How to feed eucharis for flowering. Eucharis at home

Lily eucharis, which is very easy to care for at home, is a graceful flower with high decorative qualities. The widespread occurrence of the culture in the Amazon forests led to the appearance of the second name - Amazonian lily. The flower appeared on the European continent in the 19th century and received worldwide recognition, confirmed by its mass cultivation in gardens and on window sills.

Eucharis: growing features

The Eucharis flower, being a representative of the tropical jungle, is distinguished by its size. Therefore, when choosing it, you should take into account the need for free space in the room where it will be located.

This bulbous plant, per bulb of which there are from 2 to 7 leaf blades. During the flowering period, eucharis flowers exude a wonderful aroma, which is not inherent in all potted crops.

Eucharis species diversity

The genus of this tropical flower, belonging to the amaryllis family, includes about 20 species, among which the most common in cultivation are:

  1. Eucharis grandiflora. A native of the Colombian Andes, it has a bulb up to 6 cm in diameter and wide lance-shaped leaf blades attached to long petioles. Before flowering, observed in May, August and late February, a peduncle up to 80 cm in height develops, which is crowned with an inflorescence of 3-6 white fragrant flowers.
  2. Eucharis white. The bulb of this species does not exceed 5 cm in diameter. Wide, elliptical leaf blades with pointed edges taper towards the base. In March, an umbrella inflorescence of 6-10 snow-white flowers is formed at the top of the green peduncle.
  3. Eucharis Masters. The species is distinguished by wide oval leaves, rounded closer to the base, which develop on shortened petioles. Flowering is observed in early spring, when two umbrella inflorescences form on the peduncle.
  4. Eucharis Sandera. A commercially grown species with oval, heart-shaped leaf blades at the base. It blooms in February-April, when white flowers with yellow rings on the crown, collected 2-3 pieces in an umbrella, bloom. There are multi-flowered forms, the umbels of which consist of 4-6 flowers.
  5. Eucharis dentate. The species is distinguished by its oblong triangular foliage. Umbrella inflorescences of 6-8 flowers are formed on a narrowed peduncle.

Eucharis is the name of a genus of bulbous crops in the Amaryllis family. The plant is widespread in South and Central America. The tropical crop is often called the Amazon lily. There are about twenty species of plants. The flower "eucharis" means "most lovely" and also "graceful". Especially appreciated decorative leaves rich shade. Delightful delicate inflorescences fill the entire room with an amazing subtle aroma. The round bulb of the Amazon lily reaches more than five centimeters in diameter. On top is a modified plant root, densely covered with golden scales. Eucharis blooms in mid-autumn. IN favorable conditions the plant is capable of shooting arrows twice a year.

The Amazon lily must be protected from direct sunlight.

Correct lighting

Amazon lily prefers even, diffused lighting. The plant is also capable of maintaining bright colors in partial shade. To grow eucharis, you should prepare window sills from the west or south side building. The indoor lily does not tolerate exposure to sunlight.


Eucharis needs to create comfortable warm conditions. During the summer optimal temperature air temperature for a flower is from + 23 to + 30 degrees.

In winter, a cool room should be prepared. The thermometer mark should be at +15-+18 degrees.

The plant does not tolerate drafts and gusts of wind. Open windows in winter can harm the Amazon lily. Just a few hours of cool air causes leaves to fall.

How to water a plant

Amazon lily prefers uniform substrate moisture during the active growing season and flowering. In waterlogged soil, the root system begins to rot. In a few days the plant will die.

After the inflorescences wither, the Amazon lily enters a dormant period. During the entire rest period (about forty-five days), you can water the plant no more than twice.


The indoor lily responds well to high humidity in room. A plant without inflorescences can be regularly sprayed with settled water at room temperature.

It is important to monitor the condition of the leaves. It is not advisable to allow water to stagnate at the base. vegetative organs.

At the stage of budding and abundant flowering spraying should be stopped. Inflorescences can die from drops of water.

Eucharia should be wiped periodically. Dust often accumulates on the leaves. It is recommended to use a dry sponge first. After removing the dirt, you can treat the areas with a damp cloth. Failure to follow the recommendations may clog the stomata. The leaves of the crop will not be able to continue gas exchange with environment.

How to perform a transplant

The indoor lily can actively develop in one container for about four years. It is recommended to replant the grown plant after the first flowering as the bulbs grow. Young Eucharis should be replanted annually. If the colonies of modified roots do not fit in the pot, you should change the container.

To grow eucharis you need to use large, wide pots. It is advisable to lay a thick layer of drainage at the bottom of the container.

The procedure must be carried out using the transshipment method at the end of March. Eucharis reacts heavily to loss of moisture and damage to the root system. For transplantation you need:

  1. Gently loosen the substrate using a small garden spatula.
  2. Spread out the massive roots.
  3. To avoid damaging tangled areas, you can rinse running water root system.
  4. Separated bulbs should be planted at a depth of about three centimeters.
  5. If you are replanting an acquired bulb without leaves, you need to place the eucharis in a container with the crown part up. The top should remain on the surface of the earth.
  6. It is necessary to compact the substrate thoroughly.
  7. The plant should be constantly inspected for three weeks. Successful rooting can be seen due to the bare area.
  8. You should rarely water your indoor lily. You can determine the need to moisten the substrate by touch.
  9. If on planting material there are leaves, it is necessary to spray the plant regularly.
  10. In conditions of high humidity, new leaves will appear on the bulb within 45 days.

Rest period

The Amazon lily differs from other representatives of amaryllis in the absence of a pronounced dormant period. The plant does not shed its leaves in winter. The loss of vegetative organs indicates damage to the crop. Eucharis may die.

The plant does not have a pronounced rest period.

After flowering, it is advisable to reduce watering for sixty days. The plant will be able to regain its strength.

Need for pruning

Eucharis does not need constant pruning. It is enough to clear the crop of fading flower stalks as it wilts.

Additional information about planting and replanting a flower can be found in the video:

Amazon lily in an open area

In tropical countries, eucharis is grown as a garden culture. The plant can maintain freshness for a long time. Therefore, the lily is often cultivated for cutting.

IN northern regions a flower is grown in a greenhouse and winter gardens. Particularly popular indoor flower lily.

Flower growers often experiment with eucharis. container plant able to withstand street conditions temperate continental climate in the warm season. It is advisable to prepare a protected place in the gazebo or on the balcony. The flower will be able to maintain its decorative properties provided there are no sharp temperature fluctuations and sudden night cold snaps.

Eucharis can only be kept outdoors in a closed container.

Indoor lily - secrets of growing

soil mixture

To plant eucharis, you need to prepare a substrate from humus, leaf soil, aerated softened peat, as well as clean river sand. It is also recommended to use Nitrophoska and wood ash.

Top dressing

The growth of green mass of eucharis depends on the quality and timeliness of fertilizing. How to apply fertilizer correctly? For the Amazon lily you should prepare mineral mixture for blooming indoor plants or "Nitrophoska". Half a teaspoon of the product should be poured into one liter of water. It is recommended to use the solution no more than three times a month.

Before applying the drug, it is necessary to moisten the soil. Fertilizer in combination with a dry substrate can cause burns to the stems and leaves.

How to choose a flower pot

Eucharis grandiflora should be planted in shallow, wide containers. The container must be stable. Several large holes need to be made in the bottom to drain excess water.

What affects Eucharis grandiflora?

The Amazon lily differs from other members of the family in its unpretentiousness. The plant easily forms buds every year. With proper care, you can get a profusely flowering crop.

To create a spectacular bush, you can plant several bulbs in a large container. Regular feeding stimulates the formation of numerous leaves. Eucharis is not recommended to be planted in a group with other plants. The indoor lily needs to create enough space.

Despite the significant benefits, complete non-compliance with the rules of care can cause plant damage and pests.

The main danger among insects for Eucharis are scale insects. The appearance of brown plaques on leaf blades and stems indicates damage to the flower.

The cleaned plant must be treated with a soap solution. It is advisable to wipe the leaves with a damp sponge soaked in soapy water. All areas should be sprayed with Actellica solution. You will need 0.15% drug. For one procedure, it is recommended to use two milliliters of the product and one liter of settled water.

Dry air combined with high environmental temperatures contributes to the settlement of thrips on lilies. Insect colonies primarily settle on the lower parts of the leaves. On the top of the plate you can see characteristic light marks.

An ornamental plant can cause significant harm body. It is not recommended to grow the plant indoors with children.

The entire amaryllis family contains high concentration alkaloid lycorine. The component stimulates vomiting and causes severe poisoning. Accidental consumption of parts of the plant can lead to tragic consequences. Eucharius is included in the category of the most dangerous plants.

How to propagate lilies at home

A large cluster of daughter bulbs on the mother plant creates a lush form of eucharis. Tight space on initial stage reduces the development of indoor lilies. An insufficient amount nutrients and root entanglement can cause the death of all plants in the same container. Therefore, as the lily grows, you should transplant the separated bulbs into new containers. A sufficient volume of the pot stimulates the flowering of the crop. Annual separation of small lilies is allowed.

It is advisable to perform disconnection during transplantation. Only mature children are suitable for spreading eucharis. It is important to carry out the procedure carefully. Fragile roots can be easily damaged.

Reproduction of Eucharis by bulbs.

Separated bulbs should be planted in pre-prepared wide containers with several holes. At the bottom of the container you need to line a drainage layer of crockery shards, expanded clay or pebbles. On top you will need two handfuls of clean, medium-grain sand. About five children can be planted in one pot. The planting depth should not exceed five centimeters.

Why plant Eucharis in a group? Several representatives in a cramped container guarantee lush flowering. Single plantings of lilies will not be able to form inflorescences until the bulbs need to grow.

For children you will need to mix a special substrate. You should prepare:

  1. compost;
  2. leaf soil;
  3. loam;
  4. coarse sand.

Modified roots also respond well to heather, deciduous and turf soil. Heather substrate can be replaced with peat.

Why doesn't Eucharis bloom?

For eucharis to bloom, it is necessary to ensure proper rest. Excessive soil moisture reduces the likelihood of buds forming.

The main sign of readiness young plant to the production of buds - formation daughter bulbs. If inflorescences have not appeared this season, it is necessary to give the plant two months of rest.

Flowering can be stimulated using stratification.

If Eucharis does not bloom for a long time, you can use the little secret of experienced flower growers. Stimulates bud production effect low temperature. It is necessary to move the flowerpot to a cool room. The ambient temperature should not exceed + 15 degrees. The substrate should be completely dry.

After 30 days it is necessary to return the plant to permanent place cultivation and create the hottest conditions possible. It is important to regularly monitor the condition of the lily. The plant should not form new leaves. It is not advisable to allow old vegetative organs to be shed.

Planting material

Eucharis can be purchased in grown form. A container culture with a height of 15 cm is sold in a container with a diameter of 15 cm at a price of 2,600 rubles.

Rooted lily shoots can be purchased on gardening forums for 100 rubles.

Eucharis is also called the Amazon lily, since in nature this plant is found in tropical forests South America. Despite the fact that this crop is a resident of the tropics, it is also widely popular as a houseplant.

Not only are the large white flowers of Eucharis valuable, but also its large dark green leaves, which will be an excellent green decoration for the home. In order for eucharis to regularly delight you with flowering, you need to know how to properly care for this plant at home. It is these nuances that will be highlighted in today’s article.

What is Eucharis flower?

The Amazon lily belongs to the bulbous plants. The bulbs are spherical in shape and their diameter can reach 6 cm. Distinctive feature- large dark green leaves on long petioles. The length of the leaf blades in adult specimens can reach 55 cm. It is noteworthy that the surface of each leaf is covered with protruding longitudinal veins, which give it a special texture.

Figure 1. External features of eucharis

Eucharis flowers resemble daffodils in appearance: they are white and quite large, but, unlike daffodils, they are not solitary, but are collected in small inflorescences (Figure 1). Each flower has a crown, the shade of which, depending on the variety, can be green or yellow.

Features of caring for tropical eucharis at home

Despite the fact that eucharis belongs to tropical species, caring for it at home is easy. The only mandatory condition for its cultivation is the presence large quantity free space.

So that you do not have any questions regarding the care of the Amazon lily, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main nuances of caring for the plant in more detail (Figure 2).


The advantage of eucharis is that it does not require high light requirements. It will grow well and bloom successfully both in diffused light and in insufficient lighting (for example, on a northern windowsill). The only condition is not to expose the flower to direct sunlight, as this can cause the leaves to burn.

Figure 2. Basic stages of flower care

In summer, the plant can be taken out open air, but care must be taken that eucharis is not affected by direct Sun rays and there was no precipitation.

Air temperature

Eucharis is a heat-loving plant. During active growth For crops, it is undesirable for the temperature to drop below +18 degrees, as this can cause leaves to fall and bulbs to rot.

If you want to stimulate the process of bud formation, you should provide the flower with more heat and light. However, it should be borne in mind that sudden and severe temperature changes can cause the flowers to be too small.

Air humidity

Since Eucharis is a resident of the tropics, one of the key conditions for its successful cultivation must be optimal humidity air. To do this, during the period of active growth, it is necessary to regularly spray the plant, but this procedure must be completely stopped during the flowering period.

Note: If your eucharis has bloomed and the air in the room is too dry, spraying can be done. But it should not be carried out frequently, and during the process it is necessary to ensure that water does not fall on the delicate buds of the plant.

In addition, you need to periodically remove dust from the above-ground parts of the plant. This can be done with a damp sponge. This procedure will not only increase air humidity, but also prevent the spread of diseases and pests.


Eucharis should be watered regularly, but moderately, since the plant does not tolerate both waterlogging and drying out of the soil.

To determine optimal time for watering, you should check the moisture content of the substrate in the pot. When it dries by a third, it is necessary to add moisture to the pot. The soil should not be allowed to dry out completely, as this will lead to drying out of the roots and may cause the death of the crop. But also overwatering very harmful for eucharis, since excess moisture can cause rotting of not only the roots, but also the bulb.

It is better to place the pot with eucharis in a tray, into which excess moisture will subsequently drain. When the tray is full, it must be cleared of water and wiped dry.

Soil composition and choice of growing pot

The soil for growing eucharis should be loose and well-drained. You can buy such soil in a specialized store, but, if desired, you can make it yourself. To do this, mix 4 parts of leaf soil, 2 parts of compost and sand, and 1 part of turf soil and clay.

The pot for growing a flower can be anything. The only condition is the presence drainage holes in the bottom, through which excess moisture will flow into the pan. In addition, when planting eucharis at the bottom of the container, it is necessary to lay out a layer of drainage.

Fertilizer application

Fertilizers are applied only during the period of active growth and flowering of the crop. For this you should use special mineral supplements For blooming crops, and they must be diluted in water in accordance with the instructions.

Fertilizers are applied regularly, every two weeks. After the flowering period ends, fertilizing is completely stopped.

Planting and transplanting

Eucharis reacts very painfully to transplantation, so it is performed no more often than once every 3-4 years. It is impossible to disturb the plant unless absolutely necessary, since eucharis reacts negatively not only to the violation of the integrity of the earthen coma, but also to any manipulations with the bulb and roots (Figure 3).

Note: Transplant eucharis into new pot it is best to use the transshipment method, and the procedure is recommended to be carried out in March, when the plant is at rest and will not react so negatively to transplantation.

Eucharis transplantation at home is carried out as follows:

  1. The soil in the pot must be carefully loosened wooden stick to straighten the large roots of the culture.
  2. Tangled parts of the roots cannot be separated manually. It is better to wash them with water to free them from any remaining substrate.
  3. The bulbs are planted in pre-prepared pots with nutritious soil and drainage, placing them 2-3 cm below the soil level. The earth around is well compacted.

Figure 3. Plant transplantation step by step

Unlike other bulbous plants, during transplantation of which young bulbs are separated from the mother ones, this procedure not carried out in Eucharis. If you separate the children from the mother bulb and plant them in separate pots, flowering will be completely absent for several years.

Features of reproduction

To propagate eucharis, seeds and plant children are used, but at home, preference should be given to the latter method.

Figure 4. Flower propagation by bulbs during transplantation

Unlike other bulbous plants, for propagation of which single children are used, growing a young eucharis will require dividing an adult bush (Figure 4). It is better to carry out this procedure during transplantation. The mother plant is carefully removed from the pot and divided into several parts. Moreover, each part must consist of at least 4 children. Only under such conditions will the young eucharis take root well in a new place and bloom this year.

Caring for eucharis after flowering

Eucharis, like other plants, needs rest after flowering. At the same time, the crop does not have a clearly defined period of vegetative dormancy, since it does not shed its leaves.

To give the plant the necessary rest, immediately after flowering has completed, remove all wilted buds and completely stop feeding (Figure 5). You should also reduce the frequency and intensity of watering. You can also move the eucharis to a cooler room.

Figure 5. Eucharis after flowering

The period of vegetative rest lasts approximately one and a half months. As soon as you notice that small shoots have begun to appear on the plant, you can gradually increase watering, as this indicates the awakening of the culture.

Diseases and pests

Even with proper care Eucharis can become a victim of diseases or pests. Of the insects, the most significant damage to the crop is caused by thrips, scale insects and spider mites. However, a pest invasion is only possible if the eucharis has not been properly cared for. Therefore, if your flower has become a victim of insects, you need not only to treat it with insecticides, but also to reconsider the care of the crop.

If we talk about diseases of eucharis, it most often affects gray mold, which manifests itself when excessive high humidity air and substrate. If you find signs of the disease, you should immediately reduce watering and treat the crop with Bordeaux mixture.

More useful information You will find information about caring for eucharis in the video.

Eucharis is a very common indoor plant in our country with large glossy leaves of rich dark green. But the impression made by the huge snow-white (sometimes yellowish), slightly similar to delicate daffodils, eucharis flowers, which adorn the plant in rich clusters from a skilled gardener, cannot be compared with anything!

Eucharis is native to rainforests Central and South America, especially Colombia and the western Amazon. This is where the second name of the plant comes from, which is used by the British and by which it is better known in our area - Amazonian lily.

Did you know? Calling Eucharis an Amazon lily is not entirely correct, since according to the structure of the flower, the plant is more likely to be a daffodil than a lily. From Greek Eucharis can be translated as “full of grace”, “lovely” - so this name is much more appropriate for the plant.

IN European countries Eucharis began to be grown as a houseplant in the century before last, and since then the flower has not lost its well-deserved popularity. Eucharis blooms at good care twice a year, throwing out several (from one to eight, depending on the conditions of detention) long peduncles, each of which is decorated with a cluster of 4-6 luxurious flowers that bloom one after another. General period Eucharis bloom lasts up to three weeks, each flower remains fresh for about a week. All this time, the plant is shrouded in a subtle aroma, completely uncharacteristic for most indoor flowers. Blooming eucharis in the cold season, when other plants are dormant, it looks like a real Christmas miracle!
Those who want to grow this beauty on their own windowsill should know how to properly care for the Amazon lily in order to fully enjoy the beauty of its amazing flowers.

Optimal conditions for eucharis

Surprisingly, many lovers of indoor plants, growing Amazon lilies on windowsills, do not even know that this plant should bloom. The answer to the question why eucharis does not bloom at home always lies in improper care care of the plant, non-compliance with the requirements for lighting, watering, fertilizing, wrong choice pot and ignoring some other features to which this flower is especially susceptible.

Location and lighting

Eucharis cannot be called a light-loving plant, but absolute shade is also a bad option. The flower feels good in partial shade and in bright light, but the plant does not like direct sunlight.The best place for eucharis - western or eastern window sill. Windows facing north are also quite suitable as a place for a pot, but provided that at least a minimum amount of light is provided to the eucharis. During the flowering period, the plant needs more light than during the period of growth and dormancy.

Important! Direct sunlight is very harmful to eucharis leaves, especially in summer. Therefore, if the plant is located near windows facing south, it is necessary to provide it with protection from possible burns.


Eucharis is heat-loving plant and, in addition, does not tolerate temperature changes well. The room where the plant is located should not be cooler than +16 ° C, but during the growth period it is desirable that the air be at least a couple of degrees warmer, and in order for the plant to bloom, the temperature should be 4-6 degrees higher degrees.

In summer, eucharis can be taken to open balconies, but since the tropics are the plant’s homeland, by the beginning of the cold season the pot must be returned to warm room so that the cool night air does not harm the flower: if the temperature drops below +7°, the eucharis bulbs begin to rot and the leaves turn yellow. Growing a flower in open ground in our latitudes, as a rule, it excludes flowering, or the flowers are formed too small.

The reason for this is the difference between day and night temperatures, which is too noticeable for the heat-loving eucharis.

Growing Eucharis: Home Care

In general, eucharis is unpretentious, but certain rules for caring for it must be followed.

Watering and air humidity Proper watering is perhaps the most important condition good development

Important! eucharis.

The Amazon lily is more likely to forgive a lack of watering than its excess. Stagnation of water is especially destructive for eucharis, as a result the bulb begins to rot and the plant may die.

However, overdrying of the soil should also not be allowed. Water for irrigation must be pre-settled.

During the growth period, it is useful to spray the plant, but at the beginning of flowering the procedure is stopped or limited: due to droplets of water falling on the flowers, they become covered with rusty spots and completely lose all their beauty.

When flowering ends, watering should be reduced.

Feeding Eucharis

You can start feeding the plant as soon as the bulb has sprouted. Twice a month, eucharis is fertilized with universal mixtures for flowering indoor plants or alternated organic fertilizers with mineral ones, and when choosing the latter, preference should be given to those in which the nitrogen content is low.

Fertilizing lasts during the growing season and while the plant is blooming. After this, fertilization should be stopped for several months.

All the subtleties of transplanting eucharis

A large number of bulbs in a pot and regular feeding of the plant leads to the most decorative appearance of the bush. It looks lush and blooms profusely.

Therefore, transplantation of Eucharis should not be carried out too often. The plant does not tolerate this procedure very easily and is especially sensitive to damage to the root system. Therefore, it is advisable not to replant, but to transfer the eucharis, completely preserving the integrity of the earthen coma, simply moving it to a more spacious pot.

However, if the plant is left in the same pot for more than five years, the eucharis may also die due to the limited space being completely filled with new bulbs, which simply do not have enough space for normal nutrition and development.

Eucharis should be replanted when the plant is dormant after flowering (best in March).

Important! It is very important to choose the right pot for eucharis. For normal development and regular flowering, this plant requires limited space. Therefore, you cannot transplant an Amazon lily into a pot that is too spacious!

It is best to choose a pot for eucharis that is 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. It is recommended to give preference to shallow pots; increasing the container should primarily concern its width, not its depth. There must be several holes in the bottom of the pot where excess moisture can drain.

Next point - correct selection soil. The soil should be very nutritious, loose and moisture-absorbing. You can purchase a suitable substrate at a specialty store, but you can prepare the ground for eucharis and on our own. To do this, just mix peat and sand or another baking powder in equal parts, and then add the resulting mixture to the same volume of compost or leaf soil. It is also recommended to add loam (about 20%) to the resulting substrate. Another option for soil suitable for zucharis is made up of leaf, heather (or peat), turf soil and sand in a ratio of 3:2:1:1.

When the container has been selected, the soil has been prepared and the appropriate phase of plant development has arrived, you can begin to carefully replant the eucharis.

A drainage layer (for example, expanded clay) is placed at the bottom of the pot, and a layer of prepared soil is placed on top. This layer is easy to calculate if you know at what depth eucharis should be planted: as a result of planting, the bulbs should be buried 3-4 cm into the soil (if the bulbs have not sprouted, it is possible to leave the top above the ground, so it will be easier to observe the growth process).

Then the eucharis is removed from the pot (to begin with, you can carefully loosen earthen lump around the circumference to make it easier to reach) and rolls it into a new one, while the plant is carefully supported at the base. After this, pour into the pot required amount ground, and the soil is compacted tightly.

Important! You only need to separate the bulbs from the old plant if you need to propagate it. During normal transplantation, it is better not to disturb the earthen lump: single bulbs of eucharis grow very slowly, and flowering does not begin soon.

After planting, the plant should be watered as little as possible so as not to damage the bulbs that have not yet hardened. The lack of moisture should be compensated by abundant and frequent spraying.

Eucharis: features of care after flowering

After flowering, eucharis needs to be provided with a full resting phase, which lasts about one and a half months. It is at this time that the plant gathers strength for future growth and flowering. Therefore, the intensity of its development in the next season directly depends on what care is provided to the Amazon lily at this time.

So, when the last flower has dried, the peduncles should be trimmed (there is no need to trim the leaves). The plant can then be moved to a less warm location and watering can be sharply reduced. Fertilizing and spraying during this period should not be carried out at all.

During the resting phase, sometimes Eucharis leaves begin to turn yellow. You shouldn't be afraid of this green mass will recover quickly.
The end of the dormant period is indicated by the appearance of young leaves from the soil. Once this has happened, you can begin to water and fertilize the eucharis again, and also, if necessary, raise the temperature to a higher temperature.

Did you know? Sometimes gardeners manage to achieve eucharis flowering three times during the year. In this case, the plant should also have three dormant periods.

Eucharis, which is at rest, looks as attractive as during the growth period. It is not necessary to move the plant to a cool place; it is only important to reduce watering and stop feeding.

Harmful insects and possible diseases of eucharis

The most unpleasant pests for eucharis are scale insects, poutine mites, thrips, and mealyworms.

It usually affects a plant located in a too dry room, so the best measure to prevent infection is regular spraying of the leaves.

This small pest, covered with a waxy shell, like a shield, sucks the juice from the leaves, as a result of which they begin to dry out. It is very difficult to see the scale insect with the naked eye; only the results of its vital activity are noticeable. However, armed with a magnifying glass, you can detect the smallest pest moving very quickly through the plant. If the enemy is identified, treatment is much easier.

On early stage large leaves eucharis, it is enough to wipe it well with a sponge soaked in soap solution. But if the disease is prolonged, it is worth treating the plant with Aktara solution and, if necessary, repeating the procedure every other day. Spray especially carefully inner part leaf, since this is where the pest usually lives.

Appearance thrips also provoked by low air humidity, especially at too high temperatures. The disease manifests itself as small spots on the leaves, which subsequently merge into a large mass. The danger of thrips appearing on Eucharis is additionally associated with the fact that this pest is a carrier of various diseases, and some of them are practically untreatable. Therefore, at the first signs of damage, the plant should be immediately treated with an insecticide.

manifests itself in the formation of white lumps similar to cotton wool on the leaves, spider mite – in the appearance of cobwebs between the leaves and multi-colored spots on the leaves. Pest control measures – treatment with insecticides.

Problems when growing eucharis

Amazon Lily doesn't deliver special troubles in care. However, sometimes certain problems still arise. Let's look at the most common of them.

If eucharis does not bloom, it may be due to improper temperature conditions, too much big pot or failure to provide the plant with a proper dormant period.

In addition, the eucharis bulb must develop sufficiently to flower, sometimes taking up to five years. If eucharis loses leaves for no apparent reason, this may also be due to unfavorable temperature conditions or improper watering

(excess or lack of moisture). A small number of dried leaves does not indicate a problem; you should worry if the phenomenon is constant, especially if dark spots appear on the leaves before they die. If the leaves of eucharis are covered with long red spots, this is a red burn. This specific fungal disease must be combated by removing damaged parts of the plant (leaves and flower stalks) and subsequent treatment of eucharis copper sulfate
or other copper-containing fungicide. The cause of rotting of the bulb can be either stagnation of water in the root system, or the so-called daffodil fly, also known as the hoverfly. It is best to combat this pest in a preventive manner, before planting the bulb in the ground. To do this, you can simply soak the onion for three hours in hot water (approximately 45 degrees), then dry well. More reliable method

– soaking the bulbs in a solution of Actellik or the drug BI-58. Plants affected by the narcissus fly are usually recommended to be dug up and burned, since control of it is considered ineffective. However, if it’s a pity to throw away the plant, you can quarantine it, moving it away from neighboring indoor plants, and test some popular recommendations

Did you know? to save a flower. It is believed that you can get rid of the narcissus fly by generously sprinkling the base of the plant with fir flour powder, which can be purchased at some pharmacies. It is recommended to pour the same flour hot water

Whatever the problem, it is important to correctly determine its cause and take measures to adjust the care of the plant, and then the development of eucharis will quickly normalize. .

Reproduction of Eucharis at home

Eucharis is a bulbous plant, so its propagation is carried out by dividing the bush (separation of young bulbs).
Completely separated bulbs are very carefully separated from the mother plant and transplanted into separate pots. The space for the plant should be minimal, so it is better to plant several bulbs in one pot rather than giving the Amazon lily too many free space in a container. When planting, the soil should be sufficiently moist, but not “floating.” For the first 10 days after planting, the plant should not be disturbed by watering, fertilizing, or other procedures.

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Due to the shape of its flowers, Eucharis is also called the Amazon lily. This bulbous plant is native to the humid tropics of Central and South America. Large white flowers, collected in inflorescences on long dense stems, resemble lilies or daffodils. Depending on the plant variety, the color of their crown can vary from green to pale yellow.

Eucharis is highly decorative and is considered one of the most beautiful plants that can be grown at home. Moreover, it does not lose its attractiveness even when it does not bloom. Large, glossy, rich dark green leaves greatly decorate the interior of the room.

Flower growers love this plant for its attractive, spectacular appearance, as well as for its unpretentious character. Only many people complain that it blooms rarely, or there is no flowering at all, and they try to find the reason for this.

How to grow eucharis at home, why doesn’t the flower bloom? How should a flower be cared for? Let's talk about all this in more detail on the pages of the Popular About Health website:

Caring for eucharis at home


A bright room is suitable for the plant. The best place for a flower pot is near a west window. Just provide diffuse light. Eucharis will be comfortable in partial shade. You can also place it near the southern window, but only in this case, protect the leaves well from the hot sun.


Since your green pet is a native of the tropics, he prefers quite high temperature in room. In summer - from 23 to 30C. In winter - not lower than 15C.

The plant needs Fresh air. Therefore, when it’s warm outside, take it out to the balcony. But protect from abrupt changes temperature and drafts. Eucharis does not tolerate them well and can shed its leaves.


At home, eucharis should be watered as needed when it dries out. upper layer soil. Remember that it will tolerate a little drought rather than plenty of water. Therefore, do not overwater, so as not to cause rotting of the roots.

Add water directly to the roots. Make sure that the drops do not fall on the flowers. It is from this that dark, almost black spots form on the petals, which many amateur gardeners complain about. Use soft, settled water, at normal temperature.


At home, the flower prefers high humidity in the room where it grows. When it is hot and there is no flowering, regularly, preferably daily, spray the air around the bush. You can place the pot in a tray filled with small stones, which you regularly moisten.

Top dressing:

Fertilizing is carried out only during the period of active growth and flowering. Once a bud forms, fertilize every 10 days. Use organic solutions mullein or ash. Once flowering stops, there is no need to apply fertilizer.

During periods of increased growth and development, alternate organic fertilizers with mineral ones intended for bulbous or flowering indoor plants. You can buy them at a gardening store.

Transplantation and propagation:

There is no need to replant frequently for buds to form. Once every 3-4 years is enough. When the plant becomes too crowded in the pot, transplant it into a larger container and replace the old soil with fresh one. When replanting, you can immediately divide the bush and transplant small bulbs into separate pots.

You can replant only after flowering has finished. Try, if possible, to preserve the earthen ball so as not to injure the roots.

Flowering time

During this period, do not forget to regularly apply fertilizers, humidify the air around the flower and water as the soil dries out. Make sure that moisture does not get on the flowers and leaves. If this happens, carefully remove the moisture with a soft cloth or dry sponge. Do not rearrange during flowering flower pot, do not move it from its usual place.

Rest period

Immediately after flowering, a dormant period begins, which can last 35-50 days. It is necessary to remove faded flower stalks, significantly reduce watering and stop fertilizing. During this period, it is recommended to place the flower in a bright but cooler room, where the air temperature is about 18C.

Usually the rest period occurs in the middle winter season. During this period, eucharis actively grows young bulbs. But by the beginning of spring, a full-fledged flower arrow appears. As soon as you notice this, resume feeding, increase watering, and return the flower itself to its original place.

Why doesn't Eucharis bloom??

One of the main reasons for the lack of flowering experienced flower growers called a too spacious pot. In a large container, the plant actively grows its root system and there is no energy left to form buds. It blooms well only in a slightly cramped container. That is why it is not recommended to replant it often.

If your green pet grows in a spacious pot, but you don’t want to bother it with replanting, simply fill the extra space with new bulbs. Plant a few more. This way you will reduce excess space and most likely achieve flowering.

Eucharis is not yet blooming due to the disruption of the dormant period, which is very important for the plant. Therefore, provide him the necessary conditions which are described above. And, in addition, add it to the soil after watering. a small amount of fertilizers such as “Bud” or “Pollen”. These products stimulate the plant to form buds.

The very beautiful, delicate Eucharis lily, the photo of which is located at the beginning of the article, will become a real decoration for the interior of your home.

Amazing fragrant flowers And graceful leaves will give their owner a feeling of celebration and the appropriate mood. At compassionate care the flower will delight you for many years.

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