How to build a pond at your dacha. DIY pond from an old bathtub

The pond in the garden is a wonderful place to relax on a hot summer day. Those lucky people whose dachas are located on the banks of a river or lake are incredibly lucky. If there is no natural pond nearby, you will have to build an artificial pond yourself.

We outline an action plan

First, let's try to figure out where to place a man-made pond in the country. It is advisable to reserve a place for it at the design stage of a summer cottage. The pond must meet the following criteria:

  • be on open place– leaves and branches from trees will clog the water, and roots will damage the artificial bottom of the pond;
  • do not be exposed to prolonged exposure to direct sunlight - constantly heated water provokes the rapid development of microorganisms and algae. The pond will quickly become cloudy and begin to emit an unpleasant musty odor.

It would be useful to provide for the option of expanding the surface of a man-made lake over time. Perhaps you would like to transform the mini-pond into a full-fledged water complex - with a bridge and a small fountain.

Experienced builders recommend making the pond shallow - after all, it is used primarily as a beautiful detail of the surrounding landscape. In addition, immediately think about how you are going to care for the pond. Make a convenient approach to the pond - of course, not through the garden or alpine slides.

You will have to change the water yourself, because it is not purified naturally, like in natural lakes and rivers. Therefore, make sure that the tap at the dacha is located in close proximity to the artificial reservoir.

Choosing the base material

Before you grab a shovel, decide what will serve as the basis for artificial pond. There are several standard solutions. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of popular options.

Reinforced concrete structure

Using this material you can create a long-lasting pond. The bottom and banks, filled with concrete and reinforced with reinforcement, will withstand various additional loads - installation of a fountain, for example, or sculptural compositions on the banks.

The complexity of the process makes it impractical to use this technology for the construction small bodies of water or decorative ponds in the country. The negative aspects of this solution include the high cost of constructing man-made lakes made of reinforced concrete. You will have to use a lot of building materials and rent special equipment. Dismantling the structure will also cause difficulties, so you must immediately carefully consider the location of the pond.

PVC film

This budget solution to create a simple country pond. The shape and depth of such a structure can be easily changed, and the dimensions can also be expanded or reduced. A pond with a PVC base is often made seasonal - for example, it is filled in for the winter and re-arranged in the spring.

The disadvantages of this solution include the fragility and fragility of the film coating - this material can be easily damaged, and if the seal is broken, the water from the pond will quickly go into the ground.

Therefore, it is not recommended to swim or play in such home lakes; they are intended to decorate a summer cottage.

Artificial store ponds This option is golden mean

for those who dream of their own pond and at the same time do not want to bother with materials for its creation. Store-bought molds for artificial reservoirs are made from strong and durable materials - polyvinyl chloride or fiberglass. The last option is much more expensive. But the cost of such a product is fully compensated by the high performance characteristics material. It’s easy to install such a form yourself, without involving friends or acquaintances in the process.

The disadvantage of this option is that the pit will have to be dug under the mold, and not vice versa.

In this case, the opportunity to use the unevenness of the terrain to create natural coastal contours is lost. In addition, the method will cost much more than using film or improvised materials. The photo below shows a finished form for arranging a pond at the dacha.

Making a pond from scrap materials Another interesting option

– use of various containers that have become unusable. Old cast iron bathtubs, troughs, vagons - all unnecessary containers will be useful for construction. The advantages of this method are that you don’t have to buy standard forms or build bulky ones. reinforced concrete structures

. The disadvantages include the low decorative quality of old containers - you will have to show imagination and skill to make, for example, a small pond in the Japanese style from a dilapidated trough.

For those who have a catastrophic lack of space at their dacha, craftsmen recommend using a simple and convenient tire pond. old car tires they dig in, a film is laid inside, and the banks of the mini-reservoir are decorated according to their own wishes.

The result obtained sometimes surprises even experienced landscape designers - the finished pond at the dacha becomes an exclusive detail of the garden plot. For example, who will say that this pond in the photo is made from old car tire?


Once the material has been selected, it is time to begin excavation work. It is best to do this in the summer, when groundwater will leave as much as possible. The depth of the hole is calculated based on the material chosen as the basis. If this is a finished form or an old bathtub, dig a pit 20-30 cm deeper than the parameters of the container.

If you plan to build a pond made of PVC film, you will have to dig to a depth of about 80 cm, since the shallow reservoir will completely freeze in winter and quickly dry out in the summer heat. For ponds made of reinforced concrete, they dig a pit over one and a half meters deep - here you can’t do without special equipment.

Technology for constructing a film reservoir

When the pit is ready, all that remains is to clean the bottom and make small terraces about a third of a meter deep and up to 20 cm wide on the sides of the future mini-lake. The bottom of the reservoir is compacted, stones, crushed stone, pebbles, and foreign objects are removed. The cleaned surface of the pit is sprinkled with washed sand and lined with geotextile fabric. Such preparation of the bottom will significantly increase the strength and service life of the coating.

The next stage is laying the film. The size of the canvas is calculated as follows: it is necessary to add the length of the coastline with twice the depth of the reservoir. The material is fixed on the terraces with a margin of about 50 cm. The laid film is laid with bricks or stones - this is done to maintain its shape.

Then they fill the pond with water, check the tightness of the film and begin work on the design of the coastline. Do not cut off the remaining film under the bricks too quickly. It will serve as a hydrosealant during the construction of the blind area.

We are building a pond from an old tank

To create a country mini-lake from an unnecessary bathtub or other container you will need:

  • a piece of mesh;
  • some crushed stone;
  • decorative stones;
  • a coil of aluminum or steel wire;
  • cement, sand or ready-mixed concrete.

After the foundation pit has been dug and a bathtub has been installed in it (30 centimeters below ground level), they begin to develop the coastline. To do this, they remove the entire perimeter of the future pond. upper layer soil at least 40 cm wide and dig a trench, the depth of which reaches the upper edge of the installed container.

To give a natural look to the man-made lake, tile adhesive is applied to the bottom and walls of the bathtub. After the treatment, the container is allowed to dry thoroughly - this usually takes at least two days.

Then a chain-link mesh is laid around the entire perimeter of the bathtub, which is necessary to reinforce the sides and bottom of the pond. They apply it to her concrete mortar or sand-cement mixture and allow to dry. Next comes the turn of decorative design of the banks: planting plants, decorating with stones, paving paths, installing figures and other design techniques.

Pond from a ready-made mold

The pit prepared for the reservoir is cleared of branches, piles of earth and other debris. The bottom and walls of the pit are compacted. If the soil at the dacha is too loose, they are strengthened. For the finished form, a perfectly flat surface of the pit is important. The plane is leveled using a building level.

The bottom of the future pond is covered with clean, washed sand, which is also compacted. This layer ensures the integrity of the finished form.

After this, the container is placed in a pit and filled with water. The empty spaces between the sides of the mold and the walls of the pit are filled with sand, and this is done gradually. First, pour a layer 25-30 cm thick and water it with water. After the sand is evenly distributed, the steps are repeated until the space between the installed bowl and the walls of the pit is completely filled.

Carrying out this procedure is mandatory, since the shape for an artificial reservoir is quite fragile and easily deformed. Even pressure on all sides will prevent warping.

After 24 hours, check the gap between the sides of the container and the walls of the pit: if there are voids, add sand to them. Then the water is pumped out of the pond, the mold is finally washed and filled with clean water.

The final stage is decorating the finished mini-lake at your discretion. There are no strict rules or trends here. Just make sure that your dacha pond brings pleasure and joy. After all, that is precisely why it is installed.

Even the smallest and outwardly unremarkable garden plot can be made cozy and interesting if you equip it with an artificial pond. A decorative pond in the garden can not only harmoniously fit into the landscape of a personal plot, but also visually expand the space.

Artificial pond in the landscape of a personal plot

The presence of a pond or small artificial waterfall on a personal plot is determined not only by aesthetic considerations, but also by a practical component. On a hot summer day, even a small body of water feels cool, the air seems much cleaner and fresher, and calm surface or measured murmur will help relieve nervous tension and fatigue.

The most popular types of artificial reservoirs in landscape design:

  • pond;
  • Creek;
  • fountain;
  • waterfall.

The shape of reservoirs on personal plots can be either round, with an irregular coastline, or regular geometric shape - square, rectangular and diamond-shaped. It all depends on the style of the site as a whole, its location, the characteristics of the site and your imagination. The main rule here is that the reservoir must ideally fit into the surrounding landscape and become its integral element.

The most common shape for an artificial pond is round or oval. This is exactly what natural lakes look like, so if you want to create a corner of nature near your house or in the garden, then this option will be the most acceptable. In this case, there may even be an irregular coastline and asymmetric planting of the reservoir with plants.

If the pond is located on an area where everything is done in a classical style, straight lines dominate and there is no room for natural forms, then a pond of the correct shape is arranged. Often, this is the basis for a fountain, which is the center of the exhibition. Since such a pool does not have a natural barrier in the form of vegetation and stones, its sides must be placed higher to prevent it from falling into the water. As an option, protect such a pond with a low forged lattice.

It should be noted that the most common and least expensive in terms of labor and financial investments is a pond. But it is quite possible to arrange one on your site yourself without involving specialists.

The main thing here is experience. When it appears, the pond you created may become the first in the whole complex, connected by waterfalls, streams, and decorative bridges.

DIY decorative pond - where to start?

If a wonderful idea has occurred to you about arranging an artificial pond on your garden plot, you should not rush headlong to get a shovel. First of all, you need to select good place. The following factors must be taken into account:

  • plot size;
  • illumination;
  • relief;
  • degree of landscaping;
  • soil type.

It is best to equip a pond closer to your home. In this case, it should be positioned in such a way that the entire area of ​​the reservoir is illuminated by the sun for at least 5 hours a day. Otherwise, over time, a once beautiful pond may simply turn into a stinking swamp.

The terrain is also of great importance. Optimal place is a low-lying area where the water level in a well or well is closer to the surface of the earth.

During the selection process, you should also pay attention to the presence of vegetation - large trees located along the banks will be autumn time pollute the pond with fallen leaves, and tree roots can damage the protective film at the bottom.

The type of soil is important. Loam and clay soils, as well as peat, chernozem is less preferable - it promotes the formation of silt. On acidic soils, it is impractical to equip a reservoir without reliable protection of the side walls and bottom.

Once the site has been selected, shapes and sizes have been determined - it's time to stock up necessary materials and tools. Most often, to create a pond, they use ready-made rigid containers, which can be purchased at a specialized store, or flexible waterproofing, much less often - concrete (the most expensive and labor-intensive process).

Types of waterproofing for an artificial pond:

  • polyethylene film - inexpensive material, not UV resistant;
  • LDPE - polyethylene high pressure. Visually, it is practically no different from polyethylene, but has greater flexibility and durability.
  • PVC - polyvinyl chloride - is a strong and durable material, the edges of which are welded together.
  • rubber and butyl sheets are the most optimal, but expensive option. The service life of this material is practically unlimited.

Experts recommend avoiding plastic film for waterproofing. It copes with its function, but lasts no more than 2 years. If you want the pond to be more enjoyable long time, choose more durable materials.

Materials and tools:

  • shovel;
  • protective film or reservoir;
  • pipes for supplying and draining water;
  • valve;
  • geotextile material or sand

It's better to see it once. The whole process of arranging a pond in pictures looks like this:

Construction of a decorative pond

There is another way to arrange a pond - a concrete bowl, but this method is labor-intensive and expensive, so it is not currently used. Construction begins by marking the selected area and removing a layer of turf. After this, you can start digging a pit of the desired shape. In this case, be sure to leave the edges slightly inclined (flat, not steep). Next, if you plan to make a decorative pond using polyvinyl chloride film rather than a finished tank, you need to line the bottom of the future reservoir with waterproof material. Clay is quite suitable for these purposes. It must be laid in two layers - the second after the first has completely dried (a waterproof film must be laid between them). After this, you should fill the bottom with gravel.

Important: if you plan to plant a pond with plants, you should make special depressions at the bottom and fill them with fertile soil.

How to make a decorative pond so that the water in it is always clean and fresh?

In order to ensure that the appearance of the reservoir located on your site always pleases with its appearance and gives freshness and coolness, it is necessary to ensure that the water in it is running. For these purposes, you need to lay two pipes: flow and waste. Through the flow pipe, water will flow into the reservoir, and through the waste pipe it will be discharged into the ditch. Please note: the level of the drainage ditch should be slightly lower than the level of the pond. For ease of use, you can install a valve on the drain pipe or simply close the hole with a plug as needed. The first option is the most practical.

Construction of a decorative pond using galoshes

You will need significantly less labor costs if you purchase a special tank for an artificial pond. People called these containers “galoshes.” Why is that? Everything is very simple: they are made of black plastic, and the shape of such tanks in its external outline resembles rubber shoes. But if you wish, you can always find and buy a bowl for a pond of the shape that suits you.

In order to arrange a decorative pond at the dacha , you will need to purchase a special tank suitable size and forms: the cost of such is relatively low.

The main stages of arranging a reservoir:

  • contour marking;
  • digging pits;
  • installation of container.

In order to correctly mark the contour of the reservoir, it is necessary to install the tank on the ground and vertically install slats along its perimeter at intervals of 40-50 cm, then tie them with twine. This way you will get the outline of the future pond.

The container must be installed strictly horizontally. The tank should be filled with water gradually, while the gaps existing between it and the walls of the pit must be carefully filled with sand.

Note: if you want to equip the fountain in artificial reservoir, it is important to purchase in advance a special pump and nozzles, which are installed during the installation of the reservoir.

The final stage is the design of the reservoir. In order for your man-made pond to look truly stylish and beautiful, for example, just like the fancy decorative ponds, photos of which we posted, you need to properly design its banks.

Decoration of the banks of an artificial reservoir

On at this stage work you can not limit the flight of your imagination. To decorate an artificial pond you can use ceramic tiles, marble, granite, artificial stone, pebbles, wood, etc. These materials need to be used to camouflage the edges of the reservoir, which looks close to natural. It is important to fix them with cement mortar. If you plan to additionally equip your pond with a fountain, during the work you need to make sure that the pump hoses are hidden under tiles or stones.

Next, you can sprinkle the bottom of the reservoir with pre-washed sand, lay small pebbles and plant aquatic plants in pots or baskets. You can plant decorative shrubs or just a flower bed around the pond.

Decorative pond inhabitants are always a joy. These can be aquarium fish and dwarf turtles. And if you run lights along the bottom of the pond or place floating flashlights on batteries on the surface, you can create a real extravaganza of light and water.

Pond care

  • To maintain an artificial pond in good condition, he will need care.
  • First of all, you need to get a bottom vacuum cleaner to collect debris.
  • During leaf fall, you will need to cover the pond with a net to prevent leaves from falling into the water.
  • If there are fish living in the pond, then they will need filtration and aeration of the water.
  • To avoid greening of the water, it is either filtered and purified (for this the reservoir must be flowing), or planted with oxygen-producing plants: swampweed, hornwort, elodea.
  • If you plant water lilies or egg capsules in a pond, then with their wide leaves they will interfere sun rays and overheating of water.

An artificial pond on your own plot is an important element of landscape design, the arrangement of which must be approached with sense, feeling, and arrangement! And then the beauty created by your hands will delight both you and your guests!

Having your own artificial pond at your dacha has ceased to be a luxury; now anyone can build such a masterpiece. Such a structure can be aesthetic and functional. Some ponds are designed to decorate the landscape, others are intended for swimming or fish farming. Even just watching the water in a pond calms you down and improves your mood. It’s easy to make a pond on your site, just understand the basic nuances.


For some people, an artificial pond is not a decoration, but a necessity. If you have a pesky stream running through your property or have long put up with waterlogged soil, a pond will greatly improve your situation. It is best to build a pond in the spring. There are many options for building a pond yourself, which involve the use of special expensive materials or affordable (even improvised) means. Such construction does not require much time, effort and money. All you need is attention to detail and strict adherence to recommendations.


An artificial pond at the dacha is built for various purposes. It is by this criterion that the following types can be distinguished:

  • Small. The reservoir is not big size becomes part of the landscape design. It is designed to decorate a specific area in the garden. Near such a pond you can read a book in a chair, but it does not involve active recreation.
  • Decorative. Deeper than the previous version. Such a pond has a fountain inside, lighting around the perimeter, an openwork bridge and other decorative elements. The purpose of decorative ponds is to attract all the attention. Such reservoirs are located near a gazebo or open terrace.
  • For fish breeding. This pond will delight fishermen, children and cats. The beautiful fish are a pleasure to watch, and many species are great for dinner. It is important not only to launch the fish, but also to create comfortable conditions for them to reproduce.
  • For swimming. Own pond on the site - good alternative a simple pool. Such a pond is not limited only to aesthetic properties, but also provides benefits. A small pond will provide an opportunity to cool off in the heat, while a deep and large one will allow you to swim and play water games.


For fish breeding


Key issues such as location, size, shape and stylistic design are decided based on the type of reservoir. Therefore, first set a clear goal for yourself, only then move on to the next steps.


Modern manufacturers offer a wide variety of materials for self-made pond. It all depends on your goals and financial capabilities. For the right choice it is necessary to study everything carefully possible options. To construct a swimming pond, a good option would be to build a concrete bowl.

Filling the pond allows it to be used long time. This option is quite expensive, but reliable. More suitable and affordable option

– polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or fiberglass. The reliability of the materials allows the bowl to be used for 5 to 30 years, this directly depends on the work performed and the type of material. Both options for creating a pond allow you to create the desired depth and shape. Purchased forms – simplified version . You just need to dig a pit, install a mold and reinforce the structure with sand. The plastic bowls are quite durable and easy to carry. winter frosts . Polypropylene bowls are afraid ultraviolet rays

and become unusable due to their prolonged exposure. The disadvantages of such structures are the rather high price and difficult transportation.

It will be difficult to bring a bowl under a large pond to its destination without damage. Moreover, you will need basic skills in installing such structures; it is difficult for beginners to cope with such a task without damaging the bowl. The most reliable film is considered to be butyl rubber, made from rubber. Experts recommend using this material for those who have a pond of impressive depth, a bottom with many stones and roots. You can enjoy a pond with such waterproofing for 50 years. The great advantage of the material is its favorable reaction to repeated freezing and thawing. Specialized materials are the preferred option, but not the only one. Craftsmen

  • offer the following options: Old bath
  • . Such an object can be painted and installed on the surface, or it can be lowered into the ground to an arbitrary depth. You can easily install a small fountain along with a pond. Tires
  • . Variably, tires or wheels are used as the frame of a small pond. The installation method is similar to a bathtub. The item itself is so light that such ponds are often made by children and women, whereas they cannot handle a bathtub. It is important to pay special attention to the decor so as not to overload the space with details.
  • Plastic bottles. This material makes it possible to create small reservoirs with maximum speed. It is enough to cut the eggplant at the desired level and dig it in the right place.

Keep in mind that the material determines how long you will enjoy your summer cottage pond. It is important to choose materials that do not harm the environment. Otherwise, toxins will penetrate into the soil, and this will affect your harvest.


It cannot be stated unequivocally that a large pond will cost more than a small one or will have better aesthetic properties. Optimal options you need to select based on your goals. Key factors when choosing size:

  • Dimensions. This parameter depends solely on the location of the reservoir. It is believed that the reservoir should cover no more than 3-10% of the area of ​​the entire summer cottage. There are no clear boundaries, it all depends on your preferences.
  • Lenght and width. This criterion also largely depends on the size of the site, the purpose of the reservoir and your capabilities. The latter concerns digging a pit - you can dig a small one yourself, but for a large one you will need special equipment.
  • Depth. The larger the pond, the deeper it can be made. Thus, a mini-structure can have a depth of several tens of centimeters, and a swimming pond - several meters.
  • Zoning is relevant for large bodies of water. Design experts recommend dividing the pond into 3 zones. Coastal zone - 10-40 cm deep for approaching the pond and landing ornamental plants. Shallow water zone - from 40 cm to 1 m; at this depth you can plant a winter-hardy water lily or nymph. If this is a body of water for swimming, then this is the area that will make it possible to smoothly enter the water. Children can swim at shallow depths. The deep-water zone is more than 1 meter deep, adults can swim here, and fish are also bred at this depth.
  • Biodynamic balance. It is necessary to take this factor into account if various kinds of living creatures live in the pond. Provide such a balance that the artificial pond can clean itself. Purification of water in a pond with fish or plants using chlorine or ozone is not provided.
  • Care. As a general rule, the larger the pond, the easier it is to clean. Be sure to think about ways to care for plants, fish, and the pond itself.


It is very important to position the pond correctly. Especially if we are talking about a large-scale structure that will serve you for many years. Important factors when choosing a location:

  • Plot size. This factor is closely related to the size of the pond itself, and therefore to its location.
  • Relief. It is important to consider the combination of the topography of the earth with the shape of the pond itself.
  • Soil composition and groundwater. This factor is directly related to maximum depth pond. If the circumstances are unfavorable, you will face additional hassle and material costs.
  • Illumination. Choose a shaded place. The sun should not be on the water for more than 5-6 hours a day. Neglect of this factor leads to active evaporation of water and increased bacterial activity. To select the right location, observe the solar regime for 2-3 days. It is especially important to correctly evaluate this criterion when breeding fish. Heated water reduces the amount of oxygen, which can lead to the death of pets.
  • Visibility. Choose a place so that the pond can be seen from a window or gazebo. A decorative pond will become the calling card of your site if it is noticeable at the entrance to the territory.

  • Reflection. Oddly enough, it is better to think in advance what will be reflected in your pond. If the reflection includes a toilet in the yard or a shed, this can ruin the overall impression.
  • Degree of landscaping. Make sure that tree roots cannot damage the pond bowl. Also keep in mind that in the fall, leaves and branches may fall into the pond and turn into sludge at the bottom. Carelessness when choosing the right place can lead to difficulties in caring for the pond. If you really want to decorate the perimeter of the pond with bushes, then consider the option of plants in barrels (tubs).
  • Electricity supply. Some decorative elements are powered by electricity. So, you can install an interesting fountain, make lighting and much more. The main thing is to carefully consider the option of supplying electricity to water. It is better to think through this issue at the design stage. It is safest to place the wires underground in a secure corrugation. For permanent access to them, equip a hatch.
  • Future expansions and improvements. Plan ahead. You may want to expand the pond or develop a more detailed recreation area near it. Provide free space on at least one side of the pond.


The tone of the waterproofing is of great importance and affects the overall image. The black bottom creates the illusion of a mirror. In such a reservoir, plants and the sky are perfectly reflected. The brown and black material allows you to create an imitation of natural soil, which is usually located at the bottom of a reservoir.

Blue and cream ponds do not strongly resemble the creation of nature, but they are excellent option when breeding colorful fish. Also, blue and grayish tones are great for the body of water in which you are going to swim. These colors imitate the bottom of the pool.

Thus, the color should be chosen based on the purpose. Decorative pond will approach natural look thanks to the dark bottom. For breeding fish and swimming, you should choose bright hues, up to white.


It is almost impossible to describe all the shapes of ponds, because the imagination of design masters knows no bounds. Conventionally, we can distinguish between regular geometric shapes and fantasy ones. Among the first, the most popular designs are in the shape of a circle, oval, and rectangle. Fantasy forms are more whimsical, and this is their charm. Such ponds are most similar to the creation of nature, which does not tolerate severity. Among the popular forms, one can highlight the imitation of a natural form.

Style and design

Design specialists responsibly declare that a country pond can be made in two versions, but they can have many modifications. Design options:

  1. Formal. The name speaks for itself. Such a country pond has clear geometric shapes. This option is well suited for areas in the style of modern, high-tech, minimalism, and classic. Formal ponds include not only rectangular, square and round ponds. This also includes broken figures; they can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical. The design of such ponds is strict. Classic neutral colors are used. It is typical for a formal reservoir a small amount of additional decorative elements or their complete absence.
  2. Landscape. This option is more popular than the previous one. Such a pond has an indistinct coastline, close to natural look. It is the landscape style that makes it possible to create a harmonious balance between an artificial reservoir and nature itself. You can realize your wildest ideas. Before choosing a pond style, evaluate the topography of the site. Level ground guarantees the embodiment of any fantasy shape.

Raises and depressions in the ground require careful design, but make it possible to easily build a cascade or waterfall. On intricate terrain, bridges and slides look more natural.

A suitable relief can be created artificially. It will be necessary to use more sophisticated technologies when working with the foundation. Carelessness will lead to distortion due to subsidence of the earth. A high pond (located above ground) is also possible as part of the landscape design. There are many advantages of this design:

  • Easy to care for.
  • Minimum amount of excavation work.
  • Safety of children and pets.

The bathtub pond is the most striking example of such a reservoir. You can paint the walls in Japanese style, which looks natural in the garden. Such an element will complement the general landscape design plot.

How to do it yourself?

The construction of a pond should be carried out according to clear instructions. This way you can properly dig out the boiler and lay down waterproofing. Construction of a pond using film step by step:

  • Making a pond starts with a plan. Choose a convenient scale and draw absolutely everything, including the depth of each zone. It is recommended at this stage to think about decorative design. This is especially important if you are planning to build a pond with a waterfall. A detailed plan will help you avoid mistakes.
  • Now you need to mark the future pit. This can be done using a rope stretched over pegs, a rubber hose, or even sand (draw an outline with it). It is important that the banks are at the same height. Start digging a pit based on the plan. Check their level from time to time.
  • It's time for excavation work. Dig a hole the depth of which will correspond to the depth of the coastal zone. Make markings and fix the burial line. Arrange the second tier and make a line for digging the deepest zone of the future pond. Fulfill excavation better together, but for big pond and even hire an excavator.

  • After the hole is dug, you need to measure the dimensions and depth. Do this with a cord. To the resulting number, add 50 cm on each side of the pit. Now you know how much PVC film you need to purchase.
  • Cover the hole tightly with film. Geotextiles can be laid underneath to prevent tree roots from damaging the waterproofing over time. In addition, the structure can be strengthened using roofing felt or linoleum. You can also strengthen the shore and bottom using tightly compacted sand. It is recommended to do this procedure on a sunny day, this way the film will heat up and fit more tightly onto all the bends of the pit.
  • The edges of the film must be tucked into a pre-prepared trench around the perimeter of the pond. Next, you need to fill the trench with crushed stone or other stone. This way you will ensure reliable fixation of the film.

  • The bank should be strengthened so that over time the earth does not crumble. Reinforce the edge of the pond with stone blocks or plastic pipes, they need to be nailed to the pegs. It is recommended to lay the edge with natural stone and complement the picture with large boulders.
  • At this stage it is necessary place plants that will decorate the pond, into special baskets and install them in the right places in accordance with the plan. Line the bottom with small stones or gravel.

  • It's time to fill the pond with water. The best assistant there will be a hose for you. Carrying water in buckets is not convenient, especially if the reservoir is large. Standing water can cause many problems, including bad smell. To eliminate this complexity, you can make the pond a stream. To do this, simply raise the source slightly above the level of the pond, and supply water to it from the bowl itself using a pump. This device will save you from unnecessary hassle.
  • Installation submersible pump , pipes to the source of the stream and connecting the filter - the last stage technical work. It is recommended to use a pressure filter to purify water; it is more effective.

A more domestic version of a pond from an old bathtub can be made in such a way that old plumbing will be unrecognizable in the magical composition. The process of constructing a pond can be performed according to the following instructions:

  • Dig a hole for the bathtub so that the depth of the pit is 40 cm higher than the tank itself.
  • Finish the edges of the hole. Remove 35-45 cm of soil around the perimeter.
  • Deepen these strips so that the height is equal to the height of the bathtub.

Be sure to close the bathtub drain. You can use concrete or film for waterproofing. After this, lower the bathtub into the hole.

  • Cover the inside of the bathtub with small tiles or paint it with waterproof paint in the desired color. After this, cover the bathtub and leave until completely dry.
  • Cover the perimeter of the bath with a chain-link mesh. This material is rightfully considered the best for reinforcement.
  • Cover the chain-link with a mixture of sand and cement.
  • Swipe decorative works. For this you can use stones, tiles, gravel and similar materials.

Required Tools

The amount of inventory depends on how complex and varied the pond you want to create. To build a simple pond, you will need:

  • Shovel.
  • Ground trolley.
  • Building level.
  • Cord for marking.
  • Pegs.
  • Water supply hose.
  • Film for waterproofing a pond or any other base.

Such a minimum list is always needed. In addition to the above, you may need fencing. This will keep your animals and children safe. Decorative fences significantly affect the overall appearance artificial reservoir.


To create a more complex composition, you need to acquire additional equipment:

  • Water purification filter. This is especially important if you are creating a fish pond.
  • Water pump. This device is used for pumping and pumping water, operating filters, fountains and waterfalls.
  • Sterilizer. This device guarantees crystal clear water in the pond.
  • Aerator (compressor). The device saturates the water with oxygen. Relevant in a pond with fish and plants. It is important to choose a model specifically for the pond; models for aquariums do not have the required power. You may have to use an excavator to dig the pit.

Water purification filter

Water pump


Plants and additional accessories

Can be installed in a pond as a decoration decorative fountain. The design can be purchased at finished form or build it yourself. A decorative pond is often supplemented with bridges. Garden figurines nearby will perfectly complement the composition. Flowers and plants in the pond require special attention. Plants are divided into deep-water and shallow-water.

The first ones are planted at the bottom in special baskets. They should occupy no more than 30% total area reservoir, otherwise it will turn into a swamp. Such excess can destroy other inhabitants of the reservoir, especially fish. Carefully plant flowers on the coast, keep in mind that they will grow over time.

First of all, nymphs are planted in the pond, and then the bottom is filled up decorative stone, starting from the deep zone. On the terrace you can plant marsh calamus, calamus, sedge, chastuha and susak. On the surface of the water you can place water hyacinth, bagel, pistia or swampweed.

On the shore you can place various types of iris, reed, buzulnik, aruncus, miscanthus. The composition can be supplemented with perennials: hostas, buttercups, primroses, astilbes or bathing flowers.

Peltiphyllums, loosestrifes, and Rogers plants look great near an artificial pond.

Do you need fish?

A reservoir can be populated with different fauna. Ducks and even swans can live on the pond, it all depends on you. Most often, fish live in country ponds. The choice of residents of the reservoir should be taken carefully. The most common inhabitants of ponds are crucian carp, goldfish, carp and tench. Keep in mind that one fish up to 15 cm in size requires about 50 liters of water space.

They will constantly fall into the water, and large roots can seriously disrupt the waterproofing of the reservoir.

Size pond but depends on the scale of the entire site and the intentions of its owner. Considered classic pond with a diameter of about 3.5 m and a depth of about 100-120 cm. But if the area is small, you can make a pond about a meter in size and no more than 50 cm deep. It is important to remember that if you plan to breed any aquatic species, the depth should be a little greater – about 100 cm.

The next step in pond and there will be preparation of the pit. In essence, it is just a hole of a certain depth with a relatively flat bottom and walls. The shape of the pit can be made almost any way. If it is subsequently intended to use a ready-made purchased form for waterproofing, then the foundation pit must follow its lines. If there is no rigid form, you can give it to the future pond have the contours of a circle, oval, figure eight, etc. The walls of the finished pit are cleared of protruding roots and sharp stones, and the bottom is covered with a thick layer of sand, which is well compacted.

Creating good waterproofing is very important stage in the arrangement pond A. If the choice is made on a purchased rigid form, it is important to ensure that it is made of high-quality material. Cheap plastic will quickly crack and crumble when exposed to sunlight and temperature changes. Homemade waterproofing is usually done either by pouring it into the bottom and walls of pits, or from film laid in several layers. For flexible waterproofing, you should choose PVC film or, if your budget allows, butyl rubber. Such material can last from 15 to 30 years. The bottom and walls of the pit are lined with film, leaving small allowances at the edges for fixation.

Ready pond decorated around the edges with natural materials: large cobblestones, plants, covered with turf. To replenish with fresh water, it is good to pond iku is an artificial stream, the edges of which can also be lined natural stone. The bottom can be decorated with a variety of stones (necessarily with blunt edges) and aquatic plants, planted in baskets or small permeable containers. The most suitable are water lilies (nymphs), which beautifully cover the surface of the water.

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  • DIY pond

Pond on dacha will solve the problem with water and swimming on a hot day. With a fountain and beautiful lighting, it will transform your area. It will give it unique beauty. An ideal addition to a pond is a green stream that will saturate the water with oxygen. Dig a pond at the dacha - easy task.

You will need

  • - rope;
  • - spade;
  • - shovel;
  • - wheelbarrow;
  • - 3 plastic pipes;
  • - polyethylene film;
  • - decorative rock.


Take a long rope and outline the contours of the pond, which should be 30 centimeters further than the intended reservoir.

Plan the pond bed with great precision. It must be of equal depth everywhere. If the height is not the same, water may spill in a low place.

If you have planned a pond area of ​​3.5 sq.m., then its depth should be 0.5 m. Give your pond a semicircular or oval shape.

Having made the base for the pond, install pipes to it. Two plastic pipes will provide the necessary water circulation. Install a third pipe to discharge water if it overflows from the pond during rain. It must be accessible for cleaning. On winter period Drain the water from the pond and close the pipes.

Take plastic film 1 mm thick and cover the pond. If there is not enough film to cover the entire area, then glue two pieces together with moisture-resistant glue. When choosing the color of the film, do not forget that the shade of your country pond will depend on it. Fill the pit with water.

If desired, install a small fountain in the middle of the pond. In the store you will find a special pump for constructing fountains. Maximum effect Such a fountain will make a difference if you arrange multi-colored lighting. To do this, you will need a low voltage transformer from 12 to 36 volts.

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Anyone who has ever visited a museum - a classic Russian estate - was probably fascinated by the harmony of its natural and man-made landscape, the thoughtful layout of the house, park, and alleys. An indispensable attribute of such ownership has always been ponds, which gave a special picturesqueness to the countryside landscape. So, dacha owners very often want to create a special corner of beauty on their property - build a pond. The construction of reservoirs in vegetable gardens has become completely solvable for dacha without the help of specialized companies.

You will need

  • - sand;
  • - pebbles;
  • - boulders;
  • - gravel;
  • - geotextiles;
  • - PVC film (polyethylene, fiberglass, butyl rubber).


Decide on the choice of place under the pond. If your site has a slope, dig a hole for the pond in a low area. If the garden is laid out on level ground, a quiet corner with partial shade, protected from strong northern and western winds, is preferable for an artificial lake.

Mark the outline of the future pond. Dig a pit of the required depth according to the chosen shape. It is recommended to dig the hole in steps, in terraces. Clear the bottom and “banks” of rhizomes and stones, cover the horizontal surfaces with a 10 cm thick layer of sand.

Purchase the necessary waterproofing materials. There are many high-quality flexible coverings and ready-made rigid forms on sale that will help in arranging your small decorative pool. If you plan to create a small pond (with a volume of 150-420 liters), you will need polyethylene.

If your preference is a pond with a volume of 350 to 1200 liters, choose fiberglass. It has a long service life - up to 30 years. It is convenient because it allows you to choose the color and can be repaired.

If you plan to build a shallow (up to 70 cm) and narrow (up to 15 sq.m.) pond, take PVC film 0.5 mm thick. For ponds with a larger area and a depth of up to 1.5 m, you will need a film twice as thick (1 mm). The advantages of this material are the ability to adapt to any shape and any volume of the pit.

Let's assume you choose PVC film. First, cover the bottom and side walls of the pit with a layer of geotextile. Then lay the film on it without tension. Fill the resulting bowl with water. Leave a strip of film 50 cm wide protruding above the water level, cutting off the excess. “Hide” the film in a special trench dug along the edge of the coastal slope. Use sand, stones, boulders, and gravel for this.

The final point in arranging a pond is its decoration. Traditional decoration includes water lilies and special types of plants for ponds. The area around can be decorated with flowers, pergolas, intricate benches for relaxation - as your imagination dictates.


You may prefer ready-made, rigidly formed plastic containers. They are good for their durability (they last up to 10 years or more) and because they are resistant to overheating by the sun and exposure to low temperatures. The disadvantage is the frequent unevenness of wall thickness due to imperfect molds or production technology.

Helpful advice

There are other options building materials for pond construction, for example, butyl rubber (EPDM membrane). This material is more durable and reliable compared to PVC film and can also be repaired using special tapes and adhesives. Clay can be used to line the bottom and sides of a pit. More complex work - with concrete mixture and fittings.


  • Mirror surface of the pond in 2019

Some gardeners dream of having a small pond on their site that will decorate the space. Creating such a personal pond with your own hands is not so difficult, you just need to follow a few rules.

You will need

  • -12 sq.m. geotextile 350 microns thick;
  • - 4 meters of butyl rubber film 7 meters wide;
  • - Scenery.


First you need to decide where the pond will be located. You should not choose places near large trees, as root system can damage the film lining the bottom, and falling leaves will constantly fall into the water. In an open sunny place, the water will begin to “bloom” faster, so you need to choose partial shade.

Then you need to outline the contours of the future pond using pegs or a garden hose.

For further work you will need a shovel and a wheelbarrow. You need to dig a hole approximately 2 * 3.5 m in size. The bottom must be sprinkled with sand 5 cm thick and lined with geotextiles (provides reliable protection of the waterproofing from damage, prevents water from “blooming” in the reservoir).

The next layer is a film of butyl rubber. You need to make sure that the coating lies flat and there is enough material left around the edges. Press down the edges of the film.

The ends of the material must be free. Before pouring water into the pond, you need to make sure with a level that the banks are the right height. Fill the pond with water. The film will stretch under its weight, so it is recommended to carefully straighten and remove wrinkles. Then you should dig a trench and hide the ends of the film.

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