Asparagus at home. Description of the appearance of asparagus and its origin

Asparagus perceives home care positively if you create the right conditions its cultivation. The plant belongs to the asparagus crops. It is used to decorate rooms, as well as for treatment purposes. various diseases. There are many types of asparagus and thanks to the diversity, any gardener can choose the appropriate option for growing the plant on his windowsill. For asparagus to develop successfully, it is important to provide everything necessary conditions for his growth.

Briefly about the plant

The description of asparagus is as follows:

  • indoor flower has small flowers that can be seen in the axils of the leaves;
  • flowers form thyroid or racemose inflorescences;
  • each flower has a simple perianth and six petals, which are arranged in two circles;
  • The plant bears fruit with berries, with several large seeds inside. Each seed is covered with a thick skin;
  • indoor plants have horizontal rhizomes from which shoots extend upward.

There are many different types of asparagus, so any gardener can choose the most suitable option for himself - a plant for growing in a pot in the form of a bush or a climbing vine.

Varieties of asparagus

The following types of asparagus are grown at home:

  1. The pinnate variety has erect or climbing stems, decorated with thin shoots, which are collected in panicle-shaped branches. This type of plant goes harmoniously with orchid, violet, cyclamen, begonia, geranium, and hydrangea.
  2. It is considered a lush plant with many branches of a light green hue. Blooms in summer small flowers, emitting a pleasant aroma throughout the room. In autumn, red berries form on the branches.
  3. has a spindle-shaped shoot strewn with cladonia. Due to its beautiful decorative properties, a plant of this variety is used to decorate flower bouquets.
  4. The sickle asparagus variety has large sickle-shaped leaves that cover spiny stems. Plant branches are often used to decorate floral arrangements.

Caring for asparagus at home involves planting it correctly, proper watering, lighting, pruning, replanting, protection from pests and diseases. At proper care beautiful flowers grow in flower growers' houses decorative flowers asparagus.

What should the soil be like?

The plant grows best in this mixture: 1 part humus soil mixed with 1 part turf soil and half a part river sand. Humus and turf soil will provide the flower with everything necessary microelements For successful growth. And river sand will serve as drainage so that the roots of the plant do not rot due to the accumulation of water in the soil.

Watering rules

During the growth period, a houseplant requires abundant watering. During the resting period of asparagus, you should water it less, preventing the soil in the pot from drying out. It is recommended to add water into the pan. The flower will independently take as much liquid as it needs. After 30 minutes, the remaining water from the tray must be drained.

Asparagus needs watering soft water. Therefore, it must be settled or diluted with citric acid or vinegar. It is recommended to water the plant three times a week.

To increase the humidity in the room, purchase a humidifier or place bowls filled with water on the windowsill from time to time.

Read also: Unpretentious flowers - garden balsams

Creating a comfortable room temperature

The asparagus plant will grow well at the following room temperature:

  • In spring and summer, try to maintain the air temperature in the room between 22 - 25 degrees Celsius. In summer, the flowerpot can be placed on the balcony or in the garden in the fresh air. It is important to protect it from direct sun rays;
  • From the beginning of November to the end of February, it is recommended to grow the flowerpot at a temperature of 14 - 16 degrees Celsius.

During heating season When the batteries dry out the air, the asparagus must be regularly sprayed with water.

If you plan to take the flower out onto the balcony or into the garden in the summer, be sure to gradually “harden” it over the course of a couple of days and accustom it to the new conditions.

A tropical plant should grow in bright light, but it is important to protect it from direct sunlight. If the windows face south, shade the flowerpot or grow it away from the window.

Intense lighting helps the plant develop better. When changing lighting conditions, you need to act gradually.

After purchasing the plant, you should not immediately place it under intense lighting. Help him gradually get used to the new atmosphere in the house, to the new lighting. Lightly shade the flowerpot for some period of time.

Choosing the right location

It is best to grow indoor asparagus on a windowsill on the northwest or northeast side. Also, the plant will grow well on the windowsill of a western or eastern window if you cover it with a tar paper curtain. If the room is in an apartment with south side, it is better to place the pot with the plant not on the window itself, but in another place.

In winter, asparagus sometimes suffers from a lack of natural light. Therefore, you can place it closer to the window so that it receives sunlight.

Feeding rules

Throughout the year, asparagus needs periodic feeding. In the spring-summer period, fertilizing is applied once every seven days. In autumn, fertilizers are applied twice a month, and in winter - only once.

Plant feeding is carried out using special complex mineral fertilizers, they can be alternated with weak organic substances.

The pruning procedure is carried out when replanting the plant. Old shoots without leaves are removed from the flower. This action activates the growth of young shoots.

Asparagus transplantation is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Prepare the soil from leaf and humus soil, as well as river sand.
  2. Buy a container that is the right size for the plant you want to repot.
  3. Having freed the flower from the ground, trim the tips of the roots and remove yellow and bare stems.
  4. Cover the bottom of the container with a drainage layer and soil so that there is enough for the roots of the plant.
  5. Place asparagus in the very center of the pot and sprinkle everything empty seats in a pot with prepared soil. Do not pour soil to the very edges of the pot. Since it will rise as the plant grows.

Asparagus must be replanted every year until it reaches five years of age. After five years, the roots no longer actively develop and do not require frequent expansion of the container.

It is recommended to replant an adult plant (which is more than five years old) every three years in order to replace depleted soil. It is best to transplant in early spring when the shoots have not yet begun to actively grow.

Read also: Cultivation and use of Lychnis chalcedony

Flowering period of the plant

If asparagus plants receive timely and correct care at home, they will bloom in the fifth or sixth year after planting. It blooms with small white or white-green flowers. Some varieties have inflorescences of 2–4 flowers. There are also plant species that bloom with pink flowers.

At the end of summer, after the end of the flowering period, the flowers are replaced by coral or red berries, which decoratively decorate the plant for a long time.

Take into account! Since asparagus berries are poisonous, it is best to place the flower with them as far as possible from children and animals.

Problems when growing a flower

Asparagus of any variety can be subject to various growing problems. The most common situations are the following:

  • if there is a lack of moisture, the air is too dry, the needle leaves begin to turn yellow and quickly crumble;
  • too bright lighting and insufficient watering lead to the fact that the edges of the leaves become covered with brown spots;
  • light spots on the leaves indicate sunburn;
  • with a lack of lighting, the leaves become pale;
  • if the root system begins to rot due to overwatering, the stems droop and wither;
  • too humid air or soil, sharp changes air temperatures in the room lead to a dark, fluffy coating on the berries of the plant. This phenomenon is called gray mold.

Asparagus is also susceptible to attack by pests, such as scale insects, spider mites, mealybug. Ticks can be neutralized with an acaricide solution, and scale insects and scale insects with medical alcohol. Pests are sometimes destroyed special drugs, the scheme and amount of use of which is determined depending on what kind of pest attacked the plant.

If the plant dies due to excessive soil moisture and stagnant water in the pot, it can only be saved by replanting it in new soil, and also by changing the rules for caring for asparagus.

Often when improper care the plant is susceptible to the development of various diseases. Most often, its leaves turn yellow due to the flower being in the sun for a long time. To prevent this situation, remove the flowerpot from direct sunlight, water it and humidify the air in the room.

Read also: Varieties of anthuriums

Features of home plant propagation

To propagate asparagus flowers at home, dividing the bush, cuttings and growing from seeds is used. The easiest and most reliable method of propagation is cuttings.

Reproduction by dividing the plant into parts is carried out during the process of transplantation. Taking into account the size of the flower, it is divided into several parts, which are planted in separate landing containers. When dividing the plant, it is recommended to trim the roots slightly. Such propagation is least likely to injure asparagus.

In early spring, asparagus can be propagated using cuttings. Cut shoots from the plant 10 centimeters long. Root the cuttings in river sand. Cover the top of the container with polyethylene to reduce moisture evaporation. Place the plants in a bright place and keep the air temperature in the room at 20 - 22 degrees Celsius.

Ventilate and moisten the planted cuttings every day. Within a month, the cuttings will take root. After which they are transplanted to permanent place growth.

Asparagus propagation using seeds is carried out in this way:

  1. To obtain strong plants seeds should be sown in the ground immediately after collection.
  2. Usually the procedure is carried out in January - March.
  3. The seeds of the plant are sown in a mixture of peat and river sand.
  4. Seeds are placed in well-moistened soil.
  5. The container with the sown seeds must be covered with film and placed in a lighted place.
  6. If droplets of water appear under the film, the planting must be ventilated.
  7. At a planting temperature of 22 degrees Celsius, the first shoots will appear within a month.
  8. As soon as the seedlings grow to 10 centimeters, they can be planted in separate containers.

In June, the stronger plants can be transplanted to their permanent place of growth. Further care consists of timely watering, fertilizing, trimming, pruning. It is also important to ensure that the asparagus is not damaged by pests or diseases.

Asparagus cleanses the air in the room well from harmful impurities and absorbs heavy metals. The plant has antibacterial properties, promotes normalization respiratory system, as well as strengthening lung tissue. Young asparagus is added to salads of greens and vegetables. The plant is enriched useful substances and vitamins contained in the stems.

Medicinal asparagus has healing properties, therefore it is often used to treat diseases of the digestive system, cardiovascular diseases. This type of asparagus is used to produce drugs with diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects. Plant-based decoctions help with diabetes mellitus, whooping cough, rheumatism, gout, various skin diseases. Correct preparation and dosage of taking any folk remedy Based on asparagus, it is determined strictly by the doctor.

Asparagus, the photo of which demonstrates grace and decorativeness, is an unpretentious plant in terms of care.

A flower that resembles lace can often be found not only on the windowsills of city apartments, but also as decoration office premises, where it is usually placed by those who believe in signs that speak of its miraculous calming power.

Description of the plant

Asparagus (asparagus) is perennial crop family Asparagus, some species of which are edible. The soft narrow leaves of an evergreen subshrub or vine are sometimes mistaken for needles, with which they have nothing in common. On herbaceous, highly branched shoots up to one and a half meters in length, there are scaly, underdeveloped leaves with hard spurs at the base. In the axils of the leaves sit numerous, collected in bunches, needle-shaped branches - cladodes. The rhizome is well developed and deeply buried in the soil.

Single flowers or collected in racemes or thyroid inflorescences develop in the axils of the leaves. After flowering is completed, small round fruits are formed with juicy pulp hidden under a thin skin. At home, flowering is a fairly rare occurrence, especially if you do not know how to care for asparagus correctly.

The natural habitat of the crop is extensive. Asparagus is found in various climatic zones and parts of the world: Europe, Asia, Africa, North America. IN Middle lane Russian asparagus often cultivated as a houseplant, which, with proper care, forms dense thickets of bright greenery.

Carefully! Asparagus fruits are poisonous.

Varieties of tropical plant

Currently there are more than 200 species graceful perennial. This species diversity turns asparagus, a mix of which is very easy to create, into irreplaceable plant for floristry. The following varieties are considered the most suitable for cultivation at home.

Pinnate asparagus or bristle-shaped asparagus (Asparagus plumosus)

Strongly branching subshrub, native to tropical forests African, with soft central shoots that have a slight bend, which gives the appearance a special decorative effect. The stems are covered with scaly leaves 0.5 cm long, in the axils of which groups of thread-like branches up to 1.5 cm develop.

Due to the lateral shoots located in the horizontal plane, a separate branch has a peculiar resemblance to a fern leaf. During flowering, which is practically not observed in apartment environments, single white flowers bloom.

Asparagus benuissimus

The species is very similar to the previous one, differing only in the structural features of the cladodes: they are thinner, elongated and located much less frequently.

Sprenger's asparagus (Asparagus sprengeri), also known as dense-flowered asparagus

Evergreen creeping perennial, living wild on the slopes of the mountains of the southern African region. The bare stems, reaching a length of 1.5 m, are covered with scale-like leaves up to 4 mm, surrounding groups of 3-4 slightly curved cladodes 3 cm long.

Flowering is observed when pink or white fragrant flowers bloom, collected in shield inflorescences. The species has characteristic round red fruits. In the literature it is often found under the name Ethiopian asparagus.

Meyer's asparagus (Asparagus meyeri)

View with single shoots half a meter tall, which are very densely covered with phyllocladies developing in different directions. The appearance of an individual shoot is similar to a fluffy brush.

Crescent asparagus (Asparagus falcatus)

Liana-like representative crops with woody, thorny stems reaching up to natural environment 15 m in length with a diameter of 1 cm. The formations in the form of spines allow it to climb the support without any problems. This asparagus, which is easy to care for at home, has shoots with maximum length at 4 m.

In the upper part of the lateral shoots, covered with scaly, undeveloped leaves, dark green crescent-shaped cladodes up to 10 cm in length develop. The perennial has good pruning tolerance. When flowering, it forms racemose inflorescences consisting of small cream-colored flowers.

Asparagus racemosus

Subshrub with climbing shoots, the length of which reaches 2 m. The name is due to the brush-shaped inflorescences, consisting of bright pink flowers with a characteristic aroma.

Asparagus medeoloides

The liana is distinguished by its tall growth and very strong branching with evergreen cladodes. Features of shoots after cutting for a long time maintaining freshness without water has led to its popularity among florists.

Asparagus pyramidalis

Subshrub with vertically growing shoots up to 1.5 m tall. The shoots are densely covered with short cladodes, so that from a distance the plant can be mistaken for a juniper.

Asparagus asparagoides

Beautiful climbing perennial with stems 3 m long, which are covered with bunches of cladodes up to 3 cm.

In addition to cultivation in an apartment environment, for growing in open ground For regions with a temperate continental climate, the following types are suitable:

    • Common asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) or medicinal asparagus- a North African who thrives in temperate climate, therefore known as garden asparagus. It has smooth stems up to 1.5 in height, which are covered with thread-like cladodes, collected in bunches of 4-6 pieces. White-yellow flowers are observed both on the stem and on the side shoots.

  • Green asparagus, also known as edible asparagus- a highly branched plant, rich in microelements and vitamins, with a powerful rhizome and underdeveloped leaves. Asparagus shoots are eaten in fresh and for preparing a variety of dishes.

Caring for asparagus at home

To get your houseplant to bloom and produce lush, vibrant greenery, you need to provide proper care for your asparagus.

Direct rays have a negative effect on the plant: in its natural environment, the crop grows in tropical forests in the shade of tree crowns.

To create optimal conditions, flower pots are placed on window sills on the east or west side of the house or in the back of the room, where southern sun rays penetrate.


If provided good lighting, then it is enough to create a temperature regime ranging from 20 to 24°C. With the onset of hot weather summer season the plant is transferred to Fresh air to a place where there is shelter from scorching sun and draft.

IN winter season it is enough to maintain a temperature of 10°C, which will prevent the shoots from stretching due to short daylight hours.

Advice! If it is not possible to take the flower outside, regular ventilation should be organized.


For normal development, a perennial does not need high level humidity, but will be happy with systematic water procedures: spraying, bathing in the shower.

Evergreen asparagus needs frequent and abundant moistening with settled water.

The soil must be constantly moist However, stagnation of water should not be allowed.

With the arrival of autumn, watering is reduced to avoid the development of fungal diseases.

Attention! As a result of a lack of fluid, asparagus may drop its leaves.

Top dressing

Fertilizers in the form of a solution of complex mineral components for ornamental plants are applied under the flower only in the active growth phase - from mid-spring to mid-autumn. Liquid nutrition is carried out along with watering twice a month.


Due to the specific development of perennials, pruning of most species to form a crown is not carried out: the sprout develops from an underground bud, therefore, when the stem is pruned, the formation of lateral shoots and cladodes stops, and a new bud is formed. Only crescent asparagus tolerates shearing well.

Advice! If the bush is old, then you can sanitary pruning, removing dry sprouts.

Asparagus: transplant

Because of rapid development Rhizomes and shoots of the plant require annual replanting. Optimal time The year for the procedure is early spring, in which:

  • The rhizome is removed from the container, after which some of the roots and old shoots are cut off.
  • Before preparing a soil mixture of sand, leaf and turf soil in equal parts, select a spacious pot.

Any soil from the store is suitable for asparagus, or you can prepare it yourself. You need to take two quarters of humus, one quarter of leaf soil and one quarter of river sand.

Attention! If the asparagus container is too tight, it may burst under the pressure created by the growing rhizome.

This video shows in detail how to replant asparagus, and also contains many tips for caring for it:


When growing asparagus at home, it is almost impossible to see it blooming. If this happens, decorativeness flowering plant will still be inferior to the openwork shoots of the flower. When flowering, using a brush, you can artificial pollination, which will allow you to get the fruits.

Important! Because of poisonous berries Fruiting specimens should not be kept in places where children or animals may come into contact with the flower.

Protection from diseases and pests

Asparagus is a disease and pest resistant crop. However, with prolonged stagnation of water and a large drop in temperature, the perennial can be affected by root rot, caused by a fungus.

Among the pests it is noted spider mite, whose attacks are associated with low humidity and heat. Often, as a control measure, the flower is rinsed warm water up to 45°C. If bathing does not help, treatment is carried out with insecticidal preparations according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Asparagus propagation

Uses of asparagus

Asparagus is used in various areas of life:

    • Floristics. The airy carved greenery has made the flower popular not only among flower growers, but also florists, whose compositions often include branches of the plant: asparagus tripherna is often used to decorate bouquets.

  • Cooking. Three types of asparagus (white, green and purple) are used as food and are rich in micronutrients and vitamins. The most common and easily accessible is green asparagus, without which some culinary recipes impossible to implement.
  • ethnoscience. Beneficial features The benefits of this flower are not limited to purifying the air and enriching it with phytoncides. The perennial has medicinal qualities, capable of fighting gout, liver diseases and other ailments, having sedative, analgesic, vasodilating, diuretic, and blood purifying effects.

Advice! Do not forget that no matter how undeniable the benefits are, there are also harms from using the plant. In some cases, asparagus can act as an allergen.

Thus, due to the unpretentiousness of the perennial and its high decorative value, asparagus is popular among lovers of tropical flora.

Spectacular hanging plants such as asparagus racemosus Robot or asparagus Abu Dhabi with graceful cascading stems will add coziness to any room, adding to the interior bright colors greenery

It’s hard to imagine what can be as pleasing to the eye as beautiful indoor plants that add a special touch to the interior of any room.

But the trouble is that despite the popularity of asparagus, not all its owners know how to care for it at home. Meanwhile, everything is quite simple, you just need to water it regularly in the required volumes and try to fully provide the plant with conditions close to natural.

This is the key to the attractiveness and splendor of the plant.

Asparagus: how to care for it at home

There are certain nuances of caring for asparagus that must be adhered to.

We remember that in order for the plant to feel good, it is necessary to pay due attention to:

  • lighting;
  • temperature;
  • watering and air humidity;
  • pruning;
  • soil and fertilizing;
  • follow the transplant rules.

If all the above conditions are met, you can be sure that the asparagus growing in your garden will delight you with its attractiveness for many years.


Increasing the humidity of asparagus

Almost like any other indoor plant, asparagus loves moist air. As observations show, from insufficient humidity air it suffers during the cold season, because during this period central heating operates.

There are the following ways to increase indoor humidity:

  1. Place the pot with the plant on a large tray containing expanded clay or pebbles. The latter must be moistened with water from time to time.
  2. Regular spraying of asparagus from a spray bottle helps a lot. In winter, this should be done twice a day, in summer, once is enough.
  3. It is good to increase air humidity by placing containers of water next to the plant.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about proper watering and maintaining required humidity air. You just need to remember to do this regularly, and then the plant will be healthy, green and beautiful.

Trimming asparagus at home

There is a double opinion among gardeners about pruning asparagus:

  • Some are convinced that it should be carried out, as it rejuvenates the plant and makes it attractive.
  • Others, on the contrary, are sure that this procedure is extremely harmful, since the plant needs to spend a lot of strength and energy for new shoots.

I can advise sticking to the “golden mean” - pruning, but carefully and carefully.

This procedure should be carried out in the spring, when the plant is just awakening. Old, unattractive shoots should be cut off. In order for a new one to begin to develop from an old stem, a stalk of 20 centimeters must be left on the old stem, but this does not apply to Meyer’s asparagus, which develops only from the root.

Soil and fertilizing

When caring for asparagus, you should not forget to pay attention to the condition of the soil. It must contain a low level of acidity, be air and waterproof, as well as loose and nutritious. A soil containing vermiculite or universal soil is excellent for backfilling.

If you intend to make your own soil mixture, simply mix garden soil in the required proportions with sand or humus. If necessary, garden soil can be replaced with turf or leaf soil. But it’s best to use a purchased universal primer.

The drainage layer should fill the pot with about a third of its volume. Good for drainage:

  • small pebbles;
  • expanded clay;
  • clay shards;
  • broken brick.

Drainage is necessary to prevent stagnation excess moisture in a pot.

You can’t do without feeding asparagus. It is recommended to produce it in summer and spring. In winter and autumn, the plant is at rest and requires almost no fertilizing.

A universal mixture has proven itself to be a good fertilizer. It must be diluted in the proportions specified by the manufacturer. Nitrogen fertilizers can be used only in spring and summer, when the rate of green growth increases significantly.

If you intend to replant asparagus, remember that this plant is capricious. Asparagus does not like to be disturbed.

The plant needs to be replanted only when the pot has simply become small.

How to plant asparagus, detailed steps

The transplant technology includes the following steps:

  1. You can buy a universal primer or make it yourself.
  2. A container of the required volume is prepared.
  3. The root of the plant is freed from the ground, and its ends are cut off. You should also get rid of bare and yellowed stems.
  4. Drainage and soil are poured into the bottom of the pot in such a way that there is enough space left for the root system.
  5. Asparagus is placed in the center of the pot, after which it is carefully sprinkled with earth. Do not fill the pot to the brim, as the soil will subsequently rise.

As the soil becomes depleted, the plant will need to replant the asparagus into a fresh substrate. This is usually done once every three years. It is best to transplant in early spring, before the shoots begin to actively grow, this guarantees good growth plants.

Asparagus propagation

The transplantation method can also be used to propagate the plant. In this case, the rhizome should be carefully divided into several parts and planted in different containers.

Asparagus is not only beautiful, but also useful plant, capable of purifying indoor air. Some gardeners note another feature of asparagus - improving the mood and well-being of household members. It is especially useful for those who suffer from frequent stress, effectively calming their nervous system.

As you can see, caring for asparagus is not at all difficult; the main thing is to follow the recommendations and then the plant will delight you with its attractive appearance for many years.

- lush ornamental plant, belonging to the family of the same name, is not particularly difficult. By creating conditions for asparagus that resemble the climate of its natural habitat, you can all year round admire the beauty of graceful openwork branches, and some of its species will delight their owners with a scattering of small flowers and decorative berries.

Let's consider all aspects home care: requirements for soil, watering, lighting, the need for fertilizing and methods of combating pests and problems.

About the features of home care

The asparagus family, to which asparagus belongs, has more than two hundred species, but in home floriculture you can meet no more than ten. Despite the rather significant differences in the arrangement of reduced shoots-cladodes (mistaken by many for real leaves) and the shape of the leaf blades, some external similarities in varieties of domestic asparagus are still visible.

The same similarities apply to the requirements different types asparagus to indoor conditions. Caring for asparagus at home consists of maintaining optimal temperature regime and air humidity, regular watering, fertilizing and proper lighting plants.

Lighting and temperature requirements

Despite the increased need for bright light, asparagus cannot tolerate exposure to direct sunlight, reacting to this with yellowness and the falling of tender leaves (up to complete exposure of the branches).

In order for the plant to feel comfortable and not lose its decorative value, it is necessary to choose the right place for its permanent maintenance.

  • The best option for keeping asparagus is the window sill facing northwest or northeast.
  • If the window of the room in which the asparagus is located faces west or east, it is better to separate the plant from it with a light tulle curtain, placing it on high stand, moved towards the window.
  • If asparagus decorates a room located on the south side of the building, the pot should be placed away from the window, always covered with a light curtain.
  • The presence of a curtain is a prerequisite for growing asparagus in a hanging pot.
  • IN winter period, due to the reduction in daylight hours, the light-loving plant will lack natural light, so at this time it is advisable to move the asparagus closer to the light source.
  • Asparagus that has just been purchased or is coming out of dormancy needs a transition period with shading to ensure gradual adaptation to light. Failure to comply with this condition may cause yellowing of the fluffy branches.

No less an important condition wellness asparagus is to create a stable temperature regime. In the warm season, coinciding with the period of its active growing season, asparagus feels great in a room with an air temperature of 20 to 25 degrees. At higher values, the plant owner will have to take care of regular spraying and additional shading of plants that do not tolerate heat well.

In winter, when asparagus goes dormant, it is advisable to reduce its temperature to 12-15 degrees. But how to care for asparagus at this time, if in the conditions of most city apartments equipped central heating, is it almost impossible to fulfill this requirement?

The situation can be somewhat improved by increasing the air humidity in the room where the asparagus is kept, although in most cases the loss of its original decorative effect is inevitable: it will shed most of its green needles and expose the lower part of the branches.

This plant reaction to unfavourable conditions content is not a reason for panic or grief: with the onset of February, the dormant period will end, asparagus will throw out new shoots, quickly regaining its former attractiveness.

At the beginning of summer, a pot of asparagus, which responds well to the flow of fresh air, can be moved to the garden or loggia. The only condition for the success of such a movement is approximately the same level of illumination of its former and new habitats. With a sharp increase in light intensity, the plant may turn yellow.

About the rules of watering, spraying and air humidification

When caring for asparagus, you should remember that it is moisture-loving and throughout the entire period of active growing season - with early spring until mid-autumn - needs abundant and frequent (at least three times a week) watering with water that has stood for 24 hours.

The amount of water added to the soil should be such that by the next watering the top layer has time to dry out, while the middle and deep layers remain moist. There can be no talk of any drying out of the substrate in the pots, just as you should not allow liquid to stagnate in the pan: this can lead to rotting of the root system. Half an hour after watering, excess moisture should be removed from the pan.

With the onset of autumn, the intensity of watering is gradually reduced, but even during the dormant period, when future shoots are planted in the depths of the pot, the soil moisture should remain optimal. To fulfill this condition, it is enough to water the asparagus no more than twice a week, using the bottom watering method, in which water is poured not into the pot, but into a tray (with the obligatory draining of excess moisture).

Moisture-loving asparagus will feel great in a room with high or moderate air humidity. If you spray its branches daily with a spray bottle, it will instantly respond to this by intensifying the color of its leaves and growing its crown. Just as blessed for him water treatments: asparagus likes to take warm shower(before turning on the water, cover the soil in the pot with a plastic bag).

If asparagus is kept in a room with dry air, you can significantly improve the situation by placing flower pot into a tray filled with moistened pebbles or coarse raw sand. Some gardeners use wet moss for this, but in this case you should remember the need to replace it annually.

You can also increase the humidity in the room using a regular jar filled with water and placed next to a flower pot.

Requirements for substrate and fertilizing

The soil for growing asparagus should be light, fertile, loose and slightly acidic. You can prepare it yourself by mixing two parts of humus and adding to them one part each of leaf soil and washed river sand.

Some gardeners prepare a soil mixture from equal quantities garden soil, greenhouse soil and river sand. If this is not possible, you can use a universal primer purchased at a flower shop.

Rapidly growing asparagus needs regular fertilizing:

  • Throughout the growing season (starting in early spring), asparagus is fed with liquid solutions every two weeks. complex fertilizers(such as “Hyacinth” or “Rainbow”), strictly observing the dosage specified in the instructions for the drug.
  • You can weekly add specialized mineral or organic fertilizers intended for indoor flower crops to the asparagus pot.
  • A solution of bird droppings, applied once to the soil during the summer season, will ensure the formation of many young, healthy shoots.
  • Thanks to regular spraying of the shoots with the growth stimulator “Bud” dissolved in water (1 g of the drug per 1 liter of water), the asparagus crown will become fresh, healthy and unusually bright.

To avoid burning the roots, fertilizing and fertilizing should only be done after abundant watering.

About the nuances of transplantation and reproduction

Young (less than three years old) asparagus must be replanted annually, preferably in early spring. Since the root system of young plants develops extremely intensively and tends to “crawl out” of the old pot, they should always be replanted into a larger pot.

The transplant technique is extremely simple. The flower removed from the pot is carefully freed from the earthen clod and the roots are slightly shortened. If the root system has grown greatly, the excess part of the roots is simply cut off by hand. At the same time, they get rid of bare and yellowed branches: this simple action stimulates the accelerated growth of healthy young shoots.

A thick layer of drainage is poured onto the bottom of the new pot and a small amount of soil. Having made sure that there is enough room for the roots in it, they are covered with prepared soil, carefully filling all possible voids and not reaching its edges a few centimeters: the rapidly growing root system will soon raise the soil to this level.

  • Adult (over three years old) plants are replanted no more than once every 2-3 years. It is only permissible to annually replace the top layer of depleted soil with a layer of fresh nutrient substrate.
  • Sometimes asparagus, just brought from flower shop(due to the fact that he was dropped off in too cramped potty). In order not to torment the flower and give it the opportunity to develop harmoniously, you should plant it in a larger container, not forgetting to place a thick layer of good drainage in it.

There are the following methods for propagating asparagus:

  • By dividing the rhizome. Roots removed from the pot during transplantation can be used as planting material. After pinching off a small fragment from the rhizome, it is placed in a small pot and covered with soil. Young shoots will appear very soon.
  • By cuttings. To get cuttings, cut off last year's strong shoots (their length should be no more than 15 cm) and place them in a jar of water or moist soil. You should wait for the roots to appear no earlier than after 4 weeks.
  • Seeds. To germinate seeds, it is better to use a small box with a light and moist substrate. After sowing the seeds, the box is covered with a piece of glass and periodically ventilated to remove condensation and prevent the appearance of fungal diseases and mold. The first shoots will appear no earlier than in a month.

About possible problems in growing asparagus

Inexperienced gardeners caring for asparagus often have questions about the causes of all sorts of ailments characteristic of this plant. Let's try to answer some of them:

  • Why does asparagus turn yellow and crumble? The culprits of this condition are unsatisfactory humidity and high air temperature in the room where the plant is kept. To correct the situation, it is necessary to reduce the air temperature and increase its humidity level (measures for air humidification are described in detail in the corresponding section of our article).
  • Why do asparagus leaves turn pale? A decrease in the color intensity of the leaves indicates insufficient lighting of the flower. To solve the problem, just place the flower pot in a well-lit room.
  • Where does asparagus get spots on its leaves? This problem may be caused by sunburn. To save the plant from further damage, you should immediately move it to a shaded place.
  • Why did the asparagus bush begin to droop and wither? This condition may indicate rotting of the root system due to excessive watering. After allowing the top layer of soil to dry, all subsequent waterings must be made less intense, remembering to drain excess moisture from the pallet.
  • Why do the edges of asparagus leaves turn brown? A similar phenomenon can be observed in a plant receiving an excess sunlight and suffering from lack of moisture in the soil. It is not difficult to cope with this problem: the lighting of the flower should be reduced by increasing the intensity of watering.
  • Why does a fluffy dark coating appear on asparagus berries? This is a very alarming symptom, indicating the appearance of gray rot, which forms during sudden temperature changes against the background of waterlogged air or soil. In this case, you should normalize the air temperature in the room and reduce the intensity of watering.

About asparagus pests and ways to combat them

Enemies of asparagus can be:

  • Mites that leave characteristic light spots on tender leaves. Very effective method The best way to combat them is to spray the affected plant twice (with an interval of several days) with an acaricide solution.
  • Greenhouse thrips are very small winged insects that often cause yellowing of leaves. You can cope with them by increasing air humidity and treating the crown with karbofos three times (within one month).
  • Waxbugs that live on plants in entire colonies. You can get rid of them by wiping the affected areas with a sponge moistened with medical alcohol. In the same way, you can save asparagus from scale insects.

Asparagus is a perennial herbaceous plant family of asparagus, having the appearance of a vine or subshrub. Its lush decorative shoots resemble feathers with small thin leaves that look like needles.

This plant blooms with small white flowers, in place of which fruits and red berries with seeds are subsequently formed. Asparagus most often begins to bloom in the 5th year. IN indoor floriculture used for vertical and cascading gardening, thanks to their long fluffy shoots. And beautiful graceful branches with red berries are often used to decorate bouquets.

This light-loving plant is afraid of direct sunlight, so it needs to choose a place closer to the window, with diffuse sunlight. Asparagus doesn't like high temperatures, the most acceptable temperature for him is considered to be about 20 degrees, but it should not fall below ten degrees. IN summer time It is good to take the flower out into the fresh air. A strongly branching plant requires support for tying up shoots.

In the warm season, asparagus should be watered abundantly, not allowing the earthen clod to dry out. But this plant cannot tolerate stagnant water. In winter, water with moderately warm water that has been standing for 24 hours.

During the period of active growth, the plant must be fed with ready-made liquid fertilizer. This flower is very responsive to organic matter, so it is advisable in the summer to add bird droppings or mullein at least once a season.

Too dry air can prevent buds from appearing. Plants need to be sprayed daily. Moreover, this needs to be done not only in summer, but also in winter. Asparagus comes from the tropics, so it needs appropriate conditions. In order for it to grow well, be green and fluffy, it is advisable to pamper the plant with a warm water shower once a week.

Transplanting asparagus

Every year, at the beginning of spring, asparagus needs to be replanted. The container for transplantation should be slightly larger than the previous one. To provoke a quick active growth young shoots, cut off a little root system, remove old, dry and bare branches. Young plants need to be replanted annually, and older ones every couple of years.

To make it easier for asparagus to get out of the pot, water it well. earthen lump, and, turning the container over, try to pull out the plant. If it does not give in, you can lightly run the blade of a knife along the walls of the pot. It is advisable to remove the plant along with maximum number soil. If necessary, straighten the roots, trimming those that are too long or rotten. Carefully remove the nodules, this will help renew the root system. At the same time, it may decrease by half, then plant the renewed asparagus in a new container, sprinkle the roots with soil and water well. Be sure to loosen the soil once a month. The substrate for replanting asparagus should consist of equal amounts of greenhouse soil, garden soil and sand. After replanting, the soil should be constantly kept moist, but not wet or too dry.

When transplanting, asparagus can be divided into several plants, each of which must have its own complete root system. Roots that are too large are trimmed, and old and diseased ones are removed.

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