Climbing flowers for the garden (44 photos): features of vertical gardening. Bright hedges and spectacular flowering arches

Every person wants to decorate their home. This is often done using. Between everyone possible types Often they choose something modest but beautiful - decorative bindweed. Let's figure out what this plant needs.

Garden forms of bindweed

The only difference is when to plant. Growing from seeds is often chosen because they need to be planted later and they germinate in large quantities.

Soil preparation

The plant loves loose, normal soil. Black soil will be the best.
When you find it suitable land for planting, first add sand for better flowering, having previously loosened the ground. Stir this mixture. Before planting, add (2-3 kg/sq. m) to the ground.

Important! It is better to apply peat just before planting the bindweed.

Before planting, place the seeds in water for two to four days. This is necessary for better germination. The swollen seeds can be planted.

Sowing seeds in open ground

Let's look at how to plant when everything is ready. Prepare peat moss before planting. You can immediately buy for better development plants.


Seeds are planted after preparing the soil, in April - May. It is better to choose a warm sunny day.


We make small furrows - approximately 2 cm deep. We plant the prepared seeds not densely, at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other. Cover with loose soil on top and tamp lightly.
should be done twice a week. At good conditions sprouts appear within a week.

Bindweed is successfully used for decoration. This plant is perfect for creating compositions and floral figures.
It is specially planted to shade the area and plant flowers that love shade. Among such plants you can use trillium and others. You can also use bindweed to separate sectors.

He will look good with , which are also climbing plants. Flowers also decorate gazebos and house facades and protect them from the sun.

Did you know? Using bindweed as the hero of a fairy tale, writer Anna Saxe was able to convey the image of a person who, with the help of flattery and lies, uses others for his own purposes.

Flower care

Caring for bindweed flowers can seem a little complicated. But difficulties arise only at the initial stage of planting. As they grow, flowers need the same care, only in less quantity.

After landing, to avoid abrupt changes temperatures, it is recommended to protect the beds.
This will also help in the fight against, because such material can serve as a You can remove the covering material when the threat of spring frosts and sudden temperature changes becomes minimal.

Watering, weeding, loosening

Weeding should be done as soon as it appears. If you use mulching, there won’t be many of them.

It is necessary to monitor the development of sprouts: weak and frail plants need to be removed, gradually planting the grown flowers at a distance of 20-30 cm.
mature plants are needed as the soil dries out. If there is a lack of moisture, the buds of the bindweed will fall off. Loosening the soil should be done once a week to prevent too much water from evaporating.

Loaches are the largest of various families united by one quality: all of them, from the primitive herbaceous field bindweed to the elegant clematis and tree vines, grow quickly, entwining any support that gets in the way - country fence, the wall of a house or tropical trees. In this publication we will talk about the most interesting ones used today in garden and home interiors.

Plants-vines for the garden

Decoration garden area- creative and exciting process, allowing you to realize your own fantasies by creating unique shapes in unique color schemes. Classic flower beds and beautifully trimmed bushes benefit greatly with the addition of climbing plants. Loach is a unique plant, suitable not only for enhancing the decorative appearance of a site, but also for using it as an element that hides recreational or unattractive areas from prying eyes outbuildings, fences and fences. Today, gardeners take full advantage of the many varieties of these magnificent plants.

Popular annual loaches for the garden

The following plants are recognized as the best types of loaches, hardy:

Various varieties of morning glory. Farbitis, or purple morning glory, develops violently, stretching up to 4 meters, quickly entwining the support and forming a dense green carpet interspersed with flowers - “gramophones” of delicate pink, white or lilac-violet shades. Blue morning glory, similar to farbitis, has bright blue inflorescences and reaches 2-3 meters in length. Ipomoea tricolor is considered the most vibrantly colored flower of this genus. Its rose-red or blue-purple flowers are extremely decorative. Let us note that there are a lot of varieties and types of morning glory, and we have listed only a small part of them.

Ornamental beans are a rapidly growing crop that blooms beautifully and produces edible fruits, the harvest of which can be harvested as early as August.

Sweet peas are one of the most popular climbing plants used in vertical gardening, design of gazebos, balconies and loggias. The excellent aroma of peas, coupled with the exquisite structure of the flowers and the variety of their colors, made it ideal option for lovers of frequent changes in the garden interior.

Perennial garden vines

The most popular perennials are:

Knyazhik is a small woody vine with carved leaves on long petioles and single white flowers. This loach is a plant adapted for life in the most difficult climatic zones, frost-resistant and reaching three meters in height. Prince creates magnificent decor for fences and railings.

Clematis is a decorative vine with large inflorescences reaching 15-17 cm in diameter. Blooming clematis is an impressive sight; it can turn a recreation area into a unique oasis, and turn an ordinary gazebo into a fairy-tale cave.

Chinese lemongrass - amazing plant, having high decorative and medicinal properties. This loach is a plant with a woody, strong stem, small light colors and a surprisingly pleasant aroma. In places where they grow Far East this vine reaches 15 m, in temperate and northern latitudes- 4 m.

Actinidia is a woody loach-shrub that perfectly masks flaws in walls and fences.

Hops is a herbaceous loach, a plant with a strong stem, unpretentious and strong, capable of as soon as possible wrap around any support. Most often it is used to decorate arches, fences, and walls of outbuildings that need to be hidden.

Grapevine is another type of vine that combines excellent decorative properties with the undoubted benefits of fruits. Grapes are grown on wooden or plastic mesh structures.

All listed vine plants for fencing, separating zones or decorating garden landscape fit perfectly, but this does not limit the possibilities of these unique crops. Many of the vines decorate our homes, adding a unique flavor to them and organically fitting into the home interior.

Features of home cultivation of climbing plants

The most common indoor climbing crops are ivy, passionflower, tolmia, tradescantia, hoya, philodendron, clerodendrum, etc. Despite the difference in their origin and belonging to different families, all these plants are demanding in terms of creating conditions for their high-quality development. They vitally need space. Closeness. contrary to the well-known Russian proverb, for them it is an offensive misunderstanding, and if such conditions are absent, one should not expect the uniqueness that home vines can give to a room.

In addition, indoor loaches for the most part - heat-loving plants, because, as a rule, the predecessors of these crops are tropical inhabitants, adapted to a humid and hot climate. That's why comfortable temperature indoor air is considered to be 20-25 ˚С.


So, let's list the popular home vines:

Ivy - indoor vines and beautifully hanging from flower pots. Vigorous types of ivy are able to quickly cover fairly large areas; their shoots cling to any support, wood, or wallpaper. There are also slow-growing varieties (Canarian ivy) that are not able to develop, choosing their own path. Such plants require support.

Passionflower is a vine with amazing intricate flowers, fast growing and requiring annual shaping pruning. This loach is a plant (the photo in the article allows you to see this) extremely decorative, with beautiful dissected leaves and flowers that bloom throughout the summer season.

Tradescantia are common herbaceous plants that unite many species, climbing and ampelous.

Hoya is a magnificent decorative vine with hard, waxy leaves that emit an intoxicating aroma.

Philodendron is a climbing vine, unpretentious and fast-growing, with beautiful variegated leaves.

Care requirements

These and many other climbing plants - home vines - not only decorate our lives, bringing echoes of fabulous tropical places into the familiar interior. Some of them, such as chlorophytum, act as a room air purifying filter.

But in order for these crops to reach their full potential, it is necessary to provide them with sufficient care. General requirement for them is moderate regular moistening, loosening the soil and the presence of supporting elements - supports, nets or other devices. Fertilizing is also important, and liquid solutions are most often used for indoor ornamental or flowering crops.


We have listed only a few representatives of climbing plants that decorate our lives. Garden or home - they all create original living decor, giving pleasure and pleasant emotions.

The picky, but very pretty bindweed is popularly known as birch. Its soft pink or white flowers spread like a luxurious carpet on the ground. Many housewives use decorative varieties plants to decorate your garden plot, as well as your balcony. Rich shades of blue or purple look breathtaking against the backdrop of gray high-rise buildings. Scientists know about 250 species of the Bindweed family. However, it is worth paying attention to the descriptions of several gardeners' favorites.

Toffee should be planted at a distance of 25 cm from other crops. If it is used to fill the territory, then the distance from other plants is 50-60 cm.

General characteristics

In nature, birch trees can be found in your garden. It resembles a miniature vine. By the way, Latin name Vuna means “to roll up” or “to wrap around,” which very accurately conveys the character of the plant. The stems and rhizomes resemble thin cables that expertly wrap around any structure: living or not. The question of what bindweed looks like should be answered with a description of each of its parts separately:

The value of this culture is also that it has many color solutions. As shown in the photo, bindweed can be one-color, two- or three-color. The dominant shades of these “European vines” are:

Loaches begin to bloom in late spring. As a result, the whole summer and until the autumn frosts you can admire the splendor of these delicate flowers.

Representatives of the Bindweed family need to be grown in non-acidic and relatively moist soil. You should also provide them with sufficient lighting, or at least diffuse lighting.

Field bindweed

With this herbaceous plant Most often they fight in vegetable gardens or flower beds. However, as practice shows, you can be friends with him. The composition of field bindweed includes dozens useful elements that help in the fight against diseases:

  • liver;
  • respiratory tract (bronchitis, asthma);
  • circulatory system;
  • skin rashes;
  • kidneys (relieves swelling).

Moreover, it has antiseptic properties. Crops that grow next to it are less susceptible to mold or mildew. It makes excellent mulch. Such a substrate not only disinfects the soil, but also makes it loose and moist.

Favorable soil for this species is loam or sandy loam (with a high sand content).

Field birch can be either perennial or annual. White or pink small flowers(blue and violet are rare) abundantly cover the creeping stem. In most cases, it has a smooth surface, but sometimes there are specimens with a hairy covering. To a full description of field bindweed, the following must be added:

  • the stem reaches only 100-150 cm in length;
  • flowering period: from mid-April to the first frost;
  • leaves of an elongated triangular shape (like a spear), located on the petioles;
  • cone-shaped flowers grow on long stalks singly or in inflorescences (1-3 buds);
  • thin bindweed roots reach 3 and even 6 meters in length;
  • method of propagation: seed or root (offshoots).

This birch tree serves as a wonderful decoration for the garden. With its help, the hostess will skillfully hide incorrect spaces in . An exquisite living carpet in your backyard made from golden weed will create an enchanting ambiance.

Garden bindweed

This type of toffee is distinguished by a variety of bright and contrasting colors. This flowering carpet can be used to decorate an unsightly slope in your dacha. Very often, uncultivated plots of land remain empty in vegetable gardens. Why not use garden bindweed to beautify your garden. In the garden they can decorate alleys. Curly blue or white loach borders will give paradise some pomp. Designers recommend making a screen or partition from these plants. It perfectly separates one part of the garden from another or serves as a shade for other crops.

One branch is enough to grow golden weed in a container. Then he has more space, so that it grows and creates a thick, luxurious cascade.

Summer vines are dependent on sun rays. Thus, the bindweed flower closes and curls if it is cloudy or raining outside. Although this plant is unpretentious, there are still some features of its planting and cultivation:

If white streaks appear on the greenery, it means that the vine has been struck powdery mildew. Several treatments with fungicidal agents will destroy the pest.

It is important to water garden bindweed correctly, photo of this variety for vertical gardening is given below. You should not flood the beds too much, because this leads to the growth of greenery, not inflorescences. However, due to a lack of moisture, the buds will fall off. Without feeding, the flowers will grow small and faded. Therefore, before planting, the soil is fertilized with peat.
The soil is sprinkled when the toffee throws out buds. Complex fertilizers(nitrogen or potassium) treat the beds once every two weeks. The substrate is laid out on the soil and then washed off with water using a watering can.

To plant seedlings in the ground, you need to sow the seeds in a container in early March. Containers should be stored in a warm and sunny place, watering regularly.


It is considered the most effective for planting in pots (containers). The combination of blue (ultramarine shade) and white shade with a fiery yellow (lemon) center makes it unique. Thanks to this coloring, it flaunts magnificently on the terraces and flowerbeds of megalopolises. Bindweed tricolor is an annual that grows up to 50 cm tall. The stems are strewn with dense greenery. The bluish-green leaves provide an amazing backdrop for large, variegated flowers with wavy edges. They reach 5 cm in diameter.
Among other things, there are three more varieties of tricolor loach:

  • "Blue" and "Rainbow" Flash. Both flowers and leaves grow as densely as possible, forming spherical bushes.
  • "Royal Ensign". The flowers are dark in color - velvety purple flowers with a characteristic black tint.
  • "Crimson Monarch". Bright crimson shade of inflorescences.

These are the fastest growing decorative types. In 2-3 months, the rhizomes grow up to 2 meters deep. If they tear, they form new shoots.

Bindweed is an annual plant that is grown from seeds. Due to the fact that this variety is low-growing, it has many lateral shoots. Therefore, such specimens resemble the shape of a sphere. They look amazing on terraces, windows or loggias.


In a house or apartment you can grow indoor bindweed, which was specially bred for such conditions. This variety is very capricious. He can't be kept on outdoors- windowsill or balcony. Exposure to direct sunlight will cause the leaves to yellow and the root base to dry out. Besides, indoor birch tree loves moisture very much. Therefore, it needs to be watered and sprayed regularly. Young taffy can be safely bathed in the bathtub. These procedures must be done in winter period when the air in the apartment is dry due to heating. You need to place a pot with a flowerpot in a secluded place, because drafts are dangerous for it.

If you plant a vine in a container, it should be placed on south side at home or closer to the east.

Caring for these three types of bindweed - field, garden and indoor - does not require special effort. This light-loving plant will be a worthy decoration personal plot or terraces.

The name “bindweed” is usually associated with climbing plants, and more often with field bindweed - a weed that almost everyone had to fight on their site. Oddly enough, there are also non-frizz garden forms of this plant, very similar to the well-known in culture climbing morning glory.

Rod Bindweed(Convolvulus) has more than 250 species of both climbing and non-climbing annual and perennial plants. What unites them all common feature- the presence of funnel-shaped flowers that acquire various types and varieties of lilac, blue, light blue, crimson, pink or white shades. They bloom early in the morning only for one day, but this does not affect the decorativeness of the plants - abundant flowering succession of flowers continues throughout the summer.

Two garden forms of bindweed are grown in cultivation: tricolor bindweed, or small bindweed (Convolvulus tricolor) and Moorish bindweed (Convolvulus mauritanicus). These annual plants of the Convolvulaceae family are actually non-climbing, densely flowering subshrubs 20 - 45 cm high. They are most often planted to decorate balconies in flowerpots or hanging baskets, although they can also be used as ground cover plants in mixborders, ridges, on rocky hills. Flexible shoots of Moorish bindweed, covered with soft lilac flowers, when grown in containers form lush cascades and go well with other hanging plants. Large (up to 5 cm) flowers of the tricolor bindweed can serve as an excellent background for other decorative, not so plentiful flowering plants. IN flower shops Usually, mixtures of seeds of several varieties of tricolor bindweed are sold, which should also be taken into account when planting it: a bright carpet of crimson, blue and pink flowers with a golden center can become an excellent center of the composition.

Perennial garden bindweed

For planting bindweed on the site you should choose brightly lit places with any permeable water garden soil. The plant can also grow in partial shade, but it will bloom more profusely in the sun. Bindweed seeds can be sown in April - May directly in open ground or in March for growing seedlings. Before planting, for better germination, they are soaked in water for a day.

Peat (2 - 3 kg/sq.m.) is added to the well-loosened soil in the garden bed in April - May, shallow furrows are made and watered. Seeds are sown not very thickly in the grooves, sprinkled with loose soil on top and lightly compacted. The bed is covered with covering material and watered with a watering can 2 times a week. At favorable conditions Shoots appear within a week. When the danger of return frosts has passed, the shelter is removed and the seedlings are thinned out (large ones are transplanted), leaving a distance of 20 - 25 cm between plants. Subsequently, weeds are destroyed in the garden bed, watering is carried out as needed.
drying out the soil. It should be noted that with excess moisture, the tricolor bindweed grows well, but it will bloom weakly, and the fall of buds and leaves of the Moorish bindweed may indicate insufficient watering. Before flowering during the budding period, you can scatter between the bushes wood ash, and then once a month add complex mineral fertilizer(15 g per bucket of water). It is not recommended to fertilize bindweed excessively: this will cause the plant to branch well, but may not bloom at all. Flowering begins in June and continues until mid-September. In place of faded inflorescences, fruit-boxes with seeds are formed, which further reproduction should be collected, although bindweed can produce excellent self-seeding.

Fast-growing perennial garden bindweed

To obtain early flowering bindweed on the balcony or garden plot, seeds are sown in pots in March. Prepare the soil by mixing 1/3 peat, 2/3 fertile soil and a small amount of sand. Among the seeds soaked for a day, those that have hatched are selected and sown in shallow containers at a distance of at least 10 cm from one another, or in different pots, so that the growing bindweeds do not get entangled with each other. At a temperature of 18 – 20 °C and regular watering, seedlings will appear within 2 weeks. They are not watered too much, adding mineral fertilizer to the water once every 15 days. In May, bindweed seedlings are placed in a plot on permanent place, leaving a distance of 20 - 25 cm between planted plants.

When growing bindweed, you need to ensure that the shoots and leaf blades are not covered with rusty spots. When they appear, they should be treated with fungicidal preparations.

Garden bindweed known as unpretentious plant and at good care and when planted in lightly fertilized soil, it can unexpectedly grow to unusual sizes, turning into a blooming mound for the whole summer. Decorate your balcony, staircase or path to the garden with these plants, and you will never get bored with such a neighborhood.

Hi Natasha! I have chosen the time and am writing.
Well, first buy the seeds. I choose pepper seeds that say “thick-walled.” Since you have such weather, then “early-ripening” and “mid-ripening” will probably suit you. Read carefully so as not to buy those that do not have time to ripen.
It is necessary to prepare the soil. I buy ready-made soil for seedlings, but I add ordinary garden soil to it. I mix well so that there are no lumps or pebbles. Sometimes I add sand. The soil should be light and crumbly. Ready soil I do not trust. Unscrupulous entrepreneurs sell soil from greenhouses that has already been used. It contains nitrates, fertilizers, and pests. So, I prepared the soil, I mix it in a basin. Then I fill the containers. I have standard plastic containers, purchased specifically for growing seedlings.
You do not fill the containers to the top, so that you can water them freely and cover them with glass in the first days.
Seeds, right in the bag, I put on the battery central heating, about two hours. They warm up there. Then, I pour the seeds into gauze or a cloth and dip them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, slightly pink, for 45 minutes. They are disinfected there.
Now the soil in the containers must be watered with boiling water, every centimeter. The earth is warm. Now you sit down and pour the seeds onto a chair or stool next to the container.
Next, with a wet match, I take the seeds, one grain at a time, and transfer them to the ground in rows. There is a distance of four centimeters between each seed. Of course, this takes time, but this effort is then justified. The seedlings do not stretch, do not curl, and then diving is very convenient, or you don’t even need to dive.
You lay out the seeds in rows, but don’t bury them yet. This way you can see how the seeds are arranged.
I spread out the seeds. Now they need to be buried. Deepen it slightly with a match. After this, the container must be covered with glass and something on top to create darkness. All. Now you need to check often to see if the seeds have sprouted. Maybe they will germinate on the third day. Follow. As soon as they hatch, the glass must be removed. Look, if you don’t take them off, they will instantly stretch out and then they will be ruined, intertwined and drooped. Now they need light, I make illumination above them from fluorescent lamps. Do you know those long ones? I lower them low, right above the sprouts, otherwise they reach for the light and stretch out. But we don’t need that. They don't need heat either.
In cool weather they will be even and the legs will be plump. You need to water them carefully. Lightly moisten the soil between the rows. Well, that’s all for now. Then they will need to be hardened, and taken out into the cold for a short time. Well, that's later.
With the blue ones, that is, with the eggplants, you need to do the same. Read on the envelope with the seeds "early ripe" and "medium ripe."
Then it will be necessary to dive them. I fill the halves of milk cartons with soil. We buy milk in cardboard bags. Then I wash them, dry them and cut them into two halves. I pour soil into each half. You don’t have to fill it completely, you can fill it halfway. And plant each sprout in this glass and water it as needed. When it gets warmer on the balcony, so that frost doesn’t kill the seedlings, I take these seedlings out onto the balcony. I put them in boxes at home and take them out right in the boxes.
Now you can take your time to plant them. You can wait for the warmth, and the seedlings grow in their boxes. Sometimes I plant peppers already in bloom, sometimes even with ovaries. There's no need to rush. When the threat of frost has passed, you can plant in the ground.
How it's done?. You make a hole in the ground. You take this bag of soil and sprouts and tip it onto your hand. The sprout remains on the hand with a lump of earth. Now you plant it in the hole with this lump of earth. The roots are not injured and grow in the native soil to which they are accustomed.
I wrote from the heart, with details. Now, if you do everything according to my instructions, then everything will grow as it should. Good luck!

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