Growing orchids at home: rules for planting and care, reproduction, photos and videos. Terms and requirements

Before purchasing a tropical beauty orchid, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the rules for growing it. For most widespread species, they are not particularly complex. It should also be remembered that growing an orchid at home should begin with selecting a suitable location.

Growing conditions

Growing orchids at home is only possible if the appropriate conditions are created. Failure to comply with at least one of them will lead to a lack of flowering, and possibly even to the complete death of the plant.


Orchids – tropical plants, so they need a high level of illumination. But since they are in natural conditions located in the lower tier tropical forest, then the light for them should be diffused. On average, for full development, they require at least 16 hours of daylight. Therefore in winter time It is advisable to organize illumination for them using special phytolamps.


The optimal temperature for growing orchids is 22–27 °C during the day and 18–22 °C at night. Reducing the temperature below +18° is not recommended. Orchids can withstand minor deviations from the above temperature regime, but it’s better not to abuse it. Such conditions will be stressful for the plant, so it may get sick.

Choosing soil and pot

In nature, orchids are epiphytic plants. This means that for full growth and development they do not require the presence of a regular one. For normal life, they only need a special substrate consisting of pieces of bark and moss. Experienced flower growers prefer to compose it themselves, but this requires certain skills. Therefore, it is easier for novice orchid growers to purchase a ready-made option.

The main purpose of an orchid pot is to keep the plant upright and retain moisture. Therefore, any container of suitable volume can be used as it. The main thing is that it contains a large number of holes for air access and drainage of excess water during irrigation. It should also be transparent. This is due to the fact that the process of photosynthesis occurs in the roots of orchids, and light is required for it.

Features of growing in a closed system

Recently, growing orchids in. For this purpose, special flasks and vases are most often used. The most orchids can be planted in them various types. This method of growing has many disadvantages. The most important of them is difficult care and a high risk of fungal infections. Among the advantages, it is worth noting that an orchid in a flask or transparent vase will become stylish decoration interior, as well as the fact that this method of cultivation will provide significant savings in time when watering.

Growing in water

In addition to the usual substrate for growing orchids, it can also be used water environment. It fully corresponds to their natural needs. Growing orchids in water involves using. Among its advantages, it is worth noting that there is no need for watering. This technology for growing orchids has its own characteristics, so at home it is used mainly by experienced gardeners. Also, the hydroponic growing method is very often practiced in industrial cultivation and breeding.


The main secrets of growing orchids lie in following the rules of care. Healthy, well-developed plants are almost not susceptible to diseases and are very rarely affected by pests. They are problem free almost all year round.


But it is also possible with intensive plant development. In this case, the root system no longer fits in the pot, and some of the roots begin to hang over the edges. Orchid roots are very fragile and break easily, so replanting in most cases is carried out by transshipment.

To do this, the plant is carefully removed from the pot. From its roots, carefully remove that part of the substrate that crumbles on its own. After this, the orchid is placed in new pot. Its size should be slightly larger than the previous one. After carefully distributing the roots, the spaces between them are filled with fresh substrate. It is not recommended to water the orchid the first two times after transplantation. Then watering is gradually resumed.


Growing orchids requires fertilizing. Achieve without this abundant flowering will not work. It should be borne in mind that orchids are very sensitive to even a slight excess of fertilizers. Large amounts of nitrogen are especially scary for them. Even a single application of too much of this element can lead to the complete death of the plant.

Only specialized compounds should be used. In them, the balance of essential nutrients is at a level that is comfortable for plants. There are quite a large number of liquid fertilizers designed specifically for orchids. Before using them, be sure to carefully study the attached annotations.

Pest and disease control

Although growing an orchid is not particularly difficult, sometimes certain problems can still arise. Of the most important orchids, the following should be noted:

  • whitefly;

The fight against the first three species on the list is exactly the same. Insecticides are used to destroy them systemic action. For home conditions, the most applicable is “Aktara”. It is odorless and has a long-lasting protective effect. It is produced in the form of a highly water-soluble powder. 10 days after the first treatment, additional spraying must be carried out. This allows you to almost completely eliminate the possibility of re-spread of the pest.

Important! Destruction spider mite should be done using special drugs– acaricides. Conventional insecticides are ineffective against it.

The following drugs are suitable for killing spider mites:

  • fitoverm;
  • actellik;
  • commander;

They should be diluted and used in strict accordance with the attached instructions. After 10 days, the treatment must be repeated. To ensure that the mite is as effective as possible before use chemicals It is recommended to rinse the plant thoroughly under running water first running water, and replace the substrate in the pot with fresh one.

Spider mites on an orchid


Most orchids are rotten of various origins. They most often occur when growing conditions are violated. For example, even a single flood can damage the root system. And also in orchids, the root collar area is very often affected.

The fight against rot involves the use of fungicidal preparations. They proceed as follows:

  1. The plant is removed from the pot.
  2. All damaged areas are cut out with a sharp knife.
  3. The cut areas are treated with charcoal powder, bark powder or foundation.
  4. The plant is transplanted into fresh substrate.

You cannot water the orchid at this moment. First, the sections obtained as a result of processing must dry. Usually the first one is carried out no earlier than a week later. To prevent the plant from losing its precious supply of moisture from the leaves during this time, it is placed in a small greenhouse. At the same time, it must be ventilated several times a day.

Phalaenopsis orchid, which cannot be cared for at home special labor even for novice gardeners, it is an epiphytic plant from the rainforests of Australia and South-East Asia. The flower owes its name to its resemblance to a butterfly, which was noted by the head of the German botanical garden Carl Bloom.

Phalaenopsis orchid: growing features

Certain features of its cultivation at home are associated with the natural growing environment of the butterfly orchid:

  • A pot and soil for phalaenopsis orchids are required as support.
  • Finding roots in the air and under good lighting, which promotes photosynthesis, is ensured by selecting the right location and light substrate;
  • Availability aerial roots requires the gardener to constantly monitor the plant in order to exclude the possibility of them feeding from pots with other indoor crops.
  • Possibility of plant flowering three times throughout the year due to the absence of a clearly defined resting phase.

Home care

To be the happy owner of a frequently blooming and healthy plant, you must adhere to certain rules for caring for an orchid that resembles a moth.

Location and lighting

The flower needs a lot of soft light, which the plant can receive from windows in the western and eastern directions. If the window faces south side, then during the peak of solar activity, slight shading is created using a loose curtain to prevent spots indicating burns from appearing on the shoots. To ensure that the plant maintains symmetry and does not tilt to one side, the orchid pot is rotated around its own axis twice a month.

Important! During the budding period, the flower should not be disturbed.

What soil is suitable for phalaenopsis orchids?

The substrate for cultivating a flower can be purchased at a flower shop, as in finished form, and individual components, the main of which is moss.

When preparing the mixture yourself:

  • Two days before planting the orchid pine bark soaked in clean water for swelling.
  • A drainage layer of expanded clay or small pieces of foam is placed in the pot.
  • Large-fraction parts of the bark are placed on top.
  • The last layer is prepared from fine bark mixed with crushed moss.

Watching television programs about tropical flora, we are always surprised by the riot of colors and shapes of plants growing in those latitudes. Did you know that there are many plants from tropical latitudes that can be quite successfully kept at home, and they will delight you no less than those on the TV screen? In order to prove this, let’s take, for example, an orchid, a flower that amazes with its originality and at the same time ease of cultivation.

Even though they are considered capricious plants, many flower lovers, both professionals and amateurs, These grow on windowsills without any difficulty. For successful cultivation When growing orchids at home, you need to initially prepare well, and then everything will go as planned and will be simple and easy. It is necessary to prepare several things: soil, containers for the flower, fertilizers. Most flower shops have all this in abundance. You also need to study information about watering, lighting, and replanting. It is not necessary to go into detail, but general information needs to be studied.

What should the lighting be like?

What always attracts us in any flowers is, of course, the bloom itself. So how to grow an orchid at home, and even so that it blooms? This requires a large amount of light. Moreover, lighting plays a major role here. The most important thing is to find golden mean, because if there is too much light, the flower will just burn, and if there is a lack of light, the plant will not bloom at all. The question immediately arises: how to determine this golden mean. Here the flower itself will tell you. If there is not enough light, the leaves will be dark green (should be light), and if there is too much light, the leaves will begin to turn yellow.

Features of watering plants

Along with lighting, watering is also important. In nature, orchids never grow in water; their roots cannot tolerate excess moisture and standing water, so extreme care must be taken with watering. The frequency of watering is influenced by factors:

  • length of daylight hours;
  • the size of the container in which the plant is located;
  • watering and fertilizing;
  • other external factors, such as air dryness and ambient temperature.

The plant will immediately respond to a lack of moisture with dark green leaves, and to waterlogging yellow leaves and rotten roots.

Frequent watering is required only during rapid growth or flowering. Watering should be done as follows. It is necessary to water the plant in the shower warm water so that the soil is completely wet and the water completely flows out through drainage holes. Only after the water has completely drained can the plant be placed back in the pot.

Selection of soil and container

The choice of pot for favorable growth flower. Mainly used:

  • transparent plastic containers;
  • clay pots;
  • baskets.

Some types of orchids from the epiphyte family are planted on a block. The block can be a piece of bark, and to prevent the roots from drying out, moss is used to retain moisture. They mostly sit on the block miniature species or seedlings.

Now let's look at the soil. The selection of substrate depends on which variety you want to grow. If it is an orchid from the epiphyte family, then the soil will mainly play the role of supporting the plant in an upright position, protecting the roots from excess moisture and provide them the right amount air. The substrate should consist of pieces tree bark, coal, cork, moss, clay in granules and absolutely no garden soil, in general, from those components that do not retain moisture. It's also possible adding coarse sand.

Any container that can hold the substrate of the required composition is suitable as a flower pot. For growing terrestrial species we will need a substrate of the same composition as for epiphytes, but with the addition small amount garden soil and dried leaves. All components must be well ground. It is best to use plastic transparent containers with drainage as a pot. To hide the untidiness of the containers, you can always put the flower in decorative flowerpot. It is both beautiful and practical.

For beginners, we can recommend buying ready soil in stores, rather than preparing it yourself. Sometimes they even write on the packaging what type of substrate this or that substrate is for. After gaining some experience, you can try to prepare the soil for terrestrial orchids independently from a soil mixture for epiphytes, moss and garden soil.

Optimal temperature for the plant

Most plants require daytime temperatures from +18 to +27 degrees, and at night from +13 to +24 degrees. One of the most important conditions for flowering is the difference between night and day temperatures. At central heating Moving a warm-accustomed plant to a cooler place overnight can cause good results. The plant may send out a flower stalk. Orchids prefer air humidity of 60–80%.

If these indicators are lower, then they can be achieved by placing a tray with a grate under the pot. Such pallets can be purchased either at gardening stores, or you can make them yourself by pouring water into the bottom and laying a large layer of gravel on top. The main thing is to ensure that the roots do not touch the water.

In dry weather, spraying with a spray bottle will be useful. You just have to time it so that the plant has time to dry out before nightfall. Plants are very air movement is also important. Especially for cold-loving species. For this you can use electric fan. But it is worth protecting the plant from strong drafts. While blowing on the plant, it is worth increasing the frequency of watering the flower.

Fertilizer selection

For abundant flowering, regular, balanced feeding is required. It is best to do it once every two weeks. Best to use specialized fertilizers for orchids, which can always be purchased at flower shops. The rules for preparing fertilizer are usually written on the packaging.

Under no circumstances should you use fertilizers that are intended for other plants. This can lead to illness or even death of the flower. It is also worth remembering that during the rest period you should reduce the frequency of fertilizing. Sooner or later, the plant will need to be transplanted into a new pot. It is best to do this after the plant has flowered and rested a little. The signal for this is the green part of the plant growing beyond the pot. It is important to remember that there is no need to replant if the root system has simply protruded above the surface of the container.

Not everyone decides to propagate orchids at home, as this is associated with a number of difficulties. There are two ways to propagate a flower: division during transplantation and seeds. Propagation by seeds is considered impossible, since the plants have pollen-sized seeds and require absolutely sterile conditions for germination, since even the slightest microbes can destroy them. Therefore, if you don’t have a mini-laboratory at home, then you shouldn’t try. Reproduction by division is also difficult, but still quite possible. And if the new plant develops a system of roots and leaves, then within a year it will delight you with flowers and become a wonderful decoration for your home.

Plants in pots refresh the interior of an apartment or house. It is difficult to imagine a home without small islands of greenery on the windowsill. Particularly pleasing to the eye exotic flowers, which are reminiscent of hot countries. Caring for an orchid at home requires special skills, since it is quite capricious. However, the result will exceed all expectations and will repay the efforts expended - the plant blooms for a long time and at this moment resembles an exquisite bouquet.

Features of the life of an orchid in its natural habitat

Orchids grow on every continent except the snow-capped Arctic and Antarctic. Largest quantity their varieties are found in the tropics. These flowers love warmth and moisture.

Mentions of orchids can be found:

  • among ancient Greek scientists who considered the plant medicinal;
  • among the Indians, who brewed aromatic drinks from their pestle;
  • among the peoples of Southeast Asia, who used them to drive away evil spirits from their homes.

There are more than 35,000 species of orchids. Flower color varies from white to purple and black.

Orchids are also divided into groups:

  • terrestrial plants;
  • underground;
  • living on tree branches.

The most popular in flower shops is the Phalaenopsis orchid. IN wildlife it grows in China, Malaysia, the Philippines, in the foothills of the Himalayas and even in Australia.

It belongs to a group of plants that live on trees. Most of their roots float in the air, receiving moisture from it. Sometimes thickenings are formed on them, reminiscent of tubers, in which nutrients accumulate.

Rules for caring for flowers at home

It should be remembered that Phalaenopsis was brought from warm countries, and therefore requires warmth and well-humidified air. This orchid clings to trees and grows in the shade of their crown, which hides the leaves of the plant from direct sunlight.

You need to stick a strong long stick into the pot, which will serve as a support. Ordinary land Cannot be used for growing orchids. Stores sell special soil for this flower.

Proper care of orchids at home is not difficult, you just need to follow the basic rules.

Correct lighting

As already mentioned, in summer it is better not to place the flower in bright sun. It will scorch the tender leaves. The light should be diffused, so it is better to choose window sills facing east or west for the plant.

In winter and autumn, when the days are short and it gets dark outside the window early, special lighting is necessary, otherwise the leaves of the flower will begin to turn yellow and the buds will not bloom.

A tropical day lasts more than half a day, so you need to think about how to compensate for the lack of sunlight. For one flower, a 40 W light bulb is enough, installed so that enough light falls on the leaves and inflorescences.


Caring for orchids at home is simple in terms of temperature control. The apartment is always warm enough, but there are two dangerous factors.

  1. Air conditioner. It dries out the air sharply and after using it, you need to additionally spray the plant. Under no circumstances should you place an orchid under a running air conditioner.
  2. Draft. The flower does not like hypothermia, so the plant should be removed from the windowsill when the room is ventilated.

If an orchid stops blooming, it needs a little stress. By reducing the daytime temperature to +12 °C, and lowering the night temperature by another couple of degrees, you can achieve bud formation. Having noticed them, you should not abruptly interrupt the previous regime.

It is necessary to switch to normal room temperature gradually so that the buds take hold and soon turn into buds.

Air humidity

Tropical climate is different high level humidity. The usual rate is 60 to 70%. In apartments and houses it is much lower, especially during the heating season.

Frequent spraying from a spray bottle will help maintain a microclimate suitable for the orchid. Moreover, the water should be room temperature and well-settled. Moisten the leaves and stem, avoiding inflorescences, at least 3-4 times a week.

If the air is too dry, you can buy a humidifier and place it in the room where the plant is located. The device will benefit not only him, but also the people living in the apartment.

Regularity of watering

Caring for orchids at home involves a number of tricks. The flower can be planted in a non-standard clay pot, but in a transparent plastic one, through the walls of which the root system is visible. It is easy to make several slits in it and do not water the soil from above, but place it in a bowl with water for 5 minutes. So the roots will absorb required amount moisture, and its excess will not be created.

If the walls of the pot are opaque, the orchid should be watered as soon as upper layer the soil will feel dry to the touch. It is important not to flood the flower. IN natural environment The roots take the necessary amount of moisture from the tree bark when it rains.

If too much water accumulates in the pot, the flower's roots begin to rot, causing the leaves to turn yellow and the flowers to drop.

Many people are quite successful in dealing with this problem. The orchid must be carefully removed from the ground and inspected. root system and cut off the rotten parts. It is better to replace the soil with new one, because the old one remains too wet and can negate all efforts to treat the flower.

In the cold season, watering the orchid should be reduced, and in the summer, on the contrary, the condition of the soil should be checked more often. If the orchid does not have enough moisture, all its leaves will become thinner, and the lower ones will turn yellow and fall off. When the regime is restored, it will quickly come back to life, but it is better to avoid such a situation.

Soil requirements

If indoor orchid belongs to the group of terrestrial plants, such as Cymbidium, then caring for it at home will be somewhat different than for Phalaenopsis. Soil composition for different types these plants are noticeably different.

Flowers growing on trees do not require soil containing nutrients, but the soil must allow excess moisture to evaporate quickly.

The best option is to buy soil for orchids in the store and add several components to it:

  • pieces of expanded clay or foam;
  • sphagnum moss;
  • oak or pine bark;
  • seed husks;
  • charcoal;
  • perlite

All these elements will loosen the soil and increase air flow to the roots, which has great importance for Phalaenopsis. You should not mindlessly mix all the ingredients in the hope that the orchid will immediately begin to bloom magnificently.

The main secret of selection suitable soil– experimenting with different proportions of additives. A healthy looking flower will show that the right composition has been chosen.

Elements require thorough water and thermal cleaning. First, they are washed and the moss is soaked for a day to get rid of insects. Then additives that can be processed at high temperatures, dried in the oven. These actions will rid the plant roots of the fungus that multiplies in moist soil.

Cymbidium living on the ground will require nutritional supplements in addition to regular soil. Leaves of non-poisonous plants and a mixture of peat and charcoal.

Feeding and fertilizing

Growing an orchid at home in a limited amount of soil requires special care. Cymbidium should be fed from time to time to create comfortable conditions for growth.

Standard nutritional supplements for indoor plants not suitable for orchids. They need instant ones mineral fertilizers containing phosphorus, nitrogen and iron. They promote leaf growth and flowering, and also give the plant immunity against pests.

Some orchid owners also use organic additives, such as pieces of banana skin. However, it is difficult to calculate the required amount of such feeding. Its excess causes the process of rotting of the plant’s root system.

It's safer to stop at ready-made fertilizers, among whom is in demand and has positive reviews orchid stick. It, impregnated with mineral additives, is inserted between the soil and the wall of the pot. When watered, it gradually dissolves, feeding the flower.

Transplanting a plant

Any orchid requires replanting every two years. During this period, the components included in the soil are destroyed, complicating the ventilation of the roots. In addition, the plant may outgrow its pot, and then its roots will begin to protrude outward. This leads to a lack of mineral salts even with regular feeding of the soil.

The orchid is carefully removed from the pot, shaking off the roots from adhering lumps of soil. It is not advisable to replant a flowering plant, but the process will not cause much harm to it. Next, the flower is moved to bigger size pot with fresh moistened soil.

The main problems when growing orchids

A plant can get sick even if the conditions for its cultivation are strictly observed. Caring for orchids for beginners necessarily includes studying manuals and instructions. They contain recommendations experienced florists and information about the characteristics of the flower.

As already mentioned, flooding the roots leads to their deterioration and falling leaves. Appearing on the green yellow spots may provoke direct Sun rays. If the soil components are not properly treated, a fungus develops in it, leading to the destruction of the root system. Withered leaves they talk about a lack of moisture and too dry air.

Orchids are quite unpretentious; caring for them is not difficult if you know the basic rules and take into account the specific climate in which these flowers grow in nature.


Scientists conducting experiments to study the vital functions of flowers believe that they communicate with each other by impulses and feel the thoughts of the owner.

This sounds a little fantastic, although how else can we explain the reason why it is rare flowering plant dissolves on its owner’s birthday or other memorable date? It, like any living creature, feels the love directed towards it and tries to please the person who cares about it with lush green leaves and bright inflorescences.

Well-groomed orchids growing on a windowsill demonstrate the attentiveness and responsibility of the owner and decorate any room.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman, and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently helping to promote projects virtual reality. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions here that charge you with positivity and give inspiration. In my spare time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate you with a new hobby or simply give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about something beautiful, then it will come true!

To supply the plant with the necessary nutrients During the growing season there are special fertilizers.

  • At the end of summer, pseudobulbs begin to ripen and flowers begin to appear. At this time, you should reduce the temperature to 4-6 °C and reduce watering.
  • In autumn and winter, orchids enter the dormant and flowering stage (?). Many species bloom at the beginning of the dormant period or during dormancy. In winter, care involves increasing lighting and decreasing watering.
  • We talked more about the secrets and intricacies of caring for orchids at home.

    What types are available for home maintenance?

    Certain types of orchids grow well indoors:

    • Cattleya;
    • phalaenopsis;
    • Cambria;
    • Wanda;
    • denbrobium;
    • zygopetalum.

    Attention: The most popular at present is the most unpretentious and adaptive type of orchid - phalaenopsis.

    How is the plant grown commercially?

    Mainly on Russian market orchids grown in greenhouses and greenhouses in Thailand and Holland are sold(you can find out more about what to do after buying an orchid and how to care for it at home). Recently, growing orchids in a greenhouse has become common practice. From the moment the plant is planted until it appears on the shelves, it takes about a year. Growing orchids is possible in several ways:

    • vegetative (dividing parts);
    • “kids” (bulbs);
    • family (from seeds);
    • generative (due to tissue division in laboratory conditions).

    The plant growth process begins from the “baby” stage:

    1. The “babies” are placed in trays in which they grow for 30 weeks under the supervision of greenhouse workers.
    2. Next, they are manually transplanted into a transparent pot, in which they will grow directly in the greenhouse.
    3. A label with information about the plant (type, color) is placed on the pot and sent to the greenhouse, where they will be grown for 10 weeks.
    4. Then the orchids are moved to the workshop and placed in a special plastic pot, in which they stay for 16 weeks.
    5. After this period, they are placed in a larger pot and remain in it until the peduncle begins to grow (3-4 weeks).
    6. On last stage orchids are placed in a special “cold” part of the greenhouse, with a temperature of 19°C.

    The general rules for growing orchids are: good system ventilation, providing air at the proper temperature and humidity; sufficient lighting to increase the efficiency of the photosynthesis process; provision of quality soil and fertilizers.

    What conditions should there be for domestic species?

    1. . Orchids vary in their heat-loving qualities. Domestic species prefer average temperature: in summer - 18-23 °C, in winter 15-18 °C.
    2. Humidity. For irrigation, settled (soft) water is used, which is several degrees warmer than the room temperature. moderate is preferable - from one to three times a week during the growth period, so that the roots do not begin to rot. Water should not stagnate in the soil. Air humidity should not exceed 70%; if it is insufficient, the plant must be sprayed with a spray bottle.
    3. Lighting. Orchid is a light-loving plant. In the summer, it feels great on a slightly shaded window sill - to avoid getting burned, a special opaque film is used (you can find out about the best place to place orchids in an apartment). To intensify cultivation in winter, orchids are illuminated with artificial lighting lamps.

    Important: With a lack of light, the leaves become lightened and stretched.

    Read more about the rules and conditions for keeping orchids in.

    Step-by-step instructions for beginners on how to grow a flower correctly

    Preparing the soil and container

    A plastic (preferably transparent) or ceramic porous pot with sufficient space for the root system, equipped with holes for water drainage, is suitable as a container. The bottom of the pot is lined with a drainage layer (small pebbles, tile chips).

    The soil substrate should consist of components that do not retain moisture: moss, pieces of tree bark, coal, cork, granulated clay. Garden soil is not added to the soil.


    • From the root (or by dividing the bush). How to grow a plant from a root? Division is usually combined with a planned transplant of an adult bush. The plant is completely removed from the pot, the roots are cleared of soil. The main (large) bulb is determined and divided sharp knife so that at least 4 pseudobulbs remain on each part. The sections are treated with charcoal and dried. Each plot is planted in a separate pot. At first, instead of watering, it is carried out.
    • Bulb orchid. How to grow it from bulbs that are purchased in the store? All small pseudobulbs are cut off with a knife; The sections are powdered with charcoal and the bulbs are placed in moss.
    • From a cutting. A shoot (10-15 cm) with two or more aerial roots is cut from the plant with a sterile knife. The sections are treated with fungicide and charcoal. The cuttings are placed horizontally in Plastic container filled with moss. When roots appear, the cuttings are planted in pots. The procedure is carried out in the spring.
    • From baby. The baby appears on the stem when high humidity and temperature (over 28°C). The baby separates when its leaves reach 3 cm in size and is wrapped in moss. As soon as a root grows 5 cm from the base of the baby, it is placed in a pot with soil. It usually takes about six months for a baby to grow its own roots. You can stimulate the birth of children using hormonal drug– cytokinin paste.
    • From seeds. The most labor-intensive and rare way to grow an orchid. The seeds ripen for 8 months, then are germinated in a sterile flask lined with moss or filled with agar-agar base. If the seed has sprouted (it takes from 3 months to a year), the seedlings are planted on a mixture of pine bark and moss, on which they can wait about a year to be transplanted into a pot.

    Difficulties and difficulties

    Diseases and pests

    When grown at home, orchids are attacked by pests and may even get sick.. Let's consider what harms the health of flowers:

    • scale insects (appear on the leaves dark spots and mucus);
    • mealybug (leaves turn yellow and fall off);
    • whitefly (the plant is dehydrated).
    • powdery mildew (flowers are covered with a white coating);
    • anthracnose (characterized by the appearance of brown spots);
    • rot.


    1. To maintain proper humidity, a special watering technology is recommended: a flower pot is placed in a container filled with water; when the soil is saturated (after 3-5 minutes), the container is lifted and placed on a wire rack to allow excess water to drain through the drainage holes.
    2. An orchid needs to be planted at a medium depth, since when planted low, the buds begin to rot, and when planted high, the plant remains unstable in the pot. In both cases, growth is stunted.
    3. It is better to replant an orchid in a state of new growth, when it has bloomed and rested a little. It is necessary to remove all damaged and soft areas and treat the cuts with charcoal. After transplantation, it is not recommended to water the plant for a week (after 3 days you can start spraying).
    4. To scare away flower midges You can place a clove of garlic in the pot.
    5. Orchid roots participate in photosynthesis, so the best option The container for planting will be a transparent pot.
    6. Cultivation should begin with disease-resistant and standard-care species.
    7. It is introduced during the months of active development along with watering.


    The splendor and incredible variety of orchid flowers do not leave indoor gardening lovers indifferent. The beauty of orchids requires great attention in care and requirements for growing conditions, without which the plant may die.

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