German iris flowering planting care. German iris: planting and care

Iris germanica

Parts used - rhizomes

The popular name is orris root, German iris.

Botanical description

German iris is a perennial herbaceous plant with a short, thick, fleshy creeping rhizome, with starchy pulp. From below it gradually dies off, leaving behind young tubers that form leaves and flowering stems. The stem is annual, rounded, erect, 70-100cm in height. flat, bluish-green in color, basal, two-row, vaginal, xiphoid in shape, entire, pointed at the end. The flowers are located at the ends of the shoots, large, single, dark purple, yellow at the base, with brown-violet veins. The plant blooms in May - June. The fruit is an oblong triangular multi-seeded capsule.

Iris belongs to winter-hardy plants. About 40,000 forms and varieties are known garden irises, more and more new varieties are being added to them. Grow in wildlife in the Far East, Japan, Western Europe.

Collection and preparation

For cooking medicines prepare iris rhizomes collected in the fall or early spring. The rhizomes are dried on outdoors, under a canopy, whole or cut lengthwise and spread in a thin layer. The shelf life of finished raw materials is 3 years.

Active ingredients

Use in homeopathy

In homeopathy it is used for migraines, sciatica and gastric diseases with colic.

Healing effect and application

The plant is not used in official medicine, but in folk medicine it has found application in the treatment of diseases such as bronchitis, cough, headaches, migraines with bilious vomiting and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

In Indian folk medicine, the rhizome is used for diseases of the gallbladder.

Essential oil is used in perfumery for the production of perfumes and colognes. top quality, and the ground dry rhizome is used to produce toilet powder and tooth powder. In the textile industry, the rhizome is used for finishing canvas and silk.

Flour from the rhizome is used in confectionery production, for sweet dough and sugar products. In small doses, iris is included in the composition of spices for fish. They are flavored alcoholic drinks. In Armenia, jam is made from flowers; in Russia, kvass and honey drinks are flavored with iris.


  1. Infusion of rhizomes (internal). Pour 1 teaspoon of crushed raw material into 400 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 2 hours. Strain and take 0.5 cups 4 times a day before meals.
  2. Infusion of rhizomes (external). Pour 1 teaspoon of crushed raw material into 1 glass of cold boiled water and let it brew for 8 hours. Strain and use for rinsing, washing and lotions.
  3. Rhizome powder. Grind dry rhizomes in a porcelain mortar and use as a powder for neurodermatitis.
  4. Boil crushed orris roots in milk and apply to purulent wounds, boils on the neck and other places.

Irises are perennial herbaceous plants, numbering over 250 varieties. IN natural conditions Irises grow in Asia, North America, Africa, Europe. Bulbous and rhizomatous plants delight the eye with a palette of colors. You can create a beautiful composition of irises, planting and caring for which is not difficult, by combining purple irises with blue, lilac with pink, yellow with light green and white.

Botanical description of irises: an excursion into history

Iris– decorative, perennial, belonging to the Kasatikov family. It is believed that the first flowers came to us from Asia. Under natural growing conditions, irises can be found in North America and Europe.

These are the most beautiful and common flowers. They decorate city parks and flower beds in summer cottages.

The plant has a long erect stem, elongated basal leaves, and huge flowers of different colors. Except decorative properties, irises also have medicinal properties. They are used to treat many diseases.

The iris got its name in honor of the ancient Greek goddess of the rainbow - Iris. And the name was given to it by Hippocrates. If you believe one legend, then at the time when Prometheus was distributing fire, a rainbow spread across the sky. One could admire such a beautiful event all day long, and the next morning, when the rainbow disappeared, flowers appeared that completely repeated the rainbow: they shone with all its colors.

In ancient times, iris was considered a powerful aphrodisiac. Men and women who consumed the powder believed that it caused a strong desire. The aroma of the flower was so strong and pleasant that it had an exciting effect on people and set them up for a loving pastime.

Variety of species

Botanists have divided the diversity of the natural world of irises into 2 types: rhizomatous and bulbous. Rhizomes, in turn, are divided into bearded and non-bearded or beardless. Each species has its own characteristics and growing conditions. Let's look at each type in more detail.

Bearded irises are the kings of the garden

The large group of charming irises includes tall, standard, low and dwarf plants.

Distinctive Features bearded irises:

  1. Coloring. You can find flowers ranging from snow-white to dark charcoal. Breeders have not bred only one variety of irises - there is no pure scarlet color.
  2. Texture. The petals have both a translucent and dense structure. You can find petals with a waxy texture.
  3. Form. Thanks to selection work you can buy flowers classic shape, and if you want something original and unique, then there is the opportunity to have varieties with beautiful, foamy lace of openwork petals on your plot. Such flowers look like a soaring bird.
  4. Size. Among a wide range of low-growing and tall varieties, you can choose one that will be appropriate in landscape design and that will be attractive in appearance.

Beautiful varieties of bearded irises - worthy garden decoration

A wave of new varieties of bearded irises simply swept the country in the early 90s. Mass distribution played a cruel joke, turning against the flowers themselves. It was generally accepted that newest varieties inferior in quality to the old ones. However, this is an exaggerated opinion, so one should not give up beautiful varieties irises for the sake of someone's opinion.

Among huge variety Not only can you find bearded irises, you can also find Dutch and reticulated irises, which bloom in early spring from a planted bulb.

Dutch irises (xyphiums)

Elegant tall plants reaching a height of up to 50 cm. This hybrid varieties, bred by Dutch breeders. Planting material is represented by bulbs covered with scales in several layers. The color of the flowers can be snow-white, blue, yellow, blue, orange.

Representatives of the Dutch selection. Can be grown from bulbs. They bloom very early and delight with flowering for more than a month

You can find purple irises. Flowering begins in mid-May and continues until early June. By the end of August the foliage dries completely. Dutch irises resistant to frost, but to avoid freezing the bushes need to be covered. They prefer sunny areas with fertile soil and neutral acidity. They look beautiful when cut and can be grown in flower beds and flower beds.

Reticulated irises (iridodictiums)

This group belongs to dwarf plants, not exceeding 10-15 cm in height. Such low-growing varieties used to decorate borders, in flower beds, and look beautiful in flower beds.

However, low foliage is only before flowering. When the specimens fade, the foliage reaches a height of up to 50 cm. They bloom very early. Due to such early flowering, people also call them snowdrops.

Varieties and varieties of irises

There is also a group of non-bearded irises, which includes all the remaining varieties of irises:

  • Japanese and Siberian
  • Louisiana and Spuria
  • Californian
  • swamp

They are all beautiful and deserve attention. The bearded plant includes the German iris.


Iris Germanica is considered the most beautiful variety tall bearded iris. Among the beautiful varieties we can name several.

For example, the Acoma variety is famous for its sky-blue flowers. There is a border along the edge of each petal lavender color. Among Americans, the Acoma variety is considered the most popular.

Baltic Sea- a powerful plant with strongly corrugated flowers. The petals are colored blue, with a clearly visible blue beard.

Bewilderbest- an amazing variety with cream, ruffled, burgundy-reddish flowers. Each petal has white and yellow blotches and streaks.

Iris germanica Ettension plzperennial variety With beautiful flowers, reaching a diameter of 13-16 cm. The plant reaches a height of 70 cm.

The beauty of the pink bearded iris rivals that of a superb orchid. Pink inflorescences rise on a peduncle reaching a height of 15 cm. Characterized by early flowering. Prefers fertile, well-drained soil.

Blue Magic. Simple, large flowers located on tall peduncles, up to 30 cm high. Blue flowers decorative variety look great when cut. If you plant the plant in spring, flowering will occur in the last ten days of June or early July.


A large group that contains irises with natural colors ranging from blue to dark purple. During breeding work, over 1000 varieties of Siberian iris were bred, differing in color.

Snow Queen- a variety with dazzling snow-white flowers.

Iris sibirica ‘Snow Queen’

Batts and Suga- flowers are colored yellow, along the edge there is a white border.

Batts and Suga

Imperial Opal- a tall variety with lavender flowers reaching a diameter of 10 cm.

When purchasing Siberian irises, it is important to know one feature of this variety: the flowers are fragrant!


Other names have also been assigned to this variety - xiphoid iris and Kaempfler's iris. C branches of representatives of the group are similar to orchids, they reach 25 cm in diameter, and, like Siberian irises, they are devoid of aroma.

Thanks to the breeding work of Japanese specialists, it was developed garden form Japanese iris, which was given the name hana-shobu. However this type has poor resistance to low temperatures, therefore it is not recommended for cultivation in our conditions.

Nessa-No-Mai. The variety is characterized good growth, resistance to climatic conditions. Flower petals are colored purple, white inclusions are clearly visible. The flowers are very huge - up to 25 cm in diameter.

Vasily Alferov. The variety is for everyone. The fact is that the flowers are simple, not double, and they are painted inky.

Vasily Alferov

Solveig. Delicate flowers iris are light lilac in color.


Angel Mountain. Exotic plant with white and purple flowers.

Iris spuria

A very elegant flower. By appearance has some similarities with xyphium, only the flowers are much larger.

The two most important characteristics can be identified: variety is resistant to drought and low temperatures, that is, it winters well in regions with severe frosts.

Lemon Touch. Plant height at good conditions content can reach 1 m. The flowers are yellow-lemon, the edges of the petals are strongly corrugated, and there is also a golden stripe along the edge.

Stella Irene. The pharynx is colored golden color, the petals themselves are purple-black. It can reach a height of 90 cm.

Stella Irene iris


People also call it false calamus iris. Very interesting view, whimsical to growing conditions. The name itself suggests that marsh iris prefers wetlands, and will not grow in conditions with a lack of moisture. In nature you can find yellow irises. Landscape designers use this type to frame the banks of reservoirs.

Flore Pleno– a variety with double flowers.

Golden Queen or "hairy bee" has yellow flowers.

An early bulbous plant. The bulb reaches 1.5-2 cm in diameter and is elongated-ovoid in shape. The bulb is covered with fleshy scales covered with a dry mesh.

The foliage is narrow, cylindrical. During flowering, the iris produces a peduncle 15-20 cm high.

Harmony irises are reddish-purple or light blue in color with flowers up to 5-8 cm in size. Used for decoration garden plot. You need to plant according to the planting scheme: 10x8 cm, where 10 cm is the distance between the rows, and 8 cm is between the bulbs.

Varieties of irises differ in the color of their flowers and are also divided into certain groups:

  • two-ton– the upper and lower petals are colored different shades one tone;
  • plain– all parts of colors have the same shade;
  • variegata– the upper petals are yellow, the lower petals are red-brown;
  • two-color– the upper and lower petals differ in color, and can be combined as contrasting color, so they can differ in shade in the same tone;
  • amena– upper petals – snow-white;
  • iridescent– observed on petals smooth transition from one color to another;
  • bordered– the petals have a beautiful corrugated ruffle of a different tone.

Among the huge variety, you can choose exactly those varieties that suit your taste and suit your needs. technical specifications for cultivation in this area.

Read also:

  • Perennial flowers (33 main types): garden catalog for the garden with photos and names
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Features of planting Dutch, reticulated and bearded irises

Many gardeners do not want to plant irises on their property, citing the fact that caring for flowers requires having some specific knowledge. But growing irises is not a labor-intensive task; you just need to know the varieties of iris you purchased and how to care for the particular variety you bought in the store.

Unpretentious plants serve as a worthy decoration for a suburban area

Features of growing bearded irises

  1. The first feature is that some rhizomes grow horizontally and may become bare over time. Therefore for the winter It is recommended to cover the plantings with mulch to prevent the roots from freezing.
  2. Irises do not tolerate excess organic fertilizers . If you want to pamper your plants, it is better to add mineral fertilizers, dissolved in water.
  3. When planting, it is advisable to pour sand into the bottom of the hole.. If you bury the rhizome, the flowers will stop blooming.
  4. During the growing season, irises have the ability to move to a certain distance other than the planting site. To make the rows look even, you will need to plant irises in a fan along the row, not across.

By following simple rules, you can create a beautiful and compact flower garden that will decorate your summer cottage.

Contrary to the generally accepted belief that irises need to be divided immediately after flowering, it can be said that irises can be replanted at any time of the year: early spring, summer and even autumn. If the weather in the region is warm, then there is no need to rush to transfer.

Bearded irises are recommended to be replanted once every 3 years., in order not only to propagate the variety, but also to prevent it from wilting. Siberian irises are replanted less frequently, once every 10 years. It can be done more often, the main thing is to prevent the variety from degenerating.

Planting bearded irises

Bearded irises prefer areas with good light. They do not like drafts, so for planting it is recommended to choose sunny place, protected from the winds. In the spring, when the snow melts, moisture should not linger in the area with irises.

Before planting, you need to dig a hole that will correspond to the size of the iris root system. It is recommended to pour fine river sand. Then, you need to place the rhizome on the resulting mound of sand, straighten the roots and sprinkle them with soil.

A mixture of bright colors of bearded irises stands out as a bright spot on the site

When landing, you need to look to upper part the rhizomes were not deeply buried in the soil. It is better to do so so that part of the rhizome protrudes slightly above the surface and is accessible to the rays of the sun.

Planted plants do not need watering. If the division of the iris and its subsequent planting were carried out in the previous year, it is recommended to remove the flower shoot so as not to deplete the plant’s strength.

If you really want to admire the flowers of a new variety, it is recommended to cut off the peduncle with buds. They will bloom already in the vase, and using this method you will not deplete the plant.

Features of planting Dutch irises

In stores you can find bulbs and rhizomes of Dutch irises. Rhizomatous irises are planted in August or early September. The site should have loose, breathable soil, soil with low acidity.

Before planting, it should be taken into account that irises should not subsequently be obscured by other tall plants, otherwise such proximity will negatively affect flowering.

For planting, dig a hole that is 2 times larger than the size of the rhizome itself. After the rhizome is covered with soil, you need to add another layer of mulch. This will prevent the soil from freezing in winter time, and in the summer it will protect the root system from overheating. You can mulch with hay, straw, and tree bark.

Planting bulbs

There are some discrepancies in planting rhizomes and bulbs, which are important to take into account when planting the prepared material:

  1. Before planting, iris bulbs must be placed in a fungicide solution for disinfection. This procedure will prevent the possibility of rotting of the bulb. After removal from solution, planting material needs to be dried.
  2. The planting site must be spilled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate to kill pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Planting of bulbs should be carried out according to a 15x15 cm pattern. With this planting, the specimens will not shade each other.
  4. At the end, the bulbs are sprinkled with soil and watered.

Dutch irises bloom in mid to late May, but there is a discrepancy: some bloom in early June. The buds wither quickly, especially on hot days.

Caring for Dutch flowers after flowering

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Landscape design of the site

Landscape design of a site is a real art, which involves a whole group of specialists. Landscape design is distinguished by individuality, because you are unlikely to find two identical plots: each house with its surrounding area and landscape is unique. Therefore, designers and planners create a landscape design that is suitable only for you and where all your dreams are realized. Landscape design is only limited by your imagination. For example, you need to decorate your terrace beautifully for a pleasant pastime. Or maybe you dream of a small pond with a cascade of murmuring water. If the project includes a swimming pool, then a changing cabin is needed, and the ground around the entire perimeter must be covered with safe materials.
Having equipped a fountain, you can listen to the sound of falling water. Some people do not need the presence of ponds on their plot, then a landscape design specialist can create the appearance of water with the help of a “dry” stream. Our fantasy landscape designers is limitless, and the photo gallery of our completed projects will help you in determining what your summer cottage should be like. Our company employs creative individuals who are experienced and highly qualified specialists who are ready to fill your garden with life, which will bring the joy of communicating with it for many years.
Our studio landscape design strives to preserve and improve the existing natural environment on the site. In this regard, each tree, shrub or part of the relief, at your request, will become integral organic elements of the new garden design. Our specialists love their work and will be happy to provide any assistance!

Nursery ornamental plants

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Exists a whole series various colors, which are especially loved by gardeners. They are actively grown in garden plots and flower beds in different parts of our country. One of the most common and favorite plants of this kind can be called irises, which are distinguished by their diversity and are quite unpretentious to grow. Such flowers will delight the owner with wonderful luxurious flowers of various colors. How are German irises grown, and what care does this crop need?

Germanic irises are a particularly common variety of bearded iris. There are many varieties of this plant, and all of them can take their rightful place in your garden.

Where to start growing German iris? Planting a plant

Time to board

Most gardening specialists are confident that irises should be divided and replanted literally immediately after flowering, as this gives them the opportunity to take root before the onset of cold weather. However, if you live in areas where autumn is warm and long, you can afford to take your time with replanting. In fact, this crop can be planted at almost any time of the year, both in spring and autumn, and in the summer after flowering. At the same time, you must remember that German irises are strongly recommended to be replanted at intervals of three to four years, since otherwise they begin to degenerate, actively grow and stop giving color.

Where to plant German iris? Choosing a location. Priming

Planting of German irises should take place on those earthen plots, which are well illuminated by the sun in the morning. It is best to choose for this purpose a slope or hill that provides normal outflow melt water. Extremely important role The presence of excellent drainage also plays a role. All varieties of this crop love soil rich in nutrients, so if the soil on your site does not meet these requirements, it is worth fertilizing it. In the spring, before planting, add rich garden soil or compost to the soil, also use potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. If the soil is acidic, it is worth mixing it with dolomite flour or wood ash. Loamy soil should be diluted with peat and sand, and sandy soil, on the contrary, with clay. To disinfect the soil before planting, treat it with a fungicide and use herbicides. If you are going to plant German irises, you should not fertilize the soil with manure.

Processing of planting material

If you are planting irises in spring time, you first need to treat the planting material using growth stimulants (for example, Ecogel or Zircon). You should also carefully trim roots that are too long and be sure to remove rotten areas. To disinfect the roots, they can be kept in a solution of potassium permanganate for about twenty minutes.

Landing in the ground

Irises are planted as follows: a mound of sand is poured inside a small hole, then the rhizomes of the plant are carefully laid on top in a horizontal position. Next, you should straighten the roots and sprinkle them with soil so that the upper sections of the rhizomes remain above the ground. Afterwards you need to water the plant thoroughly. If you completely bury the rhizome, the irises may rot. The distance between individual irises should be about half a meter.

What does the German iris need? Flower care

The main feature of this culture is its love for a sufficient amount of light and warmth. If we talk about watering, sufficient soil moisture plays a special role during the budding period. At this time, the plants need to be watered systematically and with a sufficient volume of water. Watering should be done when the soil around the roots dries out.

If you have properly prepared the site for planting, then German irises will have enough nutrients, which are already in the ground. However, if you think that you can’t do without fertilizing, it is better to give preference to phosphorus-potassium compounds that are applied at the root during the growth stage. Under no circumstances should you fertilize flowers during flowering.

Timely weeding of irises plays an extremely important role. Their root system is located near the surface, and in order not to damage it, it is worth removing the weeds manually. From time to time you also need to very carefully loosen the soil. Wilted flowers should be removed as they can become a source of pests.

After the end of flowering, the irises need to cut off the peduncles if you do not plan to replant them. Yellowish leaves should also be trimmed, making them semicircular. In warm autumn, German irises may well bloom again, but after their foliage has completely withered, it is necessary to cut it to a height of about ten centimeters and burn it.

Before frost, it is necessary to sprinkle the bare roots of plants with soil, and also mulch the area with sand or peat to a depth of eight to ten centimeters. If you are likely to experience severe frosts, you should cover the area with dry leaves or spruce branches.

The cover of irises is usually removed by the end of April, but you should be guided by the air temperature and the likelihood of frost. In this case, you need to act especially carefully so as not to damage the buds that have already begun to grow.

German irises will become great decoration your personal plot without requiring special care and serious time costs.

This flower is named after Iris, the goddess of the rainbow. Iris amazes not only with the variety of colors and shades, but also with the many species, the care of which differs from each other. Therefore, before answering the question: how to plant irises, you must first determine what species it belongs to.

Features of growing irises

The genus Iris has about 800 species. They are divided into bearded and non-bearded. Based on the structure of the root system, bulbous and rhizomatous varieties are distinguished. They differ greatly in terms of moisture requirements and other growing conditions.

Most often, the following species are grown in the climatic conditions of the middle zone:

  • Germanic iris. It loves sun and moderate amounts of moisture. Flowering is long lasting. There are also remontant varieties, capable of blooming again in the second half of summer.
  • The Siberian iris stands out for its unpretentiousness to growing conditions. A place under the trees will suit him, which will cover him from too bright sun rays. It prefers moist soil, but excessive moisture causes diseases. Siberian iris belongs to the beardless species and is the most frost-resistant of all species.
  • Japanese or sword-shaped irises love sun and moisture, but without stagnant water. They are not very winter-hardy, so growing them in our climate involves some risk.
  • Bulbous irises come from Holland, so in our country these sissies overwinter only under cover and are not suitable for growing in regions with harsh winters. Species and varietal diversity at bulbous irises great: iris reticulum or iridodictium, xyphium, juno. Each of these species has many varieties. They differ not only in color and height, but also in the timing of flowering.
  • Iris chrysographis. A group of irises recently discovered. They come from China and are just beginning to win the hearts of gardeners with their unusual speckled flowers.
  • Swamp iris. It is most often used to decorate ponds, as it loves to grow in water. It can reach a height of 1.5 m. It does not differ in variety of colors: the flowers are painted in shades of yellow.

Each type of iris is planted at its own time.

Planting in open ground

Flower growers have a rule: plants, blooming in spring replanted in the second half of summer or autumn. This applies to most irises as well.

How and when to plant?

German iris can be planted in the spring before flowering and in the summer and fall after flowering. But planting irises in the fall is preferable for this species. The best time for planting the Japanese group is late summer or early autumn, but long before the onset of frost. If these weakly winter-hardy plants do not have time to take root well, they are guaranteed to freeze out in the winter.

Siberian irises are planted from the second half of August to the end of September, and in warm regions in October. These resistant plants are not afraid of frost.

Reticulated irises planted in mid-summer. Juno bulbs are dug up at the end of June and stored in a dry place without breaking off the roots until September, at which time they are planted. Xyphium bulbs are dug up after the leaves have withered, dried and stored in the refrigerator in winter, and planted in the spring.

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