Gentian - decor of a modern garden: proper planting and care. Planting and propagation

Planting and caring for common types of gentian in open ground is actually not particularly difficult. It is generally accepted that the plant is whimsical and requires some special conditions, but all it needs is a little sun, a little shade, fertile soil and water. Decorative use plants in landscape landscapes have long ceased to be limited to rockeries and rock gardens, and its medicinal properties have been known since ancient times.

Planting gentian in your garden is not easy to get unpretentious plant, which pleases with its flowering for a long period, but also to prepare some medicinal raw materials in case of unpleasant winter diseases. This is a perennial, and, having worked at the beginning of the season so that the gentian flower takes root and reveals its beauty, for several years you can quite serenely enjoy its sweet, irresistible charm. Planting and care in open ground will not cause much trouble.

More than 400 species of gentian are known in the world, but about 100 are found in temperate climates. Traditionally, it is considered to be a blue flower, but the blue range is so widely represented in the flowering spectrum that one can decorate with this plant alone. huge terrace, never repeating itself. Contrary to the common misconception about the short stature of gentian, there are also species with a tall, straight, strong stem, so that a house stepped terrace, a figured flowerbed or a traditional alpine slide This plant can be decorated as a whole if you use several different types.

IN garden design There are a few varieties that are especially common and will be easiest to find for planting. The most popular of them is Dahurian gentian. It has stems and leaves of an intense emerald color, up to 30 cm long, and small blue or indigo flowers are collected in apical inflorescences. It looks especially impressive in bouquets with larger flowers, in which it is used as decorative element. This does not prevent the use of Daurian gentian in individual compositions intended for delicate and charming presentation to loved ones.

Spring gentian is no less popular. It is the smallest plant found in the Gentian family and blooms in spring on a very short stem for about 3 weeks. According to legend, this is exactly what magical plant, which was collected by witches on Bald Mountain. In a gloomy garden, where there is not yet any greenery, it is especially pleasing with its ultramarine flowers, which open in the early morning and close in the late evening.

Stemless gentian, or alpine, is considered the queen alpine gardens. Its stem reaches 12 cm, but the flower can be 8 cm, blue, white or Pink colour. Lazy lovers of beauty plant entire glades of it. The flower got its name gentian from the characteristic taste that medicines containing it have, and the second name is gentian, named after the Illyrian king, who prepared many medicinal products based on it.

A little work, a minimum of conditions

Experts say that fertile soil is not necessary for planting a plant, because in nature it grows in poor soils. The only thing it is demanding about is permanent watering. Some varieties that can be difficult to find reach 1.5m in height and can simply be planted into a natural high border that will bloom most of the summer. If gentiana is planted in suitable conditions, caring for it will come down to watering, loosening the soil, and removing weeds. Watering should be especially thorough during the period when the plant is about to bloom or is already blooming. Under no circumstances should the soil dry out, but also not have obvious puddles.

More suitable for growing gentian sunny side, but a little shading wouldn’t hurt either. She tolerates trees and shrubs that will cast shadows at certain times of the day. It is better to periodically feed the plant with fertilizers, although many people do just fine without it, believing that the flower can cope on its own. Dosed and complete feeding only contributes to abundant flowering, release of buds, rich color of the flower.

The perennial is able to overwinter without shelter, and can be propagated by cuttings, layering, seeds and dividing the bush. So, having bought gentian seeds once, the rest of the time you can get by with already planted plants, resorting to buying seeds of the new species you like. All the troubles around a plant that has already formed will come down to collecting slugs and snails from them, which love them, and pruning the already faded inflorescence.

Landing rules

Planting gentian in open ground is done in stages. Gentian seeds are small, do not germinate well, and they themselves take quite a long time to hatch. In order to force them to accelerate the birth life cycle, stratification is carried out. For this purpose, the seeds are scattered on moist soil in a box with soil, covered with glass. This is done from January to March, but in a cold place such a box can be stored for up to 2 months. Changes for germination temperature regime, and at 20ºС for 15-20 days, the crops are kept under glass, watered and ventilated. Then the glass is removed, but the same temperature is left, protecting it from direct contact. sunlight.

The landing itself is quite simple:

  • holes are dug at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other;
  • fine gravel is poured into the hole;
  • the plant is planted in a hole with a diameter 3 times larger than the seedling;
  • abundant watering is carried out;
  • seedlings remain at the garden soil level;
  • planting density is about 20 bushes per square meter. m.

You can also plant it for the winter by scattering the seeds in a bed with well-sifted and dug up soil. It is better to cover the crops a little, although lazy gardeners prefer not to do this. But it is unlikely that in areas where there is severe frost in winter, one can count on good germination of uncovered seeds. If propagation is carried out by dividing the bush, then do this better in spring or early autumn after abundant watering, leaving a lump of wet soil on the seedling and planting it with it in a new hole.

Gentian, planting and caring for which brings much less problems than common ornamental plants, can also grow in a dry area of ​​the garden or front garden; for this, you can plant special varieties such as Tien Shan gentian, speckled or tricolor.

Handy healing remedy

Planting gentiana in decorative purposes, don't forget about her medicinal properties. The plant can serve a second purpose if used correctly. The beneficial properties of gentian can be successfully used in the therapeutic treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract. Its use improves appetite, stimulates the evacuation-motor function of the gastrointestinal tract, and significantly stimulates the digestion process. Gentian has excellent painkillers and anti-inflammatory agents; it is successfully used for coughs and low blood pressure, in expelling helminths and fighting fever. Gentian root is used as a remedy for heartburn, dyspeptic disorders, and constipation.

Gentian is actively used in herbal preparations, helping the other components to more fully reveal their healing properties. For constipation, an alcohol tincture made from rhubarb and rhubarb roots works great, the preparation of which takes 10 days. Used for almost 400 years to treat gout and arthritis, a decoction of gentian, a dried herb or root, taken for a month.

By planting beautiful gentiana as an ornamental plant, you can improve your landscape design, and not just long time enjoy beautiful flowers, make a bouquet of them or just admire them with pleasure, but also replenish your arsenal of healing medicines.

Gentian (Gentiana) is a herbaceous perennial with graceful, large flowers, belonging to the Gentian family. The Gentian genus includes about 420 species of annual and perennial plants. The stem of gentian can be only 5 cm tall, and the miniature plant is difficult to notice among thick grass. Some species reach 2 m in height and look more like tropical trees. Some varieties of gentian are classified as primroses, while others bloom in late autumn, when the first frosts appear and snow falls. Flowering is long, but each individual flower lives only 7 days. The petals close at dusk or in cloudy weather, but with the appearance of the first rays of the sun they again delight the eye with their beauty. Gentian leaves are entire and opposite. Gentian flowers delight with their beauty. They have absorbed the entire palette of shades of blue from bright sapphire, turning into purple, to soft blue. Also in nature there are species with yellow, red, pink and white flowers. The aroma of the flower is almost imperceptible, so the culture is not used in perfumery.

Types of gentian

Initially, gentian was cultivated for medicinal use, but over time, having properly appreciated the beauty of this unusual plant, began to be grown as an ornamental perennial. In our country, 96 species of gentian are mainly grown. Depending on the variety, gentian can bloom as in early spring, so late autumn. Cultivated in the Urals the following types gentians:

Gentiana septemfida

It is one of the most easy-to-care species, native to Asia. The bush-like plant reaches 30 cm in height. Flowers with a diameter of 5-7 cm are purple-blue. Excellent for garden growing.

Gentian (Gentiana asclepiadea)

Tall (about 60-65 cm in height), profusely flowering plant. It has dense bush, forms more than 10 young shoots in one season. Strong and thick root captures a large number of space around the plant to feed the bush. The flowers of the gentian are predominantly blue, but in the photo you can also see rare specimens of snow-white color. They are shaped like a bell with five petals. Blooms in August or September.

Gentiana pneumonanthe

The popular name is sea bells. Also known as common gentian. A perennial, medium-sized plant, 60-65 cm high, with few leafy shoots. Blooms large in August blue flowers. Widely used in folk medicine due to its healing properties.

Gentiana triflora

Also known as gentian triflorum. Herbaceous perennial 30-40 cm tall. In nature, it is found in swamps, marshy meadows, and rocky slopes. The flowers are large (about 7 cm in diameter), goblet-shaped, bright blue.

Dahurian gentian (Gentiana dahurica)

It has an ascending stem up to 40 cm long. Daurian gentian blooms in the second half of summer; the flowers are dark blue and large. Cultivated this type since 1815. Well suited as an ornamental plant for garden plots, grown for cutting. In its wild form, Dahurian gentian can be found in Dauria, Tibet and Mongolia.

Stemless gentian (Gentiana acaulis)

Also known as Koch's gentian. Miniature large-leaved perennial (up to 10 cm tall), blooming in mid-spring. In the wild, stemless gentian can be seen in the mountains Western Europe. Blooms in large bright blue, white and pink flowers, which do not exceed 6 cm in diameter. Stemless gentian is often used to decorate rocky gardens.

Chinese gentian decorated
(Gentiana sino-ornata)

It is grown everywhere in Russia. It is the last of the gentians to bloom. Flowering begins in September and continues until the end of December. Even cold weather and the first snows do not frighten the Chinese ornate gentian. Its pale blue flower is visible as a bright spot against a white background. The height of an adult plant reaches 15 cm.

Gentiana scabra

A perennial with several medium-sized stems and a cord-like rhizome. Flowers with a cornflower blue five-petalled corolla.

Gentiana cruciata

Other names are gentian cruciform, cross-leaved. Perennial herbaceous plant up to 50 cm in height. It has single, densely leafed stems and elongated leaves. Flower inside turquoise color, and the outside is painted gray-green.

Gentian yellow

Herbaceous plant up to 120 cm high. Stems are straight, bare. The leaves are paired, fused at the bases, simple, broadly ovate. The flowers are collected in bunches of 3-11 flowers. Flowering occurs in June-August, the plant bears fruit in September.

Gentian - planting and care

The right time for sowing gentian seeds for seedlings is from January to the end of March. The seeds must be scattered thinly over the surface of slightly moistened soil. Then they are lightly sprinkled with soil, compacted and the box is covered with glass. The box with seeds can be stored in a cold place for 1.5-2 months. For seed germination, the crops are transferred to a warm place (+20°C). The first shoots will appear after approximately 15-20 days. During this time, it is necessary to monitor the soil moisture, promptly water and ventilate the crops, wiping the glass from condensation and turning it over.

After germination, the ventilation time can be increased, and then the glass is removed altogether. It is better to place the seedlings in a bright room, protected from direct sunlight and keep them at a temperature of +15-20 °C. Planted in open ground in mid-April or early September. The holes are dug at a distance of at least 15 cm from each other. To ensure drainage, gravel must be added to each hole. After planting, abundant watering is required. Gentian is a fairly hardy plant and in nature can take root in any area. But for growing in the garden, a sunny area or slight shade from trees or shrubs is most suitable. It is better to choose nutritious soil with good drainage. Caring for gentian is not that difficult. If you provide the plant the necessary conditions, then care will consist of regular watering, removing weeds and loosening the soil. You need to water the plant on time, not allowing the soil to dry out completely, and at the same time make sure that the water does not stagnate in the ground. It is especially necessary to pay attention to this during flowering or during the formation of buds. Faded buds should be removed, this will help preserve the decorative appearance of the bush. Gentian does not need pruning. The only exceptions are those species that can be cut to make bouquets. Wintering this plant able to carry without shelter. Complex complexes are used as fertilizing mineral fertilizers in compliance with the dosage and timing of application. Gentian can be fed with both mineral and organic fertilizers.

Gentian propagation

Gentian can be propagated by seeds, cuttings, dividing the bush and layering. The safest method of propagation for a plant is cuttings. Dividing the bush should be done very carefully and monitor the roots, as the plant does not tolerate damage to them. Sometimes plants take root by pressing their shoots to the ground. By autumn they are already forming new buds and rosettes. They will bloom next year.

Gentian - diseases and pests

Gentian is very rarely susceptible to any diseases or pests. But still, these bushes attract slugs and snails, which can only be gotten rid of by picking them by hand. Gentian seeds are stored in a bag for 6 months to 1 year, depending on the type. Storage at low temperatures can reduce seed activity and extend shelf life.


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Gentian is a herbaceous annual or perennial Gentian family. The genus contains about 500 species of plants, which differ as appearance, and height (from 1 cm to 2 m).

Homeland of gentian– meadows of the Alpine mountains. The current growing area is the entire Earth except Antarctica and Africa. About 100 species are decorative.

Description of the plant

Gentian- a plant with a thick vertical wrinkled root, short straight or erect stems and sessile opposite ovate leaves. Flowers are solitary or in the form of umbrella-type inflorescences.

Main petal color– blue and blue, although there are plants with violet, lilac, white, yellow, purple and pink petals. Seeds of different sizes, depending on the type, are found in the fruit (single-locular capsule) of the plant. Gentian flowering period: early spring- late fall.

Where does gentian grow?

When growing gentian it is important to know the features of its natural growth. Some species grow high in the mountains and require rocky soil, while others prefer moist air and grow in areas of water bodies.

Still others love rich soil humus. Depending on the growing conditions, plants are divided into several groups:

Gentian propagation

Gentian is grown from seeds, cuttings, dividing the bush and layering. Sown seeds do not always produce the desired germination rate, even if the sowing instructions are fully followed.

Sowing process produced in late autumn by open sowing into leveled and sifted soil. Seeds of tall varieties (larger) are lightly sprinkled with soil. Planted seeds need a long cold period and light.

The disadvantage of this method of sowing is duration of time before the flowering period. Seeds planted in November will sprout in 6-7 months (in May-June) and bloom the next year.

Exists seed growing method at home, using a glazed balcony or loggia at temperature ranges from +5 to – 5 degrees. Seeds are planted in steamed soil, consisting of purchased substrate mixed half and half with sand.

Warm ground poured into a container, compacted and poured with boiled water. The sown seeds are thinly sprinkled with soil.

The crops are moistened using a sprayer, cover it with glass or film and after three weeks place it on the balcony or in the refrigerator. After 60 days, the container with the seeds is placed in a warm, bright place.

At the appearance of the first shoots, the place is equipped with a source of bright light necessary for seed growth. During the growing process, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of soil moisture, preventing it from drying out.

Gentian does not tolerate the transplantation process well: the seedling is dug up with a decent piece of root soil (taking care to preserve the tap root), planted in the ground and watered abundantly.

Reproduction by cuttings depends on the plant species. Stemless gentian when growing, it forms a new rosette with stopons. The mother bush is dug up, the stopon with the rosette is separated and planted in a moist, loose substrate.

Variety Chinese-decorated gentian propagates even more easily. IN summer time their shoots are cut off and rooted in the places where they will grow. A buried, watered and covered cutting takes root in 20-25 days.

Sometimes plants take root by pressing their shoots to the soil. By autumn they form new buds and rosettes, blooming the following year.

Through new buds and sockets Asian varieties of gentian are propagated.


Planting seedlings Gentian is produced in early May or October. Each plant (growing in a group or single) is planted in an individual hole. Planting density – 15-20 plants per sq.m.

soil dig twice, loosen, lay drainage from crushed stone, gravel or stones and make planting holes into which lime or bone meal is added. Seedlings do not need to be buried in the soil. The planting level is the garden soil line.

Gentian- A hardy plant that can withstand harsh winter periods. To insure against winters with little snow, it is recommended to cover the planting sites with leaves.

Various varieties plants are preferred to grow different compositions soil One type of plant prefers slightly acidic soils, others prefer calcareous soils, and still others prefer acidic soils.

Some need humus-clayey stony soil, others - fertile soil. But almost all plant varieties need nutritious, moisture-permeable soil with a clay structure.


Care system looking after plants means regular watering to ensure sufficient soil moisture during the dry period (especially during flowering and bud formation).

It is also important to carry out work on loosening the soil during the rainy season. This will promote accelerated drainage of moisture from the soil surface.

Tall views gentians need periodic pruning of flowering shoots. The overall decorative effect is maintained by removing dried flowers.

Gentian- a rare crop that does not need feeding. Soil nutrition is maintained spring application into the soil of peat and bone or horn meal.

Severely depleted soils are fed mineral fertilizers. At the same time, you need to know that abundant application of fertilizers contributes to the death of plants.

Gentian practically not affected by diseases and pest invasions. This is possible if there are disturbances in the growing process or inappropriateness of the place where the plants are grown (swamp, salt marshes).

High humidity may attract snails and slugs. They are collected from the flower garden by hand. Plants affected by fungal infections are removed.

Total beauty plants are ensured by planting them in the form of a continuous carpet. They are indispensable in creating clearings for a variety of shrubs; they decorate sidewalks and borders; they are used to create a variety of potted compositions in combination with ivy, sedge, cereals.

They are used in rose gardens and in the creation of alpine slides.

Plant has also found its application in medicine. The drug "Gentian", having antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, can improve the process of bile secretion and stabilize the functioning of the heart.

Medicine is prescribed in the treatment of jaundice, arthritis, anemia, constipation, scurvy, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This excellent remedy for general strengthening of the body.

And for the most curious, we suggest you watch a video about gentian

Gentian is a short herb with amazing blue, blue, yellow and purple flowers. Bright petals reflect all the shades that occur in the sky. In addition, gentian is medicinal plant, recognized in folk and official medicine. Start in own garden Such an unpretentious and useful plant is a must. Moreover, in many countries it is listed in the Red Book. Gentian got its name from its very bitter taste. The plant belongs to the Gentian family. There are more than three hundred species in the genus, which are distributed almost throughout the planet. You will not find gentian except in Antarctica and Africa.

Botanical description

Gentian is represented by perennial and annual plants. It is fed by a rather thick and short taproot. Cord-like shoots extend from it deep into the soil. The flower can take the form of a subshrub or grass. The height of the shoots is only 5-15 cm, although there are varieties up to 1.5 m high. Opposite sessile leaves are located on hard, short stems. Leaf blades are usually painted in dark green color. They have a lanceolate or oval shape with a solid lateral edge and a pointed end.

At the top of the stem, single flowers or few-flowered inflorescences bloom from the axils of the leaves. Depending on the species, they may appear in early spring or early autumn. The corolla of the flower resembles a bell and has an elongated tube. The edges of the thin petals are bent to the sides and repeat the shape of a symmetrical five-pointed star. The flowers of most gentians are colored various shades blue, and also have a purple, yellow or white color.

Pollination is carried out by insects, which also collect pollen, because gentian is a good honey plant. Fruit – small seed pod, which contains many small seeds.

Medicinal properties

The rhizome and shoots of gentian contain many alkaloids, glycosides and other biologically active substances. Due to this, the plant has long been used in folk medicine, and is also used for the preparation of pharmaceuticals. Decoctions and preparations based on gentian have a high choleretic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, and stimulating effect.

Gentian is used to combat such ailments as:

  • cough;
  • convulsions;
  • arthritis;
  • scurvy;
  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence;
  • anemia;
  • fever.

It is important not to overuse gentian medications. An overdose leads to increased blood pressure, excitability, and dizziness.

Plant species

There are 359 species registered in the gentian genus. About 90 of them are used in culture. The most famous are the following types:

A large plant up to 1.5 m high has an erect stem. Its base is framed by a rosette of large oval leaves. The foliage along the stem is more modest in size. Numerous yellow flowers collected in axillary inflorescences of the upper third of the stem. Flowering occurs in the second half of summer. Each bud is about 25 mm long and consists of pointed petals. Flowering lasts up to 50 days.

Gentian pulmonary (common). The plant has an erect, slightly branched stem 25-50 cm long. Linear or lanceolate-linear leaves are located at the base and rarely along the entire length of the shoot. The length of the leaf blade is 3-7 cm. Axillary flowers are grouped at the top of the stem. The bell-shaped corolla, 1.5-2 cm long, consists of pointed petals. They are painted a rich dark Blue colour, on inner surface there are thin green streaks at the base. Blooms in July-August.

The variety has softer, erect or lodging shoots 25-40 cm long. They are covered with long light green foliage. Large dark blue flowers are collected in small apical inflorescences. They bloom in July and bloom until the end of August. The plant can be used for cutting and making bouquets.

Gentian cruciforme (cross-leaved). The plant has a thickened tap root and an erect stem up to 50 cm long. It is densely covered with long foliage. The small bell-shaped flowers inside are turquoise in color. On the outside, the petals are dominated by gray-green shades. Flowering occurs in the second half of summer.

On an erect stem up to 80 cm high there are ovoid leaves with a pointed edge. Their length is 6-9 cm. In the sinuses upper leaves on peduncles there are large single flowers. Their length reaches 5 cm. The corolla consists of blue-violet or white petals collected in a narrow cup. The buds open from the end of August.

The plant consists of rigid, erect or drooping stems 40-70 cm long. Leaves are collected at the base and rare internodes. Oval leaf plates can reach 20-40 cm in length and 18-30 cm in width. Flowers are collected in dense inflorescences at the apical leaves. The length of the blue-violet bells is 1.5-2 cm. The edges of the petals are pointed. Blooms in July-August.

Stemless gentian (Koha). The miniature alpine variety, no more than 10 cm high, is particularly attractive. Oval leaves of bright green color are collected in basal rosettes. Above them, from the end of spring, large tubular flowers of blue, light blue or white. Flowering occurs very abundantly. It begins in early May and lasts up to 1.5 months.

Gentian seven-partite. This unpretentious variety grows as a wide shrub up to 30 cm high. Flowers with purple-blue petals bloom above the weakly leafy shoots. The diameter of the bell is 5-7 cm. It blooms in mid-June.

Reproduction methods

Gentian can be propagated by seed and vegetative methods. Seeds remain viable for 6-12 months. Before planting, it is necessary to carry out cold stratification. The seeds are placed in a cool place with an air temperature of no more than +7°C. For heat-loving varieties One month is enough; high-mountain varieties will need stratification for 2-3 months. During this period, the seeds should be in sandy-peaty soil. You can sow them in the fall in open ground, but do not bury them in the ground, but only press them. After stratification, the seeds are sown in moist soil and kept at a temperature of +20°C. Shoots appear in 15-20 days.

At the beginning of spring, overgrown bushes can be divided into several parts. The procedure should be carried out very carefully, since gentian does not tolerate transplantation well. It is important to save earthen lump. New plants are carefully transplanted to a new location. After transplanting, it is necessary to water the seedlings abundantly.

Some varieties of gentian can be taken from cuttings. In spring, it is necessary to cut off the top of the stem or a side shoot with 1-2 internodes. Rooting is done in water or sandy-peat soil. The process may take up to a month. During this period, the cuttings should be watered with caution. To reduce moisture evaporation, it is covered glass jar or by package. It is important to ventilate the plant daily. With the appearance of roots, the seedlings are placed on permanent place in the garden.

Rules of care

Gentian in nature is a hardy plant, ready to adapt to harsh conditions. Alas, in culture it is more capricious. The genus unites varieties with different habitats, and therefore they need different care.

Lighting. Gentians prefer areas in the open sun (seven-parted, dahurian, cross-shaped, yellow) or in slight shade (lastovneva). Deep shade is contraindicated for all plants.

Temperature. Bushes adapted to conditions temperate climate and frosty winters, so they do not need additional shelter. They tolerate frost and summer heat well.

The soil. Gentian prefers light, well-drained soils with moderate fertility. Sandy or loamy soils with the addition of small stones are suitable for it. Neutral acidity is preferred. Yellow and stemless gentians need additional mulching with limestone. Regardless of the type, stagnation of water is unacceptable.

Watering. Plants need regular watering. During periods of drought, daily irrigation with small portions of liquid may be necessary.

Fertilizer. From May to August, it is recommended to fertilize gentian monthly with half a portion of mineral fertilizers. Use compositions for flowering garden plants. If the soil is fertile enough, you can do without fertilizing.

Gentian in the garden

Gentian is good in rocky areas and rockeries. This is how she looks most natural. It is advisable to use group plantings, then a continuous carpet will cover the designated area. It will delight you with sapphire shades, which are rarely found in nature.

In the flower garden tall plants used in central positions, and low-growing species- in the foreground. Next to them should be placed flowering or ornamental plants that do not grow too much. It can be sage, sedge, bells. You can plant gentian in front of conifers and deciduous shrubs. The proximity to medium-sized cereal crops is also effective.

Gentian (Gentiana) was famous for its beneficial properties back in the 2nd century. BC e. Then the king of Illyria, Gentius, used the roots of yellow gentian to treat the plague. Modern varieties Gentians grow well in open ground and delight gardeners with lush flowering in spring and autumn. This article contains information about planting and proper cultivation gentians. Miniature plants They will delight you for a long time with bright flowers in a rock garden or rock garden, provided proper care is provided. Propagating gentians yourself can be a bit of a hassle, but the plants are so beautiful (can be seen in the photo) that they are worth placing in the garden.

Gentian: varieties and varieties

Among the Gentian family, one can count up to 400 species and varieties of perennial herbs, subshrubs and shrubs. Annual species of gentian are less common. Plants reach a height of 10 cm to 1.5 meters. Gentian stems are straight with opposite, whole leaves. Flowers are bell-shaped or funnel-shaped, different varieties painted in blue, lilac, blue, white tones; varieties with yellow flowers are less common.

Gentian flowers are most often deep blue.

The traditional color of gentian is a piercing blue color, of such purity and brightness that you cannot take your eyes off the flowers, even in photographs, for a long time. Gentian flowering can begin in early spring, summer or autumn - it depends on the type of plant.

The beneficial properties of gentian were noticed in ancient times; healers of different times successfully used this plant in medical practice. Natural habitat the growth range of gentians is quite wide: mountains Far East, Caucasus, Altai, Western Europe, Siberia and Transbaikalia.

Low gentian is very popular among landscape designers for creating compositions

Low varieties of gentian, when grown in open ground, are very popular for planting in rock gardens, rocky hills and rock gardens.

Planting gentian

Gentian is not often found in hobbyist gardens. When grown, this plant requires compliance with certain conditions. Considering different conditions species growth, for a certain variety of gentian it is necessary to ideally select a suitable location in the garden: sunny or shaded. In practice, plants are placed in light partial shade or in a site with a western orientation. Planting plants taking into account the agricultural technology of the crop guarantees successful cultivation decorative flowers.

Plant care

Some types of gentian do not tolerate dry soil and dry air, so these plants need to be provided with a place with high humidity air. In this case, it is ideal to place plants near fountains, ponds or pools.

Gentian feels great near bodies of water

Plants require individual care when grown in open ground, depending on the species. But all the efforts of the gardener will be justified as soon as the piercing blue flowers open.

Advice! Planting soil requires the inclusion of gravel or pebbles for better drainage.

Gentian roots do not tolerate stagnant water. In addition, some plants feel depressed with high lime content in the soil, and some species require acidic soils.

The plant requires regular watering

Caring for gentian includes systematic watering during the period of plant growth and development, loosening the soil, removing weeds and applying fertilizer.

Advice! When watering gentians with hard water, the plants develop poorly and are reluctant to bloom.

Some types of plants require watering with specially acidified water. Improper care for gentian can provoke disease and death of the plant.

Fertilizer and feeding of gentian

Gentian responds well to the application of organic fertilizers, especially rotted manure. When planting, it is useful to add bone meal or ash under the roots of the plant. When growing gentians, you can use long-acting complex mineral fertilizers in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations for dosage and timing of application.

Gentian can be fed with both mineral and organic fertilizers

Gentian propagation

Gentian propagation is carried out vegetatively: by cuttings, separated by layering, dividing the bush or by seeds.
Considering that the plant tolerates transplantation and propagation very painfully vegetative way This is done with caution; you especially need to watch the roots when dividing the bush. The plant does not tolerate damage to tap roots.

The safest method of propagation for a plant is cuttings.

Seed propagation is carried out directly into the ground. Before sowing seeds, you should carefully dig up the beds and sift the soil.

Advice! Sowing is done before winter, the seeds are lightly covered with soil.

When cutting gentian, it is advisable to use powerful, straight shoots.

Diseases and pests

Pests rarely visit gentian bushes. Occasionally, the plant is harmed by naked slugs, which can be collected by hand. Thrips and ants, which can also harm gentians in open ground, are destroyed with systemic drugs.

Often develop on plants fungal diseases: gray mold, gentian rust, spotting, root collar rot. To prevent diseases, it is necessary to strictly follow agrotechnical practices for caring for plants. Treatment: treatment with fungicides.

Gentian: combination with other plants

Cushion-shaped gentians form wonderful combinations With low growing plants for rockeries: perennial edelweiss, iberis, primrose, small-bulbous plants. Tall varieties of gentian in combination with rhododendrons and heathers form elegant compositions. In landscape design, gentians are used to decorate pools, ponds, fountains and waterfalls. That's why bright flowers fit perfectly into compositions with cereals, variegated hostas, and low-growing ferns.

Gentians in landscape design

Gentian in landscape design

All types of gentians are in demand in landscape design: stemless forms and tall bushes that bloom in spring, summer or autumn. Ideal blue tone Gentian flowers are so bright and eye-catching that the plant is used in compositions to highlight white and yellow companion flowers. Gentian is often used in tapeworm plantings, when framing paths, for planting in flower beds and ridges. It is impossible to imagine the landscape design of rocky hills and gardens without bright gentian islands.

Gentian varieties: video

Varieties of gentian: photo

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