Veh poisonous hemlock. About the healing properties of the milestone

Veh poisonous(Cicuta virosa) is a very poisonous plant of the Umbelliferae family. Many people confused this plant with angelica, and its young shoots are also very similar to gooseberry (an edible wild plant).

Once I saw an article in the newspaper, it talked about several water tourists who were poisoned by this plant. By mistake, they took it for an edible wild plant. After eating the root, several people died. This is very dangerous plant from which it is better to stay away. I advise ignorant people not to touch plants of the umbrella family with their hands at all. Let's talk in more detail about the poisonous plant.

Veh poisonous-perennial herbaceous plant, smells like celery (the smell is deceptive). The plant blooms in July-August. It has a thick root. According to legend, Socrates was poisoned by hemlock.

Where does poisonous weed grow?

Hemlock, or poisonous weed, loves wet wetlands, very often grows right in a pond (near the shore), and is found in swamps. This plant cannot be found in dry meadows

Chemical composition of the plant

The plant contains the alkaloid cicutotoxin, which can paralyze breathing, the alkaloid cicutin, essential oils, etc.

How to distinguish this plant

This plant is very easy to identify by its rhizome. The root is very thick, divided by partitions into separate chambers. The plant is very easily pulled out of the ground. The stem is hollow. The leaves are on long petioles, doubly pinnate, and below are triply pinnate. Umbrellas with 10-20 smooth rays (flowers).Hemlock root has a sweetish taste (according to rumors).The rhizome is the most poisonous part plants. Especially in spring when the concentration of poison is maximum.

Symptoms of poisoning

After 15 minutes, vomiting begins, abdominal pain, dilated pupils, depression of cardiac activity, very rapid pulse, convulsions, respiratory paralysis.. A very dangerous plant

First aid

Gastric lavage, give laxative and Activated carbon.And urgently to the hospital. There is already infusion therapy, glucocorticoids (hormones), hemosorption (blood purification).

The plant is used in folk medicine. Only an experienced person can use it. A very, very poisonous plant.

Hemlock is widespread in the territory of Eastern Europe, as well as in the northern parts Western Europe, Asia and North America. In Russia - almost everywhere.


Hemlock (Cicuta virosa) or poisonous weed belongs to the Umbelliferae family. Other names for hemlock are also known: wood hemlock, hemlock, water rabies. The plant has an external resemblance to angelica and angelica.


The hemlock plant (pictured) has a hollow, smooth stem with branches at the top.

  • It is thicker at the base and gradually thins towards the top.
  • The stem is covered with pinnately dissected leaves of rich green color on long petioles.
  • Narrow and long leaves with a jagged outline become pointed towards the edge.
  • The leaf size is 2-8 cm in length and almost the same in width.
  • The smell of the leaves is reminiscent of celery or carrots.
  • A bush 50-150 cm high is formed by large lower leaves and smaller leaves at the top.

The perennial herbaceous plant has a thick, large root that resembles a turnip or celery. In spring it is dense and round, and in autumn it is oblong with hollow chambers.

Numerous succulent shoots with a diameter of up to 5 mm extend from the central root. Most often they are white with water in color.

A thick rhizome with several transverse partitions on the cut helps to accurately identify the plant and not confuse it with others. When cut, the rhizome emits a spicy smell. When cut, oily, bright yellow juice appears on the partitions.

Flowering and fruiting

During the flowering period, which occurs in July and August, white umbrella inflorescences with a diameter of 6-12 cm are formed. There are 10-12 small flowers with five petals on one ray. Hemlock flowers are bisexual and have stamens.

Flowering ends with the formation of small, compressed, round-shaped fruits about 2 cm in size. Fruiting occurs in August-September. Subsequently, the fruit splits in two. In the middle of the semi-fruits there are seeds with the help of which the plant reproduces. Larks and quails use vekha seeds as food.

Where does hemlock grow?

Hemlock grows in swamp mud, therefore it is found in lowlands, wetlands, marshy and damp meadows, river backwaters, and in shallow water near the shore. In dry areas, the poisonous weed does not take root.

The distribution zone of hemlock covers the marshy areas of Europe and North America. Often found in Ukraine and Belarus. In Russia, Vyo is widely distributed throughout the entire territory, except for the Arctic. climate zone and the subtropics of Crimea and the Caucasus.

Poisonous properties of the plant

Hemlock is considered a highly poisonous plant. The whole plant, both fresh and dried, is dangerous. Vekha leaves contain alkaloids and flavonoids. The roots contain the highest concentration of toxic substances, which increases in the spring. Juice yellow color(cicutoxin), found in the root, is a potent poison that is dangerous to humans and animals. A special feature of cicutoxin is that the effect of the poison does not decrease after drying and heat treatment. It can only be destroyed by exposure to concentrated acids.

Also found in the root are cicutol, flavonoids quercetin and isorhamnetin, essential oils, and cumic aldehyde. The most poisonous cicutin is distributed in the leaves and stem of the plant.

What to do in case of poisoning

Poisoning occurs due to ignorance, when hemlock is confused with celery or in cases of self-medication. The toxic substances contained in hemlock begin to act a few minutes after entering the body due to rapid absorption.

Signs of poisoning include

  1. nausea,
  2. vomit,
  3. abdominal pain,
  4. dizziness
  5. convulsions.

The process is accompanied by disturbances in the functioning of the heart, a decrease blood pressure, weakness. The action of the poison is directed to the central nervous system and motor activity, which leads to paralysis and death.

The victim can be helped by washing the stomach with activated carbon or manganese solution, which will stop the absorption of the poison into the blood. Sour and strong drinks that can cause vomiting and a cleansing enema are used. An enema can be replaced by taking a saline laxative - sodium sulfate and magnesium. The drug is diluted in boiled water at the rate of 30 g per 2 glasses of water. Mustard plasters on the back and shoulders are also effective. A colloidal solution of tannin is also considered an antidote. After providing first aid, the patient needs a medical examination.

If leaves and stems of the plant get into the hay, animals can be poisoned. They experience increased salivation, upset stools, and bloating of the abdominal cavity. In some cases, the head and eyes become distorted and convulsions begin. Possible death.

To save the cattle, they do gastric lavage and induce vomiting. In order to prevent poisoning, wetlands where hay is harvested are drained and plowed. Plant remains are removed and burned.

About the healing properties of the milestone

Due to its toxicity, hemlock should be used with caution. In folk medicine milestones is used exclusively as an external remedy. Ointments and tinctures based on it help with rheumatism, arthritis and gout, treatment skin diseases. Compresses with hemlock infusion relieve inflammation in the lymph nodes.

Contact with the plant should be avoided, so collection during the flowering period is carried out in rubber gloves. After touching the grass, be sure to wash your hands with soap.

There are known cases of healing of many cancer diseases. Active substances, contained in the plant, affect only cancer cells and block their division. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor in compliance with the dosage.

Extracts from herbs are included in the composition medicines. A calming effect of cicutin was noted after administration in small doses. The substance helps reduce urine output, reduces attacks of epilepsy, treats mental disorders and bronchial asthma. It has a sedative, analgesic and narcotic effect.

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Syn: poisonous hemlock, cat parsley, dog parsley, cow poison, water hemlock, water hemlock, dog angelica, omega, gorogol, carrot grass.

Veh poisonous, also commonly known as poisonous hemlock, is a perennial toxic herbaceous plant up to two meters in height with complex pinnately dissected leaves and small white flowers collected in an umbellate inflorescence. In small doses it can have a sedative effect, has a hypotonic and mild diuretic effect.

The plant is poisonous!

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Flower formula

Formula of the poisonous vekha flower: O3+3T1,2P(3).

In medicine

Vekh poisonous is not a pharmacopoeial plant and is not listed in the Register medicines RF and is not used in official medicine. However, despite the high toxicity of the plant, it is used in folk medicine and homeopathy. It has been experimentally revealed that poisonous vekh in non-toxic doses can have a hypotonic effect, reduce blood pressure and slightly increase urine output.

Contraindications and side effects

Vekh poisonous contains the strongest neurotoxins. When poisoned by a plant, the first symptoms appear within minutes. A headache begins, then abdominal pain, accompanied by nausea and prolonged, uncontrollable vomiting. Among the symptoms of poisoning with poisonous weeds, there is a decrease in skin sensitivity, imbalance, chills, pupils dilate, coordination of movements is impaired, then clonic-tonic convulsions develop, tachycardia, thick saliva is released abundantly, and foam comes out of the mouth. If assistance is not provided, poisoning can result in death from respiratory arrest or ventricular fibrillation. The person who has been poisoned should immediately call ambulance and, without waiting for her, rinse the stomach, give activated charcoal and give a cleansing enema. Consequences of milestone poisoning may include recurrent seizures that usually subside within 24 to 96 hours, retrograde amnesia, muscle weakness and anxiety.

Veh is poisonous to both humans and animals. A dose of only 200 g of fresh rhizome is lethal for cattle; a quarter of this dose is enough for small animals. Lethal dose for a person depends on his weight, only 50 mg per kilogram can lead to tragic consequences. Animals are most often poisoned by the weed in the spring, when its rapidly developing juicy greenery especially stands out against the background of others. field herbs. People are poisoned by the plant, deceived by its leaves, similar to the foliage of parsley or carrots, and the root of the plant resembles rutabaga or parsnip in appearance and taste. The poison of the plant is not destroyed by heat treatment and long-term storage.

Treatment poisonous milestone extremely dangerous. Constant small overdoses can lead to the appearance of ectopic foci of excitation in the myocardium and, as a consequence, to heart failure. Poisonous milestone can only be used after prior consultation with your doctor. It is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, children and adolescents, the elderly, patients with heart failure and hypotension.


Vekh poisonous (lat. Cicuta virosa) is a perennial herbaceous water-loving plant from the genus Vekh (lat. Cicuta). The genus belongs to the Umbelliferae family, also known as Apiaceae. The genus Vekh is not numerous - it includes only four species of plants, including the poisonous Vekh.

Botanical description

A perennial herbaceous plant, poisonous, has a dense, almost rounded vertical rhizome, hollow inside and divided into chambers, planted along the entire length with cord-like white roots, up to 0.5 cm thick. The stem of the plant is also hollow, smooth, finely grooved and branched, reaches a height of one and a half meters. The leaves, located on long petioles along the entire length of the stem, at the base and in the basal rosette, are complex, pinnately dissected with elongated lanceolate-linear lobes, a serrated edge and a sharp apex. Five-petalled white-yellow or white-green flowers are collected in an umbellate inflorescence with a diameter of up to 12 cm. The formula of the poisonous flower is O3 + 3T1,2P (3). The fruits of the poisonous vek are white, round, two-seeded.

Poisonous hemlock is sometimes mistaken for spotted hemlock. In order not to be mistaken, it should be remembered that the hemlock has a blue tint and on its lower part there is a powdery coating and dark red spots.


Veh poisonous - moisture-loving plant. It can be found along the banks of lakes, rivers, streams, in meadows, fields and swampy areas, in acidic, clay soils. This type found throughout Eastern Europe, in the north of Western Europe, in North America and Southwest Asia, China, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Japan and the Korean Peninsula. In Russia it grows everywhere. The plant is listed in the Red Books of the Rostov, Samara and Saratov regions.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

Since the root of the vega is the most toxic, it is safer medicinal raw materials serves as a poisonous milestone herb. They prepare it by wearing gloves and long sleeves to avoid getting the plant juice on the skin, since such an oversight can lead to poisoning. After harvesting, be sure to wash your hands with soap. Children and teenagers should not be involved in collecting raw materials. Finished raw materials are stored separately, in tightly closed boxes.

Chemical composition

The aerial part and rhizomes of the poisonous plant contain a toxic substance - cicutoxin. In dry roots it is up to 3.5%. Also found in the plant are alkaloids, essential oils, which contain pinene and felandrene and essential oil cicutol. The flavonoids isorhamnetin and quercetin were found in the aerial part of the poisonous plant.

Pharmacological properties

The main active ingredient of the poisonous milestone is an amorphous cicutotoxin, which has a convulsive effect and affects the nervous system in a matter of hours. This resinous substance is soluble in alcohol, ether and chloroform, as well as in boiling water. Its main deposits are concentrated in the rhizome of the plant. During drying, the concentration of cicutotoxin increases. In animal experiments, it was found that cicutotoxin excites the spinal cord and the convulsive center, as well as the vasomotor center of the medulla oblongata and the vagus nerve, increases reflex excitability, affecting blood pressure, respiration and heart function.

In small doses, the poisonous herb depresses the central nervous system, reduces motor activity and blood pressure, and acts as a sedative and slightly increases urine output.

Scientists do not consider poisonous wech as a raw material for medicines, since cicutotoxin is extremely dangerous. In experiments on mice, it has been proven that its effects are comparable to those of potassium cyanide. The minimum toxic dose for humans is considered unknown. It is worth saying that in medicine there is big choice medicines whose medicinal effect is comparable to medicinal effect toxic limit or exceeds it, and at the same time these products are safe for humans. The effectiveness of the use of poisonous milestone in cancer diseases has not been scientifically proven.

Use in folk medicine

Vekh poisonous is still used in folk medicine and homeopathy. Healers prepare infusions and ointments from the herb of the plant. Tincture of poisonous milestone is considered an anticonvulsant, diaphoretic, expectorant and sedative. It is suggested to be used for convulsions, paralysis, epilepsy, psychosis and stuttering, for bronchial asthma and whooping cough, as well as for rheumatism, gout, and angina. Sometimes herbalists suggest taking poisonous milestone tincture for cancer according to a special, complex scheme.

In the form of compresses, the tincture of the plant is used for hardening of the mammary glands and inflammation of the lymph nodes. Ointment with poisonous veins treats arthritis, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, dermatitis, and ulcers.

Homeopaths offer poisonous veh for migraines, dizziness, epilepsy and tetanus convulsions.

Treatment with poisonous milestone is extremely dangerous and official medicine strongly recommends avoiding its use, especially internally.

Historical reference

The properties of the poisonous plant have been known since ancient times. It was previously believed that the great ancient Greek philosopher Socrates accepted his death by drinking a cup of hemlock poison, but, according to modern scientists, clinical picture death of Socrates, restored according to detailed description Plato, corresponds rather to poisoning with spotted hemlock.

Vekh poisonous was used in both ancient and medieval medicine. The Codex of Salerno contains recommendations for the use of the plant for inflammation of the eyes, gout, and purulent rashes. It is used in homeopathy, but even the founder of the doctrine, Samuel Hahnemann, wrote about the milestone this way: “Cicuta will be useful in those rare, mainly chronic cases where no other medicine is found that is homeopathically appropriate for the patient...”.

There are many tragic cases of poisoning with poisonous weed. Children especially often suffer, sometimes confusing the plant with other edible ones, and sometimes making pipes from its hollow stems. Often adults bring a toxic substance into the house, mistaking it for wild parsley or celery. In Agatha Christie's detective stories, you can find several cases of murderers using hemlock for their criminal purposes.


1. I. A. Gusynin “Toxicology poisonous plants", Moscow, "OGIZ-Selkhozgiz", 1974 - p. 55-56.

2. N. Maznev “Encyclopedia of Traditional Medicine”, Moscow, “Martin”, 2004 - p. 45.

3. "Atlas" medicinal plants USSR" edited by N.V. Tsitsin, Moscow, "State Publishing House of Medical Literature", 1962–106 p.

In slow-flowing waters and ditches, on swampy banks of rivers, lakes and ponds, in wet and damp meadows throughout almost the entire territory of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, poisonous hemlock grows.

It's grassy perennial up to 1 meter high with a thick fleshy rhizome of turnip-shaped or round shape, growing in swamp mud. to his appearance it looks like celery or turnip root, has a pleasant smell and taste, reminiscent of parsley. The hemlock rhizome is easy to recognize. When you cut it lengthwise, you will notice that inside it is divided by transverse partitions into separate cavities, or chambers. Amber-yellow oil stains are visible on the partitions.

The stem is bare, branched upward, with a reddish coating, having shortened hollow internodes. The base is relatively thick and then thins out to the point of branching. The stem leaves become smaller as they approach the top.

Hemlock blooms in July-August. Hemlock flowers are small, white and have five petals, five stamens, one queen with two free styles. Placed in a complex umbrella of 10-15 main rays. Each of them in turn ends with a small umbrella. At the base of the umbrella there are 8-10 narrow linear leaves forming a spathe, but at the base of the main umbrella there are no such leaves or only 1-2. This feature is characteristic of hemlock and distinguishes it from other plants of the Apiaceae family.

Flowers in complex umbels are bisexual and staminate. Staminate flowers are rare in the main umbel; lateral flowers are found inside. They differ from bisexuals by incomplete development or underdevelopment of the ovary style. In bisexual flowers, the calyx teeth are clearly visible.

The fruit of hemlock is two-seeded, 1.5-2 mm long, slightly flattened on the sides, round, with flat ribs. When ripe, they split into two separate fruits.

Signs of hemlock poisoning

Hemlock is a very poisonous plant, its poisonous properties vary depending on the time of year and climatic conditions.

The most poisonous part of hemlock is the rhizome. In spring, it contains up to 0.2% of a toxic substance - cicutotoxin, which acts on the human medulla oblongata and spinal cord. When poisoning with hemlock, first a sweetish-mealy taste is felt, and then a bitter taste. Irritated gastrointestinal tract with nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. Poisoning is accompanied by disturbances in the activity of the heart, dizziness, general weakness, convulsions, loss of consciousness during convulsive attacks. The poison acts mainly on the nervous system. Death occurs within 10 hours from respiratory paralysis.

Hemlock (veh poisonous) photo:

They are poisoned by hemlock mainly due to the fact that the hemlock rhizome is considered celery root. A very dangerous plant for animals when they eat it. fresh stems and leaves or when parts of the plant fall into the hay.

Accidental admixture of hemlock in animal feed causes salivation, bloating, diarrhea, distortion of the eyes, neck, head, convulsions and even death. In case of hemlock poisoning, it is necessary to perform gastric lavage and induce vomiting.

To prevent hemlock poisoning, wetlands are dried out, plowed up, the plants are pulled out with roots and burned.

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(Cicuta virosa L.)

The ancient Greeks thought that the spread of cancerous tumors resembled the claws of a crab, so they called this disease “the crab-like disease” -karkinos. In Latin - cancer. In Russian medical terminology, the term “cancer” was finally established in the 16th century, when some Russian authors began to write: “in Polatyn - konsar, in German - kreps or der krevet, in Arabic - sarton, and in Russian - cancer.”

These were already the times of “Domostroy” (1550), compiled by the famous associate and spiritual mentor of Ivan IV, Sylvester. “Domostroy” set out for the Russian people the basic rules of communication in relation to the “spiritual structure” (religious instructions), the “worldly structure” (about family relationships) and “house structure” (economic recommendations). Here is what Domostroy recommended for a sick person:

“If God sends illness or some kind of sorrow to someone, then heal yourself with God’s mercy, and tears, and prayer, and fasting, and almsgiving to the poor, and true repentance, and thanksgiving and forgiveness, and mercy, and unfeigned love for everyone.”

In the same 16th century, in herbal medicine (and then they were treated mainly with herbs), the hypothesis about the so-called signature became widespread, according to which in order to cure a particular disease, it was necessary to find a plant whose appearance similar to a disease. It was believed that nature itself gave the corresponding parts medicinal plants one form or another so that people can special labor understand hidden in the plant healing powers and use this particular plant to treat a particular disease.

The rhizome of the poisonous plant with many roots also “looks like a crab.” Apparently not by chance, but by some kind of predestination from above, this “twin” of the cancerous tumor became the mortal enemy of the “crab-like disease”.

Veh poisonous (Cicuta virosa L.) - popular name omega poisonous, omega water, marsh prince, hemlock, is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Umbelliferae family with smooth branched stems and pinnately dissected leaves (outwardly similar to carrots) with a height of 0.6 to 1.2 m. The rhizome is short, 20-60 mm in diameter, divided by transverse partitioned into separate chambers, with many roots with a diameter of 3 - 10 mm, up to 20 cm in length. It blooms in June - August, bears fruit in August - September.

Growing vekh poisonous in all regions of the European part of Russia, in Siberia, in Far East, rarely in Central Asia and in the Caucasus, in damp swampy places, in flowing swamps and along the banks of small rivers.

Vöh is one of the most poisonous plants in the world flora.. The entire plant is poisonous. The rhizome and roots of the vekha contain up to 2% of the alkaloids cicutoxin and cicutol, as well as a non-toxic yellow essential oil, which includes n-cymene and cumic aldehyde; flavonoids - quercetin and isorhamnetin - were found in the vekha grass. The lethal dose of the main alkaloid of Vekh - cicutoxin - is 50 mcg per 1 kg of weight. Chemical formula WITH 17 H22 O2. Animals avoid it - just eat one stalk - and it will be fatal.

It's hard to get milestones. This is due to the inaccessibility of the growing areas and the little knowledge of the plant - rare herbalists know it by sight. All this taken together gives the milestone the mysterious aura of a miracle cure for cancer. It has long been noted: the more mysterious and incomprehensible the medicine, the more difficult it is to “get” it, the “stronger” and more healing it is. And this is true for the milestone.

Vekh has long been used in traditional medicine Greece and Rome, the countries of the East and in folk medicine of Russia. The Salerno Health Code states healing effect hemlock for external use against gout, for “pain in the ankle”, “purulent rashes”, inflammation of the eyes, etc.

The great ancient sage Socrates (469-399 BC), who left us his famous: “I know that I know nothing,” was accused by the denunciation of one of his fellow Athenian citizens of the fact that “... he does not recognize gods that the city recognizes and introduces other, new gods,” after three months in prison, the man sentenced to death drank a cup of pounded poisonous hemlock and remained immortal for eternity.

....After 2400 years, they found the grave of Socrates: in the preserved bowl there were remains of poison.

IN last years there has been a clear shift public opinion in favor of alternative medicine. There are many folk recipes, healers, herbalists. This is a massive hobby traditional medicine is explained by the fact that many patients are disappointed in the effectiveness of chemical, artificially synthesized drugs and radiotherapy, which kill all living things. Needless to say, these drugs work actively and oncologists have achieved some success in destroying the tumor itself. But patients also pay a huge price for this! That is why not only patients, but also many doctors, prefer to be treated with herbs, without daring, however, to officially recommend them to patients, since most anti-cancer plants are not listed in the State Pharmacopoeia.

Cancer is a disease, not a natural outcome of life. The trouble is that early stages Cancer, in the vast majority of cases, does not manifest itself in any way. But apparent prosperity is only an appearance. WITH certain point the body transforms into a new quality - into a state of fighting a malignant tumor. Computer analysis showed that most often this corresponds to the period when the number of tumor cells reaches a certain “critical mass.” However, during this period the immune system is no longer able to cope with the disease on its own: help is needed.

Veh is a strong antimitotic poison! Possessing cytostatic antitumor activity, it is capable of not only inhibiting tumor growth, but also causing the breakdown of malignant cells, thereby removing the excessive burden of cancer intoxication from the body. The mechanism of the antitumor effect is explained by the ability of drugs from the milestone to block cell mitosis at the metaphase stage, at the very beginning of karyokinesis (division of the cell nucleus). The use of a milestone is advisable regardless of the location and type of tumor.

Vekh also has high antimetastatic activity: by delaying tumor growth, it simultaneously finds metastases that have “scattered” throughout the body and destroys them. None of the polychemotherapy regimens, and especially radiotherapy, have such antimetastatic activity. Treatment with Vekha drugs does not contribute to relapse of the disease even after surgery. The disease recedes for many years.

And finally, everything is completely harmless, prophylactic against cancer. It must be remembered that the “sword of Damocles” of cancer hangs over every third person on Earth. Since the time of Hippocrates, medicine has been fighting cancer only by discovering it, but targeted cancer prevention must be carried out. To each healthy person It is necessary to undergo a course of anti-cancer treatment with a milestone at least once a year.

It should be added that vekha preparations are low-toxic.

At drug treatment malignant tumors According to polychemotherapy regimens, one has to put up with the inevitable toxicity of the drugs: not only the rapidly proliferating tumor tissue is damaged, but also normal tissue. First of all, these are the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, hair follicles, immunocompetent organs - liver, pancreas, spleen, thymus, etc. Massive chemotherapy and radiation therapy causes significant inhibition of bone marrow hematopoiesis, leading to shifts in the leukocyte formula.

Vekha medications do not cause any changes in how you feel, and laboratory data have not changed significantly and do not require correction.

Method of treating cancer with Vekha tincture.

Only practicing phytotherapists and herbalists know how to prepare tincture or extractum from rhizoma vekha, as well as unguentum, suppositorium and applications from the plant.

For the treatment of patients different stages development of the disease, the author has developed and used the following methods for many years:

  1. Preventative gentle technique is based on the generally accepted folk treatment scheme “slide”. Taking medication begins with one drop and the dose taken is increased by one drop daily. On the 20th day it reaches a peak of 20 drops, then gradually decreases to one drop on the 40th day of taking the medicine.
  2. Working treatment method differs from prophylactic not only in the dose size - it is more than twice as high, but also in the medication regimen. The medicine is taken 2 times a day - morning and evening. Treatment begins with 2 drops and with each dose the dose increases by one drop, reaching 22 drops in the morning on the 11th day. Then there is the same smooth decrease and on the 20th day the course ends at 3 drops.
  3. Enhanced immune technique sometimes it is extremely necessary for the patient. At the fourth stage of the disease, when there is no longer any hope (this is when many patients turn to a herbalist), you can try to stop the disease. However, it must be borne in mind that an overdose of the drug can create conditions for the emergence of ectopic foci of excitation in the myocardium, leading to distortion of the heart and the occurrence of circulatory failure.

Scheme of enhanced immune technique

Attention! A single dose of 25 drops is a lethal dose!

Take 30 minutes before meals in 50 ml of boiled water at room temperature.

Overdoses are unacceptable!

To accept or not to accept everything? This issue must be decided by the patient himself. Anyone who believes in medicine will be cured!

“There is something noble about healing strong poison: poison does not pretend to be an innocent medicine, it says so: I am poison! watch out! or or! And we know what we’re getting into,” writes A.I. Solzhenitsyn in the story “Cancer Ward”.

Nature gives man the opportunity to live! The main thing is not to get tired of life! Fight for life constantly! The result of the struggle, sometimes exhausting, with varying success, is, if not a cure, then a long-term “truce” between the body and the tumor. In this case, the patient and his main enemy- cancer, as with any chronic disease, coexist together for years.

Remember, there is hope for those who have nothing else!

“God did not create death and does not rejoice in the destruction of the living, for He created everything for existence, and everything in the world is salvific, and there is no harmful poison, and there is no kingdom of hell on earth,” says Scripture.

Kalinin G.P.,

director of Kemerovo

consultation center


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