Do-it-yourself insulation of a well with a wooden caisson. Insulation of a well for uninterrupted water supply to the house in winter

Exists Alternative option insulation - conservation. This is the process where a well is closed for winter time of the year. Therefore, you have two ways to solve the question of what to do with the well in winter.

Winter is a cold time, when the owners of dachas are faced with the issue of a well, summer residents think: preserve it or simply insulate it and use the well in the winter season. Here comes the dilemma.

Insulation and conservation have their advantages. Insulating the well will provide you with an uninterrupted supply of water even in winter. You will be able to use running water and take water from a well. If you are preserving, you will no longer be able to use water. The well is tightly closed and access to it is stopped. The water supply that goes from the well to the house will be closed.

Insulation of the well should be done in the warm season.

To decide whether to keep your well for the winter, answer 2 questions:

  • Will you live at the dacha permanently in winter?
  • Do you have an additional source of water supply other than a well?

If you are going to live in the country permanently and you do not have any additional source of water, then definitely insulate the well. This way you will provide yourself with water supply for the winter season.

The temperature at which water freezes is 0 degrees. Make insulation so that the water does not freeze, through the supply to the well, so that you can use water in a private house. Or do everything possible to close it for the winter.

Insulation materials in the question of how to insulate a well

There are several methods and materials with which you can insulate a well with your own hands. The most the main task- this is to prevent the well from freezing.

In order not to get into trouble in winter due to a non-working well, it is better to think about insulating it in the summer and spring.

The following materials are used as insulation:

  • Sawdust;
  • Dry tree leaves;
  • Straw;
  • Peat;
  • Hay.

Using each insulation material separately will not be effective. They are additional material, which prevents the well from freezing.

Use as additional insulation natural materials.

Natural materials are not 100% protected from moisture. If they get wet, their effectiveness decreases significantly. That is why it is necessary to consider these insulation materials from the point of view of additional ones. Mineral wool insulation and polystyrene foam as secondary insulation should be used as the main well insulation. Thermal insulation material is used when the well is characterized by high level groundwater. You can read the advice of summer residents about this. The operation of their wells in winter was in full swing.

To insulate a well, you should use different ways insulation. The most effective is the use of natural materials together with “artificial” ones in the form of mineral wool insulation and polystyrene foam. This combination of materials will prevent the well from freezing in the cold winter.

5 steps on how to insulate an outdoor well

In order to insulate a well on the street, it is necessary to make a series of step-by-step actions, which will not allow the water to freeze right at the source. Therefore, even in the winter season you can enjoy pure water.

Materials from industrial production. In this case, during insulation, it is necessary to leave a gap between the well pipe and the thermal insulation at a distance of 4-6 centimeters. The gap will help protect the well from freezing in winter.

5 steps of insulation:

  1. Cover the riser with a metal mesh at a distance of 5 cm from the pipe;
  2. Put on a metal casing;
  3. Leave a gap between the casing and the mesh to place the insulation there;
  4. Fill with natural materials: sawdust, leaves, hay;
  5. Place a tin tray under the valve, which should extend beyond the metal casing. It must withstand a slope so that moisture does not get inside.

Use a combined method of insulating a well for the winter.

This way, you will insulate your well, and the water from the source will not freeze even in the winter season.

To insulate a well, use only high-quality casings and pipe meshes. Do not take nets that have a wide cut between the cells. This will worsen the insulation performance. Better use new materials, and then your insulation will serve you well in winter.

What is preserving a well for the winter?

When they talk about insulating a well in winter, the topic of “preservation” comes up. This is an alternative option for a well for the winter.

Conservation is the process of closing a well. That is, the well must be covered. To implement it, you need to adhere to a certain plan and then conservation will be successful.

Conservation occurs as follows:

  1. Preparation: take it out pumping station, water column, disconnect the pipe and hose;
  2. Carry out chlorination of the well;
  3. We cover the well with a sealed cap - cap;
  4. We secure the head with bolts.

To keep your well clean, chlorinate.

Chlorination should be carried out at the rate matchbox bleach in a bucket of water. A bucket of water, in turn, is poured per bucket per meter of well. Bleach will help burn out all the organic matter. It could be natural debris various kinds bacteria and insects.

This way you will preserve the well for the winter. This will help it stay clean in the winter; debris and insects will not get into it from the ground from a draft, which can even come from inside the well. Carry out canning, and then your well will be clean by the beginning of the spring season of your country house.

Do-it-yourself insulation of a well for the winter (video)

In order to get uninterrupted water into your home even in winter, you should take care of the condition of the water source - the well - in advance. It is advisable in the summer that you have natural materials for insulation. This will help you drink water from natural sources even in winter. If you do not want to insulate the well, then you can simply mothball it. Then it will remain clean until the next summer season.

Examples of well insulation for the winter (photo)

Owners country cottages And country houses, located far from civilization, often face the problem of water supply. In some areas, an artesian well is the only accessible source drinking water.

The water from the well does not contain harmful impurities, is clean and tastes quite pleasant. But this security option drinking water It also has its drawbacks.

Materials and methods of insulating a water well for the winter

Since such a water supply system does not have constant pressure, the water in it can stagnate and freeze in winter. In order to avoid this problem, it is necessary to insulate the water supply structure before the onset of cold weather.

Well insulation work is not classified as increased complexity and each homeowner can carry them out independently. It is only important to choose the right material and method of thermal insulation.

The amount of insulation depends on several factors:

  • climate of the region and depth of soil freezing;
  • level of location of ground water heating;
  • quality warm insulating material.

How to insulate a well using natural materials?

In areas with a mild climate, you can insulate a well using improvised means - sawdust, straw, dry leaves, top peat. This easily accessible and practically free material will protect your plumbing system from freezing. The only thing that needs to be taken care of is to ensure that such a heat insulator is protected from rotting by constructing a water barrier.

Work order.

Dig a pit around the device and fill the resulting hole with sawdust. If you add not just sawdust, but mix it with liquid clay, then when the solution hardens, you will get not only a heat-insulating layer, but also a strengthening one.

It’s even easier to insulate water well layer of dry leaves and straw. When rotting, such material will release some heat. But such a heat insulator is very short-lived and after 2-3 years the insulation layer will have to be renewed.

The entire process of insulating a well for the winter is divided into several stages. First of all, the casing pipe protruding from the well is insulated. To start It is recommended to wrap it in metal or plastic mesh , leaving a small gap, which is subsequently filled with sawdust or leaves. In order to protect the structure from moisture, it is necessary to lay a layer waterproofing material(you can use regular roofing felt).

What is caisson insulation?

A caisson is a thermal insulation structure built around a well. The material for its construction can be reinforced concrete, wood, or plastic. For insulating a well that does not require the installation of additional hydraulic equipment, an ordinary plastic barrel for 200 liters.

Work order.

For the construction of a heat-insulating box, galvanized iron is also used, which is used to wrap concrete rings. Then the device is securely fixed and covered with insulation.

How to insulate a pipe using an electronic heater?

This method of insulating a well with your own hands considered the most effective, but at the same time it is also the most expensive. The heater, operating on the principle of underfloor heating, is mounted near the well. A heating cable made of fiberglass insulation is wrapped around the casing. The entire structure must be properly insulated and protected from precipitation.

The heater can also be mounted inside the casing. In this case, you need to select the required power and lay the cable in accordance with the rules for installing such devices.

Installing such a structure requires special knowledge and skills, so it is better to entrust this work to professionals.

How to make a casing pipe with your own hands?

Another option for insulating a well. However, if you choose this method, you will not be able to place any hydraulic equipment in the immediate vicinity of the pipe head. But if available surface pump, this is not required.

Work order.

  • A pit with a depth of at least 2 m is dug around the casing pipe.
  • The pipe turns around heat-insulating material, for example, mineral wool.
  • A larger diameter pipe is placed on top of the resulting structure.
  • Produced backfilling pit.
  1. The construction of a caisson is by far the most quality technology insulation of wells. This allows year-round use of the well even in the most severe frosts. In addition, with this method of thermal insulation, all hydraulic equipment is located outside the living space, which saves space. But on the other hand, the construction of a full-size caisson is quite expensive for the owner.
  2. If you plan to use the well only periodically, for example, only on weekends, then in this case it is best to resort to using a heating cable. Within 5-10 minutes after turning it on, you will be able to fully use the water supply.
  3. In regions with a mild climate, the water supply can be insulated with a casing pipe with a heat-insulating filler.
  4. If you do not plan to use a water well at all winter period, That it just needs to be preserved: lubricate, wrap the head with rags and wrap in polyethylene.

It is better to insulate a water intake well during the warm period, since this will be quite difficult to do in winter. Good insulation water supply is considered an issue no less important than its arrangement. This is especially true for those regions where the construction of such structures is the only option for obtaining clean drinking water.

Well insulation is an important and responsible issue. It is especially relevant in those corners of Russia where human life directly depends on well or well water, and freezing of a source of drinking water will become a very big problem. This article suggests how to insulate a well for the winter.

What is well insulation

Proper well insulation depends, first of all, on the quality of materials, climatic conditions area, what the groundwater level is, where insulation is planned.

When insulating a well, it is necessary to ensure its sealing.

If the winter in the place where the well is located is mild, and the temperature is not very low, then the following are well suited for insulation:

  • Natural ones include straw, sawdust, dry leaves, high-moor peat, etc. Their advantages are low price and availability, and the disadvantage of most is the tendency to rot and loss thermal insulation properties as a result of moisture absorption, and, as a result, the need for replacement in a year or two.
  • These materials are used for insulation of wells located only in sufficiently warm climatic zone, where winter temperatures rarely drop below 10-15 degrees.

During a harsh winter with deep freezing of the soil and loss of large quantity precipitation, you need to use heat and waterproofing materials.

They may be:

  • Polystyrene.
  • Penoizol.
  • Glass wool.
  • Basalt wool. This material is characterized by high thermal insulation, which is used to insulate residential premises. But the disadvantage that you need to be aware of is that cotton wool absorbs moisture well. This leads to the fact that when insulating it, it is necessary to use waterproof materials. At the same time, the price of well insulation increases significantly.

Advice: The thickness of the insulating layer of any material must be at least thirty centimeters, which will guarantee the expected effect.

More reliable insulation will occur if between outer part leave a gap of three to four centimeters between pipes and insulation, which will create the effect of a thermos and increase the frost resistance of the well system.

How to insulate a variable-use well

If a mistake was made when insulating the pipe, the difficulty of the situation is that it will begin to freeze from the inside.

The instructions indicate that this can be prevented:

  • With regular use, devices that freeze inside the walls will be constantly washed with water, which will protect the system from complete freezing.
  • If variable use, the risk of “icing” is very high, and even a well-insulated pipe will not be 100% protected.
  • In this case, you need to use a special heating equipment- any heater of low power.
  • You can use special thermal cables.
  • If financial possibilities allow, it is better to use floating freeze sensors; they turn on the heater when a certain temperature is reached. It will be effective and economical.

Advice: The above insulation methods should only be used for areas that fall within the soil freezing zone. Before insulating a well, you need to clarify the freezing depth top soil land.

Features of the work

Before you insulate a well for the winter with your own hands, you need to:

  • Cover the riser metal mesh, covered with a special metal casing.
  • Create a thermos effect. To do this, the space between these structures is filled with a layer of sawdust.
  • It is better to place a shallow vessel or tin tray with a slight slope and a branch behind the casing structure under the tap, valve. This is necessary to protect the thermal insulation layer from moisture penetration.

The most vulnerable to freezing is the section of the pipe that starts from the depth of soil freezing and ends in the house. To protect it you need to:

  • Take a special one with a diameter of more than 100 mm technical pipe.
  • Place it inside water pipe along with the cable from .
  • Wrap the technical pipe with a heating cable; its temperature is set according to the ambient temperature.
  • As the temperature decreases, the heating time of the pipe increases. The operations performed almost completely eliminate accidents associated with freezing of the well pipeline.

What is a caisson well

If there is no well connected to the house, then you can use the caisson well method. A caisson is an underground well with sealed walls. It is located in the ground and serves as protection for the well from groundwater, flood water and freezing.

The device consists of:

  • Bunker.
  • Necks.
  • Luke.

Polymers, steel and reinforced concrete are used for manufacturing. Minimum height The caisson should be two meters, the diameter should be one meter.

Caisson obstructs downhole equipment sudden change temperature. The depth of the pipe and connecting hoses should be from 1.5 to 2 meters from the surface.

Features of caissons made of reinforced concrete rings:

  • They must have good sealing on the water pressure side.
  • Before installing the device, a specially prepared base is arranged.
  • After installation, it must be closed with a lid. It is usually made of metal or wood. It is better to give preference wooden structures hatches, they retain heat more.
  • The disadvantage of a reinforced concrete caisson is that it is very heavy, which causes significant shrinkage of the structure. The cost of the structure increases due to its large weight, which requires installation additional use lifting equipment - crane.

Features of metal caissons:

  • The material for their manufacture is Sheet steel, 4 mm thick.
  • Dimensions metal caisson are selected depending on technical equipment, which will be located in it. Usually this:
  • basic ;
  • additional backup pump;
  • sensors indicating pressure;
  • filters;
  • pumped storage tank;
  • outlet pipes;
  • automation.
  • Before insulating a well, a steel caisson must be treated outside and inside with special anti-corrosion materials.
  • Externally, this equipment also requires additional layer waterproofing.

Features of polymer caissons:

  • The wall thickness is at least two centimeters.
  • Such caissons are mounted on cement screeds, and around the devices a gap of 2 to 4 cm is left between the well wall and the side wall of the caisson.
  • The walls of the well are secured with a cement screed.
  • The gap left between the caisson and the walls of the device is provided to prevent deformations in the structure during soil movements and movement melt water.
  • For a polymer caisson there is no need to install additional waterproofing.
  • Before installing the caisson, it is necessary to remove the soil, the height of which is the same as that of the caisson. The width of the recess is made slightly larger than that of the mounted structure.
  • Subsequently, it is mounted and welded onto casing pipe sleeve.
  • The gaps after installing the caisson must be filled with earth and compacted.
  • The upper part of the caisson is closed with a hatch cover insulated with foam plastic.
  • The end of the process is the insulation of the outlet pipes with waterproofing materials.

Insulation with electronic heater

The most effective, but most expensive way to insulate a well is to install a small heater near the device.

Features of the installation process:

  • Heating wires are wrapped around all pipes and the pump, as shown in the photo.

  • Fiberglass insulation is used to make the heating cable.
  • A small heater, insulated with thermal insulation material, is installed near the well.
  • The wires for powering the equipment are located in corrugated plastic pipes.

Tip: When installing such equipment, it is very important to provide ventilation. In its absence, the system may overheat and fail.

How to insulate the water supply for the winter can be seen in the video. This article proposes only some methods for insulating wells. When asked how to insulate a pipe from a well to a house, each owner decides for himself, taking into account his material capabilities and the purpose of the device.

Owners country houses You've probably at least once encountered or heard about problems with a well that can arise in winter. However, most people do not know how to deal with them, how to troubleshoot problems, and invest in equipment repairs every time.

We suggest you get rid of these problems once and for all by answering the question of how to insulate a well with your own hands.

Where to begin

The insulation process is quite scrupulous; it must be approached with all responsibility. And the first thing to understand is that work should be carried out long before the first frost, preferably in late summer or early autumn.

This will help you one “fine day”, when the temperature drops to minus 15 degrees at night, to avoid a lack of water in the house.

A well failure, which happens in most cases after freezing, will result in you not only being left without water, but also losing your entire water supply system.

Available options

Do-it-yourself well insulation can be divided into two categories:

Moderate winter

This section applies to those regions where the winter temperature does not drop below -15 degrees even on the coldest nights.

For such areas you can use the following materials:

  • Sawdust. You probably know that, so using this available material It will also be relevant for a well.
    It is best to mix them with clay and pour them around the equipment.

The depth of insulation should not be higher than the freezing point of the soil, otherwise all efforts will be in vain.

  • Straw and dry leaves. This option is even simpler, you don’t need to buy anything here, you can collect all the materials yourself by walking through the forest or autumn field.
    The disadvantage of this method is that the grass will rot in a year or two, and re-insulation will be required.

Harsh winter

This section is dedicated to those areas where deeper soil freezing occurs, and winter is accompanied by heavy precipitation.

In this case, insulating the well for the winter must be done using special materials:

  • Basalt wool. This material is known to everyone for its high thermal insulation, and it is not for nothing that it is used for residential premises. There is one disadvantage that you need to be aware of - cotton wool easily absorbs moisture.
    Therefore, to use it as insulation, waterproof materials should also be used. Naturally, the price of well insulation increases significantly.
  • Glass wool. Another type of cotton wool that has heat-retaining properties.
  • Styrofoam. This option is the most affordable, since foam sheets are sold in most hardware stores and construction stores, and their cost is quite affordable.
    This material can also be used if you need to insulate a loggia, garage or.

The insulation itself must be carried out strictly observing all the rules, as stated in the instructions below:

  • The thickness of any insulating material must be at least 30 cm, this is especially important in cold areas. It is then that you will get the expected result, keeping the well intact.
  • It is necessary to leave 2-3 cm of ventilation gap between the surface of the well and the insulation. This air cushion acts as a thermos, maintaining a stable temperature for the operation of the equipment. It can also be filled with sawdust for a better effect.
  • The insulation should be lowered below the freezing point of the soil by at least 20-30 cm. This reserve is necessary for those emergency cases when the temperature drops below, providing an additional 5-7 degrees.
  • Before insulating the pipe from the well, it is necessary to securely fix it so that the thermal insulation layer does not interfere with subsequent work.

  • All pipes must be covered with thermal insulation material that will prevent stagnant water from freezing.
  • You must find the answer to the question of how to insulate a hose from a well yourself. If the equipment is located far from home, then the installation of special insulated boxes is required. If the well is near the house, then it is enough to stretch the pipes.

If the well is used regularly, then you should not be afraid of ice formation, but this does not mean that you can save on insulation.
Constant operation of the equipment only reduces the likelihood of a breakdown.

Electronic heater

There is a more expensive way to insulate a well, but it is rightfully considered the most effective - installing a small heater in close proximity to the well.

Of course, it’s quite difficult to install such equipment yourself, so it’s better to turn to professionals, but it wouldn’t hurt to know the installation features:

  • All pipes and the pump itself are wrapped with heating wires, similar designs used in “warm floor” systems (as seen in the photo below).

  • A small heater is installed near the well, which, in turn, is also insulated with thermal insulation materials.
  • The wires that power the equipment are pulled through plastic corrugated pipes. This eliminates the possibility of damage to the electrical network.

For your information!
The ventilation system is very important for the operation of the equipment, otherwise heat may adversely affect its performance.


We tried to help you with the question of how to insulate a well for the winter, but the most important thing depends on you. First of all, try to most accurately determine the depth of soil freezing; it is this point that plays a key role in insulation.

In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

In private or country house when it is expected autonomous water supply, many people prefer to have a well. But in winter there are problems with water freezing in it. Therefore, well insulation is very important aspect for owners of private houses.

The well can be located in the house, underground or outside the house. If you are just thinking about installing it, then it is better to do it outside the house so that if there is a problem, the drillers can get to it.

The next question is: how to insulate a well for the winter?

It is necessary to begin insulating the well in the warmer season. The nature of this work will depend on the climatic conditions where you live. The insulation process and groundwater level will also be affected.

The well is insulated with foam plastic

Pipeline First, let's pay attention to the insulation of the pipeline with our own hands, which goes from the well to the house; also, do not forget about that section of the pipe located in ground floor , if the basement is not heated. It is not easy to insulate pipes hermetically, because the pipeline system contains adapters various diameters . In general, it is better to bury this pipe below the freezing level, which requires a large volume of work. earthworks

Insulating a water pipe with cable

Use it all the time

If you use a well constantly, the movement of water prevents the pipes from freezing. But, nevertheless, the pipe supply to the house must be placed in a case. A pipe of larger diameter is dug into the ground, supply pipes are laid into it, additionally insulated with insulation. Mineral wool or ready-made cylinders made from it are used as insulation.

Use seasonally

If you do not use an artesian well in winter, then you need to turn off the pump and drain all the water from the pipeline back by opening the drain valve. Don't forget to also make sure there is no water in the faucets and water seals in the house.


If you do not use the well constantly, but periodically, then insulating materials alone will not prevent freezing and the appearance of ice. Installation required here heating elements. Placed next to the pipe heating cable which will prevent the water from freezing. For such a cable, you can purchase a sensor that is triggered by temperature changes. It will turn on the cable as soon as ice appears. Sensors are more a budget option, you can do without them.

If you live in a cold climate, you can insulate the well using a caisson well. A caisson is a two-chamber container dug around artesian well to a depth of 2-2.5 meters. The caisson can be:

  • metal, welded to the well pipe;
  • plastic;
  • made of concrete rings;
  • You can make such a chamber out of brick.

The walls of the caisson are wrapped with insulation. Foam plastic is used as insulation, mineral wool in rolls - it is easier to lay it, basalt wool. The outside is waterproofed from groundwater. The bottom of the chamber is filled with concrete with your own hands. The caisson chamber is large enough, there is a ladder in it, and a person can go down. There is a hatch on top of the caisson, also insulated. The caisson well is absolutely sealed; melt and groundwater should not enter it.


If the depth of soil freezing is sufficiently large, then install a cap inside the pipe yourself. This is a metal flange welded to the well pipe. It cuts off water that does not freeze. The rest of the water, from above the head, is pumped out. It also protects the wellhead from debris, melt water and rodents getting into it.

A few more ways

If you live in a region where ground freezing is insignificant, then you can insulate the well by laying sawdust, peat, or straw on top.

The next option used for insulation is to build a wooden box on top with your own hands. The walls of the box have insulation, for example, EPS. After the water has been collected, the well is covered with this box.

Another way. Built on top of the well small house and heated with electricity, then the well does not freeze.

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