How to make a blind area correctly. Pouring a concrete blind area around a private house

Long-term operation of the house depends not only on a strong and reliable foundation, but also on the blind area. Thanks to it, the base structure is protected from destruction, and in addition, it protects the soil around the house from moisture. If water accumulates around the house, which can happen when snow melts and heavy rains, this can lead to erosion of the top layer of soil, as a result of which moisture reaches the foundation.

If it seeps deep into the earth to the base of the foundation, this will lead to damage to the base and its strength will significantly decrease, which will negatively affect the bearing capacity foundation. As a result, there may be a threat of destruction of the structure.

Some construction industry experts express the opinion that when arranging a drainage system, there is no need to install a blind area near the house. However, this opinion is deeply erroneous. The gutter protects the area near the foundation from water that drains from the roof. But it does not protect against precipitation, which regularly moistens the ground.

The role of the blind area is especially great in cases where a shallow foundation was used to build a house. Its sole is located very close to the surface of the earth. Therefore, during heavy rainfall, water can quickly reach the base of the foundation. Under the influence of moisture, the sole erodes, it loses his profile and uneven subsidence occurs. The consequence of this is that deformation processes occur and subsequent destruction of the foundation occurs. However, even if a well-buried foundation is used, it is impossible to do without a blind area.

How to properly arrange a blind area around the house?

When the owner understands the need to create a blind area near his house, then, having learned that the reliability of the structure and its long service life depend on it, the main desire that arises in him is to make it serve long time. This can be achieved if during construction you use quality materials, and besides this, strictly adhere to construction technology.

The first thing to do is determine the width of the coverage. Protecting the foundation from moisture is its main purpose. Therefore, the width should be maximum. The further the path is located from the house, the less moisture it will absorb, and, therefore, the less risk of destruction of the foundation of the house.

Based on existing building codes, then the minimum width of the protective coating should be at least 0.8 m. There are no standards regarding the maximum width of the blind area. Here everything largely depends on the desires of the developer.

The main function that the blind area performs is to protect the foundation of the house from moisture. In addition, it is used as a path around the perimeter of the house. You should also pay attention to this when choosing it. If you make a path that is too narrow, then when walking along it a person will experience some discomfort, since he will have to move along it sideways or press against the wall. Based on all this, we can say that the optimal width of the track is one that varies ranging from 1 to 2.5 m.

When constructing a blind area, you need to think about its inclination. It is thanks to it that the water falling on the blind area will constantly drain away from the walls of the house. IN Soviet time The standards determined the slope value in the range from 50 to 100 mm per 1 meter of width. This means that for a path that is 1 m wide, the height at the walls of the house will vary from 50 to 100 mm, and at the other edge it will be flush with the ground. Such a steep descent of the path will ensure optimal drainage of water from the house.

Slope of the blind area

Water, once on the blind area, will quickly drain, creating inconvenience. If the slope is less, this will lead to water flowing slowly from the surface. In addition, walking on it will not be very comfortable. A compromise in terms of comfort and efficiency of the slope at the track can be considered slope 15 mm per 1 m width blind areas. When this coating has such an inclination, a person does not experience any discomfort when walking on it, and water does not retain on the surface. It completely flows down.

Basically, in order to ensure effective removal water from the surface of the path, a slope of 10 mm per 1 meter will be sufficient, provided that the surface of the path is smooth and level. However, there is also a drawback to a blind area with such a slope. The whole point is that in winter time walking on it is not comfortable enough as it becomes slippery.

If the owner decides to make a protective coating not near the house, but along the perimeter of the garage, then its slope line at the entrance should be up to 30 mm per 1 meter. This will provide the greatest protection to the surface from rainwater, which will drain quickly enough. This will protect your garage from puddles and ice.

How to properly make this protective coating is one of important issues, which occurs when a person decides to arrange a blind area near his home. Its quality largely depends on the material chosen for its creation. There are several options for making a track that involve the use different materials. However, most often it is made of reinforced concrete.

In most cases, owners when creating a track use the following technology:

  • the first step is to clean the area on which the blind area will be created;
  • then they take metal rods with a cross-section of 6 mm and lay them in a mesh with cells whose size is 0.3x0.3 m. Knitted wire is used to connect them together;
  • after this, formwork is created, which is made from unedged boards;
  • the next step is pouring the formwork with prepared concrete;
  • You should know that before you start making a blind area, you need to create a foundation. To do this, you need to remove along the perimeter the width of the future blind area. upper layer soil to a depth of about 13 cm. A little more should be removed near the walls of the base. In this case, the poured concrete will flow towards the house, slightly squeezing it. There is no need to create additional fastening of the blind area;
  • after this, it is necessary to mark the boundaries of the building’s blind area, hammer in the pegs, and then tighten the cord;
  • A layer of sand should be poured onto the bottom of the trench, the thickness of which should be 5 cm. The sand cushion will act as a base for the concrete. Backfilling with sand may not be necessary if sandy soil predominates on the site. It is necessary to mount the formwork on the cushion, and then lay out the reinforcing mesh. Only after this is the concrete poured. Great importance has an arrangement of fittings. It must be completely embedded in a concrete base. And to do this it needs to be slightly raised;
  • for cooking concrete mortar M400 grade cement is used. In addition to this, sand and crushed stone are used. These components are taken in a ratio of 1:2:4-5.

Some specialists use ash to create a path. This material is a product of coal combustion in a thermal power plant. However, care must be taken when handling it as this particular material may be radioactive. If you create a blind area from it, the health of the people living in the house can significantly deteriorate.

Features of the blind area around the house

Creating a blind area, any or any other task in construction industry, has its own nuances that you need to know about before starting work.

The construction of the blind area should not be started immediately after the completion of the construction of the basement. Chernozem or clay is used when backfilling a trench. The soil will subside in any case. But this takes some time. If you start constructing a blind area without waiting for the soil to subsidence, then when moisture gets into the soil it will sag, which will lead to the following:

  • the surface of the blind area is deformed;
  • cracks may appear on it.

To avoid this phenomenon, it is necessary to perform backfill. You can use sand, which easily allows water to pass through. It will quickly sag and within a day you can begin work on constructing the blind area.

To create a blind area around the house, it is undesirable to use porcelain tiles. It has a smooth surface and is quite slippery. When the surface of such a coating is wet, there is a high risk of injury. In addition, the service life of such a blind area will be short. The tiles are laid on concrete surface . And when low temperatures it bursts, which leads to cracks.

Protection of the blind area

The main function performed by the blind area is to protect the foundation of the home. However, it would not be superfluous to protect the blind area around the house from water flowing from the roof getting on its surface. To do this, you need to think about creating an organized drainage system, which must be located along the entire perimeter of the roof. In this case, first the water must fall into gutters, and only then flow down the pipe. Of course, it will not be possible to completely get rid of water, but less of it will reach the surface, which will reduce the load on the surface of the blind area.

According to previously existing standards, a drainage system was required to be installed on buildings that had more than two floors. Currently, this system is used in every new house, regardless of how many floors it has.

In some cases, specialists carry out work on additional insulation blind areas around the house to minimize soil freezing in winter.

Most often used as insulation expanded clay is used, which is used instead of crushed stone in concrete mortar.

There is another way to insulate the blind area. It is poured in two layers, between which the insulation is laid. Foam plastic is often used as such.

How to make a blind area around the house?

Based on the information above, you can draw the following conclusions:


Every owner who has built a house dreams that his home will last for decades. This depends on the reliability and strength of the foundation and its protection from moisture, which is its main enemy. If the foundation of your home has waterproofing layer , this does not mean that it is well protected from moisture.

Frequent precipitation can lead to moisture penetration deep into the ground and destruction of the sole. The consequence of this will be deformation of the base and its gradual destruction. And this will negatively affect the reliability and service life of the structure. Therefore, it is necessary to build a blind area around the house to protect the foundation.

It’s not that difficult to make, so every building owner can handle it on their own. The most important thing is that you need to use high-quality materials and strictly follow the technology for creating the blind area. Then you can ensure reliability for your mansion and there will be no doubt about its long service.

To insulate the foundation and protect it from soil mobility, blind areas are often made around the house. This operation is not difficult to do on your own if you have some skills or simply follow the recommendations of professional developers.

The pouring of the blind area itself takes little time. And the cost of materials will be quite small. But the benefits that the building’s foundation will receive will be plenty.

The main function of this structure is to protect the foundation of the building from destruction during operation. After all, the main factor that affects the damage to the foundation of a building is proximity groundwater and soil mobility due to freezing and thawing.

But not only for protection, a blind area around the perimeter of the building is poured. Using this design, you can significantly insulate not only the base of the building, but also the floors in the house. And this is already quite a big plus for making a blind area.

Constant dryness in the basement, no fungus on external walls at home, excellent ventilation of the base is another argument in favor of installing any type of blind area.

Beauty and well-groomed surroundings of the house, neat paths that are comfortable to walk on - additional function blind area around the foundation.

Performing blind areas yourself

It is better to start making the structure at the stage of laying the foundation. This will allow you to properly make a blind area around the house without additional hassle. But if the building has already been purchased, and the blind area around the perimeter of the base of the building is dilapidated or at the stage of destruction, then a new blind area around the house is made with your own hands in place of the old structure.

The work is not difficult if done using one of the technologies. Step-by-step instructions on how to properly make a blind area look like this: general outline So:

  • dig a ditch around the foundation more than 40 cm wide (at least 45 cm deep);
  • perform formwork along the edges of the ditch;
  • lay sand at the bottom of the trench (15 cm layer), wet it and compact it;
  • perform insulation from fatty clay 5 cm thick (with a mandatory slope away from the foundation);
  • put waterproofing (film or rolled roofing felt);
  • make reinforcement with rods in one belt (without disturbing the slope);
  • pour concrete mortar to the required height.

Some owners prefer to make a blind area near the foundation with insulation. However, the outer layer is not always chosen from concrete. The structures are made from paving slabs, paving stones, crushed stone, asphalt and even soil with grass. That's why final stage The work is very different due to the choice of materials for making the blind area. Before the very top layer you should put insulation. And only then proceed to finishing tiles, cement or paving stones.

But for those people who will construct a concrete structure, it is worth knowing how to properly fill the blind area with mortar:

  1. Making the mortar is standard proportions 1x3, where there is only one part of cement and three of sand.
  2. Installation of formwork around the future structure.
  3. Pouring concrete evenly over the entire area in one day.

The drying time of the structure is usually from 14 to 16 days. To protect against negative influences You can cover the blind area with oilcloth on top on the second day. The formwork is removed after complete drying. And then the soil is backfilled.

Laying tile blind areas

Considered step-by-step instruction how to make a blind area around a house from tiles will not differ much from standard laying technology. A distinctive point that will be discussed is the laying of tile elements on the prepared blind area.

After the reinforcement is completed, instead of filling (in the standard version), it is worth filling the ditch with a second layer of sand to a height of 15 cm. The sand must be wetted and firmly compacted.

Don’t forget to maintain the slope, as later this property will help you quickly lay tile elements.

Well, the area for the tiles is ready. You can start working according to this scheme:

This is how you make a blind area with your own hands from slabs different sizes. At the end of the work, it is worth leaving the material to dry and set the concrete.

It is important to remember that you do not need to drive the tiles into the mortar. It's better to take wooden plank, place on the tiles and press gently but with medium force. Then the tiles will be laid evenly and will not crack during work.

After the structure has dried, the concrete solution is made again. But now in proportions 1x3. Yes, and it should be rare so that it can be applied with a brush to the seams between the tiles.

Making a blind area from paving stones

When the choice falls on a paving stone structure, the difficulties in work will be a little less. True, the paving stone blocks themselves are quite heavy. But you just need to lay them on sand or sand-cement mixture with a mandatory offset from the foundation (compensation joints).

A diagram of how to properly make a blind area from such material looks like this:

  1. Laying film for repeated waterproofing on the reinforcing belt.
  2. Making a formwork panel along the edge of the structure.
  3. Adding a layer of sand (mixture) with mandatory compaction.
  4. Laying out the paving stone elements tightly one to the other.
  5. Tap each block of material with a rubber mallet to ensure uniform shrinkage into the sand.
  6. Sealing the seams with sand from above.

Of course, if you are not used to laying paving stones it will be difficult. But such operations can be done independently.

It is worth remembering that after laying the paving stones, you need to fill it with water and leave it for 2-3 days to shrink. The resulting solution will spread evenly and will hold the paving stone elements firmly.

Soft blind area around the building

For those owners who prefer natural landscape, experts advise making soft blind areas where the top layer is soil. This layer can be seeded lawn grasses, decorate with flower beds. Here the principle of the device will differ from other rigid-type structures.

The work flow will look like this:

  • digging a ditch around the foundation to a width of 40 cm to 50 cm, a depth of 45 cm;
  • making a cushion of sand in a layer of 10-12 cm, observing the slope and obligatory compaction when wet;
  • laying a layer of oily clay (5 cm) for the castle;
  • creating waterproofing using film or rolled roofing felt;
  • additional cushion of sand, crushed stone (layer 10 cm), compacted thoroughly;
  • laying geotextiles with edge processing;
  • backfilling soil to the top.

In this case, pouring concrete is not necessary. Therefore, the solution is not prepared. The only exceptions are those cases when it is intended to make a border along the edge of a blind area or flower bed.

In this case, the curb is installed on the first pillow. But before this, a concrete solution is applied under the installation site.

It is mandatory to leave a certain distance between the foundation wall and the blind area, which is called an expansion joint. Such a seam is sealed with any sealants, roofing felt or rolled bitumen. The main thing is that the blind area does not put pressure on the foundation walls, adding a constant load to it.

The longevity of a building depends on the condition of the foundation, the health of which is determined by reliable and efficient drainage surface waters from home at any time. This task is performed by the blind area, which primarily has a protective function. One of the most common and accessible is the technology of arranging a concrete blind area around a building. Its correct design, created with your own hands, will effectively perform the functions long years.

What does it represent?

The blind area is an external waterproof basement concrete structure in the form of a continuous path along the perimeter of the building, sloping from the wall towards the surrounding terrain of the local area. Its arrangement involves a tight but movable connection to the base of the house.

The structure is a layered “pie” consisting of materials that together keep the foundation dry. The basis of such protection is in proportion: a compacted, even underlying layer of sand (crushed stone, clay), waterproofing and a coating - concrete, which ensures the waterproofness of the structure.

Functions performed

A properly equipped blind area ensures the longevity of the structure, preventing the destruction of the foundation and structures of the house by precipitation moisture, melt water. A blind area without concrete, created with your own hands, is a temporary measure that does not solve the entire complex of problems of such a design.

Main function correct blind area- divert and transport water to a sufficient distance from the foundation towards the most low place on site or into storm drains.

In addition to the function of a horizontal hydrobarrier, the blind area (especially insulated) reduces the freezing of the soil around the house, which reduces the likelihood of it swelling (rising), and also reduces the thermal conductivity of the building. A blind area without concrete does not prevent periodic moistening of the soil close to the foundation and, as a result, harmful effects which can be caused by hard plant roots. The protective device also gives the building an aesthetically complete appearance and can be used as a pedestrian path.

Requirements for the blind area and rules for the device

Scheme of the structure using reinforced concrete.

The encircling protective structure must have the same width, the value of which is 20–30 cm greater than the overhang of the roof eaves beyond the wall of the building. It is generally accepted that it is about 1 m (or more on subsiding soils). The blind area is buried to no more than half the depth of soil freezing in the area. The thickness of the concrete coating is selected within the range of 7 - 10 cm (up to 15 cm if used as a path).

The recommended slope of the coating is 92 - 94 degrees relative to the wall of the building (or 10 - 100 mm per 1 meter of blind area width). The height of the base above the blind area at the junction of the structure is set to 50 cm. Its outer lower edge should be raised approximately 50 mm above ground level, which prevents the accumulation of water at the edge.

The technology for creating a structure assumes the possibility of its integral movement following soil deformations relative to the foundation, which ensures near-wall.

How to make a blind area?

Markings are made on the area, the fertile layer of soil is removed. The underlying (clay) is laid. Geotextiles (for example, roofing felt) are laid. The formwork is formed taking into account expansion joints. The area is reinforced. Concrete for the blind area is prepared in the correct proportion and poured into the formwork. The coating surface is drawn out with the selected slope along the edge of the formwork and leveled. The concrete is given time to dry.

Preparation of tools and materials The marking quality is checked.

building level For earthworks You will need shovels, a pick, twine, a tape measure, a tamper, and pegs. The required volume of geotextile (waterproof film) for the water seal should be calculated. Required in and proportions of components for mixing concrete (washed sand, water, gravel, crushed stone of fractions 5 - 10 mm, cement) or (for example, grade M400 and higher). Tools also include a mixer (container) for forming the solution, buckets, carts (stretchers), and a measuring bucket. The laying of the underlying layer must be provided with sufficient sand (clay).

The formwork is formed from boards, but a hacksaw, level, nails, and hammer are also useful. (steel wire), which should be delivered. Will be needed welding machine, a tool for cutting pieces of reinforcement. A long rule, trowel, and spatulas will help in laying and leveling concrete. The construction of seams will require polyurethane sealant.

A trench is marked around the house with pegs and string. The level at which the blind area adjoins the plinth is marked with beacons in 1.5 m increments. A layer of fertile soil is removed around the building, taking into account the layout of the surrounding surface. The bottom of the trench is compacted and leveled with the already formed slope (herbicides can be added). The depth of the passage can be 500 mm (on heaving soils).

Creation and compaction of a sand cushion

The bottom of the trench is lined with sand, the surface of which is also profiled with a slope. The material is abundantly moistened and compacted. The operation should be repeated at least twice. The thickness of the layer can be up to 20 cm. Its surface is carefully leveled.

Using roll waterproofing materials for blind area.

Its device involves laying two layers of waterproofing (for example, roofing felt) on a sand substrate, which are slightly folded onto the wall to create an expansion joint. At the joints the material is overlapped. Next, the geotextile is covered with a thinner layer of sand, and then gravel (about 10 cm thick) with a slope of the top layer and compacted. It is advisable to place close to such a water seal drainage system.

Creating formwork

Removable wooden mold protects the place where concrete is poured. It is reinforced with strong pegs with outside. The form provides for transverse expansion joints (every 2 - 2.5 m), which are installed, including diagonally, at the corners of the formwork. Their tightness is formed by placing them on edge wooden blocks(butyl rubber belts), impregnated with waste oil and coated with bitumen.

The edges of the mold must be straight for the rule to apply. The difference in its height must correspond to the slope of the blind area. The height of the formwork corresponds to the thickness of the concrete. The expansion joint near the wall (10 - 20 mm wide) is filled with roofing material (hydro-swelling cord).

Reinforcement and filling

The process of pouring the blind area of ​​a house with concrete.

Used metal grid 50x50 (100x100) mm, which can be linked to pieces of reinforcement driven into the base in increments of 0.75 m. The mesh is raised above the level of crushed stone by 30 mm. Concrete is mixed and poured with your own hands in portions into the formwork sections to the level of its upper edge.

There should be no air pockets in the concrete. Correct proportions concrete mixture for blind areas they must correspond to frost resistance. The composition of concrete for the blind area is traditional (corresponding grade from M400 and above). Components that increase strength and durability can be added to the solution in proportion.

The blind area plays an important and key role for the comfortable use of every home. This part finished design is aimed at performing a protective function and preventing erosion of the foundation from precipitation and melt water. It is water that is the root cause of the destruction and deformation of the foundation. If you decide to build a defense without the help of specialists, we advise you to find out how to make a blind area around the house with your own hands.

The role of the blind area in the structure

Foundation protection plays an aesthetic and decorative function. It prevents the entry of sedimentary moisture and uneven erosion of the foundation of the house. If your site has constantly wet soil, then winter period it will begin to put pressure on the foundation of the house and will cause planting and cracks to appear on it. If the soil is heaving, then it is recommended to insulate the base protection.

Important! It is extremely dangerous to leave a house without a blind area in the winter.

Preparatory work to create a protective structure around the house

In order for the foundation of the house to be reliably protected, you need to know how to make a blind area. For its construction, use only high-quality materials and carry out the entire work process correctly. When constructing a blind area, determine its width and, if possible, make it as wide as possible. The wider the structure, the less likely it is to absorb moisture into the soil and damage the foundation. Minimum width is 80 cm along the entire length of the house. It is worth considering that the blind area also serves as a sidewalk, so for comfortable use, take a width of 2 m. It is necessary to build foundation protection taking into account the slope, which will ensure water flows away from the wall of the building. According to building codes, there is an approved slope size of 50-100 mm per 1 m of width, i.e. the width of the structure is 1 m in height and will be 50-100 mm near the walls of the house, and its second end will lie in the same plane with the ground. If there is this slope, the water will drain freely and without stagnation on the plane.

Foundation protection device

  • Level . The height of the base plays a big role. For example, if crushed stone or gravel is used, then the height can be raised by 30 cm. If tiles or concrete are used, then the height should be at least 50 cm.
  • The width is set depending on the soil type and length eaves overhang roofs. With a normal type of soil, the width is 20 cm greater than the cornice; this is necessary so that the water drains calmly and does not stagnate near the house. If the soil allows planting, the width is taken to be 30 cm beyond the boundary of the pit.
  • Slope. When using cobblestones or crushed stone, the slope is made at a distance of 5-10 cm per 1 m of the width of the building. For asphalt - 3-5 cm. If the slope is too steep, water drainage is better, but it is inconvenient to use such a structure as a sidewalk.
  • Gap between the wall. Protects from frost and from destruction of the waterproofing of basement walls.
  • Drainage. Performs the function of drainage along the external line of the blind area.

Note! Screw and pile foundations do not require a blind area; for these structures it is enough to make a durable protective coating in places where water drains.

DIY blind area around the house

  • consider the width of the structure;
  • set the tilt angle correctly;
  • use high-quality building materials;
  • follow the entire work process;
  • don't break technology.

Tools you will need:

  • shovel;
  • manual rammer;
  • wheelbarrow for transporting bulk goods;
  • hydraulic level;
  • insulation material;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • clay;
  • reinforced mesh or reinforcing bars.

Expert advice! Construction material should be selected only taking into account the type of soil.

Instructions for carrying out work

To obtain strong foundation protection, we suggest disassembling the most common blind area options. So, do-it-yourself blind area, step-by-step instructions.

Classic defense

  • It is necessary to mark the entire area of ​​the building for future protection. We measure the required width at the corners of all walls, hammer in pegs, and pull on a strong thread or cord.
  • We remove a layer of soil by 0.25 m.
  • Along the edges of the trench we place and secure removable formwork.
  • Place the first layer of sand (10 cm) on the bottom and fill it with water so that it shrinks.
  • Lay a layer of crushed stone (5-8 cm).
  • We fix everything on top of the crushed stone reinforced mesh. When joining the edges, we place the mesh sheet on top of each other by 15 cm.
  • Take the wood and saturate it with a water-repellent mixture. Fix every 1.5 m wooden planks, so that their upper edges coincide with the future protection. It will be additional protection from cracks in winter.
  • The entire plane is filled cement mortar, the resulting irregularities are leveled.
  • As soon as the solution has dried, take dry cement, sprinkle it over the entire surface and rub it in.

Soft blind area

The construction of such foundation protection is carried out in several stages of work.

  • It is necessary to remove a layer of soil at a depth of 30 cm and dig a trench 60-80 cm wide.
  • We place a layer of clay (10 cm) on the bottom and compact everything well, maintaining a slight slope from the building.
  • We lay a waterproof film on top of the clay, and attach the upper edge to the base of the house.
  • We lay a layer of sand on top of the film, which will serve as protection from mechanical damage.
  • We lay geotextiles on the sand. This is necessary so that moisture can pass through without mixing sand with crushed stone.
  • We pour a layer of crushed stone (12 cm) onto the geotextile.
  • Next is a layer of geotextile.
  • Everything is covered with a layer of sand and a blind area is laid out.

Blind area made of asphalt concrete

  • We dig a trench up to 30 cm deep and carefully compact the soil.
  • We pour sand and clay onto the bottom, this is necessary so that the material does not sink into the ground under the influence of water.
  • We lay out borders along the outer line.
  • Cover everything with crushed stone (15 cm).
  • Asphalt 5 cm high is laid on top.

Protection of foundations made of paving stones or tiles

  • Dig a trench 50 cm deep.
  • Make a slope at the level of 5-10% of the structure.
  • A layer of drainage (pebbles, crushed stone) is laid in it, and sand (30 cm) is poured on top.
  • We leave a gap of 2-3 cm between the base and the protection. During periods of severe frost, the tiles tend to increase in size; if a gap is not left, they will begin to put pressure on the foundation. The gap can be covered with roofing felt or filled with sand.
  • Next, a layer of reinforced concrete is laid, leveled and thoroughly compacted.
  • The final stage is laying the tiles.

Expert advice! When laying slabs, plan in advance a blind area that is the width of the slab itself; this will save you from trimming the material. To avoid the tiles sliding down the slope of the foundation, they are rested against the curb stone. For a strong hold curb stone he is placed on a concrete castle. This type The blind area is easy to install, and if the slab is damaged, it is easy to replace.

Concrete blind area

This type of base protection is the most common. The first thing to start with is to mark the borders and make an indent of 100 cm in width.

  • Remove and compact the soil layer, the depth should be 25 cm.
  • Delete root system plants and remove debris.
  • We make wooden formwork; the width of the wood must be at least 20 mm.
  • Pour a layer of clay onto dense soil, level it and compact it.
  • Pour sand (10 cm) on top of the clay, compact it thoroughly and fill it with water.
  • Next, lay a layer of crushed stone (7 cm).
  • To increase the load, we reinforce the blind area.
  • We carry out expansion joint at the junction of the protection and the base. This is an important component of the entire structure, which helps protect it from ground subsidence. The seam width is 1.5 cm, fill the gaps with sand. You can also use sealant instead of sand.
  • During the process of pouring concrete, it is necessary to make expansion joints at a distance of 2-3 m; they will help protect the foundation of the house from ruptures and deep cracks during severe frosts in winter. For this they take wooden slats, when fastening their tops should be together with the concrete surface. To prevent wood rotting, they can be treated with waste oil or used bitumen mastic. Expansion joint installed in the corner of the house.
  • Then we lay and compact the concrete. We align it based on earlier installed slats made of wood.
  • We carry out ironing of the blind area. Ironing has 2 methods: wet and dry. With the dry method, dry cement is poured onto an even layer of concrete. Dry cement pulls out excess moisture and forms additional strength throughout the entire plane.

At wet method cement is mixed with water until a slurry forms and spread over the entire surface using a spatula. Instead of cement, you can use ceresite or liquid glass. Each ironing method gives the structure additional strength and increases the service life of the blind area.

  • Upon completion of all work, cover the entire surface with a cloth, which we periodically moisten with water. This procedure will prevent the concrete from drying out.
  • After 7 days the blind area is ready.
  • The concrete structure can be decorated with pebbles or stones.

Important! Concrete must have frost-resistant characteristics.

When choosing any type of protection for the foundation around the house, consider not only the financial side, but also the type of soil, location of the site and quality drainage system buildings.

After the foundation has been erected and the main construction has been completed, there remains important stage finishing the base of the house - installation of a blind area. As a rule, this stage is not delayed for months or years, since the absence of such important element can lead to gradual destruction of the foundation. In this article we will figure out how to properly make a blind area around a house to protect its foundation from destruction.

The foundation blind area is a strip of concrete or other material located around the perimeter of the house with a slight slope from the base. The main purpose of this structure is to drain rain and melt water from the foundation, insulate and strengthen it, as well as partially compensate for ground movements. The structure of the blind area also includes drainage.

As a rule, ordinary concrete is used for its construction, but a blind area lined with paving slabs or porcelain tiles will give the area around the house an aesthetically complete look.

Most often under country houses poured – a reinforced concrete strip on which the load-bearing and interior walls. Since concrete is a porous material, it actively absorbs water. This is fraught unpleasant consequences– the appearance of fungus on the base and loss of frost resistance of the foundation due to constant cycles of freezing and defrosting.

If during the construction of the foundation were not carried out or the materials have worn out over time, the base is waterproofed before installing the blind area. Sometimes this requires digging it out to its full height: a shallow foundation - within half a meter, a buried foundation - below the soil freezing line (at middle lane more than one and a half meters).

If the basement of the building is in use, in addition to waterproofing it is desirable . At high level groundwater Foundation drainage is required. To do this, perforated pipes are laid in a ditch prepared for waterproofing the base and making a blind area with a slope towards the sewer collector.

Before moving on to considering the types of blind areas, let's talk about the basic rules for installing such structures. Recommended building regulations The width of the blind area is at least 20 centimeters from the projection of the eaves overhang to the ground. On average, the width is selected within 1 meter. The slope of the blind area from the base is up to 10 degrees, this is quite enough to drain water from the foundation and for ease of walking.

The method of constructing the strip depends on the terrain, climatic conditions, specifics of the soil, type of foundation, stylistic design of the house and landscape design. There are about 20 varieties in total. Let's consider the main types of blind areas.

Blind area made of crushed stone or gravel

Such a blind area has an advantage in price and ease of construction, but loses in operational characteristics and service life. This option is designed for an average of 7 years of operation. A blind area made of crushed stone is not capable of providing a sufficient level of foundation insulation and acceptable drainage. In addition, such a surface is inconvenient to move on. The only advantages of a blind area made of crushed stone are ease of installation and low cost.

Below is the procedure for constructing a gravel blind area:

Concrete blind area

A concrete blind area is more complex than a gravel or crushed stone base, but it is the most durable and performs its functions better. Concrete base completely removes all water from the basement part of the foundation, but has the only drawback that with strong mechanical influences concrete can chip and wear away.

The procedure for pouring a concrete blind area is described below:

From the given instructions it is clear that a concrete blind area generally consists of a layer of sand cushion, a layer of insulation and a layer of reinforced concrete. The thickness of such a blind area is at least 25-30 centimeters. This is enough to prevent the foundation from freezing.

The process of installing a concrete blind area is clearly shown in the video:

Blind area made of paving slabs

Despite the fact that a concrete blind area will cost less than a tile installation, paving slabs is much more attractive appearance, while maintaining high wear resistance.

When building such a blind area, there are two options. In the first case, it is mounted concrete tape as a cushion for laying tiles. The sequence of actions is the same as when installing a conventional concrete blind area. On final stage tiles are laid as finishing coating. This method is excellent in all respects, except labor intensity and price.

In the second case, a sand and gravel cushion is used as a base for such a blind area. We will analyze this method further.

After installing the blind area from paving slabs, all that remains is to fill the seam between the tiles. To do this, you can use regular sand, or fill the seams with cement mortar.

After laying for several days, it is undesirable to apply heavy loads to the blind area. This is necessary for the final uniform shrinkage of all layers of the blind area and giving it strength.

For a better understanding, we offer you a video with step by step installation paving slabs around the house

Strips made from materials such as crushed stone, stone, paving slabs are perfect for columnar foundations, for example for . Such a blind area will remove most of the moisture from the piles and will not require a large construction budget.

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