Let's create a cheerful mood: coloring the fence. How to decorate a fence How to paint a fence at the dacha

The first impression is the strongest. Therefore, neglect the careful arrangement country fencing not worth it. But due to the considerable size of the fence, it seems that the costs will go through the roof. Don't despair. We are sharing a selection of ideas that will help you make your fence spectacular and original without extra costs.

1. For lovers of noble drinks

Colored glass- a material that always looks noble. After all, when natural light it casts sunbeams that will enliven even an ordinary dacha. To make the fence decor look decent, we recommend choosing unusual bottles different colors.

2. Stone and wood

Gabions - interesting designs made of wire and metal, which are used in construction. At the same time, they are a universal decor for summer cottage. For example, gabions in combination with wooden boards can be used to build an impressive fence.

3. Funny pictures

An ordinary wooden fence turns into a decor for a dacha if you paint it with simple pictures. Children will also certainly appreciate this activity. To ensure that the paint stays on the wood for a long time, do not forget about the protective impregnation for it.

4. Simple and tasteful

Who said that a fence has to be perfectly straight? To arrange it, it is worth choosing boards of different heights, with a rounded top part- and the fence will become original. If this is not enough, then paint the fence in bright shade, in harmony with the color of the greenery behind it.

5. Cozy eco-style

Branches are a material that is more than enough at any dacha. Especially after tree pruning season. Branches of suitable shape can be screwed to the fence using metal wire. This fence decor will help further protect the area from prying eyes.

6. Gatekeeper

Climbing ivy is a common design for a fence. But this does not make the living decor of the fence lose any of its attractive appearance. Especially if you periodically trim the ivy in the shape of a woman’s head of hair, and draw a face underneath it. Such a fence will definitely not go unnoticed by others.

7. Plastic mosaic

This kind of fence decor will require some preparation: you need to collect a sufficient number of multi-colored caps, having previously decided on the future pattern. If necessary, the covers can be painted desired color. The covers are attached to the wooden fence with screws or nails.

8. Bird's joy

From the side of a restless street, and even at a low altitude, birds are unlikely to dare to build a nest. But you can pour food into such birdhouses, and then the birds will definitely not leave the fence unattended. Another option for lovers of tranquility is to plant living plants in birdhouses.

9. Embroidery on the fence

Such a trend as embroidery on fences with ribbons is gaining popularity in many cities around the world thanks to the activities street artists. Why not bring it to our realities? Such embroidery with multi-colored ribbons does not require any special skills. You just need to decide on the pattern.

10. Mini-exhibition

Perhaps on outside country fence There is no point in organizing an exhibition of different things. But the fence needs decoration and inside. The decor of the fence can be very diverse - from birdhouses to mirrors and empty frames.

11. Smooth shapes

An ordinary fence made of boards will look new if you make it up from elements of an unusual shape. For example, boards with rounded edges or holes.

12. Minimalistic geometry

Concrete blocks filled with soil will become not only an unusual decoration for the fence. An additional bonus is that such a decoration can prevent unwanted parking of cars near the country fence.

13. Flowers instead of paintings

Massive frames for paintings may well become the basis for placing small flower pots. If frames of the required size cannot be found, then replace them with plastic or polyurethane moldings.

14. New life for old boxes

Several old boxes nailed to a wooden fence look like an organic addition to its structure. All that remains is to place flower pots with live plants inside the boxes - and the non-standard design of the fence is ready.

15. A fence that is not afraid of rain

Old Rubber Shoes can be an original replacement for flower pots. This fence decor is not afraid of the heaviest rain.

16. Fairy fencing

Many scraps of logs of the same size became the basis for creating a nice fence for the dacha. From them you can assemble a fence of any height and shape. Setting up a gate in the fence is also not difficult.

DIY cottage decor - a most exciting activity, which, once started, is difficult to stop. Continuing the topic -

If the appearance of the fence is depressing and spoils the cheerful design of the beds and the entire garden, you can slightly update this design. This is not difficult to do. A little imagination and effort and new fence can become one of the highlights of the garden. There are some great ideas for this.

While studying garden decor, many people forget about decorating the fence. But it can be an excellent accent in garden design. What can you do and what ideas can you try?

Bright colors

The easiest way is to paint the fence or separate part V different shades. A bright, colorful fence looks especially good as a backdrop for a children's playground. Original solution- paint wooden boards and sharpen them a little towards the top in the form of colored pencils. If a colorful fence around the entire perimeter of the dacha seems too bold a decor, then you can decorate, for example, only the gate or paint individual parts facing the courtyard.

Original drawings

Those who like to draw can try to decorate the fence with an original design: trees, ornaments, flowers, etc. A fence with characters from fairy tales or cartoons on individual boards is well suited for a children's playground.

Scenic print

Recently, manufacturers of corrugated fences are increasingly offering to add additional decor to the product in the form of an individually selected 3D print, which is applied using special equipment. Such fences look very beautiful and expensive, and besides, the design can be selected according to the customer’s wishes - from a simple ornament to a masterpiece of painting.

Bird houses

Do you love birdsong and want to attract more birds to protect your garden? Then the fence can be used as a basis for attaching numerous bird houses. You can paint them in different colors, which go well with the main background of the fence and the garden design. The houses look very cheerful and elegant. Such a bird colony will especially appeal to children, who will happily feed the birds.

Flower shoes

A simple and inexpensive way to freshen up a dull fence is to attach it to old shoes(for example, children's boots) as containers for flowers. First, the shoes need to be painted in cheerful colors, then filled with drainage and soil in order to plant seedlings in them unpretentious plants(marigolds, petunias, marigolds, nasturtiums, etc.).

Bottle caps

If a lot has accumulated plastic bottles, then from their lids you can create entire compositions, like a mosaic. The lids are then painted in different colors and nailed to wooden boards using small nails.

Shiny wheels

For those who have a fence made of chain-link mesh, you can offer to decorate it with old CDs. They can also be decorated in advance - with paints or bright stickers.

Flower boom

An easy way to add freshness to your fence is to hang hanging containers with live animals at a certain distance. flower arrangements. Instead of flowers, they may also contain berries, for example, garden strawberries.

Hearts made of threads

A chain-link fence can easily be decorated using brightly colored knitted threads, wrapped several times around pieces of wire. This way you can, for example, “wind up” small colorful hearts, flowers or a solid large image. Instead of threads, multi-colored shreds are also suitable.

Colored frames

If there are frames left from old photographs and paintings, you can update them, paint them and attach them to the fence in the form of different artistic compositions. You can place small containers with plants in wide frames, or try vertical plantings small succulents. They also look good framed.


Children will happily accept this decision, because they will have a place for creativity, and they will no longer decorate everything in the garden. Large slate board attached to the fence and supplemented with a small container for chalk.

Mirrors for more space

If the garden space is not very large, it can be visually enlarged using light colors and mirrors that are placed on the fence. They will create the illusion of volume and will look original in the garden design.

How did you decorate your fence? Share!

All buildings sooner or later tend to fall into disrepair, and the fence in this case is no exception.

If recently a new fence, under the influence of atmospheric factors, has lost its former attractiveness and has ceased to perform a decorative function in addition to its direct purpose, or was not initially, to put it mildly, a “work of art,” it’s time to think about how to decorate the fence to your delight and envy neighbors.

Considering the wide variety of materials and design solutions for decorating a fence, the task will not present any difficulties, and we will tell you how to do it quickly and tastefully in our article.

Hedges and flower beds

How to decorate a fence at the dacha if the current fence no longer pleases you?

There are many ways by which you can radically change appearance fence, and the most common of them is decorating with climbing plants.

The use of this design technique will be appropriate for any fence, be it a metal, wooden or concrete fence. However, it is important to remember that the most organic climbing plants will look good on fences whose height exceeds 2 meters.

If you do not plan to install a new fence in the next few years, creating a hedge from climbing plants will be for you optimal solution. Both climbing perennials and annual crops are suitable for these purposes.

If you decide to give preference to perennials, then you can’t go wrong by choosing virgin grapes. Its unpretentiousness and rapid growth, as well as resistance to temperature changes and pests, will make decorative grapes great decoration fence

It not only retains its green color for a long time, but also turns red with the onset of cold weather, maintaining it until frost.

Among perennials, ivy and honeysuckle are also pleasing with their unpretentiousness, which are not demanding in care and at the same time are characterized by rapid growth. The only thing that needs to be controlled when planting these plants is constant moisture at the roots.

Experienced gardeners will have the option of using climbing roses, which, despite specific features care, will become a truly chic decoration of the fence.

All of the above methods of decorating with climbing plants can be used when decorating a chain-link fence.

Climbing annuals can become an equally original decoration for an old fence. To effectively decorate a fence with your own hands using climbing plants, just plant nasturtium or morning glory near it, sweet pea or decorative beans, with which you can easily create an openwork green screen.

While talking about decorating a fence with the help of vines, we never mentioned decorating it with the help of ordinary flower beds. "How to decorate a small wooden fence with flower beds?" - you ask. This is very easy to do.

It is enough to plant tall trees along the fence decorative annuals or perennial crops such as delphinium, mallow or rudbeckia.

If you have an impressive space along a fence that has lost its former attractiveness, you can create mixborders consisting of several species with different growing seasons. Which will replace each other throughout the warm period, full of bright colors.

Decorating a concrete fence. Original ideas

How to decorate a concrete fence that is not distinguished by its originality, but only makes the area gloomy? In this case, green spaces will also come to the rescue. Decorating a high and blank fence from concrete slabs, you can plant ferns or conifers, and inside any decorative flowers to your taste.

For the design of a concrete fence, we have prepared one more option, which we should definitely tell you about. This decorative technique will turn a blank fence into the wall of an ancient building.

To do this, part of the fence needs to be lined with old brick, and the gaps that have formed in the masonry should be planted with moss. If you add to such a fence a bench made in old style, dry wood, entwined with vines, and a flowerbed made in country style, you will become the owner cozy corner for privacy.

How else can you decorate a blank gray fence? There are many other ways that even beginners will enjoy. Design experts suggest diversifying an unsightly fence with shells, wooden cuts or multi-colored stones, pieces of tiles or broken dishes.

Art lovers will love the design option concrete fence, which involves creating a painting on a concrete canvas. The subject of the painting can be very different: from picturesque landscape to modern catchy graffiti.

You can also paint a wooden picket fence, but be careful painting business you need all your imagination. Even children can take part in the process of painting such a fence, which will allow you not only to diversify the territory of your site, but also to unite the whole family.

For lovers artistic painting you won’t have to think long about the question: “How to decorate a fence made of corrugated board,” since the picturesque nature depicted on such a fence will become its original addition.

Fence made of corrugated board. Decorating correctly

Since we’re talking about corrugated fences, let’s talk about a few more available ways its design.

One of the popular ways to decorate it is to combine corrugated sheeting with materials imitating wood or stone, as well as decorating it with black contrasting edging.

The original decoration of the fence will be a figuratively cut (arched or wavy) edge sheet material. Ornaments of the most varied complexity (from geometric shapes to monograms and abstract ornaments) can be created using artistic forging.

It is not customary to attach forged elements directly to corrugated sheets. For this purpose, a special metal carcass, to which the forged pattern is welded.

However, these methods can only be used at the stage of building a fence, but what to do if the fence has already been erected? Here you can resort to the method described above, decorating the fence with climbing perennials and leaving only the gate free, or you can diversify the fence flower pots or, following the example of the residents of Thailand, place posts around the fence on which decorative figures will be placed.

The most unpredictable ideas for decorating a fence

You can diversify your fence using the most unpredictable things

For example, you can decorate a fence using the most ordinary plastic bottles, from which you can make original panels or flowerpots, supplemented flowering plants, which will become a bright spot against an unattractive background.

Decorative flowers cut from the bottoms of plastic bottles and painted in the most various colors, will also become an original decoration of the fence.

And again about plastic bottles. You can decorate the fence using multi-colored caps from plastic bottles, from which you can lay out a wide variety of patterns.

If you have old multi-colored rubber boots in your house that the kids have already outgrown, consider yourself lucky, as you can turn them into a family of hanging flower beds that will delight the eye with their originality.

However, your worn-out rubber boots will also do, and if you arm yourself with a brush and paints, they will be in no way inferior to the previous option.

For lovers classic solutions you will like classic hanging flowerpots with bright colors, and decorative pots can be replaced with any containers for bulk products.

The fence of a summer cottage is greatly affected by the weather and requires, at a minimum, annual renewal. Even if the fence itself stands normally, is not broken or skewed, damage and stains appear on its wooden and metal parts, which require timely repairs. Repairs made in time will significantly extend the shelf life of the fence and provide a pleasant appearance to the area.

Recovery nice looking type of fence gate

There are several methods for doing this type of repair yourself. You can paint problem areas or cover them with decor. In order to easily cope with repairs and give an outdated fence modern look, you can use the advice of designers.

How to decorate a fence

The easiest and the right way surface decoration is the use of special stickers with ready-made designs. The fairly wide range of design solutions on the market will allow you to make a choice to suit every taste. But we must not forget about the performance characteristics of the stickers.

You need to choose only those that are specifically intended for use on outdoors. And increased moisture resistance of the coating, of course, will not hurt.

Since the process of applying such stickers does not require large physical effort and turns into exciting creativity, you can provide for an annual change of such stickers, and in this case, choose more economical options.

Sticker on a corrugated fence

The 3D format of photographs and drawings, which has become fashionable and is also used in stickers intended for external use, thanks to the image application technology, has a number of quality indicators. Such stickers do not discolor under the sun and do not crack due to frost. In addition, their surface is less susceptible to mechanical damage.

Some tips for using fence stickers:

  1. For gluing decorative stickers a prerequisite is dry weather, and it is better to do this not under direct sun rays, in the morning or evening hours.
  2. Before you start decorating the fence with stickers, you should clean the surface from dust and dirt, then degrease and treat the desired areas with an appropriate primer.
  3. The process of gluing the picture must be carried out with gradual removal protective film: it must be removed carefully and in parts, adhering to the edge of the adhesion to the canvas, which should fit tightly to the surface of the board or profile. If, however, bubbles form during gluing, they need to be pierced with a needle and carefully smooth out the burst bubble.
  4. You can extend the life of a sticker by coating it protective layers varnish

How to decorate a fence at your dacha with your own hands

The fence and gates at the dacha can also be painted using special devices that apply paint under the pressure of a stream of air. This modern method drawing images is called airbrushing. For beginners in this business, the stencil version is more suitable. If you follow the technical nuances, you can successfully get your hands on stencils and get high-quality and stylish wall paintings.

Stencil floral ornament, flowers, butterflies, and even the simplest geometric figures made with your own hands create a unique aesthetic effect when decorating a fence.

The step-by-step instructions for using this method are as follows:

1. The selected pattern, which can be drawn by hand or printed on a printer, is applied to thick cardboard or linoleum and carefully cut out according to the silhouette.

2. Apply masking tape along the edging to help prevent paint from leaking.

3. The stencil is secured to the wall with tape, aligning its edges using a level. Before fixing it you need to level it sandpaper surface for drawing.

4. The stencil design is painted over. And after some time allotted for the paint to dry, you need to carefully remove the stencil.

Using the same method, you can make more complex multi-color compositions with landscapes, stylized characters, or original paintings.

Decorate the fence with your own hands

The design of a fence with the help of plants and flowers will radically refresh the appearance of the site; a natural green covering can also protect the structure from weather influences and give a well-groomed and sophisticated look any fence.

IN landscape design to cover fences, special climbing plants are used, which grow quickly and are usually not picky about weather conditions and type of soil. They also perform a sanitary function: they can stop the growth of other weeds and are less susceptible to infection. garden pests. are divided into two main subtypes:

- Perennials, which include all the variety of honeysuckle, ivy, climbing roses and decorative vines.

Annual varieties decorative beans, peas and hyacinth beans will become luxurious seasonal decorations for fences.

Another way to create natural decor for fences is to plant flower beds. A neatly lined and well-groomed floral ribbon of low and medium-sized flowers, planted along the entire length of the fence, can mask imperfections and become original business card dacha hacienda.

Artistic technique

Another useful and creative hobby can be painting a fence using cans of oil, acrylic, alkyd and other paints, the instructions for which include outdoor use. You can improvise with both the color palette and the texture created by different types of paints, while creating your own patterns and designs.

Airbrush application

For more advanced country artists, the airbrush technique is suitable. Originally intended for applying patterns to the surface of cars, this method of multi-layer painting last years expanded the scope of its application. Using a special airbrush or bottles of paint with special sprayers, you can create complex and realistic paintings. The advantage of this technique is that it can be used on uneven surfaces.

Use of graffiti

Tagging is another newfangled street art technique that you can learn by painting fences. For this you need special markers with telling name- vandalizers, which in this case will be used only for good - with quotes from your favorite poems and songs, aphorisms and other inscriptions you can disguise dilapidated sections of the fence and refresh the entire exterior of the dacha within a few minutes.

Brush painting

For art lovers oil paints If you are familiar with its basic laws, you can work with a traditional brush, painting a fence in your country house.

To do this, you will need to make a sketch of the drawing and select the right colors. Depending on the material from which the fence is made, designers advise:

1. On roofing fences construction sheets you can apply images of various cartoon characters, make repeating monogram patterns, or copy landscapes.

2. Metal fence can be covered with artistic imitation of brick, wood, stone. Planks and pipes can, for example, be painted to look like birch trunks.

3. For concrete surfaces It is better to choose pastel and neutral colors.

Working with stencils

For those who do not risk perpetuating their own creation on the fence of their dacha, stencils will come to the rescue. Purchasing ready-made templates and patterns will make the process even easier. Depending on the size of the design and the paints used, you can paint with brushes, rollers and sponges.

How to decorate a wooden fence

Decorating wooden fence segments has its own specifics. In this case, it is very important to properly prepare the surface for painting.

  1. At the first stage, you need to carefully sand the boards using a carpentry sanding machine, or an attachment on a grinder or drill.
  2. Then it is necessary to treat the wood with a protective impregnation, which will prevent rotting and insect infestation. Such solutions can be purchased at finished form, or do it yourself.
  3. The next stage is priming, creating a base for the paint to properly adhere to the surface. The highest quality and universal choice An alkyd-acrylic mixture can be used to prime the wood before painting the base.

For the first base coat of paint, you can use all types of paints that have a corresponding marker on their use on wood. It can be oil, acrylic and alkyd paints. If the design project involves preserving the wooden texture, you can use special compounds for tinting and glazing wooden surfaces.

After all these steps, you need to wait until the base layer has dried, apply a decorative design and cover it, if necessary, with additional protective varnish.

Concrete fence coloring page

To paint concrete fences, you need to purchase paints with markers specially designed for this purpose: for facades, for concrete, for cement.

  • Such paints can have different compositions, but most often they are acrylic, epoxy or polyurethane based.
  • Before work, you need to clean the surface and apply a base coat.
  • A concrete fence does not require painting.

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