How to plant hot peppers from seeds at home - sowing seedlings. Growing hot peppers in open ground

We grow bitter, hot, hot, piquant chili peppers in the country! Hot chili peppers are a piquant plant, dishes with the fruits of which are enjoyed by people of strong spirit. In almost every dacha you can see lonely bushes of a burning plant, and therefore we can conclude that many of us have a desire to grow hot chili peppers.

Of course, many people have a desire to get bitter or hot capsicum, but, unfortunately, some summer residents are not familiar with the agricultural technology of the plant, and therefore do not receive magnificent harvests, but only meager reminders of it. The pepper dries out ahead of time, does not set an ovary, turns out to be very small or with a small amount of fruit... most often, this is exactly what happens. But we have a way to grow capsicum correctly, and it is suggested to us by professionals in their field - summer residents who have been harvesting a serious pepper crop on their own plot for many years!

What are chili peppers?

Red hot pepper is quite interesting, and even spectacular plant, which is a subshrub native to the tropics of America. In fact, this is a representative of the nightshade family, which is also the Bulgarian Bell pepper. According to botany, pepper is a berry, but people are accustomed to calling it a vegetable. There are many names of similar crops in the world that we confuse or associate with one plant. These are cayenne pepper, hot chili peppers, red hot and green hot peppers, hot capsicum and so on. Today we will start from the common and more familiar name to all of us - red chili pepper.

Growing red hot peppers in the country

The principles of cultivation are similar to bell peppers, but we decided to talk about chili separately, since there are certain nuances and rules of agricultural technology. What is needed to grow berries and vegetables on the plot? Where to start and what sequence of processes to determine until harvesting?

Conditions for growing chili

The most acceptable conditions for growth and fruiting are considered to be nutritious and moist soil, a quiet and well-lit place, clean air and warmth.

Chile is extremely concerned about stagnant water, high levels groundwater, extreme heat and sunburn, as well as water getting on the leaves and stems (the sprinkling method when watering is undesirable).

Growing seedlings and sowing chili peppers

There are practically no differences here from growing peppers and even tomatoes. Therefore, you can act based on previously acquired knowledge.

Initially, the seeds are prepared for planting, the substrate for seedlings is prepared, and the rules of cultivation are studied. healthy seedlings and preparing conditions for its rise.

Afterwards, we proceed directly to landing. It’s worth starting it in February, but if you last until March, there’s nothing to worry about. Having planted the seeds in the ground, expect two strong leaves on the surface, and transfer the young greens to separate peat cups or small pots, the diameter of which is at least 7-8 cm.

Having created quality conditions to grow seedlings, we expect their development.

Before planting seeds, it is necessary to ensure that the soil is sterile and nutritious. After germination, monitor humidity and temperature, try not to disturb the plants with transfers, drafts, or other irritating factors. Provide young seedlings with long daylight hours, daytime temperatures up to +20°C and at night at least +15°C. You can also carry out forcing in a greenhouse for seedlings, which will help the plants develop better and also harden in time.

Planting adult pepper seedlings

Hot red pepper, the seedlings of which have reached 12-15 cm, the roots have strengthened, and appearance indicates normal development, ready for transplantation. On permanent place adult seedlings can be placed in a greenhouse or a greenhouse, which we recently built at the dacha. Also, you can always arrange for pepper raised beds, on which it will be more convenient to grow crops.

In addition, the seedlings can be transferred to large pots, along with a ball of earth, and taken outside in warm weather, leaving until the evening to harden the plants. Thanks to this, the peppers will become stronger and will be easier to withstand the night cold after planting in open ground.

It is worth stating that hot peppers grow much better in a greenhouse where there is constant temperature regime, humidity levels and other parameters are maintained for quality growth. In open ground, where conditions can change several times a day, pepper grows weaker.

In the most suitable conditions, hot chili peppers can grow into large subshrubs, up to 1 m high, and fill their branches with high quality fruits.

Formation of a hot pepper bush, proper pruning

Optimal development conditions produce healthy and strong pepper bushes on their own, but if you want to see branched and lower bushes on the site, you can always pinch the tops of the plants.

If you intend to receive a larger and quality harvest, but in fewer peppers, promptly remove some of the flowers and stems growing inside the bush.

Fertilizers for chili peppers

Experts say that for red pepper, the fertilizers contained in the soil are sufficient (if you monitor the optimal content of nutrients in the soil in autumn and spring). But you can always support the growth and development of plants complex fertilizers, which are deposited every 2 weeks. Fertilizing with chicken droppings in dissolved form will also help.

Watering hot peppers

Watering should occur constantly as the soil dries out. Do not overwater the pepper or let the soil under the plants dry out until it cracks. Watering should be done with warm water, not during the brightest sun, so as not to harm the root system.

If you are growing chili peppers in pots, watering can be done in small amounts up to twice a day (pay attention to the temperature).

The plants themselves can indicate a lack of watering by becoming covered with light or brown spots that are located on the fruits and stems.

When to Harvest Hot Peppers?

Hot peppers can be picked from the bush and consumed at almost any stage. Initially, these are green and bitter fruits, at the ripening stage they are red, sharply sweet. It is quite possible to harvest the crop in a semi-ripe state. If you decide to ripen your peppers at home on your windowsill, don’t worry, it’s possible!

Secrets of growing red peppers (video)

By choosing hot red chili peppers to grow in your dacha, you will only get positive emotions and results. A pleasant seasoning for dishes, a spicy sauce based on fruits, canning separately or as an additive to tomatoes, juices, pickles - there are a lot of ways to use them, and the most important thing is that at the same time you regulate the taste of the dishes, which no one else can correct in this way country fruit. Grow peppers and enjoy its fiery taste, but don’t forget to share with us your own observations, wisdom, and special methods for raising seedlings or forming a bush in greenhouses and in open ground.

IN cold period year, I want to create a special coziness in my home, and edible and ornamental plants, grown on a windowsill at home. Potted pepper is no exception; it not only adds originality to the interior, but also gives lovers of spicy food the opportunity to spice up their dishes.

Features of growing hot peppers in an apartment on the windowsill

Growing peppers on a windowsill is enough exciting activity. Regarding this goal unusual landing, then he o can be a big plus forinterior decoration of the room, villageKolka plant, densely strewn with bright ripe fruits, looks very decorative.

And, of course, it will not be superfluous when eaten.

Advice! You can use hot pepper for salting, pickling and canning, as well as as a spicy addition to first (soups) and second courses (especially meat).

For successful cultivation pepper on the windowsill must be created optimal conditions for its growth and development, because this culture is quite capricious. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in advance with the characteristics and preferences of the plant, as well as the rules for planting and further care.

By the way! With proper care and regular feeding, indoor peppers can grow fully and produce a stable harvest for 5-10 years, because This perennial.

To grow hot peppers at home, you need to consider the following factors:

  • seeds suitable variety from a trusted manufacturer or freshly cut cuttings;
  • choice optimal location for plant growth, its lighting, the need for additional lighting;
  • selection landing tanks and a suitable substrate;
  • features of watering and fertilizing;
  • knowledge of pepper diseases and pests.

Important! By following all the rules of care, you can get 10-20 or more fruits from one plant at the same time.

Choosing a bitter variety for planting in an apartment

The following varieties decorative pepper ideal for growing on a windowsill in an apartment:

  1. Ogonyok. This variety has long been popular due to its compact bush, which reaches a height of 40 cm. It was developed by crossing chili and cayenne pepper. Forms fruits up to 5 cm, which at the base have a diameter of 1-1.2 cm. As they grow, they change their color: green, yellow, red. The fruits ripen within 120 days.
  2. Aladdin. An ultra-early compact variety, the height of the bush reaches 35-40 cm at home. Forms cone-shaped multi-colored fruits, the length of which does not exceed 3 cm. During the growth process, the shade of the fruit changes: green, purple, red. Fruit ripening occurs within 105 days.
  3. Garda Firewall. One of the new ones indoor varieties. Forms compact bushes 30 cm high. The length of the pods is 5 cm. A peculiarity of pepper is that the fruits stick out with their tips up. As they ripen, they change color, so the plant can simultaneously have green, lilac, orange and red fruits. The pods ripen within 115 days.
  4. Explosion Amber. The unusualness of the variety is that the foliage of the plant has a dark purple color. Forms cone-shaped small fruits 2.5 cm long. As they grow, the shade of the fruit changes: purple, pink, scarlet. The bush forms compact, 30 cm high. The variety is considered early ripening, fruit ripening occurs after 115 days.

Also suitable for growing at home are such varieties of hot pepper as Black Prince, Five-Colored, Medusa, Ornament, Orange Round, Phoenix, Fakir, Falcon's Beak, Queen of Spades, Firework.

Depending on individual preferences, you can select one or several varieties at the same time.

As a rule, the most popular varieties peppers for growing on a windowsill Ogonyok and Chili.

Important! You cannot use seeds from a pod purchased in a store to grow pepper on a windowsill, since it is an industrial variety and requires completely different conditions.

Video: decorative indoor hot pepper - review different varieties

Features of planting hot pepper at home - step-by-step instructions

To grow Ogonyok pepper on a windowsill, you need to prepare for the procedure by studying the preferences and features of growing this crop in room conditions. Only by following all stages of planting can you ultimately achieve the desired result.

Sowing dates: when to sow seeds

It is worth understanding that hot peppers grow for a very long time, like any pepper, for example,

In the case of growing indoor hot pepper, you can start sowing it at any time, that is all year round. Let’s say if you sow in winter, in December-January, you can get the harvest in summer – in June-July.

Choosing a suitable location and creating optimal growing conditions

Hot peppers are very demanding of light and heat, so for its full growth and development it is necessary to choose southern or southeastern (or western) window sill. During the period of active sun in spring, the plant needs light shading. In summer, the plant should be placed on a balcony or loggia, but it is recommended to avoid drafts.

Important! Pepper does not tolerate cold drafts, so when ventilating the room it is best to keep it away from an open window. You should also seal (seal) any holes if you have old window frames.

For full growth and development, the plant needs 12-16 – hour duration daylight hours. During short days from early October to March, hot peppers especially need V additional lighting phytolamps or full-spectrum LED lamps in the morning and evening, as well as on cloudy days.

Important! Lack of light manifests itself light shade foliage, which can ultimately lead to leaf fall. In this case, the duration of artificial additional illumination must be increased.

For normal plant growth in winter air temperature should not fall below +18 degrees, and starting in spring optimal temperature is +20-24 degrees.

Do not forget! In summer, pots of indoor peppers can, and even should, be taken outside.

Planting container

Hot pepper forms a relatively compact root system, which is located closer to the ground surface. It is recommended to select pots for growing indoor peppers volume of at least 3 liters, and preferably 4-5 liters.

Important! Peppers are grown, as a rule, with a pick, so for the initial sowing, very shallow, wide (rectangular) containers (4-5 centimeters in height) are first prepared. From these, the grown plants are subsequently transplanted into larger individual containers, and then to a permanent place (in large pots).

A prerequisite is Availability drainage holes in the bottom of the pot, which helps remove excess moisture. Before planting, it is necessary to pour a 2-3 cm layer of drainage onto the bottom, which will prevent water from stagnating in the pot.

Suitable substrate

For sowing hot pepper seeds, you can purchase seedling substrate in a specialized store. But you can prepare a nutrient mixture for planting yourself. To do this you will need the following components:

  • 2 parts peat;
  • 1 part river sand, perlite or vermiculite.

Immediately before planting hot pepper seeds, it is necessary to disinfect the soil by sprinkling it with a biofungicide or potassium permanganate, which will prevent the development of fungal diseases. You can also disinfect the soil in advance by heating it in the oven.

Pre-sowing seed preparation

Pepper seeds before planting are recommended germinate in a humid environment. To do this, you need to spread the seeds in damp gauze (or use cotton pads) and carefully wrap the fabric. And then put them in some container and close the lid so that the moisture is retained longer.

For germination, place in a dark and warm place (+25-27 degrees) for several days(1-2 days will be enough), periodically opening, moistening and examining for the presence of sprouts. As soon as most of the seeds hatch, they will need to be planted in the prepared soil.

Important! Seeds should not be allowed to dry out during germination, otherwise they will die.

Although, in principle, you can sow dry seeds.

Growing hot peppers from cuttings indoors

In some cases, to save all species properties It is recommended to carry out cuttings of pepper. Cuttings must be cut from green young shoots without fruits, 7-8 cm long. Each of them should preferably have at least a leaf, but not necessarily.

Before planting in the ground, they must be pre-soaked in a zircon solution (3 drops per 100 ml of water) for 12-24 hours or the lower cut must be powdered with root powder.

For more information on growing indoor hot peppers from cuttings, see the video below.

Video: growing hot peppers on a windowsill from cuttings - pruning and propagation

Step-by-step instructions for sowing seeds and planting (rooting) cuttings

To grow peppers on a windowsill, you must initially plant them correctly. Only if you comply with all necessary conditions procedures can achieve the desired result in the end.

Step-by-step instructions for sowing pepper seeds at home:

  • Prepare the seeds.
  • Fill the containers (pots) with the required substrate and level the surface.
  • Moisten the soil generously with water and allow it to be completely absorbed.
  • Make small grooves (rows) up to 1 centimeter deep.
  • Place the seeds at a distance of 0.5-1 cm from each other.
  • Sprinkle with soil.
  • Moisturize upper layer from a spray bottle.
  • Cover containers with glass or film to preserve high humidity air inside the planting container (to create greenhouse conditions).
  • Place the containers in a dark and warm place (22-26 degrees) until shoots appear.

Video: how to grow indoor hot peppers - correct sowing and further care

Features of further care for hot peppers in the apartment

After the pepper sprouts appear, it is recommended to move the container with the seeds to the windowsill and lower the temperature to +20-22 degrees. The glass or film should be removed completely and be sure to begin illuminating it up to 12-16 hours of daylight with the help of lamps.

In order to exclude warm air from heating devices, pepper sprouts should be covered with a layer of foam or a blanket.

Pepper cuttings take root within 2-3 weeks.


When 2-3 true sheets appear it is necessary to plant (pick) the peppers in separate containers.

The first planting should be done in pots (it’s best to take cups) with a diameter of no more than 5 cm and a height of up to 10 cm.


  • Before diving, water the container with the seedlings so that you can transfer the seedlings with a clod of earth.
  • The new soil should be even more airy and fertile, so prepare a substrate based on peat, humus and river sand (perlite), taking the components in approximately equal parts.
  • After picking, water the transplanted seedlings with water (preferably with the addition of root for better rooting).

Further Young seedlings need to be replanted as they grow. As soon as the roots begin to crowd into the pot, it is recommended to replant the plant, increasing the diameter of the pot. A container for an adult plant should be about 10-15 cm high and about 20-30 cm in diameter.

Video: how to plant indoor peppers


Hot peppers are very demanding on soil moisture and does not tolerate watering with cold water. It is necessary to water the plant moderately, with water room temperature, as the top layer in the pot dries, but giving the opportunity to absorb moisture from the pan. If there is still water in the pan 30 minutes after watering, it should be completely poured out.

Important! The higher the air temperature, the more often the soil should be moistened.

In conditions of low air humidity It is worth carrying out additional spraying of the foliage using a spray bottle.

Top dressing

For the full growth of hot peppers on the windowsill, you need carry out regular feeding. During the period of active growing season (gain of green mass), preference should be given to mineral fertilizers with a high nitrogen content or organic fertilizers. And when forming buds and fruits, it is worth using fertilizers with a large amount of potassium. It’s even better if you use complex mineral supplements, which also contain phosphorus. The plant needs to be fed once every 7-14 days.

Forming (stepping) and pinching

As a rule, indoor hot peppers grown on a windowsill are not planted.

To make the bush branch better, you can pinch its top.

Main diseases and pests

Peppers, including indoor ones, are susceptible to fungal diseases and various pests. Therefore, you should know in advance what problems may arise and how to deal with them.

  • Aphid. This pest loves to feast on young shoots of pepper, so it is on them that a large accumulation of pests forms. To combat them, it is necessary to treat the plant with the biological preparation Fitoverm or bitoxybacillin.

By the way! A folk remedy for combating aphids is ammonia. You need to prepare a solution (dissolve 5-10 ml of ammonia in 1 liter of water) and simply pour it under the root.

  • Spider mite. It is characterized by stunting of plant growth and curling of young leaves, on which a small cobweb later appears. To combat the pest, it is necessary to spray with Actellik, although at home it is still better to use biological products (Fitoverm, bitoxibacillin).

Advice! One more the folk way pest control is tobacco. You just need to sprinkle the tobacco from the cigarette on top of the soil in the pot.

  • Blackleg. It affects pepper seedlings during the initial period of germination. The stem at the base of the seedlings becomes thin and turns black. Appears as a result of overwatering a plant, which leads to its death. It will no longer be possible to save the plant. To prevent the disease, it is recommended to water the soil and spray the sprouts with previkur fungicide.

Important! After treatment with the preparations, it is necessary to adhere to the waiting period indicated on the packaging of each product; it is not allowed to use pepper for cooking during this period.

Video: how to get rid of aphids on indoor hot peppers

Timing of emergence and first harvest of homemade hot pepper

Hot pepper seeds take a long time to germinate, which is why this feature must be taken into account when planting. Shoots appear within 14-21 days if all recommendations for sowing are followed.

The first harvest of pepper on the windowsill ripens 105-150 days from the moment the first sprouts appear, depending on the selected variety.

As soon as the pepper turns red (ripe), you should promptly remove the fruits. from the bush along with the stalk. Then at the same place after some time will appear flower, in other words, the plant will continue to bear fruit - set new fruits.

What to do with indoor hot peppers after harvesting in the fall, when the leaves begin to fall

Since indoor hot pepper is a perennial plant, when its leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off, and as a rule, this happens in late autumn and early winter (November-December), you will need to trim the pepper, leaving only 8-10 centimeters .

Interesting! New shoots will begin to develop from dormant axillary buds and branches that are in the dormant stage. The cycle will repeat, by March the plant will bloom, and in May you will receive the first fruits.

If you follow all the recommendations, growing hot peppers on a windowsill will not be particularly difficult. But it is necessary to understand that further care care for the plant must meet all its needs, since the pepper will grow and bear fruit only taking into account all the required conditions.

Video: detailed instructions (master class) for growing extra hot peppers on a windowsill in 2 parts

In contact with

Growing hot peppers in open ground - not an easy task. Heat-loving plant requires a delicate approach and reacts painfully to any changes climatic conditions. In addition, the juicy and sweet shoots of hot peppers are a favorite treat for various insects.

How to grow strong and beautiful shoots, and then collect from them decent harvest. Let's figure out what you need to know and how to properly care for hot peppers.

How to choose a variety

The process of selecting seeds for planting should be taken seriously. The main criteria for selection are the following.

If you correctly take into account the above parameters, you can choose optimal variety for growing in the country.

Important! The growing season for most pepper varieties is 4-5 months.

Suitable varieties

Despite the fact that there are many varieties of hot pepper, the following varieties are the most popular among gardeners.

  1. One of the most popular hybrids is Astrakhan 147. This variety is resistant to diseases and weather vagaries. Focused on the southern regions, the growing season is 4 months. Medium sized bushes, above average yield. Peppers have an attractive elongated shape and moderate pungency.
  2. Yellow Hungarian is one of the most sought after species in the world. The variety ripens in 4 months and is disease resistant. A special feature is resistance to blossom end rot. The bushes are compact in size and look good both in garden beds and flower beds. The fruits have a characteristic yellow and elongated shape. The taste is juicy with a medium degree of spiciness.
  3. Hot pepper Danube is grown in open ground and is widely known for its high yield. Resilience allows it to fight both diseases and climate changes and drought. The growing season is 3.5 months, which allows you to get a harvest even in temperate climate. A special feature of hot pepper when grown is the height of the bushes, which is more than 1 meter. The fruits are large, elongated, red or green in color.
  4. The Impala variety is a hybrid specially created for difficult climatic conditions. It is distinguished by an extremely short ripening period, just over 2 months. Planting and caring for the variety is easier due to its high resistance to various diseases, including the tobacco mosaic virus. It is also distinguished by a balanced spicy taste and an elongated, graceful shape of the fruit.
  5. Ukrainian chili pepper is extremely popular among summer residents. It is highly resistant to most known diseases and viruses. The growing season is 4 months. Productivity reaches 1.5 kg per 1 square meter crops. Loves the sun, does not grow in the shade. Planted seedlings can withstand sudden changes in temperature.

The purchasing choice should not be limited to the varieties listed. Knowing the criteria, you can independently select good plants for your plot.

How to plant correctly

Since chili peppers love heat, in temperate climates they often do not have enough time to produce a harvest. Therefore, it should be planted in open ground using seedlings. The following steps are performed.

  1. First, the seeds must be germinated at a temperature of at least 25 degrees. To do this, they are wrapped in wet gauze and kept warm for 7 days. This must be done no later than the beginning of March.
  2. Next, you need to prepare boxes with soil filler, in which the seedlings will then be grown. At the bottom there is a drainage mass consisting of fragments of brick, expanded clay or foam. The components are mixed. The next layer is a layer of turf with compost and the addition of sand. Before planting, it is better to disinfect the soil. The surface needs to be leveled and compacted a little, and fertilizer must be applied. Then make holes in it for planting seeds about 1 cm. At what distance to plant is determined individually, but the distance is more than 5 cm.
  3. Germinated seeds are placed in the ground and irrigated with water. The containers need to be covered with a transparent film and placed in a warm place so that the crop can form the first shoots. When sprouts begin to appear on the surface, the containers should be moved to a well-lit place and the film should be removed from the surface.
  4. When leaves appear on the stems of the plants, the shoots dive. To do this, you need to carefully pull out the stems with a knife blade, trying to damage the root as little as possible. Then they are planted in peat pots. Watering plants can be done with settled, heated water.
  5. Peppers are transplanted into open ground after 2 months of growing in peat pots. First you need to check whether the pepper is ready for the street; to do this, you need to place a couple of bushes on the windowsill and see how they react to the temperature. Then we plant the contents of the pots in the ground.

In order for the formation of hot pepper to be successful, it needs to be constantly looked after. Culture demands frequent watering. It is also important to regularly loosen the soil at the roots and remove weeds. Before planting hot peppers, it is necessary to feed the soil with fertilizers.

When planting sweet and bitter pepper varieties close to each other, cross-pollination can occur and the taste of the fruit changes.

Caring for peppers in open ground

Proper care of hot peppers is key good harvest. The following guidelines should be followed.

  1. Monitor soil moisture. It is optimal for it to be moderately moist. Caring for hot peppers includes careful watering. It is not recommended to overdry, but it is also not recommended to overfill. Lack of moisture leads to degeneration of fruit size and shape. The stems lose flexibility and become brittle in the place where they were planted. It is advisable to water with warm water.
  2. Provide good lighting for crops. It is better to plant vegetables on south side plot. It is important to ensure that the plants are well lit throughout the day and do not fall into the shadows. When there is insufficient light, the stems stretch. The plant weakens and begins to lose side shoots.
  3. Temperature controlled care. It is important to understand that the development of pepper crops stops at 13 degrees, and when the temperature drops to 0 degrees, the plant dies. IN climatic zones, where temperature changes amount to tens of degrees in a short time, the death of ovaries and buds often occurs. Heat is also dangerous for crops. Care in open ground at temperatures above 25 degrees involves shading the crops. To preserve the crop in unfavorable temperature conditions, crops must be covered with film or special tunnels must be used.
  4. As the chili pepper grows, it becomes elongated. To reduce the load on the trunk, garters are used. To do this, a stick is stuck into the soil at the height of the plant, to which the stem is tied with a rope.
  5. Cupping allows you to ensure correct proportions plants and increase productivity when growing hot peppers in open ground. Pinch the stem if it grows above 25 centimeters. Side shoots are also removed, leaving only the 5 strongest ones. In addition, you should cut off the first flower so that the plant spends energy on forming a bush, not a fruit.

Properly growing and caring for peppers is quite a labor-intensive task. But without this you can’t get beautiful and juicy fruits, which you can not only enjoy yourself, but also treat your friends.

  1. You can grow hot peppers if you follow the recommendations experienced gardeners. It is advisable to perform the following actions, to provide good growth and productivity.
  2. Fertilizing the crop is important the right fertilizers. Before flowering, nitrogen-containing preparations are added to the soil. After the flowers appear, they are fed with phosphorus and potassium supplements.
  3. A feature of simultaneous planting of sweet and bitter peppers in one area is cross-pollination. So, if you plant two crops side by side, the fruits of sweet peppers will taste bitter. To avoid this, crops are planted farther away. Additionally, other plants are planted between the beds. You can also plant sweet and bitter peppers with different sides Houses.
  4. Cultivation rules dictate that hardened peppers should be harvested, not soft ones. The soft-textured fruits are unripe and are harvested for growing hot peppers, not for consumption.
  5. Chili peppers should be picked together with the stalk. Then they need to be stored in a dry place at a temperature of about 20 degrees. Then the pepper will ripen and its taste will improve significantly.

If you follow the above tips, you can both grow hot peppers for yourself and for sale, because the rules will allow you to avoid annoying mistakes that lead to loss of harvest.

Hot pepper is not only healthy spice, which is difficult to do without when cooking meat dishes, but also bright, beautiful plant, capable of giving joy and admiration. How to grow healthy plants and get an amazing bush with colorful peppers at home? This is not difficult if you know how to choose a variety and properly care for young seedlings.

Varieties and characteristics of the plant

Bushes of hot pepper varieties Adjika, Ogonyok, Chili reach a height of 50 cm. Multi-colored fruits can grow on one plant: white, green, orange, purple, yellow. – long-lived. The bush can bear fruit for 5-6 years.

This is interesting

In Europe, pots of decorative peppers are placed on the balcony, windowsill, or near the house for Christmas.

The shape of the pods on the bush is round, flattened, similar to a pyramid or cylinder. The Chili variety has long, pointed fruits, while Ogonek will delight you with cone-shaped, bright peppers. About fifty fruits can ripen simultaneously on one plant.

Properties of hot pepper

Both garden red peppers and decorative peppers of the Chili, Ogonyok, Adjika, and Indian Summer varieties are used in cooking for preservation and preparation of gourmet dishes. For those who grow such plants, a balcony or window sill is also a store with spices.

  • The fruits have antibacterial properties and protect the room from harmful effects microbes
  • Vases with plants are placed on the balcony near indoor flowers, which are affected by aphids and mites. The pests disappear within a few days. Chili pepper copes well with this task.
  • Foods with added small quantity pepper improves appetite and improves immunity.

You can buy a hot pepper bush in a store or market. In the spring, young seedlings of the varieties Ogonyok, Coral, and For Mother-in-Law are sold at flower markets. But it is best to grow hot hot peppers at home from seeds and decorate the balcony and windowsill with elegant bushes.

Secrets of growing hot peppers

Have you decided to grow hot peppers on the windowsill? First you need to choose the type of pepper: indoor or hot red, which grows in gardens. Some open ground varieties performed well in indoor conditions: Chile, Adjika, Coral. They grow well indoors and delight with a rich harvest.

All types of decorative peppers are designed for growing indoors. A balcony is also suitable for successful maintenance. Plants with colorful pods look beautiful on the window. Growing hot peppers Ogonyok, Indian Summer, Bolivia, Dark Olive, Mambo, Medusa will create a bright parade of colors on the balcony.

If you know the secrets of caring for this plant, it is not difficult to get beautiful bushes that will please the eye and give a rich harvest.

  • The key to a rich harvest is seeds. Their quality determines the growth strength and capabilities of the plant. From seeds that were stored long time, will not grow strong plant. Important point before sowing – seed calibration. To do this, take a glass warm water, add a tablespoon of salt to it. Stir the water and wait a few minutes. After pre-drying, sow the part of the seeds that has sunk to the bottom of the glass.
  • An important point is soil preparation. Hot peppers are undemanding to soil and grow well on ordinary garden soil, but it is better to create a plant comfortable conditions. After all, there may be pests or infection in the garden soil, which will lead to the loss of seeds even before germination. For sowing, purchased peat or mixtures based on it are suitable.
  • Before sowing, the soil is moistened. It should crumble in your hand and be wet. Sow peppers in small containers with holes at the bottom. A bowl or seed pot is suitable for this. The seeds are laid out in a checkerboard pattern and covered with a low layer of soil (up to 2 cm). The earth is compacted, the bowl is covered with film or glass.
  • For rapid emergence of seedlings they support high temperature(up to 25 degrees), constant humidity and ventilation. Before the sprouts appear, do not water the soil, but only spray it with a sprayer.
  • When the first shoots appear, the container is opened and placed in a greenhouse or simply placed on the balcony. At this time, you need to make sure that a black leg does not appear: you need to limit watering and not lower the temperature below 22 degrees.

On some seedlings, a film of seeds may remain, which sticks the cotyledons together. It cannot always be removed so as not to harm the plant. Try moistening the skin with water and after a few minutes, carefully pull it off the leaves.

Picking and planting peppers in a permanent place

Picking seedlings at home begins when the third appears on the plant. real leaf. The soil is watered so that all earth mixture, one day before the procedure. Dive seedlings into moist, but not wet soil. It is better to replant plants so as not to injure the roots. This can be done using a garden spatula or a regular spoon. After transplanting, the cups are placed in a greenhouse on the windowsill so that the seedlings quickly take root. A new leaf after picking is a signal that the pepper has successfully taken root and you can start fertilizing.

At the first stage, peppers need nitrogen and potassium supplements for the development of the vegetative system. But don’t get carried away: an overdose can destroy the plant.

Fertilizing is carried out one day after watering, when the soil is moist. Plants with signs of disease should not be fed. First you need to find out the reason for the poor condition of the bush, eliminate errors in cultivation - and only after that add minerals.

Rules for transplanting hot peppers

As soon as the roots of the pepper wrap around the soil in the cup, begin planting in a permanent place. How to do it right?

  • For the first planting, take a pot with a capacity of no more than one liter, put drainage (expanded clay, bark, pebbles) on the bottom and pour an earthen cushion. The mixture for planting is bought in the store.
  • The plant is buried so deep that root collar was lowered into the ground no more than 2 centimeters. Over time, the soil will subside and the root collar will be at ground level. If the plant is deeply buried, it may die or enter the fruiting phase late.
  • Feeding begins two weeks after transshipment. When grown at home, chili peppers respond very well to fertilizing with phosphorus and potash fertilizers, calcium, magnesium. To avoid confusion with dosages, it is better to buy ready-made fertilizers For indoor peppers. If chili peppers are grown for culinary purposes, it is better to use organic fertilizers.
  • At home, for successful fruit set, it is necessary to shake the bushes during flowering so that pollination occurs.

Indoor pepper Ogonyok does not tolerate dry soil. It reacts especially acutely to lack of water during flowering. If the soil in the pot is dry, the plant may drop its buds or produce ugly fruits.

Drafts and dry air are detrimental to pepper varieties Chili and Ogonyok when grown at home. Then the plants shed their leaves and go into hibernation. If this happens, don't be afraid. You just need to create comfortable conditions on the balcony or windowsill. Then the growth of Chili and Ogonyok will quickly resume.

So, small step-by-step instruction How to grow hot peppers on the balcony will help even beginners cope with this task. Growing peppers on a windowsill does not require special attention; it is only important to remember that during the sunny period it is necessary to shade the plant and water it with warm, settled water. We must not forget about the annual transshipments in bigger pot– this will allow the bush to grow a healthy root system.

Hot pepper has an unusually pungent taste, which is given to it by the alkaloid capsaicin, concentrated in the partitions of the pod. This fruit was discovered to Europeans by Christopher Columbus when he brought wild, burning pods to Spain in 1493. Hot peppers still grow in South and Central America.

Hot pepper is an excellent seasoning, medicine (rubs, patches, tinctures, ointments) and a component of alcoholic beverages.

It contains 7-12% dry matter, including 5% sugar, 1.5% protein, 1% fat, vitamins A, B, C, P, calcium, potassium, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid. The calorie content of the plant is 40 kcal per 100 g of product.

The benefits of capsaicin for protecting the body from free radicals, strengthening the immune system, stimulating peristalsis and gastrointestinal secretion are well known. Scientists at the University of Nottingham (England) found that the effect of this burning substance on mitochondria, which are responsible for cellular energy, causes mass death cancer cells.

Hot red peppers contain 20 times more hot capsaicin than sweet peppers. Although the most consumed peppercorn in the world is black peppercorns, the most fiery spices are created from the fruit of Capsicum frutenscen, better known to everyone as chili. Small bright red fruits natural environment decorate tall perennial shrub, but in Europe and Russia chili is grown as an annual and, as a rule, in protected ground.

Ground hot pepper is one of the necessary spices. Almost every recipe for meat dishes contains it. Pepper is added to sauces, soups, salads, smoked meats, seafood, it is part of ketchups and spicy curry mixtures. Hot pepper pods, like peppercorns, are an essential component of marinades and pickles.

A guest from the tropics is very demanding of warmth. At +13°C the fruit stops growing, at +30°C and lack of moisture in the soil and air the ovaries drop. Low temperatures the plant does not tolerate it at all and dies.

Depending on the climate of the region, growing hot peppers is possible in open ground or in a greenhouse. At the same time, there are no special differences from tomatoes and sweet peppers in how to grow them.

How to plant seeds

Most quick method receiving early harvest- planting 50-55 day old seedlings with bare roots and 65-70 days in pots. To grow hot peppers in optimal timing

, it is sown in late February - early March, but in the southern regions it is recommended to start sowing a month earlier. If you buy seeds for planting that are not treated with fungicides, then this must be done by purchasing special means

  • in combination with growth stimulants. You can place them in a weak (pink) solution of potassium permanganate, then rinse and dry. To stimulate, it would be useful to keep the seeds close to the heat a month before planting. Some gardeners heat the seeds in a thermos and germinate them on multi-layers of damp gauze. 1 part peat and humus (in);
  • equal quantities
  • 2 parts of turf or garden soil;
  • a little sand; mineral fertilizers
  • based on 1 m² of soil: 0.6-0.8 kg;
  • ammonium nitrate
  • 1-1.5 kg of superphosphate;

0.8 kg of potassium chloride.

The soil should be moistened, compacted and rows should be marked at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other with a depth of 0.5 cm. The seeds are sprinkled with earth and watered with warm water. They germinate better in warm soil, so it is important to ensure that the surface air temperature is +25°C during the day (+15… +16°C at night). After germination, the daytime temperature of young plants can be lowered to +18°C.

To maintain moisture, the boxes are covered with a dark or transparent film, with paper placed on top to reduce the light intensity. It is better to water with a spray bottle in the morning and evening.

To keep the seedlings healthy

Usually seedlings appear after 8-10 days or a little later. Seedlings of bitter pepper, the cultivation of which is no different from caring for sweet peppers, are freed from the covering film from the beginning of germination. They water it less often, but they ventilate the room in which it is kept more often.

Step by step picking looks like this:

  1. IN individual pots(8-10 cm in diameter) the nutrient mixture is poured. If there are no pots, prepare nutrient cubes from a lump of moistened soil. In a greenhouse, you can plant seedlings directly into the soil, poured in layers: ordinary land(5-6 cm), sawdust (0.5-1 cm), nutrient mixture (10-12 cm).
  2. Before diving, seedlings are watered abundantly to avoid damage during transplantation.
  3. After removing the seedlings, the lower third of the root of each plant is pinched to form fibrous roots.
  4. The soil in pots, cubes or a greenhouse is well moistened. Indentations are made in it.
  5. Peppers are planted at the depth of the initial planting. The maximum depth is up to the cotyledon leaves.
  6. The seedling is placed in the prepared hole and covered with soil, which is lightly compacted.
  7. The seedlings are watered and mulched with humus, to which about 5% ash or lime is added to protect against diseases.

Picking pepper seedlings at home (video)

Most suitable time for planting pepper in open ground in the southern regions - the second half of May. In other regions, he is more comfortable in a greenhouse, where the heat is retained and climatic conditions do not change so dramatically.

By the time of planting in a permanent place, the plants should be stocky, with a strong stem, well-developed leaves and roots.

Planting an adult plant The planting density of finished seedlings is 6-8 pieces per m². The distance between rows is 70 cm, in a row 15-20 cm. For adult plants, regular and abundant watering

. Soil compaction threatens them with Fusarium wilt. Therefore, after each watering, the soil needs to be loosened to a depth of 10-12 cm. Mulching will help to leave it loose and breathable. Fertilizing is done several times during the summer. The first - after 12-15 days, when the plants take root. Usually it is a mixture of organics and inorganics. Further, the intervals between feedings increase to 20 days. Fertilizers can be applied when watering along furrows or several.

foliar feeding In addition to hot peppers, many people are interested in peppercorns. The fact is that this plant is tree-like tropical liana

. How does spice grow in our climate? Some hobbyists buy a bag of black pepper and grow it at home. Even in a pot, peppercorns grow up to 2 m, if you create a temperature regime for it, good soil , humidity, give support and plenty of light without direct.

sun rays

Red hot pepper growing at home (video)

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