Jasmine herb medicinal properties and contraindications. Garden jasmine and his brothers - intrigues of the jasmine family

Jasmine is widespread, grown mainly for its flowers, and is grown in gardens or as a houseplant. In South Asia, jasmine flowers are worn by women as decoration. The most famous feature of this plant is its special, easily recognizable smell. Delicate flowers open only at night, with a drop in temperature, usually between 18 and 20 hours.

Description of the plant. Jasmine (Jasminum officinale) – flowering shrub, blooms white or yellow flowers, originally from Mediterranean countries (there are opinions that jasmine comes from India). The name comes from the Persian word yasmin, which means "gift of God." The shrub has a branched crown, thin long green branches, complex flowers and is grown either as ornamental plant(Jasminum fretticans), either for industrial or medical use. The flowers can vary in size, small or large, usually white with a pleasant scent that intensifies in the evening. Jasmine grows very quickly. It tolerates shade easily, but still grows better in sunny and windy areas.

Widely known for its large consumption of jasmine tea, Chinese civilization drinks it all year round: winter, summer, spring and autumn. This habit originated in the northern and northeastern regions of China.

The widely known and very expensive jasmine oil is extracted from jasmine flowers. The high price is explained by the fact that in order to obtain 1 kilogram of jasmine essence, you need to use a thousand kilograms of fresh flowers. However, its significant effects on physical condition And psychological state are sufficient reasons to believe that such efforts are justified. This plant has the ability to relieve stress and depression and helps restore self-confidence. Jasmine flowers are used in biotherapy and the perfume industry.

Benefits and features of jasmine. Fresh jasmine flowers contain large number essential oil. In addition to this oil, the flowers contain benzyl acetate, benzyl alcohol, linalool, indole and jasmone. All these substances give jasmine aphrodisiac properties. Other benefits of jasmine flowers include improving digestion, weight loss, and helping to eliminate toxins. They also speed up metabolism, improve blood circulation and are mainly known for their aphrodisiac properties.

Preparation. How can you use jasmine flowers? Most the simplest way- is to make tea from them. Another way is to soak them in oil or alcohol. The tea can be consumed for headaches and coughs, and the soaked flowers can be used to treat rheumatism.

In aromatherapy, jasmine oil is recommended for all types of physical pain. It's also good to have on hand in case you're about to give birth. Moreover, it is a strong antiseptic, sedative and tonic, recommended for breathing problems, cough and nervous exhaustion. Jasmine oil also soothes skin irritations and can be used in small quantities to reduce pain.

Jasmine tea. Jasmine tea is known to most nutritionists as great helper in the fight against excess weight. This tea does not have the same tonic properties as green tea, but it has sedative properties and is able to regulate blood pressure. If you mix jasmine tea with green tea, you get a delicious drink that combines beneficial properties both of them.

Of course, this is not the most powerful aphrodisiac, but jasmine tea helps the body relax and restore strength during times of stress or periods of increased physical or mental fatigue.

Jasmine oil. Aromatherapy fans use jasmine oil in combination with ylang-ylang oil. This mixture helps restore a healthy state of body and spirit.
Warning. It is not recommended to drink jasmine tea in large quantities, especially if you are pregnant. It is also not recommended to drink jasmine tea on an empty stomach, as this can cause increased acidity. After 5 pm, it is better to avoid drinking jasmine tea to avoid insomnia.

Jasmine is a plant belonging to the olive genus. Types of jasmine include more than two hundred names. Therefore, its characteristics are very diverse. There are representatives climbing vines, there are growing in the form of a bush. This beautiful ornamental plant delights with its flowers and incomparably pleasant aroma.

Due to the similarity of smells, the plant is often confused with garden plant"mock orange". In fact, they have nothing in common with each other. Jasmine, as it is also called True Jasmine, is most common in tropical and subtropical climate zones. But when proper care It takes root well and blooms in home greenhouses, or just in the room. In open ground in our climate, the plant simply does not survive.

Varieties of Jasmine


Grandiflora jasmine - this species is also commonly called medicinal jasmine. Grows in the form of a bush with shoots. Maximum length– 10 meters. The leaves are dark green and reach 2-3 centimeters in length. Shape – elliptical, pointed. The flowers are large and white. They bloom in late spring.
It has been noticed that grandiflora jasmine smells strongest in the morning. At this time, the concentration of aromatic oils is maximum, so picking flowers is worth taking into account this feature.

Cultivation and application

It is often grown even on an industrial scale, since its flowers are used to extract essential oil, which is especially valued in cosmetology, promotes relaxation and acts as an aphrodisiac. You can also use the petals simply by adding them to tea.

The use of this plant for medicinal purposes is very common in China. In the Land of the Rising Sun, flowers are used to make remedies for eye diseases, poisoning, ulcers and even tumors. Root part used to relieve migraines, insomnia, and joint diseases.


Jasmine multiflorum is an evergreen vine. The leaves are small, pointed. In spring, white star-shaped flowers emerge from pink buds. It is better to grow this wonderful plant in partial shade. Afraid of bright straight lines sun rays, due to which the leaves can get burned. In summer you can grow it outside. In cold months, you should avoid temperatures below +10.


Leaves of the multifloral jasmine species have healing properties. You can apply a compress from them to the wound. The essential oil of this plant serves as a good antidepressant. But chewing the raw root relieves headaches and insomnia.

Reproduction method

Multifloral jasmine is propagated by planting cuttings. The plant can be given the desired shape using a support for entwining. To avoid bare branches, they should be pruned once a year. By the way, it is believed that this species has the strongest aroma of flowers.

Royal variety

Royal jasmine is one of the few varieties whose flowers do not have a jasmine scent. As if in compensation, this variety pleases its owners in winter with especially large flowers. About 7 centimeters in diameter.


Holofloral jasmine is a small shrub with drooping shoots. Its flowering is also unique - it occurs in winter period and amazes with bright yellow flowers.


Primrose jasmine is another “unscented” species. Blooms with yellow flowers in spring and summer. It has very long pointed leaves.


Jasmine sambac is a plant also known as Indian jasmine. Coming from a hot country, it can create a real corner of the tropics just in an apartment. This is a shrub with long shoots that need to be trimmed at least twice a year. In order for it to take on the shape of a vine, it needs support, since the shoots are thin.


Jasmine sambac, unlike jasmine multiflorum, loves bright southern windows.

Flowering period

Jasmine sambac blooms almost all year round. The flowers are white, double, with a long tube and very fragrant. Their shape is similar to lilac flowers, only larger and with a large number petals. As the flowers fade, they acquire a reddish or lilac tint. The flowers bloom one after another.

Reproduction methods

For propagation, cuttings are taken during spring pruning. Cuttings planted in damp sand form roots within 30 - 40 days, provided they are created high humidity and maintaining the temperature +22 ... +25 degrees. Rooted jasmine sambac is transplanted into. After small quantity time, as soon as the cuttings get stronger, they need to be transplanted into a pot with a volume of up to two liters.


Jasmine sambac must be replanted into a larger pot every year. Thanks to this, the exotic bush will become larger and stronger. Spring pruning will also contribute to denser flowering.

Jasmine sambac itself has several varieties:

  1. Grand Duke (homeland: Iran). Its flowers are double and the largest. The shapes are very different - they look like carnations or roses. The quirk of this variety is that flowers can bloom on the same shrub at the same time. different shapes and colors, which looks very unusual. This variety is more capricious in care than its relatives.
  2. Beauty of India (homeland - India). The reward for lovers for growing this variety of jasmine is beautiful oblong snow-white flowers all year round. Does not withstand temperatures below +10.
  3. 3. Maid of Orleans. This is the most popular type. It is also called “tea”. Despite the fact that “Maid of Orleans” is the most unpretentious variety to grow, it brings no less pleasure than others. Its flowering is very abundant and fragrant. It is ideal for growing on a windowsill, the only thing is that it is sensitive to overflow.

Caring for indoor jasmine

Almost all varieties of jasmine are not particularly capricious. But still the features in caring for aromatic plant There is.


The soil in which the plant grows should consist of equal parts of deciduous, clay-turf soil and sand. Lime should not be allowed to get into the soil (including water).


This is a water-loving plant, but you should be careful, some species are very sensitive to overwatering. The amount of water must be selected in accordance with external environment, which contains jasmine. In a heavily heated room and in summer, watering should be more abundant. Also likes spraying leaves.


Optimal temperature regime during the flowering period 16 - 25 degrees Celsius. During periods of calm, it is better to maintain the temperature around +10. This will contribute to future abundant flowering.


Of the pests, jasmine is most susceptible to whiteflies. The following algorithm of actions, performed once every three days, will help get rid of them:

  • treat with soapy water;
  • wash warm water;
  • Spray with Actellik.

In any case, the amazing aroma and exoticism of this plant are worthy of growing jasmine at home. In addition, an amateur florist will receive a health boost by simply brewing a cup of tea with the addition of faded petals.

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Useful properties of the jasmine plant. Jasmine energy. The healing properties of jasmine.

Jasmine is native to the subtropics of Africa, America and Asia. It is often grown in gardens. Jasmine represents evergreen shrub with pink, yellow or white flowers with a fragrant aroma. Flowers, depending on the variety, can be simple, double or semi-double.

As indoor culture The most common is the multifloral jasmine, which is a vigorous vine that produces pink buds in the spring, which then turn into white flowers. Arabian jasmine with its fragrant white flowers is also popular. This variety of jasmine is one of the most ancient; it was bred in China before our era. Even one flower of this variety fills the entire room with fragrance. The flowers bloom one after another, flowering continues almost all year round, with the most abundant flowering occurring in spring and autumn.

Jasmine used as indoor plant For vertical gardening. It is also often bred in winter gardens. This is a light-loving plant, so it is advisable to place it on windows with sunny side. For better development It is recommended to fertilize it in summer and spray it frequently.

Use of jasmine in folk medicine

IN folk medicine Various parts of jasmine are widely used. Jasmine leaves are used as an antipyretic. Jasmine tea helps enhance lactation. For skin diseases, it is recommended to apply a compress of jasmine leaves to the affected area. The raw root is used to cure headaches, insomnia, and as a painkiller.

Jasmine flowers have an incredibly fragrant aroma; they are often added to tea and soft drinks are prepared with them. Jasmine essential oil is used as an antidepressant; it helps get rid of feelings of anxiety and restlessness, normalizes the nervous system, and relieves insomnia.

Japanese scientists conducted a series of tests that showed that the aroma of jasmine has a stronger tonic effect than the aroma of coffee.

Jasmine decoction for bronchial asthma and bronchitis

Compound: 1 tbsp. chopped dry young jasmine branches and leaves, 250 ml of water.

Cooking method: Pour water over the jasmine, bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Leave for 1 hour, then strain.

Directions for use: drink 1-2 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals.

Jasmine flower tincture for skin diseases

Compound: 100 g jasmine flowers, 100 ml 70% ethyl alcohol.

Cooking method: put jasmine flowers in glassware, pour in alcohol, leave in a cool, dark place for a week, then strain.

Directions for use: dilute 1 tsp. infusion of 100 ml of cold boiled water, wet a cotton swab and wipe the problem areas of the skin with it.

Oil infusion of jasmine flowers

Compound: 100 g jasmine flowers, 2.5 liters of natural vegetable oil.

Cooking method: put jasmine flowers in a glass container, add oil, close tightly and place in the sun for 40 days. Shake every day. Keep cool dark place.

Directions for use: lubricate the body with oil infusion once a day.

Note: jasmine oil infusion is used for paralysis, diseases respiratory tract, convulsions, migraines, inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

Useful properties of the jasmine plant. Jasmine energy. The healing properties of jasmine.

Jasmine is native to the subtropics of Africa, America and Asia. It is often grown in gardens. Jasmine is an evergreen shrub with pink, yellow or white flowers that have a fragrant aroma. Flowers, depending on the variety, can be simple, double or semi-double.

The most common indoor plant is jasmine multiflorum, which is a vigorous vine that produces pink buds in the spring, which then turn into white flowers. Arabian jasmine with its fragrant white flowers is also popular. This variety of jasmine is one of the most ancient; it was bred in China before our era. Even one flower of this variety fills the entire room with fragrance. The flowers bloom one after another, flowering continues almost all year round, with the most abundant flowering occurring in spring and autumn.

Jasmine used as a houseplant for vertical gardening. It is also often bred in winter gardens. This is a light-loving plant, so it is advisable to place it on windows on the sunny side. For better development, it is recommended to fertilize it in summer and spray it frequently.

Use of jasmine in folk medicine

Various parts of jasmine are widely used in folk medicine. Jasmine leaves are used as an antipyretic. Jasmine tea helps enhance lactation. For skin diseases, it is recommended to apply a compress of jasmine leaves to the affected area. The raw root is used to cure headaches, insomnia, and as a painkiller.

Jasmine flowers have an incredibly fragrant aroma; they are often added to tea and soft drinks are prepared with them. Jasmine essential oil is used as an antidepressant; it helps get rid of feelings of anxiety and restlessness, normalizes the nervous system, and relieves insomnia.

Japanese scientists conducted a series of tests that showed that the aroma of jasmine has a stronger tonic effect than the aroma of coffee.

Jasmine decoction for bronchial asthma and bronchitis

Compound: 1 tbsp. chopped dry young jasmine branches and leaves, 250 ml of water.

Cooking method: Pour water over the jasmine, bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Leave for 1 hour, then strain.

Directions for use: drink 1-2 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals.

Jasmine flower tincture for skin diseases

Compound: 100 g jasmine flowers, 100 ml 70% ethyl alcohol.

Cooking method: put jasmine flowers in a glass bowl, add alcohol, leave in a dark, cool place for a week, then strain.

Directions for use: dilute 1 tsp. infusion of 100 ml of cold boiled water, wet a cotton swab and wipe the problem areas of the skin with it.

Oil infusion of jasmine flowers

Compound: 100 g jasmine flowers, 2.5 liters of natural vegetable oil.

Cooking method: put jasmine flowers in a glass container, add oil, close tightly and place in the sun for 40 days. Shake every day. Store in a cool, dark place.

Directions for use: lubricate the body with oil infusion once a day.

Note: jasmine oil infusion is used for paralysis, respiratory diseases, convulsions, migraines, inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

Green pharmacy =

Jasmine flowers beneficial properties

Jasmine- is evergreen perennial shrub 1-1.5 m high, abundantly covered with foliage. Belongs to the olive family. Eastern India is considered its homeland. Grows in Africa, Australia, China, Transcaucasia, Crimea. There are 90 species in total (according to some sources up to 300). The flowers are large, simple or double, with a rich, unique aroma. The flowers are collected at night or early in the morning and immediately dried to preserve the aroma. Jasmine flowers are so fragrant that it is nicknamed the “king of scents.”

Jasmine contains flavonoids; phenols and their derivative, syringoside, are found in the bark. Alkaloids, ursolic acid, were found in the bark and leaves, alkaloids in the flowers, and fatty oil in the seeds. Branches, leaves, fruits, flowers, and seeds are used for medicinal purposes. Jasmine can be grown indoors.

Useful properties of jasmine

The smell of jasmine stimulates brain function and has a refreshing effect. 100 g of flowers are placed in a gauze bag and placed in a bath of water. This bath helps with fatigue. Acts as an antispasmodic; tea with the addition of jasmine flowers is used for insomnia, hoarseness, impotence, frigidity, and depression.

People born 01.05.-14.05. and 03.11.-11.11. are under the auspices of the beautiful, delicate, invitingly smelling jasmine flower. For people of the sign of fragrant jasmine, it is advisable to prepare it for a long time. cold winter and use it as a vitamin remedy, especially during the spring period of vitamin deficiency, adding it to tea. And then stress will pass, and illnesses, if they suddenly arise, will pass quickly and without complications.

Healing recipes from jasmine

1. Decoction: pour 1 tablespoon of chopped dry branches and leaves into 1 glass of water, boil over low heat for 4-5 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 1-2 tablespoons before meals 3 times a day for bronchitis and bronchial asthma. 2. Tincture: 100 g of fresh jasmine flowers, pour 100 ml of alcohol, leave for a week in a sealed container in a dark place, strain. Dilute 1 teaspoon of tincture in 100 ml of cold boiled water. Use for rinsing and lotions for various skin diseases. 3. Oil: 1 drop of ready-made jasmine oil per 10 ml of vegetable oil. Used for massage. To prepare jasmine oil at home, fill a glass bottle with jasmine flowers; olive oil, insist, strain.

There are no contraindications. Only if you drink too much tea can headaches occur.

Jasmine in cosmetics

You can wipe your face with a decoction or infusion of jasmine to moisturize, soothe dry, irritated skin, and acts as an antiseptic.

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Home page » Jasmine tea » Beneficial properties of jasmine tea, effect on weight loss

Jasmine tea and its beneficial properties

Jasmine tea is a mixture of green tea and jasmine petals, or green tea prepared using a special technology with the scent of jasmine. Jasmine enriches the aromatic and flavor palette of green tea, giving it a subtle, delicate aroma and a sweetish taste.

Jasmine is a shrub actively used in folk medicine. For making medicines All parts of this plant are suitable. And jasmine branches are also used as raw materials for weaving baskets, so if you have free space, be sure to plant a bush of this fragrant plant.

Composition and beneficial properties

jasmine photo

Jasmine is a bush that is famous for its medicinal properties. They appear thanks to chemical composition this plant, which contains:

  • essential oils;
  • biologically active natural compounds (sesquiterpenes, phenols, triterpenes, lactones, etc.);
  • formic, salicylic and benzoic acids.

In addition to oil, jasmine flowers contain benzyl alcohol, benzyl acetate, linalool, jasmone and indole. All these substances provide this plant with aphrodisiac properties. Also flowers of this plant:

  • improve digestion;
  • stimulate weight loss;
  • assist the body in eliminating toxins;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • speed up metabolism.

IN traditional medicine Jasmine is used in the treatment of hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, to strengthen nervous system and with apathy. Preparations with its flowers, seeds and shoots are used to reduce headaches, alleviate the condition of a woman in labor, and get rid of pain in the abdominal area and in the fight against diseases of the uterus. The aroma of jasmine helps you forget about insomnia. Also, this plant and its essential oil can often be seen in some biologically active additives.
In folk medicine, the use of jasmine is more widespread. Jasmine tea relieves attacks of irritability, invigorates, stimulates brain activity and improves mood. Decoctions of leaves and flowers are used in the treatment of bronchitis and asthma, and with the help of tinctures they get rid of skin diseases.
In Chinese medicine, jasmine is used to cleanse the blood, and an infusion of flowers is used to wash the eyes and treat rheumatism. It is also used to make a syrup that helps with coughs. In Cuba, for a long time, decoctions of jasmine leaves have been used to treat colitis or dysentery.

Cultivation and collection

Jasmine is a shrub with fragrant flowers

Jasmine is a flowering shrub. Its flowers are white or yellow. Maternity plant is a plant from Mediterranean countries. Its crown is branched, and the branches are thin, long and green. Jasmine grows very quickly and is grown as an ornamental plant or for medicinal and industrial use. Special care There is no need for jasmine: the shrub only needs regular watering, fertilizing and removing dry branches.
There are more than 70 varieties of jasmine in the world. In European countries, garden jasmine is most common; it tolerates shade quite easily, but it will feel better in windy and sunny areas. In the evening its aroma intensifies. There are also indoor flowers jasmine. They differ radically from their garden counterpart; they are united only by a strong and pleasant aroma.

Essential oil is extracted from jasmine flowers. It is one of the most expensive in the world, because to get 1 kg. essences, 1000 kg need to be processed. freshly picked flowers.
Harvesting jasmine is a meticulous and complex process. It is best to carry it out in the summer months, because at this time the flowers are much more fragrant and fragrant. When the flowers are collected, they are carefully laid out to dry. You can dry them in the oven. If the leaves are needed to prepare jasmine tea, then they are immediately mixed with tea leaves.

Jasmine in folk medicine

It is beneficial to drink black and green tea with jasmine

The most popular jasmine remedy is an infusion of its flowers and leaves. It is prepared from 1 tbsp. spoons of crushed raw materials and a glass hot water, which simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes and leave for about an hour. The infusion must be strained before use. Drink it 15-30 ml. before meals three times a day.
Jasmine tincture is best suited for treating skin diseases. To prepare it you will need 100 ml. alcohol and 100 gr. freshly picked flowers. They are mixed and left for 7 days. Then the mixture is filtered and diluted with 1 teaspoon of the product in 100 ml. water, make lotions.
An oil infusion is also suitable for external use. To prepare it you need flowers of any type of jasmine (just not indoor jasmine), which are poured into glass jar and filled with olive or vegetable oil. The jar is exposed to the sun and left there for 40 days, remembering to shake it periodically. There is no need to strain this infusion. It will help with:

  • for colds;
  • convulsions;
  • migraines;
  • paralysis;
  • inflammation of the sciatic nerve;
  • nervous trembling.

For those who often have chapped hands, we recommend an oil infusion made from jasmine, rose and linden petals.
The easiest way to prepare black or green tea is with jasmine. To brew it as correctly as possible, it is better to pre-warm the teapot by rinsing it with boiling water. The tea itself should not be poured with boiling water; jasmine may lose its properties and aroma. 1-2 tablespoons of a mixture of dry jasmine leaves with tea grains should be poured into 200 ml. water 80-85 degrees and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Jasmine oil is known for its anti-aging properties

Jasmine essential oil can be added to a bath (mix 4-7 drops of oil with 20-30 ml of honey, milk or whey and pour into a full bath of warm water). The bath time should not exceed 20 minutes.

To scent a room with jasmine, you will need 2-3 drops of oil per 5 square meters. m. In aromatherapy, jasmine oil goes well with myrtle and rosemary oils. ylang-ylang, tea tree, mandarin and lavender.

Jasmine is also popular as an excellent anti-aging agent. It helps restore elasticity and youth to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. To enrich cosmetics for dry, sensitive and irritable skin, it is best to use 3 drops of oil per 10 ml of base.
If you have calluses, then using a compress of crushed jasmine leaves can get rid of them in just 3-4 days.

Jasmine in cooking

Jasmine is used quite often in cooking due to its pleasant and rich aroma. Most often it is white jasmine. Its flower petals are added to drinks and desserts. This gives them a light, refined taste.
You can make ice cream with jasmine flowers. They are soaked in cold water, leave for 2.5-3 hours and filter. The resulting liquid is poured into a saucepan, sugar is added to taste, a pinch of cinnamon and boiled. Then the mixture is cooled, add 1 tbsp. l. rum, a little whipped cream and put in the freezer for a day. When serving, this ice cream can be decorated fresh flowers jasmine
Jasmine gives white wine an unusual taste. For this purpose, jasmine oil is diluted with lemon juice in equal proportions and add 3-5 drops of solution to a bottle of white wine. It should brew for 2 days, then it is filtered and served.
In Europe, young jasmine leaves are often added to salads as a seasoning.

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