The best mobile Internet - We select operators based on tariffs, coverage, and quality of communication. Which operator has the fastest and fairest Internet? Which is the best provider

-=Prepared together with Tele2 and in its interests=-

You know I'm a paranoid old man. In our difficult time for the country, no one can be trusted. Primarily open Wi-Fi networks. Do you want to lose your passwords, bank card details and get a virus? Welcome to public Wi-Fi! When I'm in Moscow, I spend most of my time running around the city. I filmed something somewhere, sat down somewhere, processed it and posted it. Previously, you had to look for a cafe with the Internet. But for several years now, I never connect to public Wi-Fi networks at all. What for? Mobile Internet works great in Moscow. Few countries in the world will see such speed. At one time I didn’t even have Internet at home, since it was easier to distribute it from my phone than to look for a provider and set up a router.

It is also important that the Internet is not only mobile, but also fast. After all, it’s not enough to write in the messenger; you have to make an online broadcast and watch a heavy video on YouTube.

A year ago, a fourth operator appeared in Moscow - Tele2. And there is even more good Internet. Today Tele2 claims that it has the fastest mobile Internet in the city - it was recognized as the best in Moscow three times.

Don't believe me?

Here are the latest tests in different places.

The Bolshoi Theater has a reception speed of just over 17 Mbit/s, and an upload speed of 19.7 Mbit/s.

The Historical Museum has even better speeds - 19.9 Mbit/s for reception and 20.4 Mbit/s for transmission.

The State Duma has 18.9 Mbit/s for reception and 20 Mbit/s for transmission.

In my office on Tverskaya the speed is worse - 17.3 Mbit/s for reception and 3 Mbit/s for transmission. In a building, the speed is always slightly worse than in the open air.

But they say this is not the limit and there are places where the Internet is even faster. So I ask you to help me find a place with the fastest internet speed. Anyone who does this will receive 5,000 rubles from us and Tele2 into their account.

What do we have to do?

1. Connect to Tele2 (if you have not already done so) and check the speed of your mobile Internet. This can be done in the SpeedTest application (here is the version for iPhone, Android and Windows).
2. Find the location with the fastest speed and take a screenshot from the SpeedTest app.
3. Send a screenshot in a comment to this post and write where exactly you took it. Don’t try to cheat - Tele2 will definitely check whether such a speed is really possible at the specified point.

Screenshots can be submitted in the comments until Friday. Then, together with Tele2, we will select two people who recorded the highest speed in Moscow and the Moscow region, and we will transfer 5,000 rubles to their account. What can you spend 5,000 rubles on with a Tele2 SIM card?

For 8 months, call an unlimited number of times to numbers in Moscow and the Moscow region.
- Over the course of a year, spend 10 GB of Internet traffic from your phone every month.
- Break the world record and talk on the phone continuously for 55 and a half hours (the current record is 54 hours and 5 minutes).

Well, everyone else can go to the Tele2 gift website, where you can receive bonuses from the company’s partners every day. Or take part in a creative competition: create a Tele2 logo in different creative ways, take photos and share them on social networks with the hashtags #Tele2yeartogether and #MoscowSpeaks. For the most original options, you can get a year of free communication on the “Blackest” tariff, an annual subscription to the fitness center, an annual cinema subscription and other pleasant surprises.

The competition and gifts are timed to coincide with the anniversary of Tele2 in Moscow and the Moscow region. The company has much to celebrate: it has achieved many successes this year. She offered tariffs that were 25-40% cheaper than other operators, including the first and only tariff in the region with unlimited calls to phones of all operators. So the Big Three also had to cut prices. It turns out that regardless of whether you use a Tele2 SIM card or not, you still have something to thank the new operator for.

In terms of network coverage and quality, Tele2 has caught up with the Big Three. I have already told you about the speed of mobile Internet - now you can check it yourself.

I wish Tele2 further success, and good luck to you in the competition;)

Choosing the best Internet provider for your home and business is the key to success and prospects, so you need to approach the issue carefully. When connecting to the Internet, it is important to pay attention to the features of tariff plans, speed characteristics and type of connection, processing time for applications and troubleshooting. An additional advantage of providers is an individually oriented approach to subscribers, taking into account the specialization of business or the private interests of “home” users.

Criteria for selecting a provider based on Moscow address

● The pricing policy of the Internet provider is the most important criterion that most users focus on. Make sure that the cheapness does not come back to haunt you with constant problems with the connection, shortcomings in service, or slow Internet speed.

Most providers today offer unlimited plans. It is worth giving preference to a company that practices a personal approach to subscribers, taking into account the location and method of connection (via radio channel, copper pair or fiber optic) and the financial capabilities of the user.

● Data transfer speed is a manipulative concept. For example, “cheap 1 Gbps” can mean speed “for everyone”: the more connected users, the slower the Internet for each of them. Fill out an application for an Internet connection with the guaranteed speed specified in the contract for a specific client. We advise you to cooperate with serious Internet companies that are constantly developing their technological base.

The key criterion is the type of connection. The most convenient and fastest at the moment is fiber optic cable - it guarantees decent connection speed and ease of connection in the absence of unnecessary equipment.

● Subscriber base of the provider - when connecting the Internet to an address in Moscow, first ask your neighbors which provider they use. Collect reviews from residential and business users about various Internet service providers. Ask questions about the quality of communication and service, the benefits of tariff plans, actual customer expenses on equipment, and the provider’s loyalty to subscribers.

● Round-the-clock technical support is the most important condition that good providers do not neglect. No operator will guarantee a permanent Internet connection, but they should ensure that problems are resolved as quickly as possible. The contract must specify the time frame for correction and methods of compensation for damage, as well as the time during which the provider guarantees the client access to the network.

● The professional provider offers a wide range of additional options. This, as a rule, includes home television with HD format, digital telephony, the ability to organize teleconferences for business, anti-virus licensing, “white” Internet and deferred payment services, various forms of payment convenient for the client.

When choosing an Internet provider, carefully read the connection agreements, certificates and licenses of the company for the type of activity. Chat with the employees, make sure that they are a pleasure to deal with and that they answer all your questions competently and clearly (how to connect to the Internet and solve problems that arise, what promotions they can offer you, whether electronic document management is practiced, simplifying cooperation, etc. .d.).

Make an impartial impression about Moscow Internet providers using the website - and fill out an application to connect the services of the selected provider for FREE!

Do you know how many popular providers exist in the telecommunications services market today? There are few people who know this figure for sure. The list of Internet providers in Moscow includes more than 20 companies! And this is not the limit! How can an ordinary citizen, an ordinary consumer of Internet services not get lost in this sea of ​​firms, companies and offices vying with each other to provide Internet services?

And everything is very simple, as clear as day! There is a rating of Moscow providers, which contains all the companies that supply the city with Internet and television services. The rating was compiled by highly qualified specialists in the field of telecommunications and the Internet. It takes into account numerous reviews from consumers of communication services and wishes for companies developing the communication space of our city. Also released directory of providers in Moscow, where absolutely all currently available offices are colorfully presented, providing city residents with first-hand information. Here is a complete list of Internet companies in the city with exact logos and postal addresses. Moreover, the telephone numbers of the executives of the provider companies are indicated for grateful clients to contact them.

Now everyone who wants to install home Internet or digital television will not blindly or through friends search for the provider they like in order to enjoy all the delights of good quality communication and high Internet speeds. It is enough to open a special website address in Moscow, study the rating of the best companies and choose truly the best! Then everything is very easy. You are required to submit a simple application. The completed application form is available on the website. You can fill it within 5 minutes. By pressing the key we send the application to the selected provider. Specialists arrive very quickly. The equipment is also quickly installed.

In a day or two you will already be enjoying the excellent quality of digital television and high-speed home Internet! You will be given a choice of the best packages according to your tastes and preferences - news channels, new films, concerts. Moscow providers always follow the latest developments in the field of telecommunications and Internet business. All innovative technologies are instantly implemented into reality. Any new world development is immediately adopted. The Internet industry in Moscow is developing and improving. And finally - the most important thing! For everyone who wants to choose the best provider and order such excellent services of digital television and home Internet, we provide the address of the Internet portal of the information center: PROVY.RU! We wish everyone only pleasant viewing and the latest information first-hand!

FREE CONSULTATION: +7 (499) 110-9000

Internet channel bandwidth is one of the main indicators of connection quality, and every connoisseur of the capabilities of the World Wide Web understands this very well. Internet providers who want to occupy a worthy niche in the telecommunications sector are constantly introducing new technologies in order to increase Internet speed to the most comfortable level. Who has taken the leading position in Moscow today according to the latest statistics?

What determines the Internet speed in Moscow?

Internet speed is a rather ambiguous indicator. Firstly, modern providers indicate in their tariffs the maximum possible values, which very often do not coincide with the cruel reality. Secondly, bandwidth is very susceptible to various factors related not only to the provider and the technologies it uses, but also to the specific location, individual characteristics of the gadget and the site from which the file is downloaded. Thirdly, it is quite difficult for an ordinary subscriber to determine the real average speed, but fortunately, there are special services that perform such independent calculations.

In Moscow, leading positions in the provision of cellular communications and the Internet are occupied by such operators as MTS, Megafon, Beeline and Yota. Each of them provides a number of attractive unlimited tariffs with the ability to receive traffic that fully satisfies everyone’s needs. Therefore, it is these representatives of the Big Four that we will analyze in terms of average Internet speed.

Internet speed of the most popular mobile operators

According to independent computing systems, in 2015 the average Internet speed in Moscow reached the following indicators, namely:

  • mobile operator MTS occupies a leading position thanks to an average throughput of 4.3 Mbit/s;
  • second place was deservedly taken by Megafon with a speed of 4.2 Mbit/s;
  • the virtual operator Yota, which quickly burst into the market, pleased us with third place and a throughput of 4.1 Mbit/s;
  • Beeline, although it has favorable tariff plans, still took fourth place with 3.9 Mbit/s.

If these data seemed quite low to someone, then you should not make hasty conclusions, since thanks to 4G (LTE) technology in some locations the speed can reach 35 Mbit/s, and all the cellular operators described above have similar capabilities. As you can see, the difference in speed is minimal, so the benefit and comfort largely depends on the choice of tariff plan.

Which provider should you prefer?

A variable range of indicators of communication quality and throughput showed that it is impossible to choose a clear leader, since today there is quite healthy competition in the market. Therefore, it is worth focusing on tariff plans from MTS, Megafon, Beeline and Yota. The most popular tariffs are for 1,200 rubles/month with good traffic without speed limits and unlimited calls. Consider the benefits and lost opportunities when choosing a specific tariff, and then you will definitely find the best option for conversations and active surfing on the Internet.

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