Apple rot treatment. Apples rot on the tree: causes and methods of treating diseases

Growing an apple tree is a whole science. young tree It bears beautiful and even fruits, but as the apple tree ages, the harvest begins to deteriorate. First, the fruits rot, sometimes the apples completely rot on the tree, and the gardener gets only part of the harvest.

If these phenomena are not dealt with, then in a few years the apples will rot while still unripe, and the yield will sharply decrease.

Why do apples rot right on the tree? How to deal with this?

The cause of crop loss is tree diseases that require proper treatment.

Apples darken and rot on the tree: causes of the disease and methods of treatment

Fruit rot or moniliosis

Moniliosis- This fungal disease, which affects not only the apple tree, but also other stone fruit or pome crops. The development of the disease is caused by fungal spores that land on the fruit. As a result, rotting of the pulp develops from a small point. The risk group includes weakened trees, as well as spoiled fruits whose skin has mechanical damage (cracks, scratches, wormholes).

Spores of a harmful fungus are spread by gusts of wind.

Once on the apple, the disease begins to grow. On initial stage a small one is formed gray spot, which gradually increases and rots the entire fruit. Healthy apples become infected from neighboring, already infected fruits.

Why does the disease develop?

The fungal spores overwinter in fallen leaves, on weeds, under tree bark, on branches and in the soil. In spring they spread throughout the garden. Therefore, in the fall, you need to carefully remove debris under fruit trees and shrubs. The gardener is not able to influence the development of the disease; he can only apply preventive methods struggle.

The development of moniliosis is promoted by rainy and cold summers, when the temperature does not rise above +20 degrees. With more high temperatures the disease stops, but returns again with the arrival of rains. There is no point in fighting the weather, so only preventative spraying remains.

Methods to combat moniliosis

If the apples have already begun to rot right on the tree, then it is no longer possible to stop the process. the main task gardener - then disease prevention. It includes three treatments with modern fungicides. The first treatment is carried out when the ovary has already appeared, and the second after 2-3 weeks. The last spraying is done a month before harvest. Spraying must be carried out carefully so that the working solution reaches each fruit. Treatments with Skor and Fundazol showed good results. You can spray the tree Bordeaux mixture.

It is important to remember that the entire garden needs to be treated, because other fruit crops are also at risk. Of course, spraying does not give 100% results, but most of the crop will be saved.

Important! Two weeks after collecting all the fruits, the treatment must be repeated. This will help destroy wintering forms of the fungus.

Useful tips in the fight against moniliosis

1. During the ripening of fruits, the gardener must carefully inspect the garden, remove fruits that have already begun to rot, and take them out of the territory. Regular weeding and removal of rotten fruits under trees will reduce the likelihood of developing the disease on next year.

2. Only comprehensive measures help in the fight against the disease. In addition to preventive spraying, whitewashing the trunk and skeletal branches of the tree helps. It is also useful to cultivate the soil near the tree trunk. quicklime.

3. In the spring you need to clean the garden, cut out all damaged and dry branches, cultivate the soil and apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

4. If one day moniliosis appears in the garden, then the fight against it must be carried out continuously. Otherwise, it will flare up again with a vengeance.

Important! Most often, moniliosis is not the cause of a decrease in yield, but a consequence! After all, the disease begins to develop on fruits spoiled by pests. To protect apples from rotting on the tree, you need to carry out regular pest control.

Apple tree chlorosis

Apples can rot on a tree not only due to moniliosis. There are a number of other diseases that lead to crop damage. One of them is apple tree chlorosis.

Chlorosis begins with the appearance of black spots on the leaves of the apple tree. Oddly enough, apples are a source of iron, but they themselves sometimes suffer from a lack of it. As the disease progresses, the spots increase in size and the shoots die. The leaves of the apple tree first change their color and then fall off. The disease spreads to the fruit, where it begins with minor black spots, after which the apples rot right on the tree.

Methods to combat chlorosis

Chlorosis can occur at any time. For example, the disease may subside in the spring, but appear in the summer and autumn. Therefore, the fight against it must be ongoing.

Treatment of chlorosis begins with spraying the tree to replenish iron reserves in the plant tissues.

For this purpose, preparations based on iron chelates are used: Agricola, Brexil-Fe, Fevorit. You can also use improvised means and prepare the preparation for spraying yourself.

40 gr citric acid;

25 grams of iron sulfate.

Mix all components in 10 liters of water. Spray the tree well with the working solution. This solution can be stored for about 14 days.

The following recipe will help enrich the soil with iron, the use of which has shown good results.

Humus – 60 kg;

Iron sulfate – 1.5 kg;

Water – 10 buckets.

Ready solution you need to pour it under the trees, making indentations with a hoe.

If the disease progresses, then it is advisable to use iron injections into the trunk and branches of the tree. For this, iron sulfate is used in an amount of 150 cm3. Holes are drilled in the wood, where a funnel is inserted and the preparation is poured.

You can also use dry injection in the form of tablets, which need to be placed in the holes made in the tree and sealed with a cement-sand mixture.

Prevention of chlorosis on apple trees

A lack of iron in the soil occurs in rainy and cold summers, when soil aeration is impaired. The presence of heavy metals in the soil, excess phosphorus and potassium also have a bad effect on the tree.

To correct the situation, add to the soil organic fertilizers and iron supplements. Usually, inkstone It replenishes iron reserves well in the apple tree. The working solution is poured trunk circle after the leaves fall, and in the spring, preventive spraying is carried out.

Scab on an apple tree

If scab develops on an apple tree, then this is an unpleasant phenomenon for the gardener.

Scab is a fungal disease that begins to develop in humid climates. Most often, scab progresses during cold and rainy summer. This disease spoils not only marketable condition fruits, but also their taste.

As in the case of moniliosis, the amount of harvest suffers from scab. As the disease progresses, the apples begin to rot on the tree. But before this, the flesh of the fruit becomes hard, the skin cracks, infection gets into it and rotting begins.

How to defeat scab on an apple tree?

Often traditional methods Fighting scab is not enough, the disease progresses, and it can only be stopped with the help of chemicals. How to apply fungicides? There are several rules that will help defeat scab.

1. The fungus quickly develops resistance to the substance, so medications need to be changed more often. Some companies produce different drugs, which contain the same substance. Before choosing a drug, you need to familiarize yourself with its composition. Otherwise the processing will be pointless.

2. The treatment is carried out with a sprayer with a fine spray so that the drug reaches all parts of the plant, but does not cause an overdose of the substance.

3. Spraying should be carried out in the evening in calm weather, and use products personal protection.

4. It is most effective to carry out treatment before and after rain. After all, the fungus develops only in conditions high humidity. Such spraying will destroy spores at the beginning of their growth.

5. Treatment of scab includes not only spraying, but also a number of other activities, such as removing garbage, burning damaged fruits and shoots.

6. Different varieties Apple trees require a certain number of treatments. The most resistant varieties are sprayed only during a disease outbreak.

Chemicals against scab

On initial stages diseases using biological preparations that contain bacteria. It has a detrimental effect on the fungus. You can use the drugs “Fitosporin” or “Gamair”. 10 tablets of the drug need to be diluted in 10 liters of water; the resulting solution is used for three treatments per season. The first spraying is done during the budding period, then immediately after flowering and at the moment of fruit formation. The consumption rate of the drug is up to 5 liters per tree, depending on its age.

An old and proven remedy for scab is Bordeaux mixture. Up to 7 sprayings are allowed in one season. The tree is treated for the first time before buds open, during the formation of buds, at the time of flowering and fruit formation, and after harvesting. During a disease outbreak, the frequency of treatments is increased. The effect of the drug lasts for 15 days. You can replace Bordeaux mixture with copper-containing preparations.

In cases where biological drugs are powerless, the use of chemicals cannot be avoided. The most commonly used chemicals are:

Raek. Carry out up to 4 sprayings per season, the effect of the drug lasts for 20 days. The first spraying is carried out before the buds open, then at the moment the buds open, and after flowering twice with an interval of 14 days.

Speed Only two treatments per season are allowed, the period before and after flowering. The effect of the drug lasts up to 20 days.

Strobe. A drug systemic action, fights various diseases. Up to three treatments are carried out in one season. The effect of the drug lasts up to 1.5 months.

Horus. The drug is used at low temperatures up to +10 degrees. The substance is not washed off by rain, the effect of the drug lasts up to 25 days.

Scab treatment with mineral fertilizers

The use of mineral fertilizers shows good results in the fight against scab. Among experienced gardeners There is an opinion that this method is not inferior to the use of chemicals.

To prevent scab, spray with a fertilizer solution: ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, potassium sulfate, potassium salt.

If the apples rot directly on the tree, then in the fall they are treated with a solution of mineral fertilizers. In this case, spraying is done until the average daily temperature drops below +4 degrees. This procedure increases the yield of the apple tree and destroys pests and diseases. Along with the tree, the soil under it is cultivated, which increases the yield by 1.5 times and reduces the likelihood of diseases.

In the spring, the tree is treated with Bordeaux mixture, which reduces the number of wintering pests that are carriers. various diseases.

After flowering, it is advisable to use systemic preparations that will relieve the tree of several problems at once.

What to do with rotten apples on the tree?

Firstly, every gardener must remember that apples should not be left to rot on the tree. They must be removed and taken away from the site, where they are disposed of, burying the fruits to a depth of up to 50 cm. You cannot simply leave them under someone else’s tree, even a few meters from the garden, diseased fruits serve as a source of infection. After all, fungal spores are easily carried by the wind, and as a result, next year moniliosis will again appear on the site.

Secondly, diseases such as moniliosis, chlorosis, scab are very unpleasant, but it is possible to cope with them. The health of his garden will depend on how quickly the gardener reacts. It is important to remember that the fewer signs of infection, the easier it will be to defeat the disease and prevent the apple tree from drying out completely!

From moniliosis on an apple tree you can lose 80% of the harvest. Fungal infection It affects not only the fruits of pome crops; all stone fruits suffer from fruit rot: cherry, peach, plum, apricot. Timely treatment of tree crowns and a set of preventive measures prevent the spread of infection in the garden.

The disease is caused by a ubiquitous fungus. The causative agent monilinia fructigena is ubiquitous. Apple trees growing in temperate and warm climates are equally affected by it. The fungus monilinia fructigena damages apples, pears and stone fruits. The pathogen monilinia mali is highly specialized. It infects only one type of plant; only apple and pear trees are affected. This type of infection is common in southern regions and gardens Far East. Life cycle The fungus monilinia fructigena consists of 2 stages, and in monilinia mali - of 3.

Forms of moniliosis

The disease can occur in different ways. Its symptoms and course depend on the type of fungus that has infected the fruit tree. There are two forms of moniliosis:

  • fruit rot;
  • monilial burn.

Fruit rot

A tree infected with the fungus monilinia fructigena can be recognized by the symptoms of fruit rot, which appear on young apples:

  • at the initial stage these are small spots of brown color;
  • the entire surface gradually turns brown;
  • The pulp has no taste, its structure becomes spongy;
  • Small gray-yellow pads form on the surface of the apples; they create a pattern in the form of circles.

Apples infected with the fungus mummify, turn black, and harden if the weather is cold and dry. In wet, warm summers, most apples are affected. fruit rot in the filling phase and at the ripening stage. Part of the crop dies during storage and transportation.

The first signs of a monilial burn may appear in the spring. In May, you can see leaves on apple trees that are distinguished by the red color of the leaf blade in the area of ​​the central vein.

The infection affects:

  • leaves;
  • petioles;
  • inflorescences;
  • ovaries

When examining the underside of diseased leaves, small white conidial pads may be visible. Infection (monilinia mali) causes drying of the fruiting shoot (leaves, ovary). In mature fruits, monilial burn does not occur.


The life cycles of the fungus occur during the fruiting period of the apple tree. The fungus monilinia fructigena, which causes fruit rot, is characterized by 2 stages: conidial, sclerotial. The pathogen monilinia mali may also have a rare third stage - marsupial.


At this stage, a mycelium is formed from unicellular colorless conidia in the form large number chains. Conidia spread through raindrops, gusts of wind, and insects.

Fruits whose surface has mechanical damage suffer from infection. They are formed as a result of bad weather or due to insect pests. A larger percentage of apples suffer from fruit rot if the weather is warm and rainy in summer.


This stage occurs during the period when the apple tree is at rest. The fungus, in the form of mycelium, overwinters in unharvested and fallen apples or in cracks in the bark.

Optimal development conditions

The degree of infection of the apple tree depends on the intensity of sporulation. It is determined by weather conditions. Optimal values Humidity and air temperatures that increase fungal activity are given in the table.

How does infection occur?

Spores lead to disease; they penetrate apples and tree tissue through micro- and macrocracks. The main reasons leading to moniliosis of apple trees:

  • vital activity of insect pests;
  • the presence of infected apples, their contact with healthy fruits;
  • other apple tree diseases;
  • the variety has low resistance to fungi monilinia mali, monilinia fructigena;
  • poor care of fruit trees, lack of preventive measures.

The infection is spread by wind, rain, insects, and dirty garden tools. A long winter with frosts, snowfalls and a protracted spring, which is not pleasing with warm temperatures, contribute to the appearance of the disease. on sunny days. IN warehouses the fungus gets in with dirty storage containers.

Description of the disease

The disease initially affects the trunks fruit trees. Fungal spores fall on the fruit, so apples are affected by moniliosis before and after harvesting. The infection is not afraid of frost; its active spread occurs during flowering and fruit set.

Symptoms and first signs of infection

It is possible to determine that a tree is sick 5 days after infection. Symptoms indicate moniliosis:

  • brown spots on apples;
  • carrion;
  • fluffy pillows small size on fruits;
  • curled, dark leaves;
  • browned flowers.

Why is fruit rot dangerous for an apple tree?

Initially, the fungus destroys the crop. In the absence of therapeutic and preventive measures, the tree dies over time. His weakened immune system is unable to cope with pathogens and pests.

Ways to protect apple trees from moniliosis

IN summer time carry out measures to prevent the disease. Fungicides are applied in spring, autumn and when symptoms of the disease appear. The spread of the fungus is prevented by timely removal of infected apples, application of roots and foliar feeding, cleanliness of the tree trunk circle.

How to treat if infection occurs

Based on the timing of fruit ripening and the degree of infection of the tree, gardeners determine how best to combat the infection.

Mechanical destruction of affected plants

In autumn, the remaining fruits are removed from the trees. They are disposed of outside garden plot. The spores do not die if the apples are buried in the ground.

Infected fruits are the main source of infection; they are pecked by birds, eaten by pests (codling moth, weevil), and spores are spread throughout the garden.

All dry shoots are cut out and burned. When removing a diseased branch, up to 10 cm of healthy tree tissue is grabbed. Apple tree trunks are covered with a layer of lime. For greater effect, a fungicide solution is added to it. In the summer, trees are inspected, fungus-affected shoots, ovaries, and fruits are cut out and destroyed.


Chemical agents that have been tested by more than one generation of gardeners, Bordeaux mixture and copper sulfate are relevant in the fight against moniliosis of apple trees. Before the leaves bloom, use a 3% solution, in autumn and summer - 1%. Prevention of the disease is pest control; it is carried out with the help of insecticides: “Aktara”, “Profi”, “Decis”.

Biological drugs

Treatment of apple trees with biological products gives good results. “Pentaphage C” is used if there is little time left before harvesting. This product is safe for humans, so trees and fruits can be sprayed with its solution several days before picking apples.

Harmless to humans and effective against fungus:

  • "Fitolavin";
  • "Alirin";

Use of fungicides

  • "Skora";
  • "Horus"
  • "Abiga Peak".

Solutions of these drugs are sprayed on all parts of the diseased tree, and the soil around the trunk is treated. Fungicides are used throughout the season. Treatment is carried out once every 2 weeks.

Folk methods of struggle

There are no folk recipes that destroy the fungus. There are proven methods for controlling apple tree pests (codling moth, weevil), they can be used to prevent fungal diseases.

Scheme and processing time

The table shows proven treatment schemes against moniliosis.

A drugConsumptionUsage time
"Hom"40 g per bucket of water, 5 liters of solution per 1 apple tree1 time in the budding phase, 2 times after flowering
"Horus"2 g of product per bucket of waterPreventive treatments are carried out throughout the season (once every 2 weeks), for the purpose of treatment at least 2 times, do not treat blooming trees, at least 2 weeks must pass from the date of the last spraying to harvesting the apple trees
Bordeaux mixtureConsumption of 1% solution – per 1 m² 200 mlTreatment is carried out once every 2 weeks
"Strobe"2 g of product per bucket of waterTrees are treated once every 2 weeks, the last time 30 days before harvesting

How long does it take to get rid of fruit rot?

One or two treatments of the apple tree will not get rid of fruit rot. Fungal spores spread throughout the season. Symptoms of the disease can appear at any time. Therapeutic sprays should be carried out when signs of disease appear, preventive actions- regularly.

Resistant apple varieties

There are no varieties with 100% resistance to the fungi monilinia fructigena, monilinia mali. Summer ripening apple trees suffer more from them.

The following varieties are considered relatively resistant:

  • Parmen winter golden;
  • Jubilee;
  • Pepin saffron;
  • Welsey;
  • Slav.

By choosing them, gardeners protect the garden from fruit rot.

The first time I saw what moniliosis looks like was in 2012. Here, in the Novokubansky district Krasnodar region, all the apricots, not having time to bloom, dropped their flowers: they stood for several weeks with black, dried tips of the branches - they looked like after a fire. The leaves on the surviving branches blossomed very slowly. Naturally, there were no fruits. What kind of attack is this? This is a fungal disease, moniliosis (monilial burn). It appears during the flowering period on fruit trees stone fruits- apricot, peach, cherry, sweet cherry, plum, felt cherry, quince, grapes, others - at low temperatures, excessive moisture. How to prevent this disease? Is it possible to treat moniliosis?

This is what moniliosis looks like on apricot, photo:

The causative agent of the disease, the fungus Monilia, penetrates through the pistil of a flower and affects young shoots. As a result, the flower part, leaves, and young twigs dry out—a monilial burn occurs.

Flowers of fruit trees are affected by the Monilia fungus when low temperatures- from minus 1.5°C, and the ovary - from minus 0.6°C. I noticed that in Kuban, a drop in temperature in the spring is caused by easterly winds. This year I managed to prevent moniliosis on apricots - I treated apricot trees with the Horus drug as soon as I saw an easterly wind in the weather forecast.

But whether the temperature drops or not, whether the east wind blows or not, the trees must be treated in any case. You shouldn’t hope that it will pass this year. No, it won't! If at least once, at least one tree in your or your neighbor’s tree gets sick with moniliosis - that’s it - spores of the Monilia fungus are already on the branches and trunks of your trees, waiting for suitable weather conditions to develop and destroy the future harvest.

When affected by moniliosis, appear withered leaves at the tips of the branches:

Very often, novice gardeners do not pay attention to fallen flowers or ovaries, believing that this is due to the fact that the weather has turned bad, and this, they say, is not worth fighting. Of course, a change in weather, a drop in temperature - strong factor. But every gardener should know what exactly cold air creates comfortable conditions for the growth of the Monilia fungus, and, consequently, for the spread of moniliosis. Fallen flowers and ovaries tell you not only about deteriorating weather conditions, but also that you missed the right time to treat your trees from the monilia fungus.

Cherry affected by Monilia fungus, photo:

The picture shows a cherry tree whose branches are affected, but the disease has not yet spread very much. If you notice this on your trees, it is not too late to treat them. Of course, you will lose part of the harvest, but you will still have time to save something. True, this will only succeed if after cold night Warm, dry weather has established itself, there will be no more rainy cold weather. After all, Monilia is a mushroom that reproduces by spores. IN comfortable conditions- high humidity and low temperature- he will continue his “dirty” work; no amount of processing will help in this case. Alas!

It was necessary to process this cherry during the budding period or, even better, before flowering. By the way, healthy (at first glance) harvested fruits like those in the picture should be quickly processed, because... the fruits will already be infected, the spores of the Monilia fungus are still present on their surface. Such cherries will not be stored! Very quickly you will see that some of the fruits have rotted or begun to rot. This applies not only to cherries, but to other stone fruits too. This is such an insidious thing - moniliosis!

Cherry tree a month after the onset of the disease:

So, under favorable weather conditions, the disease develops very quickly. Heavy rains during the flowering period, fluctuating air temperatures from subzero temperatures at night to positive conditions during the day create ideal conditions for the spread of the causative agent of moniliosis.

For prevention, experts advise treating apricots, cherries, apple trees, and other fruit trees even before flowering with Mikosan-B, Bordeaux mixture, Horus, Skor, etc., then immediately after flowering to prevent moniliosis, and then 1-2 more times with a break of two weeks. The last 1-2 times after removing the fruits. Of course, if the trees are very tall and it is not possible to spray every branch, then at least the trunk and skeletal branches of the tree should be treated. This will increase the tree’s ability to resist moniliosis, the causative agents of fungal diseases.

If you missed the moment necessary to treat the garden against moniliosis, then immediately when they wilt, trim the shoots to healthy leaves, burn them.

For most varieties, timely harvesting is very important, immediately after reaching removable ripeness. When there is overstay, fruit losses from the disease increase sharply.

Moniliosis of plum, photo

But in this picture there is moniliosis of plum. Symptoms of the disease are visible on the fruits. Such plums will not wait to be eaten; they will disappear on the tree. In this case, I was very late in processing the plum tree. Such fruits should all be collected and destroyed - burned. Do not under any circumstances throw them into compost pit, do not bury them on the site. Instead of fertilizer, get a breeding ground for the disease.

Gardeners should take into account that moniliosis forms in conditions of high humidity. Monilia fungus spores are carried by wind, raindrops, and insects. That is, if you notice signs of moniliosis only on one tree - an apricot, plum or cherry, this does not mean that only this tree needs to be treated - ALL fruit trees in the garden should be treated.

Currently, breeders have developed many new varieties fruit crops, but there are no completely resistant to moniliosis yet.

Cherry varieties - Alexa, Kazachka, Kirina, Izanninitsa, Chudo-cherry, Nefris, Effective, Zhukovskaya, are zoned for cultivation in the Kuban, and are moderately resistant to moniliosis.

The zoned plum varieties that are most resistant to the disease are Krasotka, Podruga, Milena, Balkarskaya; introduced - Stanley, Donetskaya, Melitopolskaya, Chachakskaya late, Turchanka.

Improved Caucasian, Sashenka, Yuzhnaya, Poppy, Scarlet, Sorceress, Gift of Abundance, Clear Sun - cherry varieties with average resistance to fungal diseases.

The apricot varieties entered into the State Register for the North Caucasus region, Dzhengutaevsky, Krasnoshchekiy, Krasnoshchekiy from Nikoloev, Krasnoshchekiy late, Kubansky black, Tamasha, Black Velvet, have average resistance to moniliosis.

Conclusion: timely treatment with antifungal drugs will help prevent moniliosis on fruit trees.

Many people complain that apples rot without visible damage right on the tree before they are picked. What is the problem and how to treat this disease? This apple fruit rot has scientific name: Moniliosis or fruit rot and is widespread everywhere.

Most often it affects pome trees, but sometimes stone fruit trees, such as peaches and plums, are also affected.

Infection of fruits with spores of a pathogenic fungus usually occurs when damaged by insects (mainly goose and codling moth, as well as such omnivorous and ubiquitous pests as wasps).

The disease also spreads when healthy fruits come into contact with infected ones, especially if this is accompanied by wet and windy weather. Apples injured by birds, hail, or scratched by trunks and branches become infected through damage.

The period from infection by spores to the appearance of the first signs of fruit rot is only 3-5 days, and from the moment of infection to the ripening of spores suitable for further infection of fruits, 8-10 days pass.

Moniliosis - how to treat?

First you need to try to save the ripening harvest. If before collection winter varieties There are still about four weeks of apple and pear trees, then excellent result gives treatment of all trees with fruits with a 0.1% solution of a systemic fungicide Topsin-M.

If the crop has to be harvested in 2-3 weeks, then it is no longer advisable to use systemic fungicides, and all that can be done to save it in such a short period is, if possible, carefully remove the fruits infected with moniliosis and treat the remaining ones without visible signs diseases with the biological product Pentafag-S, which is absolutely safe for humans. They can be used to treat trees with fruits a day before harvesting.

Pentafag-S contains 5 different, specially selected strains of viruses that infect colonies of bacteria and fungi harmful to plants. After contact with the surface of fruits affected by moniliosis, the active substances of Pentafaga-S are introduced into the tissues of the pathogenic fungus and destroy it, while simultaneously suppressing the viability of already mature spores.

It is not enough to preserve an already ripe harvest; you need to take measures to completely destroy moniliosis on fruit trees. After all, if moniliosis was noticed on at least 1-2 trees in the garden, then next year it can spread to everyone. This means that for preventive purposes the entire garden will have to be treated.

The simplest and most common remedy against moniliosis, used by most gardeners, is to treat trees Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride immediately after harvesting the fruits, however, the main condition for such therapeutic spraying is that the foliage and branches must be treated both above and below. For prevention purposes, it is enough to treat trees twice a year. In spring - before flowering and in autumn after harvesting.

To prepare 10 liters of working solution in 10 liters of water, you need to dilute 300 g Bordeaux mixture or 40 g of copper oxychloride. Average consumption for an adult fruit-bearing tree there will be 3-5 liters, for young trees 2-3 liters is enough. Along the way, you can shed the trunk circle of each tree with a solution of copper sulfate.

First of all, moniliosis affects fruits that have scab. After harvesting the fruits, trees can be treated against scab with a 5% urea solution (500 g per 10 l of water), spending on one mature tree 2-4 liters of solution.

Trees can also be treated with special products against moniliosis and fruit scab. copper-containing drugs, such as Horus, Topaz, Skor etc. If the trees in the garden are heavily affected by diseases, then up to six treatments per season are allowed. For better action drugs should be alternated, using each no more than twice. To protect against disease-carrying pests, including codling moths, you need to promptly early spring treat trees with insecticides, for example, Decis Profi, Aktara.

In addition to treating trees against diseases and pests, it is necessary to carry out annual sanitary pruning garden and, if necessary, promptly thin out the tree crowns.

For lovers of environmentally friendly products there is an opportunity repel moniliosis carriers using garlic tincture, coniferous trees .

Apples picked from the tree and collected from the ground must be buried to a depth of 50 cm. This is done in order to prevent moths from reaching the surface. Otherwise, they will return to the apple tree and again harm the harvest.

Heavily thickened and aging trees, without rejuvenating pruning and necessary shaping, are susceptible to various diseases stronger than well-groomed ones. Under no circumstances should unpicked dried fruits be left to overwinter on branches.

Very often, moniliosis overwinters quietly in such mummified fruits: during the development of the disease, the weather was hot, dry and no spores were released.

The fungus goes into hibernation, and in the spring such dried fruits serve as sources of further spread of the disease. Both dried and rotting fruits should either be burned or taken away from your garden and buried in the ground. Leaves from diseased trees compost heaps cannot be mortgaged. It is best to burn them or bury them deeply.

Moniliosis of fruit trees - video

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Gardeners and summer residents are often faced with an unpleasant fact - apples begin to rot on the branches even before they are picked. Without visible damage, the apples rot right on the tree. What is the problem and how to treat this disease.

Apple fruit rot has a scientific name - moniliosis. Scientists have developed a number of measures to combat it. This disease affects apple fruits. This is a significant difference between the disease of apple trees and moniliosis of other stone fruits, in which the disease also spreads to branches and leaves. Birds, rubbing against neighboring branches, but mostly the fruit bearer, harm the apple, thereby accelerating the development of the disease. If you notice a rotten apple on a branch, you need to understand that this fruit has already been affected and would have been lost in any case. Moniliosis only accelerated the process. To know how to deal with fruit rot, you need to find out the factors that provoked its appearance..

Reasons for appearance

Fruit rot of apple trees rivals scab in prevalence. And in terms of danger to trees and fruits, it has no equal. It affects both apples growing on branches and fruits in storage.

Through a whole, healthy surface, the disease does not penetrate into the fetus. An exception would be close contact with a rotten apple. The main source of the disease is rotten fruits left on the apple tree. Rot that has overwintered on the tree penetrates the ovary of the new crop and young shoots. Thus, a new apple grows with moniliosis. As the fetus itself grows, the focus of the disease also grows.

Apples injured by birds, hail, or scratched by trunks and branches become infected through damage. Another beneficial factor for rot is wet, warm weather.

The codling moth is no less dangerous for apple trees. By gnawing the flesh from the inside, it promotes the spread of rot. Fruits weakened by the codling moth become infected with moniliosis through wormholes.

Signs of defeat

The first sign for a gardener is the appearance of carrion. Identification of fallen rotten apples on the ground should be the start of combating the problem. For early varieties apples it happens on more early stage, for winter varieties - at a later date.

At the beginning of the disease, apples rot from the inside. This is the most hidden stage of the disease. Over time, fruits with a characteristic appearance appear on the apple tree. brown spot. If the apple does not fall in time, the spot increases in diameter, and light formations located around the circumference appear on it (these are fungal spores). So to speak, internal rot. Soon the entire apple is affected by rot - it becomes brown, covered with external concentric formations.

Methods to combat moniliosis

To get rid of moniliosis, you need to take preventive measures struggle, as well as carry out proper care behind the apple trees.

There are favorable external factors for the development of rot on apple trees:

  • Humid and warm weather (air temperature + 25 ... + 28°C);
  • Uncleaned, thickened plantings;
  • Development of scab.

What to do if apple tree moniliosis has already appeared. If a rotten apple is not picked but left on the tree, the rot will penetrate through the fruit branch through the fruit branch into neighboring branches and affect the apples located on them.

If you do not pick an apple affected by rot from a branch, the disease can spread along the branches, overwinter on the tree and affect a new crop of apples and young branches.

A quick, but not the only action when a similar problem is detected in an apple tree is to remove rotten apples. In addition, it is necessary to:

  • Annual pruning of trees for good weathering of the crown and improved lighting;
  • Removing withered and drying branches, eliminating all rotten apples;
  • Follow the standards for caring for tree trunks;
  • Fertilize apple trees regularly.

Carrying out these simple measures reduces the risk of fruit rot.

More active measures to combat moniliosis include treatment of apple trees chemicals. These include Bordeaux mixture, azophos, copper oxychloride, abiga-pik. In the spring, when buds appear, trees are treated with these products. Fungicidal treatment for scab, which is carried out after flowering on an apple tree, also fights rot well.

IN autumn period, after harvesting, carry out processing copper sulfate. At the time of the procedure, the leaves should begin to fall. This measure will protect the tree not only from the disease itself, but also from scab, cancer, and destroy fungal spores that survived after spring treatment.

During the period when the amount of precipitation exceeds the usual seasonal norm, an additional set of anti-rot manipulations is necessary. For these purposes, 1-2 treatments are carried out with preparations containing copper, alternating them with other fugicides.

One more effective means The fight against moniliosis, which causes apples to rot on the tree, is to destroy the codling moth. This pest is considered main reason diseases.

The danger of the caterpillar is that it eats not the pulp, but the seeds of apples. Thus, for saturation it needs to infect a significant number of fruits.

And in turn, the fruit affected by the caterpillar is open door to rot.

For lovers of environmentally friendly products, there is an opportunity to get rid of the pest with the help of tincture of garlic and coniferous trees. Essential oils, contained in these plants, have good antibacterial properties. They will cope with the task perfectly without poisoning the environment.

Apples picked from the tree and removed from the ground must be buried to a depth of 50 cm. This is done in order to prevent moths from reaching the surface. Otherwise, they will return to the apple tree and again harm the harvest.

To successfully combat root rot it is A complex approach, which includes all manipulations.

Picked whole fruits must be stored in a cool, dry place. A prerequisite for good preservation of apples is periodic ventilation of the storage area. Since it is not always possible to immediately detect diseases on the surface of apples, it is necessary to check the fruits from time to time for signs of rot. Apples affected by the disease are not suitable for food; they must be removed, avoiding contact with other fruits.

It is impossible to completely protect against fruit rot. Breeders have developed varieties of apple trees that are most resistant to the disease. In order to keep the harvest and garden intact as much as possible, you can plant varieties Banana, Darunak, Liberty, Yubilyar, Welsey. Apple varieties least resistant to moniliosis White filling, Antonovka, Orlik.

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