Agapanthus - planting and care in open ground. Agapanthus varietal diversity

Agapanthus are perennial flowers belonging to the Agapantaceae genus. In total, there are about 6-10 varieties of them in nature. Translated from Greek, their name sounds like “flower of love.” The homeland of these plants is South Africa, from which it immediately becomes obvious that agapanthus is heat-loving. That is why in the middle zone it is not grown in flower beds, but in Russian homes it is welcome guest. But in warm regions these beautiful flowers They love to grow in dachas and gardens. Today you will get acquainted with the agapanthus flower and learn how to plant and open ground caring for it, how the process of growing at home from seeds occurs and in what conditions agapanthus grows, delighting with flowering.

What does agapanthus look like??

Perhaps, dear readers of Popular Health, you have never seen the agapanthus flower. In this case, look at his photo. Is not tall plant with a powerful branched root system. Its leaves are belt-shaped, collected in a basal rosette. Their length varies within 20 cm, width - 3 cm. When the time comes to bloom, a fairly long peduncle (about 50-80 cm) with a massive umbrella inflorescence consisting of numerous flowers slowly extends from the center of the rosette.

The inflorescences are most often presented in violet-blue tones, but in some varieties they can be white. The gradual opening of the buds allows you to enjoy the flowering of agapanthus for about two months. Heat-loving plant They are successfully grown in gardens in regions with hot climates, and gardeners in the middle zone often transfer flowers to the garden for the summer, but they overwinter exclusively indoors. How to grow agapanthus at home or for seedlings, having seeds at your disposal? Yes, in general, it is not difficult to do.

Agapanthus - cultivation

Agapanthus seeds are usually sown in the spring. If you live in an area where the climate is warm, for example in Crimea or Krasnodar region and want to grow wonderful flowers in own garden, then sowing can be done in April, so that at the end of May the seedlings can be planted in the ground. IN middle lane it is possible to grow agapanthus at home as indoor plants, in pots, and transfer the flowers into the garden directly into them in the summer, adding a little bit.

To germinate seeds, you should find the warmest possible place in the house, preferably where the mercury column is within 23 degrees. You will need a shallow container filled with a mixture of peat moss and perlite. Before sowing, moisten the soil and place small seeds on its surface. Their size does not allow them to be deepened into the soil; the surface only needs to be lightly sprinkled with a layer of clean, fine sand. Cover the box with glass or transparent cellophane, which must be removed daily to ventilate the greenhouse and remove condensation. Keep an eye on the soil - it should remain moist at all times.

Agapanthus shoots from seeds will appear in 7 days. Now protective glass can be removed, but the room must be warm (about 24 degrees). On at this stage seedlings need to be watered, but not abundantly, and ensure unimpeded supply of diffused light. In the development phase of two pairs of leaves, the plant should be pruned. Soil composition – humus, leaves, turf and sand (proportions – 2:2:2:1).

Planting agapanthus in open ground

We remind you that agapanthus is not grown in soil in gardens in cold regions, except perhaps in a greenhouse. If you live in the Moscow region or other areas where the climate is not warm even in summer, then you can decorate the garden with agapanthus only if you move the flower pots outside in the summer. In hot countries, where conditions allow, growing these flowers is also possible in open ground.

When it is already warm enough (usually at the end of May), agapanthus from home indoor conditions can be transplanted into open ground. A sunny area or a place located in openwork light partial shade is suitable for these plants. Be careful, because their roots are quite fragile, and damage to them leads to the death of flowers. Dig holes about 8 cm deep at a distance of 50 cm. Place the seedlings in them and then compact the soil. After finishing working with the soil, immediately mulch the planting around the bushes. This will serve as protection against rapid evaporation of moisture and will become an obstacle to the development of weeds.

Agapanthus care requirements in open ground will fulfill!

The African flower loves moisture, but it is still undesirable to flood it. When there is no rainfall, irrigate the flowerbed, and when the soil surface dries out, repeat watering. In spring and summer flowers need mineral supplements twice a month. Weeding is another necessary measure for caring for agapanthus. Pests that can attack flowers are slugs, snails, spider mites, and scale insects. At excessive watering tender plant may become ill due to the development of fungal infections. It is worth noting that agapanthus grown from seeds will bloom no earlier than after 5-6 years. If there is a need to propagate adult bushes, you can resort to dividing the bush. In the fall, pots of flowers are brought into the house (in regions with frosty winters), but they are kept in relative coolness; at this time, agapanthus has a dormant period. Even in warm regions, the planting site in open ground is covered with sawdust or a thick layer of leaves for the winter.

Growing and caring for agapanthus is simple. The main thing is to put him on sunny place and water and feed in a timely manner. And, of course, protect against pest invasion by taking necessary measures. Russians successfully grow this plant at home, because its incomparable flowering perfectly decorates the interior of apartments, pleases the eye and lifts the mood.

Agapanthus - beautiful delicate flower with long peduncles and leaves of unusual shape. He deserves a place in landscape composition if only because it blooms for about 2 months. In addition, agapanthus has many varieties to suit every taste, even for the most demanding summer residents. In open ground, the plant needs to be provided with maximum heat and light. This is the basis for the basic principles of planting and caring for crops.

Description and characteristics of agapanthus

This herbaceous perennial with a branched root system has decorative flowers and leaves. Most varieties of agapanthus are evergreen in warm climates. The plant is classified as separate species Agapantaceae. Its characteristics:

  • the above-ground part consists of peduncles and a basal rosette of leaves;
  • peduncle - fleshy, up to 1.5 m;
  • leaves are belt-shaped, 50-70 cm long;
  • the root system is extensive, fleshy, creeping;

  • the buds are united into umbrella-shaped inflorescences of a round shape measuring 25-40 cm;
  • flower shape - funnel, diameter - 5-6 cm;
  • petal length - 3-5 cm, color - lilac, bright blue, blue, white;
  • During flowering, about 100-150 buds appear and fade in one inflorescence.

Attention! Agapanthus blooms from July to October, approximately 60 days. The rest of the year, a lush bush of thin long leaves remains.

Agapanthus is usually planted in a flower bed or garden under open air. It looks good in a border form, in decorative compositions with other plants. Especially those that bloom in the first half of the season. The combinations can be assessed in the photo.

The flower can also be cultivated in room conditions. This method is relevant for northern latitudes, where growing agapanthus in open ground is impossible. It is only buried on the site in the middle of summer, for 1-1.5 months. On the windowsill the plant realizes its useful feature- absorbs and removes heavy metals, cleans the air of germs.

Agapanthus varietal diversity

Agapanthus has 5 main varieties. However, due to cross-pollination of varieties, today the gardener has a lot of hybrids of interesting colors to choose from. Main types:


Among hybrid varieties popular:

  • Lilliput is a 30-centimeter plant with deep purple, almost black flowers;
  • Peter Pan is another miniature variety of agapanthus with pale blue bells;
  • Albidus - different snow-white flowers with a red fragment on the perianth;
  • Albus and Albus Nanus - tall and miniature varieties of agapanthus with inflorescences white.
  • Variegata is a tall hybrid with sky-blue flowers and white stripes;
  • Star Quality - distinguished by a bare meter-long peduncle on which blue, purple or cream buds grow (this agapanthus is suitable for cutting);
  • Pinocchio is a medium-sized variety with an indigo color (usually grown indoors).

Features of growing agapanthus on the site

Most often, growing agapanthus begins with sowing seeds. Work must be carried out in March:

Attention! When transplanting, handle the roots carefully. They are very fragile.

Agapanthus care

The natural habitat of this crop is a mild climate. South Africa. Therefore, choose the warmest place for agapanthus on your site. The sun is also vital for the plant. Without enough light, the flower stalks will become excessively elongated and will break under their own weight. In this case, they can be tied up, but the decorative effect of the flower will suffer.

Attention! Despite all its love for the sun, the plant does not tolerate direct rays well. It’s good if the bush is slightly shaded at midday.

Agapanthus is not demanding in terms of care. Minimal watering is enough for him. The plant is fed twice a month, more often during budding and flowering. To do this, alternate organic and mineral mixtures.

When the temperature drops even to +10 °C, the flower must be covered. You can use an upside down box with a layer of sand on top. If in your region it is colder in winter than +5 ° C, then the plant should be carefully transplanted into a pot and moved indoors. Growing agapanthus on site is also possible in cool climates. But the gardener needs to take additional care of the heat-loving ward.

Growing Agapanthus: video

Agapanthus is a delicate herbaceous perennial with bright foliage and unusual flowers. It is suitable for indoor growing, landscape design and bouquet arranging. Agapanthus fascinates with its trembling petals in pastel shades. The plant belongs to the Agapantaceae family. Its homeland is the expanses of Central and Southern Africa.

Description of the plant

Agapanthus is a plant with fleshy, highly branched roots. Most of the root mass is located in the upper layers of the soil. A dense rosette of leaves blooms above the surface of the earth. They are belt-shaped and dark green in color. The length of the foliage is about 50-70 cm. Even between flowering, agapanthus forms a decorative spherical bush. In the genus Agapanthus there are evergreen and deciduous forms adapted to different conditions a habitat.

By the beginning of summer, a fleshy peduncle with a round cross-section grows from the center of the leaf rosette. Its height is 40-150 cm. The top of the bare peduncle is decorated with a spherical dense inflorescence up to 25 cm in diameter. Bell-shaped flowers of blue, lavender or white are located on their own thin stems. The length of the bud is 5 cm. A darker central stripe can be traced on the oval petals. Flowering continues until the end of October.

1-1.5 months after pollination of the flower, the fruit ripens - seed pod. It contains many flat, dark brown seeds.

Types of agapanthus in culture

The Agapanthus genus is not very diverse. The plant is actively pollinated and produces mass interesting hybrids.

The plant, up to 70 cm high, is a clump of rather wide, belt-like leaves. The dark green leaf blades have a deep groove, and the edge is somewhat narrowed. A ball of many bluish flowers blooms on an elegant peduncle.

This evergreen up to 65 cm high, suitable for indoor growing. Blue and blue flowers collected in large umbrella inflorescences. A lighter stripe is visible on the leaves. Known ornamental varieties:

  • Albus - attracts with its large snow-white inflorescence;
  • Albus Nanus - a dwarf (up to 40 cm) variety with white flowers;
  • Albidus is a plant with white perianths on which there is a red spot;
  • Variegata is a tall plant with a white stripe along the leaf blade.

Miniature graceful plant with narrower foliage. The length of the leaves does not exceed 15 cm. The foliage falls off in winter. The flowers are colored in blue-violet shades and bloom in July-August.

The evergreen plant forms a dense clump with a diameter of up to 40 cm. The leaves are wider and shorter. On peduncles up to 60 cm long there are delicate purple flowers.

Reproduction methods

Agapanthus can be propagated by sowing seeds or dividing the bush. The seed method will seem to many to be too long in time, because seedlings bloom after 5-7 years. In addition, there is a possibility of cross-pollination and loss of varietal characteristics. Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in early March. They use small greenhouses in the form of boxes with sand and peat soil mixture. The soil is moistened and the seeds are sown in shallow holes. The greenhouse is covered with film, but ventilated daily for about half an hour. Optimal temperature air is +16…+20 °C. Shoots appear within 1-2 weeks. When 4 true leaves grow, the plants can be planted in separate pots.

By dividing the bush you can get several mature plants ready for flowering at once. The procedure is carried out in the fall, when the agapanthus has faded, or in the spring before the formation of flower stalks. The bush is dug up and freed from the ground as much as possible. Each division should contain 1-2 leaf rosettes. The cut is made with a sharp, clean knife, and the wounds are sprinkled activated carbon. The divisions are not planted immediately, but are only covered with a damp substrate for 2-3 days. After this, agapanthus is planted on permanent place. You need to water the seedlings little by little in the first days.

Rules of care

Caring for agapanthus requires a certain skill, only in this case it will appear in all its glory. What is more important is not even regular procedures, but selection right place for a flower. Agapanthus needs intense light and long daylight hours. With a lack of light, the leaves begin to turn pale and the flower stalks become very elongated. Thin stems may even break off. From May it is recommended to take the pots out open air under straight lines Sun rays. Here the leaves are not afraid of even intense heat. Agapanthus is also not afraid of moderate drafts.

The optimal air temperature for the African lily is +25…+28 °C. From September, you should begin to lower the temperature and provide the plant with a cold winter. Evergreens overwinter at +12…+15 °C. Deciduous species need +5 °C.

In the southern regions, agapanthus is grown in open ground. But even in warm winters he needs shelter from nonwoven material and fallen leaves. To the north, the African lily is grown as an annual or dug up and stored indoors for the winter.

Agapanthus needs high humidity air. It is recommended to spray it daily with a spray bottle and wash it regularly under warm shower. Need to use soft water so that no unsightly lime stains remain on the succulent leaves. Try not to wet the flowers, otherwise they will quickly fade.

Agapanthus should be watered abundantly and often during the active growing season. Stagnation of water in the ground is unacceptable, so care should be taken to ensure good drainage. To allow air to penetrate to the roots, it is recommended to periodically loosen the soil. As the air temperature drops, watering is reduced and by winter they switch to low soil moisture.
From the end of March until the end of flowering, fertilizers must be applied to the agapanthus. Alternate mineral complexes for flowering plants and organic matter. Fertilizers are heavily diluted with water and applied twice a month. With the onset of cold weather, the plant completely stops fertilizing.

To make the crown look neat, it is necessary to remove yellowed leaves and wilted flower stalks. The plant does not require molding pruning.

Flower transplant

Agapanthus needs to be replanted every 2-3 years. Unlike most flowering plants, he needs a spacious pot. In a cramped container, flowering will be weak or stop altogether. It is necessary to pour 2-3 cm of drainage material at the bottom. The soil should be slightly acidic and sufficiently nutritious. The following composition can be used:

  • humus soil;
  • clay-turf soil;
  • leaf soil;
  • sand.

When transplanting, the roots are partially freed from the old soil. Upper layer It is recommended to periodically mulch with peat and turf to prevent drying out.

Diseases and pests

Agapanthus rarely suffers from disease. Only with prolonged flooding do rot affect the roots. The rhizome has bactericidal properties and partially protects itself.

Agapanthus - graceful bulbous plants family Agapantaceae. Translated from Greek, agapanthus sounds like “flower of love,” which accurately conveys the external romance, tenderness and vulnerability of these plants. They come from warm Africa, so in latitudes with temperate climate They are most often grown at home, but in warm regions these “African lilies” can also be found in flower beds. Growing this crop is easy if weather contribute to this, so let's look at how to plant and grow this beautiful flower in your own area.

Agapanthus is a herbaceous perennial plant with a large branched rhizome. Belt-shaped leaves are collected in the basal rosette of agapanthus. Their length reaches 22 cm and width 3-4 cm. During the flowering period, a long peduncle (60-150 cm) grows among the rich green foliage, on which an umbrella inflorescence soon forms big amount bell flowers.

What is different about agapanthus and why gardeners love it so much:

  • The color range of inflorescences is provided by all shades of blue and purple flowers, and sometimes the petals are white.
  • Agapanthus flower buds resemble bells or miniature lilies sitting on thin stems. The length of each bud is about 5-6 cm. The petals are oval, with a dark stripe in the center. There are more than 150 inflorescences in one rosette.
  • Flowering lasts about 60 days, during which time the agapanthus gradually opens its buds. Their aroma is unobtrusive and pleasant. The culture is also suitable for cutting.
  • Agapanthus is very thermophilic, so it winters well only in warm regions. But this does not stop gardeners, and at the end of summer, the agapanthus is transplanted into a pot and has to “live” indoors all winter.
  • In nature, there are 10 varieties of agapanthus. Some of them are evergreen, the rest are deciduous.
  • The fruit of Agapanthus is a seed capsule with many dark, flat-shaped seeds.
  • The agricultural technology of the African lily is simple - the plant is unpretentious and develops well.
  • Agapanthus lends itself well to selection. In cultivation, new shades of buds often appear - inky, lilac-white, blue, heavenly, and striped varieties have already appeared.
  • The plant blooms from June to October, depending on the type and variety.
  • Agapanthus has the property of purifying the air from radionuclides, toxins, viruses and bacteria.
  • The plant lasts a long time when cut (up to 16 days), but to do this you need to cut off the peduncle immediately after the first bud opens. If the flower is dried, it retains its beauty and is suitable for the formation of dry ikebana.

Agapanthus has it and not so much positive trait- its leaves contain many toxic substances, so it is better to limit contact of the skin of your hands with the leaf rosette.

Agapanthus, types and varieties

African perennial is not distinguished by a wide variety of species, but thanks to intensive cross-pollination, many interesting hybrids constantly appear. Several types of agapanthus are found in nature, but 4 main types are grown in culture:

  • Agapanthus africa. It is an evergreen herbaceous crop that grows up to 60 cm in height. It is more suitable for indoor growing, but also grows well in large containers in the yard. The umbrella inflorescences are colored lilac and blue tones, some varieties are distinguished by the presence of dim milky stripes on the petals.

  • Agapanthus bellflower. A miniature deciduous representative of the family. The variety is characterized by a rosette of narrow and short leaves and a deep purple color of the petals.

  • Agapanthus orientalis. The variety is evergreen, medium-sized, with wide but slightly shortened leaves. Small pale purple flowers bloom on the peduncle.

  • Agapanthus umbellata. This species does not exceed 75 cm in height. The leaves are dark green, unusually wide, with a pronounced groove along the entire length. A large ball with numerous blue-blue flowers blooms on a fragile peduncle.

  • Agapanthus closed. The plant develops drooping buds that do not fully bloom. The color of the petals ranges from blue to ink. This species has the most high grades, reaching 1.5 m in height. The species can be deciduous or evergreen, depending on climatic conditions growth. The species blooms until the end of October.

Popular decorative varieties:

  • Variegata is a variety with a tall peduncle and pale blue flowers with white stripes.
  • Albus is a tall bush distinguished by large white umbrella inflorescences up to 25 cm in diameter. Albus Nanus is a dwarf variety up to 40 cm high.
  • Albidus - unique variety of this type. White buds with a red spot on the perianth bloom on a tall peduncle.
  • Peter Pan is a magnificent dwarf perennial 35-37 cm high. It blooms with sky-blue bells. Looks great in tubs.
  • Star Quality is a variety with an erect bare peduncle up to 100 cm in height. Flower color: cream, lilac, blue. Excellent in the environment for up to 16 days.
  • Lilliput is a low-growing agapanthus with bright small inflorescences of dark purple, sometimes almost black color. Peduncle height up to 30 cm.
  • Pinocchio is a popular variety with a height of 80 cm with indigo-colored “gramophone” flowers. More often used for growing indoors.

Agapanthus - growing from seeds

African lily seeds are sown in the spring. If you are going to grow a plant in open ground, it is better to sow the seeds in April, so that by March the seedlings have sprouted and you can transplant them into a flowerbed. In mid-latitudes, agapanthus does not tolerate open ground very well, but it is quite possible to grow it at home and add a little bit of it in the garden in the summer.

How to sow agapanthus seeds correctly:

  1. For seedlings to appear, select warm room with a temperature not lower than 24⁰С.
  2. Mix peat moss with perlite (1:3) and fill the container with soil.
  3. Moisten the soil a little with a spray bottle and sprinkle the seeds on top.
  4. Since the seeds are very small, there is no need to dig them into the soil, just sprinkle a little sand on top.
  5. Cover the container with glass or oilcloth, ventilate the greenhouse daily, and wipe off condensation.
  6. The soil must be constantly moistened so that it does not dry out, otherwise agapanthus will not sprout from seeds.
  7. Shoots will appear in a week, after which the film cover must be removed.
  8. Now the seedlings need to be watered moderately, providing them with solar heat and a stable air temperature (not lower than 25⁰C).
  9. After the appearance of the second leaf, the seedlings are planted in a soil mixture of turf, humus, foliage, sand (2:2:2:1).
  10. Agapanthus grown from seeds blooms 5 years after planting.

Agapanthus - planting and care in open ground

In cold regions, agapanthus will develop and bloom only in a greenhouse. But in hot regions there are problems with planting and further care practically does not occur, since the plant is very unpretentious.

Choosing a place to plant agapanthus

To please agapanthus, you should choose a sunny area with slight shading, without drafts. If you plant the African beauty in the shade, the colors of the leaves will fade, the plant will stretch out and is unlikely to bloom. And if a peduncle does appear, the inflorescences on it will be weak and ugly. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly exclude scorching sun, That's why ideal conditions for agapanthus there will be lacy partial shade with south side plot.

Abundant and long-lasting flowering is observed in plants planted in soil with a neutral pH level. Well, since agapanthus forms a spreading leaf rosette, it is important to allocate a spacious area of ​​at least 50 cm in diameter.

Agapanthus, planting in a flower bed

Planting of seedlings or domestic plants is carried out after the onset of consistently warm weather (usually this happens by mid-May). During transplantation, you need to very carefully remove the roots, since they are very fragile and easily damaged, and this leads to the death of the agapanthus.

Agapanthus planting process:

  • Dig it up landing hole 8 cm deep. If you are planting several plants at once, keep a distance between them of at least 50 cm.
  • Place the seedlings into the hole and smoothly compact the soil.
  • Finally, mulch the flowerbed around the bushes to prevent moisture evaporation.

Agapanthus - care and possible difficulties

The plant loves moderation in watering, fertilizing and replanting, therefore special troubles it does not create for its owner.

Feeding and watering agapanthus

African lily needs watering, it should be frequent but moderate. When there is no rainfall for a long time, you need to irrigate the soil with a small amount of water as the top layer dries. Excessive watering can cause rotting of the bulbs and the appearance of various diseases. With the onset of cold weather, watering stops.

During the period of budding and flowering, agapanthus needs to be fed with fertilizers at least 2 times a month. For the agapanthus flower, you can buy any fertilizer for indoor plants or Pokon long-acting fertilizer. Rotate effectively mineral fertilizers with organic ones, they can be added before the end of the growing season.

Wintering Agapanthus

The plant can overwinter in open ground, if the most low temperature in winter it does not fall below +5⁰С for deciduous varieties, and +10⁰С for evergreen ones. And even under such conditions it must be covered with fallen leaves. In cold regions, the agapanthus plant is transplanted into a pot as soon as the temperature begins to drop below +5⁰C.

Diseases and pests of agapanthus

The African lily is often affected by scale insects, slugs, and spider mite and snails. They can damage the entire above-ground part, and sometimes even the bulbs.

You can easily get rid of a tick or scale insect using soap solution. For this purpose in hot water dissolves Not a large number of grated laundry soap, and then the entire bush is sprayed or wiped with the resulting liquid. However, the use of insecticidal preparations will be no less effective. And to stop the attack of snails, it will do eggshell. It needs to be crushed and sprinkled around the agapanthus.

Sometimes agapanthus can hurt due to improper care. If you begin to notice that the leaf rosette has begun to turn yellow, most likely, too much abundant watering. Normalizing the watering regime will help cure the plant.

If the leaves of agapanthus dry out and fall off, plaque appears on the leaf surface, or the inflorescences do not bloom, then the plant is infected with fungi. In this case, treatment with any fungicide is necessary.

Agapanthus propagation

In addition to the seed method, agapanthus can be propagated by dividing the bush. In the spring or at the end of October, during transplantation, medium-sized sections are separated from the bush (small ones may not take root). Each of them should have 2-3 leaf rosettes.

The cut is made with a disinfected knife, and the damaged area is treated with charcoal. Then the divisions are buried in moistened soil for 3 days, and after that they are planted in a well-moistened substrate in a flowerbed or in separate pots.

Agapanthus, photo in the garden

Front appearance and ease of care make agapanthus a favorite among landscape designers. It looks harmonious in the garden, city flowerbed, and park areas. Its exquisite blooms adorn any place wherever you plant it, and its abundance color range and height allows you to choose the most perfect option for the site.

Agapanthus is planted mainly in single plantings without additional crops, because it looks simply magnificent in splendid isolation. Although in areas large sizes You can combine African lily with hydrangea, polygonum, and peonies well.

Agapanthus is suitable for landscaping borders and decorative ponds. Flowers that exude a sweetish aroma attract whole flocks of butterflies, which further decorates the planted area.

Well, the most important advantage among other crops, which is important in landscape design, This long flowering Agapanthus. Each flower stalk contains about 200 buds, which open one after another, allowing you to enjoy exquisite flowering for more than two months.

If you decide to place agapanthus in your garden, planting and caring for it will be a very simple task for you. The only thing that is required of you is good choice places, watering and fertilizing. And in the end you will get a real ceremonial plant of extraordinary beauty.

Video “Agapanthus - African lily”

Agapanthus is a plant for the conditions of central Russia, not exactly a street plant, but more often an indoor one, grown at home.

But if every year many gardeners transport their ficuses, dracaenas, yuccas to summer holidays to the dacha, then why not do the same with agapanthus? Let it decorate your garden!

This plant is rare among us, so I would like to dwell in more detail on its appearance.

Agapanthus umbellatus (Agapanlhus umbellatus)- the most commonly grown species - came to us from South Africa. Very often it is also called the African lily, the Abyssinian beauty, and translated from Greek it is the flower of love.

Perennial forms a powerful bush with belt-shaped, rich green leaves. The flowers are white, blue or dark blue, tubular, funnel-shaped, collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences, rising on strong peduncles that reach up to one and a half meters in height. They bloom in July, and flowering can continue for two months.

It is better, of course, to take out the agapanthus in a container and leave it there, rather than plant it in open ground. But the temptation is great to place it among perennials. In this case, do not forget that frequent transplantation he doesn’t like it, so when planting in a new place, be careful, trying not to damage the earthen ball.

It looks completely new among other plants. Although it is good on its own, it looks stunning during flowering, when rather large balls of bright inflorescences sway above its blue-green leaves.

Agapanthus in open ground - planting and care

Agapanthus will shine in the garden if it is planted correctly and cared for properly. The first thing we should pay attention to when choosing a place for this plant is light.

Southern agapanthus is light-loving, but not so much as to be “fried” under the scorching rays all day; the area for its cultivation should be in slight shade. In the shade it grows very poorly, it stretches out - in such a place you won’t have to expect flowers from it, and if one peduncle appears, it will be with stunted small flowers.

Watering is of no small importance for agapanthus; it is a water-drinker; from the beginning of spring to October it needs to be actively and abundantly watered.

But if in winter you do not put it away for storage in the basement or refrigerator, but leave it in a container on the window, you should water it only when the soil dries out.

Agapanthus also loves to eat, so it is worth feeding it once every 10 days with both mineral and organic fertilizers throughout the growing season, that is, from spring to late autumn. But in winter, even if you leave it in a container, you can forget about nutrition. At this time he has a period of rest.

If we talk about temperature, then, despite its origin, agapanthus normally tolerates coolness and even at a low, but always positive temperature, feels normal.

But it is better to remove it for the winter and not leave it in the garden. It is unlikely that in our conditions of risky farming it will survive the winter - even under good shelter! And in the southern regions it winters quite well in the open ground, although it still requires shelter (for example, good layer sawdust or leaves, or even better - first cover the plants with a box, and then sprinkle leaves or sawdust on top).


Agapanthus is an unusual plant, and not only will it not get lost among other perennials, but it can also become one of the main characters in your garden. So in the composition presented in the photograph he is in the center.

Its big beautiful bush With bright inflorescences makes you pay attention, even despite the fact that a bright red dahlia and mountain clematis, buried in a lush foam of white flowers, are planted nearby. In addition, agapanthus is a consistently ornamental plant and will decorate flower beds for most of the season: from late June - early July to mid-September.


Agapanthus in the presented composition is planted in the middle. For planting, it is better to choose not very tall varieties, for example ‘Penelope Palmer’ with dark blue flowers. It contrasts effectively with the rich yellow yarrow. In this flower garden there was also a place for the exotic Perovsky, which we wrote about in the last issue.

If you are afraid to plant this plant (after all, in central Russia it winters with varying success), you can replace it with sage or catnip - the effect will be about the same. But it’s better to choose the tallest varieties so that they look good in the background and don’t get lost among the not-so-small yarrow.

Since almost all the plants in the presented flower garden are approximately the same height, the result is almost a bouquet. This is only a fragment of the composition; if you look closely, you can see the continuation, which consists of astilbe, rudbeckia and others, but, despite the not very large number of plants, our piece looks harmonious and decorative.

Compatibility and combinations of other colors with agapanthus

1. Bright, large inflorescences of agapanthus look especially impressive against the background of grasses, such as molinia, low varieties of miscanthus or non-aggressive, slowly growing varieties of reed grass.

2. Agapanthus blooms for a very long time - if the weather is good, it will be able to decorate your flower beds until the end of September. At this time, the most early varieties chrysanthemums - and why not make a duet from these plants? How beautiful they look together!

Z. Agapanthus is a self-sufficient plant and does well without any support. But, if you want variety, you can plant ground cover or low perennials at its feet, for example, related knotweed or sedum.

4. Long-blooming agapanthus will decorate autumn flower beds. Look how impressive they look blue flowers against the background of red helenium, pale yellow spikelets of cereal (brome), bright red monarda.

5. Rich blue agapanthus umbrellas are especially attractive next to bright yellow plants (for example, as in the photo, with crocosmia and dahlia).

6. Another option contrasting combination: deep blue agapanthus and snow-white caps of Hydrangea tree 'Annabelle'.

7. Delicate composition for romantics - blue agapanthus and a mixture of pink, white and crimson cosmos.

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