How to fight currant aphids. How to get rid of aphids on currants

Ugly swellings and growths on red currant leaves look like a disease at first glance, but it worked gall aphid. Feeding on the juices of the plant, it causes its deformation - traces of vital activity look like healed wounds. The worst thing is that the voracious and prolific insect prefers young shoots, which means it harms not only the current condition of the bush, but also reduces the chances of good harvest in future.

The accumulation of redcurrant aphids on the underside of the leaf leads to the formation of galls

Description of the insect, its harmfulness

The leaf gall aphid is one of 4 thousand species of the aphid family that live on the planet. The distribution area of ​​the redcurrant pest is Europe, the Caucasus, Siberia, middle Asia, is currently found wherever this berry bush is grown.

The food source and host plant for the species is the red and white currant, can sometimes slightly colonize black currants. As a facultative (intermediate) plant, it uses herbs of the Lamiaceae family. In the second half of summer or if the colony is overcrowded, the aphid colonizes mint, sage, oregano, thyme, and lavender growing nearby, and is very fond of thyme.

In structure and appearance, gall aphids are similar to their many relatives. A small, egg-shaped insect reaches a length of no more than 2–2.3 mm. The majority of representatives are wingless; winged individuals appear in later generations. Among the differences are a pale, greenish-yellow, almost transparent cover, as well as the presence of small hairs on the body, which is why it is also called hairy.

During the season, from 4 to 19 generations of the insect develop - the warmer the region, the more. It is its fertility that aggravates its harmfulness. One single founder aphid gives life to tens, or even hundreds of thousands of sucking pests. What is the extent of damage from gall aphids that have settled on currants?

  • By sucking out the juices, it depletes the shoots. To “heal” wounds, the plant produces special tissues that form growths at the site of damage - galls. If aphids are not controlled, they will spawn new generations and live on the branches until they dry out.
  • Attracts other pests to the garden, such as ants. Not only do they “graze” aphids, protect their entomophages, and contribute to their spread, but they themselves also feed on the juice of strawberries or grapes.
  • Gall aphids can be carriers of pathogens viral infections plants.

Young shoots infected with aphids, even after the destruction of the pest, lag behind in growth, take a long time to recover, and therefore their productivity decreases.

Note! Thunderstorm of aphids - entomophagous insects, in particular ladybugs, lacewings, hoverflies. But if the colony is guarded by ants, they will not let them get close.

"Family" hierarchy of gall aphids

The life cycle of leaf gall aphids is characterized by the phenomenon of polyformism. This means that different generations of an insect may differ not only in appearance, but also in their performance. different functions. What does the hierarchy of aphids look like throughout the growing season and the full transformation cycle?

  1. The founder aphid hatches from an egg. She is the “foremother” of all generations that will appear during the season. This is a parthenogenetic individual, and is also viviparous, i.e. it gives birth to ready-made insects and only females, which in turn produce the next generation of offspring.
  2. Virgin aphids represent the bulk of gall aphids that we observe on currants. They do not have wings, so the insects are constantly on the host plant; parthenogenetic females give birth to their own kind.
  3. Dispersal aphids are a winged generation; they perform a slightly different function. When the colony grows or the food supply is depleted, they fly to a new place and establish the next settlement.
  4. Aphids are a transitional generation of insects that produce females capable of laying eggs and males.
  5. Female aphids and male aphids are a bisexual generation that provides wintering for the species. Founder aphids emerge from eggs laid in the bark of currant stems in the spring.

How does the pest develop?

The leaf gall aphid lays its eggs under the bark of red currant branches, closer to the buds. Here it is depending on climate zone And weather conditions can be up to 9 months. In the spring, as soon as the buds begin to bloom, the foundresses emerge from the eggs and populate the plant.

Active reproduction of the insect begins from the moment the bush blooms. The peak of harmfulness occurs in June, when the colony reaches its maximum sizes. In the second half of summer, currant leaves become coarser, and aphids begin to spread to intermediate plants. Several more generations of the pest feed on them. Here a bisexual generation appears, which will return to the currants to lay eggs. This happens closer to autumn.

Ways to combat leaf aphids on currants

An attentive gardener will not miss the appearance of gall aphids on currants; he will immediately take adequate control measures. It is important to notice the deformation of young leaves on initial stage growing season. On them, galls look like small red spots. In addition, the presence of a pest last season is a serious reason to start pest control. preventive measures on the bush as early as possible.

Prevention of infection of berry bushes

In order not to rack your brains about how to get rid of gall aphids, you can try to prevent their appearance. What is recommended to do for this?

  1. In early spring, before the buds open, or in the fall, after leaf fall, spray the bushes and tree trunk area with a solution of nitrafen. The drug is harmful to the leaves (it burns them), so treatment should not be delayed. Its advantage is that it destroys the eggs of wintering pests. For currants, use a 3% solution (30 ml/l of water). To treat an adult bush you will need approximately 0.5 liters.
  2. To protect the berry garden from insects from outside, for example, from neighbors, it is recommended to plant it next to berry bush plants with a pungent odor - calendula, marigolds, chamomile.
  3. Destroy weeds in the garden, especially nettle (another name is dead nettle). This perennial weed is an intermediate host for the gall aphid, for which it will thank you.

Advice! One of the options for destroying gall aphid eggs, which can be found in the literature, is scalding the bush with boiling water in the spring. Only one’s own experience can show how effective this is.

Mechanical method

At the initial stage of infection it is recommended mechanical removal shoots with a colony of pests. The bush is carefully inspected, all branches with the slightest deformation of the leaves are cut out. If at least a few individuals remain, they will quickly reproduce again. The cut shoots must be disposed of, preferably burned. This method of struggle gives good effect in combination with processing natural insecticides.

Advice! Along with young growth, the insect is very fond of fatty shoots. At spring pruning First of all, remove the wen from the bush, cut out all the excess shoots.

Spraying with natural insecticides: recipes

Some plants contain large quantities fungicides, pyrethrins, and other substances that have a destructive effect on gall aphids, so they are widely used to combat the pest. To enhance negative impact It is recommended to add soap to infusions, which envelops the insect and blocks its access to oxygen (aphids breathe through the skin). Here are the recipes for several popular infusions.

  1. Based tobacco dust. To prepare a bucket of infusion you will need 300 g of herbal preparation. It is poured with boiling water and left for 2-3 days. The settled solution is filtered, 100 g of laundry soap dissolved in water is added. You can also use tar soap or other liquid detergent, for example, for dishes.
  2. Infusion of marigolds. For the infusion, take half a bucket of crushed flowers and fill them with 10 liters hot water and insist for 48 hours. Add 50 g of liquid soap to the finished strained infusion.
  3. Infusion of mustard powder. To prepare 10 liters of working solution you will need 25 g of dry mustard. First, prepare a concentrate - pour mustard powder with a liter of boiling water and leave for 2 days. Then it is brought to full volume, soap is added.

Biochemical method of struggle

When the gall aphid has already multiplied, to combat it you cannot do without chemicals. Considering the toxicity and shelf life of toxic components in plant tissues, it is recommended to spray currants with insecticides at the budding stage, and a second time after harvesting. Spraying with Calypso, Confidor Maxi, Aktelik, Vofatox, Proteus gives a long-term effect.

In addition to chemical insecticides, a modern “herbal pharmacy” offers biological preparations that are harmless to humans and domestic animals. They are made from spore bacteria, fungal components, and viruses. When they enter the insect's body with food, they affect intestinal tract, paralyzing and destroying it. Examples of such drugs are Avertin, Actofit, Bitoxibacillin.

Fighting aphids on currants:

Colonies of small insects cause irreparable damage to currant and other fruit bushes: the tops of the leaves curl, the inflorescences fall off, the young shoots dry out and fall off, the branches sink to the ground. All this entails a decrease in yield and the development of various diseases, so it is important to respond to aphids in a timely manner.

How to fight aphids on currants

Peak pest activity occurs in May-June, while aphids remain active throughout summer period. It is actively reproducing and will gradually populate the entire garden. Life cycle the insect has this:

  • in early spring new individuals emerge from laid eggs;
  • they begin to multiply quickly, spreading more and more in the garden;
  • the wingless form of pests occupies young, tender leaves, buds and shoots, pierces them with their proboscis and sucks out the juice;
  • when an excessive number of aphids appears on a plant, it dries out and dies, which necessitates the birth of a winged form of the pest;
  • individuals scatter to neighboring fruit bushes and continue to destroy the garden;
  • In the fall, aphids lay eggs that hatch the following season.

The appearance of a pest in the garden is indicated by swollen, curled, reddened currant leaves. If you turn over the young leaves of the crop, inside Clusters of larvae will be visible. As a rule, two varieties of aphids settle in the garden, each of which prefers a certain variety of berries: gall (leaf) - white and red, gooseberry (shoot) - black. The table below shows recommended pest control measures for different periods.

Types of currant processing




  1. Infusion treatment tomato tops. Dry grass (2 kg), fresh herbs (4 kg) are poured into 10 liters of water and boiled for 30 minutes, after cooling, the concentrate is diluted with water 1:5 and 100 g of grated laundry soap is added.
  2. Spraying with infusion of ash and wormwood. In 5 liters of water for 4-5 hours, infuse 500 g of crushed wormwood, 50 g of laundry soap and 1 tbsp. ash. Currants are processed with a solution of 1 part liquid and 2 parts water.
  1. Treatment with soda solution. Dissolve 10 tbsp in a liter of water. l. baking soda. Here you need to add 100 g of laundry soap shavings and 9 liters cold water.
  2. Pruning affected shoots and leaves.


  1. Treatment soap solution. 300 g of laundry soap are diluted in a bucket (10 liters) of water and the bushes are sprayed.
  2. Spraying with garlic solution. 200 g of crushed product is poured with a liter of water and left for 5 days. After 25 ml of concentrate, add water to a bucket - it is recommended to treat everything with this composition fruit bushes in the garden.
  1. Spraying with infusion onion peel. 200 g of the component are kept in a bucket of water for 3-4 days.
  2. Treatment with mustard. 10 g of white mustard powder is infused for 2 days in a liter of water. The mixture must be filtered and diluted with 9 liters of water to treat the currants once.

Treatment of currants against aphids

With minor damage to the bushes, the fight against aphids on currants does not involve the use of special pesticides, which to one degree or another poison the soil and plants. If traditional methods remain ineffective against the pest, pesticides cannot be avoided. However, they are only allowed to be used before flowering or immediately after it, since toxic substances remain on the bushes for about 20 days.


Product name

From which aphid?

Rules of application

Active ingredient– imidacloprid (concentration 200 g/l).

All kinds.

Add 1 ampoule to a liter of water, mixing thoroughly. Afterwards the solution is diluted with 9 liters of water. If you treat currants with Biotlin, the aphids will die after 4 hours. It is recommended to rinse infected shoots in the solution using latex gloves. The bushes should be treated on a warm, windless day.

The basis is thiamethoxam (240 g/l).

All kinds.

You need to treat currants once in early spring, and the result is noticeable the very next day. The action of Aktar continues after another 2 weeks. Used for spraying fruit crops in dry, warm weather in the early morning or evening. At the same time, in order to safely process the plant, wear overalls, rubber gloves and a respirator. The package of the drug is dissolved in a liter of water, then another 4 liters are added.

The active ingredient is aversectin C (concentration 0.2%).

More effective against shoot aphids.

Apply at any time of the growing season, the result shows after 3 days. To treat currants, prepare a solution of 8 ml of the drug and 1 liter of water. 2 weeks after the procedure it is required reprocessing. Spraying is carried out in calm, dry, warm (from 18 degrees) weather. It is prohibited to process fruit crops means during flowering.


The active ingredient is pirimiphos-methyl.

All kinds.

To prepare the solution, the ampoule is dissolved in 2 liters of cold water, stirring thoroughly. If the plant is seriously damaged, the concentration of the drug can be doubled (for this, the volume of water is reduced to 1 liter). Fresh solution is applied by spraying. It is allowed to process currants only with gloves, a respirator and safety glasses. The death of insects occurs a couple of hours after the procedure and continues for another 3-4 days.

The active ingredient is cypermethrin (concentration 3.75%).

All kinds.

Used after flowering, applied as aqueous solution(1.5 crushed tablets per 10 l). It is better to process currants in calm, dry weather in the evening or in the morning using a household spray bottle. The procedure is repeated 2 weeks later.

Active substance– malathion (570 g/l).

All kinds.

The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. Next, it is evenly sprayed onto the foci of infection until the foliage is completely wet, but you must try to prevent the chemical from flowing onto the ground. It is recommended to use Fufanon 2-3 weeks before the bush blooms and after the leaves fall in the spring.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for aphids on currants

Rules of application

For 10 liters of water take 50 ml of ammonia alcohol. Before use, add 100 g of laundry soap and a pinch of washing powder to the solution.

The currants must be treated with the resulting product using a watering can equipped with a wide tip. The product can be used only once; re-watering is carried out no earlier than 3 weeks later, otherwise the bush will suffer from excess nitrogen.

10 tbsp. l. baking soda (or 2 tablespoons of soda ash) is dissolved in a liter of water. Add 9 liters of water and 100 g of grated laundry soap to this.

The plant needs to be treated 2 times with an interval of 3 days. To do this, use a garden sprayer.

For a liter of cool water, take 200 ml of table vinegar and add 100 g of soap. The concentrate is diluted with 9 liters of water.

Thoroughly spray the bushes with a freshly prepared solution, focusing Special attention the bottom of the leaves. It is extremely important to adhere to the proportions exactly, otherwise the leaves will get burned.

You need to grind the dry tobacco until it becomes dusty, sprinkle the bush with a soapy solution (100 g of soap per 3-4 liters of water), and then sprinkle with tobacco powder. Alternative option– prepare a solution of 10 liters of water and 200 g of tobacco, which should be boiled for 3 hours and left for 3 days.

It is allowed to treat currants with this product before and after flowering, during the ripening of the berries. You can use a watering can or spray bottle.

Take 200 g of powder per 10-liter bucket of water. The solution is infused for a day, then boiled and 50-100 g of laundry soap are added.

This product can be used to treat currants during any growing season. At the same time, it is worth choosing dry, windless weather.

You need to boil water in an iron bucket, then pour it into a metal watering can. One bush will require 5-10 liters.

Treatment of currants with boiling water is carried out through a special shower head so that irrigation occurs in thin streams, and not in a strong stream of boiling water. The procedure is carried out until the kidneys swell.


Fresh grass is finely chopped and the bucket is filled 1/5 full. The component is poured with boiling water, leaving for half an hour.

The cooled liquid is used to spray currants against aphids. You can treat the plant with this product throughout the spring and summer period.


Aphids on currants can greatly weaken the plant, deprive the harvest and become a real disaster for the gardener. Therefore, gardeners are interested in questions about how to fight aphids on currants, and how to treat currants against aphids.

Aphids are very small insects, the largest specimens reach 2.2 mm in length; their appearance can only be noticed by changes occurring in young leaves. Red or yellow swellings may appear on them, most often this happens with the leaves of red and white currants. This indicates the vital activity of gall or currant hairy aphids.

On black currants, the appearance of gooseberry or shoot aphids is marked by curling of the leaves. You need to get rid of this pest from the first moment of detection - they can cause too much trouble.

As soon as young leaves begin to bloom, the first generation of aphids appears from eggs that the females laid under the bark of young annual shoots in the fall. These first individuals feed on the juice of young leaves; after a very short time, a new generation is born; aphids multiply especially quickly in dry, hot weather.

By mid-summer, when the growth of new leaves slows down or stops, the first generation of aphids with wings appears, this allows them to move to other plants, they occupy the weeds in the neighborhood, and spread further throughout the garden. And in the fall, the fertilized queens return to the currants to lay eggs under the bark of young shoots.

See currant aphids It is possible when a huge number of these small pests stick to the tops of young shoots and sit on the underside of the leaves, causing them to become deformed and wither. Bushes infected with aphids lose a lot of strength, stop growing, their harvest becomes worse in quality and quantity, young fragile bushes can die irrevocably if the fight against harmful aphids on currants is not carried out.

Fighting with chemicals

The most effective remedy- These are special chemicals that can be bought in stores. They do not repel, but destroy pests. Along with them, bees and other beneficial insects may suffer, so summer residents and owners of private gardens on their small areas they try to avoid their use, or delay it until the last moment, hoping to get rid of aphids on currants using more gentle folk methods.

Treating currants with the well-known insecticides “Karbofos”, “Vofatox”, “Kinmiks” will show how to get rid of aphids in a short time. The drugs “Aktara”, “Rovikurt”, “Aktellik”, “Novaktion” are often used. All of them have certificates and specifications from the manufacturer, instructions that must be followed very strictly when using.

There is a whole group of expensive products, which may be why they are rarer in our stores, which can also be used in the fight for your garden. These are “Assail” or “Neemix”, produced in India, “Exirel” and “Sivanto”, which are very dangerous for bees and fish, “Admire”, which is used for cultivating the soil to destroy root aphids.

Thanks to the development of the chemical industry, the choice of products is huge. You just need to be very careful about their use - plants need to be treated with them before or at the very beginning of bud break, after harvesting. It happens that we save bushes at the risk of harming not only beneficial insects, but even for those who will eat the berries, this is when the treatment is carried out during flowering or immediately after it.

Experts warn that the last use of chemicals should occur no later than a month before harvesting the fruits. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to use chemicals in early spring and autumn, and in the summer to use one (or more) of folk recipes, even if it takes away more strength and time.

If aphids have occupied not only currants, but also settled on gooseberries and roses, then you will have to use insecticides, and it is better not to waste time on doubts.

Folk methods of struggle

The chemical industry has been developing for a couple of centuries, but currants have been grown a little longer, and aphids were not born in the last century - all this time people have been saving their harvests. Traditional methods can still be used today. For example, as soon as you notice traces of aphids on your bushes, you should wash them, especially young shoots, the undersides of all leaves, with a strong stream of water to get rid of the bulk of the pests. After this, you need to treat the plants thoroughly, without missing a single leaf or shoot with one of the infusions.

The use of onion or garlic infusions shows good results; in addition to repelling aphids, they also strengthen the immunity of plants and help them resist many diseases. An infusion of tomato tops is made in the summer when tomatoes are planting, and by collecting the flowers of fragrant marigolds, pouring them with water, after a couple of days you get the same fragrant infusion. Both of these infusions protect not only from aphids, but also from other pests. From herbal remedies, for infusions they also use celandine, wormwood, and hot pepper.

You can infuse wood ash for several days or soda ash, tobacco or shag. The technology for preparing infusions is that a certain amount of the substance is poured with water, infused for several hours to five days, then filtered. So, take 0.5 kg of tobacco for 10 liters of water, and after filtering, dilute it with another ten liters of water. Marigold flowers are collected in half a bucket, filled with water to the very edge of the bucket, infused, and after straining, no more water is added.

  • A concentrate is prepared from hot pepper (1 kg of pepper + 10 liters of water, boil for 1 hour), then each glass is diluted in 10 liters of water.
  • 4 kg of tomato tops are boiled for 0.5 hours in 10 liters of water, then diluted five times before spraying.
  • There is no need to dilute the garlic infusion with water. Simply chop half a kilogram of garlic heads, add five liters of water and leave for a day.
  • Onion infusion is prepared from green feathers - one kilogram of chopped greens is poured with 10 liters of water and left for 6 hours, after which it is filtered and used. Or you can pour 0.5 kg of onion peel into 10 liters of water and leave for 4 - 5 days.
  • An infusion of wood ash with wormwood has proven itself well. Take 0.5 kg of wormwood, a glass of ash, add 5 liters of water, leave for 5 hours, dilute the strained solution twice.
  • You don’t even need to infuse soda ash; just take 1 tablespoon, add 1 liter of water and stir well.
  • If you use celandine herb to control pests, you need to protect yourself with the following: personal protection, because its juice is very poisonous. Take 4 kg of fresh grass, chop it, add 10 liters of water, leave for at least a day, then filter and process the currants. All this must be done with gloves.

It is better to spray the plants on a fine evening on a windless day; you need to spray each leaf on both sides, each twig, and the ground under the bush. Young shoots need to be processed most carefully; their flexibility will help - you can simply dip the shoot in a bowl with liquid. In order for the active substance to remain on the leaves longer, add.

laundry soap


Everyone already knows how to deal with harmful aphids on currants, but the important question is how to prevent aphids from entering your bushes. There are a number of activities, the regular implementation of which will reduce the possibility of infection. When pruning annually, you need to remove all affected shoots; it’s definitely better to be safe than sorry. Be sure to pull out the weeds around the bushes and thoroughly dig up the soil under and around the bushes in the fall and spring. Ladybugs and lacewings do an excellent job of ridding the garden of aphids. If they live in the garden, then aphids will never disturb your plants, but widespread use chemicals

wide action reduced them to a minimum in dachas. To attract them, you can sow marigolds, yarrow, tansy, allisum, dill, and parsley between the currant bushes. Ladybugs often live on buckwheat. But you need to get rid of the ants, otherwise, no matter what you do, the ants will always bring aphids into the garden. Bushes can be periodically dusted with powdered wood ash

or tobacco. It is advisable to do this after rain, so that the dust lingers longer on the leaves; carefully treat the underside of the leaves and all young shoots.

Preventive methods usually take a lot of time, but they can really rid currants of aphids, and owners will not have to deal with pests, risking the harvest or even their health.

Video “Fighting aphids on currants”

From this video you will learn how to get rid of aphids on currants. Gardeners with extensive experience know that if red and white currants have red veins on the surface of the foliage, they are affected by hairy and red gall aphids. When rolling blackcurrant leaves into a tube, the need arises to fight gooseberry aphids. Favorable conditions for the spread of the pest are elevated temperature and dry air. About other reasons for the appearance of insects, principles of their destruction, popular folk ways

The result of the life activity of insect colonies is yellowed and curled leaves of bushes, deformation of branches, underdeveloped fruits and their further drying. It is also usually observed that a characteristic sticky film appears on the surface of the foliage, having White color. It is also present on the buds.

As a result, the culture's resistance to virus attack decreases. Pests are most active in early summer. And the grown winged offspring are able to move through the air and continue to harm the bushes, piercing the leaves with their proboscis and sucking the juice from them.

General principles

When processing leaves, be sure to rinse them with water and blot them with cotton swabs. It is customary to spray the bushes with soap solutions together with ash. Well proven herbal infusions and decoctions that exhibit excellent insecticidal and phytoncidal properties.

For greater efficiency, laundry soap is added to the decoctions at the rate of 35 - 45 grams per bucket of tincture water. Treatment of plants should be scheduled for the evening hours on dry days. The inner side of the leaf plate deserves the most attention. This is where harmful insects most often settle. A week after the first treatment, it is customary to carry out the second.

Effective folk remedies

If a gardener finds aphids on currants, what folk remedies nessesary to use?

  • The practical experience of many summer residents testifies to the effectiveness of a solution based on laundry soap. When preparing it yourself, take 300 grams of soap per 1 bucket of water. The soap must be ground first.
  • You can prepare a solution of ash. To do this, 300 grams need to be filled with 1 bucket of liquid. After you boil the mixture, add no more than 50 grams of any soap you have in your household.
  • An excellent choice among others popular measures the fight will be the use of potato tops. It needs to be crushed, poured warm water and leave for 1 hour.
  • The gardener will also come to the aid onion. You should grind it in an amount of 200 grams, then add 10 liters of water. When the mixture has infused for 24 hours, you can start spraying the bushes.
  • To prepare an infusion of garlic, you need to take 1 glass of it in crushed form. You will also need 1 liter of water. You need to infuse this remedy for 5 days. Shortly before scheduled spraying, it is necessary to dilute ready solution at the rate of 25 ml per 1 bucket of liquid.
  • Good preparations of natural origin are infusions of tobacco and shag. They need to be taken in an amount of 400 grams, filled with 1 bucket of water room temperature. After 1 day has passed, you should strain the solution, dilute it in half with the liquid, and also add 50 grams of crushed soap.
  • Another excellent remedy- pharmaceutical chamomile. You need to take 1 kg per 1 bucket of water. Leave for about 12 hours, then be sure to strain. Shortly before the planned treatment, dilute in a ratio of 1:3. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add a little simple laundry soap.
  • Dandelions, which begin to appear everywhere with the arrival of warmer weather, can be used to eliminate insects. You will need to take 600 grams of flowers, pour them into containers suitable size 10 liters of water. After soaking for no more than 3 hours, it is permissible to treat shrubs with the prepared infusion.
  • A good folk remedy can also be obtained from the dry stems and leaves of the yarrow herb. It is necessary to prepare 1 kg of raw materials, pour boiling water and leave in a water bath for 30 minutes. Before processing, the infusion is diluted, bringing its quantity to 10 liters. Then you should insist it a little more, and in a fairly dark place.
  • Some gardeners use an infusion of horse sorrel. To do this, take approximately 400 grams of grass per 10 liters of water. Don't forget to strain the product before use.
  • You can use celandine in an amount of 3 kg of foliage per fresh. It needs to be infused for about 1 day in 10 liters of liquid.
  • It is also possible to make a solution from 1 kg of capsicum with the addition of 0.5 kg of dry pepper. All components are filled with 10 liters of water. Before use, you need to dilute 0.5 cups of pepper solution in 10 liters of water.
  • Sometimes a tomato solution is used. You need to take 5 kg of fruit, add boiling water, then cook for no longer than 30 minutes. After straining, add soap. The finished product must be brought to 10 liters by adding liquid.
  • It is recommended to pour 500 grams of marigold flowers into 1 liter of water. Then they are left in a secluded place for several days. Before use, do not forget to strain the infusion.
  • Do not throw away the remaining citrus peels after peeling them. It can be beneficial if you pour 100 grams of raw material into 1 liter of water. After waiting 3 days, you can start spraying your currants.
  • A decoction of alder leaves is also often used. 1 kg of them should be infused in 5 liters of liquid. After the solution has boiled for no more than half an hour, it needs to be cooled and can be used to treat shrubs.

Prevention of aphids

It is always better to carry out prevention than to be puzzled by the choice later the best remedy to get rid of insects. For prevention purposes, it is recommended to get rid of all weeds under currant bushes in early spring. Planning also helps sanitary pruning, in which all branches affected by various ailments must be removed.

Experienced gardeners attract beneficial insects using accessible methods, for which food is, for example, a gall type of pest. These are the well-known and peaceful ladybugs.

Scalding the bush with boiling water also gives excellent results. To make beneficial insects want to settle on your site, it is recommended to plant marigolds, yarrow, tansy and allisum near currants. Some beneficial insects prefer to live in crops such as buckwheat and dill.

Video “Effective control of aphids”

In this video you will learn about effective ways control of aphids on plants.

The fruits have a diuretic effect, cleanse the kidneys, reduce high temperature bodies. Taste qualities all three varieties of currants: black, white, red, attract not only gardeners and lovers of fresh berries, but also various pests. Common misfortunes that currant bushes succumb to include annoying attacks by aphids.

How to fight aphids

Currant bushes generally require close attention in the spring. During the ripening of the fruits of the plant, aphids attack, therefore the main task gardeners is to intervene in a timely manner to protect against these small insects. The deciduous part of a shrub with aphids is a crust covered with red spots that looks swollen. U black currant green leaves are wrapped in pipes, where hundreds of small insects are located on the inside.

Aphids are considered a dangerous guest for plants, since they are not so easy to get rid of without the necessary knowledge to do so. Shoot aphids reproduce on black currants, and varieties with red and white berries are eaten by red gall (hairy) aphids.

The danger of red gall aphids on currants

At first glance, the red gall aphid seems to be a harmless, small flea, but after the reproduction stage, these insects mercilessly destroy the currant bush. In fact The red gall aphid, or hairy aphid, is a fast carrier of diseases and can spread to neighboring plants. Small insects drink currant juice. Due to such a massive attack, the plant releases an aroma to which the ants respond. Aphids on currants themselves cause damage to the harvest and the general condition of the plants, and also provoke the appearance of other insects.

An interesting fact is that laid eggs overwinter unhindered on open shoots even at low temperatures.

In spring, in places where insects accumulate, the leaves swell and turn red. There are not enough young branches nutrients for normal growth, so their development is suspended, and the leaves curl and deteriorate. The same applies to black currant bushes, which are very fond of shoot aphids. The principle of laying larvae in these insects is the same as in the red gall aphid, only the eggs are black and overwinter at the beginning of the buds. After the onset of warmth, the larvae move to the upper parts of the buds, gradually moving on to attack young petioles and green leaves.

How to deal with aphids

Due to fairly frequent attacks by insects, currants require preventive spraying when the greens are not yet touched by pests. There are medications available to help prevent aphids and also control any ant colonies that are present. If the slightest signs of aphids are noticed on the berry garden, do not hesitate to tear off the affected leaves. When spreading, insects move along the shoots, the tops of which must also be removed along with the galls, where the insects settle. To dispose of unnecessary plant material, take a bucket of water. All torn leaves and shoots are placed in water and then completely burned. Thus, new attempts to attack aphids and their reproduction on currant bushes are prevented.

Happy spring awakening summer cottage A large number of insects appear, including ants. These small individuals create a real problem in getting rid of aphids. The juice and smell released by plants when eaten causes them to appear. The coexistence of these two types of insects does not interfere with each other, but threatens crop loss and death of currant bushes.

Traditional methods of fighting aphids

Relying on plant health workers does not always save the crop from destruction, which is why there are many various methods for the fight against aphids. In addition to simply tearing off infected areas of currants, treatment with special infusions and solutions will help. Let's consider each effective decoction separately:

  • Infusion of marigolds. It has been repeatedly proven that gall aphids are not able to withstand the smell and taste of these flowers. To prepare it, take finely chopped marigolds in the amount of half a bucket filled and fill it to the top with water. Then you need to let the flowers stand in the liquid for three days. During this time, another ingredient is prepared - crushed laundry soap (fifty grams). After settling, the infusion is filtered, separating the plant component, and soap is added to the water.
  • Red pepper decoction. Spicy strong smell unbearable for aphids, so hot peppers can repel insects for a long time. To prepare the infusion, one kilogram of peppers per bucket of water will be enough. Vegetables are finely chopped and poured with liquid, and then placed on low heat. In terms of time, such a mixture should simmer for at least sixty minutes, after which it is left to cool for two days. To spray currants, the filtered decoction is used, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:40. Two hundred and fifty grams of hot broth are consumed for one bucket of liquid. It has been observed from experience that this processing method currant bushes effectively helps get rid of slugs.
  • Garlic and onion infusions. The principle of action of these two plants is immediately visible - the sharp and strong smell survives aphids, and the immunity of currant bushes increases. According to the recipe, you need to take one kilogram of water per bucket. onion feathers. The greens must be chopped and poured with ten liters of water. The infusion can be prepared quickly, within six hours. After filtering, the contents can be placed in a spray bottle.

Onion peels also make an effective aphid control agent. One bucket of liquid will require about five hundred grams of husk. The solution is allowed to brew for five days, after which it is ready for use.

Spraying currants is best done on a windless evening. It is advisable to look at the forecast for the future so that after treating the bushes it does not rain in the near future, otherwise the solution will need to be sprayed again.

To combat aphid carriers - ants, dig a ditch around each planted currant bush. To prevent insects from getting to the plants, a sticky substance is poured into the ditch.

Chemical methods of controlling aphids

There are numerous preparations that can be found in specialized plant stores, with chemical composition. The effectiveness of using tools such as : Karbofos, Intavir, Aktara, Vofatoks, Fufan, Rovikurt proven by experience. If folk infusions do not lead to the desired result, then chemicals in the appropriate dosage will help get rid of persistent aphids. When working with any chemical, precautions should be taken to protect the body and hands from exposure to poisons.

You can find contact preparations that have an immediate effect directly on aphids, or intestinal preparations that enter the insects after eating. In both cases, the aphids die if the pesticides are used correctly according to the instructions. Poisonous systemic preparations provide a long-term effect, impregnating currant bushes with protective contents.

In addition to compliance safe mode When spraying you need to know the following features:

  • Aphids are located on the inside of leaves, so spraying of preparations must be carried out using your hands;
  • The bushes are treated for the first time in early spring, when an inspection is made for the presence of aphids in the buds and their disposal;
  • The second spray of chemicals is applied after month period before the berries appear;
  • Between repeated spraying, currants should be allowed to stand for one month.

The appearance of aphids on currant bushes can be caused by an excess of nitrogen in the soil, which is present there due to more than normal fertilizer applied. This goes to show that bigger is not better when it comes to gardening. Even when applying bait for currants, you must follow the instructions and also take into account the type of soil in the area.

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