Self-painting technology for crushed stone. Production of colored crushed stone and decorative chips

In order to create an interesting and colorful design for a garden or park, they often resort to using painted crushed stone. Besides, so original decorative material widely used in interior design, when decorating aquariums and decorative flower pots.

The demand for painted crushed stone is quite high and has not fallen for many years. Using the production of colored crushed stone as a business is quite profitable. The technology for its production is not particularly difficult, and it is quite easy to master.

Business documents

To start your own business, first of all, you need to register. To engage in painting crushed stone for the purpose of its subsequent sale, you can register as individual entrepreneur(IP) or legal entity - limited liability company (LLC).

Since such production is not characterized by huge turnover and large industrial production, it is easier and more convenient to register as an individual entrepreneur. To do this you need:

  • write an application in the prescribed form to the federal tax service at your place of registration;
  • pay the state fee for registration as an individual entrepreneur;
  • present a passport or other document that allows you to identify your identity.

After submitting the specified documents, after five working days, you will be able to receive a document confirming your registration as an individual entrepreneur.

When filling out the application, you need to select and indicate the code for your future activities All-Russian classifier species economic activity. To do this, you should carefully study the classifier and select all the codes that suit you at the moment and those codes that you plan to use in the future.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that when registering an individual entrepreneur, the taxation system is automatically set to general. In order to change it, it is necessary within three days, after you have registered, you must write an application to change the tax system.

The general tax system is the most labor-intensive in terms of accounting and taxes on it are quite high. For the production of colored stones, it is worth choosing a simplified taxation system (STS). It comes in two types – with and without expenses. In the first case, you will pay 15% tax on net profit, and in the second - 6%, but on the entire turnover. What is more profitable for you is up to you personally.


In order to paint crushed stone according to technology, it is enough simple devices and simple steps:

  • dividing crushed stone into fractions (this stage can be avoided if you buy fractional crushed stone);
  • painting crushed stone in a mixer (concrete mixer);
  • drying stones.

Let us consider in more detail all stages of the technological process.

  1. The first stage of the process is the division into fractions. For this purpose, special sifters are used, which must be purchased. This stage can be avoided by purchasing a certain fraction of crushed stone, but this will lead to an increase in the cost of your products. This is due to the fact that crushed stone separated into fractions costs several times more than undivided crushed stone.
  2. In order to paint the stones, concrete mixers are used. The stones are loaded into a concrete mixer together with paint and mixed for 20-40 minutes. A little advice: if possible, it is worth purchasing several concrete mixers to speed up manufacturing process. Here the question arises - “how to paint crushed stone?”, but more on that later.
  3. To dry, the painted crushed stone is unloaded onto metal grill and dries. If the production is small, then the crushed stone can be dried simply in air. When volumes increase significantly, special drying chambers or bunkers are used for drying.

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In order to organize production, you need to buy at least a minimum set of equipment. It is imperative to buy at least one concrete mixer, and preferably several. Ideally, there should be as many concrete mixers as there are colors in color scheme the crushed stone you produce. In addition, crushed stone can be separated into fractions using manual sifting.

As mentioned, buying a sifter can be avoided, but purchasing one is highly recommended. Despite its cost, about 80 thousand rubles, it will pay for itself quickly enough. Its quick payback is due to the fact that the price of crushed stone divided and not divided into fractions differs several times.

To make the drying process faster, you can purchase a drying chamber. At first, there will be no particular need to purchase it. When you begin to expand production, then the issue of purchasing a dryer will arise. If you are making small volumes of crushed stone, then you can simply dry it in a dry, well-ventilated area.

Naturally, it is necessary to purchase small equipment such as shovels, sieves and the like. In addition, it won’t hurt to purchase work gloves and other small items.


In order to organize a mini-production for the production of painted crushed stone, it is quite possible to do without hired workers. If you do not plan to work independently, but are only going to engage in administrative activities, then you cannot do without workers.

With average production volumes, you will only need four employees who will work every other shift. The qualifications of the workers are practically irrelevant. Any physically strong man can load crushed stone into a concrete mixer and unload it.

Raw materials

For production finished products you will need to purchase raw materials. Colored crushed stone consists of crushed stone itself and dye applied to it.

It is clear that the main raw material is crushed stone. You will buy tons of it. It is advisable to carry out preliminary preparation stones, namely to wash them. This preparation will allow you to obtain a more saturated color.

It is important to remember that the stones must be dried before painting.

Dye is also a raw material, but you won’t buy tons of it, of course. In addition to the coloring pigment, you will also need binder. PVA glue usually acts as the current binding base. Sometimes used for coloring polymer paints for crushed stone.

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Business plan

In order to open a mini-production in your garage, you will need a minimum investment. It will be enough to buy 10 tons of crushed stone, costing 15-20 thousand rubles, the dye for it will cost about 10 thousand rubles. You also cannot do without a concrete mixer, which costs about 9 thousand rubles. In addition, you will need sieves and shovels.

In general, the organization of production in own garage It will cost you about 50 thousand rubles. Considering the profitability of such production, you will be able to recoup the investment in less than 3 months of work.

If you plan to open a large production facility, then the costs could be about 900 thousand rubles. This amount includes equipment, raw materials, rent and wages for workers. Such investments will pay off fairly quickly - within 6–9 months.


For such an organization, in order to comply with the technology for the production of colored crushed stone, even a garage or shed is enough. All this can be organized even at home.

If you are going to engage in serious production, then you should choose premises in the industrial part of your settlement. The size of the room will depend on the scale of your production.

It is important that access to the premises is ensured for heavy vehicles and trucks. Your main raw material, crushed stone, will be delivered by heavy trucks.

It is necessary that the premises have electricity, water supply and sewerage. Electricity is better with a voltage of 380 watts.

Advertising and sales

In order for production to be profitable, it is necessary to establish sales of finished products. To achieve established sales channels, you need to make yourself known to the consumer.

Depending on production volumes, it is necessary to develop and advertising campaign. If you are planning a fairly large business, then you need to conduct fairly large-scale advertising. Here billboards, advertising on transport, in the media and brochures will come to your aid.

If the production is small, then it is better to work to order. To find clients, you can use a tool such as online bulletin boards. You need to create your own website.

Considering some seasonality of this business, you need to take care of orders during the so-called low season. To do this, it is worth offering your clients a service such as storage of paid goods “until requested”. This will allow production to be loaded throughout the year, and not just in warm seasons, when people massively engage in landscaping.


The most important component that will ensure the quality of the finished product is paint for painting crushed stone. It is this one that should be chosen quite meticulously. It must be resistant to impact ultraviolet rays, since crushed stone is mainly used outdoors.

Making colored crushed stone is not difficult. It is necessary to purchase ordinary crushed stone with a diameter of 10-30 mm and paint it in desired color acrylic paint. Read on to learn how to set up such production and earn a good income.

Why do you need such a product?

Despite this ease of manufacture, colored crushed stone is in demand in a number of areas that include landscaping. These primarily include:

  • organization of design and microclimate in a terrarium or aquarium;
  • improvement of urban areas;
  • landscape design in various territories;
  • arrangement of cemetery plots and tombs.

It appears that the goods will mainly be sold in wholesale quantities. For example, landscape design will require tens of tons of such material. Even for the tomb, about a ton is also needed.

The target audience

Your business plan should not only calculate in detail the production of colored stone, but also its distribution channels. To do this, you need to decide on the target audience. The main buyers of such goods are:

  • pet salons and pet stores that purchase it for retail sale for terrariums, aquariums and furnishings for other animals;
  • pet owners for the same needs;
  • organizations providing funeral services;
  • landscape design companies;
  • public utilities and landscaping services for creating lawns and flower beds;
  • private individuals to develop their own plots.

Enterprise registration

For your business to operate legally, you need to register it. Which organizational and legal form to choose depends on what production volumes your company expects to produce. For small volumes, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur. This procedure takes about five days and will require payment of a state fee of 800 rubles. In addition, in future activities it will be easier for you to maintain company records.

If you are planning volume production and plan to receive large orders, it is worth registering entity. As a rule, they settle on a form of organization such as an LLC. True, in this case you must have an authorized capital of at least 10 thousand rubles.

When choosing a taxation system, it is recommended, if possible, to choose a simplified system, which involves paying 15% of profits. When registering, you must indicate your desire to work using this system or switch to it within three days after receiving the registration documents.

Production technology

For production, crushed stone of medium fraction is required. Moreover, to facilitate production, it is necessary to purchase raw materials of a specific fraction - then there is no need to sort it. As a rule, one purchase batch is about 14 tons and is delivered by a standard KAMAZ.

If heterogeneous raw materials were purchased, it must be sifted and crushed stone of the required fraction must be selected. For this they use special equipment– vibrating screen. Production begins with washing and drying the raw materials, since paint does not adhere well to a dirty and wet surface.

The raw materials ready for painting are loaded into a special hopper, from where they are fed with a shovel into a concrete mixer. It is filled with raw materials a little more than half. Then paint of the desired pigmentation is poured into it and the concrete mixer is turned on for no more than 15 minutes. After this, the painted stone is unloaded to dry.

This stage takes place on a special vibrating screen with a capacity of approximately 700 kg. The sieve must have a tray installed to drain excess paint from the crushed stone. Using a vibrating screen will help color the stone evenly and keep it clean. After drying, the crushed stone is loaded into a special bunker, where it is stored until the next stage. Production is completed by packaging the material into bags with a capacity of 5, 10, 15 or 20 kg. As a rule, this is done by hand, as well as sewing bags with a hand machine.

Equipment for the production of

The launch of production includes a small amount of equipment. The business plan includes the purchase of the following basic equipment:

  • bag sewing machine;
  • bunker for painted crushed stone;
  • vibrating sieve for drying;
  • concrete mixer for painting,
  • bunker for raw materials.

Usually, for painting, they take a concrete mixer with a volume of 0.7 cubic meters and fill it with crushed stone up to 0.5 cubic meters. During a shift, it can paint two tons of crushed stone, but it will have to be loaded three times. As a rule, smaller volume concrete mixers are not used, since this is not cost-effective. Then you have to run it twice as much per shift, which increases electricity consumption and labor costs.

In total, approximately 960 thousand rubles will be spent on equipment that produces up to 13 tons per shift.

Additional tool

In addition to basic equipment, the business plan must provide for the purchase of additional equipment. You will need four shovels. One is intended for loading raw materials into a bunker, the other is for transferring from a bunker into a concrete mixer, the third is from a concrete mixer onto a vibrating sieve, and the fourth is for unloading from a sieve into a bunker for storing finished products. Each shovel costs an average of 340 rubles.

For a concrete mixer of the specified volume, the business plan will require the purchase of about 310 kg of paint per day. On average, a kilogram of such paint costs 110 rubles. That is, a month will require a little more than 34 thousand rubles for paint.

The finished product is packaged in bags. Such a container for 20 kg costs approximately 4.5 rubles. unit. You will need at least 2.2 thousand pieces per month, that is, almost 10 thousand rubles must be allocated for their purchase.

Total additional tool will require about 1360 rubles, and for consumables - 44 thousand rubles. for a month of work.


Business also has the advantage that finding staff to work with is quite easy. You can hire two workers for one shift. At the same time, their qualifications do not matter - the work is simple and does not require special knowledge. Therefore, you can select employees for production in the shortest possible time.

Financial side of the project

To summarize all of the above, we can say that a business at the start will require a little more than a million rubles, namely:

  • 873 thousand rubles. for tools, equipment;
  • 100 thousand rubles. for the purchase of raw materials;
  • 50 thousand rubles. for opening and registration.

As for revenue, it can be calculated based on a production of 2 tons per shift with 22 shifts per month. Accordingly, up to 44 tons of products can be produced in a month. Colored crushed stone is sold for 12 thousand rubles. per ton subject to wholesale purchase, that is, revenue will be 528 thousand rubles.

The cost of 44 tons of crushed stone will be 110 thousand rubles. In this case, you need to deduct 200 thousand rubles. for expenses for wages workers and other expenses. The total remains 218 thousand rubles. net profit. That is, the business will pay for itself in about six months if you sell at least 20 tons of finished products per month.

Typically, colored decorative crushed stone (crumbs) is made and used for decorative elements, for landscape design. Its production is very profitable and economically efficient business, since the original, unpainted material is quite cheap, and painting the raw materials is also not a very expensive process.

Main consumers

Usually this:

  • individuals using crushed stone for landscaping and design local area dachas, estates, estates, country houses;
  • various utilities and organizations, services engaged in landscaping and design of city lawns and flower beds;
  • design companies and studios engaged in decor and creation various types landscapes.

Raw materials and equipment for production

Granite and marble chips are used as the main raw materials for production, as well as gravel or sand for a cheaper option.

Since ready-made crushed crushed stone in normal manufacturing companies is sold in fractions, you do not need to do any additional sifting, which means there is no need to buy a vibrating screen for this, but you may need it to facilitate other tasks.

Examples of fractions and prices excluding delivery to the Russian Federation
Fraction in mm. Price, ton (cube) / rub.
0-5 (dropout) 250
5-10 300
5-20 300
10-15 300
15-20 300
20-40 330
40-70 340

List of main equipment:

  • Concrete mixer, is the main equipment. Thanks to it, you can evenly color each stone in the shortest possible time. If your business takes off, you can then purchase your own concrete mixer for each color. The cheapest concrete mixer costs from $200.
  • Drying chamber or room- are designed to speed up the drying of finished colored crushed stone, but in the summer you can do without them if there is no rain.

Since colored crushed stone is sold by kilograms (in the Russian Federation from 20-25 rubles), you will need scales and packaging equipment in case you decide to pack products. For plastic packaging, you can use the simplest option - a manual bag sealer with a knife (from $100).

Usually, raw materials are used for production in the form of ready-made crushed crushed stone of small fractions up to 20-30 mm.

Crushed stone coloring technology

It is not recommended to store raw materials without any protection, as the pores of the stone become clogged, and the quality of the paint will then suffer as a result. Dirty crushed stone will increase paint costs, so it will need to be additionally washed and dried, for example, in the same concrete mixer using gas gun.

Granite crushed stone It paints worse than marble, since marble has higher adhesion.

Crushed stone or chips are placed in the hopper of a concrete mixer for painting. For coloring stone decorative purposes manufacturers use various options and technology. The main requirements for choosing paint are low cost, drying speed (only quick-drying ones) and abrasion resistance. As a dye, you can use, for example, acrylic-styrene paint (AK-) for marking and painting roads, acrylic water-dispersion matte (VD-AK-) for painting concrete and brick surfaces, facade enamels resistant to mechanical impact. Their price is not high and they are safer to use, unlike paints with the addition of volatile and toxic solvents.

There are reports on the Internet about the use of nitro enamels (NC paints), as well as mixtures of primer and iron oxide pigment. At the same time, preheating the crushed stone helps speed up the drying process, and when using a mixture of primer, supposedly, the stone absorbs it after heating, which prevents peeling.

It is worth noting that nitro enamels are quite toxic and, as a rule, after about 3-5 years they begin to lose their external characteristics. The use of NC is possible only with the use of respiratory protection.

It is best to experiment with coloring and composition of mixtures. Perhaps you can come up with more The best way by adding some of your own components and coloring methods.

Approximate paint consumption: ideally, approximately 3 kg of dye should be consumed per 100 kg of crushed stone.

Ideally, the operating time of a concrete mixer should be no more than 15 minutes, but it all depends on the chosen painting method and drying time.

Video of the painting process:

After the entire production process, the finished colored crushed stone or decorative chips are stored and, if necessary, packaged.

Do not forget that products have their own season of demand - summer. IN winter time Practically no one needs it, since construction and landscaping stops during this period of the year.

Technology for the production of colored crushed stone is quite simple, the main thing here is to purchase high-quality raw materials, the average fractions of which will be no less than ten and no more than thirty millimeters, and paint them with acrylic paints. This is how colored (painted) crushed stone is obtained, which allows landscape designers create real works of art on the plots, local areas or summer areas of cafes and restaurants. Customers are showing great interest in the new design proposal, so this one has every chance of success.

The entrepreneur does not have to manufacture, produce or develop anything; it is enough to carry out painting work on ready-made particles, and the result is an original and sought-after decorative building material. The raw materials that a businessman purchases for painting are already prepared and sorted in advance. Colored decorative crushed stone can be used in a variety of ways: as an element of landscape design of the local area, as decor for city squares, parks and streets, as fillers for aquariums or terrariums, and even for landscaping the territory of a cemetery plot.

Most often, such material is purchased in large quantities, since the processing of one park or local area will require more than a dozen tons of crushed stone, the only case when a ton will be enough is the improvement of a tomb or a place in a cemetery. When drawing up a business plan for production, it is necessary to highlight in advance target audience, which will be the focus of the activity. Design material will probably be of interest to:

  • Individuals who decided to equip their home or garden territory;
  • Representatives of public utilities or green economy, in order to original decoration flower beds, lawns, paths made of colored crushed stone;
  • Firms engaged in landscape design;
  • Funeral service agencies;
  • Citizens who breed animals have aquariums, cages or terrariums;
  • Shops and salons for animals, with the aim of creating custom design in the environment in which pets are kept.

Technology for the production of colored crushed stone

The production of colored crushed stone is a simple process, but at the same time it consists of several stages, each of which has its own characteristics.
  • Initially, the entrepreneur must purchase the starting material, namely sorted crushed stone ranging in size from ten to thirty millimeters. If a certain size of granules is purchased, then in principle there is no need to sort such material. The production of colored crushed stone begins with unloading the source material into special containers, and then it is sent in certain portions on shovels for painting. It is undesirable to keep crushed stone in the air, without a canopy, as the material will become dirty and paint it will be much more difficult. In order for acrylic paints to adhere well, the surfaces must be not only dry, but also clean. A standard KAMAZ will deliver fourteen tons of raw materials; it is in these portions that the material is most often supplied for the production of colored crushed stone.
  • Next, you should place the fractions in painting containers, which are concrete mixers. If the volume of the unit is 0.7 cubic meters, then it will not be completely filled, but half a cube, that is, almost half of the concrete mixer will remain empty. The technology for producing colored crushed stone involves filling a container with acrylic paints, namely the shade that was initially chosen by the entrepreneur or customer. To produce two tons during one shift finished material, you will need to load the car three times in one day. You should not purchase less voluminous concrete mixers, since such production of colored crushed stone will not be profitable, because more starts will have to be made.
  • The stage of direct coloring of the fractions begins, which lasts about fifteen minutes. Paint for the production of colored crushed stone covers the surface of the granules, after which it is necessary to dry the finished material, leaving time for excess paint to drain off.
  • To dry colored decorative crushed stone, it is proposed to use a fairly large vibrating sieve. It must have a capacity sufficient to freely accommodate seven hundred kilograms of the finished material, since this is how much one portion weighs, processed by one start of the unit. The vibrating sieve must certainly have a tray; this is where the paint for the production of colored crushed stone will flow. This design is as convenient and reliable as possible, and the resulting designer crushed stone is painted evenly and remains neat and clean. Initial raw materials can be purchased at a price of one thousand rubles per ton, but colored (painted) crushed stone is sold for twenty-four thousand. Almost all customers very carefully inspect the offered product, therefore, in order for the production of colored crushed stone to generate good income, it is necessary to control the quality of the material, avoiding even the slightest defect.
  • When the material dries and the excess paint goes into the pallet, it must be moved to a warehouse, which is, in principle, identical to the bunkers where untreated crushed stone is stored. You can immediately exclude the possibility of storage in the air - the technology for the production of colored crushed stone provides for placing the finished product only in covered areas. Otherwise, the product may lose value and external characteristics.
  • Final stage- This is the process of packing the finished material into bags weighing from five to twenty kilograms. Most often, this is performed by production workers using shovels. But such bags will be sewn up by a portable machine, which is specifically designed for sewing bags.

Equipment: production of colored crushed stone

Even for implementation business ideas with minimal investment , you will need specialized equipment, which costs some money. Next, we will consider what an entrepreneur will need equipment: production of colored crushed stone involves the purchase of:

  • Bunkers for source material;
  • Concrete mixers for coloring granules;
  • Vibrating sieve, necessary for drying the finished crushed stone and draining paints;
  • Containers for finished products;
  • Apparatus for sewing bags.

If you combine the most cost effective, and quality models necessary equipment, then eight hundred seventy-one thousand rubles must be included in the business plan, which will be spent on the purchase of equipment. With such equipment, the entrepreneur will have the opportunity to organize the production of colored crushed stone in the amount of ten cubic meters during one work shift.

In addition to the basic technical equipment, production of colored crushed stone also requires additional Supplies and equipment. We're talking about shovels and paints. An entrepreneur will need at least two shovels to paint scoop-type crushed stone. They are used to download starting materials for painting work, as well as unloading painted particles onto the vibrating screen site and, after drying, into containers for finished goods. It is optimal to buy 4 shovels at once, which will cost no more than one and a half thousand rubles.

As for paints, naturally they are needed in sufficient quantities and assortment, because the production of colored crushed stone is based specifically on painting work. To produce two tons of material per day, you will need more than three hundred kilograms of paints, which are sold at one hundred and ten rubles per kilogram. Every month you will have to spend no more than thirty-five thousand rubles on paint. In addition, you need packaging material - two thousand two hundred bags, capacity twenty kilograms for thirty days. Which will cost ten thousand rubles.

It follows that in production of colored crushed stone, in addition to the costs of equipment, you will also need to invest forty-four thousand in the material base, and one and a half thousand in tools.

Technical and economic side of the issue

Sale of colored crushed stone- a fairly profitable line of business, at least due to the growing demand for such goods among the country's citizens. To organize such an enterprise, you will need to spend a little more than a million rubles, and this takes into account business registration and related expenses.

How profitable is the production of colored crushed stone? No more than two tons of material will be produced per shift, and twenty-two shifts per month, that is, the monthly volume of production will be forty-four tons. Prices for colored crushed stone on the wholesale market are twelve thousand per ton, while the amount of revenue will be five hundred thirty thousand rubles, and the cost of production will be one hundred and ten thousand.

About two hundred thousand are deducted monthly for related expenses, such as rent, wages, taxes, and so on, while the profitability of the business is two hundred and eighteen thousand. As for the payback, then production of colored crushed stone will pay off no later than in five months.

Colored crushed stone is a natural stone fine fraction, subjected to coloring. Painted crushed stone has a smooth surface and does not lose its properties when exposed to high humidity, different temperature conditions, ultraviolet radiation and other negative phenomena.

Description of a business idea for the production of colored crushed stone

The material also goes by other names, for example: colored gravel, painted stone, painted pebbles. Decorative crushed stone is sold in bags. Scope of application of the original finishing material quite large: this includes landscape design, interior decoration, facade cladding, and even decoration of aquariums.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 100,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The difficulty of starting a business is 5/10.

The production of decorative colored crushed stone can become a profitable business with good development prospects in Russia. And this despite the fact that the initial stage of opening an enterprise does not require large financial investments.
Business can be done even by packing stone: the price of 1 ton of simple crushed stone is about 2,000 rubles, the price of a bag is 300 rubles. If we take into account the relatively high cost of painted pebbles, we can assume the profitability of the enterprise.

Stone coloring technology

The technology for producing colored crushed stone is not a complicated process, but it requires some knowledge about the properties of dyes and adherence to an algorithm of actions. Coloring of simple marble crushed stone takes place in several stages: painting with special dyes, drying, packaging, transportation to the place of sale or storage. One pack decorative stone weighs approximately 20-25 kg.

A novice entrepreneur needs to know what paints are used in the process of manufacturing the original finishing material. According to experts, the best pigment is acrylic paint for colored crushed stone, but there are other options for giving the desired shade to crushed stone.

Cost of equipment for painting crushed stone

Making colored crushed stone is impossible without properly selected equipment and tools. When using ready-made raw materials, stone coloring is carried out with minimal costs. The expense item will only include the purchase of crushed stone or pebbles, dyes and some devices that can be placed in a small area of ​​no more than 100 m2.

Equipment for the production of colored crushed stone must have optimal ratio performance and cost.

The kit includes the following devices:

  • container for raw materials (hopper);
  • concrete mixer (for painting);
  • vibrating sieve (sifting stones);
  • storage bin for finished material;
  • packaging device (or unit for sewing up packaging).

To load and unload crushed stone, you need to purchase 2-4 shovels, costing about 300 rubles. a piece. The material is packed in 20-25 kg per bag, based on this, you should buy 2000 bags for 4.5 - 5 rubles per month. a piece.

Containers for bulk materials building materials, having a volume of 10 cubic meters. meters cost about 150 thousand rubles. a piece. Concrete mixer required power– from 25 thousand rubles. The cost of a vibrating sieve varies between 90 thousand rubles. When choosing a machine for sewing bags, you should pay attention to Belgian manufacturers. The cost of the device is about 45 thousand rubles.

The kit is designed for the production of colored crushed stone in a volume of about 10 cubic meters. meters in 8-10 hours.

If you lack funds, you can do without bunkers for the first time, for example, make homemade boxes. You can also sift the material manually using mesh with suitable size cells, postponing the purchase of a vibrating sieve until better times

You can paint colored crushed stone with your own hands using different colors And binders. Dyes may contain various components, so the cost of the color will be different.

Judging by the set of equipment and materials, an enterprise for the production of painted crushed stone can be opened with minimal costs, not exceeding 100 thousand rubles. On initial stage The help of two hired workers who do not have qualifications and certain skills is sufficient.

Crushed stone painting technology

To prevent defects during the production process, you should familiarize yourself in more detail with how to make colored crushed stone with your own hands. This requires material with a fraction of 10-30 mm, dyes and binding elements.

Main stages of production:

  • selection of crushed stone of the required fraction and separation of debris, while it is important to remember that material with a fraction of 10 mm is better painted;
  • loading raw materials into a concrete mixer;
  • addition of coloring substances: no more than 20% of the total volume of material;
  • mixing paint and crushed stone for an hour until the material is covered with a uniform film;
  • removing stone from a concrete mixer using a special mesh through which excess coloring matter is removed;
  • drying the material;
  • finished products.

Financial part

To calculate the profit received from one ton of manufactured products, you should know the cost of raw materials and the market price of painted crushed stone. Crushed stone costs about 2,000 rubles. per ton. Price acrylic paint– 200 rub. for 1 kg. To paint 1 ton of crushed stone you need to use about 20 kg of paint, that is, 4,000 rubles. The cost of a ton of painted decorative stone is 6,000 rubles. The average market price of finishing material varies from 23,000 rubles. per ton. Maximum deductions are 50% of net profit. As a result, the entrepreneur will receive about 8,000-10,000 thousand rubles from 1 ton of painted crushed stone. income.

This is an excellent indicator for.

Sales of products

To determine the sales market, you need to know: in what areas is colored decorative stone in demand?

Regular customers, including wholesale ones, may be:

  • private traders buying stone for finishing facades, flower beds, paths, etc.;
  • utility services;
  • organizations involved in landscape design;
  • funeral services bureau;
  • aquarium salons;
  • pet stores and.

You can look for clients on your own or using the services of the media, but you need to remember that the product is somewhat seasonal: the highest demand is observed from March to September inclusive.

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