Properties of the bergenia plant. The bergenia plant, its medicinal properties and contraindications, bergenia tea

Bergenia rhizome is a herbal medicine that is used for certain diseases, which can be read about in the indications for use; in addition, I will consider how it affects the body, what effects it has, and will also focus on others important points.

What is the effect of Badan rhizome?

Preparations that include Bergenia rhizome have anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, astringent, and also antimicrobial effects, and also have a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels, and to some extent reduce blood pressure.

The listed properties of plant raw materials are explained by its chemical composition. The rhizomes of this representative of the flora contain tannins from the group of gallotannins, and the amount of tannin can reach up to ten percent. In addition, there is arbutin, hydroquinone, gallic acid and ellagic acid.

What are the indications for use of Badan rhizome?

Aqueous extracts are prepared from bergenia rhizomes, which are used with medicinal purpose in the following cases:

They are prescribed in the presence of colitis and enterocolitis, the cause of which is non-infectious in nature;
Used for tuberculosis;
For pneumonia occurring in the chronic stage, as well as in the acute period;
For pulmonary bleeding;
For flu and respiratory diseases;
For laryngitis;
If you have a headache;
For articular rheumatism;
In some gastrointestinal pathological processes;
Preparations based on bergenia rhizome are also effective in gynecological practice, in particular in the presence of heavy menstruation, hemorrhagic metropathy, cervical erosion and fibroid, after childbirth;
Infusions and decoctions are used for better healing of bruises, wound surfaces and ulcers.

In addition to the listed conditions, this plant is used in dental practice, in particular for stomatitis and gingivitis, while the aqueous extract is used to lubricate inflamed gums.

What are the contraindications for use of Badan rhizome?

Do not use these rhizomes if you are hypersensitive to the components herbal remedy.

What are the uses and dosage of Badan rhizome?

An infusion is prepared from the rhizomes, which is recommended for internal use, and you can also use it to make lotions for bruises. To do this, take 30 grams of dried, crushed plant material, after which it is placed in an enamel container, into which a whole glass of boiling water is then poured.

In this form under closed lid The infusion should stand for some time, after which it is recommended to filter it using a regular fine strainer or gauze layer. Then the liquid is brought with boiling water to a volume equal to 200 milliliters.

The infusion is taken orally in an amount of 15, 30 or 100 milliliters, depending on the patient’s condition, and it must be consumed before meals three times during the day.

In addition, you can use the aqueous extract thirty drops two or three times a day. In addition, the infusion is used topically for douching in gynecological practice, in this case it is necessary to take 15 milliliters of concentrated rhizome extract and dissolve it in a liter or 500 ml of water.

The course of treatment by douching should not last longer than one month; it can be repeated no earlier than a two-week break, and you will need to consult a gynecologist.

What are the side effects of Badan rhizome?

When using bergenia rhizomes, the instructions for use warn that allergic reactions In addition, a change in intestinal motility is possible, which will manifest itself as constipation.

With obvious manifestation adverse reactions, the patient should consult a doctor. If necessary, the doctor will stop the use of drugs containing bergenia rhizomes.

Overdose of Bergenia rhizome

In case of an internal overdose of an infusion or decoction prepared from the roots of this plant, it is recommended to rinse the stomach; if any symptoms appear that were not there before, in this situation it would be useful to consult a qualified doctor.

special instructions

Dosage forms based on Badan rhizome are intended for internal and local use. If any side effects severe symptoms, you should stop using medications, and it would also be a good idea to consult a doctor.

How to replace Bergenia rhizomes?

The pharmaceutical industry produces dried bergenia rhizomes, which can be purchased without a prescription at the pharmacy. This raw material is crushed, and it is also produced in briquettes. It must be stored in dry conditions, otherwise it may become moldy.

The remedy Badan is a rhizome of plant origin, it has some hypotensive effect, has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, in addition, an astringent and tanning effect on the body.

The drug is indicated for some dental problems, for pathologies of the digestive tract, especially for the intestines, and this plant is also effective in gynecological practice.


Before using drugs that contain the active substance Bergenia rhizome, it is recommended to first consult with a specialist. You must refrain from unauthorized use of herbal medicines.

This valuable plant can sometimes be found in city parks and squares. It is chosen for landscaping for many reasons. It is not demanding on growing conditions and soils, since it natural environment habitats are the unfriendly Altai Mountains. It blooms with neat bright flowers and retains leaves for a long time, which turn brown in autumn. This is what bergenia is, the medicinal properties of which are rarely known to city residents. But this compact flower is worth a closer look.

Features of bergenia

Externally, the plant resembles a violet, only the size of the flowers is smaller. Bushes rarely grow more than fifty centimeters in height. Their leaves are round, rich green, shiny and fleshy, collected in a rosette directly near the soil.

The stem is bare, only at the very tip there are flowers in the form of open bells, of a lilac-red hue. The flowers are collected in inflorescences crowning the flower-bearing arrow. The flowering period of the crop is May and June, after which fruit boxes are formed from the flowers.

Despite small size, the culture has a massive root. The length of bergenia rhizomes reaches one meter, and at the surface of the soil their diameter is often thirty centimeters or more. The presence of such a developed root system allows the plant to survive and even bloom where others flower crops cannot grow: in Altai, in the mountainous areas of Central Asia.

The plant does not shed its leaves for the winter; they often remain all year round. Overwintered leaves undergo a natural fermentation cycle, bringing them closer to taste qualities for green tea. The second name of the herb bergenia is connected with this - Mongolian or Chigirin tea. The peoples of Altai value this drink for its tonic properties.

Collection and preparation

Traditional medicine uses Pacific bergenia (thick-leaved) completely, taking into account valuable qualities roots, leaves. They are collected at different times.

  • Rhizome. Dig out in June, after the plant blooms. The large rhizome is cleaned, small and damaged parts are removed, washed and crushed into pieces no more than twenty centimeters in length. Dry it by placing it on newspapers under a canopy or in dryers, setting the temperature to no more than thirty degrees for three weeks. The root of the bergenia plant requires slow drying with a slight increase in temperature, since at high temperatures during drying the main part of the active substances is lost. After the workpiece cycle medicinal properties Bergenia preserves for four years.
  • Leaves. As the plant matures, it accumulates more valuable substances in its leaves. Therefore in folk medicine Leaves that have been preserved on the bush for at least three winters are valued. They have a loose structure, often black-brown in color. But it is precisely these leaves that have a specific, pleasant aroma, acquired by them in the process of many years of natural fermentation. Bergenia tea made from three-year-old leaves and older is a more valuable product than brewed from young leaves. The latter have a soft, subtle odor that intensifies after wintering. It is during this period that they are collected, paying attention to dark, browned leaves. After collection, they are dried on paper under a canopy.

Bergenia castings can be used immediately after collection. Dry leaves can become the basis of a tonic tea or used as a medicinal raw material.

The plant is so unpretentious that it can be grown in a garden. Shaded and semi-shaded areas with dried soil are suitable for it. Bergenia is propagated by division from an adult bush in the fall.

Composition and properties

The rhizome accumulates tannins, the level of which is up to twenty-eight percent, of which up to ten percent are highly effective tannins. Tannins are astringent compounds that have a variety of effects: hemostatic, inhibiting gland secretion, antiseptic. The root also contains bergenin glycoside, sugars and free polyphenols.

Tannins are also present in the leaves, but in lower concentrations. How older plant, the less tannins there will be in its foliage. But the content of another, no less valuable component increases with the age of the culture. Beneficial features Bergenia is associated with the content of arbutin glycoside in it, the level of which is up to twenty percent. This substance has a pronounced antiseptic effect.

In medicine, the glycoside arbutin is used to treat diseases Bladder. In cosmetology it is used to lighten the skin, as a natural blocker of the tyrosinase enzyme involved in the synthesis of melanin.

The effects of arbutin on the human body have not been fully studied. There is evidence that the substance can be a source of carcinogenic danger when taken orally and the corresponding metabolic reactions in the intestine. According to other data, the substance can be used in oncology to reduce the intensity of tumor development and prevent cancer. Such data are presented in a study by specialists from the German Institute of Food Research.

Application of bergenia

Thanks to tannins, medicinal raw materials have a wide range of effects on the body. Its anti-inflammatory effect has been proven, actively astringent and inhibiting the development of pathogenic flora. The plant extract tightens tissue and, when used topically, causes the effect of vasoconstriction. When taken orally, it has a tonic effect on the cardiovascular system and reduces blood pressure.

The use of bergenia is effective in the following areas.

  • Diarrhea, infectious diseases digestive tract. Tannins are active against pathogens of intestinal infections. When combined with sulfonamide antibiotics, they exhibit high efficiency in the inhibition of dysentery pathogens.
  • Gynecology. The hemostatic and anti-inflammatory properties of bergenia allow it to be used in gynecological practice. Recommended for the treatment of heavy menstruation that occurs against the background of inflammatory processes, fibroids, and uterine fibroids. Stimulates the healing of cervical erosion.
  • Hemorrhoidal bleeding. In the form of lotions, when used externally, it reduces vascular permeability, reduces tissue swelling and the severity of local bleeding of hemorrhagic nodes.
  • Dentistry. Bergenia thickleaf - effective remedy at inflammatory diseases

Medicinal raw materials are used for external and internal preparations. When used externally as a wound-healing drug, bergenia has no contraindications. If used internally, consult a doctor, as there is a risk of low blood pressure. IN small quantities can be used regularly as a tasty, tonic tea.

Cosmetology tincture

The use of bergenia root in cosmetology helps in solving problems oily skin, prone to inflammatory processes, the appearance of defects. The product reduces the severity of inflammation, normalizes skin microflora, and promotes wound healing.


  1. Fill with alcohol in a volume of one hundred milliliters.
  2. Leave in dark place for five days.

This tincture is used as a lotion on the face twice a week. Apply the anti-inflammatory mask for fifteen minutes.

Decoction for dysentery, diarrhea

As a remedy for diarrhea, to improve the condition of intestinal infections use a decoction of bergenia root. It quickly relieves the condition thanks to its complex effects: astringent, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory.


  1. Grind the rhizome, use a tablespoon of raw material.
  2. Pour two hundred milliliters of boiling water.
  3. Place in a water bath and simmer for thirty minutes.
  4. Cool and strain.
  5. Squeeze the raw material into a drained broth, add boiled water to a volume of two hundred milliliters.

This recipe will help with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the treatment of infectious intestinal diseases. The decoction should be taken up to three times a day, two tablespoons. During the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery, limit your diet and increase the amount of fluid you drink.

Wound healing extract

Product for external and internal use. Recommended for use in gynecology for heavy bleeding of an inflammatory nature. At external use accelerates wound healing.


  1. Grind the rhizome and leaves and mix. Use three tablespoons of raw material.
  2. Pour boiling water in a volume of two hundred milliliters.
  3. Simmer over low heat, evaporating the mixture to half.
  4. Squeeze out the raw materials, strain the composition.

The liquid extract should be taken up to three times a day, thirty drops. When used in the form of lotions, soak in warm liquid. soft cloth and apply to the affected areas of the skin.

Hypotonic infusion

An infusion of bergenia rhizomes helps fight hypertension. It tones the cardiovascular system and improves heart function.


  1. Grind the rhizome, use a tablespoon.
  2. Pour two hundred milliliters of boiling water over the raw materials.
  3. Leave to brew for an hour, strain.

Bergenia thickleaf is a rare plant, although it quickly adapts to any conditions environment. There is no industrial procurement of it; raw materials are rarely found in the pharmacy chain. You can find it only by specially going after it to the mountainous terrain of Altai or other mountain ranges of Central Asia.

But when you find a bush, be sure to take with you part of the rhizome, which can be planted in your local area. Then an effective remedy for intestinal diseases, bleeding and hypertension, a natural and safe antiseptic will always be in your home medicine cabinet.

Saxifraga, early flower, bergenia, Mongolian tea, Chagir tea, bergenia - all these are names of one plant. It reaches a height of 30-70 cm and prefers places sheltered from the wind and can grow under a thick layer of snow. You can meet it in Siberia, China and Mongolia.

The bergenia plant is often used in folk medicine, as its medicinal properties can cope with a number of symptoms. various diseases. The raw materials for medicine are all parts of the plant - rhizomes, flowers, seeds, leaves.

Did you know? Bergenia is named after the German botanist Carl August von Bergen. In Latin the name sounds like Bergenia.

Useful properties of bergenia and its composition

Bergenia has medicinal properties, and its use for treatment is possible thanks to useful composition. The plant has the following properties:

Active substances bergenia:
  • tannins;
  • gallic acid;
  • bergenin glycoside;
  • arbutin;
  • dextrin;
  • polyphenols;
  • minerals: calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper, manganese, cobalt, aluminum, vanadium, barium, nickel, selenium, strontium, gum, tannins, resins, zinc, essential oils;
  • ascorbic acid and vitamins.
Bergenia leaves contain twice as much arbutin as bearberry, which is considered its main source. Bergenia is the leader among plants in terms of arbutin content.

The older the plant, the more tannins there are in the rhizome. Flour is made from them, the rhizomes can be fried, boiled, and eaten.

How to prepare bergenia

To prepare bergenia you need to select good time. Different parts of the plant have different optimal time for this.

Bergenia leaf has popular medicinal properties. But they have these qualities only old leaves that overwintered under the snow.

The optimal period for harvesting bergenia leaves is autumn and spring. The collected leaves are washed, dried and stored in a box or paper bag. Optimal temperature for drying bergenia leaves is 60 degrees.

Bergenia roots It is customary to harvest at the beginning of summer. They need to be dug up and washed. cold water, dry and spread on cloth or paper. For drying big roots Bergenia can be cut into smaller pieces.

1 kg of dried bergenia roots will yield only 250 g of raw material. Signs of a properly dried root are that it does not bend and breaks well. A light pink or yellow center should be visible at the break.

Both leaves and roots of bergenia can be stored for no more than 4 years.

Did you know? In the past, entire villages harvested bergenia roots and leaves, which were then used for tanning leather and dyeing fabrics.

Use of bergenia in folk medicine

Badan thanks to its useful qualities popular in folk medicine. Its properties have a beneficial effect on the body in many diseases.

Polyphenols and arbutin contained in the plant have high antioxidant activity. Arbutin also protects the body's cells from destruction.

Bergenin in bergenia provides beneficial effect on gastrointestinal tract and prevents the accumulation of fat in the body.

has a hemostatic, astringent, antimicrobial effect. It is able to moderately lower blood pressure, slightly lower body temperature and slightly increase heart rate.

The so-called Altai tea copes well with relieving physical and moral fatigue and has a general strengthening effect on the body.

At intestinal disorders, rheumatism, arthrosis and arthritis, kidney diseases, and treatment of goiter, bergenia tea is also used.

Important! It is necessary to take into account all the effects that consuming bergenia has. Even if the effect is stated to be negligible, for some it may be quite strong.

Bergenia also has external uses. In powder form, they are sprinkled on wounds and bleeding ulcers. For bruises, you can make a compress that will speed up the resorption of the hematoma.

Also in folk medicine, the use of bergenia is practiced for neoplasms of various localizations.

Decoctions and infusions are widely used. The decoction is used to treat hemorrhoids. In this case it is necessary to take sitz baths, the temperature of which should not exceed 38 degrees. You can sit in the bath with a decoction of bergenia for up to 20 minutes, and the course is no more than 15 baths.

I use incense decoctions t for gargling, making lotions and douching. Douching is used to treat colpitis and uterine erosion. Take 2 tablespoons orally after meals three times a day. The throat is gargled for inflammatory diseases of this organ. The decoction is also used to treat dysentery (possibly in combination with antibiotics).

Important! Using bergenia for a long time can cause constipation. If you have constipation, taking bergenia is not recommended.

Bergenia is used for diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, dysentery, and severe purulent bronchitis. It helps cope with infectious diseases thanks to its powerful antibacterial properties.

Remedies from bergenia can be taken to improve well-being and gain strength in old age, to strengthen the immune system, and when performance weakens. Also used in cosmetology - for the face and scalp.

Bergenia recipes

There are many recipes for how to prepare bergenia to get the maximum benefit from its use. of this plant. It is taken as an independent medicine, as well as in combination with other herbs. In some cases they combine drug treatment and taking incense.

Mongolian (Altai) tea. If you brew dry leaves of the bergenia plant that have overwintered under the snow, you will get the so-called Mongolian tea. You need to take 2 tablespoons of crushed dry leaves and pour 1 liter of boiling water over them.

It will take longer to brew bergenia tea than to brew regular black tea. This is due to the thickness of the leaves - in bergenia it is thicker than in tea leaves. After 15-20 minutes of brewing, the tea needs to be strained.

Bergenia powder and extract. You can extract the medicinal properties of bergenia root by grinding it into powder. This powder can be used in dry form and can also be used to prepare an extract.

To do this, pour a few tablespoons of dried crushed bergenia roots into 1 cup of boiling water and cook the resulting mixture in a sealed container until half of the liquid has evaporated. The extract is taken several times a day, 27 drops.

Badan thick-leaved - healing perennial herbaceous plant. You can meet it in forests, on wet slopes and in river valleys. The plant has a branched and powerful rhizome. The leaves are shiny and leathery. Bergenia grows very slowly and has the fruit of an ordinary capsule with two lobes.

Bergenia - medicinal properties

The root and leaves of the plant have the following beneficial properties:

  • Disinfectant;
  • Diuretic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Healing;
  • General strengthening;
  • Hemostatic;
  • Bactericidal.
  1. Thanks to arbutin, the plant is a powerful antiseptic and is used for inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.
  2. The roots of the plant are used in gynecology to treat erosions and enterocolitis. The plant is used to treat malignant tumors.
  3. Bergenia is used for toothache, colitis, heavy menstruation. For this, 3 tbsp. crushed raw materials, pour 1 cup of boiling water, cook over low heat. The resulting extract must be filtered and taken 2-3 times a day, 20-30 drops.
  4. Bergenia thickleaf is used to strengthen the immune system and improve performance.
  5. Plant prevents fat accumulation, Therefore, it is used for the prevention of obesity.
  6. It speeds up and normalizes metabolic processes.
  7. Plant shown for stomach pain, diarrhea, stomach ulcers and gastritis.
  8. A powder is made from the dry rhizomes of the plant, which is used to sprinkle on wounds and ulcers. Decoctions are also used to resolve bruises and hematomas.
  9. Gargle and mouth with an infusion of bergenia leaves. for periodontal disease, stomatitis and catarrhal tonsillitis.
  10. Bergenia is used for improvement of the cardiovascular system.

Bergenia - contraindications

Bergenia is contraindicated for oral use when:

  • tachycardia;
  • hypotension;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • individual intolerance.

Bergenia - application

A decoction of bergenia flowers and leaves. Take 15-20 g of dry mixture and pour 1 glass of boiling water, place it all in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Strain and take 1 tbsp. 1 per day. The decoction is very helpful for rheumatism of the joints.

Decoction of rhizomes. Take 15-20 g of crushed dry raw materials and pour them into 1 glass hot water, put it all in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Strain and take 1 tbsp. 1-2 times a day. The decoction is very helpful in the treatment of diarrhea and colitis.

Infusion of bergenia. Take 1 tbsp. dry shoots and pour 1 cup of boiling water over them. Leave for 1-2 hours. The infusion is used for stomatitis, periodontal disease and sore throat as a mouth rinse.

Bergenia tea. Take 1 tsp. crushed dry raw materials and brew them in 1 glass of boiling water. Leave for 10-15 minutes. This tea perfectly strengthens the body and helps cope with many viruses.

Badan has medicinal properties. Bergenia thickleaf - video

Bergenia or thick-leaved bergenia is one of the most beautiful plants, with the help of which gardeners and simply aesthetes ennoble their personal plots and front gardens. Florists also value this plant, primarily for its extraordinary beauty and excellent preservation.

In addition, bergenia is a good honey plant. But perhaps most of all the flower is valued for its healing properties, helping to cure many ailments. Medicines from the plant are often used in veterinary practice. Otherwise, bergenia is called early flower, saxifrage, Siberian tea.

Botanical description

Bergenia is a perennial herbaceous medicinal plant, which can reach a height of seventy centimeters. Bergenia has a creeping, creeping, fleshy, thick, horizontally located, branched dark brown rhizome, leafless, thick, pink-red stem, up to seventy centimeters high.

The plant is endowed with large dark green, basal, shiny, round-heart-shaped or oval leaves, located on long petioles and correct form, soft, white, pinkish or purple five-membered flowers. Bergenia fruits are dry ellipsoidal capsules with two diverging lobes. The seeds are small, oblong, black in color.

The plant begins to bloom at the beginning summer period- in June, and the fruits begin to ripen at the end of summer. The plant likes to grow on rocky slopes, deciduous and coniferous forests, on screes and rocks. Bergenia is not a whimsical plant, shade-tolerant and exceptionally winter-hardy.

How are plant materials prepared?

In alternative medicine, mainly bergenia root and leaves are used. It is recommended to harvest rhizomes at the beginning of the summer. Collection must be done manually. Next, the roots are cleaned of impurities and soil and washed under running water. If the roots are large, they must be cut, preferably lengthwise.

The next stage is drying the raw materials. You can dry the roots on outdoors, under a canopy. As a last resort, drying is allowed in a well-ventilated room or in the attic. But the most best option– use of special dryers. It is very important to adhere temperature regime– maximum forty degrees.

Properly dried bergenia root will break easily and have a strong astringent taste. It is recommended to store prepared raw materials in cardboard or paper boxes in a well-ventilated, dry room. Storage duration is four years, no more.

As for harvesting leaves, only three-year-old, blackened ones are suitable for medical purposes. They are collected in the spring after the snow melts, dried under open air and placed in paper bags for further storage. The shelf life of raw materials is one year.

Chemical composition, pharmacological properties

This herbaceous perennial contains significant amounts of:

  • arbutin;
  • hydroquinone;
  • ellagic and gallic acids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamins;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • catechins;
  • minerals;
  • essential oils;
  • dextrin;
  • sugars;
  • starch;
  • bergenina;
  • resinous substances.

Medicines based on bergenia have anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antimicrobial, wound-healing, antitumor, immunomodulatory, adaptogenic, anti-stress, antispasmodic, antipyretic and cardiac stimulating effects.

  • moderate decrease in blood pressure;
  • strengthening vascular walls
  • increased heart rate;
  • elimination of bleeding;
  • relief and elimination of headaches and migraines;
  • treatment of whooping cough, tuberculosis, rheumatism, stomatitis, tonsillitis, dermatoses, gastritis, endemic goiter, hemorrhoids, laryngitis, fever, rheumatoid arthritis, uterine fibroids, erosions, pneumonia.

Bergenia in alternative medicine recipes

Preparation of herbal infusion

Brew three tablespoons of dried leaves and flowers of the plant with three milliliters of boiled water, simmer in a water bath for half an hour, and cool. Take fifteen milliliters of medication four times a day. The product helps to significantly improve immunity.

Periodontal disease, stomatitis: treatment with infusion

Take twenty grams of dried and crushed roots of the plant and brew the raw material with 400 ml of boiled water. Leave for half an hour, filter. Use the product as a mouth rinse. The same infusion can be used for douching for gynecological ailments.

Dysentery: therapy with bergenia

Brew three tablespoons of finely chopped, dried rhizomes with 300 milliliters of boiled water, leave for about two hours. Strain and drink ten grams medicinal product four times a day. Treatment course is three weeks.

Preparation of a healing remedy

Pour 30 grams of chopped, dried bergenia roots with water and bring to a boil. Leave the product to simmer over low heat for half an hour. Cool, filter, drink 50 ml of the medicine four times a day as an anti-inflammatory, astringent, blood purifier. The medicine helps treat colitis, enterocolitis, tuberculosis, gastrointestinal ailments, pneumonia, furunculosis, tonsillitis, rheumatism.

Treatment of rhinitis

Combine bergenia with elecampane and St. John's wort. Grind all ingredients and mix well. Brew 20 g of vegetable mixture with 300 ml of boiling water. Simmer the product for thirty minutes, and then leave the medicine to brew for a couple of hours. Take 50 ml of the medicine twice a day, preferably warm. If desired, you can add to the infusion sea ​​buckthorn oil, literally a few drops.

Bergenia in the treatment of fever, endemic goiter

Brew dried, finely chopped leaves, preferably old and blackened ones, in 500 ml of boiled water. Place the product on the stove and simmer over low heat for about half an hour. Drink the medicine as tea four times a day.

Preparation of a hemostatic decoction

Combine bergenia with cinquefoil rhizome, snakeweed, burnet roots, and licorice. Grind all the plants and brew thirty grams of raw material with 400 milliliters of boiled water. Boil the product for thirty minutes. Don't forget to stir the mixture. Strain and drink half a glass of the broth six times a day.

Bergenia in the treatment of duodenitis

Mix crushed bergenia root with calendula, flax seeds, calamus and oak bark. Pour ten grams of raw material with 500 ml of boiling water. Let the product infuse for four hours. Take 50 ml of the medicine five times a day. The treatment course for duodenitis should be fourteen days.

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