Remote control system for heating a country house, cottage or cottage. Automation of heating systems

Heating control systems have long been a must-have attribute modern systems heating. After all, an automated heating control system allows us not only to save energy, but also greatly simplifies the management of the heating itself. With an automatic heating system, you no longer have to adjust the boiler temperature, adjust the radiator valves, adjust the temperature hot water- will do it for you automatic system!

Controller, heating control unit

Let's get acquainted with the main elements of automatic control:

1. Heating control unit (controller) The controller is the main node automated system heating. He gives “orders” to all automation elements and determines their work cycles. In addition, you can connect the GSM-Monitor kit to the controller, with which you can remotely control the heating using a GSM phone or the Internet. This allows you to change heating modes (by phone), keep an event log (via the Internet), and also receive SMS messages about “alarms” or problems in the heating system.

2. Electric mixer drives. The mixer drive works in conjunction with a three-to-four-way mixer and controls the heating pump, which in turn is regulated either by turning it on and off, or by reducing the coolant circulation rate.

3. Sensors. There are sensors different types. Some regulate the temperature of the boiler water depending on the outside temperature (weather-dependent automation), others allow you to adjust the room temperature according to the daily temperature schedule or manual settings (room sensors), others turn the hot water pump on and off (boiler thermostat).

To automate boiler installations, we use only proven and high-quality equipment: controllers and sensors “Honeywell” (Germany) and “Kromschroder” (Germany), control servos and mixers “MUT” ​​(Italy-Czech Republic), circulation pumps “Grundfos” (Germany) and "Wilo" (Germany), as well as modular boiler houses and hydraulic collectors "HydroLOGO" (Russia), as well as standard control systems supplied directly by boiler equipment manufacturers Buderus (Germany) and Viessmann (Germany). We are often asked the question: “Is it possible to automate boiler houses that do not run on gas?” Yes, indeed, all automation schemes are being developed for gas boilers, but their use is also possible in liquid fuel boiler houses.

Below are some automation schemes for boiler installations:

Scheme 1. The coolant is withdrawn by each consumer as the coolant circulates: first by high-temperature circuits (DHW and CO) and then by low-temperature circuits (TP). Heat is removed under the control of the controller in accordance with the selected type of DHW priority and the settings for the heating circuits.

Scheme 2. The coolant circulates in the system under the action of the boiler pump (collector/ring). If there is no request to heat hot water in the storage boiler, the boiler valve is in such a state that the primary ring passes only through the boiler and both chambers of the collector. Heat is removed by pumping and mixing groups of consumers from the lower chamber of the collector. When there is a demand for hot water, the four-way rotary valve rotates, extending the primary ring so that it passes through the boiler heat exchanger. Heat is removed from CO and TP under the control of the controller in accordance with the DHW priority type selected during setup.

Smart home system helps reduce heating costs

System " Smart home"is a method of automatic control of ventilation, water supply, household appliances(like any other that the owner wants to include in such a system). Within the framework of such a system, it is possible to implement smart heating at home.

Today, this is no longer a whim; such systems significantly save energy resources, and as a result, the owner’s money. As a result, the owner of the house receives the desired comfort for life. At the same time, a smart home heating system reduces the costs of something that a person simply cannot survive without in temperate and cold climates. Here's how it works.

How does the Smart Home heating system work?

Approximate diagram of the “smart home” system

Thermal conductivity of walls and ceilings, the quality of windows, the presence of drafts and air humidity, the type of heating system and the method of heat supply - all this affects the indoor climate.

Modern heating systems can differ functionally: these are classic radiators, and “warm floors”, etc. In country houses they are installed individual boilers for heating and providing hot water, a boiler can be used in the apartment.

Important! Smart system heating a home will not have a particularly positive effect (especially financially) if not eliminated structural defects insulation of the building, due to which it happens.

All this can be controlled by a single system, which is called a “smart home”. This is a control computer unit associated with home appliances, as well as with internal and external system temperature sensors. According to the information from the sensors and the set mode, such a system is capable of lowering or increasing the temperature in the room. In addition, it can regulate the amount of hot water ready for use in the boiler.

How to ensure heating control in the Smart Home system?

If you try to implement a “smart home” heating system with your own hands, positive effects can be achieved even without combining heating systems under the general control of a computer.

Controllers connected to indoor temperature sensors can be installed on heating elements and heating units. After this, the heating devices can be set to operate (the order of turning on and off by time or when the temperature reaches a certain value).

The disadvantages of this solution are the following:

  • each such device will have to be configured separately;
  • it will not coordinate its work with other systems in the house;
  • each individual system will not respond to temperature changes from the outside, since it simply does not have such data.

More effective solution is to create a room heating system controlled by a single control unit, which can be set to a general operating mode (taking into account the operating features for each group of heating devices separately).

For both simple and combined heating systems, a good decision will determine temperature zones, setting separate heating parameters for each of them. A smart home whose heating is configured in this way will heat the living spaces more strongly, heat the garage with less activity, and ensure that the temperature in the wine cellar does not rise.

Weather-compensated heating control

An important link in the “smart home” system is the weather-sensitive controller

A weather-sensitive heating controller is one of the key elements for creating comfort using a smart home. External temperature sensor allows you to correlate the temperature outside the room and inside, and then, using a given curve of this ratio, determine the operating mode without human intervention.

A weather-dependent heating controller will control the heating of the room, responding to changes in the weather outside: it will evenly increase the temperature when it gets cold, or it will stop heating if it’s hot outside.

Since the weather heating regulator reacts to the external temperature, it can maintain heat according to a given program and prevent overconsumption. Smart heating country house will lower the temperature when there is no need to heat the premises (if the owners have left).

Integrated heating control in the Smart Home system

An integrated approach involves heating control combined with operation control ventilation system and water supply systems. This allows you to fully maintain a certain climate in the house, taking into account air humidity and temperature indicators in different rooms.

Interesting: A smart home whose heating is properly adjusted will help you sleep better! To do this, during sleep the temperature drops a couple of degrees from comfortable.

You can set different operating scenarios for all systems controlled by the Smart Home, and implement an alert function if any of the subsystems fails.

In addition, you can use mobile communications to give commands to the system. Smart heating of a country house will begin preparing living quarters for receiving guests upon such a signal in advance.

Integrated management of heating, ventilation, water supply and electricity in the Smart Home system results in and increases energy efficiency (the energy crisis dictates decisions in domestic construction).

Pros and cons of the Smart Home heating control system

Heating control using a smart home allows you to achieve the following:

  • the climate in the house or any selected room will exactly correspond to the owner’s feeling of comfort, in accordance with the operating program of the heating devices chosen by him;
  • automated control of the heating system can significantly reduce energy consumption;
  • intelligent control of household subsystems at home will allow you to control them remotely and not worry about possible breakdowns(the computer will react to a malfunction).

The downside of such technologies is still their availability due to the fairly high cost of equipment and system installation.

The topic of this article is a GSM module for heating control. We will try to find out what he can do, what additional accessories it is equipped with and what characteristics it has.

First acquaintance

What is the heating control system that interests us?

In fact, this is a low-power and economical highly specialized computer that allows you to control the activation and parameters of the heating system remotely. It also polls external sensors and notifies via SMS about any problems or deviations in the operation of the system it controls.

Let's try to describe the possibilities it offers more clearly.

Imagine that you are going to arrive at your dacha in 30-degree frost. In general, you will have to go into a frozen room, and then wait several hours for all the rooms to warm up to an acceptable temperature.

Here you simply send a message in advance to the SIM card with which the GSM module for heating is equipped - and the house will already be warm by the time you arrive.

The capabilities of the module do not end there:

  • If the supply of gas or electricity stops, you receive a notification on your mobile phone.
  • If you receive an error message, you receive an SMS.
  • If there is a coolant or gas leak, the heating control unit again notifies you of this.
  • In order to maintain an economical heating mode in the house during your absence, you give a command by message or call (many modules are equipped with a navigation system by pressing buttons on the phone with voice comments).
  • Finally, at any time, via a call or message, you can receive an SMS with information about the temperature of the coolant and air in the room, the condition of the boiler and some other parameters.

Disclaimer: of course, a prerequisite is coverage of the node's location area by the cellular network of any operator. In addition, many heating system control units can receive commands via the Internet.


To get more detailed information about how remote heating control works, let's just study the description of one of the modules. The domestically produced “XITAL GSM-4T” complex will serve as an example for us.

The photo shows a GSM control module in the basic configuration.


Let's start with the main thing - ease of use. What can the system manufacturer offer us?

The official website of the Xital company contains:

  • User manual including detailed description functions of the device, algorithms for its connection and configuration.
  • Diagram of the control unit indicating the order of connecting temperature sensors, coolant spill sensors and other peripheral devices.
  • Message codes for requests for key information.
  • Software for smartphones that allows you to fully control the heating operation through a convenient graphical interface. Any novice user of a mobile operating system can install and configure the program with their own hands. It should be noted, however, that the manufacturer provides versions of the program only for IOS and Android.


Of course, to connect a GSM node you need a digitally controlled boiler. It's obvious that central heating and its heating control frame (as the elevator unit is sometimes called for its specific shape) cannot be controlled by an electronic device: alas, weak currents are unable to rotate the valve controls.

What characteristics does the system offered to us have?

  • The total number of remote temperature sensors can reach 5 pieces. A wired connection is used, and the wire for it is supplied separately. However, at a cost of 5 rubles per linear meter its purchase is not burdensome.

Maximum distance from sensor to central station is 100 meters.

  • Operating temperature range - from -55 to +125C. Obviously, it covers any reasonable temperature values ​​both in the house and in the heating system.

Nuance: ordinary SIM cards designed to operate at positive temperatures. If the house is left without heating most of the time, the manufacturer recommends purchasing a special low-temperature SIM card.

  • All GSM alarm functions are supported: it is possible to connect fire sensors and notify of a burglary, turn on a siren and listen to premises. You can even attach a gate opener to the unit, the main function of which is to control the heating by telephone.
  • Peak consumption of the entire system does not exceed 10 watts.

  • GSM heating control can be carried out from 10 numbers registered in the system. Notifications can be sent to all numbers.

Scope of delivery

It includes:

  1. The actual controller with a built-in cellular module and power supply.
  2. A remote antenna that amplifies the signal and ensures communication even in places with poor reception.
  3. A battery that allows the module to operate when the mains power is turned off. It is clear that in this case the module will only be able to send out: for operation gas boiler with electronic ignition you will need an uninterruptible power supply.
  4. Electronic key reader and master key that cancels all locks.
  5. Two remote temperature sensors.

In addition, you can order separately:

  • Thermal sensors. As already mentioned, you can poll up to five at a time.
  • Detectors and sensors fire alarm, water spills, opening doors and windows.
  • Actuating devices (for example, the same relay that supplies power to the electric motor that opens the gate).
  • External microphone for transmitting audio over a cellular network.

Cost and reviews

The price of the Xital GSM-4T described by us in the basic configuration is 7,200 rubles. The cost of other modules offered via the Internet ranges from 3,500 to 25,000 rubles, depending on the configuration, functionality and self-confidence of the seller.

What reviews has the heating control in a country house via GSM received using this device?

In general, studying the forums confirms that in terms of the ratio of cost and functionality, the device is quite worthy. Control of the boiler and other heating devices via an external relay, the security alarm has been tested and works quite adequately.


Information about other implementation options remote control for the heating system you will find in the video attached to the article. Warm winters!

The capabilities of devices for remote heating control are becoming more and more advanced every year (and what about the year - almost every month!). Smartphone app developers try to make them easy to use and easy to understand, even unprepared people. Let us briefly list only the main capabilities of such systems that support:

  • normal operating mode, when the set temperature is maintained throughout the house;
  • zone mode when various rooms there may be an individual temperature;
  • preventing defrosting of the heating system (freezing of pipes) during the cold season, when you are away from your country house or dacha;
  • the ability to turn on the boiler in advance, for example, you need to warm up a country house when you plan to visit it on weekends or holidays;
  • always be aware of the operation of your autonomous heating and, if necessary, carry out diagnostics;
  • time mode in which different times During the day, the house can maintain its own thermal regime with a significant reduction in material costs for fuel; for example, you can set the boiler to low power (and therefore low fuel consumption) when going to work or on business, and turn on the normal mode before returning.

Remote heating control means that any of these modes, as well as specific room temperature values, are changed using mobile communications, or heating is controlled via the Internet.
This approach is part of the ideology of creating a “smart home”, which entails the further development of all engineering systems home in order to ensure ease of use and create the most comfortable conditions accommodation.

Which heating system can be controlled remotely?

In country houses and cottages they are currently most often used two-pipe systems With forced circulation coolant: circulation pump pumps coolant throughout the heating system, which, thanks to the distributor comb, can be supplied to each heating device.
In such systems, as a rule, a safety block of the heating system is used to protect it from destruction in unforeseen situations, for example, in the event of an increase in pressure above the permissible level.
It is also necessary to have additional equipment to control the operation of the heating system: sensors, special valves and devices for adjusting coolant flow, and also a combination various devices to the information network

Weather-compensated heating control

Today it is considered the most promising. In such systems, in addition to the room temperature sensor, an external air temperature meter is also used. In principle, a weather-dependent heating controller will work with one external sensor, but using two allows you to achieve more accurate mode maintenance and even implement self-adaptation of the system to specific temperature changes: if it gets colder outside, then the temperature of the coolant in the system increases in advance, if it gets warmer - then it decreases in advance. In addition to saving fuel, this reduces the inertia of the system, which increases its efficiency and also provides additional cost reduction. One of the basic points of weather-sensitive heating control can be used at a temperature of plus twenty degrees - at which the coolant temperature is taken equal to the ambient temperature, and the heating is actually turned off. It is also necessary to take into account zonal temperature control, i.e. if, for example, there is a gathering in one of the rooms large number people, due to which it has become hotter, then the system detects a local increase in temperature relative to the one set by the weather heating regulator, and makes corrections in this zone.
In general, serious battles broke out on the Internet about - Is it worth using weather-sensitive automation at all or is it money thrown away? In short, the opinion of our specialists, confirmed, by the way, by reviews from numerous clients, is unequivocal - yes, it’s worth it, but not in all cases. And in which ones? Answer

Types of remote heating control systems

There are currently two systems in use for remote heating control:

  • using a set of equipment with an Internet gateway. Availability Wi-Fi router and the Internet is a must in this case.
  • using a GSM heating control module. A special GSM module with a cellular operator SIM card is required.

Remote control of the boiler room using mobile GSM

What if wired internet not in a country house? How can you control the heating in this case?

Yes, it’s very simple - using a special GSM module and, of course, a mobile phone. In fact, the GSM module acts as your personal assistant- You called him, gave him a command, for example, to heat it hotter by a certain time in advance - and the whole family will come to a warm and cozy home. Or, on the contrary, you forgot to turn down the boiler power in the morning when leaving for work - no question, you can do it right from work, via the Internet or directly from your smartphone while you are still getting to work. A GSM module is a compact device with its own SIM card from any operator (it is important that it provides reliable signal reception in a given area), allowing you to control the indoor climate from any phone (satellite, mobile or fixed line), tablet or PC.

Depending on the settings made, your phone will receive either short SMS notifications with various information and instructions for changing the settings of the heating boiler, or telephone calls with various information about the operation of the heating system. A special one is installed on the phone mobile application(there are versions for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone), which allows you to directly remotely control almost all parameters of the heating boiler.
A GSM heating control module is essentially a computer connected to external sensors and has the ability to change the operating modes of the heating system. Naturally, the module must be located in the area of ​​reliable reception of mobile operators.

The GSM heating control module can operate in several modes:

  • automatic, when, based on signals from installed sensors, the controller supports specified modes according to a given program;
  • SMS heating control, when the heating system is controlled by sending SMS. In this case, when new data arrives, for example about room temperature, the controller accepts it for execution and begins to support it automatically;
  • warning, by sending alarm messages about the current condition of the house (gas leak, break in the water supply system, etc.);
  • remote control of other devices connected to the GSM module (watering, lighting, alarm, etc.).

GSM – heating control allows you to remotely:

  • receive room temperature reports;
  • receive notifications about the current state of heating equipment;
  • change the operating mode of the system, increasing or decreasing the temperature, including separately in each room.

Heating control is not limited to these functions. In principle, any heating system can be converted into a remote one. To do this, it must have an automatic operating mode, and a special GSM controller must be connected to it to control the heating and communicate with the subscriber.

Remote control of the boiler using a set of equipment with an Internet gateway

Now let’s consider the option of remote heating control, if your country house or dacha has the Internet and, naturally, a Wi-Fi router (aka router).
Everything is much simpler here - you can look at the capabilities of the devices proposed below and forever forget about worries about the state of the heating system of your home.

Salus IT500 provides control and adjustment of operating parameters in a maximum of two heating zones, for example, in the 1st room on the first floor of the cottage and the shower room on the second floor.
The kit includes an actuator (boiler receiver), a room 2-channel thermostat (weekly boiler programmer, boiler control panel) and an Internet gateway connected to the Internet router (router).

Possibilities for controlling the heating system using a set of equipment with the Salus iT500 Internet gateway:

  • control of heating modes only (boiler and, if necessary, pump);
  • control of multiple heating zones;
  • control of heating and hot water supply of a country house.
  • maintaining different temperatures in different rooms, temperature schedule by day, hour and minute
  • 6 preset heating modes on delivery
  • hot water heating control, automatic control modes, including energy-saving and vacation mode.
  • a unique system for connecting devices via the Internet, providing reliable connection and control of the heating system: smartphone (or personal computer) -> Internet server -> router (router) -> thermostat -> receiver -> boiler

All equipment is wireless and communicates with each other via a radio channel, i.e. There is no need for electrical wiring. Room thermostat for the heating boiler it is programmed for daily, weekly or 5+2 operating modes. The thermostat screen and applications for remote heating control display the current state of the boiler, the current temperature and the set one. Setting the operating schedule can be done from the thermostat panel, through an Internet browser or using a mobile application.
The thermostat has modern design, different high reliability and safety when using it.
Using additional Salus Controls equipment, it is possible to control, including remotely, heated floors, gas and electric boilers, oil heating systems, as well as almost any other heating systems and devices.
Remote management does not require a dedicated external IP address, the entire system works perfectly on any mobile internet(Yota, Megafon, Beeline, etc.), control from computers and mobile devices on Android and iOS operating systems is also possible.

What to do if there is no wired Internet in the house, but you have already purchased Wi-Fi internet thermostat?

Most likely, the dacha has coverage from mobile operators, isn’t it? So you also have the Internet! Just buy a Wi-Fi router with a USB port and, in addition to it, a 3G or 4G modem. Install a SIM card of any type into the modem mobile operator, providing a reliable signal in the area where your home is located. You insert the modem itself into the USB connector of the router and that’s it - now you have the opportunity to control the heating of your dacha remotely!

If the iT500 seems a little expensive for some, the company offers more budget solution- internet thermostat Salus RT310i
The thermostat has somewhat reduced capabilities compared to its “big brother”, but may turn out to be a worthy replacement for it, thanks to the lower price of the kit. Externally, the RT310i looks more modest compared to the first-class high-tech design of the iT500; it lacks touch controls, but in terms of functionality the models are almost identical. Except that while the iT 500 is capable of controlling 2 zones of heating or cooling, the RT310i can only control one zone.

Missing the iT500's features? No problem - Salus iT600 can do everything and more!

If you do not have enough iT500 functionality to control only two heating zones, then a more functional one is presented on our website multi-zone(there are wired and wireless versions) system Salus iT 600 Smart Home. Indeed, its capabilities for remote heating control (and more!) are enough for even the most demanding consumer!

iT 600 Smart Home combines the ability to control warm water floors, remote control of heating using thermostats, unified switching at the “smart home system” level, changing the temperature in each room using a smartphone with Internet access, control and management of any electrical appliances in the house, connecting window and door opening sensors and many other functionalities. The system was far ahead not only of its competitors in the field of remote heating control, but also set the trend in the field of automation and dispatch of engineering systems for many years to come!

More details about the capabilities of the system can be found in the article:
Smart home. Heating control system SALUS iT600

Attention! The new line of Salus iT600 Smart Home products is already on sale!

Now you can not only control heating remotely, but also protect your home and control electrical appliances!

Now you have the opportunity buy Salus iT600 Smart Home- a new line of automation for the Smart Home!

This is the same full-fledged system for remote heating control via the Internet iT600 plus additional features:

  • use of a universal Internet gateway Smart Home UGE600, which now supports up to 100 wireless devices on the ZigBee network and is used to replace last year's version of the Salus G30 gateway.
  • monitoring and control of various electrical appliances connected to Salus SPE600 smart sockets with the ability to meter consumed electricity
  • connection and control of security alarms using wireless door or window sensors Salus OS600 Door Sensor
  • managing your system has become even more convenient, thanks to the new Salus Smart Home application for smartphones on iOS and Android, the interface of which and device registration have become much simpler and clearer!

All system components are wireless devices operating in a modern standard home network ZigBee, you can now create separate groups of devices that work together and can be assigned individual tasks.

In the future, the company's engineers intend to expand the capabilities of the smart home control system, but now you can buy Salus iT600 Smart Home, starting with the essentials, and build your own Smart Home at a very attractive price!

What should owners of outdated heating systems do?

Tech WiFi 8S can control the temperature in 8 rooms, each of which can have up to 6 thermal drives!
In addition to controlling thermoelectric actuators, the controller can also control the boiler: when all rooms reach the set temperature, it will turn off the boiler using a “dry contact”.
Buy heating control system TECH WiFi-8S

Remote control of complex heating systems

All a large share The Polish company Tech Controllers is gaining ground in this market segment, producing a wide range of controllers with remote control capabilities.
The Tech controllers themselves are multifunctional devices that are the main, basic part of the system, which can remotely control almost any complex heating systems using additional modules. There are a lot of possibilities, so using an example we will only consider the possibilities for remote control.

Example of installation of Tech Controllers equipment

In the photo used for installation:
1. Controller Tech ST-409n- a multifunctional device designed to control the central heating system, providing:
interaction with three wired room regulators
interaction with a wireless room thermostat
smooth control of three mixing valves
DHW pump control
return temperature protection
weather-compensated control and weekly programming
possibility of connecting the ST-65 GSM module for remote heating control from a GSM smartphone
possibility of connecting the ST-505 module, which allows remote control of the boiler via the Internet.
ability to control two additional valves using additional modules ST-61v4 or ST-431 N
Possibility of control additional equipment, For example garage doors, lighting or sprinkler, etc.

Various Tech modules can be used for remote control, it all depends on the specific needs of the owner. For example:

What to do if the heating system is so individual that none of the above solutions can fully meet the owner’s control needs?
There are no hopeless situations! Most often, the customer himself simply does not understand (and should not!) all the capabilities of modern remote heating control systems. It is really difficult for an untrained person to understand all this abundance of devices offered on the market, which are completely different from each other in functionality, price, and, of course, quality. And installers, often, simply have no idea about the capabilities of controlling heating systems - their task is to install the system, but they don’t care how often you run around the house (or to the boiler room) and turn various valves to ensure constant thermal comfort . Our specialists have more than once had to almost completely remake the “creations” of such craftsmen, and this, believe me, costs a lot of money. The stingy pays twice... Contact us, we will advise you for free, and if necessary, we will install a remote heating control system and help you with the selection quality equipment at a reasonable price.

Specialists of the company "Thermogorod" Moscow will help you choose, buy, and also install a remote heating control system, will find an acceptable solution at a price. Ask any questions you are interested in, a telephone consultation is absolutely free!
You will be satisfied by cooperating with us!

A heating system of any type must necessarily contain control components. It could be simple mechanical devices, stabilizing pressure and temperature. But they are ineffective for automating heat supply. Therefore, it is recommended to consider controlling your home heating system in different ways: using electronic controllers and specialized hardware.

Principles of organizing “smart” heating

A modern home heating control unit is a complex electronic complex connected into a single network with all system components. It adjusts their parameters using built-in control units.

In order for the home heating control system to be truly effective, it is necessary to select its elements correctly. They are characterized by a set of options and the ability to organize three-way communication between the user, the electronic control unit and the heating components.

What should you consider when choosing a specific control system? There are several fundamental parameters that characterize any heating control:

  • Possibility of connection to boiler electronic units electric thermostats, temperature and pressure sensors;
  • Flexibility of customization. Thus, the Arduino heating control system has open software code, which makes it possible to adapt it for a specific autonomous heat supply;
  • Changing the current heating values ​​depending on external factors - indoor temperature outside, the occurrence of emergency situation, lack of coolant;
  • Installed remote heating control for remotely changing parameters in the system.

A correctly drawn up diagram of the heating system control unit is centralized. Those. at critical sections of the main line, the boiler and heating radiators, control elements - thermostats, controllers - stop. They are connected to a single control node. It is called a programmer or a device for controlling the operation of the heat supply.

To create effective system To control the boiler, it must have an electronic operating unit that contains terminals for connecting to an external programmer.

Programmers and thermostats are the main heating control elements

To organize autonomous heat supply, you will need electronic devices. They may have a heating boiler control panel and the ability to simultaneously change steam meters in several connected components.

These devices are called programmers or electronic thermostats. Like other similar devices, they can have heating control via SMS or the Internet. But that's just additional features. For selection optimal model you need to know the basics functional qualities programmer:

  • Number of connected circuits. Can vary from 1 to 12. An additional module is installed to increase the number of connectors;
  • System operating modes. Depending on the settings, you can set the control of heating radiators in economy, normal and comfortable modes;
  • Plug-in module – heating control by phone. The GSM station transmits the required information via SMS - coolant temperature, emergency mode notification, etc.;
  • Availability of radio transmitters to create wireless communication channels between connected heating components.

Collectively, the installed equipment is called the heating control frame. It may consist of components with different functionality. The purpose remains the same - the ability to automatically or semi-automatically change heat supply parameters.

But in addition to local devices, there are also zonal ones, installed on specific components - boilers, radiators. By controlling heating via the Internet using these devices, you can regulate the degree of water heating in the system and the temperature in a specific battery. Often such devices are called not programmers, but electronic thermostats.

They are more affordable and easy to install. Thermostats do not require a heating control cabinet, which reduces the complexity of installation. In some cases, it is possible to connect several thermostats to a single control unit.

What do you need to consider when creating a smart heating budget? In addition to the cost of the control element, you need to know the approximate price for consumables– communication wires, heating control panel. The latter is necessary when installing a system consisting of several blocks - a programmer, a GSM module, expansion strips for additional contactors.

It is also important to consider the location - the heating control box should be installed in an accessible place. Its installation in a boiler room is not recommended, although this is the simplest option in terms of labor intensity. It is best to install it in a living room. Then it will be possible to monitor and change system parameters much more often.

Programmer models differ in the number of connected system components. They are called control circuits.

Modules for remote control of heat supply

To organize a home heating control system, you need to take care of the possibility remote control. Special modules will help provide this function. Most often, they are not included in the standard package of programmers and thermostats.

After purchasing a home heating control unit, you should choose the right communication device. Depending on technical requirements it can provide the following types connections between the user and the control element:

  • GSM control. Data is transmitted using cellular communications. In fact, this is a landline telephone with the functions of generating, sending, receiving and processing SMS messages;
  • Internet connection. It is characterized by more expanded functionality and is practically not limited geographically. In this case, the heating boiler control panel can be a tablet, laptop or any PC with a special software package installed.

To do this, the programmer must have flexible settings. They have this opportunity Arduino systems, carried out by heating control. In fact, they can be adapted for any scheme, from ventilation control to complex production complexes.

GSM boiler control unit

The simplest and relatively affordable way control the operation of the boiler - installation of heating control via SMS. For this purpose, a separate unit is purchased, which is connected to a programmer or thermostat. Some models already have a similar function.

At the stage of selecting a remote heating control, you should decide on the method of data transmission via GSM network. This largely depends on the capabilities of the specific phone model, as well as the built-in functions of the data transmission unit.

The easiest way to receive messages is in the form of SMS. The unit installed in the heating control frame will transmit the following data:

  • A drop in temperature and pressure below (above) a critical level;
  • Emergency failure of the boiler - power outage, lack of energy. In this case, it is possible to transmit the error code and its description.

To reverse control the heating by phone, you must send an SMS of a certain format. With their help, you can adjust the temperature level and initiate the startup of the boiler after an emergency shutdown. Also, many models have a built-in command delay function. Those. the value of a parameter is transmitted, and the activation time of the boiler to achieve it is indicated.

It is important to remember that the data obtained may differ from the actual data. To effectively control heating radiators, it is necessary to know the degrees of error of the following devices:

  • Temperature sensors. The readings of most electronic models have an error of ±0.5°C;
  • Step of temperature change in the thermostat. It can range from 0.2°C to 0.5°C.

In practice, this is really necessary when setting the heating to anti-freeze mode, when the heating level of the coolant is maintained at +5°C. This allows you to save on energy costs and at the same time avoid emergency situations.

To install the GSM unit, you do not need to purchase a special heat supply control cabinet. This device is rarely controlled, so you can limit yourself to installing a closed switchboard.

Heating control via the Internet

Controlling heating via the Internet has all the advantages of controlling heat supply using SMS messages. However, the opportunity to receive more information affects the quality of heat supply.

The functions of the cottage heating control unit when connected to the Internet have a number of advantages. The main one is the ability to install special software systems. They are integrated into a laptop, smartphone or any other type of personal PC. At the same time, remote control of heat supply has the following capabilities:

  • User-friendly interface. Most often it is designed for smartphone operating systems. But with a little modification it can be installed on a computer;
  • There is no limit on the number of connected users, as in SMS blocks;
  • Ability to customize parameters and any point where there is Internet. In this case, there is no need to enable roaming. The exception is Internet services from mobile operators.

It is important to correctly preset the remote control for the heating boiler. To do this, it is recommended to first check the actual readings of the system after they have been changed. This is necessary to calibrate the system.

Some models of Internet blocks installed in the heating control frame have restrictions on operating systems. The most commonly used OS is Android or IOS.

Tips for organizing remote heating control

In most cases, you can make a cottage heating control system yourself. This is only possible if making the right choice system components. Those. First you need to analyze the condition and capabilities of the already installed equipment.

The classic heating system control unit diagram has one control unit, which is connected to all heat supply elements. The programmer must meet the following requirements:

  • The number of connected terminals and their configuration must coincide with similar communication nodes of the boiler and thermostats. Otherwise, heat supply control via SMS will be impossible. If necessary, adapters are purchased;
  • Maximum distance of the user from the control unit. If this distance does not exceed 300 m, you can purchase models with mine control. To increase the communication area, it is recommended to use heating control by mobile phone or the Internet;
  • The ability to independently (or with the help of specialists) set additional operating parameters. This is done with a controller based on heating control boards;
  • Connecting an autonomous power supply unit. To do this, you need a sufficiently large heating control box. This parameter is taken into account when choosing the installation location of the control unit in the house.

Don't forget about the ability to control heating radiators. This can be done using local devices - mechanical thermostats. They are low cost, but cannot be connected to a common electronic control system.

If the heating also performs the function of hot heat supply, it is necessary that the programmer has a control function for this area.

District heating control

For district heating, the control scheme will be much more complex. It may include several units - an equipped heating control cabinet in the central boiler room, a coolant distribution unit in apartment building.

In this case, heating control via the Internet is practically not used. Exceptions are heat meters, which transmit coolant flow readings directly to management company.

In turn, it is not important for the consumer to know the features of the heating control arrangement. Each heat consumer in an apartment building must be familiar with the standards for providing heat supply to residential buildings:

  • Temperature range in residential premises – from +18 to +22°С;
  • Possible excess heating should not be more than 4°C;
  • Temperature reduction – not lower than 3°C.

If these readings are outside the norm, you must contact the management company. Systematic violation of the heating operating mode may be due to outdated control equipment. The only way out is to install electronic unit control of centralized heat supply.

When choosing a programmer for autonomous heating, you need to take into account that the vast majority of models are sensitive to voltage changes in the network. Therefore, it is recommended to install a voltage stabilizer.

An example of installed heating control can be found by watching the video:

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