The largest potato variety. Dear and adored: the best potato varieties for central Russia

What type of potato to plant in central Russia. It depends on what you want to get in the end: early potatoes or for the winter, delicious or beautiful. Formulate your preference, analyze the existing conditions: soil and climate, and the choice will be obvious.

Growing potatoes in the middle zone

A characteristic feature of the Middle Zone, in other words, the Central European part of Russia, is a temperate continental climate and excess humidity. There are no severe frosts or heat here. Moderate seasonality: snowy and mild winters and warm and cool summers. Average temperatures in winter range from -8, -12 degrees, in summer +17, +23. The warm period lasts from the end of May to mid-September.

Gardeners in this region have to devote all their efforts to fighting excessive humidity, turning their peat and podzolic soils into swamps. The potato yield here is quite high - up to 0.5 tons. At special care these figures increase by 10–20%.

Types of Potatoes

According to the speed of ripening, potatoes are divided into the following types:

  • Early ones - ripen 50-60 days after germination, cannot be stored, and are eaten immediately after digging.
  • Mid-season - 70-90 days from germination - different good growth and storage in the conditions of Central Russia.
  • Late ones - more than 100 days - are not grown in open ground this region, because they do not have time to ripen.

Planting potatoes in the central zone begins in early May, when the soil warms up to +12 degrees, and the night air is not lower than +15 degrees. At first, planting is covered with film to prevent sudden frosts.

Potatoes are usually watered with precipitation. The exception is the appearance of sprouts, budding and the end of flowering. During these periods, plants need additional watering and fertilizing.

Variety depending on climate

A good harvest will be produced by a variety that matches the soil type and climatic features region. The middle zone is a huge territory, in different areas which has distinctive weather conditions. Therefore, preferences are given there different varieties potatoes.

For example, in the Moscow region, with its high humidity and cloudiness, mainly early potato varieties with good resistance to late blight are chosen for planting. The most common are Early rose, Falensky, Provento, Lyubimets, Ostara, Lorch, Peredovik, Priekulsky early, Penza early ripening, Lugovskoy, Charodey, Sineglazka, Udacha, Zhukovsky.

In the north-west of Russia, varieties that tolerate frost well and have an advantage sharp changes temperatures Popular are Amorosa, Impala, Latona, Karatop, Nida, Garnet, Romano, Aurora, Folva.

Early potato varieties for Central Russia - description

To get a harvest in mid-summer, gardeners grow unpretentious early potatoes that ripen before the spread of diseases and all kinds of pests begins. You can dig up fresh potatoes in open ground within 50 days from the moment of germination, and in greenhouses even earlier. But having dug it up, it must be immediately consumed as food, since it cannot be stored for long periods of time.

The most popular early varieties table

Variety name Maturation
(in days)
(from one hundred square meters)
Sustainability Tubers Characteristic
50–60 170–380 kgCancer, golden nematode.Red, round, weight 120–210 grams, yellow flesh, good taste.Drought resistance. Unpretentiousness to soil types (except clayey). Good storage.
55–65 200–370 kgCancer.Oval, yellow, weight 90–170 grams, white flesh, good taste.High yield.
60–70 210–380 kgCancer, viruses, scab, rhizoctoniasis.Oval, white, weight 90–120 grams, white flesh, good taste.Good storage.
60 180–250 kgCancer, wrinkled and striped mosaic, leaf curl, late blight.Oval, red, weight 100–110 grams, yellow flesh, good taste.Not susceptible to attacks by the Colorado potato beetle.

The most popular varieties - photo gallery

Kamensky is absolutely immune to Colorado potato beetle Potato variety Varmas has good keeping quality Pogarsky - a high-yielding potato variety Bellaroza will grow on almost all types of soil

Mid-season and productive

The most popular varieties potatoes - mid-season. They store well in winter and their tubers taste much better than the early ones.

Popular mid-season varieties table

Variety name Maturation
(in days)
(from one hundred square meters)
Sustainability Tubers Characteristic
Fambo80–85 185–450 kgCancer, virus "A"
rhizoctoniasis, scab.
Yellow, elongated oval, weight 80–140 grams, creamy flesh, good taste.Good adaptability to soils and climate. High yield.
Favorite70–90 250–400 kgLate blight, scab, rhizoctonia,
Beige, weight 90–125 grams, white flesh, average taste.Good tolerance of spring low temperatures upon landing. High yield.
70–75 290–460 kgCancer, nematode, viruses, dry and ring rot.Oval, yellow, weight 85–135 grams, light yellow flesh, does not darken when cut, good taste.Good tolerance to drought and high humidity. Unpretentiousness to soil types.
Condor70–90 180–360 kgCancer, viruses, scab.Oval, red, weight 90–180 grams, yellow flesh, satisfactory taste.Drought resistance. Adaptability to any type of soil and climate.
65–80 110–350 kgCancer, mosaic viruses, late blight, rhizoctonia, leaf curl virus.Oval, pink, smooth, weight 70–80 grams, creamy flesh, good taste.Drought resistance.
70–90 250–470 kgCancer, golden nematode, wrinkled and streaked mosaic, leaf curl virus, late blight.Red, round, weight 110–185 grams, yellow flesh, good taste.Unpretentious to care and soil. Ability to grow in unfavorable conditions. Good disease resistance.
80–90 180–390 kgCancer, golden nematode, rugose, banded mosaic, leaf roll virus.Long, red, weight 90–180 grams, creamy flesh, excellent taste.Good yield on light sandy soils.

Photo gallery

Latona tolerates high humidity well. Romano variety is ideal for sale and is resistant to drought. Irbitsky is able to grow in unfavorable conditions. Slavyanka prefers light sandy soils.

Late ripening

Late-ripening potatoes in central Russia do not have time to ripen, so they are not grown here in open ground.

The best late potato varieties table

Variety name Maturation
(in days)
(from one hundred square meters)
Sustainability Tubers Characteristic
100–110 600 kgRound, red, weight 90–140 grams, yellow flesh, good taste.Good tolerance to temperature changes. Drought resistance.
120–140 520 kgNematode, blackleg, cancer, scab.Oval, pink, weight 160 grams, yellow flesh, good taste.Drought resistance. Unpretentiousness to soil type.
120–140 320 kgNematode, black leg, cancer, scab.Oval, red, weight 100–120 grams, white flesh, excellent taste, a lot of starch.Very good storage.
115–120 190–320 kgCancer.Round, yellow, smooth, weight 80–160 grams, white flesh, good taste, little starch.Good tolerance to heat and drought.

The best late varieties - photo gallery

Zhuravinka - a drought-resistant variety Zarnitsa grows on any soil Zdabytak is well stored Pobeda grows in both heat and drought

High-yielding varieties

Every gardener wants to have high-yielding potatoes on his plot. Many varieties with good performance. But in order to achieve them, you need to provide the plants with good care, including weeding, watering, hilling, fertilizers, protection from diseases and pests.

The highest yielding varieties - table

Variety name Maturation
(in days)
(from one hundred square meters)
Sustainability Tubers Characteristic
60–70 300–470 kgBeige, round, weight 80–110 grams, white flesh, excellent taste.Good storage.
90 300–420 kgLate blight, alternaria.Round, weight 80–90 grams, white flesh, good taste.Good keeping quality.
Herald80–100 160–400 kgCancer, viruses.Round, creamy, with a blunt top, weight 50–140 grams, white flesh, does not darken when cut, good taste.Stable yield.
Resource80–85 400–450 kgLate blight - weak resistance.Beige, weight 100–130 grams, white flesh, good taste.Good tolerance to heat and drought. Gardeners characterize it as the best variety.
70–90 200–550 kgCancer, viruses “A” and “U”.Oval, smooth, yellow, weight 70–150 grams, yellow flesh, good taste.Used to make French fries.
Karatop60–65 200–500 kgCancer, golden nematode, leaf curl virus.Round, yellow, weight 60–100 grams, yellow flesh, good taste.Poor tolerance to drought.
Alvara70–80 295–440 kgCancer, golden nematode.Red, oval, smooth, weight 90–100 grams, yellow flesh, good taste.Suitable for the production of chips.
65–70 250–590 kgCancer, golden nematode.Oval, yellow, weight 90–110 grams, yellow flesh, excellent taste.Good transportation.

High-yielding varieties photos

Bryansk early stores well Reserve produces many fruits Monalisa - the most virus-resistant variety Felox tolerates transportation well

The most delicious potatoes

The taste of the tubers is the main thing for which potatoes are, in principle, grown by gardeners. In this matter, you should take into account your culinary preferences. Some varieties of potatoes are good for making mashed potatoes, others are great for soups and baking, others can be eaten raw, adding to a salad, and there are also varieties that are universally prepared.

The most delicious varieties - table

Variety name Maturation
(in days)
(from one hundred square meters)
Sustainability Tubers Characteristic
80–90 210–410 kgCancer, golden nematode.Oval, partly red, weight 90–130 grams, creamy flesh, excellent taste.Requirements for soil looseness.
80–100 400–500 kgLate blight - weak resistance.Beige, weight 90–110 grams, creamy flesh, excellent taste, a lot of starch and amino acids.Unpretentiousness to soil, climate, care.
110–120 230–370 kgCancer, golden nematode.Oval, yellow, weight 90–130 grams, creamy flesh, excellent taste.Unpretentiousness to soil type.

The most delicious root vegetables - photo

Stonefly is suitable for all types of soil Aurora is demanding on soil looseness Blueberry contains many amino acids

Elite tubers

Potatoes obtained from elite seed material, is not susceptible to diseases and pests, has an excellent taste and high yield. The cost of elite is higher than that of other varieties, so not every gardener can purchase it.

Elite varieties include:

  • Dutch selection - Red Scarlet, Latona, Romano, Impala, Condor - give a yield of 600–800 kg per hundred square meters. It is possible to grow on the site for no more than 3 years, then the planting material should be updated.
  • Russian selection - Udacha, Golubizna, Lugovskoy, Zhukovsky early, Nevsky - the yield is significantly lower than the Dutch ones, but they do not degenerate longer. They can be grown on the site for more than 5 years, propagated by tubers from the best bushes.

Elite potato varieties - table

(super elite)
Variety name Maturation
(in days)
(from one hundred square meters)
Sustainability Tubers Characteristic
45 230–580 kgCancer, golden nematode, late blight.Yellow, oval, weight 90–140 grams, yellow flesh, excellent taste.Good shelf life and transportation.
Jarla70–75 220–670 kgCancer.Short oval, yellow, weight 80–310 grams, yellow flesh, good taste.High yield.
80–95 100–380 kgCancer.Oval, red, weight, 50–100 grams, yellow flesh, good taste, a lot of starch.Drought resistance. Goes to industrial production chips.
65–75 200–415 kgCancer, nematode, late blight, scab.Red, oval, weight 80–115 grams, yellow flesh, excellent taste.Good tolerance to drought, heat, high humidity, and cold snaps.
70–75 190–570 kgCancer, golden nematode.Oval, red, weight 100–150 grams, yellow flesh, excellent taste.Good resistance to diseases and pests.

Elite potato varieties photo

Luxury - super elite of excellent taste Rosara tolerates unfavorable weather Artemis is well stored Desiree is resistant to drought

New for the Middle Zone

Breeders continue to work for the benefit of society, creating new varieties of potatoes. Many of them are suitable for growing in the middle zone.

New tastes and types - table

Variety name Maturation
(in days)
(from one hundred square meters)
Sustainability Tubers Characteristic
Nakra80–85 203–400 kgCancer.Red, weight 65–160 grams, yellow flesh, good taste, a lot of starch.Good storage.
Timo Hankkiyan70–80 150–380 kgCancer.Round, yellow, weight 60–120 grams, yellow flesh, good taste.Good tolerance to high humidity.
Adretta75–80 450 kgCancer.Oval, yellow, weight 100–150 grams, yellow flesh, good taste.Good drought resistance. Early formation of tubers. Unpretentiousness to climate.
Nevsky75–90 380–500 kgCancer, rhizoctoniasis.Beige, weight 90–130 grams, white flesh, good taste.Heat-loving. Highly productive. Versatile in preparation.
Gala70–80 210–390 kgCancer, golden nematode.Oval, yellow, weight 70–120 grams, yellow flesh, good taste, little starch.Easy to grow. Adaptability to any climate and soil.

New potato varieties photo

Gala adapts to any soil and climate

Potato varieties for the Urals

In the Urals, the climate is quite harsh for plants: constant temperature changes, sharply changing weather conditions, uneven distribution of precipitation. For cultivation in this region, you need to choose only resistant and zoned varieties.

The best potato varieties for the Urals table

Variety name Maturation
(in days)
(from one hundred square meters)
Diseases and pests Tubers Characteristic
Bashkir60–80 150–370 kgCancer, golden nematode.Red, round, weight 90–200 grams, white flesh, good taste.Good drought tolerance. Plant leaves shed Colorado potato beetle larvae.
Lugovskoy70–80 514 kgCancer, late blight, scab, viruses, black leg.Oval, pink, weight 85–125 grams, white flesh, good taste.Resistance to adverse weather conditions. Preference for light sandy soils and chernozem.
Effect65–80 300–450 kgLate blight.Beige, weight 100–180 grams, white flesh, good taste, a lot of starch.Good keeping quality. Requirements for soil nutrition.
Aspia80–100 380–440 kgCancer, nematode, late blight.Beige, weight 70–120 grams, yellow flesh, good taste.Stable yield.
Bullfinch45–55 180–350 kgCancer, golden, late blight.Round, red, weight 60–90 grams, white flesh, good taste.Good tolerance to droughts and low temperatures.

The best potato varieties for the Urals photo

Middle Volga region

A characteristic feature of the Volga region is instability and weather anomalies associated with the influence of Asia and the Atlantic. Here, cold summers quickly turn into hot summers, spring is short, especially in the southern regions, and the frost-free period sometimes lasts up to 150 days. The lack of moisture in the soil and air due to low precipitation and frequent prolonged droughts cannot have a positive effect on the agricultural activity of the region. Winds, hot winds and dust storms add complexity. You need to choose a potato variety for growing in the Volga region with good drought tolerance.

Potato varieties for the Middle Volga region table

Variety name Maturation
(in days)
(from one hundred square meters)
Sustainability Tubers Characteristic
Rocco100–150 136–275 kgCancer, nematode, wrinkled and banded mosaic, late blight.Oval, red, weight 75–120 grams, creamy flesh, good taste.Excellent drought tolerance.
Lorch120–140 350 kgLate blight, viruses.Beige, weight 100–120 grams, a lot of starch.Good storage.
Zhukovsky early60 400–450 kgCancer, golden nematode.Pink, weight 100–120 grams, white flesh, good taste.Drought resistance. Unpretentiousness to soil and climate.
Luck60–70 300–500 kgLate blight.Beige, weight 120–250 grams, white flesh, good taste. Luck - the most delicious potato variety

Growing and harvesting potatoes is possible in every region. The main thing is to choose the right variety.

And others). Various methods are also used to increase the yield (green manure,). But you should remember that even super-good care will not bring the desired result if the variety does not correspond to climatic and soil conditions. If we take this nuance into account, then summer residents receive the maximum possible increase. At good care summer residents receive the maximum possible increase. The temperate climate of the Middle Zone allows the cultivation of a fairly wide range of vegetables. Here you can use both cold-resistant and more thermophilic species. What are the best potato varieties for Central Russia according to summer residents and experts?

The first indicator when choosing is productivity. This item of vegetable characteristics is of interest to about 40% of people. Every summer resident dreams of getting high-quality and big harvest. Moreover, this problem is acute for those gardeners who have minimal land areas and, accordingly, small beds. Therefore, they need productive varieties potatoes. The following options are zoned for the Middle Zone:

  • Artemis. Excellent white potatoes that are oval, slightly elongated shape. On the rough peel you can see small, depressed eyes in the form of dark spots. The pulp is light and has a yellowish tint. Artemis is an early ripening table potato. Already in mid-summer you can harvest the first ripe tubers. They grow compactly in a nest (in clusters of up to 14 pieces). Each of them weighs from 90 to 140 grams. You can collect up to 3 kg from a nest. harvest. On average, up to 320 centners are collected per hectare. This is one of the most resistant varieties potatoes for Central Russia, it has good immunity to many diseases. Many summer residents in these regions love to grow it. It does not require maintenance. It is only necessary to carry out the hilling in time. In this case, yields can be increased.
  • Desiree. You can see many positive assessments of this potato variety for Central Russia. Reviews note that this is one of the so-called promising varieties. It was bred by Dutch breeders. Feels great in the regional climate. Particularly high yields are observed in the southern regions. The fruits do not exceed 1/10 kg, but their number in the nest is impressive (15-17 pieces), this allows the summer resident to receive good harvest. Desiree potatoes have an oval compact shape. The peel is smooth, rich pink. The pulp is light yellow. Refers to table, mid-season varieties. The yield per hectare reaches 360-400 centners, and grows even on poor soils. In such conditions they also collect good harvest(up to 130 c/ha).
  • Idaho. This option can also be classified as the most productive potato varieties for Central Russia. From one square meter areas harvest up to 60 kg. The tubers have a round, slightly elongated shape. The fruit is light and smooth. Small dotted spots appear on its skin. The eyes are almost invisible. This early-ripening potato was bred in America. This is one of the best options for the climate of the Moscow region. Very often it is grown for the purpose of sale. This is a yellow potato variety for the Middle Zone.
  • Ufimets. Quite a popular potato in this region. They love it for its complex of advantageous properties (common ailments are avoided, unpretentiousness, productivity, it will make any dish unique). Ripening time is average. The first tubers can be dug up 80 days after planting. The weight of the fruit varies from 120 to 180 g. Ufimets can be classified as crumbly potato varieties. For the Middle Zone, such versatility is very great value. That is why most experienced summer residents choose these potatoes for growing at home.
  • Pioneer. An excellent table, high-yielding, tasty potato variety for the Middle Zone. It can be recognized by its relative large fruits regular, round shape. The pioneer makes the gardener happy good collection– about 36 kg. from one square of area.
  • Ukama. High-yielding potatoes for the Middle Zone. The description of the variety suggests that it can be suitable for cultivation in any region of the corresponding climatic zone. It does well in droughts or waterlogging. Is immune to late blight, powdery mildew, mosaic, various rot. Ukama – early vegetable. The period of vegetation and intensive tuberization lasts only 40-45 days. In shape they are round, creamy fruits with the same creamy pulp. Used mainly for food. Very good for making French fries. Can be stored for a long time under any conditions.
  • Jarla. Highly productive early potato variety for the Middle Zone. It has good immunity to scab, late blight, internal rust, cancer, and spot rot. The oval fruits have a dark yellow skin and light flesh. Productivity – up to 30 kg. with 1m 2. One fruit can reach a weight of a third of a kilogram.

Also, many summer residents really appreciate the following potatoes. The best varieties for the Middle Zone:

It should be noted that the choice of potato types for the Middle Zone can be made not only from well-known ones, but also from local breeding developments (according to the preferences of the summer resident). These varieties are Domodedovo, Vyatka, Lyubimets, Smena, Voronezhsky ranniy, Tuleevsky, Udacha.

The best potato varieties for Central Russia (photo)

More than 280 types of potatoes have been recorded in the world. Among them there are different varieties that are intended for different climatic zones. In fact, this vegetable can bear fruit in any soil and under any conditions, but the quality of the fruit and yield will vary significantly. This is why summer residents are looking for Central Russia, because they want to get high rates of minimum costs. Breeders offer those options that have been tested and put into general circulation, are popular and provide great growth with more careful care.

Early ripening (early ripening) potato varieties are in great demand in the Middle Zone because temperate climate with changeable weather conditions sometimes gives surprises to summer residents. Experienced summer residents recommend planting the following potatoes:

  • Slav.
  • Friendly.
  • Ural early.
  • Varmas.
  • Vyatka.

Mid-season potato varieties for the Middle Zone:

Late potato varieties for the Middle Zone:

  • Eba.
  • Atlant.
  • Gull.
  • Saturn.
  • Crane.

New potato varieties for the Middle Zone:

Modern elite potato varieties for the Middle Zone.

Not all domestic summer residents have a garden of sufficient size to try to grow all the varieties of their favorite potatoes that they like. So, you have to choose to plant optimal potatoes for the Middle Zone, which will certainly please bountiful harvest. Today we will try to figure out how to choose exactly the type of potato that will become your favorite.

Cultivating potatoes, like any other garden crops, directly depends on the climatic conditions in your zone: those species that are characterized by high productivity in the south of our country will never become productive in northern latitudes, or vice versa. The Central Zone (European part of Russia) is characterized by its own distinctive climate characteristics, in accordance with which agricultural technology is carried out. This territory is characterized by a temperate continental climate zone, with cold winters and hot summers.

In addition, sufficient rainfall occurs in the middle zone at any time of the year. That is why, when growing potatoes in Krasnodar, the choice optimal variety is so important - the plant must be resistant to possible excess moisture, and also have time to ripen before the onset of the first cold weather.

Accordingly, potato varieties for Central Russia should not be late - they simply will not have time to form root crops.

There are several types of potatoes:

Video “The best varieties”

From the video you will learn about the best varieties of potatoes.

The most popular varieties

Despite the seeming limited choice (as we have already found out, they feel best when grown in the middle zone). mid-season varieties), gardeners have access to many varieties and varieties of their favorite vegetables, the yield and taste of which can satisfy any wishes.

By yield

The lion's share of summer residents growing potatoes somewhere in the Rostov region necessarily have in their arsenal a wide range of famous potatoes Adretta. Having German origin, and thanks to its excellent agrotechnical characteristics and high yield, potatoes have gained great popularity, and now every Krasnodar farmer loves and appreciates them as absolutely irreplaceable. Such potatoes have high level resistance to pests and diseases, in addition, it matures quite quickly - from the moment of planting to technical ripeness As a rule, it takes no more than 3 months. Another undoubted advantage is resistance to climatic fluctuations. The plant forms large oval tubers correct form, with flesh of a pleasant yellow color and excellent taste.

Another potato that recently began to be grown in the Rostov region is the Dutch hybrid Red Scarlett. This variety has several advantages: high yield (up to 400 kg per hectare), resistance to infections and diseases, as well as excellent taste. It is not difficult to recognize such potatoes - the skin of the tubers is bright red, with small eyes. As a rule, this variety is used for preparing dishes in fast food, which is why it has gained popularity.

Once again, Dutch breeders are on the scene, this time with the mid-early Romano variety, which bears fruit with round tubers with pale pink skin. Such potatoes do not ripen within the Rostov region for long - they reach technical ripeness in about 3 months.

At proper care this variety is capable of giving the gardener up to 1 kg of tubers from each bush; in addition, the plants are resistant to disease.

Now let’s talk about the products of domestic selection, or rather, early Zhukovsky. Like any potato suitable for growing in the Rostov region, it is highly resistant to disease and has amazing yields - farmers harvest up to 1.5 kg of tubers from each bush. By choosing this variety, you can get a harvest within two months after planting.

To taste

Speaking about the classification of potato varieties according to taste, it should be noted that all of the listed varieties, which we classified as high-yielding, also have excellent taste (and this is not surprising, because not a single farmer, especially one from Bryansk, would grow potatoes with a bad taste) . But our gardeners especially loved the well-known Bellarosa - take any potato, most likely it will be of this particular variety. Such plants are distinguished by their unpretentiousness, resistance to dry periods, and high resistance to diseases and infections. In addition, the variety is also distinguished by its yield - up to one and a half kilograms of tubers can be harvested from one bush.

Another undoubtedly popular and exceptionally tasty variety is Udacha. Although it is considered early ripening, Krasnodar is ideal for growing such potatoes, because the variety was adapted to climatic conditions Middle zone. Luck produces consistent harvests of large, starchy fruits that make excellent dishes.

I would like to remind you that any Bryansk potato grown from elite planting material, will give you a much richer harvest, while still having excellent taste. Moreover, varieties obtained as a result of painstaking selection have a high threshold of resistance to possible pests and infections, accordingly, you will have to spend less time and effort caring for the beds. As long-term practice shows, the usual healthy plants is capable of producing up to 1 kg of fruit, while an elite potato bush can produce up to 2 kg. And this is provided that no special agricultural technology was used - the plants developed in normal conditions.

Want the perfect potatoes? Buy tubers for planting, not just any varieties you come across by chance, but those chosen with feeling and sense. And just as everyone in the family has their own favorite type of bread, today the variety of potatoes can be selected individually. But there are 10 varieties that the breeders themselves recommend.

Of course, varietal tubers are more expensive than last year’s seed potatoes purchased from Baba Nyura in the nearest village, but the price is not the main thing. Elite or first reproduction guarantees healthy harvest of the duration and taste that you need.


At the dacha they like to dig up potatoes from mid-summer, so it is necessary to grow at least a few fast-ripening plants on the plot. Such tubers are harvested only for food while the bush is still green and the skin of the tubers is very thin. Boiled and baked potatoes should be eaten directly with the vitamin peel.

Reactive varieties are divided into 3 types. Very early (ultra-early ripening) can be selected from the soil within 40–60 days after planting. The record holder here is the variety Timo , tasty, cancer resistant. Matures a little longer Ariel , which does not darken after boiling. Even in our area, you can get 2 harvests a year from such potatoes.

Early varieties are ready in 61–70 days. Lark with small eyes and a mesh-like skin, like a melon. Bullfinch – named because of the color of the winter bird's breast. Exceptionally tasty variety Luck .

Madam And Prize-winner – relatively new mid-early varieties that can be eaten after 71–90 days. Tasty, healthy and never boring.


In matters of taste and color, traditions play a significant role. And both of these parameters are invariably connected. Older people brought up on the folk variety Sineglazka , prefer boiled potatoes with white flesh - for example, medium-late Blue . It contains a lot of starch, it is tender and satisfying, so a variety of dishes are prepared from it, although it is intended only for puree. Some stubbornly plant only Sineglazka, an amateur variety with low potential, which in Europe is considered a fodder variety and not a table variety.

Forty-year-old summer residents often choose varieties with yellow flesh, mainly Dutch ( Mona Lisa , Fresco , Romano ), German ( Arosa , Rosara , Felox ), Finnish ( Timo , Asterix ). They look after their health, and yellow varieties increased amount of carotene, which improves vision.

The uniqueness of the potato taste is that it never gets boring, because you can prepare many different dishes from the tubers. Eat it every day and the taste never repeats. Scientists “tested harmony with algebra” and found that tasty varieties contain more nucleotides and amino acids, and even contain bitter solanine.

What matters is the minimum amount of a particular substance. The flavor bouquet is formed due to different proportions of flavor amino acids: in some, glutamine predominates, in others, aspartic. In tasteless varieties, solanine in the pulp does not exceed 1.6 mg, and in tasty varieties it reaches 2.5 mg per 100 g of raw weight.

Potatoes are more delicious the more fatty acids they contain. If there are a lot of them, you don’t need oil! More delicious varieties contain in raw form from 280 to 300, and in boiled form - from 150 to 190 mg of fat per 100 g of tubers. Less tasty fats in raw form have no more than 240 mg, and in cooked form - 110.

One of the potato myths says that the taste of potatoes depends on their starchiness. But this is not so, and an example of this is the variety Nikita . It is not the taste that depends on the amount of starch, but the friability and better absorption by the body. But even here, not everything is clear: recent studies have shown that friability is largely determined by the content of pectin, that is, adhesive substances. In crumbly varieties of these useful elements much less, but more phosphorus, potassium and calcium.

The second potato myth convinces us that the pink or red color of the skin is a guarantee of taste. There is no such connection. Many white or yellow-fleshed potato varieties are much tastier than red ones.

As a result, the best-tasting early varieties are: Borodyansky pink – crumbly, but not starchy, Bullfinch , snow-white, starchy in red skin, yellow meat Adretta . Among the average ones, agronomists prefer: Aurora with red skin and yellow flesh, white meat Blueness , does not darken after cooking. The good ones from the later ones are: Stonefly with tubers yellow on the outside and creamy on the inside and the same color Pace , but even starchier.


Even the most prolific variety degenerates over time. The second thing that affects yields is the weather, which is becoming more and more unpredictable here. Some varieties produce a lot of tubers in hot weather, others in cool weather. Potatoes have a clear regionalization, and since the climate today is unstable, predicting how the variety will behave this season is a problem.

Thirdly, the yield depends on what diseases and insects the potatoes suffer from in your area. It is necessary to purchase varieties that are resistant to specific threats.

Fourthly, today “foreigners” are outperforming our varieties in terms of yield - Impala , Red Scarlett , Romano . In the Moscow region, their elite produces 4–5 kg per 1 m², and further south and on more fertile soils – 6–8 kg. The potential of even the best Russian varietiesBlue , Luck , Zhukovsky early below. But they “keep the grade” longer and do not degenerate. If you are lucky enough to buy the Blueberry or Luck elite, you can grow seed tubers for up to 5 years or even more, using potatoes from the best bushes for propagation. “Foreigners” live without disease for no more than 3 years. Well, the most productive of domestic varieties many people think potatoes Nevsky , close to the best “Dutch”, but not the most delicious, but it germinates during storage.

The retail price of elite potatoes is as follows. For a 2 kg net of early Zhukovsky, Udachi, Impala, Red Scarlett - 80 rubles. To significantly reduce the price, you need to take from 500 kg for your neighbors in the partnership.


A bush of ordinary healthy potatoes produces up to 1 kg of tubers, and the elite - 2.5–3 kg. And this is in bad weather and without the use of intensive technology.


Potatoes grown in central Russia are tastier than those from the south. Climate, soil and the abundance of suitable varieties are “responsible” for this property.

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