A hedge of thorny plants. Thorny bushes for hedges on the site and in the garden

Perfect for decorative and fast-growing perennial hedges willow. The plant is growing really quickly. The branches can be intertwined, as they are very smooth and pliable. It is possible to form a kind of hedge from natural wattle fence.

Willows take root in many climatic zones, any soil suitable for plants is suitable for them. In swampy areas that are flooded during spring floods, trees quickly develop an extensive root system.

It is imperative to monitor the amount of moisture; in arid climates, the bush must be watered regularly. Plantings can withstand shearing, so you can give them the necessary appearance.

If you plant several willows on a site, you can understand their varieties and plant several types, designing them according to size and shades. Best suited for weaving branches weeping willow. Purple willow, goat willow, holly willow and red willow look best when tangled together. To make a variegated fence, you need to plant several trees, avoiding repeating species, then sequentially form their crown or allow natural patterns to develop.

Can be used for hedges fast growing shrubs. In addition to being decorative, some varieties bring significant benefits. Berries grow on their branches, for which you don’t have to go to the forest or to the store. You can make jam from fruits grown on own plot. Barberry is often planted. It grows quite quickly and can be cut into any possible shape. Aromatic and quite tasty jam is made from its berries.

From turn maybe one of the most quick ways form a hedge. You don’t have to monitor the conditions of its maintenance; it is advisable to water it during drought and monitor the fertilization of the soil, however, even without proper care, the thorn can not lose its shape for quite a long time. Having planted the bushes at the same distance, you don’t have to deal with their further formation for a long time, since they grow quite compactly. It is very difficult to get through this fence. You can get original, tart fruits. You can make excellent jam, unusual tkemali sauce and liqueur from them.

Rosehip and tea rose include many useful qualities. You can alternate bushes when planting one at a time or in a certain pattern. They grow quickly and are able to provide valuable vitamins for the winter. Rosehip tea will allow you to get large dose vitamin C, tea rose jam is used for treatment inflammatory diseases oral cavity, as well as sore throats and colds. Its petals can be used to make an aromatic liqueur with a bright red hue.

If you leave rose hips for the winter, they will decorate the area and also become food for birds.

Photo of a wild rose hedge.

Tall shrubs for hedges

Derain white- this is a bright, hedge that quickly grows up to 3 m, you can maintain a given height of 1.2 m. Flowers can be seen 2 times per season. Once in June, and the second in August. The flower baskets are milky in color. During the growth process they form blue and slightly yellow coating bunches of berries that birds flock to.

In winter, you can notice the cherry-red tint of the branches, which looks especially beautiful against the background of snow. The hedge can be grown both in the shade and in the sun, requires little watering, and is very hardy. The close location of groundwater does not become an obstacle to its active growth and flowering.

To prevent the hedge from spreading more than 1 m in width, it is necessary to trim its lower branches.

oval reaches 3 m in height unless regularly trimmed. Blooms already in May. Bells of the bright yellow color are formed before the leaves appear. Gives an elegant look to the area. In cold climates, oval or ovoid forsythia are considered the most persistent. If you do not use a haircut, the crown will be oval.

Privet hedge ordinary reaches up to 2 m in height. It can grow up to 50 cm per year. Quite unpretentious. Bush immediately after cutting. Pruning should be carried out constantly, since the bush will not grow evenly without additional correction. If you let the plant take its course, it will look quite interesting, white flowers will appear, and by autumn berries will appear, but eating them is prohibited. The bush is so dense that it can sometimes be compared to the texture of a wall.

The plant is quite strong, so in frequent and abundant watering does not need.

Video of a privet hedge.

Evergreen shrubs for hedges

Boxwood compact and versatile. They can be used to plant the edges of areas adjacent to roads. It is possible to delimit several zones using shrubs for separate landing, for example, vegetables and flowers. With its help you can create a composition with your own design.

They can be planted in dull, dark places in the garden, located under trees or near tall buildings. Many varieties take root well in well-drained soils.

So that the leaves do not burn from bright sun rays, in clear weather the soil should be well moistened.

Video of cutting a boxwood hedge.

Fatsia It is notable for its bright, glossy leaves that completely cover the thick, strictly vertical trunks. The shrub is quite hardy, so it is suitable for planting in shady areas of the garden. The stems are cream-colored, they are placed in spherical umbrellas, and are formed in early autumn. Bees often flock to them, so this will be an excellent option for beekeepers.

Lavender grown by gardeners quite often, as it has fragrant flowers and interesting green foliage with a silver tint. May be purple or pink. The shrub is quite hardy and versatile. They can be edged and bordered or grown in containers. Butterflies and bees flock to the flowers. The flowers create a spectacular contrast with dark-colored shrubs due to the presence of silvery, light leaves.

Thorn bushes for hedges

Hawthorn allows you to form a real thorny fence. Many of these flowers have thorns; you can pay attention to varieties of American origin. A mature bush grows quite tall, so it can become an obstacle, for example, for neighboring animals in the country. Large-thorned hawthorn grows up to 5-6 m if no measures are taken to trim it.

The average length of each spine is 1.2 cm. Siberian hawthorn does not have such impressive spines. Some plants have wide, strongly spreading foliage, combining it with small spines.

Mahonia endowed with naturally spiny leaves. Their intense green color combines brightly with yellow, small, but frequent flowers. They appear already at the end of the winter months. The flowers are located on long racemes or the ends of graceful branches. They can add brightness to the entire garden at a time when other plants are still dormant. The only condition is to plant them as often as possible.

You can place flowers on the shore of a pond, near strong shade. Clay soils not a hindrance to their excellent flowering. Bees flock to them. There are varieties that grow very low and can therefore be used as ground cover.

Principia chinensis It has decorative, unusual foliage and beautiful flowering. The bush is very lush, the crown is semicircular, some branches can lie scattered.

Boasts small but interesting flowers, from which small berries similar to cherries are subsequently obtained. Used medicinally as a strong tonic. An unpretentious and frost-resistant shrub, easily grown in mid-latitudes.

Photos of hedges from bushes. Shrubs for hedges.

Correct fit and proper care fast-growing shrubs will allow significantly improve own garden and any piece of land. By selecting suitable variety plants, you can decorate your yard to your own taste.

Many summer residents strive to improve their garden, make it beautiful and harmonious. A thorny hedge is usually planted to demarcate a garden or to protect it from outsiders. Such a shrub will decorate the landscape and can provide edible and useful fruits and protect the site from unwanted entry of strangers.

The following plants are often planted to form a prickly fence:

  • Barberry
  • Blackberry
  • Hawthorn
  • Rose hip

Each shrub is remarkable, beautiful in its own way and belongs to the class of thorny hedges.

Prickly hedges in most cases serve as a living fence for the garden, but are also planted in decorative purposes inside the area. The thorny plants achieve significant growth four years after planting. In order for a hedge bush to have a dense crown, it should be planted correctly. Planting of young shoots is done in increments of 20-25 centimeters.

After a year, when the plants take root, they should be pruned. Experts advise trimming one-year-old shoots so that their height does not exceed 10-12 centimeters from the ground. When the bush is young, it requires special care. Weak branches should be regularly pruned so that only strong ones remain in the second year of growth, since such branches will be the basis for the entire plant.

After about 3-4 years of growth, most varieties of thorn hedges can be applied to decorative molding. Depending on the type of shrub, its cutting is selected. It can be done either freely or using frames and wire.

Hawthorn prickly hedge

Hawthorn, as a shrub, is well suited for forming an impenetrable thorny hedge.

This is a plant with bright fruits, neatly shaped leaves and sharp spines. It can serve as impenetrable and decorative fence Location on. Hawthorn spines can be called super-strong, however, at the beginning of growth they are soft and only over time become hard and sharp. European hawthorn species may have small thorns or no thorns.

Hawthorn prickly hedge

For planting truly thorny hedges, gardeners prefer American hawthorn species:

  • Softish
  • Arnold's hawthorn
  • Soft

American hawthorn plants have a dense, rounded crown and thorny shoots. Thanks to the numerous flowers and fruits that can be eaten, the shrub remains decorative almost all year round.

Hawthorn is popular due to its ease of care and unpretentious conditions for growth. It can be planted in a shaded area in urban environments. Such plants tolerate drought and frost well, they can be decorated with a fence using pruning or left in a free-growing style.

As for watering, hawthorn loves water and needs to be watered summer time year, once a month. During the dry season, plants can be watered twice a month.

Thorn hedge

Sloes are a variety of plums and are often planted as a thorny hedge. It is preferable to plant thorns in sunny areas of the dacha. In this case, it will develop faster and bear fruit with small, sour-tasting fruits. In summer, at the peak of flowering, sloe plants are capable of creating impenetrable thickets. In summer, the hedge requires watering 1-2 times a month.

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Thorn hedge

Sloe fruits taste much better after the first frost. Various tinctures and drinks are also made from the fruits.

To stimulate the growth of young thorns, it should be fertilized with compost and rotted manure. Sloe plants are unpretentious to the soil and grow quite quickly with proper attention. Beautiful petals and fruits can decorate a dacha or garden plot, and an impenetrable crown can become a replacement for stone fences.

Rosehip, like a hedge, looks incredibly beautiful in the country and can complement the design of the garden. Delicate flowers the plants will delight the gardener in early spring and until mid-summer. Rosehip is a fruit-bearing thorny hedge. The fruits appear after flowering, and the infusion from them has healing properties. The crown of the bush is dense and covered with thorns, which, in addition to the appearance and usefulness of the fruit, makes the hedge an impenetrable fence.

Prickly rosehip fence

The hedge is planted from two-year-old seedlings in autumn time year, preferably in sunny areas of the garden. Before planting, the soil for the plant must be mixed with fertilizers, such as:

  • Urea
  • Superphosphate
  • Humus
  • Potassium chloride

Rosehip does not require unusual care. It should be watered during drought and timely sanitary measures should be carried out in the form of loosening the soil, removing weed and haircuts.

It is preferable to make a hedge from barberry from the following species:

  • Common barberry
  • Boxwood
  • Thunberg
  • Siebold
  • Whitish barberry

The advantages of these varieties are that they have beautiful bloom, pleasant smell and decorative appearance. Barberry plants are a thorny type of hedge because their shoots have thorns.

Barberry can be planted as dense fences. He lends himself well curly haircut, which allows you to create hedges of various shapes from shrubs.

Forming a hedge from barberry is done as standard. Plants are planted in small trenches up to 45 centimeters deep in a checkerboard pattern. Before planting, the following fertilizers should be added to the soil:

  • Slaked lime
  • Mineral fertilizers
  • Humus

After planting, the shrub should be watered and mulched. In order for the hedge to be dense, you should maintain a distance of 25 - 30 centimeters between planting plants. Sanitary pruning can be carried out as needed. It is necessary to remove rotten and dry shoots. The first shaping haircut can be carried out in early spring, two years after landing. Shoots should be cut off to one third of their length. The result is a well-groomed hedge with a dense crown.

Barberry fruits are used to prepare fruit drinks and other drinks, and in some Asian countries seasonings are made from dry fruits.

Low hedges can be planted from barberry, which will delimit the area, and decorate it during flowering. Of course, such plants are considered a complement landscape design. They can be planted in a combination of varieties and colors. The barberry bush is often used on personal plots, as a fence for a lawn or flowers planted along a fence.

Prickly blackberry hedge

Winter-hardy varieties of blackberries are mainly used as thorny hedges. Subsequently, the bush becomes impenetrable due to the interweaving of branches and sharp thorns.

A barbed fence is the most reliable fence. If you can climb over a fence of any height, then no one will dare to climb over a thorny fence in this way. What plants can such a fence consist of?

How to grow hawthorn in a hedge

Hawthorn for hedges is a godsend. It is prickly, beautiful both in flowering and with fruits (which, moreover, are medicinal), and is easily formed by pruning. If the soil is heavy, hawthorn will not mind, as long as it is sufficiently fertilized. Good drainage is desirable - the roots of the plant will not tolerate dampness well. Cooking planting pits, at the bottom we place a layer of gravel or crushed stone (15-20 cm), and on top we fill it with ordinary garden soil mixed with sand and humus (3: 1: 2). You can add a little lime. Planting - in spring or autumn with two-year-old seedlings.

Areas well illuminated by the sun are especially loved by this plant - it develops well there, blooms and bears abundantly (hawthorn growing in the shade produces very few berries).

Pruning is done in the spring, leaving 1/3 of the length of the shoots. Feeding - at the end of April-May with diluted slurry or complete mineral fertilizer, watering in dry weather once every 1-1.5 months (for an adult bush 10-12 liters).

For this you should choose large-thorned hawthorn, Siberian hawthorn (blood-red), and round-leaved hawthorn. The easiest way to propagate a plant is by layering, root cuttings, but you can also use seeds.

How to grow barberry in a hedge

For tall hedges, Ottawa barberry, common barberry (purple-leaved form) and Amur barberry are most often used. Thunberg barberry, which grows up to 80 cm-1 m, is good for multi-layer hedges, as well as as dividing plantings. All of these are very decorative and lend themselves well to pruning.

Barberries are often planted in early spring, while the buds have not yet bloomed. If planting is in autumn, it is carried out during the period when the leaves fly off the trees.

The planting hole is filled with a substrate of garden soil mixed with sand, humus or compost (1:1:1). If the soil is acidic, add a glass of ash or lime under the bushes (be sure to mix well with the substrate). Add superphosphate (80 g per bush).

If you are planning a dense hedge, plant it in a trench 30-40 cm wide and deep.

Water regularly until the seedlings take root, then as needed, for example, if there is no rain for a month. Since hawthorn bushes are thorny, loosening the ground under them will be problematic, so use mulching.

Barberries are not averse to “feeding”. It is useful to top up the bushes 1-2 times per season with slurry or infusion of bird droppings diluted with complete mineral fertilizer. In September, each bush can be fed with superphosphate (15 g) and potassium fertilizer(10 g).

The formation of barberries begins in the second year after planting. Further as necessary. Since flowers bloom on last year's shoots, pruning is carried out after flowering. Reproduction - by dividing the bush and cuttings.

Young barberries are covered with dry leaves or spruce branches for the winter; Thunberg barberry can first be protected with lutrasil or burlap.

How to grow rose hips in a hedge

Rose hips should be planted in areas where there is a lot of sun, and groundwater don't rise too high. In this case, the bushes will develop well, bloom, and bear fruit. When planting plants in a hedge, dig sheets of slate, metal, or plastic along it to a depth of at least 30 cm - as they grow, the rosehip roots can produce a lot of shoots. We maintain a distance between seedlings of about 50 cm.

We start forming bushes after 2 years in the spring, and in the future we do it only at this time of year: cuttings that have barely lingered after pruning do not tolerate frost well. Rosehip pruning is basically thinning out bushes, cutting out old, improperly growing branches. Keep in mind: severe shortening of rosehip branches provokes the appearance of large quantity overgrown.

Watering plants - only if there is no rain for a long time. We feed young plants 2-3 times a season with organic matter or mineral fertilizer with a high nitrogen content; adult bushes can be treated with humus or compost once every 3-4 years.

The easiest way to propagate plants is in spring or autumn by root suckers: plants about 25 cm high are separated from an adult bush with a shovel and planted in a new place. If the task is to propagate rose hips with seeds, they are selected from not fully ripened, brown-colored berries, sown in rows before winter, covered with leaves, sawdust or humus. If sowing is postponed until spring, we sow the seeds in boxes in sand and peat (4:1), which we place in a room with a temperature no higher than +2 0C (possibly in a cellar).

How to Grow Sloes in a Hedge

The sloe is winter-hardy and low (bushes up to 3 m). The prickly plum (as this plant is also called) is ideal for creating a hedge. Especially its decorative varieties: purple, red-leaved, terry. Flowers appear 3-4 years after planting, always attracting many bees (sloes are honey plants). Grows well in the sun, likes it loose, fertile soil with good drainage.

When arranging a hedge, plant seedlings at a distance of 1-1.5 m. After planting, trim the plant to a height of 10-15 cm to stimulate the appearance more shoots. Next comes the annual spring formative pruning.

If you plan to collect fruits, water once a week. It is advisable to feed the plant once a year - with humus, manure or infusion of chicken manure. Bushes can be easily propagated by root suckers (shoots), seeds or summer green cuttings.

If you decide to make such a decoration in your yard, then you need to decide on the purpose of the fence, its location relative to the sun and other factors, as well as its shape. After all, it can be free and grow in all directions. And there is one that needs to be shaped, cut and adjusted to certain sizes. Therefore, it is important to choose the right type of plant that will ideally cope with all your requirements.

Viburnum-leaved bladderwort

This bush has excellent characteristics for those who want to quickly green up their area. resistant to diseases, tolerates frosty winters well and, most importantly, these hedge plants are fast-growing. grows in all directions at once. Its branches are covered with dense foliage, which looks like maple leaves , as well as currants and viburnum. The leaves have a very beautiful and unusual texture. The plant blooms at the end of June and beginning of July. Its inflorescences are umbrellas of many small flowers

, which densely fill the already dense branches. Did you know?

In one year, the plant lengthens its branches by 40 cm. The shape of the crown can be formed independently or allowed to grow in all directions. Standard bush has round shape . Some landscape designers
form fountains or square low fences. The height of the bush and its width are up to 3 meters.

The plant should be pruned regularly, ridding it of inward growing, dry and diseased branches. The best time for this is the end of autumn or the beginning of spring, when severe frosts have already subsided. It is important to do this at a time when the juices in the branches have not yet gained their usual speed. Then you won't damage your plant. It is preferable to create a bush shape in the spring.
It is worth noting the variety of varieties. They are radically different from each other due to foliage color. She may be:

  • purple color, which can change to red in autumn period("Diabolo", "Little Devil", "Coppertina");
  • yellow with a golden tint (“Darts Gold”, “Luteus”);
  • the sheet has two colors at once: gold and burgundy (“Center Glow”).

Is there some more dwarf variety"Nana", which is painted in a lush green color and decorated with bright white flowers.


  • European and Giralda are distinguished by the highest resistance to frost;
  • the greenest has the most large flowers, but does not tolerate winter well and is suitable for the southern regions;
  • oval-leaved;
  • drooping;
  • the middle one overwinters without loss.

Important! Fertilizers are important for forcysia: organic fertilizers are applied in the fall, mineral fertilizers are applied in the spring. And also pruning, which is carried out every year. Without these actions, the bush becomes very weak.


  • "Kobold" - a spherical bush no higher than 30 cm with green bright leaves, which turn yellow-orange by autumn;
  • “Baguette” is round in shape, no higher than 40 cm, has red leaves, which turn brown when growing in the sun, and green in the shade;
  • "Admiration" - grows into a ball with a diameter of 50 cm and has unique foliage, which is purple inside and has a light border at the edges;
  • "Speshal Gold" - a thick golden crown that turns pink in the fall;
  • "Atropurpurea Nana" is a purple-red bush, up to 60 cm high, 1 m wide;
  • "Green Carpet" - does not grow higher than 50 cm and has light green foliage in a rounded crown.

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Page 1

A thorny shrub up to 3 m high, highly branched. Distributed in the forest-steppe in the south, up to the Crimea and the Caucasus inclusive.  

A thorny bush, densely branched, with widely spreading shoots, pressed to the ground. The flowers are large, up to 5 cm in diameter, with large yellow anthers, located on short stalks along the shoots, appearing from 3 to 4 years. The fruits are apples and ripen in October. They are lemon-yellow in color, fragrant, and have a short stem.  

Prickly bush with edible fruits, grown as a hedge.  

A thorny bush or tree of the plum genus. The mountainside was densely covered with thickets of thorny thorns.  

Ornamental fruit thorny shrubs suitable for hedges. The wood is as hard as bone (sp. However, many species are distributors of the grain rust Puccinia gra-minis. The least affected species are Japanese barberry - B. III - VIII; Turkestan barberry, black - V.  

This is a medium-sized prickly shrub, up to 2 m high, with a dense wide crown and thin arched drooping shoots, with light gray bark. The light green foliage gives the prinsepia a very delicate, elegant appearance. The leaves are oblong, narrow (5 - 8 cm long), on thin short petioles, pale yellow in autumn.  

Seedlings of thorny bushes (for example, hawthorn) are planted along the frame at a distance of 20 - 30 cm from each other. As soon as the seedlings become stronger, their upper part is cut off almost to the base. The lateral shoots grown from the base are intertwined and directed along the frame, tying them. After a few years, the need for a frame disappears, and maintenance consists of periodic pruning of the bush.  

Rvach-003 is used for picking berries thorny bushes and is a Rvach-002 with a cut off neck, where a berry picker’s hand is inserted instead of a pole. Complete protection from thorns allows the hand to show special zeal whenever it wants, but is pricked.  

Euphorbia splendens Bojer is a xerophytic thorny shrub up to 2 m tall, from the island of Madagascar. The stem is abundantly branched, convoluted, with dark purple spines. The flowers are small, yellow, in corymbose inflorescences, with bright scarlet covering leaves, making the plant highly decorative. Of the peculiarities of the culture, you need to know that cut cuttings are placed in a bowl for half an hour before rooting. warm water to allow the milky juice to drain. Recommended for compositions winter garden, flower gardens and as a tapeworm, however, this plant should not be used for landscaping schools and kindergartens, since the milky juice of all euphorbias is poisonous.  

Two-row hedge.  

This fence is created from trees or thorny bushes. It is recommended to apply lightly; growing tree species: honey locust, maklura, common and small-leaved elm, birch bark, hornbeam, Ussuri pear, Siberian apple, cherry plum, Magaleb cherry, sand acacia. The range of thorny shrub species is selected taking into account local conditions.  

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