Snaps on heating. Home ventilation snip standards and requirements for the device

SNiPs are building norms and rules of a technical, economic and legal nature, intended for the implementation and regulation of urban activities, engineering developments, architectural design and construction. They contain answers to questions on aspects of construction, provide detailed descriptions designs, calculation methods, materials, equipment requirements.

The main objective of this document is to protect the rights and interests of citizens using construction products. The requirements of such technical documents should be minimal to the final result of construction; this is not detailed instructions to directly achieve the end goal. Here it is important to comply with all standards for comfortable consumption of the object by consumers, and the methods of achieving this may be different.

SNiPs cover all areas of construction from design to commissioning of the house, including heating, electricity, water supply, sewerage. If you do not use regulatory documents, then over time anything can happen to the object: cracks will appear on the walls, the foundation will settle. An incorrectly designed and installed heating and water supply system can lead to poor water supply to the upper floors or insufficient heat supply to winter period. To avoid this, you need to Completely follow the document's regulations.

Which SNiPs regulate heating issues?

Federal state enterprise SantekhNIIproekt with the participation of the Center for Methodology of Standardization and Standardization in Construction (FSUE TsNS) developed SNiP 41−01−2003“Heating, ventilation and air conditioning” to replace the existing SNiP 2.04.05−91. This document was proposed by the Department of Technical Standardization, Standardization and Certification in Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Gosstroy of Russia. It was adopted on July 26, 2003 and came into force on January 1, 2004.

The provisions of the building codes of this document have legal and technical regulation for heat supply, heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems in the premises of buildings and structures.

  1. from introduction;
  2. Areas of use;
  3. normative references;
  4. general links;

Requirements also considered:

  • to internal and external air;
  • heat supply and heating;
  • to ventilation, air conditioning and air heating;
  • smoke protection in case of fire;
  • refrigeration;
  • release of air into the atmosphere;
  • energy efficiency buildings;
  • power supply and automation;
  • space-planning requirements and design solutions;
  • water supply and sewerage systems of heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

The appendices cover all the necessary calculations, coefficients, permissible deviations from standards for all systems and equipment for them.

Normative references

  • GOST 12.1.003−83 SSBT. Noise. General requirements security.
  • GOST 12.1.005−88 SSBT. General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air in the working area
  • GOST 24751–81. Air handling equipment. Nominal sizes cross sections accessions
  • GOST 30494–96. Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters.
  • SNiP 23−01−99*. Construction climatology
  • SNiP 23−02−2003. Thermal protection buildings
  • SNiP 23−03−2003. Noise protection.
  • SNiP 31−01−2003. Residential multi-apartment buildings. SNiP 31−03−2001 Industrial buildings
  • SNiP 41−03−2003. Thermal insulation equipment and pipelines
  • SanPiN−96. Hygienic requirements to the microclimate of production premises
  • SanPiN−00. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for residential buildings and premises
  • NPB 105−03. Determination of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations according to explosion and fire hazards
  • NPB 239−97. Air ducts. Fire resistance test method
  • NPB 241−97. Fire dampers ventilation systems. Fire resistance test methods
  • NPB 250−97. Elevators for transporting fire departments in buildings and structures. Are common technical requirements
  • NPB 253−98. Smoke protection equipment for buildings and structures. Fans. Fire resistance test methods
  • PUE. Rules for electrical installations

General provisions

4.1. In buildings and structures it is necessary to provide security:

  • compliance with standards meteorological conditions and air purity in serviced residential and public premises (hereinafter referred to as administrative buildings) in accordance with the current requirements of GOST 3034, SanPiN;
  • compliance with the standards of meteorological conditions and air purity in the serviced work areas of production and laboratory premises, the requirements of GOST 12.1.005 (SanPiN);
  • compliance with level standards noise and vibration operating equipment and heat supply systems, heating, air conditioning, also from noise from external sources (SNiP 23−03). GOST 12.1.003 allows noise of 110 dBA, with impulse noise of 125 dBA for the operation of emergency ventilation systems and smoke protection systems;
  • atmospheric protection from harmful substances , emitted by ventilation;
  • maintainability of systems such as ventilation, air conditioning, heating;
  • explosion and fire systems security.

4.2. Materials used in heating and ventilation equipment systems, air ducts, pipelines and thermal insulation structures must be used from those that allowed in construction.

4.3. Reconstruction and technical re-equipment of operating enterprises, residential, public and administrative buildings and household buildings allows the use existing systems heating, ventilation and air conditioning, if they meet technical and economic standards.

Safety in use

4.4.1. The heating system must be designed taking into account the requirements state safety supervision authorities, as well as comply with the requirements of the instructions of enterprises - manufacturers of equipment and materials that do not contradict the norms and rules.

4.4.2. Coolant temperature for heating systems and heat supply to air heaters air supply units must be accepted in the building 20˚С lower auto-ignition temperature of materials located in the room, taking into account provision 4.4.5. and no more than the maximum tolerance according to Appendix B.

If the water temperature in the heating system is above 105˚C, then provide measures to prevent water from boiling.

4.4.3. Surface temperature heating equipment The part accessible to citizens should not be higher than 75˚C, otherwise it should be fenced off to prevent burns, especially in children's institutions.

4.4.4. Thermal insulation heating and ventilation equipment, pipelines, systems internal heating supply, smoke exhaust air ducts must provide:

  • warning from burns;
  • security heat loss less than acceptable standards;
  • exception moisture condensation;
  • preventing freezing of the coolant in pipelines that are laid in unheated areas or specially cooled rooms;
  • the temperature of the surface layer of insulation should be less than 40˚С, according to SNiP 41−03.

4.4.5 It is not permissible to lay and facilitate the intersection of liquid, steam and gas with a vapor flash point of 170˚C or less in one channel of the internal heating supply pipeline.

4.4.6 Air temperature when leaving the system air heating should not exceed 70˚С. The calculation is carried out taking into account clause 5.6. Also she should be lower by at least 20˚С than the temperature of flammable gases, dust, vapors released in the room.

Heating systems

6.3.1. In heated rooms it must be maintained normalized air temperature.

6.3.2. In buildings where there is no heating system, it is allowed to use local heating in workplaces and equipment repairs.

6.3.3. Flights of stairs may not be heated in cases provided for by the provisions of SNiP.

6.3.4. Heating is being designed taking into account uniform heating and, taking into account the heat consumption for heating air, materials, equipment and other things. A heat flux of 10 W per 1 sq. is taken as a unit. m.

Paragraph 6.4 addresses all requirements To heating pipelines, where they can be laid, where they cannot be laid, the laying methods are regulated, and the service life is included in the design. indicate acceptable standards errors in the slopes of laid water, steam and condensate pipes when different conditions direction of steam movement and water speed.

Section 6.5 covers everything that concerns heating devices and fittings what radiators can be installed, connection diagrams, locations, distance from the walls.

Paragraph 6.6 addresses all issues related to stove heating : in which buildings it is allowed, what are the requirements for stoves, the temperature of their surfaces, sections and heights of chimneys.

Why are SNiP standards needed?

All these standards were developed and are used in order to avoid man-made disasters in the form of gas explosions, wall cracks, building shrinkage, electrical closure electrical wiring, collapse of walls and ceilings and other things. As for the heating system itself, compliance with the norms and regulations set out in SNiP 41−01−2003 is very important for maintaining indoor air humidity that is safe for human health.

Let's say you want to install radiators in your room. There are three ways to install radiators: side, diagonal, bottom connection. Having chosen the scheme, you can proceed with the installation, remembering everything SNiP recommendations and manufacturer:

Issues related to the beginning and end of the heating season are studied in this article:

Installation of heating devices is also regulated by SNiP.

Standards for heat supply in apartment buildings are established by the state. The documentation indicates climatic conditions, which should be in the cold season.

Based on this, the cost is determined utilities. It is important for citizens to know the rules, because this way no one will deceive them.

The heating level in apartments is regulated by the following documentation:

  • GOST 30494-96. It records microclimate levels in residential buildings. It determines the optimal and acceptable levels;
  • SP 23-101-2004. The document specifies the rules that builders must take into account when building a house. This allows you to create optimal microclimate in housing;
  • SNiP 01/23/99. Defines hygiene rules;
  • SNiP 01/31/2003. Sets the internal temperature level.

Based on this documentation, the different types premises.

Residential buildings are classified in the first category. Temperature and humidity are optimal only if they create conditions for normal life person.

There are parameters that cause discomfort, but they are considered acceptable. The air temperature should be +20 degrees or higher, and the humidity should not exceed 80%.

Cold in the apartment

Although the law clearly defines heating standards, many residents still complain about the cold during the cold season. What is the reason?

This may be due to wear and tear engineering communications. The equipment has broken down and no longer performs its previous functions. In many rooms it is not replaced, but simply renovated.

In this case, it will help to do overhaul central heating networks. But residents do not resolve these issues.

There is another way to fix the problem - turning on apartment building additional sources. The latest development is heating gas boilers and a “warm floor” system.

What is established in the standards

The legislation regarding heating specifies the following data:

  • The heating season begins with a decrease in the average daily street temperature to +8 degrees. If this is observed for about 5 days, then heating of the room is necessary. Ends heating season with an increase in temperature to +8;
  • The minimum temperature is set according to the type of room. Its determination must be carried out in each room. The thermometer is located 1 meter from the walls and 1.5 meters from the floor;
  • Hot water should be supplied to the house throughout the year, and its temperature should be from +50 to +70. Deviations are possible only by 4 degrees. If these rules are violated, then residents have the right to reduce utility bills by 0.15%.

Citizens need to write a statement about reducing the temperature of the water or heating. It is submitted to the controlling organization. Upon inspection, a report is drawn up. Violations must be corrected within 7 days.

The legislation stipulates the obligation of companies to supply heat throughout heating season. The accident cannot last more than 16 hours. At this time, the temperature should be normal.

Principles of standards

Laws establish standards that must be followed by public utilities. Regional leaders can make climate-based changes. This is established by local authorities using appropriate documents.

What to do if the standards are not met in an apartment building? Residents have the right to appeal to regulatory organizations.

There is currently a bill in force that defines maximum tariff indices. This is determined from various factors, including local conditions.


There are standards not only for heating in the house but also for humidity. This indicator can change in an apartment due to various factors, for example, due to a malfunction of ventilation. The problem must be solved by municipal institutions.

IN winter time Humidity should be between 30-45%, but 60% is acceptable. And the temperature norm is +18+24 degrees. There are no humidity standards in the kitchen and bathroom, since these rooms have operational characteristics.

Heat calculation

Knowing the principles of calculation, you can determine the cost of heating in the house. The rules are set by the administration settlement based on standards. They are the ones used to set the payment amount.

Regulatory rules usually last for about 3 years. If there is a promotion, it will definitely be justified. The utility service is contacting the administration about increasing the cost of heating. If the offer corresponds to reality, then tariffs increase.

Heat supply rules are established in gigacalories. The calculation takes into account:

  • Climate;
  • Average temperature parameters;
  • Type of premises;
  • Materials;
  • Quality of engineering structures.

If previously residents were charged only for the resources spent, now common house fees are needed. T Now we have to pay for heating the entrances and basements. Payments are mandatory for everyone.

Every tenant has the right to reduce costs. To do this, you need to insulate the apartment and install your own meter. In this case, you will only be charged for personally spent resources.

Equipment can be installed by those organizations that have a license for this type of work. The device is sealed by regulatory companies.

Coolant temperature measurement

The heating system operates from hot water. It is this that is considered the coolant. To measure the temperature yourself, you need to fill a glass with hot water and place a thermometer in it. Temperatures should be between 50-70 degrees.

There are other methods for measuring heating. Temperature determination is performed near pipes or radiators.

An infrared thermometer-pyrometer is used for this. An alcohol thermometer is suitable, which must be placed on the pipe and covered with insulation.

There are more complex equipment– electric thermometer. It is applied to the pipe, secured and measured. Each device has a deviation scale.

Types of radiators

Often, to improve the heating system, radiators need to be replaced. When purchasing, you must consider the following nuances:

  • For multi-storey buildings it is better to choose cast iron radiator. The device does not deteriorate from bad water. The devices are resistant to pressure and water hammer;
  • Suitable for such houses bimetallic radiators. The device is made of steel, aluminum and copper. The equipment is protected from shock and corrosion;
  • TO closed systems better to choose aluminum radiator. The device has original design and high heat transfer. Due to its low inertness, it is used in conjunction with thermoregulation;
  • Are of high quality steel radiators. They weigh a little and have an unusual design.

Heating systems are replaced by competent organizations. Before choosing equipment, you need to get advice on which one is suitable for your home.

After this, the system's functionality is checked. During a major overhaul, meters can be installed immediately. This will allow you to control your utility bills.

Document indexDocument's nameannotationDownload
GOST 31311-2005


Heating devices. Are common technical specifications. The standard applies to heating devices intended for use in water heating systems of buildings and structures for various purposes.
GOST 27179-86


Household electric accumulating heating devices. Safety requirements and test methods.The standard applies to electric storage heating devices for domestic or similar premises, including stoves containing additional heating elements direct heating.
GOST 27734-88


Direct-acting electrical household heating devices. Functional test methods.The standard applies to direct-acting electric heating devices (hereinafter referred to as devices) for domestic and similar premises intended for the needs of the national economy and export.
GOST R 53583-2009


Heating devices. Test methods.The standard applies to heating devices intended for use in water heating systems of buildings for various purposes, and establishes test methods for determining the main operational characteristic - the nominal heat flow, as well as the dependence of heat flow on coolant flow and patterns of coolant movement in the device.
GOST 28669-90


Electric room heating devices of accumulation type. Methods for measuring functional characteristics.The standard applies to room heating electrical devices accumulation type, intended for heating the room.
This standard does not apply to heating appliances that are part of the building structure, built into heating devices and devices central heating, in floor heating installations.
GOST 20219-74


Domestic gas heating devices with a water circuit.Technical conditions. State standard of the USSR. Domestic gas heating devices with a water circuit. Technical conditions. Water contoured heating
appliances for domestic use. Specifications. GOST 20219-74*.


Industrial gas burners Classification.Industrial gas burners. Classification. General technical requirements, marking and storage. Committee for Standardization and Metrology of the USSR. Moscow. State standard of the Union of the USSR. Gas burners. Classification. General technical requirements, marking and storage. GOST 21204-83 (st sev 1051-87)
GOST 21204-83 (st sev 1051-87)


Safety valves for steam and hot water boilers.Industrial gas burners. Classification. General technical requirements, marking and storage. Committee for Standardization and Metrology of the USSR. Moscow. State standard of the Union of the USSR. Gas burners. Classification. General technical requirements, marking and storage. GOST 21204-83 (st sev 1051-87)
GOST 21204-97


Industrial gas burners. General technical requirements.GOST 21204-97: Industrial gas burners. General technical requirements.
Interstate standard. Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification.
GOST 25151-82 (st sev 2084-80)


Water supply. Terms and Definitions.GOST 25151-82 (st sev 2084-80) - Water supply. Terms and Definitions.
GOST 25720-83


Water heating boilers. Terms and Definitions.GOST 25720-83 - Water heating boilers. Terms and Definitions.
Standardinform. 2005. Interstate standard.
GOST 20548-87


Water heating boilers with heating capacity up to 100 kWGeneral technical conditions. IPC publishing house of standards.
GOST 10617-83


Heating boilers with heating capacity from 0.10 to 3.15 MWGOST 10617-83 - Heating boilers with heating capacity from 0.10 to 3.15 MW. General technical conditions.
Moscow. Information data.
GOST 20849-94


Heating convectors. Technical conditions.GOST 20849-94. Interstate standard. Heating convectors. Technical conditions.
Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization and Technical Regulation in Construction (INTKS).
GOMT 8870-79 Instead of GOST 8870-74


Water heaters for baths. Technical conditions.GOST 8870-79. State Construction Committee of the USSR
State standard of the Union of USSR Water heaters for bathtubs.
Technical conditions.
Geysers. Specifications.
GOST 8690-94


Cast iron heating radiators. Technical conditions.GOST 8690-94. Interstate standard. Cast iron heating radiators. Technical conditions.
Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization and Technical Regulation in Construction.
GOST 21.602-79


System project documentation for construction Heating, ventilation and air conditioning.System of design documentation for construction Heating, ventilation and air conditioning.
Working drawings GOST 21.602-79 (st sev 3216-81).
USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs.
SNiP 41-01-2003


Heating, ventilation and air conditioning.These building codes apply to heat supply, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems in buildings and structures.
SNiP II-3-79


Construction heating engineering.Building codes and regulations, building heating engineering and other SNiP standards.
SNiP 2.04.01-85


Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings.
SNiP 3.05.01-85


Internal sanitary systems.
SNiP 3.05.04-85


External networks and structures of water supply and sewerage.
SNiP 41-01-2003


Heating, ventilation and air conditioning.
SP 40-102-2000


Design and installation of pipelines for water supply and sewerage systems made of polymer materials.
SP 40-104-2001


Design and installation of underground water supply pipelines made of fiberglass pipes.


Water supply and sewerage internal devices.


Internal pipelines.


Water supply - external networks.

The constant use of technical and regulatory documentation GOST and SNiP is an integral part of the work of engineers, designers, estimators and installers. After all, the project’s compliance with approved state standards and building regulations– the key to successfully and efficiently completed work and, as a result, the presence of satisfied customers.

For a company specializing in the installation of heating systems, GOST and SNiP related to heating should become reference books. No project can be completed without meeting construction standards. These documents reflect all the requirements for heating systems, provide methods for calculating heat supply and materials used, and quality standards for equipment.

The main purpose of these documents is to protect citizens when using construction projects from the point of view of fire, sanitary and environmental safety, as well as compliance with reliability and energy saving requirements for heat supply systems.

Ignoring GOST, SNiP, SP, GESN and VSN standards, building regulations and standards when performing work can lead to unexpected disastrous results. Heating system calculated and installed without taking into account regulatory documents, can lead to insufficient thermal conductivity of the system, failure of heating equipment, smoke in the premises or high heating costs due to the inefficiency of its operation. Strict adherence to the regulations of the document that defines the order and methods of performing the work will avoid failures and breakdowns, as well as further unpleasant proceedings with the customer.

Regulatory documents such as GOST and SNiP, collected in one place, will significantly facilitate the company’s work when performing calculations and installation of heating systems.

How is heating different? apartment building from a similar autonomous system private cottage or dacha? First of all, the presence of a complex layout of pipelines and heating radiators. In addition, the system includes unique control and safety devices. Let's take a closer look at how heating of residential buildings is characterized: norms, standards, calculations and flushing.

General regulatory documents for heating

To design the heating of a residential apartment building, you need to know the current standards. They are detailed in the relevant documents - GOST, SNiPakh. Without them, it is impossible to commission any residential building.

There are certain standards for heating residential premises that must be known when designing heat supply. They indicate critical temperature levels in residential premises and determine errors depending on weather conditions and time of day. The defining documents for organizing heating of residential buildings are:

  • SNiP 2301-99. It describes the level of air heating in apartments, residential and non-residential premises;
  • SNiP 4101-2003. Information on ventilation and heat supply standards depending on the type of building;
  • SNiP 2302-2003. Data on the required degree of thermal insulation is indicated. Without this information, it is impossible to correctly calculate the heating of a residential premises;
  • SNiP 4102-2003. Standards and requirements for centralized heating.

In addition to these documents, you need to take into account the contents of others that relate to specific heating devices. In particular – installation and connection gas equipment, organizing a boiler room, etc.

But it is important for consumers to know the parameters that the heating system of an apartment building should have. Summarizing all the requirements from the documents described above, we can highlight the main characteristics of heat supply to residential buildings.

Heating is the most common problem stairwells residential buildings. It is in them that, due to large heat losses, the temperature in winter is almost always below normal. Therefore, residents of the house have the right to complain to management company to correct the situation.

Control measurements of temperature in the premises are required to be carried out by representatives of the management company upon the first request of the residents of the house.

Types of heat supply for apartment buildings

Although residential heating and cooling are essentially various systems V modern houses, they can be combined into a single complex. However, nowadays this is still a rarity, since most houses are supplied with heat using old technologies.

Most common water heating, as one of the most adapted to various types buildings – residential, administrative and industrial. When designing it, you need to take into account the following features:

  • Coolant cooling rate. For a single-pipe system, the degree of heating of the radiators located in the last sections of the circuit will be significantly lower than in the first;
  • Hydraulic resistance. The more complex the line, the more resistance hot water encounters when passing through the pipes. Therefore, a powerful pumping station to create circulation.
  • Performance properties of water, pipes and radiators. In particular, it is necessary to flush the heating system of a residential building to maintain the current heat supply parameters.

Until recently, the only option for organizing heating was a centralized hot water distribution system. She remains the same to this day.

To reduce the degree of heating of radiators, thermostats are installed. In single-pipe systems, bypasses are additionally installed.

Central heating of the building

The essence of the central distribution of coolant over several houses is to create a diagram: boiler room-distribution nodes-consumers. It is important for her to take into account the described standards for heating residential premises, since there is a high probability of heat losses when hot water passes through communications.

For similar heating A residential apartment building has both advantages and disadvantages. Unfortunately, there are more of the latter. Therefore, they are trying to switch to individual heat supply schemes. But doing this is currently problematic due to difficulties at the legislative level.

Analyzing central heating residential buildings, a number of operating features can be identified:

  • The consumer cannot directly influence the degree of water heating. The maximum that he can do is to reduce its flow into a particular radiator;
  • Difficulties in installing heat meters. Each apartment can have from 2 to 5 distribution risers on which meters must be installed;
  • Dates for residential heating and cooling to be turned on and off. In practice, they do not depend on current weather conditions.

It must be taken into account that for quality heating staircases of residential buildings must be provided with the proper level of thermal insulation. The housing office or a similar organization is responsible for this. Therefore, to create a truly effective heat supply in an apartment building, sometimes residents have to make a lot of effort.

An alternative to heat meters in each apartment is to install a building-wide heat energy meter.

Autonomous heating supply at home

Is it possible to heat a residential building with your own hands? At first glance, this task is difficult. This is especially true for old-type buildings, whose design documentation provides for centralized heat supply.

However, the situation is gradually changing and the system individual heating a residential building is no longer a rarity. It differs from the traditional one in a large selection of heating methods, reduced energy costs and the ability to turn it on (off) depending on external factors.

When designing such systems, the standards for heating residential premises, which were mentioned above, are taken into account. This is necessary when putting the house into operation. Also, following these standards guarantees the creation comfortable conditions accommodation for residents of the house.

There are several options for heating a residential building with your own hands:

  • Water heating. The source of water heating can be gas, electric or solid fuel boilers. The latter are rarely used in the individual heating system of a residential building, since they require a separate boiler room;
  • Air. It combines heating and cooling residential apartments and premises. This requires a special climate control unit, which is connected to the air duct system. One of best options for industrial premises;
  • Steam. It is used extremely rarely in heating systems of multi-apartment residential buildings. Despite the expensive equipment, its efficiency is one of the highest among those considered.

However, it is necessary to choose the right scheme for flushing the heating system of a residential building. If in a centralized system it is carried out mainly by a hydrodynamic method, then in in this case Chemical can also be used. An important point is the safety of the impact chemicals for heating components - pipes and radiators.

In order to save money in autonomous heating In a residential multi-apartment building, it is recommended to install a heat accumulator. Be sure to first calculate its capacity.

Independent heating supply to the apartment

Is it possible to not only heat a residential building yourself, but also a separate apartment? To do this, it is necessary to obtain permission from the city authorities and city architectural organizations.

The main problem in organizing an individual heating system for a residential building is its adaptation to technical conditions. Most often they switch to individual gas heat supply. This entails an additional burden on ventilation ducts at home, which is not always acceptable according to operating standards.

After agreeing on these issues, you can begin planning the heating of the living space. It consists of solving the following problems:

  1. Calculation of residential heating characteristics. This includes calculation of heat losses and required equipment power.
  2. Based on the data obtained, the components and components of the system are selected.
  3. Installation. After installing the heat supply, its operation should not affect common system heating of a multi-apartment residential building.

Subsequent maintenance and repair of the heating supply are the problem of the apartment owner. At any time, representatives of government agencies can inspect the system to determine its compliance with regulations. Therefore, the entire scheme must meet standards and norms. All documentation (design and technical) must be kept at home. It is advisable to make copies in advance to provide them to inspectors.

The heating system of a residential building or apartment must be flushed at least once every 3 years. Methods can be different - hydraulic, pneumatic or chemical.

Calculation of the characteristics of the apartment heating system

The most important stage in heat supply planning is the calculation of its basic technical and performance characteristics. To do this, you should perform a professional calculation of the heating of a residential apartment or premises. It consists of the following steps:

  1. Calculation of heat losses through the walls and windows of an apartment. It is necessary to take into account the operation of the ventilation system if it does not have an air heating function.
  2. Definition optimal power heating equipment - boiler and heat output of radiators.
  3. Drawing up residential heating standards in accordance with standards. This will help determine the maximum and minimum load on the system depending on the outside temperature.

You can perform these calculations yourself, or using specialized software packages. The latter option is preferable, since the calculation accuracy in this case will be quite high. It is important to initially correctly set the initial parameters - the material of the walls, the number of floors of the apartment, climate region etc.

Rating: 1 541

When using heating, air conditioning or building ventilation systems, the provisions specified in specialized literature. SNiP for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems is a document regulating sanitary, fire and even environmental safety standards.

It is worth considering that SNiP requirements for heating are categorically not suitable for rooms in which radioactive substances are stored, ion radiation sources operate, or there are explosive things. They are also not used to count equipment that bears the burden of needing ventilation and getting rid of dust, heating or, conversely, cooling technological devices.

In various buildings it is necessary to adhere to regulatory documents: SNiP, ventilation and air conditioning.

According to these standards, all these systems must be arranged exactly like this:

Main regulatory document

  • The air must be protected from all kinds of harmful emissions during the operation of ventilation equipment.
  • It is strictly necessary to take into account the noise level produced by one or another device during heating or ventilation.
  • Experts set standards for air purity in any visit intended for one or another species technological work. These are warehouses and so on.
  • When installing heating equipment, it is imperative to ensure that the device is accessible for control inspections and periodic cleaning of the system.
  • Any system installed indoors must be safe in terms of explosion hazard and fire hazard.
  • All devices included in the systems must be safe in terms of their materials; they must be recommended during construction.
  • All equipment, regardless of its scope and functional orientation, must be equipped with all necessary equipment from the very moment of purchase. necessary certificates, confirming its safety.

SNiP 41-01-2003 specifies such requirements for compliance with safety rules when installing a heating system in a house.

Compliance with SNiP at home

All heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems must be made exclusively in accordance with the requirements of documents according to standards that are written and issued by government supervision departments. You will have to take into account the conditions specified in the accompanying documentation for the equipment.

In the case of using a heating coolant, the temperature of the liquid must be 20 degrees lower than the ignition temperature of the substances present in the heated building.

There are special SNiP standards for open parts heating structure. For example, in preschool institutions, those areas and elements whose temperature during use reaches more than 75 degrees Celsius. Must be covered with special covers. Only such measures can ensure full protection and safety.

Those parts of the structure that are in direct access must have a temperature of no more than 40 degrees Celsius.

The design should not allow intersections with pipelines that could catch fire if the ignition temperature of substances flowing through the second pipeline is at 170 degrees.

Thermal air curtains should ensure heating of the atmosphere to no more than 50 degrees. This is the standard if they are located at external doors, and for gates this figure is no more than 70 degrees Celsius.

If the building where the systems are installed contains an active environment that promotes corrosion, then all structural elements must be made of materials that can withstand aggressive influences well or coated with special compounds.

At self-installation In a room or building with heating devices, the following rules must be strictly adhered to:

Requirements for installing radiators

  1. it is necessary to take into account those caused by fencing elements;
  1. need and heat consumption for outside air;
  1. consumption of thermal energy, which is needed to heat materials, vehicles and devices.

Heat generated by lamps, people, technical equipment, devices powered by electricity and other objects.

According to SNiP standards: heating, ventilation and air conditioning, losses warm air through element fencing internal view without damage it is worth throwing back when the difference is temperature conditions these rooms are no more than three degrees Celsius.

Regulatory documents for heating spaces intended for human life teach that they should be done so that the atmosphere in the rooms is heated evenly, the system is stable in terms of heat indicators, and fire safety is at the proper level. When installing an air heating system in a room, it is worth taking care of such a point as the easy accessibility of structures for repairs and preventive inspection.

Requirements for installing a fireplace

When the room where you plan to install the device heating type, is located in a region where summer temperatures reach 25 degrees Celsius and above, then you can choose a system that will take care of cooling the room in the summer.

Issues of regulating heat exchange in a residential building should be considered at the design stage of the plan of these buildings. Then it will be possible to ensure that the temperature is evenly distributed throughout each room, regardless of how residential it is.

According to SNiP concerning the heating process in residential buildings, to correctly determine the heat consumption for each apartment, you need to keep in mind such factors as:

  • the appearance in each apartment of heating systems with horizontal pipes, as well as the installation of a separate device for measuring these indicators.
  • the appearance of a heating system in each apartment, taking into account the presence of common risers for several apartments.

Installation of a building-wide heat measurement device, which will become common to the apartments in the building.

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