Hyacinths at home planting and care. Effective care for hyacinth at home: how to care for a plant in a pot

Winter is a rather harsh time. Frost and cold piercing winds do not add optimism, so we all live in anticipation of spring. And hyacinths will help us with this, caring for them is not as difficult as it might seem at first. They bloom in winter and greatly enliven our lives with their variety of colors (from white to burgundy and blue) and luxurious flowering. In the February cold I can’t even imagine flowering plants You can’t, but you can see it on your windowsill. They bloom in February and inspire confidence in the heart that after winter spring will definitely come, everything comes to life and blooms, and life goes on. There is not a single person who will remain indifferent to the sight of this splendor blooming at home and will not admire the wonderful, enchanting aroma.

Translated from Greek, hyacinth means “flower of rain.” This amazing flower came to us from the Mediterranean and Asia Minor. In nature, of course, they do not look so luxurious and presentable, but, nevertheless, very cute and gentle. Breeders have developed many varieties of hyacinths that will not leave anyone indifferent. This plant is grown both from bulbs and from seeds. But growing from bulbs is more common, since growing from seeds is difficult and takes a long time.

Hyacinths grow both in open ground and at home. They can be grown in open ground no further middle zone Russia, as they do not tolerate frosty winters well. The flowering of hyacinths after they have faded can be repeated, but at home. If you provide hyacinths with proper care and follow all agrotechnical practices, they will give you and your family new blooms, and, therefore, new positive emotions.

Today we will talk about how to grow hyacinths at home from bulbs.

It must be said right away that hyacinths are grown in soil mixtures in any container, as well as in water.

Harvesting bulbs

To do this in the fall, you need to dig up larger and healthier bulbs in the garden and dry them. Now they will be waiting in the wings to please everyone with their flowering, but only now at home. But in order for them to bloom profusely and be healthy, you should follow some simple rules.

Definition of deadlines

You need to firmly decide when you will need blooming hyacinths and, based on this, plan your planting time. After all, approximately 70-80 days pass from planting hyacinths to their flowering.

Bulb cooling

Then you need to create favorable conditions for growing.

You will need a dark, cool place to place the hyacinth bulbs.. It’s good if it’s a basement, but, at worst, a refrigerator will do.

Coolness and lighting

At the second stage, when the hyacinths begin to grow, the conditions will change slightly. The room needs to be cool but well lit. Plants with blooming flowers are kept at a temperature no higher than +19 degrees C and with good lighting.

Bulb size

To force hyacinths, you need to take healthy bulbs at least 5 cm in diameter. This will ensure trouble-free and lush flowering.


For home forcing, the bulbs must be specially processed. Therefore, bulbs need to be purchased not in random places, but already processed, and where they do it professionally.

Bulb selection

The bulbs must be healthy; dense, undamaged, covered with outer scales, then their cultivation will go smoothly.

Container and soil

To force hyacinths, you need to select suitable containers: small boxes, bowls, wide pots with a small drainage hole and prepare nutritious soil, expanded clay or sand. Having prepared everything necessary to create conditions for forcing, you can begin planting the bulbs.

Planting bulbs

We line the bottom of the container with a thin layer of sand or expanded clay, then pour in enough soil so that the bulbs look out of the ground by 2-3 cm. We place the bulbs in the ground so that there is about 3 cm between them, that is, they should be cramped, but touch They should not touch each other or the walls of the container. In addition to the fact that they feel more comfortable this way, when the plants bloom, they look very impressive.

The soil around the bulbs needs to be compacted and watered. Then we cover the soil on top with a layer of sand about 1 cm thick. This is done so that the hyacinth bulbs do not begin to rot during the forcing process.


After this, place the container with the plants in plastic bag With ventilation holes. This is how we create conditions for ventilation. We place the packaged plant in the basement or refrigerator. A temperature of +6 degrees C promotes the rooting of hyacinths.

Seedling care

When the plant takes root, the first shoots will emerge. This process takes 6-7 weeks. All this time, caring for them is simple: you need to make sure that the soil in the containers does not dry out.


When hyacinth seedlings grow to 3 cm, caring for them will become more difficult. Containers with plants should be moved to a room where the temperature is no more than +12 degrees C. To begin with, they should be in a shaded place, and then they should be moved closer to the window. After this, the bulbs will begin to actively grow leaves, and then buds will appear.

If you hurry up and place the bulbs in a warmer place earlier and arrange for them good lighting, then the plant will not bloom at all.

After this, the hyacinths can be placed in the designated place. Here, care is more difficult, since the place should be well lit (but not in direct sunlight), not be in a draft, be away from heating devices. Here the temperature should be maintained within +16-19 degrees C. In addition, the soil must be kept moist.

Growing in water

If you want to grow hyacinth in water, then care will not be difficult either. You just need to place its bulb in a narrow container filled with nutrient solution consisting of water and fertilizers. The onion in the container must be positioned so that only the bottom of the bulb touches the liquid. And all other growing techniques and care will be the same as for bulbs planted in the soil.


Basic care for blooming hyacinth consists of regular and proper watering. You need to water it with great care, trying to ensure that water does not get on either the bulb or the leaves.


In order for the plant to develop evenly and be well lit, the container must be rotated occasionally. If necessary, support should be provided for the plant.


Hyacinths should be fed from time to time liquid fertilizer for flowers.

A hyacinth bulb that has been forced a second time will not bloom, but it can be used for propagation purposes. You just need to carefully remove it from the container and plant it in the fall. open ground, where she will give birth to “babies” with great success.

When the hyacinths have faded, you need to carefully cut off the dried flower stalks, and care for the plant as before: water and feed until all the leaves on it die off. All this time, the bulbs will rest and gather strength, and “babies” may even form on them.

When all the leaves have dried, the bulbs need to be removed from the ground, cleaned of dried leaves and dried well. In the fall, they need to be planted in the garden, where there is no wind and burning sun rays. Here they will bloom safely on next year, just as luxurious as at home. Hyacinth bulbs live for several years, and during this time they are overgrown with new bulbs, which will soon also bloom.

February weather is windy and unstable. There is still no talk of any flowers, even the earliest ones, outside the window! But, which will certainly instill in everyone’s heart the confidence that spring will very soon transform everything around. Their surprisingly powerful aroma and dense inflorescences rarely leave anyone indifferent, and the name is translated from Greek as “flower of rain.” So, let's talk about hyacinths today.

The homeland of these flowers is Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. Of course, in nature you will not find the plants that can now be purchased in our stores. After all, the wild ancestors of cultivated hyacinths do not form such luxurious lush flower caps. But, nevertheless, even modest natural forms inspired breeders to take up their improvement, and in the end... Purple, burgundy, white, cream inflorescences, reminiscent of lilac...These flowers will conquer anyone!

But these bulbous ones will last, fade and, most likely, go... to the trash heap. But true flower growers never do this! After all, after resting, a hyacinth bulb is still capable of producing new blooms. Once the hyacinth has finished blooming, cut off the dry flower stalks and continue to water and feed the plant until the leaves dry out. At this time, the bulb gains strength and may even form daughter bulbs. Then remove the bulb from the ground, tear off the dried leaves and dry. In the fall, they are planted in the garden in a place protected from the wind and direct sunlight, where they will bloom again in a year. The hyacinth bulb lives for more than one year, growing overgrown with children that produce new flowers.

Growing hyacinths in the garden is a special topic. But in the fall, the largest bulbs can be dug up, dried, and they will wait for the moment when they will delight you with their flowers, but already on the windowsill. But in order for hyacinths to bloom abundantly, and for the plant and bulbs to remain healthy, it is necessary to adhere to several simple rules as strictly as possible.

First. Decide by what time you want to have blooming hyacinths. By the New Year (this is early forcing), January-February (middle), March-April (late forcing). The time required for forcing hyacinths from planting to flowering takes on average 2.5 months.

Second. It is necessary to have a cold, dark place where the hyacinth bulbs will initially be placed (ideally a cellar, but a refrigerator will do), and a cool, lit place where the hyacinth flowers that have begun to grow are placed at the second stage. Plants with blooming flowers can grow at room temperature (but it should not exceed 18-20 degrees) and good light.

For home forcing of hyacinths, choose larger bulbs with a diameter of more than 5 cm. This will serve as the key to successful cultivation and lush flowering. For forcing at home, all bulbous plants, as a rule, are specially prepared. Therefore, buy bulbs in trusted places - garden centers, specialized stores or from people who have been doing this for a long time and seriously. The bulb must be healthy: dense, without damage, with outer scales.

Select suitable containers for forcing hyacinths. These can be any boxes, wide pots, bowls, but must have a drainage hole. Prepare soil mixture(any nutritious soil mixture with a neutral reaction), drainage (sand or fine expanded clay). Now you can proceed directly to planting your favorite flowers.

Place a thin layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot; then fill with soil so that the tops of the bulbs rise about 2-3 cm above the soil surface. Plant the bulbs in the soil. The distance between the bulbs when forcing hyacinths should be about 2.5 cm. They should sit closely, but not touch each other or the walls of the bowl or box. Thanks to this arrangement, flowering plants look more spectacular. Punch the soil around the bulbs to make it more compact. Then water the planted flowers. Sprinkle with a layer of sand 0.5-1 cm thick. This is necessary so that the bulbs do not rot during forcing. Then place the container with the planted hyacinths in a plastic bag, in which you must make a hole for ventilation.

Place the flower prepared in this way in a cool, dark place (refrigerator). At a temperature of 5-7 degrees at at this stage After forcing hyacinths, the plant takes root, then the first shoots appear. The placement period under such conditions is 6-10 weeks. Check from time to time to see if the soil in the box is dry.

After 10-12 weeks, when green shoots of 2-2.5 cm (hyacinth leaves) appear, move the boxes to a cool, shaded place with a temperature of 10-12 degrees. First place it in a shaded place, after a few days move it closer to the window. The bulbs will begin to actively throw out leaves, and in a few weeks buds will appear. Now you can move the hyacinth to its intended place. It should be well lit (but not exposed to direct sunlight), free from drafts, moisture and away from heating devices. Air temperature 15-20 degrees. The soil should be constantly moist. Rotate the pot from time to time to ensure the plants grow evenly. If necessary, install supports. For lush, long-lasting flowering, fertilizing with liquid fertilizer is necessary. And then all the guests of your home will be surprised by the aroma and beautiful flowering this amazing plant.

If you want to know how to autumn cold care for indoor plants and flowers, watch video tips from Sergei Novikov!

Hyacinth is a flower whose name is translated from Latin as flower of rain. He got this name due to his love for excessive moisture, there is also an assumption that it is called that because of the time of flowering of this plant in nature, namely in the spring during the rainy season.

The homeland of Hyacinth is Southeast Asia . In most cases this bulbous flower They are grown in gardens, but you can also do it at home, but caring for the plant in this case is slightly different.

This is extraordinary beautiful plant attracts attention thanks to its colorful and bright colors similar to small bells, which are located on a fleshy peduncle in the form of a racemose inflorescence. Flowers can be either simple or double in yellow, pink, blue, purple, indigo or white.

Bright green, smooth and fleshy leaves, in quantities from 5 to 8 pieces, form a rosette sprouting from the bulb, from which the peduncle emerges. The flower reaches a height of 30 cm. The flowering of Hyacinth is accompanied by a subtle pleasant aroma.

There are many types of Hyacinth, including: Ostara, Amethyst, Rosalia, Sunflower, La Victoire, Litvinova, Transcayspian, Arentina Arendsen.

But the most popular and widespread in home growing is

Forcing at home

Caring for Hyacinth is not difficult, but you need to follow some rules. The first rule is choosing a bulb, from which the flower will be grown. The size of the bulb in diameter must be at least 5 cm, it must be dense, not affected by rot, diseases and insects. The second rule is to create the necessary atmosphere for successful flower cultivation.

Choosing a pot and soil for planting bulbs

The vessel for diluting Hyacinth should be medium in size and have drainage holes at the bottom. From 1 to 3 bulbs sit in one container. They should not come into contact with each other or with the walls of the pot.

A layer of drainage must be laid out at the bottom of the pot; for this, you can use a layer of sand about 2 cm.

The bulb is not completely placed in the soil; its upper part should not be covered. The substrate used is one that has a neutral acidity level, since high acidity is not suitable for the flower. To avoid rotting of the bulb, the surface of the soil is also covered with sand.

After planting the bulbs, they need to create a dormant period of about two months. The flowerpot is placed in a dark, cool place, perhaps even in the refrigerator, the temperature should be +5-7 degrees. Occasionally the soil needs to be watered to maintain constant moisture. During this time, the bulbs take root well and will produce flower stalks in the future. After the bulbs produce a pair of leaves, the flower is transferred to a bright place with a temperature no higher than +15 degrees.

And only when inflorescences form, the flowerpot is placed on permanent place, in which complete care of the plant is carried out.

Care during flowering

The flowering period of Hyacinth lasts on average about two weeks; during this period care is required, thanks to which the flowering will be lush and longer.


Hyacinth loves light very much, he needs it at least 15 hours a day. If you place it in a place where there is not enough light, you need to additionally use artificial sources lighting. In the sultry summer days The plant needs to be shaded to avoid direct sunlight.


The best temperature for growing Hyacinth is +20-22 degrees. It is not recommended to keep the flower close to heating devices. You should also avoid drafts, as they can lead to the death of the flower.

Watering and spraying

The soil in the pot should always be slightly moist, this is especially important during flowering, active growth and wintering. You should also avoid stagnation of water, which can lead to rotting of the bulb and the development of fungal diseases. To do this, water is poured from the pan immediately after watering. One more important point There is a method of watering: To ensure that water does not fall on the bulb, in the axils of the leaves and buds, the water must be poured near the edge of the pot.

The water must be soft room temperature, it is good to use rainwater or melt water, preheating it.

Top dressing

The plant needs frequent feeding, about twice a month. For this purpose any universal fertilizer for indoor bulbous plants. Before feeding, you need to water the flower.

Care after flowering

Hyacinth, like all other flowering plants, fades over time. But in this case, its vital activity does not stop, but the care of the flower simply changes.

  • First the peduncle is cut off, the leaves remain, and caring for the flower continues until they die completely. After this, it is necessary to dry the bulbs and place the plant for a period of rest. To do this, the flower is removed from the pot, the roots are cleared of the soil, and the top of the plant is cut off at a distance of about one centimeter from the bulb.
  • The bulb is sprayed with a disinfectant solution, for example Fundazol, to avoid infection and remove the top unnecessary peel. Then the bulb is dried, at which time it must be turned periodically to dry completely.
  • When the bulb is completely dry, you need to wrap it in paper or sawdust and place it in a dark, dry place for 2-3 months, after which it can be planted again.

Video about caring for Hyacinth after flowering

Very often, flower growers adjust the flowering of Hyacinth to a certain time of the year, for example, to get an inflorescence on March 8, this must be done in October. For this purpose, a manipulation such as forcing - in this case, the bulbs are specially brought out of dormancy.

In this case, the planted bulbs are covered with a bag in which a hole is made so that the plant can breathe. Then the flower is grown, as with ordinary planting of bulbs.

Video about forcing Hyacinth by March 8

Reproduction methods

There are several ways to propagate Hyacinth. Among them: propagation by children, propagation by seeds, cutting the bottom and notching the bottom. At home, the first method is most often used, since the others are very time-consuming and complex; they are used by breeders and professionals.

On average, a bulb can produce 2-4 babies per year. They must be carefully separated from the mother bulb and planted in a separate container. If the baby is difficult to separate, then after a period of dormancy, the mother bulb is planted along with it and separated only after the next flowering of Hyacinth.

With this method of propagation, the plant blooms in 2-3 years.


Pruning the peduncle is necessary after flowering has completed, because if fruits form after the flowers, this will drain all the strength from the flower. Also When the leaves dry, they are also cut off.

Diseases and pests

Most often, Hyacinth is resistant to various kinds threats when grown at home, because when transplanting the bulbs are processed disinfectants. But sometimes hyacinth is threatened by the following diseases and pests:

  • Bacterial rot. There are many causes of infection with this disease and various symptoms of its manifestation, for example, the appearance of black spots on the leaves, rotting of the bulb, drying out of the roots, etc. The disease can only be overcome by industrial production, at home this leads to the death of the flower. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of the plant and soil, and disinfect the pot.
  • Insects. For example: aphids, mites and others. You can get rid of them by spraying the flower chemicals, but only before the flowering period.
  • Physiological disorders. These are deformations of the peduncle, for example, curvature or incorrect flowering, which appear in case of non-compliance with the “forcing” regime, or rather the cooling period.

The bulb is affected by rot

Peduncle deformation


Thus, p The problem of growing Hyacinth at home is not great, if you follow all the rules for caring for this flower, and also provide appropriate care for it during the dormant period. In this case, Hyacinth will delight with its beautiful and fragrant blooms.

How to grow hyacinth at home? Finding fault with words - no way. This flower, like most bulbous flowers, has a clear dependence on the changing seasons. That is, it will not constantly grow on the windowsill in a pot.

But it’s worth trying to force it out. Hyacinth will look especially impressive and original as a gift for any holiday. Moreover, he does not need extraordinary care. Now let's look at all the stages.

Selection and preparation of the bulb

For growing at home choose large onion, with a diameter of more than 4 cm. The smaller ones will give foliage, but you will not get flowering. Necessarily planting material must meet the following conditions:

  • It feels firm and pleasantly elastic. Softness speaks of corruption.
  • No visible damage, cuts, dark wet spots.
  • Lack of mold and its smell.
  • The scales are whole and dry. Characteristic color for the variety.
  • The bottom is clean, smooth, dense, without damage or dents.

You can choose a bulb from your flowerbed or buy it in a store or market. Some even manage to order online. Risky activity. Who knows what will come in the mail?

After the hyacinth has been selected, you need to prepare it thoroughly. To do this, the onion is soaked for 17-19 minutes in a strong, hot solution of potassium permanganate. Approximately +40°C. Next, without washing, dip into a solution of phytosporin. Cooking instructions can always be found on the packaging.

Dry it. And put away for storage in a dark, warm place average humidity. This treatment will kill fungal spores and pathogenic bacteria.

When to plant hyacinth

To predict the beginning of flowering specific date, you'll have to remember the math. We take the required number. We take 24 days. This is the time to build up green mass and ripen buds. And we also take 10 weeks to cold period rooting.

For example, we need blooming hyacinth by January 7th. We do the necessary calculations. It turns out that you need to plant the bulb in the ground around October 3-5.

Choosing soil and pot

It is not vitally important what material the pot is made of. Take any one that suits your size. And how do you recognize this notorious size? It's simple. There should be at least another 1.5-1.8 cm left from the edge of the container to the onion. Accordingly, the same between the onions. It is advisable to leave a little more more space so that there is room for the flowers. Otherwise they will begin to stretch out in the fight for sunlight. Which is fraught with loose, ugly inflorescences.

The soil. The soil should be nutritious, rich in rotted organic matter. It is recommended to make the mixture yourself. For this you will need:

  • good humus, 1
  • peat, 1
  • coarse clean sand, 2
  • turf, 1
  • matured compost, 0.5

The numbers indicate the number of parts in the soil mixture. Mix all this well. Then they are heated in the oven at a temperature of +105-110°C. This will disinfect the soil. Cool, it's ready.

Planting hyacinth

In order to grow hyacinth at home, you need to plant it correctly. How many pieces should I plant in one pot? Depends on what size it is. Maybe your pot is enough for 7 or 9 bulbs. But single plantings or three hyacinths look most impressive different color in one container. To do this, there must be holes at the bottom of the vessel to drain excess liquid. They are sprinkled with a thick layer of drainage. For example, expanded clay or fine gravel. Then add a little clean sand on top.

After this, soil is poured and the bulb is installed. And they cover it with earth up to their shoulders. Not with your head! The top of the onion should remain above the surface. At least 2.5-2.7 cm. Next, the hyacinth needs to be watered until the soil is completely moistened.

Now comes the most crucial period.

Rooting bulbs

In natural natural conditions Hyacinths fully develop a healthy root system in about 9-10 weeks. This happens in the fall. In winter, the bulbs leave completely ready to bloom. We will also arrange autumn for them.

To do this, pots with hyacinths are placed in a cool room with high humidity. The temperature should be around +4-6°C. This could be a cellar, underground, unheated loggia. But complete darkness is strictly required! That is, the pots must be covered. Thick fabric, cardboard box, wooden box.

Advice. In front of the shelter, look at the light, what if a ray penetrates somewhere?

Some recommend storing plantings in the refrigerator. It's dark, cold, but dry. Therefore, the container must be covered with film. It is advisable to leave several small holes for ventilation and evaporation of condensate.

And further. Be sure to check containers periodically throughout the 10-week cold period. If necessary, water with cool, settled water. Or boiled. It is important not to allow the earthen ball to dry out. But you can’t fill it either. A little moisturizing is ideal. Naturally, ventilation is also necessary.

Forcing stage

23-24 days before the expected flowering, the containers should be taken out into the light. But not immediately under direct rays. The temperature is also raised gradually. Otherwise, the bulbs are at risk of heat shock. Remember, not everything comes at once in spring either. And we are skipping winter and just giving the hyacinths artificial spring days.

Approximate procedure:

  1. 1 day. Pulled out of a cool place, placed on the floor near the entrance or balcony door. Watered if necessary.
  2. Day 2. They fed them with complex mineral fertilizer with a high content of potassium and phosphorus. It is advisable to exclude nitrogen altogether; there is enough of it in good organic soil.
  3. Day 5 We moved the container with hyacinth to the back of the room. They put it on a chair, table, nightstand. That is, they increased the lighting and temperature a little.
  4. Day 10 They fed me again. And you can put it in a permanent location.

This must take place away from heating devices and direct sunlight. There are only three options here:

  1. On a table next to the window, the radiators are covered with a thick towel or blanket.
  2. On the windowsill. The radiators are closed, the hyacinth is shaded from the sun with white paper or a curtain.
  3. In the back of the room on a stand. Additional lighting with phytolamps.

If all conditions are met, then after about 21-24 days the hyacinth will delight you with a thick peduncle with a cluster of beautiful flowers.

Care during flowering

Hyacinth is not a Decembrist. It can be easily rearranged during flowering or transported to give as a gift. At home, the plant blooms for about 19-21 days. To enjoy the magical aroma of this harbinger of spring longer, you need to take proper care of it.

Water only with boiled or melted water, at room temperature. Excess liquid from the pan must be drained. Lighting should be at least 12 hours a day. Once every 13 days, fertilizing with mineral water is recommended. Organic fertilizer shortens flowering time.

The soil is not loosened, but pieces of moss or peat can be placed on top to avoid the appearance of a top crust. Or sprinkle with coarse clean sand. This will be a kind of prevention of mold. Ventilate regularly, but without drafts.

Let's say that you grew hyacinth at home not for a gift, but for your own joy. Everything worked out, the plant bloomed safely within the allotted time. What to do with the onion now? Throw it away? Come on! Of course, she is no longer suitable for a new forcing, she simply doesn’t have enough strength. But for planting in the garden or flowerbed, it’s still quite suitable. In a year, she will rest, gain strength, and enter her usual growing season. And then for another 5 years he will give you his bouquet every spring.

At the same time, she also gives birth to children. They can be grown up and also driven out in winter or planted outside. But, all this is possible only with proper care after flowering.

The first thing to do is cut off the peduncle. It will continue to draw juices from the onion for a long time until it dries out. We need it to get stronger and fill up. Also, to help, we do not change the mode. That is, the temperature and lighting remain the same.

Until the last leaf has dried up, we continue to regularly water the hyacinth as needed. Naturally, we shouldn’t forget to fertilize either. All this will allow the bulb to gain enough nutrients and endure the recovery period without loss.

Growing hyacinth without soil

Agricultural technology is practically no different from soil planting. Only the bulb should barely touch the surface of the water, and not float in it. Everything else is as described above: cold 10 weeks for rooting, then germination and flowering.

The only difference is the nutritional needs of hyacinth. You will have to add mineral fertilizers to the water. Regularly, but without fanaticism. Otherwise, on pure water alone, it will be difficult for the bulb to gain strength and show lush flowering.

Advice. If you decide to do such an experiment, then use a transparent container. This will make it easier to control the liquid level and the condition of the roots. In addition, this design looks very original.

  1. When watering, be sure to ensure that no water gets on the plant at all. At any time. It is best to water from a watering can with a thin spout or a large syringe. And strictly along the edge of the pot. Naturally, any spraying is excluded.
  2. Do not use for watering rainwater. Where is the guarantee that it is environmentally friendly? clear liquid without half of the periodic table?
  3. During artificial spring, turn the pot around its axis by approximately 40-43° every three days. This will cause the plant to produce leaves evenly. And the peduncle will be full. If you neglect this, the brush will turn out to be one-sided.
  4. Did you miss and the flower grew in one direction? Worse yet, he began to bend over? No problem. No one has canceled supports made from scrap materials. Bend the thick wire into a “p” shape and place it in the pot. Just don’t tie up the peduncle, this can damage it even more, cutting off the access to nutrients. Instead of wire, you can take a small knot of a suitable shape.
  5. Make sure that there are no unrotted parts of plants or manure left in the planting soil. During rooting, they will provide heat to the bulb. And we need low temperature. Hyacinth will simply confuse autumn with spring. And it may release leaves ahead of time. With an underdeveloped root system, this is fraught with deformed peduncles or the absence of flowers at all.

How to grow hyacinth at home? Usually. Even those who are not involved in breeding can do this activity. indoor flowers. A little cunning, a little attention, care and love - that’s all you need to admire flowers in the middle of winter. And what a aroma! He just floats through the rooms! This result is worth a little work and your time.

Video: how to grow hyacinth at home

Most often, primroses appear on our windowsills on the eve of women's holiday or Easter. An extraordinary bouquet delights with fragrant flowering for one to three weeks. After which they throw it away or try to save it.

Open ground plants have successfully adapted to growing in room conditions and make you happy bright flowering with the arrival of spring. Agricultural technology garden primroses differs significantly from the rules for growing home bulbs.

If with garden crops everything is clear, but in the situation with forcing for flowering the situation is different. The plant is exposed to increased exposure to growth and flowering stimulants, which disrupt the natural course of the growing season. This depletes it and reduces its supply of nutrients. All attempts to save the onion until autumn landing into the garden according to generally accepted agricultural technology end in failure.

According to experienced gardeners, after forcing the bulb is not able to withstand dry storage and requires a special approach.

How to preserve a hyacinth bulb after forcing

Growing hyacinths at home gives excellent results. In a room they can bloom from January to May, as they are kept in more favorable conditions than their garden counterparts. Knowing how to transplant hyacinth, you can get a wonderful specimen for your home collection.

This species is characterized by a pronounced period of rest, which occurs after flowering. At this time, the aboveground part of the plants dies. The same process is observed in “gift” copies. Experts recommend transferring them to cultivation in open ground after growing them at home.

The next flowering of forced hyacinths will occur no earlier than in two years, even under the most favorable conditions.

Garden hyacinths are removed from the soil for dry storage until autumn. Indoor specimens are treated differently. Their bulbs are not able to safely survive two months outside the ground. The most painless option: transplant the bulbs. In this case, they will be safely preserved until autumn, when it is time to plant them in open ground. Transfer indoor bulbs has a number of nuances that need to be known and observed.

How to properly replant indoor hyacinth

At home, hyacinths are planted in small pots with frequent drainage holes. Optimal diameter landing tank is about ten centimeters. In wider flowerpots, you can plant several bulbs at once, so that during flowering you get beautiful bouquet on the windowsill. Often florists use decorative flowerpots in the form garden watering cans, porcelain and ceramic dishes.

It is better to use a purchased substrate for flowering indoor plants. Can be cooked earth mixture yourself, mixing turf soil, river sand and peat in equal proportions. High-quality drainage will definitely be required, since bulbs are often affected by rot when the substrate is waterlogged or water stagnates.

Transplanting hyacinths should only be done with protective gloves, because the plant sap contains toxic substances that are extremely hazardous to health.

Transplantation is carried out after the above-ground part of the plant dies. The peduncle is separated immediately after flowering, and the leaves - after lodging. It is recommended to use the transshipment method. This will help preserve the fragile roots of the plant.

The complete sequence of hyacinth transplantation is as follows:

A low flowerpot is filled one third with drainage material;

A thin layer is poured over the drainage river sand and substrate;

They get it earthen lump with a bulb from a planting container;

Filming top part coma, which is not mastered by the roots;

The remaining earthen lump along with the bulb is placed in a new flowerpot;

Carefully fill the voids around the perimeter of the pot with substrate;

The upper part of the bulb should be flush with the edge of the pot, while the bulb itself is not covered by one third with soil;

There should be no more than three centimeters between the bulb and the wall of the flowerpot;

Finally, a thin layer of river sand is poured to better preservation moisture.

The substrate should be compacted by hand to prevent the formation of voids.

Caring for hyacinth after transplantation

After the transplantation of hyacinths is completed, the bulbs are covered with plastic cups, paper caps or plastic bags and transfer to a cool place. Optimal temperature air is within +6+12℃. The plant remains in such conditions for about ten weeks.

During the entire period of time, moderate watering is continued, preventing the earthen clod from drying out.

Over time, the bulbs will produce the first arrows of leaves. This serves as a signal for the end of the rest period. You should not immediately expose flowers to the rays of bright sun. A sharp change in microclimate can lead to stress, which will negatively affect the growing season of hyacinth.

You should gradually change the conditions of keeping the flower:

  • The flowerpot is moved to a warm and well-lit room.
  • Warmth at +23℃ promotes active growth primrose indoors.
  • From this moment on, the hyacinth begins to be watered more intensively and periodically fed.

How to water and what to feed indoor hyacinth

Watering the primrose after transplantation is aimed at preserving the bulb. The appearance of the first shoots indicates the need to change the watering regime to a more intensive one. It is best to water hyacinths using a watering can with a narrow spout to prevent the bulb from getting wet.

Growing bulbs need to be fed twice a month with the complex mineral fertilizers for flowering indoor plants. The solution is made half as concentrated as recommended on the package. This will keep you safe root system from a chemical burn. In general, caring for hyacinth at home is not much different from generally accepted agricultural techniques for indoor plants.

A few secrets to successfully growing hyacinths

Indoor cultivation of hyacinths has its secrets.

Knowing these simple techniques, you can get beautiful specimens with long flowering:

If the flower stalk is too short, you need to move the flowerpot away from the light source for a couple of days. The plant will quickly grow additional peduncle length. After this, the flowerpot is returned to its original place.

An average daily temperature difference of five degrees or more significantly prolongs the flowering of hyacinths. It is enough to move the flowerpot to a cooler place, for example, to the balcony door, to create these conditions.

Planting in an open flower garden is carried out no earlier than the second year. indoor growing. During this time, the bulb will have time to recover from the stimulants and safely survive the first winter along with garden hyacinths.

Many gardeners recommend planting indoor hyacinth in open ground in June or August. You should be careful when choosing the transplant date so that the bulb has time to take root before the first frost. Optimal time Garden hyacinths are planted in September.

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