Golden mustache medicinal properties, application, treatment. What medicinal properties does the golden mustache have? Golden mustache - treatment of premature aging

The golden mustache plant, also known as fragrant callisia, has found wide use in folk medicine. It is believed that medicinal properties It has horizontal shoots, the maturity of which is determined by the color of the internodes. They must purchase purple tint. Golden mustache has been bred as a houseplant for over a hundred years. Its medicinal properties have become known relatively recently.

Planting and care - general characteristics

The plant is perennial and grows very slowly. It blooms quite rarely and only when good care. It is extremely difficult to achieve flowering at home. In adulthood it reaches more than a meter in height. To avoid fractures from the weight of the flower itself and the shoots, the plant is tied to a support.

Air temperature

The flower loves warmth. Ideal temperature for him 25-28 degrees. In winter, if the temperature drops to 16 degrees, he will not tolerate such conditions well and will get sick. The disease manifests itself in the fact that the stems become thinner, become brittle, the leaves turn yellow and dry out. He doesn't like either sharp changes temperatures

Golden mustache is most often grown as a houseplant, but it is also planted in open ground. Application organic fertilizers mandatory when caring for the plant.

Important! Fertilizers must contain phosphorus and nitrogen. Feed the golden mustache weekly.


Watering with water with milk diluted in it (50 g of milk per liter of water) and wiping the leaves with milk is considered beneficial for the flower.

The flower is watered in the morning. The soil should not be allowed to dry out and at the same time become shady. In winter, watering is reduced to twice a week. It is recommended that winter period the soil was a little dry.

The plant must be sprayed with water. This will help prevent leaves from yellowing and falling off.


Callisia loves sunlight and partial shade. But you can’t put it under direct rays. In full light, the flower grows in breadth; when in the shade, it stretches upward.

If the plant is sick, the leaves wither and turn brown, you need to try changing the conditions: either put the flower in the shade, or put it in the sun, but after the midday sun and change the watering regime.

The plant is susceptible to damage spider mite. To combat it, the flower is sprayed with a special drug and covered with polyethylene. Prevention of pests - constant spraying and maintaining the humidity regime.

Planting at home

It’s better to take a flower pot right away big size. Golden mustache does not like transplants. In addition, its roots grow strongly and are easily damaged when replanting the flower.

The shoot of the golden mustache is planted deeper than seedlings of other plants. The roots grow along the entire length of the stem placed in water, so deep planting will ensure better rooting and the plant will take root better.

Important! When planting, drainage is required (expanded clay, gravel pebbles).

Sand, turf and humus are added to the soil for planting in equal proportions. Suitable ordinary land from the garden. Only in this case, after planting, the plant must be fertilized.


In his natural environment propagates by lateral shoots. As they grow, they reach out to the ground, take root in it and separate from the mother plant. This method can be used if callisia is grown in large pots, greenhouses or in street conditions. When the shoots fall to the ground, they are covered with soil and cut off after a few days.

At home, the plant propagates by seeds or division (cuttings, shoots):

  1. The top, consisting of 2-4 nodules, is cut off; they are also called joints. The appendix is ​​placed into the input. Once it has established roots (usually within two weeks), it can be planted in the ground.
  2. The cuttings can be planted in well-moistened soil within 2 hours after cutting. It is recommended to cover the top with polyethylene. Such a greenhouse will help you settle down better.

It is extremely difficult to collect seeds yourself, since the plant blooms very rarely, so the most common and in a simple way reproduction remains division.

Important! By cutting cuttings from the top, the plant is rejuvenated and does not stretch upward.

Golden mustache can be planted all year round, but most favorable time March, April.

Tinctures, ointments and other drugs are prepared from the golden mustache. Considering that caring for this crop is not at all difficult, it is highly recommended to have it in every home.

What does a golden mustache houseplant look like: photo and description

The houseplant golden mustache belongs to the Commelinaceae family, genus Callisia. There are 12 species in the genus, growing in the tropics of Central and South America and Mexico. In culture, only one species is best known, which is called the golden mustache.

According to the description, the indoor golden mustache is not much different from the wild one. This crop got its name due to the presence of long shoots that extend from the axils of the leaves, like the “whiskers” of strawberries and take root in the same way. The length of these “whiskers” is up to 1 meter, they are bare, reddish-brown with long internodes and small rosettes of leaves at the ends (it is usually believed that only shoots no shorter than 9 internodes are suitable for treatment). Large, up to 30 cm, almost linear alternate leaves enveloping the stem develop only after rooting. When a sheet is torn, thin threads of rubber stretch between its parts. The stem of this plant, although long, is not capable of standing vertically, so it needs support in the apartment.

With good care at home, golden mustache sometimes blooms. Small flowers- less than 1 centimeter in diameter - collected in paniculate inflorescences. The flowers appear from the axils of the leaves and are collected in paired, hanging racemes on small peduncles.

As you can see in the photo, indoor plant golden mustache each flower has three white, pink or blue petals:

Despite the fact that the inflorescences themselves are inconspicuous, they attract attention with a strong pleasant smell, similar to the smell of hyacinth.

How to grow a golden mustache and how to care for it

Growing a golden mustache at home will not cause any trouble. Everything needs to be created optimal conditions, at which the plant will be comfortable. A ceramic pot with a diameter of at least thirty centimeters or a wide ceramic vase is suitable for planting.

They are grown not only in pots, but also in a greenhouse, in the country, and even under film. To do this, you need to use horizontal lateral shoots that are rooted on the stem in the soil. The main stem must be tied to a support, and the shoots from it are bent to the soil and earth is poured on them. As soon as the shoots take root, they are cut off for transplantation to another location.

In heated greenhouses, climate control or simple air conditioning systems are installed in combination with special fountains to humidify the air in the summer heat. In addition, it is recommended to spray the entire plant clean water- thawed water from the refrigerator or freezer, but not tap water containing chlorine, phenol and other harmful chemicals.

Proper care of golden mustache at home involves daily watering in the spring and summer, but without waterlogging the soil, and less often in autumn and winter - two or three times a week. The soil in the pot should be moistened to the base. To prevent the stream from eroding the soil, it is better to use a watering can with a fine strainer or a kettle. An hour after watering, the water should be drained from the tray, and the tray and bottom of the pot should be wiped dry to prevent mold from appearing.

Growing and caring for golden mustache at home

The need for watering is determined simply: if the knock on the edge of the pot is loud, then the ground is dry, if it is dull, then the ground is wet, and upper layer When the soil dries out, it turns gray. Loves frequent bathing and spraying with a spray bottle. You can spray the plant in the morning and evening, provided that the apartment is dry warm air. Between waterings, the soil under the flower must be carefully loosened. The ideal temperature for flower growth is 25 - 27 °C, with a recommended humidity of 50 - 60%. In winter, the temperature can be lowered slightly.

Fertilizer or fertilizing is required. Liquid fertilizers You can feed the plant after its root system has developed. IN warm season Fertilizers are applied once a week, in the cold season - once a month. To feed this house plant It is best to buy ready-made mixtures.

In the process of caring for golden mustache at home, do not forget that the plant loves light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight, especially hot evening ones. In this case, the plant becomes discolored and curls, and mustaches stop forming. After being transferred to the shade, it recovers quickly. Winter temperatures should be between 16-18 degrees, otherwise the plants become very stretched, reducing the amount of active substances. In summer you can take it outside to a shady place.

How to plant, transplant and propagate golden mustache at home

How does golden mustache propagate at home and how to transplant it correctly? The plant propagates by layering, pieces of “whiskers” and ordinary cuttings. The most favorable time for propagation is March and April, but if necessary, it can be propagated all year round.

From the mother plant you need to cut off the top of the shoot with 2 - 4 joint nodes, remove lower leaves, shorten the top ones by a third. Dry the cuttings for 2 - 3 hours, and then plant them in pots with plenty of moisture. soil mixture. Moisten the cuttings and cover plastic bag for rooting.

A rosette of leaves with a small piece of stem is cut from a horizontal side shoot and placed in a vessel with water. Powerful root system develops within 10–15 days. Then young plant planted in a pot with an earthen mixture and watered abundantly.

Before planting golden mustache at home, you need to make drainage from egg shells or sphagnum, adding river sand. Earth mixture prepared from 2 parts turf soil, 2 parts greenhouse soil, 3 parts leaf soil and 3 parts sand.

Young plants are replanted annually, and adults once every two to three years. It is better to replant in spring or autumn.

Before transplanting the golden mustache at home, first water the plant nutrient solution based on microfertilizers containing potassium, as well as nitrogen, phosphorus and microelements. In a new pot, the soil is prepared in the previously described way: fine dolomite crushed stone, expanded clay, or pumice in combination with mountain sand and wood ash are placed on the bottom.

For soil for replanting plants, take turf soil, without weeds, from under trees - linden, aspen, willow. Specialized stores “Gardener”, “Dachnik”, “Garden World”, “Florist” currently sell ready-made soil mixtures for growing indoor plants of any kind.

- And . At the first signs of damage, the plant must be sprayed systemic insecticide and cover with a plastic bag for 1 - 2 days. The best preventive measures are daily spraying and support. required humidity air.

Medicinal properties of the houseplant golden mustache

Back in the 19th century, American scientists began detailed studies of the plant. Many Spanish Catholic missionaries who visited the Mayan and Aztec Indians wrote about the medicinal properties of the houseplant golden mustache.

American scientists have found that the juice of this plant contains a large number of biologically active substances. Russian scientists from the Irkutsk Medical Institute, Novosibirsk and St. Petersburg have established that the plant is not inferior to the famous ginseng in terms of its healing effects on the human body, and in some respects even surpasses it.

Used in folk medicine for the most various diseases: oncology, allergies, sore throat, stomatitis, varicose veins veins, radiculitis, pancreatitis, bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus and many others. It is successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the eyes and joints; it has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and antitumor properties.

The use of golden mustache at home is effective in the fight against skin diseases, and is also actively used in cosmetology. It is used in the treatment of heel spurs, nail fungus, heart and lung diseases. In addition, the plant strengthens the immune system, blood vessels and perfectly treats the runny nose and many internal diseases.

How to prepare medicines from golden mustache at home: tinctures and ointments

It is not difficult to prepare medicines from golden mustache at home: stems, leaves, side shoots mustache.

The simplest medicine is tincture. It is taken internally and used externally. Tinctures made with water are prepared from the leaves, while tinctures with alcohol or vodka can be made from all parts of the plant.

With vodka or alcohol. Pour a shoot of twelve knees with half a liter of vodka or diluted alcohol. If the tincture of golden mustache at home is intended only for rubbing, then the alcohol does not need to be diluted, and in addition to the tendrils, you can add crushed leaves and a trunk. Infuse in a dark place protected from light for two weeks, shake every day.

On the water. One large leaf- Brew at least twenty centimeters, or several smaller leaves, in a thermos with a liter of water and leave for a day. For the decoction, do not brew, but boil for five minutes. Indications: for stomach ulcers, diabetes mellitus, intestinal inflammation, pancreatitis. Take one hundred milligrams half an hour before meals three times a day.

Oil tincture. Grind the leaves, stem and shoots in a blender, pour hot vegetable oil in a ratio of one (gruel) to two (oil). Infuse in a dark place protected from light for ten days.

Ointment. Grind the leaves, stem and shoots in a blender. Mix with cream, Vaseline or animal fat. It is better, of course, to use fat, since it does not contain foreign impurities.

Using golden mustache for treatment at home

For bruises. Rub the damaged areas with alcohol tincture, oil or ointment. If you use the tincture immediately after an injury, you can prevent the formation of bruises. Compresses relieve pain and swelling. In cases of serious injuries - fractures and severe bruises - it is recommended to undergo a course of treatment with alcohol tincture.

For osteochondrosis, radiculitis, diseases of the joints and blood vessels. At the time of exacerbation of pain in the spine (osteochondrosis), rub the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae and inflamed joints with the tincture. You can use compresses - generously moisten a bandage folded in several layers and apply to the sore spot for 2 hours. Cover the top with compress paper and wrap warmly. Repeat 2 times a day. As a preventive measure, compresses are applied for another 2-3 days after acute pain has been relieved. During compresses, the tincture is taken orally, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day an hour before meals. The course is no more than 7-10 days.

With thrombophlebitis. Fresh alcohol tincture is taken orally 2 times a day, 30 - 40 drops per 50 ml of water.

At skin diseases. Oil and ointment based on baby cream are used for cosmetic purposes for dry, sensitive skin. Helps with acne alcohol tincture, but for use on facial skin it is advisable to dilute the original tincture 2-4 times.

For a stroke. Use alcohol tincture for massage or rub the paralyzed part of the body.

For diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Chop one leaf no less than 20 cm in size and pour a liter of boiling water into a glass jar, wrap, leave for 24 hours, take 3-4 times a day 40 minutes before meals, 50 g warm.

This infusion cures many internal diseases, removes toxins from the body, small stones and sand from the kidneys and Bladder. As a result of comprehensive cleansing of the body, the general health of patients dramatically improves. They become more active, and many have improved vision. This is the most harmless recipe that can be used as a prophylactic.

Like any medicinal plant, it can cause allergies. Therefore, treatment with a golden mustache at home if you are prone to allergic reactions or in the presence of allergic diseases, it must be carried out very carefully. At high blood pressure tinctures made with alcohol or vodka are diluted with boiled water or replaced with decoctions.

Indoor plants delight us not only with their freshness, greenery and aesthetic qualities. Some of them have healing properties and are grown with therapeutic purpose. Such natural healers are, in particular, aloe agave, Kalanchoe and the unusually useful golden mustache (fragrant callisia).

Many experts medicinal plants It is considered one of the best natural remedies for a wide variety of ailments. Thanks to him traditional healers achieve significant success in treating even very serious illnesses. Therefore, there is nothing strange in the fact that many Russian families necessarily have this wonderful plant.

I’ll tell you now about how to breed golden mustache at home, growing conditions, and reproduction of golden mustache. Well, first of all, let's briefly remember healing properties fragrant callisia:

What will help cure this plant?

According to experts traditional medicine, golden mustache renders positive impact on the digestive system, improves the condition circulatory system, helps to improve the health of the respiratory system. The beneficial substances contained in the plant help strengthen the immune system and effectively fight pathogenic flora.

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, golden mustache is used for inflammatory diseases stomach, intestines, liver and gall bladder. Products based on it are used in the treatment of arthritis, frostbite, bruises, and skin diseases.

Golden mustache - reproduction

For planting and growing, prepare a medium-sized ceramic pot. Place drainage from dried egg shells mixed with river sand at the bottom. Fill the pot with a soil mixture of greenhouse humus, turf soil with the addition of small quantity river sand.

To You can propagate the golden mustache in several ways:

1st: Place the cutting you have in a jar with clean, soft water, where add a little growth stimulator - epin. In a week the roots will appear. Now you can plant it in a prepared pot of soil.

2nd: The existing cutting can be immediately planted in a pot with prepared soil. Water thoroughly, cover with a plastic cap, glass jar or polyethylene. Place on the windowsill, slightly shaded from the sun. Spray and water daily. After 4 days the cap can be removed.

3rd: You can root long shoots by deepening them directly into the soil, sprinkled with earth. But for this, the main plant must be planted in a fairly wide pot. After 4 days, they can be carefully cut off from the main plant and transplanted into another pot.

Conditions for growing golden mustache

To make the golden mustache feel good in your home, remember that he loves very much warm. In the summer itself comfortable temperature for him it will be 22-26 degrees. In winter, the temperature should not fall below 16 degrees.

In addition to warmth, your green pet really needs sunlight. light. But not direct, but scattered. Therefore, place it in a well-lit area and lightly shade it. Then it will delight you with beautiful and strong leaves.

The plant loves good, fresh, unpolluted air. Therefore, it is better to place the pot in the living room or bedroom. But a kitchen or a room where they smoke a lot are not suitable places for him.

Watering: In summer, water it generously, often and be sure to spray. But do not allow water to stagnate on the tray. From August to April, reduce the number of waterings to twice a week. But make sure that the soil does not dry out. Use acidified water. For this purpose, 1 liter. add 1 tsp water. lemon juice.

Humidity: If you notice that the leaves have begun to turn yellow, it means the plant is overdried. It should be sprayed almost every day, especially in hot summers. Also yellow spots on the leaves can talk about sunburn. Therefore, shade the plant. If the sun is very bright, it is hot and stuffy outside and indoors, then generally put your pet in the shade for a while.

Healing recipes based on the golden mustache

For pancreatitis, liver and stomach diseases, take an infusion: chop a leaf (knuckle) of the plant, at least 20 cm long. Post in suitable dishes. Pour 1 l. boiling water Close tightly and insulate the container. Leave it for a day. Then strain the resulting product and take a quarter glass 2-4 times a day.

To treat skin diseases, frostbite, joint inflammation, and arthritis, prepare an ointment: Grind the stems and leaves to a paste. Place in a glass jar, add baby cream, stir to form an ointment. Lubricate the affected areas with it.

Be careful, the golden mustache has contraindications for use. Therefore, talk to your doctor about its use. If everything is in order and you can use it for treatment, be sure to place this in your home medicinal plant and use it to improve your health. Well, you already know about the growing conditions and reproduction of the golden mustache.
Be healthy!

It is not only medicinal that grows in fields and in protected places. Take a closer look! Natural healers grow on windowsills, like ordinary ones indoor flowers. And it's not just aloe or. There is another plant - golden mustache. Although indoor gardeners it is more familiar under another name - lady's hair or fragrant callisia.

Getting to know the plant

Admit it, who has a golden mustache flower growing at home? His photo is definitely familiar to you. This is a plant with creeping shoots. In nature, its height reaches 2 meters. At home it grows up to 1 meter. Fragrant callisia has long and wide leaves that are similar in appearance to corn leaves. These leaves are located on a vertical stem, from which tendrils extend - geniculate shoots. At the ends of the antennae there are rosettes of small leaves. Antennae appear again from the rosettes, and rosettes form at the ends again.

It was these tendrils that gave the plant its name. And the golden mustache is highly valued by folk healers, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which have been studied for decades.

Green leaves when hit by straight lines Sun rays change color and become reddish. The plant rarely blooms, but when this happens, the golden mustache looks very beautiful: massive main leaves and suddenly it shoots out branches strewn along the entire length with small translucent flowers with white petals. And these flowers smell very nice.

Because of this aroma and the size of the leaves, you will not confuse the fragrant callisia with its namesakes: graceful callisia and creeping callisia. The first has small leaves with white longitudinal stripes and grows on long stems. The second has even smaller leaves, similar to a heart.

We need exactly the golden mustache; its use has been known since the 80s of the last century. And the plant came to us from South America.

Studying the properties of the plant

Homemade ginseng, also called golden mustache, has the ability to stop the development of cancer cells. American and Canadian scientists found this out after conducting a series of studies. These valuable substances are found in callisia juice. These are steroids and flavonoids.

  • Plant steroids are called phytosterols. Their action is antitumor, as well as antisclerotic and antibacterial. Phytosterols are used to normalize metabolism and treat thyroid gland and prostate.
  • responsible for the condition of blood vessels, healing of wounds, bruises, burns, removal inflammatory processes, are friends with . Because of this, a couple of them are called vitamin C2.

Together with phytosterols, flavonoids fight the development of tumors and promote the flow of bile. There are two types of flavonoids in golden mustache: kaempferol and. These substances are similar in their action to each other, and therefore we list the spectrum of their action:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • vascular strengthening;
  • tonic;
  • remove toxins and sodium salts;
  • diuretic;
  • antiallergic;
  • decongestant;
  • antioxidant;
  • from diathesis and rheumatism;
  • from nephritis and some heart diseases;
  • slow down age-related changes in organism;
  • cope with eye diseases (corneal aging);
  • from arthritis and atherosclerosis;
  • from bronchial asthma and arthrosis, etc.

After analyzing useful substances and their actions, it was found that in many ways the golden mustache - medicinal properties, reviews of use - is similar to ginseng. It's nice to know that you have such a flower on your window. Now you can give Tibetan monks a head start.

We are treating, but with caution

Based on the results obtained after research, the healing properties of Venus hair were confirmed. And since these properties are very versatile and powerful, we will find out not only what benefits the golden mustache brings, we will also clarify its contraindications. And let's start with them.

Uncontrolled use of ointment, juice, decoction and other types of drugs from golden mustache can be harmful vocal cords, cause swelling and allergic rash, headache, poisoning. It should not be given to children under 7 years of age, pregnant women, nursing mothers, or those with prostate adenoma.

And homemade ginseng will help cope with a whole list of diseases:

  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and acid-base environment;
  • bronchitis and asthma;
  • slagging of the body;
  • boils - make a poultice from the leaves;
  • osteochondrosis, joint pain, radiculitis - we make compresses, as for a sore throat;
  • normalization of digestion and metabolism;
  • and restoration of cells responsible for protecting our body from bad microflora;
  • work of the kidneys, spleen, pancreas;
  • stomach problems, gallbladder and small intestine;
  • periodontitis and varicose veins;
  • Parkinson's disease and periodontal disease;
  • mastopathy and impotence;
  • glaucoma and vascular spasms;
  • hemorrhoids and helminthic infestations;
  • colic, mycoplasmosis, anemia, dystrophy;
  • urethritis, trichomoniasis, cystitis, tonsillitis, rheumatism;
  • cosmetic problems: acne, skin inflammation, pimples, etc.

For the treatment of the above diseases in different types The golden mustache is used, read the recipes below.

Preparing the drugs

If you have Venus hair growing at home, you are lucky - you always have tendrils of the plant on hand. After all, it is they and the leaves that are valued for their properties.


We wash the fresh leaves, cut them into pieces and squeeze out all the juices. Do not stock up; only fresh juice is suitable for treatment.

The juice helps with skin diseases, skin cancer, burns, corns, bumps on the bones of the feet, heals wounds, removes cystic tumors, and calms sore joints.

External use: compresses, poultices. Well-strained juice can be dropped into the eyes.


You can make an ointment, the golden mustache will also need a fresh one. Let's prepare it according to one of two recipes:

  • Mix fresh juice with any baby cream (1 part juice, 3 parts cream).
  • Grind the stems and leaves of callisia to a pulp, mix in a ratio of 2 to 3 with baby cream.

You can use it instead of cream. We store the ointment in the refrigerator and lubricate bruises, frostbitten areas, ulcers with it, lubricate the body with arthritis, radiculitis, arthrosis, colds and even hypertension.


For the decoction you will need the main leaves - the same ones that are so similar to corn leaves.

Cook a leaf 20 cm long in three glasses of boiling water over low heat for 3 minutes. Pour into a thermos along with the leaves, leave for 24 hours and drink 50 ml of the strained broth half an hour before meals.

Helps with pancreatitis, diabetes, allergies, gastrointestinal inflammation, removes “building materials” from the bladder and kidneys, toxins and simply improves health.


The whole flower is used for oil. Golden mustache, the medicinal properties of which depend on the parts of the plant used, is turned into oil like this.

  • The antennae are crushed, placed in a glass or ceramic form, and any vegetable oil is added so that it covers the antennae. Simmer in the oven for 8 hours at 40 degrees. Then filter into a jar and store the cooled mixture in the refrigerator.

This oil will relieve headaches. Just wipe your temples with it, like “star” balm. To enhance the effect, mix it with sandalwood or clove oil.

  • Squeeze juice from fresh stems and callisia leaves. The cake is not thrown away, but dried and filled with any vegetable oil. The cake is infused in oil for 3 weeks. Finished product should be strained into a jar and refrigerated.

This oil copes well with skin diseases.

Any of the oils described is used to treat arthritis, dermatoses, and arthrosis. It is also used for massage, adding other essential oils.

Leaf lotions

Steamed golden mustache leaves are applied for furunculosis. To do this, several large leaves are washed and kept in boiling water for 30 seconds. The leaves are pulled out, wrapped in 2 layers of gauze and applied to areas affected by furunculosis.

With honey and pepper

Mustache in combination with pepper, lemon and honey treats a sore throat.

Pour 1 teaspoon of honey lemon juice(not acidic), add a pinch of red pepper. Stir and leave for 2-4 hours. Add 1 tablespoon of golden mustache and take as medicine. Number of times per day – 3. The indicated volume is a single dosage.

The secret property of the golden mustache

Infusion, tea and decoction of golden mustache treats alcoholism. Dosage regimen: 21 days drink a spoon three times a day, break 5 days, 21 days drink 5 days break. And so on until the treatment is successful. With the second and subsequent courses, the dosage is gradually reduced. The only “but”! You should not drink alcohol or medications containing alcohol.

Is there a golden mustache growing in your home?

No! Then we go to you. Among the indoor flowers there should be a golden mustache; growing at home is no more difficult than other flowers.

The plant is perennial and loves large pots, drainage from river sand and. She loves to soak up the sun, but not under the very rays, and drink water to her heart's content.

To prevent the stem from breaking, it should be tied to a vertical base.

Propagated by cuttings or shoots - those with a panicle of leaves at the ends.

In order for the cuttings to take root, they are cut with a knife at an angle and placed in water for 40 days. Once the cuttings have appeared, they can be planted in the ground. Shoots develop roots much faster

Grow a golden mustache. And you will have your own green pharmacy on your windowsill.

Callisia fragrant (golden mustache)- this is indoor perennial, which is famous for its medicinal properties. It grows up to 3 meters in height. This plant has several shoots: horizontal and erect, which resemble shoots. Callisia fragrant was brought to Russia back in 1890 and to this day is a valuable medicinal plant. In medicine, golden mustache is used as an antiseptic and as a remedy for many diseases.

Callisia fragrant (golden mustache) - description.

The leaves of the golden mustache are bright green, long, and arranged alternately. The flowers are collected in inflorescences and have a pleasant smell. Flower petals have White color. Callisia also has tendrils, from which the name of the plant “golden tendril” comes from. Golden mustache blooms extremely rarely, but it is beautiful.

Golden mustache - growing at home.

The container for the golden mustache (fragrant callisia) should be quite large. The plant needs space. You need to pour sand into this container and add soil. Callisia is a light-loving plant, so it must be kept in a bright room. Golden mustache needs to be watered and tied up frequently. It is grown not only in pots, but also in greenhouses.

Golden mustache - medicinal properties.

Healing properties golden mustache are due to the fact that in his chemical composition there are flavonoids, that is, non-toxic biological substances, and steroids, that is active substances With antibacterial effect. The plant also contains copper, chromium and iron. It is all these substances together that give such a miraculous effect.

2 groups of substances that the golden mustache contains:

  • Flavonoids are a group of natural biological compounds. They have P-vitamin activity, reduce the fragility of blood vessels, and enhance the effect of vitamin C.
  • Steroids are phytosterols. They have estrogenic activity as well as antibacterial effects. Phytosterols are used for oncological diseases, in the treatment of the endocrine system and for metabolic disorders.

Golden mustache treats the following diseases:

  • Tuberculosis;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Leukemia;
  • Fibroma;
  • Myoma;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Ulcers;
  • Burns;
  • Lichen;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Periodontal disease;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Mental disorders.

Depending on the disease and its complexity, different parts of the plant are used. Oils, ointments, and tinctures of golden mustache are used in different concentrations. Some diseases involve mixing golden mustache and another remedy: honey, oil, cream, alcohol, Cahors, infusions of medicinal plants, etc.

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