Seasonal tree for kindergarten. Do-it-yourself didactic multifunctional manual for kindergarten “Seasons”

The master class is designed for educators.

Purpose: didactic manual with your own hands.

Usage: The purpose of creating the manual was to observe the changes occurring with trees in different seasons second year younger group kindergarten. The manual is used as part of the nature calendar. This miracle tree promotes the effective formation of ideas about the seasons in children:

  • winter tree blue color and there are snowflakes on it;
  • in spring it is green and has leaves and flowers;
  • in summer the tree is covered with green leaves and fruits;
  • In autumn, colorful leaves of yellow and red flowers appear on the tree.

In addition, the manual is used in various areas of children’s development and the organization of didactic games, for example:

informative- speech development:

  • reviewing and discussing changes that have occurred;
  • writing descriptive stories;
  • familiarization with seasonal changes in nature;
  • orientation in space: above - below, right - left;
  • familiarizing children with color, shape, size; tangible properties of objects (hard, soft, fluffy); materials; development of the ability to highlight the properties of objects, group homogeneous objects according to several characteristics;
  • formation of elementary mathematical representations: differentiation of concepts many, one, one at a time, none; comparison of equal and unequal groups of objects; etc.

artistic and aesthetic:

  • attracting children's attention to the design of the room, the attractiveness of things,
  • development of an aesthetic attitude towards objects of everyday surroundings.


“Like ours at the gate
The miracle tree is growing.
Wonderful!” (K. Chukovsky)

Materials and equipment:

  • fabrics (different in texture and color);
  • threads;
  • MDF (for the tree crown frame);
  • buttons;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine.

Stage 1. Frame making

The crown dimensions of my tree are approximately 40x70 cm. First we need to decide on the shape. For example, the form could be like this.

For the frame I will need MDF. To make the work easier, you can make a pattern from whatman paper and then cut out the MDF.

Stage 2. Making a cover - tree crown.

You will need two covers. They will be double-sided: winter - spring and summer - autumn.
We select fabric according to the seasons.
Winter - white or pale blue, spring - pale tones of green or brown, summer bright - green tones, autumn - red or bright yellow).
We trace the outline of the frame on the fabric.
We cut along the outer contour, taking into account the increase. We fold the parts with the right side inward (according to the seasons) and stitch, retreating 2 cm from the edge. For strength, you can turn the cover right side out and stitch it around the perimeter again, departing 1 cm from the edge.
At the same time, do not forget to leave the part of the cover at the bottom of the crown unsewn, in order to insert the frame later.

After inserting the frame, leave the hole and manually thread the tape and tighten the crown.

Stage 3. Making a tree trunk.

To make the barrel you will also need MDF and paint. Lay it out on a flat surface and apply rectangular shape We outline 40-50 cm with chalk. Cut along the contour.

On the underside of the barrel we leave small hole so that the crowns can be connected to the tree trunk.

Stage 4 Manufacturing of overhead elements.

Our tree is ready, now it's time to decorate it. There can be no clear instructions here, since decoration is a creative process.

All elements (leaves, flowers, snowflakes, bows) are secured to the tree with buttons.

I make leaves from thick fabric. For autumn period they are made of fabric in yellow, orange and red shades.

For my tree, I made snowflakes from the same fabric, only white. But you can also make them from tinsel.

For a tree in summer period you can choose green leaves of different sizes, and also decorate the tree with flowers and birds cut out of cardboard.

Usually the tree hangs in a corner of nature, but sometimes I move it to the table, and the children can remove the leaves themselves and move them from place to place. For example, we play the attention game “Guess what has changed.” The children turn away, and I change the positions of the elements. When the children turn back, they must show or tell what has changed on the tree.

This is the miracle tree we have in our group. Its most important miracle is that, as in Korney Chukovsky’s poem, anything your heart desires can grow on it. %80%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B0%20%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B0%C2%BB %80%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B0%20%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B0%C2%BB

Tree “Seasons”: all materials for children on the topic. “MAAM pictures.” For kindergarten teachers, school teachers and pedagogues -

0 0 0 %80%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B0%20%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B0%C2%BB

Tree “Seasons”: all materials for children on the topic. “MAAM pictures.” For kindergarten teachers, school teachers and pedagogues -

Tree “Seasons”: all materials for children on the topic. “MAAM pictures.” For kindergarten teachers, school teachers and pedagogues -

0 0 0 %80%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B0%20%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B0%C2%BB

Tree “Seasons”: all materials for children on the topic. “MAAM pictures.” For kindergarten teachers, school teachers and pedagogues -

Tree “Seasons”: all materials for children on the topic. “MAAM pictures.” For kindergarten teachers, school teachers and pedagogues -

0 0 0 %80%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B0%20%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B0%C2%BB

Tree “Seasons”: all materials for children on the topic. “MAAM pictures.” For kindergarten teachers, school teachers and pedagogues -

Tree “Seasons”: all materials for children on the topic. “MAAM pictures.” For kindergarten teachers, school teachers and pedagogues -

0 0 0 %80%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B0%20%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B0%C2%BB

A big tree. Spring picture for decoration

The “Seasons” trees are paper folded into an accordion. The technique is useful and not difficult for children. it's the same great way make one tree, bush, forest.

Materials used:

  • Double-sided colored paper (green, yellow, blue). Some paper for fruits, flowers and snowflakes (red, white, orange, pink);
  • Very thick cardboard Brown. It is important to use hard cardboard, otherwise the tree may be unstable. Alternatively, you can glue the two strips together, or cut them off from the paper boxes altogether:
  • Glue stick (PVA), scissors, simple pencil.

Do-it-yourself “Seasons” trees: step-by-step overview

One sheet of A4 paper can make 2 trees. For one tree, cut the paper in half. Set one half aside and use the other half for crafts. Also cut a strip of brown cardboard, the length of which is about 20 cm and the width is 2.5-3 cm. It is undesirable to make a very thin trunk; it may subsequently not hold the accordion crown of the tree.

Fold the brown strip in half and then bend the ends to the sides.

Fold the green half of the paper in half and cut it. Make an accordion with each one by folding them into strips alternately in one direction and then in the other. You will get two accordions.

Fold each one in half and glue the inside sides together.

Now glue one fan to the brown strip, and then glue the second green accordion fan to it and to the strip.

Bring the sides of the brown strip together and glue them together, leaving a slightly diverging bottom of the stem. The paper tree is ready.

Trees of different seasons

To make a composition of trees “Seasons”, draw and cut out flowers for such a tree - that is, it is spring, the tree has bloomed.

Make a similar tree and glue fruits. It will be summer option tree.

A tree with a yellow crown and orange leaves is an autumn tree.

Blue crown with snowflakes - winter has come.

Exhibition-competition enthusiast:

Purtova Nadezhda Stepanovna,


MADO Borovsky kindergarten "Zhuravushka"

Tyumen district

Multifunctional teaching aid layout"Seasons"

Description: This development will be of interest to teachers preschool education, teachers additional education, parents and all creative individuals. The versatility of the teaching aid suggests the possibility of its use in working with children preschool age, as well as children of primary school age.

The Seasons layout can be used in the following educational fields: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Purpose: The layout is intended for studying the seasons, and as a guide for a corner of nature in a group. It can be used during joint educational activities and in individual work with children, in independent activities.

Target: formation of ecological culture in children

- To develop knowledge about the characteristics of the seasons, their main features, turnover, periodicity and cyclicity.

Strengthen the ability to compare, find similarities and differences.

Develop the skill of writing a creative story about seasonal changes natural phenomena, animals, birds, etc.
- Expand your horizons, develop speech, attention, memory, visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking, imagination, sensory perception, fine motor skills.
- Stimulate children's creative activity.

Cultivate interest, love and careful attitude to nature.

To educate children emotionally positive attitude to nature, the ability to see beauty in different seasons.
Methodical techniques working with the layout:

Conversations, viewing, reading poems and stories, composing creative stories, working with mnemonic tables, memorizing poems, guessing riddles about animals, birds, fish, insects, trees: oak, birch, fir tree, rowan, didactic games“I recognize a bird (animal)”, “One-many, many-one”, “Who eats what”, “Who like p

moves”, “Find out by description”, “Say the opposite”, “Who has who?”, “What’s missing”, “Walk in the forest”, “Count”, “Name it affectionately”, “What’s above, what’s below” , “When it happens”, “Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring”, “Whose baby”, “Who spends the winter where”, etc. On instructions from the teacher, the child can stick or use a holder to attach images to a tree or to a model at any time season.

Playing with models is popular among children and encourages them comprehensive development, opens up many opportunities for children’s independent activities. Develops the child's intellectual qualities, initiative and volitional effort. Children's level of curiosity increases, they ask questions regarding objects and phenomena. Children use this layout in accordance with their own plans and the plot of the game, which contributes to the development of creativity and imagination.

The house is made of cardboard box, to which the cover is crocheted from colored threads, it stands on a rounded stand made of plywood, painted with artistic and gouache paints, and varnished. The tree model turned out to be strong and stable. Which is important, because it is intended for preschoolers. Each sector is designed in accordance with seasonal changes in nature. Filled decorative elements(flowers, leaves, snowflakes, fruits) and miniature figures of animals and birds. The layout includes: colored laminated pictures (trees, natural phenomena, animals, birds, fish, insects, etc.), snow made from shaving foam and soda, toys from Kinder Surprise.

The layout includes:trees: oak, birch, 2 fir trees (all trees are different in height - for studying FEMP values), images of leaves, acorns, birds glued to trees; images of seasonal items of clothing, natural phenomena, animals, fish, insects, etc., which are attached with Velcro.

A winter tree is painted with snow lying on its branches. Snow caps as if they were jammed onto them, hanging in waves. Tits and bullfinches made of felt scurry about in the branches. They flock to the feeder. The feeder is made from matchbox, at the bottom of which cereal - feed is fixed with PVA glue.

A bear is sleeping in a den; the den is covered with snow. A cowardly little bunny is hiding in a snowdrift under a tree. The snow is made of cotton wool. Wild animals walk through the clearing.

The soft powder is imitated by shiny, silvery snowflakes.

Spring Blooming tree. The leaves are knitted from woolen threads. Swollen buds are drawn on the branches. White flowers are glued on top. A birdhouse (carved from wood) is attached to the trunk. Starlings are seen on a tree, carved from wood, painted and varnished. Just below is a nest (made of wool) with eggs (made of polystyrene foam). A stream is drawn on the ground. Paper boats (made of paper) float along it. The tree is buried in young grass made of threads. The first flowers appeared in the clearing (2 rectangles made of wood with holes into which artificial flowers were inserted). A curious frog has already climbed out to the water. Near the house there is a bench made of wood, painted and varnished.

In the future the game-the layout can be updated with new exhibits: dolls in seasonal clothes, animal figurines, as well as seasonal attributes for use in role-playing games games made by children, for example, in winter you can make a slide, sled, or skating rink with your children from waste material.

Thanks to This layout can be used by children for more than one year.

Dear competitors and guests!
From May 15 from 12-00 to May 19 until 20-00 2017 Online voting for the “People's Choice Award” took place on the portal. (4 winners were determined, 1 from each nomination)

1,2,3 PLACE in the exhibition-competition is determined by the jury. (12 contestants)

16 winners will be solemnly awarded on June 23 in the Great Meeting Hall of the Tyumen Regional Duma.

Laureates I, II and III degrees are awarded diplomas, valuable gifts and letters of gratitude Deputy Chairman of the Tyumen Regional Duma.
Each participant receives a certificate confirming participation in the regional event.

Leave meaningful comments; their number will not be counted.

Didactic manual for kindergarten. Tree "Seasons"

Fomicheva Natalia Albertovna, teacher, kindergarten No. 30 "Teremok", Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region.
Description: This development will be of interest to preschool teachers and parents. The multifunctionality of the didactic manual suggests the possibility of its use in working with children of all periods of preschool childhood.
Target: formation in preschool children of knowledge about the changing seasons.
– To develop knowledge about the characteristics of the seasons, their main features, turnover, periodicity and cyclicity.
– Develop sensory perception.
– Stimulate children's creative activity.
– Foster love and caring attitude towards nature.

One of the main tasks in the formation of temporal concepts in preschoolers is: to provide knowledge about the sequence of changing seasons.
Children must understand and remember the so-called annual scheme “winter-spring-summer-autumn”.
We present to your attention a teaching aid: the “Seasons” tree.

The frame is made of fiberboard and attached to a rounded stand.
The model of the tree turned out to be of good quality, strong, and stable. What is not less important. After all, it is intended for preschoolers.
Each sector is designed in accordance with seasonal changes in nature. Filled with decorative elements (flowers, leaves, snowflakes, fruits) and miniature figures of animals and birds.
The winter tree resembles an oak.

Painted with snow lying on the branches. The snow caps seem to be jammed onto them, hanging in waves.
Tits and bullfinches, made using the technique of dry felting from wool, scurry about in the branches.

They flock to the feeder. The feeder is made from a matchbox. In order to give naturalism to this scene, sunflower seeds are fixed at the bottom of the feeder with PVA glue.

A cowardly little bunny is hiding in a snowdrift under a tree. The snow is made of cotton wool, and the bunny, like other animals and birds, is made using the felting technique.

The soft powder is imitated by shiny, silvery snowflakes.

The spring tree looks like an apple tree in blossom.

Swollen buds are drawn on the branches. White flowers are glued on top. A birdhouse (made from a matchbox) is attached to the trunk. Just below is a nest (made of wool) with eggs (made of polystyrene foam).

A stream is drawn on the ground. A paper boat (from a newspaper) floats along it. The tree is buried in young grass made of threads. A curious frog has already climbed out to the water.

Cherry tree in summer.

The thick green crown is filled with felt leaves and artificial flowers. The cherries are cut in half and glued with quick-fix glue (“Moment”). There are butterflies and bees in the crown.

At the foot of the tree there are many colors. Bright and colorful. Ladybugs crawl on the grass.

Apple tree in autumn.

A rich harvest has ripened on the tree. Apples are green, yellow, red. Bronze crown. There is a hollow on the trunk. A squirrel lives in it, which is difficult to find among the red and yellow foliage.

The grass has withered and withered. It is perfectly imitated by knitting threads of the same name “grass”. A hedgehog ran out into the clearing. Someone leaned a rake against the tree. We don’t see who exactly, but we understand that he went to rest. After all, in the fall there is so much to do in terms of harvesting and preparing the garden for winter.

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