Do it yourself - furniture, gazebos, interiors, small architectural forms, garden solutions. Small architectural forms: historical background Garden forms made of wood

It is difficult to imagine a garden without upward-facing “green walls”. When creating them, it is difficult to do without vines, especially in small areas, because they successfully play their role, but take up very little space on the ground! Special structures help climbing or climbing plants to “get back on their feet” - arches and garden screens (lattices, trellises or trellises). At the same time, spectacular vines benefit only “paired” with beautiful and well-placed supports - an unsuccessful design will compromise even the most luxurious plant.

Where to put it? The lattice will help to distract the eye from unsightly or boring places - for example, from the vegetable garden (photo 1).

Arches and garden screens serve not only to support vines, but also to divide the area into functional zones. Photo 2 shows how the “curtain” is made from girl's grapes and Coignier grapes visually separates the garden from the house. This living screen always looks wonderful, and in the fall its beauty is striking.

(Photo 2). Photo: Tatyana Shikanyan

Using a series of arches, you can create a transition from one part of the garden to another.

How to choose? The supports should not only match the house and the general idea of ​​the garden, but also suit the vine physically and visually. That is, an arch or screen for large and heavy plant must have strength and solidity, and elegant floral “lace” needs a light openwork “wall”. Among other things, you should consider the method of attaching the vine to the support.


The dimensions of the arch should be such that people can easily walk and stand under it. Her minimum width– 1.2–1.5 m, height – at least 2.1–2.2 m. In addition, the arch must have a “thickness” of 50 cm or more - a side wall, around which, in fact, they will grow creepers. The shape of the arch arch can be very diverse - round, rectangular, triangular, etc.


These small architectural forms are also covered with climbing plants. But unlike the previous group of supports, the pergola is something like a transparent “canopy” or “tunnel”.

With the help of pergolas, you can divide the area into functional zones or, conversely, combine the elements of the garden into a single whole. They allow you to disguise an uninteresting building, decorate the house and isolate cozy corners from prying eyes.

It is pergolas that create volumes in young garden, in which the trees have not yet grown. High verticals literally transform any flat plain.

Most garden plots have haphazardly scattered buildings that are best grouped together. You can combine them using a pergola. In addition, these small architectural forms create a special atmosphere in the garden.

Where to put it? Most often, the main purpose of a pergola is to create a ceiling over the path: in this case, it extends from one garden element to the other - like a series of interconnected arches or like a kind of tunnel (photo 3). At the other end of this “corridor” there should be something attractive that makes you want to approach it - a tree, a sculpture, a sundial, etc.

(Photo 3). Photo: Tatyana Shikanyan

A pergola can “work” as a separator. Photo 4 shows how she divides the area into two unequal parts, separating entrance area from another, more private one. Similar option perfect for climbing roses and clematis - it is beautiful and at the same time easy to make. The timber posts, placed at equal intervals, are connected by horizontal crossbars made of exactly the same lumber. In turn, they are topped with crossbars made of thinner timber. The gaps between the posts are filled with frames with a mesh screen made of wooden slats. The pergola is painted a pleasant light green color and consists of five sections to the left of the arch and five sections to the right of it. The width of each section and arch is 1.5 m.

(Photo 4). Photo: Tatyana Shikanyan

If you want to create a secluded atmosphere in some place in the garden, create a horizontal plane above it. Transparent roof pergolas are ideal (photo 5).

(Photo 5). Photo: Tatyana Shikanyan

A pergola can fence off an outdoor living room near the house (photo 6). At the same time, it decorates the facade. If a pergola is attached to a house, it is called a wall pergola, and the crossbars are attached to the wall using metal shoes or attached from above to a horizontal beam.

(Photo 6). Photo: Tatyana Shikanyan

You shouldn’t entwine all the pillars with vines - let some (and even many!) remain free.

How to choose? Pergolas with supports made of square timber with a side of 10-15 cm can be considered universal. For natural gardens or a country-style garden, options made from tree trunks are good: “wild” structures give a well-kept garden a special charm, and if there is a craftsman in the family and a forest nearby, this pleasure will be free. Pergolas made from a combination of two types of materials are good, for example, natural stone and metal, brick and wood.

The design of the pergola must be designed for the weight of the green mass of the plants growing over it, be rigid, durable, reliable and resistant to gusts of wind.

A wooden pergola most often consists of three mutually linked parts - pillars (racks), beams and crossbars. The poles are made of wooden beams, logs, roughly processed or unprocessed poles. Beams (purlins) are laid on top of the pillars, crossbars are evenly placed on them perpendicular to the beams (most often they are made from boards measuring 20x5 cm and placed vertically).


Minimum height pillars - 2.4–2.5 m. They must be placed on an individual or strip foundation or installed on metal crutches driven to a depth of 45–60 cm. It is important to make the pergola proportional: the width of the structure should be more height(or at least they should be equal). The step between the posts along the pergola is usually no more than 3–3.5 m, most often it is a third or a quarter larger than the width of the “corridor”. The length is selected based on the size of the specific place that this design will decorate.

The Art of Imitation

There are many tricks with which you can visually expand, modify or “rebuild” the garden space using just trellises, paints or mirrors. There is even a special term for such elements - “garden decoys”.

Where to do it? As a rule, optical illusions are created on the walls of buildings or on fences. They can also be used to draw attention to a beautiful part of the garden or, conversely, to distract from an ugly part or disguise it.

A fairly popular technique is a landscape painted on a blank and boring wall (photo 7). From a close distance you can see that this is just a painting, but the further you are from the drawing, the stronger the illusion of volumetric space, the reality of objects and forms. Deception seems to break the line between reality and fantasy.

(Photo 7). Photo: Tatyana Shikanyan


It is better to paint a “magic landscape” on a northern or northeastern free wall or fence. The picture should not be lit directly sun rays- they will nullify all the efforts of the artist. Use weather-resistant paints. Choose a plot that you won't get bored of too quickly. To create an illusory landscape, you need the talent of an artist, otherwise you can ruin the entire garden. If you are not very confident in your abilities, paint a smaller and simpler picture, for example a false window, which can be complemented by a real window box and living plants in it.

It is often recommended to decorate not very attractive walls or fences with trellises and vines. But they can also be “disguised” with the help of a picturesque panel. For example, a seascape with boats and the far shore on which the village is located (photo 8). Drawing on a wall or fence is a wonderful opportunity to visually enlarge the space and turn a boring flat vertical surface into a sea or a garden receding into perspective. The plot can be anything - just don’t forget that in Central Russia It's not just summer. If you live outside the city permanently, and the plot is small, think about whether a village with cows or a lush tropical jungle against the backdrop of snowdrifts would look good.

(Photo 8). Photo: Tatyana Shikanyan

In a solid fence, you can install a garden gate, behind which supposedly there is a neighbor’s garden, or cut a door into it. If you pull the handle of this door (photo 9) or just take a good look at it, you will find out a “terrible secret” - it does not lead anywhere, but simply decorates the barbecue corner next to the gazebo. How uncomfortable it would be here if your gaze rested on a blank fence!

(Photo 9). Photo: Tatyana Shikanyan

If you particularly like a particular area of ​​your garden, enclose it in a large wooden or metal frame, such as 2.4m x 4m, placed in front of it.

You can also transform the space using a garden mirror. Idea to install large mirror at the end of the park alley dates back hundreds of years, but even now it can be successfully used not only for large, but also for small space. Another option is to cover the last arched span with a mirror. The path to such a pseudo-arch should go at an angle so that a person sees his reflection only a few steps away from it.

An arch built into the fence wooden planks, framing the mirror, will create the illusion of a passage to another, next garden. Can also be transformed solid fence into a “house with a roof” (photo 10) and “windows” in which mirrors are inserted instead of glass. The result will be something like a theatrical set or a garden hoax. Using the same principle, you can hide a compost container from prying eyes by enclosing it in the walls wooden gazebo and glazing the windows with mirrors.

(Photo 10). Photo: Tatyana Shikanyan

If you place a large mirror in a chic frame in front of some attractive garden composition, you will get a beautiful picture that will change in accordance with the seasonal changes. Think carefully about where you will admire it from.

Mirrors can also be inserted into cabinet doors for storage. garden tools, installed near garden path. As a result, it will “disappear” - instead of the closet you will see a reflection of the garden.

Things for birds

Among small architectural forms there are objects of a special kind - intended specifically for birds. These wonderful feathered creatures are absolutely necessary in the countryside: they not only delight the eye, distract from sad thoughts and everyday routine, delight the ear with their singing, but also destroy pests, and therefore help plants stay healthy.

How to choose? You can attract birds by installing bird feeders. Think about it right away: will this “dining room” be used year-round or only in winter? In the first case, the feeders should look nice (photo 11), although the hungry birds themselves usually do not care about design delights.

(Photo 11). Photo: Tatyana Shikanyan

To save birds wintering in the garden, regularly fill the feeders with different seeds - not only sunflower, but watermelon and pumpkin. Feed the tits with pieces of unsalted lard, securing them to the tree with wire.

Those bird species that naturally nest in hollows will like birdhouses and other suitable “apartments” (photo 12). You can buy ready-made houses or make them yourself. The main thing is to install them so that they provide protection from rain and sun, as well as from cats, squirrels and birds of prey.

(Photo 12). Photo: Tatyana Shikanyan

Ornamental plants beneficial for birds

Shrubs provide reliable shelter for birds; they also provide them with food in winter in the form of berries and insects that hibernate under fallen dry leaves. Do not cut off grasses and some other perennials with seeds in the fall - this will help our friends survive until spring. Table and shelter: elderberry, viburnum, rowan, serviceberry, mahonia, golden currant, mountain ash, Tatarian honeysuckle, spirea, hazel, hawthorn. Shelter and food: rose hips, barberry, oleaster, hawthorn, white acacia, turn Safety in winter and summer: dense hedges of thuja and juniper.

All birds need water for drinking and bathing. If you don't have a pond, install a birdbath. Usually it is stone, concrete or metal garden decoration with a shallow wide bowl on a pedestal (photo 13). Change the water from time to time and add it during a drought - the birds will thank you.

(Photo 13). Photo: Tatyana Shikanyan


Although garden sculpture began to come into fashion in Russia relatively recently, these elements quickly became established in many areas.

Where to put it? Figures help in placing accents by controlling the movement of the eye. They are used to highlight key points of the composition and form the rhythm of the landscape.

When purchasing such a decoration, do not forget that every detail of a small garden space should be appropriate and correspond to its scale. Ridiculous or overly elaborate sculptures can make you want to leave even the most beautiful garden. On the contrary, a well-chosen decoration will emphasize and enhance the impression of a plant or aquatic composition and look logical in the place where it is installed.

Only one sculptural composition should be visible from one vantage point - it would be a pity if carefully selected decorations were lost in the general mass. In general, statues should be used sparingly - in a small garden one is enough. If there are several figures, place them separately, since a pile of sculptures on the site will spoil the entire impression of the garden.

How to choose? What I like most in the garden is small plastic art, especially images of animals. The main rule when choosing such sculptures is the original artistic embodiment (photo 14). It is better to avoid overly realistic representatives of the animal world. Miniature animals and birds are placed on lawns, flower beds, next to ponds and on patios. Consider the natural features of their prototypes: frogs, storks and ducks are good near a pond and stream, rabbits and sheep are good on the lawn, a cat is good on a wall ledge or on a retaining wall. Decorative vegetable garden It will immediately sparkle with new colors if you decorate it with figures of domestic animals (photo 16).

(Photo 16). Photo: Tatyana Shikanyan


The first and basic principle of placing sculptures on the site is maintaining proportions. Large objects are suitable for a large garden. But this does not mean at all that in small garden microscopic figures are needed - after all, we decorate the garden, not Dollhouse! Room decorations outdoors are not suitable - they simply get lost. To draw attention to small but interesting things, they are placed on pedestals or columns (photo 15).

At the entrance to the forest part of the garden, you can place a gnarled sculpture reminiscent of a fairy-tale forest character or animal.

Abstract compositions that do not depict anything specific, but fit well into the garden in shape, color and material, can look interesting in the garden. A stone can also become a garden sculpture interesting shape on a pedestal, and an unusual piece of driftwood, a cube or a ball made of different materials. The correct shape of the ball creates a strong contrast with the free outlines of the plants and enhances the impression of them. The sphere can be made of stone, wood, concrete, and even woven from grape vines, as in the photo. Balls are used not only as accents in compositions - they are also used to create a certain rhythm, as well as to frame a landscape, bench or entrance.

Summer residents who set up a garden on their site in Japanese style, are unlikely to do without a stone lantern (photo 17).

(Photo 17). Photo: Tatyana Shikanyan

Creative people with unconventional thinking sometimes turn the simplest and most ordinary things into garden sculptures. For example, if we take old chair, secure the flowerpot with flowers to the seat and place it in suitable place garden, it will turn out quite nice.

We draw the attention of readers that all photographs for the article were taken in gardens near Moscow. The exception is a landscape panel from Ireland (photo 8).

To give a personal or garden plot a unique look, it is not enough to plant it with greenery and build a high fence. The end result will please the eye only if you decorate the area with special decorative elements, which in landscape design are usually called small architectural forms (abbreviated as MAF).

Decorating the garden plot

Regardless of whether it will country cottage area to perform numerous chores or it will turn out to be garden area for recreation, the local area always needs improvement. An excellent option for giving the site an unusual and attractive look is the construction of a variety of architectural structures.

MAFs are special structures of various shapes and sizes, the main task of which is to decorate and complement the territory of the site. Architectural elements, in addition to their aesthetic function, are also capable of performing a practical one, thanks to which it is possible to special effort delimit territory or some individual structures.

The main advantage of MAF is that people with completely different incomes can afford to decorate their site. After all architectural elements are selected and built not only taking into account the landscape and size of the territory, but also the financial capabilities of the owner of the site. Now you can not only order from specialists, but also make small architectural forms yourself with your own hands. In this case, the final result will depend not only on the available materials, but also on the imagination of the owner of the garden plot.

Functional purpose

The versatility of decorative elements erected in adjacent areas allows you to create a unique and unique view for any territory. This is due to the fact that LFAs are designed to perform several main tasks, which are as follows:

Currently, there are many different designs that help solve issues with decorating areas. The main thing is to remember that the choice of architectural elements for a summer house and garden largely depends on the size of the plot, the general style of design of the area, the needs of the owner and other similar factors.

Materials for manufacturing

Manufacturing of landscape forms can be carried out from completely various materials. Moreover, the most memorable and unusual will be precisely those decorative elements that are made from the most waste materials. The main thing is that the architectural elements being built are harmoniously combined with general concept design of the site and were comfortable during use.

Most commonly used materials:

Choose the right one garden decor element or dachas is very difficult, since they differ not only in their shapes and sizes, but also in their intended purpose. After all, it is very important in the process of beautifying the site to observe the concept of territory design and adhere to general rules MAF placement.

Rules for placement on the territory

Regardless of what kind of decorative element you plan to place, you always need to take into account several basic nuances that will allow you to maintain the harmonious appearance of the entire site. Namely:

All decorative elements that will be erected on the site must fit harmoniously and in no case disturb the overall perception of the garden as a whole. Therefore, this process is best left to professionals, especially in that case, if it is planned to build voluminous and large-sized objects on the site. For example, gazebos, ponds or attics.

Main types of architectural forms

There are many different landscape elements for decorating a garden, differing in materials of manufacture, shapes, dimensions and color palette. However, the most popular today are the following types of MAF:

  • Decorative elements for decoration playgrounds, which will be especially useful where children present. These include children's swings, horizontal bars, wall bars, sandboxes, ladders, mini-pools, benches and other similar architectural structures. Before constructing the MAF, it should be remembered that such a complex needs to be built over a large area, and it will require considerable financial costs.
  • Arches will look very elegant in the garden; they most often serve as an excellent support for various climbing plants. In addition, the design is excellent for delimiting territory at the border of functional zones, for example, at the entrance to a green garden. And if you build several arches together along the path at once, you can get an unusual tunnel that will provide shelter from the sultry sun in the summer heat. Arches can be made from decorative stone or concrete, metal or wood - it all depends on the budget of the site owner.
  • Pergolas are considered the simplest in terms of construction - decorative forms made from materials such as wood, metal or plastic. A pergola is an ordinary canopy on high pillars, consisting of several arched structures that are connected to each other by means of lintels. As a rule, climbing plants are planted next to this form, which can turn the structure into an amazing green corridor. In addition to the fact that the pergola serves great decoration for any garden, and also allows you to hide from scorching sun And strong wind.
  • A bridge can be an excellent addition to any landscape design. This part of the decor can be made of stone, concrete or metal. It is installed near artificial reservoirs or streams and placed in landscape-style areas.
  • Last time fashion trend became the placement of sculptures in dacha or garden plots. These decorative elements can be completely various figures: mermaids, fairy-tale characters, forest nymphs, gnomes and so on. They can be of simple shapes and sizes. The main rule which should always be followed if sculptures are placed on the site, they should not violate the overall style of the garden. After all, not every sculpture can harmoniously fit into the interior of a personal plot. The material used to make these architectural forms can vary from gypsum or clay to ordinary plastic. Some craftsmen make sculptures from completely non-standard materials: old tires, bottles, driftwood and so on.
  • Fences and enclosures are landscape elements, designed to delimit or cover territory. Can have non-standard sizes and dimensions and be made of iron, wood, plastic or stone. Small fences can be installed to separate structural elements of a site, for example, flower beds, flower beds or other functional areas.
  • Properly placed flowerpots will help to improve the area and make it attractive. Moreover, any design can serve as a flowerpot. non-standard forms and sizes: logs, barrels, tires and much more. Large flowerpots of regular shapes are usually made from more heavy materials: metal, concrete or natural stone. Here everything depends only on the imagination and financial capabilities of the owner of the site.
  • Garden furniture, which is installed in a permanent place in a certain area of ​​the garden, it serves as an excellent addition to any area. These can be benches, benches, chairs, tables. They are located near recreation areas - a swimming pool, a waterfall, an alley, a flower garden, and so on.
  • Gazebos are considered large-sized landscape forms designed for comfortable spending time outdoors. The sizes and shapes of gazebos can be varied. Most often, they are installed right in the center of the site and serve for joint family recreation. Can be open or closed. Made from natural stone, metal or concrete. To give the gazebo unusual looking, it is enough to plant climbing plants along it, which, as they grow, will entwine this unique architectural decorative element.
  • If the size of the plot allows and there is a large elevation there, then a belvedere can be erected on it - a special observation deck. It can have different shapes: round, hexagonal, square. Tall columns or a regular parapet can be used as a fence. The feasibility of placing a gazebo depends on the parameters of the territory, since in areas where there is no elevation, it is not customary to install gazebos.

Site lighting

Decorative lanterns will help decorate the area, not only at night, but also during the day. When choosing the shape and size of the lantern, you should take into account the parameters of the illuminated area. Lanterns can be of several types: placed on pedestals or on legs and installed on the ground. For each separate zone Where it is planned to install the lanterns, its own lighting is provided, so it is important not to make a mistake when choosing the type of lanterns.

In addition to the above, there are many other types of architectural elements suitable for placement in garden plots.

Any landscape forms are able to give the site uniqueness and comfort, as a result of which you will always want to spend as much free time as possible in this place. When choosing a decorative element, it is very important to take into account the terrain and size of the territory, and also not to overdo it with the construction of various architectural structures. Therefore, it is best to entrust this process to a professional who specializes in landscape design.

A small architectural form (SAF) is an auxiliary architectural structure, an artistic and decorative element, which is endowed with simple functions. Some of them do not have any functions and are decorative decorations.

A little history

Small architectural form is not a modern invention. People knew it back in the Renaissance, when unique park ensembles were created in Italy. And in Ancient Japan they were convinced that stone was the basis of the garden. It was an integral element of each site, and stone sculpture was considered mandatory. For example, images of turtles with an octagon on their shell symbolized wisdom, eternity and longevity.

Among the Slavic peoples, birds, animals, flowers, and epic heroes can be seen on garden gazebos, porches, and in the patterns of house trims. Thus, even the ancient masters brought space and mood to unity.

MAF in the city

Today at creation landscape design City architects strive to make maximum use of natural conditions. After all, it is in contact with nature that a modern urban person, psychologically overloaded, finds a reserve for restoring physical and spiritual strength.

When improving city streets, parks, and public gardens, it is very important to choose the design of small architectural forms and landscaping elements that will ideally match their location and purpose. For example, a rest bench, which is located in front of the entrance to the house, is intended for short-term rest, and therefore can be completely simple: a seat board with legs. In a park, square on the shore of a reservoir, in other words, in more favorable places for recreation, a different small architectural form would be more appropriate. The bench should be more comfortable. Perhaps it will have the shape of a sofa with a comfortable back so that you can spend a lot of time on it.

Installing small architectural forms is a task no less difficult than manufacturing them.

Materials used

When choosing elements of urban landscape design, the choice of materials from which they are made is of great importance. It is preferable to use natural elements, such as wood, metal, stone, and for covering paths and platforms - sand, gravel, flagstone. When using such materials, you should avoid variegated plastic or multi-colored wooden parts. Bright color in urban landscape design it is permissible provided that it is used tactfully. It even needs to be administered in very small quantities.

This rule changes slightly when we create children's small architectural forms. Here the proportion of bright elements should be significantly increased.

Sculptural groups and fountains

This type of MAF deserves special attention. Citizens are very fond of fountains. Elderly people enjoy relaxing on benches by the murmuring water, young people make dates here. It is important that such a small architectural form be thought out to the smallest detail. The fountain should be located where people like to spend time. It will look ridiculous on the station square. Hurrying passengers and greeters are unlikely to admire it and the sculptural group surrounding it.

Small architectural form: stop

Unfortunately, in our country long years the stop was perceived only as a place to wait for transport. While abroad it is a beautiful architectural element and recreation area. Stops should be equipped with canopies, garbage bins, and benches. Landscaping and landscaping of bus stops is of great importance. After all, in essence, this is a waiting and relaxation area designed for passengers.

Color meaning

It is well known that color is very important when creating an interior. It plays an equally important role when creating small forms on the territory being designed. The color of fountains, sculptures, buildings, paving slabs, tone monumental painting- this is the basis of the design solution for the entire territory. When planning landscaping and landscaping, color should be used as a means of bringing architecture closer to nature.

How to avoid monotony

It's no secret that in last years scale housing construction in our country are simply huge. In this regard, mass production of MAF within one city becomes relevant. How to avoid such repetitions? Architects should be wary of repeating small decorative forms (flower bowls, vases) within sight. Mass elements that perform specific functions (urns, benches, tiles) can be repeated as much as necessary.

Products of the same type may have different shapes and color. This will allow you to arrange them differently with each other. For example, a low ground flower bowl and a tall vase should not only be beautiful, but also go well together. Mass production of small forms should be as diverse as possible in shape, color and texture. And finally, with the large-scale use of this in residential development, it is necessary to create original highly artistic works in critical central areas, made by real masters commissioned by architects for a specific location.

We arrange a personal plot

If you have Vacation home or a summer cottage, you will probably want to improve it. And here you can’t do without benches, swings, and fountains. What structures are most popular today for decorating a suburban area? Small architectural forms for the garden are very diverse. Let's try to describe the most popular of them.


As you already know, this is one of the types of MAF. Not even the most modest garden plot can't do without it. Benches can make an area more comfortable. If you place them in secluded shady corners, no one will refuse to relax there. They can be different sizes and styles: forged and wooden, with and without backs and armrests. In any case, such a small architectural form is necessary on the site. Made of wood, I must say, it will be more comfortable. It is this material that has maximum living energy and warmth. These are necessary small architectural forms. A bench made with your own hands will give you moral satisfaction. You can paint it or, preserving the natural beauty of the material, cover it with several layers of varnish.


Such a small architectural form is necessary on every site. Even the smallest gazebo, entwined with weaving plants, creates indescribable comfort. In addition, she can perform a number of useful functions. It's no secret that in summer time All family members love to spend time here. Breakfast or dinner in the fresh air surrounded by greenery - what could be better! Therefore, if the size of your plot allows, then select a model that is suitable in size and configuration. Today these small architectural forms are very common. You can make it with your own hands from almost any material. It can be made of brick, wood or metal (forged). But at the same time it must match the design of your home. If you want to use the gazebo in winter, glaze it and make a warm floor. By the way, you can make it yourself. It will become even more comfortable and warmer. Can buy finished sample and install it in the right place.


These days on suburban areas you can see real works landscape art. Many of them have bodies of water. They may be different sizes, but in any case it is magnificent decoration plot and a great place to relax. If you also have a pond, and its size is quite impressive, then you should think about installing a bridge. It could be a modest example made from logs or a real wrought-iron bridge. It all depends on your choice, the size of the plot and the reservoir.

Fountains and sculptures

If you want your site to look more like it, then you will need another small architectural form. A fountain is what you need. Several sculptures can be installed next to it. The murmur of water, cozy benches and a mowed lawn will create the atmosphere of an ancient noble castle.


If you have small children, then you cannot do without a playground. Sandboxes and swings, sports complexes and slides are also small architectural forms. With your own hands, even in a very small area, you can create a multifunctional sports complex. Today, many manufacturers offer ready-made versions of such structures. Many of them are compact and quite affordable.

Decorative elements

If you have already built on the site cozy gazebo, created an artificial pond, installed a fountain, and there is still a lot of space left, you should think about decorative elements. You can install or a mill. They will enliven and diversify the landscape.

Arches, trellises, pergolas

These architectural forms are necessary to support the climbing plants of the garden. If you need to shade some area, these structures are used. They are often made with their own hands. These designs do not necessarily have to be airy and light. They can even be cast from concrete.

A pergola will look impressive if it is made from wooden beams or metal pipes welded together. You can use crossed slats. If such a structure is placed in a semicircle, then you can successfully zone the recreation area.

Garden furniture, decorations

This is also a type of small architectural forms. For country house or a summer cottage, furniture made of bamboo or rattan is perfect. This is enough durable materials, which are not afraid of direct sunlight.

It is believed that sculptures on the site must certainly be made of natural stone or ceramics. These can be funny gnomes, cute little animals, or some abstract shapes. Such products are now sold in stores. But if you use your imagination, you can create them from what you see every day. For example, you can cut your hair in an original way hedge or bush, giving them an exotic shape.


This small form is quite functional. First of all, it fences off one territory from another, creates an internal delimitation of functional zones, in addition, it can serve as a support for climbing plants, protection from the wind, and shading of the area. However, the main function is still to protect the territory from unwanted guests. Therefore, its height, as a rule, is 1.5 meters. The fence can be metal, wood, stone or brick. Internal fences can also be used to separate one area from another. For example, a recreation area and a vegetable garden.


Each area of ​​the site needs separate lighting. Lamps and lanterns are also MAFs that will add a unique flavor to your garden. Most often, forged or cast lanterns are used in landscape design. Since recently, personal plots Stone samples also began to be used. They should be placed in different places, creating interesting compositions with shrubs and trees. Such decorative elements will create a mysterious and romantic atmosphere on the site in the evening.

A lamp with a textile lampshade will look organic in the gazebo. It’s not at all difficult to do it yourself. It is necessary to remember that when creating any architectural form, you need to think through its design so that it fits well into the existing one. general composition. MAFs play a big role in landscape design. They allow you to revive the area, make it more comfortable, functional and original. Even in the smallest area there is always room for a children's swing or a sculptural group. And about the areas with large area and there is no need to talk. However, it should be remembered that the area should not be overloaded with a large number of elements. It is more advisable to select several architectural forms that combine well with each other. The area will become laconic and stylish.

Small architectural forms for summer cottages and playgrounds are the final chord of a symphony of landscape design; to be convinced of this, just look at the photo. Even if you have a small plot of land with unsightly buildings, you can always use properly selected design solutions transform the area into a luxurious, if not fabulous, place to relax in the lap of nature.

Types of small architectural forms

Architectural structures of this kind have long been perceived as classics, because, due to their accessibility, they are used almost everywhere: once you find yourself in a park area or in a country garden, you will catch your eye:

Summer cottage with gazebo and pond

  • unusual sculptures;
  • mesmerizing fountains;
  • openwork gazebos in which you want to hide from the outside bustle, holding your breath;
  • magnificent arches strewn flowering plants;
  • forged bridges;
  • sophisticated rotundas;
  • decorative flowerpots;
  • colorful terraces;
  • trellises for flowering plants;
  • decorative lanterns;
  • other architectural masterpieces and compositional solutions.

Decorative composition with a waterfall

Today, all these masterpieces can be found in some parks and on the territory of private households in our country.

Against the backdrop of the rich design of country houses, it may seem that such elements of landscape design are very expensive, but this is not so! Absolutely any owner of a personal plot has access to such beauty, because you don’t have to install expensive fountains, majestic amphitheaters or unusual labyrinths, but use a budget, but very original gazebo, decorating it with picturesque climbing flowers, elegantly “throwing” a bridge over a landscaped artificial pond, and finally, using an amazing arch in the exterior.

Attention! Remember, stylizing a site is possible even on a limited budget, because the main thing is your desire, imagination and, of course, hard work!

Design of a recreation area in the garden

If we talk about the tasks inherent in such solutions, there are several of them:

  1. Decorative. It is created by picturesque fences, amazing gazebos and sculptures, the magic of fountains and the water surface of pools.
  2. Active recreation and sports. This task can be realized with the help of sports grounds, courts and swings, playgrounds and sandboxes.
  3. Massive use. By building extraordinary benches and benches, installing garden lamps and sculptural masterpieces, you can radically transform a park area or an unsightly garden plot.

Landscaping the garden area

The choice of one or another architectural element depends on the scale and style of the territory, the initial design, the time that you can freely spend on arrangement, financial capabilities, flight of fancy and other factors.


Gazebo on a summer cottage

Most often you can see lightweight structures of a simple, less often capital type, built with a base. For their manufacture, materials of different origin, texture and quality can be used: natural wood and stone, brick and metal. A gazebo made from a combination of seemingly incompatible materials at first glance looks impressive, especially when surrounded by picturesque flower beds. The shape of the gazebo, according to the architects' ideas, can vary from classic to round and even hexagonal.

Performed in one stylistic direction with the territory of the garden, a colorful gazebo, in addition to its decorative function, can become an island of escape from the sun and heat, bustle and city noise. This is a great place to retire and simply enjoy the natural colors.

Rotundas and gazebos

These architectural forms can hardly be found in a simple summer cottage where we grow flowers and berries. Rotundas, like gazebos, carry a certain style and functionality, which is more inherent in design and imposing spaces. Covered buildings decorated with stucco and stately columns are considered great place for tea drinking and quiet pleasant conversations.



These solutions originate from Europe, where they were placed mainly on high ground. The belvederes are equipped with amazing supporting columns and a well-appointed observation deck. They are constructed from natural stone, wood, concrete and metal, and their style can be classical, Greek, modern and so on.


Architectural solutions in a classic design fit perfectly on open space, on the hills, near a reservoir and even on the border area of ​​a summer cottage. Today you can often find transformed belvederes of incredible beauty, where architectural elements from different styles simultaneously predominate.


Very popular buildings made of plastic, wooden beams and other building materials, with powerful pillars and a through roof. Pergolas serve more as a decorative element of the exterior than practical function. With their help, you can focus on the bright elements of the garden and emphasize the special beauty of a particular style. A beautiful, massive and rich-looking pergola will become not only a pleasant addition for the owner of a personal plot, but also a favorite place for warm meetings with friends and joint tea parties in the warm season.



This type of architectural structure refers to supports. Arches are most often created for “living walls” and for growing climbing vegetation. Often found arched structures made of wood, brick and natural stone in gardens, park areas and arboretums. Braided with luxurious greenery, majestic arches dilute the landscape design of the territory, regardless of its area and the dimensions of the architectural building.

Arch entwined with flowers


Log and paved, wooden and forged, curved and smooth, equipped with elegant railings and without them, floating above the water, and vice versa, heavier - all this is said about the bridges that “throw” over landscaped reservoirs, streams and ponds. An amazing addition to any public garden, park or garden, or artificial forest, giving the area an element of naturalness and magic. Each of us, if you haven’t already admired the surface of the water while on decorative bridge, you probably dreamed about it.

Bridge over an artificial pond

Attention! Often bridges are complemented by forged benches and park lanterns, which in the evening very effectively reflect the picturesque beauty of the area and highlight the small architectural forms inscribed in it.

Garden sculptures

These elements symbolize majesty and tact, indicating good taste their owner. Classical and modern sculptural works are most often present in museum and historical squares and parks. Carved from natural stone or created from concrete, they can have a wide variety of shapes and sizes - monumental columns, huge lions and gentle angels. If a professional is involved in the arrangement and selection of sculptures, then you can be sure that he will be able to achieve incredible success in improving the recreation area.

Garden sculpture

You won’t find such majestic sculptures on private plots. Stylized plaster figurines of gnomes and fairy-tale heroes are popular. miniature copies historical buildings and castles with decorative lighting. Such solutions look amazingly beautiful against the backdrop of a bright lawn, under the shade well-groomed trees or dense vegetation.

The favorite vacation spot of many townspeople is the dacha. It is there that we feel close to nature and for the sake of this feeling of unity we spare no effort in arranging flower beds and planting trees.

The final touch in arranging the estate will be the use of small architectural forms (SAF).

History of the emergence of small architectural forms

MAFs have been known in European countries since the Renaissance. At the same time, Japanese thinkers praised stone as necessary element garden design. Even in the smallest Japanese garden you will always find a tiny fountain or some kind of structure made of stones.

And in our country we have always loved and appreciated such material as wood. They have long been decorated with figurines carved from it. local area. Great solution For modern site, is .

Types and purpose of MAF

In our country, MAFs became popular not so long ago. They come in different varieties price category, and everyone can find something suitable for themselves, according to their taste and budget.

The main purpose of MAFs is to make life more convenient and add aesthetic pleasure to it.

Small architectural forms come in three main groups:

The first group helps to divide the site into zones. This is done by installing decorative retaining walls and fences, various bridges, stairs and arches. Fountains, vases, sculptures can serve the same purpose;

The second group includes MAFs, without which it is impossible to create a cozy recreation area on a summer cottage. Comfortable relaxation is unthinkable without gazebos, benches and other garden furniture. This also includes equipment for children's and sports grounds;

MAFs of the third group are created to make our lives more convenient. Having become accustomed to comfortable city life, it is difficult for us even in the countryside to do without street lamps, drinking fountains and trash cans.

Small architectural forms are also divided according to the presence of plants. We have already considered the first type, where plants are not used. Let's get acquainted with some representatives of the second species.

Trellis. Represent decorative grilles made of wood or metal, entwined with greenery. They often serve as a green screen. You can even make a gazebo out of them.

Pergola. This is a kind of hanging structure with a roof of climbing green plants, which can rest on repeating arches or pillars connected by beams. The main purpose of a pergola is protection from the hot sun.

For the same purpose, you can use an arch entwined with flowering plants. From a series of arches you can create a tunnel, in the shade of which it will be nice to relax in the heat.

From palace park ensembles, bosquet came into our lives. It consists of several green walls created by densely planted trees and shrubs.

For MAFs, natural materials such as wood, wicker, and stone can be used. They can also be made of concrete and metal.

Examples of small architectural forms

Alcove. A covered architectural structure, usually installed on a foundation, and serves as a place for conversation, for example over a cup of tea. Gazebos are usually made of wood, metal or brick. These materials can also be combined. The gazebo can be various shapes– from a circle to a hexagon. The gazebo will undoubtedly decorate your summer cottage. You can relax in it on a hot day.

Rotunda and gazebo. These are indoor structures designed for privacy and private conversations. They are not very popular among ordinary summer residents.

Gazebo. This architectural form came to us from medieval European countries. The belvedere is an observation deck surrounded on all sides by columns. Usually the highest place is chosen for its construction. Belvederes are made of stone, wood, metal, concrete. The disadvantage of this MAF is the difficulty of fitting it into the surrounding interior.

Flashlights. With the help of decorative lanterns, you can not only illuminate the territory of the site, but also emphasize any elements of landscape design. Lanterns will look especially wonderful next to a small pond. The choice of their sizes depends on the size of the site. Lanterns can be with or without stands, and can stand directly on the ground or on a pedestal with legs. Using them will give your garden a charming look.

Garden furniture. Under garden furniture we mean benches and pews. They can be located near a decorative pond, next to a flower, or simply in the shade of a garden path. A beautiful bench can be the highlight of your space.

Sculpture. It is very difficult to select and install it correctly on your own. You will definitely need professional help. Despite this, the sculptures are magnificent. With their help you can create a unique atmosphere. The sculpture can harmoniously complement a fountain, rock garden or pergola.

There are many more MAFs with which you can decorate the territory of your dacha, turning it into a kingdom of harmony and comfort.

Just don’t forget that all the small architectural forms you choose must be combined with each other and match the design of the entire site.

Photos of small architectural forms on the site

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