Do-it-yourself sewer hood in a private house. In what cases is it necessary to install ventilation? Natural ventilation of sewerage facilities

The wastewater that comes from your home ends up in the sewer system. If you live in multi-storey building, then you have such a centralized system. Residents of private houses are forced to make their own sewage system: dig a cesspool or install a septic tank. It’s simply impossible to do without them. As is known, wastewater releases bad smell, which can enter your home. Especially such organic gas is intensively released in summer period under the influence of the sun. Therefore, every resident should think about installing a ventilation system.

Ventilation options


  1. Balanced pressure in the system.
  2. Innings fresh air and its circulation through the sewer system.
  3. Absence unpleasant sound suction of water in areas of low pressure.

Sewer ventilation can be carried out regardless of the number of floors and drain points. the main task- make the diagram correctly. There are two suitable options:

  1. System using a drain pipe;
  2. System using vacuum valves.

To make a choice, you need to consider all the nuances of installing systems. When installing a drain pipe, it is important to comply with the following conditions:

  • the house must have several floors, where drain points are located above the 1st floor;
  • risers must have a diameter greater than 50 mm;
  • the cesspool should be located close to the house.

In other cases, the homeowner may choose simple system ventilation using vacuum valves. But, as experts say, the level of work efficiency sewer system is noticeably reduced if such valves are used exclusively. Since such equipment cannot be a full replacement for a vent pipe, the homeowner must decide for himself whether he needs ventilation sewer riser using a drain pipe, even if according to the rules its presence is not required. After all, using only vacuum valves will not completely prevent the penetration of odor into the house.

The most effective will be a combination of these two options. Can be installed fan pipe and equip the sewer with a vacuum valve. This will come in handy if the drain pipe freezes.

If we talk about the fan pipe, then common benefits You can add correct operation of the sewerage system. If the siphon (water seal) dries out, the unpleasant odor will not penetrate the house. What does it mean?

A siphon or water seal is a barrier that prevents odor from entering the house. It is a curved pipe or channel that is filled with water and extends from sinks, bathtubs and toilets. If the water seal dries out when the plumbing has not been used for a long time, the sewer smell will penetrate into your home. If you have a drain pipe installed, it will be removed through it.

Also, thanks to the installation of a drain pipe, in your sewer pipe a vacuum will not form. Therefore, you will not hear the sounds of air being sucked from the sink or bathtub. Your sewage system will “breathe,” preventing unpleasant odors from entering your home.

What you need to know during installation

To ensure better sealing of joints, the ventilation pipe must be selected from the same material from which the sewerage system is made. But mostly in quality fan boner choose a plastic pipe.

The clamps are attached to the wall along which the pipe runs. At a level of 1.5 m you need to put inspection hatch, in order to clean the pipe. In the ceiling or ceiling, depending on how many floors you have, you need to make holes for the pipe. After the pipe is fixed in the house, it needs to be brought to the roof. There are three options for how you can install it:

  1. Vertically straight.
  2. At an angle of 45˚.
  3. At an angle of 90˚.

In order to bring the pipe vertically, nothing additional needs to be done. If you need to install it at an angle, you need to buy special elbows. The pipe is routed under the roof ridge. After that, all that remains is to carry out work on the roof. You need to secure the outlet of the fan pipe, make a mortgage and put up an umbrella.

The pipe can be lined with insulation. It will provide not only the maintenance desired temperature, but will also play the role of sound insulation. After all the work has been completed, the pipe can be covered with a box so that it is not visible. In the place where the revision is located, it is also necessary to make a hatch to provide access to it.

Alternative method - vacuum valves

Another way to ensure sewer ventilation is to install valves. But it is worth choosing this option in the case when it is technically impossible or cost-ineffective to install a fan pipe.

How does he work? The valve is equipped with a flap that is connected to a spring that has a slight resistance. When the device is closed, the airtight seal prevents air from entering. When a vacuum develops in the system, which can occur when flushing a toilet, flushing water under pressure, or draining water from washing machine pump happens automatic opening valve Then the air in the room passes through the valve into the sewage system, restoring pressure. When the balance is restored, the flap takes the reverse position, hermetically blocking the access of air. In this condition, sewer “odors” will not be able to penetrate your premises. And when the valve opens, the air flow that is sucked into the system prevents odor from leaking out.

But there are some nuances that should be taken into account when installing and using such equipment:

  • unlike fan pipes, vacuum valves cannot ensure complete absence of sewage odor when siphons dry out;
  • such equipment is installed on sockets, but if for some reason it is difficult to install it there, this can be done on any horizontal section of pipes of the sewer system;
  • the main disadvantage of valves is the wear of the rubber seals, which make it airtight;
  • The device requires periodic maintenance: if you smell a smell, you need to open it and fix the problem.

If we talk about installation, the process is simple, and, unlike installing a drain pipe, additional repair work not required. It is enough to simply connect the valve to the sewage system and ensure good sealing of the joint. A regular rubber cuff is suitable for this purpose.

Non-standard methods

If your building has already been built, but you don’t want to make holes in the ceiling, you can resort to alternative methods, which do not contradict standard safety requirements and rules.

  1. Pipe installation according to external wall. This scheme is quite simple and similar to the classical system. It is necessary to install the pipe along outer wall Houses. Its diameter should be 110 mm. It cuts into the sewer, is secured with clamps to the wall and is brought out to the roof of the building. It is important not to install the pipe near windows and balconies. Externally, such a system is very similar to a drain pipe, so general form It won't ruin the house at all. But in this case it will need to be insulated, otherwise freezing is guaranteed.
  2. Installation of the system to the septic tank. This method can be considered the best option from these 3 ways. According to the rules, storage tanks and purification devices should be located 5–20 m from the home. Therefore, by providing ventilation to the septic tank, you can prevent odors from entering the house. Moreover, removing the pipe from the septic tank is easy to do both before and after building a house.
  3. Installation of the system along the fence. The installation principle is the same, the only difference is the distance of the ventilation outlet from the house.

By using such a system, you could harm your neighbors. So, if your fence is located in close proximity to neighboring houses, the sewer smell will reach them.



When building a private house, people sometimes forget about the importance of creating high-quality ventilation for sewerage. The result of this approach is the appearance of unpleasant odors, “gurgling” and other sounds coming from the drain, as well as a number of other troubles.

Many are confident that sewer ventilation in a private house can be perfectly replaced by installing high-quality siphons. In reality, this solution is not always suitable.

Each equipped sewer hood requires the creation in a private house of a separate ventilation duct specifically for drains. Not every person wants to do this and confidently accepts the idea that an expensive siphon is better. After all, its installation is much simpler, even if the cost of the device is higher than creating a sewer ventilation duct.

Therefore, often “suddenly” a whole bunch of problems are discovered related to the regular appearance of unpleasant odors from the sink and bathtub, the “rumble” of water in the pipes every time you press the button on the toilet tank.

The reason for these troubles lies precisely in the peculiarities of the siphon's operation. The standard device is the most common water seal in the form of a bent pipe. The bend is filled with water, preventing gases from escaping from the sewer into the room.

The main reason for the appearance of sounds and unpleasant odors from the sewer is a malfunction of the siphon. The water “lock” does not reach required level, it happens that the water almost completely moves further through the system. The source of problems in this case is the pressure difference in the drain system.

Sometimes, a do-it-yourself sewer system in a private house, due to design errors, completely draws water from the siphons into the pipes due to the appearance of vacuum plugs. You can get rid of them only by installing separate ventilation for the sewerage system.

Is sewer ventilation required for every home?

Building codes for suburban real estate directly indicate that sewerage ventilation in a private house is not required in every case. Houses no higher than two floors can easily get by standard scheme location of waste pipes without arrangement additional systems. The main condition for this is the volume of sewage.

So that a private house has all the conditions for comfortable stay people, it is necessary to install a sewage disposal system. Plumbing fixtures are drained using a vacuum, which pulls recycled water out of siphons. This may release stench into the surrounding area. Ventilation of the sewerage system will help avoid this.

Ventilation of the waste system will ensure:

  • removal of stench from highways, preventing them from entering residential premises;
  • stabilization of pressure in pipes;
  • suppression of noise in the system that occurs when wastewater is discharged.

Organization of ventilation of the sewer system

For laying a drainage system in a private house it is not necessary permitting documentation, therefore its design is often carried out in violation of standards. This causes a disruption in the functioning of the sewer system. To avoid failures in the operation of the system, adherence to construction, as well as sanitary standards and rules developed for residential buildings.

The need to ventilate external treatment facilities

For effective air exchange sewer system, it is necessary to comply with the rules for its installation:

  • if the diameter of the central riser exceeds 50 mm, or the plumbing fixtures are located on different floors of the house, it will be necessary to install a fan main - an end leading outside the building through the roof. It prevents thin air in sewage system, preventing the release of stench into the living quarters of the house;
  • The size of the hole in the fan main must match the cross-section of the riser.

Note: there are no standards regulating ventilation external sewerage mansion, but experts recommend arranging air exchange for external treatment facilities to avoid stagnation.

Stages of organizing air exchange in the sewer system

Based on current standards, we can identify the main stages of organizing sewer ventilation in a cottage:

  • ventilation of the riser, including installation of a vent pipe;
  • organization of air exchange in the external sewage system (septic tanks, sewer pits, VOCs).

Pipe selection

They are used to ventilate sewers. Their advantages:

The diameter of the pipes for sewer ventilation depends on the area and complexity of the house structure. For one-story buildings, communications with a hole of 50 mm are sufficient, for multi-story buildings - from 110 mm.

Rules for arranging a ventilation riser

Each plumbing element is equipped with a siphon, a curved tube constantly filled with water. It is a kind of water seal that prevents wastewater and unpleasant odors from entering the living space. But when there is a strong drain in the sewer, a vacuum occurs, sucking water out of the siphon, which causes stench to spread throughout the house. This situation often arises in a multi-storey cottage with several bathrooms, with simultaneous drainage from different floors.

To avoid this, the ventilation pipe is removed from the house through. The communication must be 4 m above ground level - then when draining there will be no air lock, the water will remain in the water seals, and the unpleasant odor will be removed by the system. For this pipe, even at the design stage of the house, a special shaft is provided.

Tip: if the installation of a (ventilation) sewer pipe was not included in the cottage design, it can be laid along the vertical plane of the wall, closed from the outside plasterboard niche, or a decorative box.

Ventilation risers in a mansion are arranged according to the following rules:

  • the fan line must be at least 30 cm higher than the roof. The minimum distance from the air outlet line to the nearest windows and balconies is 4 m. If the attic in the house is used, the end of the riser is brought to a level of 3 m above the roof. This will ensure that the wind removes unpleasant odors. It is not recommended to install the vent pipe under the roof overhang - ice and snow coming off the roof can damage the structure;
  • a cap/deflector is not installed at the outlet of the air duct; this may cause condensation to form and freeze in winter time;
  • the joining of several ventilation systems is carried out using pipes of the same diameter (usually 50, 100 mm);
  • The air outlet from the sewer is prohibited from being combined with a chimney or room ventilation system.

Please note: following these rules will protect your home from stench from the sewer.

Installation of a drain pipe

The efficiency of removing recycled air from your home largely depends on proper arrangement fan pipe. In modern siphons installed on plumbing fixtures, the water supply is small. If the device is not used for several days, it dries out, allowing air from the sewer into the house.

A fan pipe will eliminate this defect. Through it, the warm exhaust air is discharged outside, causing a vacuum inside the system. A pressure difference occurs due to which the air from living rooms is sucked into the sewer system. The pressure drop inside the lines disappears, and unpleasant odors do not enter the house.

Structurally, the drain pipe is an extension of the riser, so it must be made from a similar section of pipe. To create traction in the communication, its lower exit is arranged in a warm room, and the upper one in a cold room. To allow the vent pipe to exit into the attic, a special sleeve is formed in the ceiling of the house. The gaps between the edges of the hole and the line are sealed. The pipe exit to the roof can be vertical or at an angle.

If there are several risers in the house, they can be connected to attic space a single fan pipe. For this, plastic 45˚ elbows or tees are used.

Installation of Vacuum Valves

If for some reason it is impossible to bring the drain pipe to the roof of the house (due to the specific design of the building, the complexity of the sewer lines, weather conditions), it is replaced with ventilation valves. They are designed to regulate the pressure inside the system.

One is installed on the upper outlet of the sewer riser. It has a spring with little resistance and is sealed rubber compressor. When a vacuum occurs in the air in the system, the valve opens, allowing air into the sewer. After the pressure in the sewer lines has stabilized, the diaphragm closes, preventing stench from escaping from the riser into the living areas of the house.

In addition to the riser, ventilation valves are installed in horizontal sections of the pipeline. Their number and location are determined by the number of connected plumbing fixtures and the length of the highways.

Please note: vacuum valves are not a complete replacement for a drain pipe - they are additional elements sewer ventilation systems. Over time, they become clogged, worn out and require replacement.

Sewer ventilation repair

The presence of problems with air exchange in the waste system is indicated by the appearance of unpleasant odors in the house. The reason for this may be:

  • incorrect installation, or failure of the siphon of one of the plumbing fixtures. Eliminates by reinstalling or replacing this element;
  • malfunction of the water seal. The reason for this may be the use of small-diameter sewer lines or clogging;
  • leakage in the riser;
  • clogging of ventilation ducts.

Sewer ventilation - necessary measure in a private house. The organization of this system will prevent exhaust gases, unpleasant odors, and fumes from entering living quarters and will ensure the comfort of all inhabitants of the cottage.


Using a well-appointed toilet in a private country house is always more convenient than using “facilities in the yard.”

However, in order to prevent the smell from the pipes and septic tank from penetrating into the rooms, you will have to take care of the ventilation of the sewer system.

Ventilation of sewer risers is provided by a system of plumbing devices that pass liquids and air from the bathroom into the sewer system and block the reverse flow of gases and air into the room.

Let's imagine that the sewer system of the house is equipped in the simplest way: all toilets, sinks, bathtubs and bidets are connected to the septic tank by pipes through a common riser. How does such a system work?

When a toilet is flushed, feces end up in the drain and then into the septic tank. The septic tank is not airtight, so the air displaced by feces is released into the atmosphere on the street, and unpleasant-smelling gases are reliably cut off by water in the water seal.

However, this only happens if the volume of flushed liquid is small and does not fill the entire lumen of the riser.

If the volume of liquid is large (for example, when water is released from baths on two or three floors at the same time), a piston of liquid is formed in the riser, descending downwards.

As with any piston pump, this will cause a vacuum of air above the piston and suck water from all water seals of plumbing fixtures into the riser and then into the septic tank.

After such a drain, polluted air with an unpleasant odor freely penetrates through all plumbing fixtures into all bathrooms at once.

This effect is most pronounced when the contents of the septic tank are quickly pumped out into a sewage disposal machine.

The problem is not limited to an unpleasant smell in the house. When feces decompose in a septic tank, gases that are dangerous to humans are formed: hydrogen sulfide and methane.

Thus, ventilation of sewer risers must constantly remove gases from the system into the atmosphere and reliably block their penetration into the room when draining and pumping out the contents of the septic tank.

Ventilation system elements

The sewage ventilation system includes three elements:

  • water seal;
  • air valve;
  • fan pipe.

- this is a device in the form of a U-shaped pipe or channel, constantly filled with water and blocking the access of gases from the sewer system to the premises.

A siphon works on the principle of communicating vessels: when liquid is drained through one vessel, the second vessel overflows and drains into the riser.

After the drain is completed, the siphon remains filled with liquid and reliably blocks access to gases from the septic tank.

The water seal prevents the appearance of unpleasant odors in rooms if the following conditions are met:

  • constant filling with liquid;
  • the absence of decomposing organic residues in the plumbing fixture and in the siphon itself;
  • The gas pressure in the riser must be equal to the air pressure in the rooms.

To satisfy the first two conditions, it is enough to contain all receivers Wastewater keep them clean and periodically fill their siphons clean water if they are not used for a long time. Equality of pressure is ensured by other elements of the system.

- this is a device that allows air into the sewer riser and blocks the flow of gases from the riser into the premises.

In small one- or two-story private houses with bathrooms on the ground floor, it is rare to discharge large amounts of wastewater into a septic tank. In these cases, an aeration valve is quite capable of preventing gases from entering the premises.

Install it at the upper end of each riser (usually in the attic). In this case, the ventilation pipe must be installed on the septic tank, which is simpler and cheaper.

The valve system cannot replace siphons on plumbing fixtures; it only complements them. If the water in the siphons dries out, an unpleasant odor still appears.

This ventilation duct, connected to top part sewer riser and led to the roof.

This element allows you to eliminate unpleasant odor from the sewer in the most radical way.

The drain pipe in a private house performs two functions:

  • equalizes the pressure in the riser with atmospheric pressure when discharging a large amount of waste;
  • constantly removes gases formed in the sewer system, preventing their accumulation and entry into the premises.

A properly designed and installed sewer pipe on the roof almost completely eliminates the possibility of sewer gases accumulating and entering the house.

Only if the siphons dry out does an unpleasant odor still appear, but it is much weaker due to constant ventilation. It is best to use modern plastic pipes, not subject to corrosion.

How to install correctly

For installation ventilation pipe There are two prerequisites for the sewerage system of a private house:

  • the diameter of the risers does not exceed 50 mm;
  • the house has two or more floors and plumbing fixtures are installed on all these floors.

Since the installation of plumbing on the floors is planned in advance in the house design, a ventilation duct for the sewerage must be provided in the same design.

The parameters and installation of the vent pipe are regulated Building Codes and Rules (SNiP 2.04.01-85* “Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings”).

The rules for installing a fan riser are simple.

The height to which the exhaust part of the riser is raised depends on the roof structure. It amounts to:

  • if the roof is flat and unused - 0.3 m;
  • if the roof is pitched - 0.5 m;
  • if the roof is in use (structures are located on it) - 3 m;
  • if the duct is located in a prefabricated ventilation shaft - 0.1 m from its edge.

The minimum distance from the exhaust part to windows and balconies is also limited. Horizontally it must be at least 4 m.

Wind vanes are not installed above the exhaust part of the ventilation risers (clause 17.18 of SNiP), since in winter the a large number of frost from the condensate, as a result of which the channel is blocked.

A deflector can only be installed if the house is built in an area with a warm climate.

Sewage ventilation displayed on the roof separately from any other. The channel can be laid inside a prefabricated ventilation shaft, but it should not intersect with room ventilation or a chimney (clause 17.19 of SNiP).

The diameter of the fan pipe must be the same as the diameter of the riser. As a rule, the exhaust part and the riser consist of identical elements.

If there are several risers, they can be brought into one common exhaust part of the same diameter. In this case, the pipelines connecting the exhaust part must be installed with a slope of 0.01 (1 cm of decline per 1 m of length) towards the sewer risers (clause 17.20 of SNiP).

Any conscientious architect, when developing a house project, provides for the correct outlet of the drain pipe. However, after construction, many owners rebuild private houses, changing the layout. In this case, problems may arise with the correct outlet of sewer ventilation.

If the roof is pitched, it is best to remove the exhaust part at the top of the slope, as is done with a chimney. However, after redevelopment, the toilet may end up in a completely different place. Is it possible to move the sewer hood along with it?

It makes no sense to install a drain pipe at the bottom of the roof slope or even under the roof overhang: in winter, snow coming off the roof can damage it. In this case, the sewer ventilation pipe is brought out under the roof to its upper part and only then is the drain pipe installed.

In this case, the entire ventilation duct must be insulated so that condensation does not freeze in it.

If the exhaust part is slightly displaced relative to the riser, they can be connected with a corrugated plastic sleeve. As a last resort, the outlet for ventilation sewer risers can be made at the top of a blank wall in the backyard.

In this case, the pipe must be brought out through the opening in the wall at a distance of 30–40 cm. If it is brought out into the opening, closed decorative grille, condensation in the cold season will settle over the hole and spoil the plaster.


Ventilation sewer networks systems of a low-rise private house are not difficult to install yourself, subject to certain rules.

When installing plumbing fixtures only on the ground floor, there is no need to install a separate ventilation pipe for the sewerage system. In this case, the water piston effect can be eliminated using air valve installed at the upper end of the riser.

If plumbing fixtures in the house are installed on all floors, uninterrupted operation plumbing is ensured by a properly installed drain pipe. If the rules of SNiP are observed, problems with the operation of the sewer system do not arise.

Not many residents country houses can boast that when high temperature or strong wind the treacherous sewer “spirit” does not penetrate their home. It is clear that organic matter decomposes over time, resulting in foul-smelling gases. Moreover, often each flush of water is accompanied by a kind of gurgling in the depths of the sewer. This is explained by pressure drops in the system and, as a consequence, the formation of air jams. To get rid of all these problems, you will need.

Even more - ventilation is required regardless of the type of sewer, be it individual or centralized, with or without isolation. Thanks to this, not only will a permanent supply of fresh air be ensured, but also normal pressure will be restored, so flushing will not be accompanied by any noise.

Ideally, you should also take care of the hood at the house design stage. In reality, they think about it only when comments are increasingly heard among guests about the persistent amber on the site or in the house itself.

Ventilation schemes

Sewage ventilation can be two types – internal and external. Let's look at the features of each type.

Internal ventilation

If sewer ventilation is thought about in advance, when drawing up a project, then it is often done inside the house. At this time, the riser is displayed on the lid under the guise of a fan pipe, which, as it were, continues it. The diameter of both pipes should be the same; if the riser is 10 cm, then the pipe will also be 10 cm. In addition, the drain pipe should be located away from the windows (at least 4 m) so that unpleasant odors are eliminated in a timely manner.

Regarding the height of the fan pipe, it all depends on the type roofing covering and can fluctuate between 20 cm and 3 m (this is regulated by SNiP). If the roof is flat, then the minimum elevation will be 30 cm, and if it is pitched, then all 50 cm. It is installed on top of the pipe deflector– it will not only enhance natural draft, but also protect ventilation from foreign objects and precipitation. In short, thanks to the deflector, the efficiency of the hood increases several times.

Note! Experts do not recommend combining sewer ventilation with general ventilation. ventilation system or a chimney.

Meanwhile, approaches to several risers at once can be connected. If the drain pipe will be led out of the wall (from the side), then it cannot be installed under the vault, since in winter there will be a risk of ice or snow falling off.

External ventilation

The traditional scheme was described above, which can be used exclusively at the design stage. But if the building has already been built, then implementing such a scheme will be very problematic, so it is recommended to install external sewage ventilation. There are three ways to do this.

Non-standard approach

If you wish, you can avoid such an expensive procedure for arranging ventilation, and instead do it yourself ventilation valve, fortunately its design is extremely simple. There are several ways to make such a valve, but each of them uses only available materials, which should be found in every owner.

Note! The main advantage of the valve is that it can be used to block movement warm air from the septic tank, due to which frost will not appear on the sewer channels. If you use simple risers, then freezing of the pipes is inevitable.

How to make a valve yourself?

It can be done as follows.

  1. Take a spring from an ordinary handle and a self-tapping screw of the appropriate diameter.
    The length of the screw should be 4.5 cm.
  2. Next, a circle with a diameter of 5 cm is cut out of plastic.
    A hole is made in the middle of the circle into which a self-tapping screw could easily fit,
    and the spring at that moment rested against the circle.
  3. Then another washer is cut out, but it is foam rubber and has a diameter of 6 cm.
    A hole is drilled in the center. Both circles are glued together " Super glue».
  4. Next in the tee cover (it is located at the outlet and has a diameter of at least 10 cm)
    Three holes of 5 mm each are drilled. All holes should be 2.5 cm away from the center.
    All burrs are removed, another hole is made in the center using an awl,
    where to screw in the screw.
  5. The entire structure, which was described in the previous paragraphs, is attached to this self-tapping screw.

Functional check

Upon completion of installation you need to check the functionality of the valve. To do this, you need to blow into each of the drilled holes. Ideally, air should pass through them unhindered; if not, the self-tapping screw is turned out slightly to relieve the spring pressure.

Once the test is complete, you don't have to worry about whether the valve will contain gases from the septic tank.

Features of sewer ventilation in a multi-storey building

Sewerage design apartment building must deal exclusively with specialized companies which will take into account:

  • number of floors;
  • method of wastewater disposal;
  • number of drainage points.

Otherwise, the ventilation of high-rise buildings is practically no different from that in a private house. An example project can be seen in the diagram below.

In such buildings, a common riser leading to the roof is also used for ventilation.

Note! For greater efficiency, a vent pipe can be installed on the top floor. It must be connected at the height of the ceiling of the last floor, but not lower than the technical floor (attic).

If it starts apartment redevelopment with a decrease/increase in the number of connections to the common house riser, then you need to draw up a project in advance and coordinate it with the management company. Only after this you can start working, otherwise Unauthorized connection of new devices can lead to deterioration of sewer ventilation throughout the house.

Features of ventilation in the bathhouse

IN in this case main feature lies in the specifics of the room. The point here is the limited size, which is why the riser is often installed in conditions elevated temperature. In this case, the pipe will perform heat exchange with the room, which will cause the temperature of the exhaust gases to increase with their further expansion. You need to think about all this before purchasing a fan pipe and choosing the diameter of the riser.

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By the way, minimum diameter the riser must be 11 cm, otherwise the gases will not be removed from the system in a timely manner and, therefore, will penetrate into the room.

Also Special attention Pay attention to the material used to make the ventilation pipe. It must not only be durable, but also maintain its performance properties under high humidity and temperature changes.

The most common questions

Often people cannot decide to install sewer ventilation. The reason for this may be doubts about the feasibility, as well as some unclear points.

Question one: will ventilation be able to perform its functions in summer time When does organic matter decompose with particular intensity?

Of course he can. Mainly due to heat and air exchange between the septic tank and environment due to the difference in temperature. The water in the sewer will always be warmer. In addition, this also leads to a difference in pressure, due to which the installation will be effectively ventilated.

Question two: why did unpleasant odors begin to penetrate into the house again some time after the ventilation was installed?

The water in the siphons dries out, allowing air to pass through, which can happen if the sewer system has not been used for a long time. This can be eliminated in several ways (we have already examined each of them in detail):

  • install a ventilation valve;
  • attach the fan pipe;
  • change siphons to used ones O bigger ones

Question three: if the riser is not insulated, will it freeze in winter?

The drains, we repeat, are always warmer than the air outside, so the riser will not freeze in any case. The main thing is to use the sewer regularly. Although in some regions the riser is still insulated (if it is located outside), using several b O bigger pipe. But this issue needs to be discussed with specialists.

As a conclusion

Sewage ventilation will provide maximum comfort residence and will prevent the penetration of unpleasant odors, but only if the work is properly designed and carried out. Perhaps you can come up with your own, more simple diagram ventilation – share it in the comments, users will be interested to know about it.

Video - Sewer ventilation in a private house

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