Tree with black berries. About the world of plants and country life

» Bird cherry

Our ancestors also planted bird cherry trees near the house. And not only because it blooms beautifully and exudes a wonderful aroma. During flowering, the tree releases phytoncides into the air, which have a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria. It was believed that standing in the shade of a tree could ward off illness. Let's take a closer look at the varieties of common bird cherry and its areas of application.

The tree blooms in May or early June. Flowers collected in oblong inflorescences smell pleasant and attract bees. Bird cherry is an excellent honey plant. This is another reason why they tried to plant near houses or on personal plots. The tree or shrub is widespread throughout Russia: from the European part to Siberia and the Far East. That is why, along with the birch, it can be considered a symbol of the Central Russian Plain.

The most common type is the common bird cherry, also called carpal bird. She throws out clusters of white inflorescences. Of the 20 tree varieties, 7 are cultivated on our territory. Among them stand out decorative types. Their unusually beautiful inflorescences, from yellowish multi-colored to double pink, are used in landscape design for decorating garden and park compositions and personal plots.

The bird cherry with white flowers is more familiar to us. There is a popular belief that when the bird cherry blossoms, you can start sowing wheat and planting potatoes. There is an opinion that when a tree blooms, the air is freshest and cleanest. Flowering is also associated with temporary cooling, “bird cherry cold.”

But for most people, fragrant flowering symbolizes the renewal of nature and an optimistic spring mood.

What types of bird cherry are there?

In addition to the common bird cherry familiar to everyone, The Cheryomukha virginskaya variety has taken root. This beautiful plant migrated from North America.


The tree grows up to 15 meters. Unlike the brush cherry, which has black fruits, the virginia bunches of berries are dark red.. Blooms with white inflorescences. The plant looks especially impressive in autumn. The leaves turn burgundy-red. Tolerates hot weather and winter well. Loves moist soils and light. Propagates from seeds and root shoots. Virgin bird cherry has several varieties, depending on the type of fruit (black, yellow, light red). The shape of the tree is low-growing and with drooping branches (weeping bird cherry).

Common Colorata

It looks more like a bush, as it reaches a height of up to 5 meters. Unusual leaves, painted in shades of purple and red in the spring, turn green by summer. In autumn the foliage turns red again. But the plant is especially beautiful during the flowering period. Lush inflorescences Pink colour with a delicate almond aroma. The twigs and bark also have a purple tint. It sends out shoots from the root, so it reproduces easily. Loves moisture, light, tolerates winter well. Like most types of bird cherry, it is susceptible to spring frosts. Black fruits ripen by August.


The main growing area is North America, but has taken root in temperate latitudes our country. Powerful tree with a well-developed crown up to 20 meters. Bright green foliage in summer, turns yellow-red in autumn period . It’s called “late” because it blooms 2 weeks later, at the end May - early

June. Black round fruits ripen at the end of August. The fruits are twice as large as those of ordinary bird cherry, juicier and without an astringent aftertaste. It is also called “rum cherry” due to its dessert taste. It makes delicious tinctures. The tree is highly self-fertile, tolerates winter well, and has a powerful root system.

Antipka (Magalebskaya) Amazing shrub with powerful roots , which can live up to 200 years . Not picky about soil, can grow on rocky slopes. The Middle East and Europe are considered their homeland. The value of this variety is that it is perfect for cherry rootstock. Since bird cherry belongs to the plum family. The bush is used to strengthen crumbling slopes. The bark of the shrub contains coumarin, an aromatic substance used in perfumery. Small white inflorescences cover the entire bush during flowering, emitting a pleasant aroma

. The fruits are small and black.

Squamous Has taken root well in middle and northern latitudes . Is different abundant flowering . Dark fruits Brown have a sweet-sour and tart taste. High yield and ripening and winter hardiness make the tree suitable for growing in cold climates. A tree up to 5 meters high produces up to 15 kg of berries.

Self-fertile and Sakhalin (Siberian cherries)

Early ripening varieties, the berries ripen in July, bred by Siberian breeders. They tolerate frosts well. They give consistently good harvest up to 20-22 kg. Resistant to diseases. They easily tolerate spring frosts. Trees with a powerful crown up to 8 meters bloom with large white inflorescences. The varieties differ in the taste of the berries.

Small-serrated Amanogova (sakura)

Sakura Amanogova has the most beautiful blossoms. Bird cherry belongs to the genus of plums, according to its species characteristics it belongs to cherry.. Therefore illustrious japanese sakura, this is also a bird cherry. Small-serrated Amonogova decorative tree dome-shaped. Double white and pink flowers cover the entire tree. Extraordinary beautiful bloom and delicate aroma glorified sakura as one of the miracles created by nature.

Ssyori (Far Eastern, Ainu)

A beautiful powerful tree reaching 10 to 20 meters in height. Distribution area Kurile Islands and Sakhalin. When the inflorescences bloom, they are colored red-purple, later turning white. The length of the inflorescence is up to 15 centimeters, with a beautiful bell-shaped flower shape and a delicate aroma. Large berries up to 12 mm.

Healing properties of wood

ABOUT healing properties The plants contained in the bark, leaves and berries were known to healers in ancient times.

Therefore, they were actively used for treatment:

  • phytoncides, which are contained in the bark of the tree, were used in the form of decoctions or made tinctures. The bark was removed in thin strips in the spring. Used as an anti-inflammatory, anti-fever and diaphoretic. Tinctures help well with rheumatism.

The bark and leaves contain hydrocyanic acid, so you need to be extremely careful in dosages.

  • for lung diseases A decoction of leaves and flowers is useful. An infusion of flowers treats the mucous membranes of the eyes. The bark is used to treat rheumatism;

  • fruits are a storehouse of vitamins and useful elements . Vitamins P, the so-called flavonoids, strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Amygdalin (B17, most abundant in bones) is used as an antitumor and anticancer substance. Sugars, citric acid, ascorbic acid, malic acid, essential and fatty oils (in seeds), mineral elements, including molybdenum and titanium, are found in fruits. Therefore, they are used as a restorative remedy for many stomach diseases and colds. Tannins and astringents from the fruit are used to combat diarrhea;

It is thanks to these properties that bird cherry has found application in medicine and home cooking.

Use in cooking

Bird cherry is widely used in cooking. By taste qualities the berries are inferior to their relatives - cherries and plums because of a little astringent taste and sourness, but they are healthy for the body and aromatic.

Dried berries are ground into flour. Used as an additive to bakery products. The baked goods acquire a delicate delicate aroma.


  • a cake is baked from bird cherry flour;
  • make delicious bird cherry kvass;
  • tinctures and liqueurs are made on its basis;
  • fresh berries are an excellent filling for pies;
  • make jelly, fruit drinks, syrups;
  • young leaves can be used for salads;
  • make tea;
  • making jam.

Bird cherry is especially valuable for northern regions , where berries that can be grown in temperate latitudes cannot ripen.

Bird cherry is widespread throughout our country. It pleases with its flowering and delicate aroma. Used in medicine and cooking. Gardeners are planting new varieties. Decorative tree species are used in landscape gardening. Poets and writers wrote about bird cherry with warmth and love.

Our ancestors also planted bird cherry trees near the house. And not only because it blooms beautifully and exudes a wonderful aroma. During flowering, the tree releases phytoncides into the air, which have a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria. It was believed that standing in the shade of a tree could ward off illness. Let's take a closer look at the varieties of common bird cherry and its areas of application.

In the third year after planting, it is recommended to start with the rash. The purpose of branching is to clearly define the main terminal in the event that the tree branches at a twin and removes the lower branches of the palate. In the first years after planting, radical removal of lateral branches and branching into the so-called canine proved successful. It is not good to intervene “for the sake of green” in May-June. We remove part of the tree's assimilation area, but also stimulate intensive terminal growth. The wood still has enough time before the end of the growing season to create a splinter with well-defined wood and create reserves for the winter and spring seasons.

The tree blooms in May or early June. Flowers collected in oblong inflorescences smell pleasant and attract bees. Bird cherry is an excellent honey plant. This is another reason why they tried to plant them near houses or on personal plots. The tree or shrub is widespread throughout Russia: from the European part to Siberia and the Far East. That is why, along with the birch, it can be considered a symbol of the Central Russian Plain.

In addition, cutting wounds are very well wrapped in healing tissue because the removed branches have a relatively small diameter. During this period, the wood's attack on fungal infections is minimal. It is impossible to make the correct cut at the beginning with gardening shears on the mating ring. In later years, the removal of branches may be too much, so you can also use shears with a saw or a lever with a longer handle. In the subsequent months of the year, cherries can be made with certain reservations.

And bird cherry can be different!

It should be noted that we are losing growth potential and removing wood that was made from assimilates that the tree could have used to raise the height and create taller roof floors. Late growth also weakens stock formation during the growth period and successful development in the coming season.

The most common type is the common bird cherry, also called carpal bird. She throws out clusters of white inflorescences. Of the 20 tree varieties, 7 are cultivated on our territory. Of these, decorative species stand out. Their unusually beautiful inflorescences, from yellowish multi-colored to double pink, are used in landscape design to decorate garden and park compositions and personal plots.

Branching was first done in the third year after planting. The first few years can be cherished by using garden shears from the ground. Later, when it is no longer possible to reach the branches from the ground, it is enough to bend the cherry tree, because the rod is very flexible and the bend is well tolerated. When the trees reach such a diameter that they cannot bend, it should be continued. In practice, a double ladder doesn't work very well. Lightweight aluminum ladder can be transported in lower vegetation, although this is a physically demanding activity.

The bird cherry with white flowers is more familiar to us. There is a popular belief that when the bird cherry blossoms, you can start sowing wheat and planting potatoes. There is an opinion that when a tree blooms, the air is freshest and cleanest. Flowering is also associated with temporary cooling, “bird cherry cold.”

But for most people, fragrant flowering symbolizes the renewal of nature and an optimistic spring mood.

Rupture was also experienced at a later age even with an end rod. However, this method cannot be recommended because it is not easy to make an accurate cut on the mating ring at a distance of several meters, cutting inaccuracies are called "hangers" or deformation damage. Working with a blade is just as physically demanding as working with ladders. For taller cherries, care should be taken when branching the cherries, leaving 1-3 clusters.

The growth of some cherries was stopped by an aphid attack on the terminal. The occurrence of aphids is often associated with the presence of ants, which protect the aphids and probably get rid of them. This symbiotic relationship often causes significant growth retardation. The following year, the mostly damaged terminal is replaced by one of the side branches, which takes the position and height of dominance of the terminal, creating the "sable" growth of the main trunk. However, this deformation is straightened out with the force of the deformation, without the need to exaggerate the replacement terminal.

What types of bird cherry are there?

In addition to the common bird cherry familiar to everyone, The Cheryomukha virginskaya variety has taken root. This beautiful plant migrated from North America.


The tree grows up to 15 meters. Unlike the brush cherry, which has black fruits, the virginia bunches of berries are dark red.. Blooms with white inflorescences. The plant looks especially impressive in autumn. The leaves turn burgundy-red. Tolerates hot weather and winter well. Loves moist soils and light. Propagates from seeds and root shoots. Virgin bird cherry has several varieties, depending on the type of fruit (black, yellow, light red). The shape of the tree is low-growing and with drooping branches (weeping bird cherry).

After several years of planting cherries in the Vranovice Gajok area, interesting finds were found. Surprisingly, the tallest and plumpest cherries grew near the edges of the pine tree. Logically, we would expect the opposite. We have experience with marginal effects, such as on oak stands in floodplain habitats, where sometimes the outer rows of stands next to adjacent foothills are replaced by another tree. A certain degree of bird tolerance is confirmed by professional literature, which states that cherries are good to eat during their youth, even with moderate shine.

Common Colorata

It looks more like a bush, as it reaches a height of up to 5 meters. The unusual leaves, colored in shades of purple and red in spring, turn green by summer. In autumn the foliage turns red again. But the plant is especially beautiful during the flowering period. Lush pink inflorescences with a delicate almond aroma. The twigs and bark also have a purple tint. It sends out shoots from the root, so it reproduces easily. Loves moisture, light, tolerates winter well. Like most types of bird cherry, it is susceptible to spring frosts. Black fruits ripen by August.

The proverb says: "Before the daisy, smile, kneel before you kneel." And the proverbs are right. Without this, it is beneficial many times a year. In the spring, thanks to the flowers, the berries are processed in the fall. It doesn't start until October, so we have time to prepare, but fall is in the air. And nature has so cleverly arranged that in the fall it ripens that we must bury our body in order to survive in the winter -.

Care and reproduction

Likewise, in the spring it is good to give in to the lead of fresh green shoots and shoots to cleanse the body. There is nothing better than listening to the cycle of nature - in this regard no one has ever invented. Without this it is not original look in our country, which may sound like a platitude. In the Middle Ages it belonged to the irreplaceable medicinal plants for the poor. It has been used to treat almost all diseases and health problems. Here it would be useful to add that in Slovakia it is not used for the production of fujara, there are probably large bushes.


The main habitat is North America, but has taken root in the temperate latitudes of our country. Powerful tree with a well-developed crown up to 20 meters.

Bright green foliage in summer, turning yellow-red in autumn. It is called “late” because it blooms 2 weeks later, in late May-early June. Black round fruits ripen at the end of August. The fruits are twice as large as those of ordinary bird cherry, juicier and without an astringent aftertaste. It is also called “rum cherry” due to its dessert taste. It makes delicious tinctures. The tree is highly self-fertile, tolerates winter well, and has a powerful root system. But we are more interested in how to consume them. Flowers fried in dough were a favorite delicacy, last years it was a lemonade syrup preparation in the past. The flower extract can also be a delicious essence to taste in ice creams or creams. At the moment the flowers are already passing through, but they also have great potential for berries, they can make jam, syrup, liqueur, wine, chicken or mustard. berry tree used in Food Industry

June. Black round fruits ripen at the end of August. The fruits are twice as large as those of ordinary bird cherry, juicier and without an astringent aftertaste. It is also called “rum cherry” due to its dessert taste. It makes delicious tinctures. The tree is highly self-fertile, tolerates winter well, and has a powerful root system.

as a filler or replacement for more expensive types of fruit in various fruit blends, which devalues ​​some of these highly nutritious fruits. An amazing shrub with powerful roots that can live up to 200 years . Not picky about soil, can grow on rocky slopes. The Middle East and Europe are considered their homeland. The value of this variety is that it is perfect for cherry rootstock. Since bird cherry belongs to the plum family. The bush is used to strengthen crumbling slopes. The bark of the shrub contains coumarin, an aromatic substance used in perfumery. Small white inflorescences cover the entire bush during flowering, emitting a pleasant aroma

can live up to 200 years It is best to prepare them for the winter using regular jam or syrup. For the syrup, simply quickly bake the berries, squeeze gently, juice with sugar, lemon juice

or cinnamon and cook until syrupy. It was not just a gift. Think about this when you find yourself near the ruins of this almost miraculous bush.

Add 100ml cider vinegar and 100ml water to the top of a spoonful of mustard seed and let it soak the next day. Then mix, do not use a coat, thicker texture is better and add another 100ml apple cider vinegar. Roast five hundred grams of berries in a medium roasting pan until they begin to crack, then give them a tug. Add one finely chopped onion, a few licorice petals, pork cinnamon, five cloves, a spoon sugar cane and cook until the onion is quite soft.


It has taken root well in middle and northern latitudes. Characterized by abundant flowering. The dark brown fruits have a sweet-sour and tart taste. High yield and early ripening, winter hardiness make the tree suitable for growing in cold climates. A tree up to 5 meters high produces up to 15 kg of berries.

Remove the mixture from the heat, discard the spices and cool slightly. Then add the mixed seeds, stir and absorb the salt. Pour the mixture into an airtight glass, keeping it in the refrigerator for a month. Bird watching is a great form of active relaxation and contact with nature. The biggest advantage of bird watching is that it can be done anywhere and all year round, and everyone can watch him. To start an interesting adventure with winged friends, we don't need to leave home.

What is a hybrid

Just know how to lure birds in the spring during your time in the backyard garden, and in the winter enjoy our feeder-filled eyes. For our participation the birds will pay off, for example, they eat harmful insects. This post provides some tips and practical advice on how to help birds.

Self-fertile and Sakhalin (Siberian cherries)

Early ripening varieties, the berries ripen in July, bred by Siberian breeders. They tolerate frosts well. Give a consistently good harvest of up to 20-22 kg. Resistant to diseases. They easily tolerate spring frosts. Trees with a powerful crown up to 8 meters bloom with large white inflorescences. The varieties differ in the taste of the berries.

If we want to enjoy the presence of winged guests in the garden all year round, we need to decorate it. For birds, the two most important things are food and a safe place to breed. Birds do not like well-kept gardens where hedges are trimmed and grass is regularly cut. They are best in areas that are a little "punctuated". By leaving vines and thorny bushes untouched, we create comfortable places nesting sites for many species of these animals. Birds usually don't like plants with foreign origin, prefer local species of shrubs and trees, providing them with sufficient food.

Small-serrated Amanogova (sakura)

Sakura Amanogova has the most beautiful blossoms. Bird cherry belongs to the genus of plums, according to its species characteristics it belongs to cherry.. Therefore, the famous Japanese sakura is also a bird cherry. Finely serrated Amonogova is a dome-shaped decorative tree. Double white and pink flowers cover the entire tree. The unusually beautiful flowering and delicate aroma have glorified sakura as one of the miracles created by nature.

Elderberry is a delicacy for many species of birds. Our favorite types of herbaceous plants are often considered weeds. Sandwich, chamomile, vetiver, thistle, St. John's wort and evening primrose are plants whose seeds feed on common rods - calluses, crowns or clumps. Stinging nettles will in turn provide cover for bushes and cows. The fence or composter should be covered with vines—five-leaf vines, vines, or common ivy—that will be used by the birds as a hatching site, shelter from predators, or living quarters.

Ssyori (Far Eastern, Ainu)

A beautiful powerful tree reaching 10 to 20 meters in height. Distribution area: Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. When the inflorescences bloom, they are colored red-purple, later turning white. The length of the inflorescence is up to 15 centimeters, with a beautiful bell-shaped flower shape and a delicate aroma. Large berries up to 12 mm.

In nettle nests you can nest one of the wobblers - freckles. If we decide to plant a hedge, it is best to create it from evergreen shrubs. Among their dense branches they nest in nests or calligraphs. It is important that bushes or trees with late ripening fruit appear in the garden. They will provide food for our winged neighbors in the most difficult of them - autumn and winter. Berber, lilac, black, cherry, bumblebee or hawthorn are just some of the bushes whose fruits are loved by braids, chicks, gizzards and jellies.

Apple, cherry, pear and plum blossoms left on the branches will be an excellent source of food when snow falls and frost sets in. Don't forget the pond! Garden-friendly birds cannot be deprived of water. So consider creating a small pond where the birds can quench their thirst and take a bath. Remember that the edges of the tank should not be too steep. It is best to cover them with stones or rub them with gravel. If there is not enough space in the garden, let's place the bird's nest in a shady place filled with water under a flower pot.

Healing properties of wood

Healers in ancient times knew about the healing properties of the plant, which are contained in the bark, leaves and berries.

Therefore, they were actively used for treatment:

  • phytoncides, which are contained in the bark of the tree, were used in the form of decoctions or made tinctures. The bark was removed in thin strips in the spring. Used as an anti-inflammatory, anti-fever and diaphoretic. Tinctures help well with rheumatism.

The bark and leaves contain hydrocyanic acid, so you need to be extremely careful in dosages.

Remember to always replace and replenish the water. Watching birds bathing will bring us a lot of joy! Most birds in close proximity to people make their nests on tree branches or in dense bushes. But there are also those that nest in the voids or depressions of buildings. We can help them by setting up shelters in places where there are no natural shelters.

The boxes have different designs and size. There are also boxes for larger birds. Almost every species advocates a different case. So, there are no universal boxes and hanging in the garden of a bird house, we need to know whether we want its resident to be a tiktorka, a starling or a jackfruit! Monkeys are a common resident of breeding boxes.

  • for lung diseases A decoction of leaves and flowers is useful. An infusion of flowers treats the mucous membranes of the eyes. The bark is used to treat rheumatism;

  • fruits are a storehouse of vitamins and useful elements. Vitamins P, the so-called flavonoids, strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Amygdalin (B17, most abundant in bones) is used as an antitumor and anticancer substance. Sugars, citric acid, ascorbic acid, malic acid, essential and fatty oils (in the seeds), mineral elements, including molybdenum and titanium, are contained in the fruits. Therefore, they are used as a restorative remedy for many stomach diseases and colds. Tannins and astringents from the fruit are used to combat diarrhea;

It is thanks to these properties that bird cherry has found application in medicine and home cooking.

Use in cooking

Bird cherry is widely used in cooking. The berries are inferior in taste to their relatives - cherries and plums due to their slightly astringent taste and sourness, but they are healthy for the body and aromatic.

Dried berries are ground into flour. Used as an additive to bakery products. The baked goods acquire a delicate delicate aroma.


  • a cake is baked from bird cherry flour;
  • make delicious bird cherry kvass;
  • tinctures and liqueurs are made on its basis;
  • fresh berries are an excellent filling for pies;
  • make jelly, fruit drinks, syrups;
  • young leaves can be used for salads;
  • make tea;
  • making jam.

Bird cherry is especially valuable for the northern regions, where berries that can be grown in temperate latitudes cannot ripen.

Bird cherry is widespread throughout our country. It pleases with its flowering and delicate aroma. Used in medicine and cooking. Gardeners are planting new varieties. Decorative tree species are used in landscape gardening. Poets and writers wrote about bird cherry with warmth and love.

Red bird cherry is also called. This is an unusually beautiful tree with tasty and healthy berries. For a gardener, this is a real find: the tree is very easy to care for and resistant to negative factors. environment, bears fruit well and for a long time, and the red berries can be used both in cooking and in folk medicine. In addition, red bird cherry is very decorative and will decorate any garden plot.

  • It can reach a height of 7 meters.
  • The leaves are dark green, slightly elongated, smooth.
  • The flowers, as befits bird cherry, are white, practically odorless, collected in racemes up to 15 cm long.
  • Unlike regular bird cherry with black berries, red bird cherry has dark red larger fruits. They have a more pleasant taste, not as tart as ordinary bird cherry.

Red bird cherry is also an ornamental plant. She is beautiful at any time of the year. During the time it is covered with white flowers, like lace, during fruiting red berries appear, which last even during frosts, and in autumn the foliage also turns reddish. IN middle lane red bird cherry is less common due to its lower frost resistance. However, with proper care, it can survive the cold.

The most popular varieties of red bird cherry are Narym and Taiga, Rassvet, Samoplodnaya.

They differ in the height of the bush, color, size and taste of the fruit, as well as properties. The Narym and Taiga varieties are relatively low shrubs, up to 4 m. They have dense foliage, bloom beautifully and luxuriantly, and then produce small, sweet and sour red fruits. From each tree you can collect up to 5 kg of berries, but they are planted in groups, since they are not pollinated individually.

Rassvet is an early and low variety (up to 3 m). The fruits are not large, but appear regularly. The bush bears fruit regularly. Although the berries are small in size, with proper care you can harvest up to 10 kg of fruit per bush.

will not be labor intensive. Among the methods of reproduction, the most popular are the following:

  • Bones. Reproduction by seeds is the most time-consuming and labor-intensive. A planted seed will not sprout soon, but such a tree will begin to bear fruit in the 7th year. The seed should be planted in the fall in prepared soil to a depth of no more than 5-6 cm. You can do this in the spring, but then the seeds need to be prepared (). To do this, the seeds are placed in the soil and placed in the refrigerator for a certain time to simulate the conditions of the winter dormant period. After this they will rise better. The stratification period lasts 3-4 months.
  • . Bird cherry propagates well from green cuttings. When the shoots stop growing, you need to cut several cuttings up to 15 cm long. The leaves should be removed from the cuttings, leaving only 2-3 pieces at the top. Ready cuttings need to be soaked in water or a special solution that stimulates growth. The next day they are planted in a special nutrient soil, deepened by 2-3 cm, covered with film on top, creating greenhouse conditions. When will the cuttings be given? good roots, they can be planted in open ground. At first, the seedling will grow slowly. It needs to be fed and watered regularly.
  • Root shoots. Virginia bird cherry is rich in root shoots, so this method of reproduction is also quite effective and simple. To do this, you need to separate some of the roots from the mother plant in the spring, and plant the most rooted ones in the fall.
  • By layering. Reproduction by layering is somewhat more complex and requires care. In the spring, holes about 10 cm deep are made around the mother plant. Layers are dug into these holes and secured with wooden pegs. These layerings need to be hilled regularly. You can separate cuttings from the mother tree only in the fall, when they are sufficiently rooted. After some time, they can be planted in a permanent place.

Red bird cherry is unpretentious in care. It is quite resistant to frost, drought, pests and diseases. However, maximum results can be achieved only if you follow some simple rules for caring for red bird cherry:

  1. If you are planting already grown seedlings, you need to dig a fairly spacious hole in which all the roots can freely fit. In order for the tree to take root well, it needs to be placed in this hole. You can also use organic matter, but in limited quantities.
  2. Red bird cherry should be watered abundantly only after planting. If the tree has already grown stronger and taken root, it is enough to flood it well 2-3 times during the growth period. It is necessary that the soil is well saturated with water by about 20-30 cm.
  3. Most varieties of red bird cherry are pollinated cross path, so it is not advisable to plant bird cherry trees alone. The distance between trees should be at least 2 m, as they grow. You can plant different varieties of bird cherry.
  4. After planting, the seedling must be pruned by 50-60 cm, then the first branches will begin to grow lower, and the bird cherry will be more magnificent. As it grows, the main shoot is pruned annually to form a shrub.
  5. The soil around the bird cherry needs to be weeded, cleared of it, and also loosened regularly so that the crust does not interfere with the roots being saturated with oxygen.
  6. Every spring, bird cherry trees need to be fed with mineral fertilizers. Immediately after, you need to loosen the soil by 50-60 cm, and not leave the fertilizer on the surface.
  7. Red bird cherry needs to be pruned. In this way you can grow either a tree or a branched shrub. To make it easier to care for and harvest, the height of the bird cherry tree needs to be adjusted. The optimal height is 3 m. The side branches also need to be trimmed in order to more strength Bird cherry was spent on fruits, not foliage.
  8. Once every 3 years it can be applied to a depth of 10 cm organic fertilizers type of manure, but it is advisable not to overdo it.

Red bird cherry looks very beautiful in the garden. It can decorate parks and alleys. Red berries stick well to the branches and can stay that way all winter, decorating the area even in the cold season.

Besides decorative use Bird cherry can be actively used in cooking.

Due to the fact that red berries are sweeter and more pleasant than regular black ones, they can be eaten fresh. They are rich in vitamin C, strengthen the immune system, promote rejuvenation of the body, and improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

However, those who suffer from gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice should be careful with fresh berries. From the fruits of red bird cherry you can make bird cherry flour, fillings for pies, they are good to add to jams and compotes.

In folk medicine, the fruits, branches, and leaves of red bird cherry are widely used:

  • The berries contain a lot of tannins, which make them slightly astringent in taste. For this reason, the berries have a fixative effect, useful for diarrhea, but undesirable for chronic constipation. However, bird cherry rarely leads to constipation, because, among other things, the fruits contain a lot of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility.
  • Also, the fruits and leaves of red bird cherry have a disinfecting effect. A decoction of leaves and berries has long been known for its antimicrobial effect. Moreover, you can not only drink this decoction, but also treat the room to destroy microbes and drive away small insects.
  • Bird cherry contains potassium and vitamin P, which help strengthen capillary walls and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • The fruits of red bird cherry also have a beneficial effect on the urinary system. They remove toxins from the body and have a diuretic effect. Not only berries, but also buds, leaves, and bark can be used as a diuretic.

More information can be found in the video.

Common bird cherry is often used as ornamental plant when designing gardens and parks. She - excellent honey plant. Its white flower clusters are a delight to the eye. But if you want to have not only beauty in your garden, but also draw practical benefits from it, plant one of the American plant species near your house. Meet late bird cherry. At first glance, this overseas guest is not much different from her European sister. However, it produces much larger fruits. Not only blackbirds, but also people can feast on them. Therefore, late bird cherry is also called “American cherry”. But its close sister produces fruits even more similar to the red cherry. They call her Virginia bird cherry. In this article we will talk about these two types of plants. Should I plant them in the garden? How to care for overseas trees? What to make from the fruits? You will find out if you read the article.

Where did these “emigrants” come from and why are they called that?

Virginia and late bird cherry are common in the wild in the eastern United States. However, the habitats of these two species still differ. Virginia bird cherry is not limited to the state of the same name. It grows well in all areas with temperate climate, that is, in the southern provinces of Canada too. And in its distribution it reaches almost to the Pacific coast. And here is her sister, late bird cherry, more thermophilic. The northern border of the range does not go further than the Great Lakes, but to the south it extends almost to the very Gulf of Mexico. In the western United States, it is found in isolated populations in New Mexico and Arizona. You can see it in nature further south. So, she feels great in the mountains of Guatemala and Mexico. This bird cherry got the name “late” because it blooms two or even four weeks later. ordinary type. In its homeland it is called “rum cherry”. And this is the name given to the plant for the taste of berries, is the best recommendation for the tree.

Late bird cherry: description

This species is scientifically called Prúnus serótina, that is, botany classifies it as a member of the Prunus genus. But bird cherry belongs to the Pink family. Prunus Serotina is a fairly large tree, growing up to 30 meters high. Like common bird cherry, the later one often forms a bush with a spreading, regular oval-shaped crown. This is a very fast growing tree. Over the course of a year, it adds about sixty centimeters to its height. Late bird cherry differs from its European sister primarily in its bark. Even in winter, the tree is easy to recognize by its smooth, birch-like, but dark cherry bark with a pleasant almond scent. The leaves of late bird cherry are up to twelve centimeters long, broadly lanceolate. They have dark green color with a hint of bronze. The leaves are glossy above and lighter below. This tree serves as a decoration for park alleys, as in the fall it dresses in every imaginable shade of red and yellow. But as for the aroma of flowers, the European type is more fragrant and honey-bearing. But the clusters of common and late bird cherry are similar. The flowers of both species are white and small.

The benefits and harms of late bird cherry

U American type very beautiful and easy to work wood. It is red, and in America they make furniture and various crafts. At the same time, the wood retains a subtle almond smell for a long time. It does not crack or warp. An interesting fact is that North American Indians have long used the fruits of the tree as a medicine, and an infusion of the bark as a means to heal purulent wounds. But why housewives love late bird cherry is the taste of the fruit. A rather large (1 centimeter in diameter) dark red drupe forms in July and matures by the end of August or September. Ripe fruits are almost black in color and have a very pleasant taste of cherries aged in rum. In their native land, the berries of the plant are used to make preserves, jams, pie fillings, tinctures and liqueurs. The damage from late bird cherry is the same as from its European sister. Trees should not be planted near pastures. The leaves and bark of bird cherry contain hydrocyanic acid and cyanide. When dead twigs rot, the concentration of these substances increases and can be dangerous for herbivores.

Virgin bird cherry: description

This species has larger inflorescences. And, therefore, berries. “Virginka” blooms in the same period as late bird cherry. The fruits also ripen towards the end of summer. At first they are red, like cherries. As they ripen, they darken like cherries to a dark burgundy, almost black color. The clusters are similar to currants, only the berries are much larger. The fruits of Virginia bird cherry are also very tasty. Several dozen varieties of this species have been bred in the USA and Canada. There are trees with red leaves, and those that have pink rather than white inflorescences, and with double petals. Since Virginia bird cherry is more frost-resistant than late bird cherry (after all, its natural distribution area extends to the central provinces of Canada), it can also be cultivated in Russian gardens.

The most popular varieties

If you want your garden to look beautiful and impressive, and at the same time require minimal care, plant the Siberian beauty. This variety is the fruit of crossing two species: common bird cherry + virginiana. In the garden, Beauty stands out primarily for its purple foliage. In May the crown is green, but by July it begins to turn red. After this, the upper side of the leaf becomes purple, and the lower side becomes light lilac. In the wind, the play of shades is very impressive. Since these varieties reproduce by cross-pollination, at least two trees should be planted. If the Siberian Beauty was bred using the Canadian variety Virgin Schubert (which is why its leaves got such a bluish-red hue), then the Late Joy bird cherry has few other ancestors. Her ancestry also includes a common European ancestor. But the pins for the local species were made from wild Virginia bird cherry.

How to create the necessary conditions for American varieties?

In the Russian non-Black Earth region it is better to give preference virginian species. It is more resistant to late frosts. But we should not forget that all bird cherry trees love light, so they do not need to be planted in shaded areas. Both virgin and late species are undemanding to soils. But if you want a beautifully formed crown and bountiful harvest, make sure that the soil is rich in minerals and well loosened. The occurrence of water must be at least one and a half meters from the surface. To the credit of overseas trees, it must be said that they do not behave like aggressive neophytes. That is, they do not choke out other trees and shrubs in your garden. On the contrary, they attract pollinators, enrich and loosen the soil.

What can be made from fruits?

The bird cherry variety Late Joy produces a particularly rich harvest. We have already given a description of his pedigree. Since the ancestors include common bird cherry, the variety is perfectly adapted to European conditions. Late joy ripens in September. It produces a rich harvest of round, dark brown (sometimes completely black) fruits. Their taste is slightly astringent, sweet and sour, reminiscent of cherries. Tinctures are made from the seeds. Jams are made from the fruits. You can simply grind the berries with sugar and roll them up for the winter - this way more vitamins will be preserved.

Family Rosaceae, genus bird cherry. - this is a tree up to 10-15 meters high, in its own way distinctive properties, similar to common bird cherry.This species belongs to the rose family and comes in both tree and shrub form.

Virginia bird cherry – description of the tree, photos and videos

The shrub, as a rule, does not grow more than 4-5 meters. It prefers to bloom in May, but this is in the southern regions of Russia, and in the northern regions in June. This species grows mainly along the banks of large rivers and loves fertile and moist soil. It is rightfully considered the homeland North America, hence the name. This species is similar to common bird cherry, primarily in its properties.

The leaves have different shape, but basically it is either ovoid or oblong. When this species leaves, they turn brown-green, and in summer they turn dark green. In autumn they are colored various paints, a very picturesque sight.

The bird cherry blossoms very profusely, it is a very beautiful sight, since from bottom to top the bush is covered with white lacy foam, it is very beautiful phenomenon. In general, this species is beautiful at all times of the year, for example, in the summer with its large decorative leaves, or in the fall when the orange-red fruits ripen.

Every year this plant begins to bear fruit from the age of 7, flowers almost always white, collected cylindrical inflorescence. Flowering lasts about two weeks, and the fruits usually ripen in the summer, but dry out quickly. The fruits can decorate the tree for quite a long time, until May next year. The fruits are slightly larger than those of the common bird cherry, if scientifically it is a spherical drupe, they are both dark red and black, edible. The taste of this fruit is quite pleasant, sweet and sour, to be precise, not very tart.

The fruits are very healthy, as they contain many vitamins such as A and C, as well as citric and malic acids. It is possible to collect about 5-10 kilograms from one bush, it all depends on the year, if the rains were heavy, then it is possible to collect more.

It propagates quite easily, namely by seeds and shoots. Bushes planted with the help of shoots grow already in the 4th year, and those planted with seeds only in the 7th. In the first years, the bush grows slowly; in two years it can reach a maximum of 40-5 centimeters. For example, we can say that the seeds of the common bird cherry during this time grow to 110-120 centimeters.

Virginia bird cherry is quite unpretentious and can easily withstand slight shading. Such bushes can be planted almost everywhere, for example, near the house, or along the fence. If you plant on the site, it will seriously help you save space, and for better pollination, you should plant a lot of them, and best of all nearby, namely at a distance of 1.5 - 2 meters.

But it should also be taken into account that this type requires fertile and very moist soil. Caring for these bushes is quite simple; you only need to loosen the soil occasionally, and of course regularly water and weed. It also needs organic and mineral fertilizers. But, in terms of winter hardiness, this species is inferior to the common bird cherry; in some years with severe frost, entire branches can freeze. This species is resistant to various diseases, namely, it is practically not susceptible to insects such as aphids and moths.

Virginia bird cherry is often used in urban landscaping, mainly in group or single plantings. The valuable wood of this tree is used to make furniture. The bark is also a very valuable product and is used in medical purposes. It is most common in the European part of Russia, as well as in Western Siberia.

Bird cherry virginia video

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