Thuja occidentalis brabant. Choosing a site and soil for planting

Rare landscape design personal plot or does the park do without the popular, rich and simply beautiful plant– tui. It was loved by many for its wonderful aroma of pine needles, its pliability to cutting and, of course, for its bright greenery, pleasing with its purity and freshness. all year round. This plant of the cypress family has 5 species in its genus:

  • Korean thuja;
  • thuja occidentalis;
  • thuja gigantea;
  • thuja japonica.

Thuja occidentalis Brabant is perhaps one of the most preferred by gardeners coniferous plants.

Description of the variety

Thuja Brabant is one of the varieties of thuja occidentalis, with a conical crown shape. Her distinctive feature is quite fast growth and evergreen needles. The annual growth of the tree is on average 30 cm in height and 10 cm in width.

Western thuja came to us from the Atlantic coast of North America, where natural conditions the plant grows up to 20 m in height. In our latitudes, Thuja Brabant reaches a maximum of 4 meters.

The plant blooms in April - May, the cones are small, only 1 cm, oval or ovoid in shape.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many domestic amateur gardeners and landscape designers prefer this particular variety of thuja due to the following advantages:

  • fast growth;
  • ease of care;
  • frost resistance;
  • ease of reproduction;
  • pliability to haircut.

However, due to such rapid growth, the plant will have to be trimmed 2-3 times a year. Thuja, although in general is unpretentious in its maintenance, however, in the first time after planting it requires care and regular abundant watering, up to three times a week.

Also young plant in winter it will be necessary to cover it, and to prevent lumps of sticky, wet snow from spoiling the shape of the tree, tie the branches to the trunk with twine or rope.

How to plant correctly in open ground

Pledge successful landing V open ground Thuja occidentalis Brabant lies in compliance with several conditions:

  • it is necessary to choose the landing time correctly;
  • choose a planting site favorable for the plant;
  • prepare an auxiliary substrate for the soil;
  • correctly plant the plant in open ground, taking into account all the features of its growth and development.

1. Choosing the landing time

It is better to plant thuja Brabant in open ground in the spring, but it is also possible in early autumn. It should be noted that the plant must be planted at least a month before the first frost, so that the tree has time to take root safely.

2. Site selection and soil preparation

To grow healthy beautiful tree, with lush, dense needles, it is better to choose a place for planting that is not very shaded, but the thuja will not be comfortable in the bright sun all day long. Light partial shade of water is the key to success in choosing the location of this plant.

Thuja Brabant can, in principle, grow in any soil, but in a nutritious, pre-prepared substrate the plant will feel much better, take root faster, and will delight you with its rich greenery all year round.

For the preparation of nutrient soil To plant thuja, you should take two parts of soil, and one part each of sand, peat, and humus. Gardeners also recommend pouring 500 grams of nitroammophosphate into the hole under each tree.

3. The process of planting in open ground

Before planting the plant in the ground, the roots should be slightly dried without destroying earthen coma on them. The width and depth of the planting hole depends on the size of the plant’s root system; on average, you need to dig a hole meter by meter.

Place drainage from broken bricks or expanded clay at the bottom. Deepen the seedling by sprinkling and compacting it with soil, while the root collar should be flush with the ground, and the roots and tree trunk should not change their location. Within a month after planting, the plant must be watered quite often at the rate of 10–15 liters per week.


There are two ways to propagate thuja occidentalis Brabant at home:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

Woody 2-3 year old shoots are suitable as cuttings. They are cut in the spring, about 40 cm long. The cuttings are placed one at a time in a jar of water until roots form. Once the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in a pot, and in the fall they can be transferred to open ground for the winter.

When planting a cutting, you need to place it in a hole so that the leaves at the base are located at least 5 cm above the soil level. After the thuja cutting is planted, it should be watered thoroughly, adding soil if necessary if it shrinks.

3 pegs are installed around the planted plant and tied with tape, so that in windy weather the young tree sways, thereby strengthening the trunk, but does not break.

While the root system is forming and developing, the thuja occidentalis Brabant requires regular watering. In the future, the tree will need to be watered only in dry, hot weather.


When purchasing a Western Brabant thuja seedling in a store, experts recommend paying attention to the following points:

  1. The condition of the plant's needles. If the branches have become fragile and break off at the slightest touch, and the needles fall off, then most likely the plant has died. The thing is that after death, a tree can retain its original appearance for up to 3 weeks.
  2. You should not buy thuja if the soil in its pot is completely dry. If the earthen ball dries out excessively, irreversible consequences may begin in the plant, and it will no longer be possible to “cast” it, as is the case with deciduous trees.
  3. If possible, you need to carefully examine plant roots, the tips of the root should be light and always juicy.

1. Soil and fertilizers

Thuja occidentalis Brabant is absolutely not fussy about soil. Both peat and loamy soil and dry sandy loam are suitable for its development and growth. The main condition is that the substrate is permeable. Heavy and dense soil will contribute to the development of root rot in thuja.

Thuja needles constantly evaporate a large number of moisture, so it is necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out. The plant not only needs to be watered, it is advisable to also irrigate the crown with water.

Thanks to this, the dust is washed away, and the tree can breathe easier, which helps to improve the general condition and intensity of the physiological processes of the plant.

To prevent overheating and drying out of the soil, tree trunk circles are mulched with peat, compost or wood chips.

2. Feeding

The plant should be fed in March and, if necessary, repeated in early and mid-summer.

It is better to use complex fertilizer purchased in the store. If mineral fertilizer was applied during planting, then in order not to burn the roots, it is better to carry out the next feeding no earlier than two years later.

3. Diseases and pests

Thuja Brabant usually has diseases such as:

  • root rotting;
  • trunk rot;
  • mold.

All these diseases are usually caused by fungi and indicate poor quality care of the plant. Since on initial stage the disease is not very noticeable, it is recommended to inspect the plant more often. A signal to start treating thuja can be various plaques on tree branches, as well as changes in the color of the needles.

In addition, the disease can be caused by various pests:

  • sucking – aphids, thuja false scale, spider mites;
  • pine-eating– leaf roller, moth;
  • other root and stem pests– thuja pine beetle, scale insects, false scale insects.

A haircut

In order for Thuja Brabant to delight with its lush, dense, green crown, the plant needs to be trimmed regularly, otherwise the tree will look loose and ugly. The required shape should be given immediately after planting, and then only adjusted. To achieve a dense and dense hedge, thuja

Brabant is pruned in March and August. When cutting a plant, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Trim the thuja with a confident hand, cutting off more branches to obtain a denser crown.
  2. When cutting branches, leave part of the young shoot.
  3. A cloudy day is better for cutting; this will help avoid yellowing of the needles due to sunburn received by the thuja during increased evaporation of moisture.
  4. Be sure to water the thuja after pruning.


The price of thuja occidentalis Brabant in stores and nurseries largely depends on the height and condition of the plant and varies between 300–400 rubles for a small seedling, and 1500–4000 for an adult tree.

The climate of the middle zone is well suited for all forms of thuja occidentalis. This plant is one of the most popular and used landscape designers. The reasons are obvious: it is not particularly demanding in terms of care, it grows quickly, creating a dense green mass that is an excellent background in both summer and winter gardens.

Western thuja has different forms, some of which are quite tall (up to 15 meters), others are shrubby and slow-growing. Tall thujas "", columnar "" and some shrubby forms that grow separately or are part of a composition should be trimmed.

A tree that is not limited in growth has a loose, thin, untidy crown with fresh growth sticking out chaotically. Thujas are trimmed several times during the growing season. The first haircut occurs in the spring.

Thuja Smaragd, a young plant.

Pruning in spring - how to do it right

The first pruning is sanitary. Its purpose is to prune, perhaps completely remove, tree branches that have dried out or been broken by winter winds and snow. When the tree has fully woken up from hibernation, and the average daily temperature is approaching 10 ⁰C, then you can begin shaping haircuts.

Thuja occidentalis is a very flexible material for forming almost any topiary pattern: it easily tolerates haircuts and “responds” to them with new growth that fills gaps in the crown. Pruning will transform a thin thuja with an openwork transparent crown into a lush, dense beauty.

Often, after a harsh winter, thujas that exceed the threshold of 3 meters in height bend their crowns under the weight of snow, their own weight, or shy away from large trees shading them, and are cut in height.

As a rule, thuja "Smaragd" has several trunks (from 3 to 5 depending on age): 1 - the leader and several accompanying ones. Pruning begins with the main central trunk, which is cut 20 centimeters below the point that should be the top of the tree. The accompanying trunks and branches are cut so that the upper part of the thuja looks natural, cone-shaped. This will require the experienced hand of a gardener who understands the basic principles of the formation of the crown of coniferous trees.

Important! Haircutting tools must be clean and disinfected.

Cones from thuja Smaragd.

Trimming schemes

Crowns different forms Western thujas are each formed in their own way. This is due to the natural shape of the trees, which dictates the direction of the external appearance of the plant in the composition created by the designers:

  1. "Brabant" by nature has a broadly cone-shaped crown, which can be shaped into any shape geometric figure, cut complex topiary designs;
  2. "Emerald"- columnar plant. Its crown is forming correct form regardless of the gardener’s participation - thick and dense. Therefore, for this type of thuja it is advisable to trim spiral and other shapes, deployed vertically: intertwining spirals, one spiral, balls from bottom to top from largest to smallest. There are many options. For some complex shapes it is possible to use a frame or special devices, which will make the gardener’s work easier.

Almost any standard shape can be formed from thuja Smaragd.


Three categories of tools are used to trim thuja occidentalis:

  1. Mechanical. These include pruning shears and garden shears.
  2. Electrical: brush cutters with different lengths working tire.
  3. Rechargeable. They differ from electric tools only in the charging method and power.

Mechanical ones are the easiest to use and do not require additional technical specifications(Access to electrical network, the ability to recharge the battery). Secateurs are used for cutting individual branches with a diameter of 0.2 to 3 cm (various models).

Garden shears differ in the length of the blades and the arms of the handles. How larger tree, the blades should be longer. A gardener should have scissors in his arsenal. different sizes because they have various purposes. Tools with short blades are mostly intended for trimming small plants or for “jewel-cutting” already trimmed shapes.

Electrical and cordless tools They make the gardener’s life much easier, since they do not require special physical effort during cutting. It is advisable to use for large volumes of work to save time. Blade speed electric tool, additional devices ( horizontal level) allow cutting work (especially for hedges) to be carried out quickly, in accordance with the pattern specified by the project.

When exactly to prune

Pruning of thujas, which forms the crown of the tree, is carried out at the end of April or May, depending on weather conditions . Next haircut could be in one and a half to two months, if there is sufficient growth. A light “cosmetic” haircut can be done without reference to certain deadlines: on the plant, a separate branch began to actively grow, clearly overtaking the main mass, breaking the pattern of the form - it is shortened by several centimeters in order to stop its growth, giving the rest the opportunity to catch up.


During curly haircut It's difficult to avoid mistakes. Even experienced master may cut off something unnecessary. To minimize errors, you should adhere to certain rules:

  • Before you begin work, you need to carefully inspect the tree and map out places, where you will need to cut to form the required contour.
  • Cropped tips of branches, no more than 20 cm. this is enough for the main growth to stop, the sleeping buds to wake up and the crown to fill with fresh growth. The process is not fast - it usually occurs within 2 months, sometimes longer.
  • To green mass actively growing, will be needed immediately after cutting feed the plant with complex fertilizers and water it abundantly.
  • Regular watering is necessary for thujas. These are hardy trees that can survive drought, but with sufficient watering they will not only remain viable, but will also have a lush emerald crown.

Trimming various types of thuja, examples of curly haircuts

Each type of thuja is used to form certain shapes. For example, from the thuja “Smaragd” it is difficult to obtain a spreading shape with spherical shapes at the ends of the branches, while “Brabant” can be turned not only into a smooth pyramid or cone, but also to make nivaki based on it.


The main shaping haircut is carried out 2 - 3 times a season, cosmetic - as necessary.

A hedge of parallelepiped thuja Brabant.


Thuja occidentalis "Smaragd" is cut in a vertical plane. The pattern can be different: in the form of tiers of any geometric shape, balls strung on a trunk or spirals.

Adult thuja Smaragd, formed in the form of a spiral.


The method of forming the “niwaki” crown is rooted in Japanese culture. There are 8 main styles, for each of which a specific place in the garden is prescribed:

  1. "Tekan". It is based on a vertical single trunk, around which a crown is formed in the form of a regular triangle.
  2. "Sokan". Niwakis of this style are cut on two trunks forked from the root collar.
  3. "Kotobuki." This is a kind of amulet, since its shape is an image of the Japanese hieroglyph for “happiness”, next to which there must be a traditional stone lantern.
  4. "Shakan". A single tree trunk is formed at an angle to the surface of the earth. Traditionally, these forms of nivaki are located on the banks of reservoirs.
  5. "Moegi." The trunk is formed in the form of a sinusoid. As a rule, they are included in garden compositions.
  6. "Kongai." Crowns formed in this style have a flowing shape. Look good next to rocky walls and slides.
  7. "Monkaburi". A tree formed in this style traditionally precedes the entrance to the garden: the lower branch should be very long and located horizontally above the entrance.
  8. "Kyoto". The style originated in the city of the same name in Japan. The peculiarity is that it is formed exclusively on cryptomeria.

In the video below, Andrey But (Osokor nursery) voices the basic principles of the “niwaki” haircut. Having many years of experience in growing plants, the nurseryman uses in his work various ways formation of the crown of plants and willingly shares his knowledge by conducting master classes.

Formation of the thuja crown

The cutting that forms the crown of the plant begins upon reaching the age of 6 years when it enters the phase of active vertical growth, having sufficiently developed the root system. Pruning apical shoot, the gardener sets the plant’s horizontal growth, which allows subsequent cuttings to give the crown a certain shape.

The crown of “Brabant” can be formed in the form of a ball at the ends of the branches. At the same time, the abandoned branches are exposed, at the ends of which spherical shapes are formed.

Standard forms are given to the thuyas when they reach the desired height, after which the trunk is exposed from bottom to top, leaving on the standard some of the branches, from which a ball, cube or other shape will subsequently be formed.

Thuja "Smaragd" is cut with a spiral. Their crown is most suitable for such forms.

Garden, the main tone in which is created different kinds thuy.

Each activity in the garden, including formative pruning of coniferous plants, requires certain practical skills and theoretical knowledge in the field of ornamental gardening.

Western thuja external signs It is very reminiscent of cypress: the same pyramidal shape of the crown, approximately the same height of an adult plant, a high degree of decorativeness of the needles. However, unlike cypress, western thuja quickly gained popularity and spread throughout Russia.

Cypress is more demanding on climate, ideal conditions for its cultivation - subtropics, while some varieties of thuja are able to survive in the Siberian region if there is good care and thorough insulation on winter period.

Western thuja Brabant - characteristics and use in landscape design

Thuja Brabant is one of the most popular plant species. It is grown in two forms: as a tree and as a shrub. Most form it into a bush to create a hedge. Without pruning, thuja can reach a height of up to 18–20 meters in the southern regions and up to 5 meters in central Russia. Life span exceeds 100 years.

The special decorativeness of the Brabant species lies in the lushly growing conical shape of the evergreen crown and the beautiful light green color of the needles, which from a distance look like scales climbing up the trunk of a tree. The plant bark has brown tint, prone to peeling. Brabant is characterized by a rapid pace of development and growth.

This popular type of thuja also has another equally common subspecies - Golden Drum. It differs from its closest relative in the color of its needles - it has a golden hue. The height of representatives of this variety does not exceed 3 meters.

Used in group plantings and coniferous compositions, is also grown as a hedge. Brabant is not picky about the composition of the soil; it can withstand both short-term waterlogging and short dry periods. Adult plants easily tolerate frosty winters, but can be severely damaged by burns from the spring rays of the sun - especially in the first years after planting, thujas must be shaded.

Planting and care - preparing the site and creating favorable conditions for the development of thuja

In order to plant thuja, it is recommended to choose sunny areas of the garden or local area, because the shadow negatively affects the color saturation of the needles and slows down the growth of the plant as a whole. As for the soil, light loamy or peaty is preferable. When planting in heavy soil, it is necessary to create an additional drainage layer at the bottom of the planting hole, at least 15 centimeters thick.

Herself landing pit It is dug up in accordance with the size of the earthen clod in which the rhizome of the seedling is located. Depth from 75 to 90 centimeters depending on the age of the plant and soil characteristics. It is advisable to prepare the soil with which the volume of the pit will be filled in advance so that it has time to be saturated with the soil added to it. nutrients. A mixture of peat, turf soil and sand in a ratio of 1:2:1 is best. To stimulate growth, it is recommended to add nitroammophosphate - up to 100 grams per thuja.

The main criterion for the success of growing western thuja is the health and quality of the seedling. When purchasing, you should definitely pay attention to the elasticity of the needles and the richness of its varietal color. There should be no yellowing or dried areas on the branches. There should be no signs of fungal diseases or insect pests. Thuja needles are especially loved by aphids and spider mites.

Description of planting thuja in open ground:

  1. 1. The bottom of the pit is filled in layers: first, drainage from broken brick or expanded clay, then a layer of soil prepared to fill the volume of the pit.
  2. 2. Preparing a seedling consists of spraying an earthen clod clean water room temperature or a solution of a drug to stimulate root formation - Kornevin or Epin.
  3. 3. The thuja is placed in a hole so that the root collar of the plant is flush with the surface of the earth, and then covered with soil.
  4. 4. In the process of filling the hole, the soil mixture is compacted by hand to avoid the formation of air voids, which in the future can lead to rotting of the root shoots of the seedling.
  5. 5. Upon completion of the planting event, a trunk circle, the area of ​​which is generously watered with 1-2 buckets of water, after which it is mulched with compost or pine bark.

The arrangement of plants on the site directly depends on the variety of western thuja chosen for planting. For Brabant specimens planted next to each other, a distance of 3.5-4.5 meters is maintained, and when planting Brabant Golden, a more compact variety, a distance of 1-1.5 meters between plants will be sufficient. The same interval is maintained when preparing hedges, regardless of the height of the seedling.

Features of traditional and special plant care procedures

Maintenance comfortable conditions For the development and growth of western thuja, it involves carrying out traditional and special measures to care for the plantings. In the first month after planting the plant in open ground, the tree trunk circle is moistened once a week. In dry weather - 2 times. Loosening of the soil is carried out monthly, to a depth of 10–12 centimeters - no more, since the thuja drummer root system is located close to the surface of the earth and is easily damaged.

The plant responds very positively to sprinkling, especially during dry periods. The event should be scheduled early in the morning or in the evening after sunset. Pruning begins from the third year of the thuja's life - in June and at the end of August. Upper part cut at the desired height, cut off all damaged and dried areas. Regular trimming leads to the crown becoming denser and thicker each time.

It is important to take into account one feature: thuja shoots are cut to no more than a third of their length, so as not to affect Negative influence on the health of the plant.

To trim the crown of a thuja, you need to use only a well-sharpened pruner, which will not injure the cut areas, making them as even as possible.

When preparing thuja plantings for winter, so that the branches of the plants do not break, they are tied with twine or rope. Young bushes should additionally be covered with spruce branches to protect the delicate needles from the scorching rays of the sun in the spring, and the roots from freezing of the soil.

Western thujas are fed in the spring season by applying complex fertilizers, for example, Kemira-Universal - 50 grams per 1 square meter of planting area.

Hedge - formative seasonal pruning

A hedge of western thuja Brabant attracts attention with its spectacular appearance and splendor, while at the same time hiding from prying eyes garden plot owners. In the yard, a fence is created to delimit the territory, hide unattractive parts of the garden, and protect plantings cultivated plants from dust from the roads.

The planting of thujas itself does not require formative pruning; this event is carried out only to maintain a certain shape the crown of a specific representative of conifers or the hedge as a whole. The first haircut is carried out in the spring, the second - simultaneously with sanitary pruning- at the end of summer. To prevent the bush from becoming bare over time, its upper part must be made narrower, then the lower branches can receive enough sunlight for their growth and splendor.

Experts in trimming ornamental plants create real works of art that can become the main attraction and highlight of any landscape design. This plant is easy to shape and quickly recovers from injuries received in the process. When pruning shrubs, it is very convenient to use a large mesh: it is pulled over shoots that extend beyond the boundaries established by the form and carefully cut off.

The long cuttings that remain after cutting are excellent for rooting for the purpose of propagating western thuja.

Today there are about 120 different varieties and varieties of thuja. The most popular is the western thuja. Most forms are characterized by a change in color in winter from rich green to light or yellow-green. But still, there are varieties for which there are no seasons. One of them is Brabant.

Description of thuja Brabant with photo

Thuja occidentalis Brabant is another form of western thuja that is characterized by rapid growth. The height of the tree reaches 20 m with a crown diameter of 4 m. However, in the middle zone a tree taller than 4-5 m is extremely rare. The average annual growth is 40 cm in height and 15 cm in diameter.

By the way, in terms of speed, thuja western Brabant (photo) is second only to larch, but unlike it, it does not shed its leaves for the winter, maintaining its decorative effect all year round. Characteristic of Brabant conical shape crowns At the same time, the crown is compact, branched, and can go down to the ground. The bark on the trunk is brown or reddish-brown, often peeling off.

The needles are beautiful, green or light green in color, with possible golden tips. Thuja Brabant retains its color even in winter, which is a rare property for thujas, most of which acquire a yellowish tint.

The tree blooms from April to May. The cones are small (1 cm), brown, oblong or ovoid. It's valuable planting variety is an excellent planting material for the entire territory of Russia, with the exception of arid areas and regions with low temperatures(below -30-35°C).

Magnificent Western Thuja Golden Brabant

In addition to the form with green needles, another variety is also found - Thuja occidentalis Golden Brabant. It's evergreen conifer tree with a straight trunk and a conical crown. From the name you can guess that the color of the wood should be golden.

So it is, yellow-green needles are located on dense branches, horizontally and arched. Thuja retains its color in winter, looking great against the background white snow. It's comparative new variety, but already loved for its rapid growth. A dense, cone-shaped crown is characteristic only of young plants; in old trees, the crown becomes loose.

The variety is unpretentious. Thuja Brabant, which requires minimal care, is undemanding to the soil and can safely tolerate both short-term excess moisture and short-term drought. Golden Brabant prefers fresh, fertile loam, but can grow on any soil. Possesses frost resistance. It tolerates haircuts well.

Due to its size and proportions, it is excellent for planting in groups, as a tapeworm and for creating hedges.

Planting western thuja Brabant

Brabant, being an unpretentious variety, grows on any type of soil and can tolerate both light and excessive waterlogging. However, like any plant, it will feel better in fresh, fertile soils. And growing on dry, nutrient-poor soil can lead to the appearance of sparse branches, discoloration of needles, and abundant fruiting, which together greatly reduces decorative effect thuja.

When choosing a place for planting, you must take into account that thuja is a light-loving plant. However, you should not give preference to an area illuminated by the sun throughout the day. In this case, straight Sun rays falling on the needles will lead to dehydration, and this, in turn, will affect the fact that the plant will not survive the winter well. Thuja Brabant tolerates light partial shade well, but in dense shade the tree begins to thin out and loses its decorative properties.

Thuja Brabant, planting and caring for which is not difficult, has a closed root system. Therefore, when correct actions For gardeners, the tree can easily be replanted at any time of the year. But, as a rule, thuja is planted in the spring.

The planting pit is prepared taking into account the size of the root system. Most often, the hole has a diameter of up to 1 m. If the hole is dug on wet and heavy soil, then a 20 cm drainage layer must be poured onto the bottom. For this, broken brick, expanded clay, etc. are used. Then the hole is filled up earth mixture. The mixture consists of turf or leaf soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1. You can add nitroammophoska at the rate of 0.5 kg per adult tree.

When planting, the root collar should not be buried or raised. Having planted in this way, the tree will begin to dry out and may eventually die. Root collar must be placed flush with the ground.

With the help of thuja Brabant you can form entire thuja alleys. To do this, seedlings are planted to a depth of 0.6-0.8 m (depending on the age of the planting material), the row spacing is 6-8 m, and the interval between plants in a row is 3-4 m. If Brabant is used as hedge, then the frequency of planting is reduced to 0.5-0.7 m between seedlings in a row.

Caring for Western Thuja Brabant

After planting, the seedling is watered every week for the first month at the rate of 10 liters per tree. In dry times, watering is increased to 2 times a week, 15-20 liters each. Sprinkling or spraying is also used.

After watering, loosening is recommended, which is carried out no deeper than 10 cm, since the root system is superficial. It wouldn't hurt to mulch with wood chips or peat. The thickness of the layer is 5-7 cm. In the spring, dry, diseased, damaged shoots are removed. Like all trees, thuja responds well to the application of mineral fertilizers in the spring. To do this, it is better to use a complete complex for conifers.

This is a frost-resistant type of thuja. However, in the first 2 years, young, fragile seedlings need protection from frost and bright winter-spring sun. Subsequently, the plant becomes more resilient. In addition, Brabant tolerates the scorching spring sun better in places protected from the wind, which must be taken into account when planting. You can protect vulnerable needles with craft paper or spruce branches.

The tree is pruned 2-3 years after planting. To do this, use a powerful pruner that does not leave dents at the cut points. Due to this, the cut will quickly tighten, and the plant will continue to develop. The most the right time It is considered the beginning of summer, after the buds and branches have formed. The next pruning takes place at the end of August. By trimming twice a season, you can get a dense green crown, which is especially important when forming a green “wall.” And if you systematically trim the side shoots and tops, you can “keep” the green “hedge” within 2 m in height and 0.4 m in width. Formation begins when the thuja has reached the desired height. Minor crown adjustments are made throughout the season. Brabant tolerates haircuts steadily. However, no more than a third of the shoot is cut off, otherwise the plant will weaken.

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