Birthday script in black and white style. Holiday in black and white style “BLACK AND WHITE PARTY”

Once upon a time this idea have a black and white party came to the mind of playwright and writer Truman Capote. Anyone who is at least a little interested in literature has probably heard about the American writer. So, in 1965, he received a good fee for the acclaimed novel In Cold Blood, about 6 million dollars, so there was a reason for the party.

In addition, Capote was working on his next work, where he was going to talk about the life of the then American elite. In order to better understand the topic, he decided to gather this very elite in one place, namely in the large hall of the Plaza Hotel. It was decided to throw a luxurious ball, but a “trick” was needed; after all, Truman is a creative person. The idea came quickly, to organize a party in black and white style, or rather a ball, since only the cream of society were invited.

Black and white party scenario

But let's move away from the excursion into history. Let's talk about how to organize a party yourself in black and white style. What's good about the idea is that it's simple and clear. Two-color hall, black and white costumes – visual effect will be amazing.


Beautifully designed invitation cards will set the right tone for your party. Invitations can be written in a beautiful Gothic font, indicating the dress code and theme of the event.


You will have to work on the decoration of the room. If planning a party in black and white style at home, it is unlikely that you will be able to decorate the entire room in two colors. Don't be too fanatical about it, you just need to work on the basic details. Black curtains - white curtains, that's something. White tablecloths with black vases, and in them white flowers. Place black and white balloons in the room, cover all bright parts of the interior with a dark cloth. There are also ribbons, preferably white, of course, to avoid sad associations, tie them, for example, to black balls and on champagne bottles. You can also draw a large poster, naturally, in the appropriate colors, but you can come up with the content yourself.

Drinks and snacks

When the conversation turns to drinking black and white party, Sheridance immediately comes to mind, a strong Irish liqueur in original bottle, consisting of two parts. You probably know that the black part is coffee-chocolate, the white part is vanilla-creamy. When you pour it, the contents in the glass mix. It’s a tasty thing, but expensive, but it’s right on topic. If they really go broke, you can put Johnny Walker Black Label, it also seems to fit the theme. For ladies, buy white wine, Bellinis, they sell it in white bottles. Of course, such drinks are not suitable for this, but be creative, you can make cocktails with coffee fillings, there are many on the Internet different recipes. You don’t have to worry too much at all, buy champagne, tie it with black and white ribbons and the surroundings are ready.
You need to think about food. Black caviar on white toast looks great, but it will be eaten quickly :). It's most convenient to do sweet table. Cake or pies can be ordered in any color. Another theme will be coffee with cream, refined sugar in vases, ice cream sprinkled with chocolate. Basically, take a pen, divide the sheet into two columns, black and white, and write down all the products that might fit into a black and white party.

Dress code for a black and white party

Guest costumes are the basis of a successful event. The main thing is that everyone buys into the idea. Finding black and white clothes is no problem for anyone. You just need to explain to your guests what you are up to. If your plans are for a modern disco-style party, then of course you can simply choose clothes by color. But if you want to have an elegant evening, like formal suits and evening dresses, that's completely different. If the guests agree to the second option, you need good preparation. But it will be very beautiful. You can agree that everyone will wear masks, black and white of course. Ladies with fans, gentlemen in tuxedos, classical music, splashes of champagne and let Capote envy with black envy, although, no, it’s better than white :)))

Who said that the black and white world is dull and boring? Stereotypes dissipate like a mirage once you attend a well-organized black and white party! It’s not for nothing that photographers claim that black and white photographs are much more expressive than color ones: skillfully balanced contrasts successfully visualize the hidden sides of things and events, revealing new facets of the world to the viewer.

No wonder that black and white parties are popular with creative teams and extraordinary personalities, especially since organizing such an extraordinary event is not as difficult as it might first seem. The key is to find creative solutions to basic organizational issues, including:

  • preparation of the hall;
  • invitation design;
  • menu and bar;
  • music, games, competitions.

Dress code for a black and white party

On the eve of the celebration, it is extremely important to inform all guests that the black and white style must be maintained strictly in everything: the slightest deviation will put an end to all your efforts. To avoid accusations of despotism, it is better to think through the theme of the evening in advance so that the black and white combination looks organic.

The most common plot is angels and demons. There’s no need to be too fancy with the costumes. For girls, a ready-made ensemble with wings, a silver-plated wig with an elegant tiara, a cocktail dress and tight-fitting boots or stockings to match is enough. The cohort of fallen angels can be diversified by other evil spirits - for example, the creepy Bride of Darkness in a dazzling white wedding dress with a mournful black trim, the ghostly White Lady or the fatal Black Widow.

Men, as a rule, are impressed by infernal images - a rebel Zombie, a Phantom Bridegroom, a Black Baron, a Dead Circus Performer, a Midnight Rogue, or simply a Seducing Demon in an impeccable tuxedo or tailcoat. Recently, the image of a Monk or Pilgrim has become fashionable - an elegant black hat or cape on a pristine white shirt, coquettishly emerging from under a strict dark cloak. The main thing is that the forces of hell and heaven are distributed approximately equally, for which it makes sense to agree on the roles in advance.

At one time, chess parties were actively used for team building purposes. A strategic game with a clear distribution of functions and images is one of the best means clearly explain to each employee his place in the corporate structure. But since few people like to feel like a pawn, for friendly parties a more acceptable option is where all men are Black Kings and all women are White Queens. Or vice versa!

If you are choosing a group of movie fans, you can try to hold a party in a retro style. The duet of black and white was once played by Audrey Hepburn, Sophia Loren and Grace Kelly, and the famous tuxedo by Marlene Dietrich and White dress the immortal Marilyn Monroe, playfully tossed up by the wind, became part of the historical footage of world newsreels. Fans of the 80s style draw inspiration from the stage costumes of Michael Jackson, and the most modern and liberated girls can try on the provocative outfits of Lady Gaga, a famous fan black and white combination in the Suprematist interpretation.

How to prepare the room?

A series of simple but spectacular techniques will help turn a banquet hall into a black and white movie.

  • Any thrift store will always have a few cheap old sheets that can be turned into tapestries, tablecloths and rugs. With the help of a stencil and drawing ink, a noble checkerboard marking or a playful harlequin pattern can be easily applied to a well-starched sheet. Abstract fantasies in the spirit of Kandinsky are sculpted even faster.
  • Black and white pom-pom balls, placed on lamps instead of lampshades or flirtatiously tied to furniture legs - great alternative balloons. Making them from children's colored paper is not difficult. Using the same simple technology, you can make several bouquets of artificial flowers from thin tissue paper for table setting. If there is a birthday person among those present, in his honor you can order a bouquet of live white roses, which will wait for the recipient in a strict black vase of conceptual design.
  • Silver sets off favorably black and white tones. Don’t be shy about taking antique sets and candlesticks out of grandma’s chest, especially if you’re expecting a retro-style party. And stylized stars made of aluminum foil, hung on the ceiling and walls, will fill the evening with lyricism and romanticism.
  • Another hit is napkins with black and white polka dots or with animal prints - zebra or Dalmatian spots.

Meeting with guests

The design of the invitation should solve two creative problems at the same time: arouse curiosity and at the same time hint what awaits him at the party and how to behave to make the holiday a success.

If you decide to hold a “chess” party, send out cards with pictures of pieces, lined in black and white, to the participants. If a meeting of angels and demons is expected, divide the sheet into dark and light sides so that each guest can think about the opposite halves of their soul at their leisure. Elegant coated paper can be decorated with black guipure lace.

In the community of photographers, designers, filmmakers and other creative personalities, the idea of ​​printing invitations on old photographic film or simply stylizing the paper as a photo negative will certainly be welcomed with a bang.

Setting the table

A classic of the genre - American cheesecake with black and white chocolate glaze. Recently, in addition, it has become fashionable to order catering companies to order originally designed candy bars, stocked with portioned sweets.

If you want to see something more substantial on the table, you can experiment with white cheeses and black beans, pasta and olives. It is recommended to serve drinks in contrasting containers: black coffee in a snow-white finely sculpted porcelain cup or white wine in a black glass goblet. Next to each device you can place a small white candle in a black bowl.

What to do for fun?

The theme of the entertainment event is derived from the context of the party. Retro fans will be delighted by music from their favorite films, dances of that time, shows of movie doubles, and themed quizzes. The creative public can be invited to play shadow theater or play a game of live chess, like Lewis Carroll. And of course, you should invite a professional photographer - such an amazing story as a black and white party is undoubtedly worthy of being immortalized.

Party in Black and White style- a themed party with memories of the past. A hundred years ago, people had no idea about watching color films painted in bright colors. This was the era of Marilyn Monroe and other cult films that completely changed the history of cinema, which you can remember at Black and White party.

Party in Black and White Style is a leap back into the past, where color remained a mystery, and feelings and emotions came to the fore.

On Party in Black and White style you will be in the role of your favorite hero, trying on his black and white outfit. Black and White Party will open for you new world, a world without paint or color, a world where everything is black and white!

Images of Party participants in Black and White style

The participant can be any Black and White character from your favorite movie, such as Marilyn Monroe, Charlie Chaplin, Johnny Bray, Cora Terry, etc.

Party program in Black and White style

  • Dress code / Face control - entry only in black and white suits,
  • Invitations - black or white pen,
  • Venue - photo studio,
  • Throughout the party there will be an exciting photo shoot,
  • Black and white film competition,
  • Dance and entertainment show,
  • Musical performance,
  • Game Everything Black and White"
  • Competition between Blacks and Whites,
  • The best American black coffee,
  • Game "Bride's Choice"
  • Performances by party participants
  • Treats - White chocolate,
  • White marshmallow confetti
  • Black and White disco,
  • At the end of the day, each person receives a personal black and white photo.

What to wear to a Party in Black and White style

  • White dress,
  • Black shoes,
  • White fur coat,
  • Black handbag,
  • Black or white hat
  • Black tights,
  • Black and white feathers,
  • Silver jewelry,
  • Cigar,
  • Black tuxedo,
  • White shirt,
  • Black tie,
  • black cane,
  • Black and white photo,
  • Black glasses,
  • Black and white makeup.

Music Party in Black and White Style

Ancient music of the early twentieth century directions:

  • Rock'n'roll,
  • Twist,
  • Jazz,
  • Tango, etc.

Black and white

Black color

It exists in contrast to white, absorbs all colors around and never releases them.

Black always hides everything that it carries, that is, it is “mysterious” (often used in horror films). Black color is associated with curiosity, it attracts to itself. Frightens (fear due to mystery). The color black always challenges a person to try to free his essence, that is, a person must go through black in order to know how much white there is in him.

Black gives a chance to rest, contains a promise - “everything will be fine”, hope, but at the same time you must remember that it will not let you go as you were before - it delays, but does not force you to do anything. When depression sets in, only the negative characteristics of the color black remain. He always, like death, speaks of silence and tranquility, it means the end.

Preference for black in clothes - lack or absence of something very important in life - a person covers himself with black. It is necessary to move out of black gradually, diluting it with other colors.

White color

White color is characterized by perfection and completeness, demonstrating an absolute and final decision, complete freedom for possibilities and the removal of obstacles.

Its fundamental quality is equality, because contains all colors, they are equal in it. It always inspires, helps, inspires a certain faith (gives freedom). If there is a lot of white, its negative characteristics come into force.

White color in clothes means the beginning. The white wig of a judge is a symbol of justice. “white knight” is a symbol of salvation. White robe(in a hospital) is also considered a symbol of salvation, sterile cleanliness. White color controls the functions of the endocrine and visual systems. White clothes makes the skin much softer and more tender.

Black and white colors together they extinguish each other, no longer carry their original information, no longer bear pressure on the psyche. You should pay attention to the age at which black is rejected. As a rule, black color is chosen when depression sets in and others are rejected.

Where to hold and celebrate a Party in Black and White style

  • At home (apartment, dacha)
  • Water park, Sauna,
  • Banqueting hall
  • Bar, Cafe, Restaurant, Dining room
  • Bomb shelter
  • Bowling Club
  • Hotel, Hotel, Holiday home, Boarding house
  • DK (house of culture)
  • Disco Bus
  • Abroad, on an island
  • Metro
  • Club ( night club)
  • Camp (pioneer camp)
  • Open air (outdoors)
  • Beauty saloon
  • Motor ship
  • Trading house
  • School, Kindergarten
Games Treats


Before you start thorough preparation For the holiday, you need to decide on a theme. Alternatively, you can take popular ideas, given to us by cinema: “Women in Black”, “Angels and Demons”, “X-Men”. Or, for example, throw a gothic party (in the style of a youth subculture or a classic architectural genre - it’s up to you to decide). Narrowing down to one topic in this way will help make your celebration more meaningful and believable.


Send an invitation to a themed party - great way set the tone, create the necessary for have a beautiful holiday mood, and arouse the curiosity of your guests. We offer several interesting options design of themed invitation cards:

Invitations with photos

The basis of such a postcard is standard sheet black cardboard. To decorate the left side, select a photo of the birthday person or the organizer of the holiday. You can take a color photograph, with the colors in black and white in the clothes, or you can take a black and white one. On the right side of the card we write the text of the invitation (for this you can use a helium pen with silver ink).

DIY invitation

You can make elegant invitation cards for a black and white party with your own hands in half an hour. For one such postcard you will need a sheet of white cardboard and 20 cm of black narrow silk ribbon.

If this type of invitation seems too simple to you, you can add very romantic guipure corners to the ribbon.

And if you are planning a fun, even somewhat humorous event, prepare striped or polka dot invitation cards for your guests. A zebra, a cow, a child's dress - these are the associations that will arise in your friends' heads when they see such a message. And decorate the finished card with a bow!

When preparing the text of the invitation card, do not forget to indicate the date and time of the holiday, address and contact number for questions and confirmation of attendance. In addition, emphasize the dress code to your guests. Black and white style evenings should definitely be consistent in everything!


Dress code is the basis of a successful black and white party. Your guests can come in standard suits and dresses in this range, or get a little creative. For example, tell your guests that the elegant simplicity of black and white was seen by such modern “fashion icons” as Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly.

For men, they can wear either a standard tuxedo or a less formal suit consisting of black trousers and a white jacket.

If the party style is more modern, you can wear a Zebra or White Leopard striped outfit.

If your chosen black and white party theme requires more elaborate costumes, make sure to send out invitations as early as possible. After all, preparing a complex costume requires spending both money and time. For example, for a party in the style of “Angels and Demons” a dress with fur is suitable.

And for a glamorous black and white party, you can choose a costume in the style of Lady Gaga (a famous admirer of black and white), or the expressive Elton John.


Before you start choosing decorations for your party, you need to decide on the venue. Where will it be? Under open air or indoors? At home or in a restaurant? In the summer, a black and white party in the garden will look a little blurry, as the greenery and bright flowers. Experts advise, however, to hold such an event indoors. If you are hesitant to host a party at home, book a banquet hall. The only condition that should be met when choosing the appropriate establishment is that the walls (drapery) must be in the color scheme required for your themed event.

And a little more about individual elements decor that will certainly cause a wave of admiration among your guests:

Black and white balloons at the entrance

A festive alley with lights and balloons will tell guests that they have come to the right place; this is where the black and white party will take place today. In addition, this magnificent decoration will perfectly lift the mood and set everyone in the mood for a major tune!

A game of contrasts in the interior

White candles must certainly burn in a black candelabrum, a white mirror looks great in black metal ruffles of the frame, and white furniture must be placed on a black parquet floor.

This is of course just an example harmonious combination black and white. For your holiday, you can use absolutely all the items that you have in your home that correspond to the idea of ​​the holiday.


Prepare bags of cute black and white paper peas for each guest. At the end of the holiday, you can make a very spectacular fireworks display using confetti!

Perhaps the most popular theme for black and white parties. A real explosion of interest in 1920s fashion occurred after the release of the film “The Great Gatsby” starring Leonardo DiCaprio. The image of Daisy, the main character of the film, is especially popular: a dress with fringes, furs, jewelry. Gatsby-themed parties are so popular that costumes for them are already sold in Halloween stores.

New York resident Anna, who recently attended one of these parties, admitted that she purchased the dress in such a store: “It was a short dress with shiny sequins in black and silver, on the head there was a soft hoop decorated with beads and a feather. Long pearl beads completed the look.”


Black and white cinema

The images of actresses from the era of black and white cinema have long become symbols. And the combination of black and white was once played by Audrey Hepburn, Sophia Loren and Grace Kelly. Marlene Dietrich became famous for appearing in a black tuxedo. The future Princess Grace tried on a white dress in the movie To Catch a Thief. Her image from this film was copied by many women. But the most popular white dress of the golden Hollywood era is undoubtedly Marilyn Monroe's soaring dress.

Angels and Demons

The eternal plot of the struggle between good and evil never loses its relevance. Snow-white angels and demons wrapped in black leather - what could be simpler? You don't have to think long about costumes. Angel and demon wings, white cocktail dresses and black latex. However, there are also very unusual inhabitants of heaven and hell.


"Noir" means "black" in French. This trend fits perfectly into the aesthetics of black and white parties. Gangsters and femme fatales are the main characters of this topic. Veils, black dresses, minimal accessories and 40s-style makeup will do the trick and turn you into the gangster's mysterious girlfriend. To match, a companion only needs to wear a white shirt, a black vest and black trousers. Or you can dress in the same thing and infiltrate the enemy's camp.

Italian mafia

Italians are noisy and loud, loving luxury and jewelry. This especially applies to the Italian mafia. For a mafioso friend's italian party in black&white style Evening Dress floor-length, white furs, hat and expensive accessories. Heels and stockings will complete the look.

Striped Party

Black and white stripes have not gone out of fashion for many, many years. It is so versatile that it can fit into any outfit and look. Striped parties are one of the most popular. And there is almost no need to prepare for them - almost everyone has something striped in their closet.


Saxophones and double basses, Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong - many people associate jazz music with black and white aesthetics. Perhaps because the dawn of jazz occurred at the beginning of the last century. To dance jazz at a black and white party, a jazz dress is the best choice. This is a straight-cut dress with ruffles, fringes and frills made of shiny or translucent fabrics. It can be either mini or below the knees.

Chess party

The black and white world of chess kings and queens, queens and pawns. Harry Potter's magic chess with moving living pieces - great idea for a party. Live game, black and white pieces, chess prints. You can become a real white queen on the chessboard, the main thing is not to fly out of the game and not give up your place to the black one.

Evening in masks

There has always been a masquerade ideal place for weaving intrigues. Behind the black and white masks the real personality of a person was hidden and for a while a new, mystical one appeared. During a masquerade, familiar connections are broken and new ones appear; anything can happen. Therefore, outfits for a black and white masquerade can be the most unexpected. If you are a modest person, try on the queen’s costume; if you are afraid of adventures, try on the Princess Elsa costume from “Frozen.”

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