagus. Everyone is terrible, but the most dangerous is the spider mite, which is difficult to remove with home remedies, and asparagus does not like their delicate needles being exposed to chemicals.

Transshipment of asparagus - video

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