Fertilizers for roses in spring. Fertilizing when planting roses in spring

Rose bushes on mine garden plot- my pride. I spend a lot of time caring for them, but the luxurious bloom of my roses is worth it. In mid-summer, glossy leaves on elastic stems and a huge number of buds and open flowers attract the gaze of all passersby.

However, roses owe their luxurious flowering not only to their care, loosening and watering, but also to the timely application of the necessary fertilizers.

Fertilizing is a very important component of rose care, and if you apply the wrong fertilizer or do not apply it at all, your roses will not delight you with abundant blooms. Therefore, it is very important to know what to feed roses in order to achieve the desired result.

Roses are real gourmets, and this flower is quite difficult to “overfeed”. The main thing is to apply exactly the fertilizer that the roses require at a specific period of time. In spring and summer, plants require feeding with different compounds.

First of all, it is very important to remove the cover from roses in a timely manner in the spring. If you do this too early, the flower may suffer from spring frosts, and if you do it too late, the roses will begin to rot and it will be difficult to save them. Therefore, remove the shelter as soon as the frost subsides, but do it gradually.

After the snow has melted, even before removing the cover, you can apply a solution of ammonium nitrate under the bushes; this composition will make it easier for the roots to adapt.

First, open the ends of the shelter, then remove the spruce branches, the film, and lastly, rake the peat and mulch from the roots. That's it, your plant is ready to grow. The shelter should be completely removed around mid-to-late April, depending on the region. One of the main indicators is that the temperature during the day should not be lower than 10 degrees Celsius.

In about a week or a week and a half, the rose that has emerged from winter will begin to produce buds. And then you will see which shoots froze, despite your care, and which will grow.

At this time you need to do something easy spring pruning, which is called cosmetic - it consists precisely in pruning dried and frozen stems and shortening them to living tissue.

After this, the soil under the bushes needs to be loosened properly. There is no need to water the rose yet; there is enough moisture in the soil in the spring. In spring, the rose is fertilized twice:

  • You need to fertilize roses for the first time in May. At this time, the dacha is usually quite dry and warm, and it’s time to start working on flowers. For the first feeding, I usually use a solution of mullein, which I apply directly under the roots by watering from above, or humus. You can also use nitrogen fertilizers; roses respond well to them in early spring. In spring, fertilizers containing nitrogen are generally preferred for roses.
  • After about three weeks, that is, the beginning of June, fertilizing needs to be repeated. By this time, the bushes should already be watered, doing this early in the morning or in the evening to avoid burns. Watering should be done with warm, settled water; it is best to use rainwater.

How to feed roses in the summer

In June, directly during the budding period, the rose especially needs fertilizer. At this time, your plant should be fed with any complex fertilizer for roses, which is sold in flower shop. Depending on the type of fertilizer, you need to follow the instructions.

It is very important to observe the proportions if the drug should be diluted with water, otherwise the roots can simply be burned. The only thing you can’t go overboard with is organic matter; humus, peat and rotted manure can be added without fear of damaging the plant.

Roses prefer liquid fertilizers, and they need to be applied at the rate of 3 - 5 liters per bush, depending on the age of the plant.

Feeding during the period of bud formation is very important; this component of rose care should never be neglected.

Roses should be refilled generously at this time, as the surface of the earth under the bushes dries out. You can mulch the soil to avoid moisture loss. This is especially important to do if you are on your site quite rarely. The soil should not be allowed to dry out; roses do not like this. This is harmful to their growth and detrimental to flowering.

If you add fertilizers for roses in the form of granules to the soil, be sure to combine fertilizing with watering - first you need to water the bushes and let the moisture dry out a little, then loosen the soil, and after that add the granules, being careful not to let them touch the leaves. With this method of applying solid fertilizers, the roots of the flowers will not be damaged.

Starting from the end of July, you should not feed roses with nitrogen fertilizers. Nitrogen promotes rapid growth, but at the end of summer this is no longer useful; roses may simply not have time to prepare for winter, which can lead to their death.

And we repeat once again - do not under any circumstances change the composition and dosage recommended by fertilizer manufacturers, otherwise you may destroy your flowers.

Immediately before flowering, when the buds begin to bloom, you should once again feed the bushes with mullein, or more precisely, with its liquid solution. Roses really need organic matter at this time to bloom.

Feeding roses in autumn

In the fall, you should feed your roses at least twice more before you begin to prepare them for winter dormancy:

  • at the very end of August or at the beginning of September it is necessary to add superphosphate to the soil - this is the most best fertilizer, which can please a rose in the fall. Potassium salt is also suitable for the penultimate feeding. At this time, you can add ash under the rose bushes, it also contains needed by the plant microelements. Potassium increases the flower's resistance to any diseases, from rotting to infections and fungi, and phosphorus accelerates the growth of foliage and root system. Therefore, the integrated introduction of these components will have the most beneficial effect on your roses.
  • Towards the end of September, and in warm regions - in October, this procedure must be repeated. All this last feeding, there is no need to fertilize the rose anymore.

After applying the last fertilizer, you should reduce watering, loosen the soil less, and not otherwise stimulate the growth of new shoots - for example, do not prune roses too early.

If you prune the bushes in warm weather, before frost, or at least before a significant drop in temperature, the rose will begin to actively produce new shoots, which will definitely die in winter, since they will not have time to grow stronger during the short period of warm autumn.

You can give some more tips on feeding roses and correct application fertilizers that will help you achieve lush flowering:

  • If the weather outside is cold or rainy, or both, then it is better not to apply fertilizer under the roots, but to spray the shoots and leaves directly. This will stimulate the plant and cause it to produce new shoots;
  • foliar feeding diluted in a bucket with warm water manure helps prevent diseases, especially fungal ones, to which roses are highly susceptible;
  • after pruning, as well as in too rainy or, conversely, too dry weather, Epin will be useful for roses, which needs to be sprayed on the bushes;
  • if your roses bloom and grow beautifully without fertilizing, then you have chosen for them good place and the soil on your site is rich in nutrients. In this case, in the first years you can safely limit yourself to organic matter and not use any chemistry. Water the bushes with mullein or a solution of chicken droppings, spray them, water them, weed them, and your roses will thank you with abundant blooms.

How to feed a rose in winter

This advice is especially relevant for rose lovers who live in cold regions:

  • in late autumn, before proceeding directly to the construction of a shelter over your roses, remove a thin layer of earth from under the roots of the bush and add a little humus or peat there, in approximately the same thin layer;
  • then cut from any cardboard box a large circle in such a way that it can completely cover the root system from above. Cut a hole in the circle for the pruned shoots and place it on top of the rose bush. The cardboard should be above the roots of the rose, and the shoots should stick out from the small hole cut inside;
  • then sprinkle the cardboard with a layer of soil, pour a thick layer of manure, peat or humus on top of this soil, and another thick layer of earth on top of it. And start building from above winter shelter for your roses.

This procedure perfectly replaces the hilling of rose roots for the winter and protects them from freezing. In addition, during the winter months, the cardboard in the ground will simply rot, and your rose bushes will begin to receive nutrition immediately after the first warm days arrive and the layers of soil and organic fertilizer begin to thaw and penetrate to the roots.

After you remove the winter shelter in the spring, all you have to do is loosen or carefully dig up the soil under the bushes, and organic fertilizer It will serve not only as excellent heating for the roots, but also as an excellent fertilizer for the plant.

It will protect the roots from spring frosts if you are in a hurry to remove the cover, and from drying out if there is not enough rain in the spring.

Your roses will be very grateful to you for your care and the results will not be long in coming.

As beautiful as garden roses are, they are also demanding to care for. Worth skipping the entry important fertilizers in spring or summer - and full flowering can no longer be achieved. Experts advise how to properly organize feeding roses.

Features of spring feeding of roses

After winter, it is important for this plant to receive the correct microelements right time. Roses love an abundance of organic and minerals in the ground. Otherwise, the flowering will not be abundant and lush, the leaves will become covered with small spots and begin to curl. If you notice these symptoms in time, you can try to correct the situation with fertilizing.

Advice. Fertilizers should be applied every season in spring, summer and after flowering. To avoid confusion, it is best to create a clear schedule.

Technology for the first spring feeding of the year:

  1. For annual bushes, use diluted manure. Mix 1 part bird droppings or mullein with 3 parts water. Before watering, dilute the resulting mixture in water in a ratio of 1:10. Bring in organic fertilizer possible only after the final heat has been established.
  2. Older roses are first fed with ammonium nitrate. Calculation - 20-30 mg of substance per 1 sq. m. Fertilizer application is appropriate after the snow melts, but before removing the covering material.

  • intensively grow foliage;
  • form a thick and bright foliage mass;
  • release young shoots;
  • bloom longer.

Also during this period, roses will need phosphorus. The element has a beneficial effect on the quality of photosynthesis, strengthens the plant, and prolongs flowering time. You can buy a ready-made complex or make your own fertilizer.

Feeding roses in summer

The plant entered the season well, grew stronger and produced a lot of succulent foliage. In summer, during the period of bud formation and development, flowers will need new strength. At this time and until the beginning of flowering, they are fertilized with potassium phosphate mixtures. The recommended ratio of phosphorus to potassium is 10:3.

Fertilizing should be done on a cloudy day or after sunset, but not late in the evening! Newly formed buds also need magnesium. It is responsible for the brightness and richness of the color of the petals. Pay attention to magnesium Special attention, since the substance is quickly washed out of the ground.

Attention! Summer feeding roses are also a way to protect them from infections. Without iron in the soil, the plant runs the risk of developing chlorosis. Potassium is also important for immunity. Separately, replenish the bushes with potassium sulfate or saltpeter.

Factory-produced mineral complexes are the most affordable and simplest solution for feeding your flower garden. They can be granular, tablet, liquid or powder. You can also use yeast or wood ash. Water several times.

But you shouldn’t resort to fertilizing with nitrogen in the summer. The element will continue to stimulate lush greenery, while the bush needs to focus its energy on beautiful and voluminous flowers. It should be fertilized after flowering as soon as the first buds fade. After removing the dried flowers, the shortened shoots should regain their strength. During the same period, new branches will appear. That's why full set useful substances with important micro- and macroelements is vital for the rose bush.

What fertilizing is required after flowering ends?

As soon as the first rose buds have faded, begin preparing the bush for the next season. In this aspect autumn feeding- an important component of future spring procedures. You definitely won't need nitrogen. It awakens intensive growth, and flowers need to accumulate strength for the winter and prepare for dormancy.

  1. Dilute 1 tbsp in 10 liters of water. l. concentrated preparation Agricol-rose with potassium phosphate fertilizer (2 tbsp. l.). One plant requires 4-5 liters of liquid fertilizer.
  2. Dilute superphosphate and potassium sulfate (1 tbsp each) in 10 liters of water. Pour 3-4 liters under one bush.

Advice. The optimal period for applying mineral fertilizers is starting from the second half of August, when lignification of the shoots occurs.

In the fall you can ease spring care behind the flower garden. Do mulching. Take peat, rotted droppings, compost, dry leaves. After the snow melts, mulch will retain everything in the soil. necessary elements to awaken roses. And in winter it will help tender roots survive frosts. Although the rose is capricious, it can reward feeding and care with pleasant fragrant flowering.

How to fertilize roses: video

In order for flowers to delight us with their beauty, they need the right and timely care. Fertilizers for roses will help plants develop correctly and recharge them vitality. What kind of feeding does the queen of flowers need, how to properly apply it? different periods life?

When planting, place a banana or its peel in the hole, thereby providing the rose with a supply of potassium.

Autumn feeding of roses

Selection and crossbreeding work has contributed to the fact that modern rose bushes cannot prepare for winter on their own; sometimes the first frosts come, and there are still leaves on them.

Autumn fertilization of roses must be carried out so that the plant is prepared for the cold season. They need to be added at this time to protect against various diseases and replenish nutrients.

  • The first autumn feeding is carried out at the end of summer, and the second at the end of September.
  • You can't use nitrogen fertilizers, because they stimulate growth, and we don't need that yet.
  • You should not fertilize roses with manure before the winter dormancy period; young shoots will grow, taking a lot of energy from the main plant.

Most suitable fertilizing in autumn are potassium, phosphorus, calcium. But you shouldn’t overdo it with potassium either, as this causes the plant to “fatten” and unopened buds die. It is better to feed with this composition at the very beginning of the autumn season.

Preparation of fertilizers for application to the soil:

  • Potash fertilizer. Take 15 grams of potassium monophosphate and superphosphate, dilute in 10 liters of water.
  • Phosphate fertilizer. Dissolve 10 g of magnesium sulfate in 10 liters of water.
  • Calcium supplement. 1 tablespoon of calcium nitrate is dissolved in 10 liters of water.

In October you can deposit organic matter. A good option there will be rotted compost in the amount of 1 kg per 1 sq.m. In November, fertilizing should not be done.

For autumn period It is better to use fertilizers in granules, as they are not immediately absorbed and will support the plant even under snow.

When spraying plants, the concentration of the composition should be reduced. In rainy times, it is better to use dry fertilizing.

Other fertilizers for roses

In a special store you can purchase complex fertilizer “Fertile Lake”. Here is a complete set of nutritional elements. Can be used for all types of roses.

  • The dry mixture is diluted at the rate of 2 teaspoons per 1 liter of water. Garden flowers are fertilized 2 times, indoor flowers in spring and summer, feed once every 2 weeks, and during dormancy - once a month.
  • It is better to combine foliar and root feeding.

"Agricola-Aqua" is also a complex composition. They can be used to fertilize plants in the house and garden.

  • When root feeding, 5 ml of dry matter is dissolved in 1 liter of water and applied under the roses. For spraying, the same dose is diluted in 2 liters of water. Feeding is repeated after about 10 days.

An excellent fertilizer is “Rose”. It is easy to use, details can be found in the attached instructions.

Long lasting rose fertilizers

Fertilizers for roses Greenworld received positive reviews gardeners. It is intended for feeding all types of these plants. Fertilizing strengthens the plant, enhances growth, and saturates it with nutritional components. Rose bushes bloom longer, the color of their leaves and flowers becomes bright and rich. The fertilizer is convenient because it has no odor, does not generate dust and does not crumble.

Many gardeners consider Greenworld - the best choice, since this is a long-lasting fertilizer for roses. Fans of these garden flowers advise applying it at the beginning of spring, at the end of May and at the end of July. After August 10, there is no need to feed with this fertilizer. Plants must prepare for winter.

The only disadvantages of this mixture include some packaging inconveniences.

Long-term fertilizer for roses Pokon

Gardeners use different ways plant nutrition. However, many of them believe that the best fertilizer for roses is Pokon. It replenishes plants with reserves nutrients, strengthens the stems, promotes proper growth and good flowering.

It is convenient that it is applied once, then the substances are absorbed throughout the season. Pokon is recommended for use especially when planting new bushes.

The package contains a measuring spoon, use 60 g per 1 sq.m.

Pokon fertilizer for roses is used as follows:

  1. Use a special spoon to take required amount granules
  2. Distribute them evenly around the bush.
  3. Mix the granules with top layer soil.
  4. Water the roses and Pokon will start working.

Currently on the market big choice means for feeding plants. Which fertilizer is best for roses is up to you to decide.

So, indoor and garden flowers need our constant care. In each period, the queen of flowers needs different substances. Their deficiency and excess will harm the plant.

Only with careful attention will roses delight us with long, vigorous flowering and a good mood.

The beauty of roses is theirs lush flowering throughout the season. For this they are needed timely pruning and feeding. Feeding a flower bush begins from the first days of planting. How to feed roses when planting permanent place to provide her correct height, development and lush and abundant flowering throughout the season.

Rose feeding mode

The best way to feed roses can be determined by the condition of the soil in the area allocated for their planting. First of all, the soil should be dug well, while adding organic and mineral fertilizers per 1 square meter. meter of area:

  • Humus - 5 kg;
  • Ammonium nitrate 10 grams;
  • Potassium salt -10 grams;
  • Superphosphate – 30 grams.

This soil filling will provide the bush with nutrition for the first year of life. How to feed a rose if there are doubts that the feeding was not thorough? During the growing season, they can be fed with a weak solution of a growth stimulator. For example, “Tsitovit”, a fertilizer containing all the components necessary for the growth of a bush. A mixture of Cytovit and Zircon will provide the plant with the opportunity for intensive growth with a wonderful addition of nutrients.

Leaf feeding and application in the fall are beneficial for first-year roses. potash fertilizers for better ripening of young shoots and preparing them for the upcoming winter.

Experts can recommend the best way to feed roses in order to provide them with the necessary diet for lush flowering. For these flowers in the garden there is a different feeding regime. The most the best feeding carried out by fertilizers in liquid form.

Important. The active development of roses is ensured by two types of substances: macroelements and microelements. The first type of nutrition is fertilizers, which are fed to plants in large doses from spring to late autumn. Microelements help the plant resist diseases and pests.

After awakening, the plants enter a stage of intensive growth. From this time on, regular and powerful feeding of plants begins. You can find out how to feed a garden rose from the flower shop consultants.

Currently, there are many special fertilizers on sale that promote intensive plant growth:

  • "Fertile Lake" liquid fertilizer, representing a complex of organics and minerals. The selection of nutritional components ensures highly efficient plant development and abundant long-term flowering;
  • "Agricola Aqua" fertilizer intended for garden and indoor rose crops. Complex liquid fertilizer ensures intensive growth of the bush and bright color flowers.
  • "Pokon" is used for feeding all types of roses. The composition of the fertilizer is designed to gradually supply nutrients to the roots and buds of the plant.

First spring feeding

Nitrogen and phosphorus are the main components necessary for roses. They help strengthen the rose, be it Dutch varieties or, the development and growth of new shoots, the formation of buds.

At the beginning of growth, after pruning, nitrogen fertilizers are used to feed roses. To do this, one tablespoon of urea or ammonium nitrate is diluted in one bucket of water.

What to feed roses to get best effect plant growth and development. They have this property universal fertilizers, consisting of several components, for example, “Kemira”.

Special fertilizers that are a mixture of organic and mineral substances, for example “Gloria for roses,” are effective.

What is the best way to feed roses if planting can be ensured? abundant watering? In this case, you can use dry fertilizing. In this case, you can sprinkle fertilizer only around the bush, at a distance of at least 10 cm from the shoots.

The first thing to do is fertilize with mineral fertilizers; after a week, organic nutrition is added. Lastly, sprinkle the scattered fertilizers with mulch from rotted manure.

Feeding for buds

How to feed roses when buds are setting on their bushes, there are recommendations from experts: fertilizing is carried out with nitrogen fertilizer, which will ensure the brightness of the buds and long flowering.

Prepare a solution from a mixture of superphosphate and potassium sulfate, in a ratio of 100:30 per ten liters of water. After watering with this solution, a solution of mullein fermented with grass is added to the soil.

After watering, the bushes are again mulched with a mass of rotted cow droppings.

Important. Mulching with manure should be done carefully so that the manure does not touch the branches rose bush, there should be space between them.

Flowering plantings are not fed.

Feeding after flowering

How to feed a garden rose after flowering? After abundant flowering, roses need increased feeding. Withered flowers are cut off, bushes are fertilized with complex phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. It is best to use the Kemira universal complex. Watering with mullein infusion should be mandatory. A good addition during this period would be foliar feeding of the bushes using leaves.

July feeding of roses

How to feed roses in July to further support them after flowering. To do this, fertilize the bushes with an organic tincture of mullein with grass. Before last days In August, potassium-phosphorus components are applied under the rose bushes every two weeks. Then the roses are left for several weeks without feeding to avoid the appearance of young shoots.

Last feeding

In September, the last portion of mineral fertilizers is applied in the form of potassium-magnesium. Complete complex fertilizer, about two tablespoons, diluted in 10 liters of water is poured under each bush. The soil under which the fertilizer is applied must be moist.

Important. Foliar feeding on the leaves is important for plants. Special preparations for this procedure contain necessary complex nutritional elements. They are recommended to be sprayed on leaves and flowers to stimulate and regulate plant growth at any stage of their development.

Minerals in large quantities lead to soil salinization, which has a depressing effect on the root system of the plant. Organics, on the contrary, consuming a small amount of mineral salts, decompose better, improve the composition of the soil, providing plants with a constant supply of nutrients.

The main organic fertilizers used when growing roses:

  • Manure from grass-fed ruminants;
  • Bird droppings, an organic fertilizer that contains a variety of nutritional elements in a form easily accessible to plants;
  • Peat mixture;
  • The end product of the composting process is mature compost;
  • Herbal infusion of weeds.

If the bushes bloomed profusely throughout the season and no deviations were noted in the development and growth of the bushes, it means that the plants received sufficient nutrition. In this case, throughout the entire spring-summer season, it is enough to feed them with an infusion of mullein with grass.

The rose is fed several times a season. The first - before the beginning of the growing season, the second - before the opening of the buds and then after each wave of flowering.

Rose is scary does not love acidic soils Therefore, the optimal result is achieved by adding ash, phosphorus and organic matter, which reduce the acidity of the soil and saturate the roots with available microelements.

There are certain rules for applying fertilizers, compliance with which guarantees gorgeous flowering. Some varieties, especially re-blooming ones, are very demanding on soil nutrition.

It’s good to make a special one at the beginning of spring fertilizer for roses or complex mineral fertilizer: nitrophoska, diammophos. Dosage: 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water.

Second time nitrogen is added after the first flowering. It is necessary for the formation and growth of new buds.

Organic fertilizers for roses

Organic matter in the form of mullein, chicken, and horse droppings can be added only when rotted or as a liquid subcrust. Slurry or chicken droppings leave for a week in a barrel of water, and then feed the rose with a solution of 1:10 at the rate of 1 bucket per bush.

Roses are fed after each wave of flowering

Rose also needs potassium.. If there is not enough of it, the buds become small and pale, and the tips of the leaves turn yellow. Feeding with potassium is especially important in the fall, a month before the cold weather. It will help the plant prepare for winter. We recommend using potassium sulfate, potassium chloride, and potassium-magnesium fertilizers. Can be replaced with a glass of ash.

Feeding a garden rose in summer every 2-3 weeks. Potted varieties - once every 10 days. Good food gives mulch. Plant humus, grass, and peat are poured under the bush.

Organic matter gradually decomposes and attracts soil worms, which process it into vermicompost. Mulch also retains moisture and prevents weed growth. It is especially good to mulch the rose with horse manure!

For abundant flowering, roses need phosphorus. Its deficiency can be easily identified by the reddish tint of the lower leaves.

It is most effective to enter it into . Phosphorus promotes rapid root system development. And the better the roots, the more beautiful the tops!

Sources of phosphorus: superphosphate, colloidal phosphate and bone meal. They take quite a long time to decompose, so they are applied early in the spring or in the fall.

The first two are “mineral water”, and bone meal is organic fertilizer. Bone meal is planted around the rose bush to a depth of 10 cm. Consumption: 2 tablespoons per plant.

Just don’t pour it directly into the center of the bush; step back 15 cm from the plant. Such phosphorus fertilization will be sufficient for the whole season.

Indoor roses feed with bone meal at the rate of 1 tablespoon of flour per 1 liter of soil. It is best to add it at the time of replanting.

Foliar feeding

Spraying nutrient solutions– addition to root fertilizers. They do this ONLY in the evening after sunset! There will be more sense.

Urea– spraying with carbamide (urea) relieves the rose from fungal diseases and is an excellent subcortex. Dosage: 30 g per 10 liters of water. Spray before and after flowering.

Sodium humate– cheap effective remedy, stimulates root growth and lush flowering of roses. First they cook concentrate: pour 10 g of sodium humate hot water(3 liters), stir and leave for 10 hours. Dilute one glass of this concentrate in 5 liters of water and spray the leaves in the evening.

How not to feed a rose

Give high doses of nitrogen. It promotes active growth green part, and for flowering a high content of potassium and phosphorus is required. Nitrogen fertilizers are needed only at the beginning of the growing season. We recommend ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, urea.

Roses should not be watered with cold water. from a well or from a well! Ice water- this is stress for her, which leads to sores and poor flowering.

Apply fertilizers in the summer heat and during drought. Roses should not be fertilized during drought! And even more so in the sunshine. This can lead to the death of the plant. Water it generously today and feed it tomorrow evening. Abundantly is bucket Not cold water for one bush. At the rose root system It lies deep, so watering should be plentiful. You need to make a hole around the bush and carefully water it so that the moisture does not spread.

Exceed the dose of fertilizer. If the packaging of rose fertilizer says 1 tablespoon per bucket of water, then add 1 tablespoon. Not two and not one and a half! Increasing the dose of fertilizer will not produce more flowers. But just the opposite. The plant will wither and become sick. And you will spend money on drugs for diseases, etc. Do you need it?

Apply fresh manure or bird droppings. Burns and root damage are guaranteed.

Do not feed after the first wave of flowering. This is another extreme. A rose spends a lot of energy and nutrients to bloom, so their supply needs to be replenished.

Roses have 3-4 waves of growth per season, and before each new wave it is fertilized. To garden and indoor rose bloomed continuously, it is needed constantly.

Feeding garden rose stop from the end of August. She needs time to prepare for winter. Fertilizers and pruning in late summer will provoke the growth of shoots, which will not have time to ripen before the cold weather and will weaken winter hardiness.

Spring care for roses in the garden

  1. Free the rose from sawdust, soil or covering material.
  2. Trim dark, dry, frozen branches.
  3. Add ash and bone meal.
  4. When it begins to grow, water it with the solution. nitrogen fertilizer or complex for roses.
  5. After flowering - liquid fertilizing with organic matter + adding ash.
  6. Periodically spray with urea and sodium humate.
  7. Water during dry periods.

Let your roses bloom and smell to the delight of everyone around you!

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